#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, re, random ### Constants: fields = [ "family", "model", "stepping", "extfamily", "extmodel", "cores", "logical", "l1d-cache", "l1i-cache", "l2-cache", "l3-cache", "l1d-assoc", "l2-assoc", "l3-assoc", "l1d-cacheline", "l2-cacheline", "l3-cacheline", "sse-size", "codename", "flags" ] args = sys.argv if len(args) < 3: print """ Usage: run_tests.py [test file/dir ...] If a test file is given, it is tested by itself. If a directory is given, process all *.test files there, subdirectories included. """ sys.exit(1) filelist = [] cpuid_tool = args[1] for arg in args[2:]: if os.path.isdir(arg): # gather all *.test files from subdirs amd and intel: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(arg): filelist += [os.path.join(dirpath, fn) for fn in filenames if fn[-5:] == ".test"] else: filelist.append(arg) #f = open(args[1], "rt") #lines = f.readlines() #f.close() # One would usually use os.tempnam, but libc gives off hell a lot of # warnings when you attempt to use that :( def make_tempname(prefix): chars = "" for i in xrange(26): chars += chr(97+i) chars += chr(65+i) for i in xrange(10): chars += chr(48+i) for i in xrange(6): prefix += random.choice(chars) return prefix def fmt_error(err): pfix = " %s: " % err[0] return "%sexpected `%s'\n%sgot `%s'" % (pfix, err[1], " "*len(pfix), err[2]) def do_test(inp, expected_out, binary): fninp = make_tempname("cpuidin") fnoutp = make_tempname("cpuidout") f = open(fninp, "wt") f.writelines(map(lambda s: s + "\n", inp)) f.close() cmd = "%s --load=%s --outfile=%s %s" % (binary, fninp, fnoutp, " ".join(map(lambda s: "--" + s, fields))) os.system(cmd) os.unlink(fninp) real_out = [] try: f = open(fnoutp, "rt") real_out = map(lambda s: s.strip(), f.readlines()) f.close() os.unlink(fnoutp) except IOError: return "Exception" if len(real_out) != len(expected_out) or len(real_out) != len(fields): return "Unexpected number of records returned" err_fields = [] for i in range(len(real_out)): if real_out[i] != expected_out[i]: err_fields.append((fields[i], expected_out[i], real_out[i])) if not err_fields: return "OK" else: return "Mismatch in fields:\n%s" % "\n".join([fmt_error(err) for err in err_fields]) errors = False print "Testing..." for test_file_name in filelist: current_input = [] current_output = [] build_output = False with open(test_file_name, "rt") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[:3] == "---": build_output = True else: if build_output: current_output.append(line.strip()) else: current_input.append(line.strip()) #codename = current_output[len(current_output) - 2] result = do_test(current_input, current_output, cpuid_tool) print "Test [%s]: %s" % (test_file_name[:-5], result) if result != "OK": errors = True build_output = False if not errors: print "All successfull!"