2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 ZeldaRET
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Audio Sequence Disassembler
The approach for sequence disassembly is roughly as follows :
` ` `
Set COVERAGE = [ 0 for _ in range ( len ( data ) ) ]
Set REF_QUEUE = [ ]
Set OFFSET = 0
1 :
Begin sequential disassembly at OFFSET using section type SECTION
Collect reference labels and section types into REF_QUEUE
Update entries in COVERAGE to 1 as bytes are read
End disassembly at ` end ` instruction
If REF_QUEUE is not empty :
Pop a reference from REF_QUEUE
Set OFFSET = loc ( reference )
Set SECTION = section ( reference )
goto 1
If Any 0 s in COVERAGE :
Set OFFSET = ( index of first 0 in COVERAGE )
Set SECTION = guess_section ( OFFSET ) ( make a heuristic guess for section based on neighbors )
goto 1
` ` `
There are some additional subtleties for handling padding and uncommon sections like ` array ` .
For tables used in ` dyncall ` s , we have to rely on external information to provide the location and size of tables as
there is no reliable heuristic for identifying table sizes .
sequence beginning with testchan 0 is a buffer ( ? )
OR any ldseq is an array and an array of 0 is a buffer ( ? )
detect section overlaps and mark them as bugged in the output
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum , auto
from typing import Callable , Dict , List , Optional , Tuple
from . audiobank_file import AudiobankFile
pitch_names = (
" A0 " , " BF0 " , " B0 " , " C1 " , " DF1 " , " D1 " , " EF1 " , " E1 " , " F1 " , " GF1 " , " G1 " , " AF1 " , " A1 " , " BF1 " , " B1 " , " C2 " ,
" DF2 " , " D2 " , " EF2 " , " E2 " , " F2 " , " GF2 " , " G2 " , " AF2 " , " A2 " , " BF2 " , " B2 " , " C3 " , " DF3 " , " D3 " , " EF3 " , " E3 " ,
" F3 " , " GF3 " , " G3 " , " AF3 " , " A3 " , " BF3 " , " B3 " , " C4 " , " DF4 " , " D4 " , " EF4 " , " E4 " , " F4 " , " GF4 " , " G4 " , " AF4 " ,
" A4 " , " BF4 " , " B4 " , " C5 " , " DF5 " , " D5 " , " EF5 " , " E5 " , " F5 " , " GF5 " , " G5 " , " AF5 " , " A5 " , " BF5 " , " B5 " , " C6 " ,
" DF6 " , " D6 " , " EF6 " , " E6 " , " F6 " , " GF6 " , " G6 " , " AF6 " , " A6 " , " BF6 " , " B6 " , " C7 " , " DF7 " , " D7 " , " EF7 " , " E7 " ,
" F7 " , " GF7 " , " G7 " , " AF7 " , " A7 " , " BF7 " , " B7 " , " C8 " , " DF8 " , " D8 " , " EF8 " , " E8 " , " F8 " , " GF8 " , " G8 " , " AF8 " ,
" A8 " , " BF8 " , " B8 " , " C9 " , " DF9 " , " D9 " , " EF9 " , " E9 " , " F9 " , " GF9 " , " G9 " , " AF9 " , " A9 " , " BF9 " , " B9 " , " C10 " ,
" DF10 " , " D10 " , " EF10 " , " E10 " , " F10 " , " BFNEG1 " , " BNEG1 " , " C0 " , " DF0 " , " D0 " , " EF0 " , " E0 " , " F0 " , " GF0 " , " G0 " , " AF0 " ,
class MMLVersion ( Enum ) :
OOT = auto ( )
MM = auto ( )
VERSION_ALL = ( MMLVersion . OOT , MMLVersion . MM )
class SqSection ( Enum ) :
SEQ = ( " SEQ " , " .sequence " )
CHAN = ( " CHAN " , " .channel " )
LAYER = ( " LAYER " , " .layer " )
ARRAY = ( " ARRAY " , " .array " )
TABLE = ( " TABLE " , " .table " )
ENVELOPE = ( " ENVELOPE " , " .envelope " )
FILTER = ( " FILTER " , " .filter " )
UNKNOWN = ( " UNK " , " " )
def __init__ ( self , prefix , lbl_prefix ) :
self . prefix = prefix
self . lbl_prefix = lbl_prefix
SECTION_ALL = ( SqSection . SEQ , SqSection . CHAN , SqSection . LAYER )
def maybe_hex ( n ) :
if n < 10 :
return f " { n } "
else :
return f " 0x { n : X } "
def sign_extend ( x , n ) :
sgn = 1 << ( n - 1 )
return ( x & ( sgn - 1 ) ) - ( x & sgn )
class MMLArg :
def __init__ ( self , disas ) :
self . value = self . read ( disas )
def read ( self , disas ) :
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return str ( self . value )
class MMLArgBits ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
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return disas . bits_val
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class ArgU8 ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return disas . read_u8 ( )
class ArgU4x2 ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return disas . read_u8 ( )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " { ( self . value >> 4 ) & 0xF } , { self . value & 0xF } "
class ArgSeqId ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return disas . all_seq_names [ self . value ]
class ArgFontId ( ArgU8 ) : # TODO
def read ( self , disas ) :
return disas . read_u8 ( )
class ArgPitchU8 ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " PITCH_ { pitch_names [ self . value ] } "
class ArgS8 ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return sign_extend ( disas . read_u8 ( ) , 8 )
class ArgU16 ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return disas . read_u16 ( )
class ArgS16 ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return sign_extend ( disas . read_u16 ( ) , 16 )
class ArgHex8 ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " 0x { self . value : 02X } "
class ArgHex16 ( ArgU16 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " 0x { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgBitField16 ( ArgU16 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return bin ( self . value )
class ArgInstr ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
builtins = {
if self . value in builtins :
return builtins [ self . value ]
# Check against first font only, this is fine for 99% of cases since most sequences use just one font
font0 : AudiobankFile = disas . used_fonts [ 0 ]
if self . value in font0 . instrument_index_map :
name = f " SF { font0 . bank_num } _ { font0 . instrument_name ( self . value ) } "
else :
print ( f " Invalid instrument sourced from { font0 . name } : { self . value } " )
name = f " { self . value } /* invalid instrument */ "
return name
class ArgVar ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
ret = disas . read_u8 ( )
if ret & 0x80 :
ret = ( ( ret << 8 ) & 0x7F00 ) | disas . read_u8 ( )
if ret < 128 and disas . insn_begin not in disas . force_long :
print ( f " Unnecessary use of long immediate encoding @ 0x { disas . insn_begin : X } : { ret } " )
disas . force_long . add ( disas . insn_begin )
return ret
class ArgPortamentoMode ( ArgHex8 ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
ret = disas . read_u8 ( )
disas . portamento_is_special = ( ret & 0x80 ) != 0
return ret
class ArgStereoConfig ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
assert ( self . value & 0b11000000 ) == 0
type = ( self . value >> 4 ) & 0b11
strong_right = ( self . value >> 3 ) & 1
strong_left = ( self . value >> 2 ) & 1
strong_rvrb_right = ( self . value >> 1 ) & 1
strong_rvrb_left = ( self . value >> 0 ) & 1
return f " { type } , { strong_right } , { strong_left } , { strong_rvrb_right } , { strong_rvrb_left } "
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class ArgEffectsConfig ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
assert ( self . value & 0b01000000 ) == 0
headset = str ( bool ( ( self . value >> 7 ) & 1 ) ) . upper ( )
type = ( self . value >> 4 ) & 0b11
strong_right = ( self . value >> 3 ) & 1
strong_left = ( self . value >> 2 ) & 1
strong_rvrb_right = ( self . value >> 1 ) & 1
strong_rvrb_left = ( self . value >> 0 ) & 1
return f " { headset } , { type } , { strong_right } , { strong_left } , { strong_rvrb_right } , { strong_rvrb_left } "
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class ArgPortamentoTime ( ArgVar ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
if disas . portamento_is_special :
return disas . read_u8 ( )
else :
return super ( ) . read ( disas )
class ArgBits3 ( MMLArgBits ) :
class ArgBits4 ( MMLArgBits ) :
class IOPort3 ( ArgBits3 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
assert self . value in range ( 0 , 8 )
return f " IO_PORT_ { self . value } "
class IOPort8 ( ArgU8 ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
if self . value in range ( 0 , 8 ) :
return f " IO_PORT_ { self . value } "
else :
return f " { self . value } # BAD IO PORT NUMBER "
class ArgPitch ( MMLArgBits ) :
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " PITCH_ { pitch_names [ self . value ] } "
class ArgAddr ( ArgHex16 ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
value = self . value
target_section = SqSection . UNKNOWN
for frag in disas . fragments :
if value in range ( frag . start , frag . end ) :
target_section = frag . section
addend = disas . addends . get ( disas . pos , 0 )
if disas . cur_section in ( SqSection . SEQ , SqSection . CHAN , SqSection . LAYER , SqSection . ENVELOPE ) and addend == 0 :
# turn a label that's partway inside an instruction into a label beginning at the instruction + an addend
for start , end in disas . insn_ranges :
if value in range ( start , end ) :
addend = value - start
value = start
prefix = target_section . prefix
if addend != 0 :
return f " { prefix } _ { value : 04X } + { maybe_hex ( addend ) } "
else :
return f " { prefix } _ { value : 04X } "
class ArgRelAddr8 ( ArgAddr ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
rel_offset = sign_extend ( disas . read_u8 ( ) , 8 )
return disas . pos + rel_offset
class ArgRelAddr16 ( ArgAddr ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
rel_offset = sign_extend ( disas . read_u16 ( ) , 16 )
return disas . pos + rel_offset
class ArgSectionPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , disas . cur_section )
class ArgBigSectionPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , disas . cur_section , big = True )
class ArgRelSectionPtr ( ArgRelAddr8 ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , disas . cur_section )
class ArgSeqPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . SEQ , big = True )
class ArgChanPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . CHAN , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " CHAN_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgRelChanPtr ( ArgRelAddr16 ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . CHAN , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " CHAN_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgLayerPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . LAYER , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " LAYER_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgRelLayerPtr ( ArgRelAddr16 ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . LAYER , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " LAYER_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgArrayPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . ARRAY , big = True )
class ArgEnvPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . ENVELOPE , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " ENVELOPE_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgFilterPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . FILTER , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " FILTER_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgTblPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . TABLE , big = True )
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return f " TABLE_ { self . value : 04X } "
class ArgUnkPtr ( ArgAddr ) :
def analyze ( self , disas ) :
disas . add_ref ( self . value , SqSection . UNKNOWN )
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class ArgLdSampleInst ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return None
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return " LDSAMPLE_INST "
class ArgLdSampleSfx ( MMLArg ) :
def read ( self , disas ) :
return None
def emit ( self , disas ) :
return " LDSAMPLE_SFX "
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class MMLCmd :
cmd_id : int
mnemonic : str
args : Tuple [ MMLArg ] = ( )
is_branch : bool = False
is_branch_unconditional : bool = False
is_terminal : bool = False
handler : Callable = None
sections : Tuple [ SqSection ] = SECTION_ALL
version : Tuple [ MMLVersion ] = VERSION_ALL
def nesting_decr ( cmd , disas ) :
disas . nesting - = 1
if disas . nesting < 0 :
disas . nesting = 0
def nesting_incr ( cmd , disas ) :
disas . nesting + = 1
def set_short ( cmd , disas ) :
disas . large_notes = False
def set_large ( cmd , disas ) :
disas . large_notes = True
# NOTE: Changes here must be reflected in aseq.h for re-assembly
# Control Flow Commands
MMLCmd ( 0xFF , ' end ' , is_terminal = True , handler = nesting_decr ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xFE , ' delay1 ' ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xFD , ' delay ' , args = ( ArgVar , ) , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xFC , ' call ' , args = ( ArgBigSectionPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xFB , ' jump ' , args = ( ArgSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True , is_branch_unconditional = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xFA , ' beqz ' , args = ( ArgSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF9 , ' bltz ' , args = ( ArgSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF8 , ' loop ' , args = ( ArgU8 , ) , handler = nesting_incr ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF7 , ' loopend ' , handler = nesting_decr ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF6 , ' break ' , handler = nesting_decr ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF5 , ' bgez ' , args = ( ArgSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF4 , ' rjump ' , args = ( ArgRelSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True , is_branch_unconditional = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF3 , ' rbeqz ' , args = ( ArgRelSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF2 , ' rbltz ' , args = ( ArgRelSectionPtr , ) , is_branch = True ) ,
# SEQ commands
# non-argbits commands
MMLCmd ( 0xF1 , ' allocnotelist ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF0 , ' freenotelist ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xEF , ' unk_EF ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS16 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDF , ' transpose ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDE , ' rtranspose ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDD , ' tempo ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDC , ' tempochg ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDB , ' vol ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDA , ' volmode ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgS16 ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD9 , " volscale " , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD7 , ' initchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBitField16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD6 , ' freechan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBitField16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD5 , ' mutescale ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD4 , ' mute ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD3 , ' mutebhv ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgHex8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD2 , ' ldshortvelarr ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgArrayPtr , ) ) , # length 16
MMLCmd ( 0xD1 , ' ldshortgatearr ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgArrayPtr , ) ) , # length 16
MMLCmd ( 0xD0 , ' notealloc ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCE , ' rand ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCD , ' dyncall ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgTblPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCC , ' ldi ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC9 , ' and ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC8 , ' sub ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC7 , ' stseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgAddr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC6 , ' stop ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC5 , ' scriptctr ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC4 , ' runseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgSeqId , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC3 , ' mutechan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgS16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
# argbits commands
MMLCmd ( 0x00 , ' testchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x40 , ' stopchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x50 , ' subio ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x60 , ' ldres ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x70 , ' stio ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x80 , ' ldio ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x90 , ' ldchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ArgChanPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xA0 , ' rldchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ArgRelChanPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB0 , ' ldseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . SEQ , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ArgSeqId , ArgUnkPtr , ) ) ,
# CHAN commands
# non-argbits commands
MMLCmd ( 0xF1 , ' allocnotelist ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF0 , ' freenotelist ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xEE , ' bendfine ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xED , ' gain ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xEC , ' vibreset ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xEB , ' fontinstr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgFontId , ArgInstr ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xEA , ' stop ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
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MMLCmd ( 0xE9 , ' notepri ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU4x2 , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xE8 , ' params ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ArgS8 , ArgS8 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE7 , ' ldparams ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgAddr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE6 , ' samplebook ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE5 , ' reverbidx ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE4 , ' dyncall ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE3 , ' vibdelay ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE2 , ' vibdepthgrad ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE1 , ' vibfreqgrad ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE0 , ' volexp ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDF , ' vol ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDE , ' freqscale ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDD , ' pan ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDC , ' panweight ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDB , ' transpose ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xDA , ' env ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgEnvPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD9 , ' releaserate ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD8 , ' vibdepth ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD7 , ' vibfreq ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD4 , ' reverb ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD3 , ' bend ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD2 , ' sustain ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD1 , ' notealloc ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
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MMLCmd ( 0xD0 , ' effects ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgEffectsConfig , ) ) ,
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MMLCmd ( 0xCF , ' stptrtoseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgAddr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCE , ' ldptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgAddr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCD , ' stopchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCC , ' ldi ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCB , ' ldseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgUnkPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCA , ' mutebhv ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgHex8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC9 , ' and ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC8 , ' sub ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC7 , ' stseq ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgAddr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC6 , ' font ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgFontId , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC5 , ' dyntbllookup ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC4 , ' noshort ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , handler = set_large ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC3 , ' short ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , handler = set_short ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC2 , ' dyntbl ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgTblPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC1 , ' instr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgInstr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBE , ' unk_BE ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBD , ' randptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU16 , ArgU16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . OOT , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBD , ' samplestart ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBC , ' ptradd ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgHex16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBB , ' combfilter ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgU16 ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xBA , ' randgate ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB9 , ' randvel ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB8 , ' rand ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB7 , ' randtoptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU16 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB6 , ' dyntblv ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB5 , ' dyntbltoptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB4 , ' ptrtodyntbl ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB3 , ' filter ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU4x2 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB2 , ' ldseqtoptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgTblPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB1 , ' freefilter ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xB0 , ' ldfilter ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgFilterPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xA8 , ' randptr ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU16 , ArgU16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA7 , ' unk_A7 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgHex8 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xA6 , ' unk_A6 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ArgS16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA5 , ' unk_A5 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA4 , ' unk_A4 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA3 , ' unk_A3 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA2 , ' unk_A2 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgS16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA1 , ' unk_A1 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0xA0 , ' unk_A0 ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgS16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
# argbits commands
MMLCmd ( 0x00 , ' cdelay ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ) ) ,
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0x10 , ' ldsample ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgLdSampleInst , IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x18 , ' ldsample ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgLdSampleSfx , IOPort3 , ) ) ,
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
MMLCmd ( 0x20 , ' ldchan ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ArgChanPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x30 , ' stcio ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , IOPort8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x40 , ' ldcio ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , IOPort8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x50 , ' subio ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x60 , ' ldio ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x70 , ' stio ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( IOPort3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x78 , ' rldlayer ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits3 , ArgRelLayerPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x80 , ' testlayer ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x88 , ' ldlayer ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits3 , ArgLayerPtr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x90 , ' dellayer ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits3 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x98 , ' dynldlayer ' , sections = ( SqSection . CHAN , ) , args = ( ArgBits3 , ) ) ,
# LAYER commands
# non-argbits commands
MMLCmd ( 0xC0 , ' ldelay ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgVar , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC1 , ' shortvel ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC2 , ' transpose ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC3 , ' shortdelay ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgVar , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC4 , ' legato ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC5 , ' nolegato ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC6 , ' instr ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgInstr , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC7 , ' portamento ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPortamentoMode , ArgPitchU8 , ArgPortamentoTime , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC8 , ' noportamento ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xC9 , ' shortgate ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCA , ' notepan ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCB , ' env ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgEnvPtr , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCC , ' nodrumpan ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCD , ' stereo ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgStereoConfig , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCE , ' bendfine ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgS8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xCF , ' releaserate ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xD0 , ' ldshortvel ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xE0 , ' ldshortgate ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgBits4 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF0 , ' unk_F0 ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgS16 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0xF1 , ' surroundeffect ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgU8 , ) , version = ( MMLVersion . MM , ) ) ,
# argbits commands
# large layer
MMLCmd ( 0x00 , ' notedvg ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ArgVar , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x40 , ' notedv ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ArgVar , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x80 , ' notevg ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ArgU8 , ArgU8 , ) ) ,
# small layer
MMLCmd ( 0x00 , ' shortdvg ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ArgVar , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x40 , ' shortdv ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ) ) ,
MMLCmd ( 0x80 , ' shortvg ' , sections = ( SqSection . LAYER , ) , args = ( ArgPitch , ) ) ,
class SequenceFragment :
def __init__ ( self , disas , section , data , start , end ) :
assert len ( data ) == end - start , f " Bad: got { len ( data ) } bytes for range [ { start } : { end } ] { data } "
self . section = section
self . data = data
self . start = start
self . end = end
self . disas = disas
def __str__ ( self ) :
return f " Fragment ( { self . section } ) [ { self . start } , { self . end } ] "
def __lt__ ( self , other ) :
return self . start < other . start
def merge ( frag1 , frag2 ) :
if frag1 == frag2 :
return frag1
if frag1 . section != frag2 . section :
return None
# don't merge envelopes or tables ever
if frag1 . section in ( SqSection . ENVELOPE , SqSection . TABLE ) :
return None
min_start = min ( frag1 . start , frag2 . start )
max_start = max ( frag1 . start , frag2 . start )
min_end = min ( frag1 . end , frag2 . end )
max_end = max ( frag1 . end , frag2 . end )
if max_start > min_end :
return None
data1 , data2 = frag1 . data , frag2 . data
if frag2 . start < frag1 . start :
data1 , data2 = data2 , data1
if min_end == max_end :
# data1 contains data2
return SequenceFragment ( frag1 . disas , frag1 . section , data1 , min_start , max_end )
assert data1 [ max_start : ] == data2 [ : len ( data1 ) - max_start ] , \
f " Data does not agree on overlap between \n { frag1 } \n { frag2 } \n { data2 [ : len ( data1 ) - max_start ] } "
return SequenceFragment ( frag1 . disas , frag1 . section , data1 [ : max_start ] + data2 , min_start , max_end )
class SequenceTableSpec :
start_offset : int
num_entries : int
addend : int
sectype : SqSection
def contains_loc ( self , pos ) :
return pos in range ( self . start_offset , self . start_offset + 2 * self . num_entries )
class SequenceDisassembler :
def __init__ ( self , seq_num : int , data : bytes , tables : Optional [ Tuple [ SequenceTableSpec ] ] , cmds : Tuple [ MMLCmd ] ,
version : MMLVersion , outpath : str , seq_name : str , used_fonts : List [ AudiobankFile ] , all_seq_names ) :
self . seq_num = seq_num
self . seq_name = seq_name
self . used_fonts = used_fonts
self . all_seq_names = all_seq_names
self . pos = 0
self . insn_begin = 0
self . data = data
self . hit_eof = False
self . cur_section = SqSection . SEQ
self . nesting = 0
self . portamento_is_special = False
self . large_notes = True
self . outpath = outpath
self . cmds : Dict [ SqSection , Dict [ int , MMLCmd ] ] = {
SqSection . SEQ : { } ,
SqSection . CHAN : { } ,
SqSection . LAYER : { } ,
# preprocess command list into dictionary, possibly duplicating into
# several id keys if any lsbits are used as an arg
for cmd in cmds :
# ignore commands not in this version
if version not in cmd . version :
# find number of lsbits that don't contribute to the command id
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
nbits = 0
for arg in cmd . args :
if issubclass ( arg , MMLArgBits ) :
assert nbits == 0 , f " Multiple argbits-type arguments: { cmd } "
nbits = arg . NBITS
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
id = cmd . cmd_id
for section in cmd . sections :
cmds_s = self . cmds [ section ]
for i in range ( 1 << nbits ) :
new = cmd
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
new . mask = ( 1 << nbits ) - 1
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
old = cmds_s . get ( id + i , None )
if old is not None :
assert old . mnemonic in ( " notedvg " , " notedv " , " notevg " ) , ( old . mnemonic , cmd . mnemonic )
new = ( old , cmd )
cmds_s [ id + i ] = new
self . force_long = set ( )
self . insn_ranges = [ ]
self . coverage = [ 0 ] * len ( self . data )
self . fragments = [ ]
self . branch_targets = { }
self . big_labels = set ( )
self . all_ranges = [ ]
self . decode_list = [ ]
self . all_seen = [ ]
self . tables : Optional [ Tuple [ SequenceTableSpec ] ] = tables
self . table_cache = set ( )
self . addends = { }
self . unused = [ ]
# general helpers
def read_u8 ( self ) :
if self . hit_eof :
raise Exception ( )
if self . pos == len ( self . data ) :
self . hit_eof = True
ret = None
else :
ret = self . data [ self . pos ]
self . pos + = 1
return ret
def read_u16 ( self ) :
return ( self . read_u8 ( ) << 8 ) | self . read_u8 ( )
def read_s16 ( self ) :
return sign_extend ( self . read_u16 ( ) , 16 )
def lookup_cmd ( self , id : int ) - > MMLCmd :
# lookup command info
cmd : MMLCmd = self . cmds [ self . cur_section ] . get ( id , None )
assert cmd is not None , ( self . cur_section , id , self . cmds )
if isinstance ( cmd , tuple ) :
# select based on whether we're dealing with large or short notes
cmd = cmd [ int ( not self . large_notes ) ]
# part of the command byte may be an arg, save the value
2024-09-15 23:26:27 +01:00
self . bits_val = id & cmd . mask
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
return cmd
# analysis helpers
def register_addend ( self , pos , value ) :
self . addends [ pos ] = value
def add_branch_target ( self , value , section , big = False ) :
self . branch_targets [ value ] = section
if big :
self . big_labels . add ( value )
def add_ref ( self , value , section = None , big = False ) :
if section is None :
self . add_branch_target ( value , SqSection . UNKNOWN )
self . add_branch_target ( value , section , big = big )
self . add_job ( value , section , self . cur_section )
def add_job ( self , value , section , from_section = None ) :
if value not in self . all_seen :
self . all_seen . append ( value )
self . decode_list . append ( ( value , section , from_section or section ) )
def merge_frags ( self ) :
self . fragments = list ( sorted ( self . fragments ) )
if len ( self . fragments ) < 2 :
i = 0
while i != len ( self . fragments ) - 1 :
frag1 = self . fragments [ i ]
frag2 = self . fragments [ i + 1 ]
merged = SequenceFragment . merge ( frag1 , frag2 )
if merged is not None :
self . fragments [ i ] = merged
del self . fragments [ i + 1 ]
else :
i + = 1
# analysis handlers
def analyze_code ( self ) : # sequence, channel, layer
start_pos = self . pos
# print(f" << [0x{start_pos:X}/0x{len(self.data):X}] :: {self.cur_section} >>")
self . insn_begin = start_pos
cmd_byte = self . read_u8 ( )
cmd = self . lookup_cmd ( cmd_byte )
assert cmd is not None , f " Bad command ID 0x { cmd_byte : 02X } for section { self . cur_section . name } at 0x { start_pos : X } "
# print(hex(cmd_byte))
args = [ argtype ( self ) for argtype in cmd . args ]
raw_data = self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ]
self . insn_ranges . append ( ( start_pos , self . pos ) )
for i in range ( start_pos , self . pos ) :
self . coverage [ i ] = self . cur_section
# print(f"/* 0x{start_pos:04X} [{' '.join([f'0x{b:02X}' for b in raw_data]):24}] */ {cmd.mnemonic:11} {', '.join([arg.emit(self) for arg in args])}".strip())
for arg in args :
arg . analyze ( self )
if cmd . handler is not None :
cmd . handler ( cmd , self )
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , raw_data , start_pos , self . pos ) )
if not ( cmd . is_branch_unconditional or cmd . is_terminal ) :
self . decode_list . append ( ( self . pos , self . cur_section , self . cur_section ) )
def analyze_table ( self ) :
assert self . tables is not None , " Found a table but no table spec provided. "
for table_spec in self . tables :
if table_spec . contains_loc ( self . pos ) :
else :
assert False , f " Found table at { self . pos : 04X } but no entry number provided "
start_pos = self . pos = table_spec . offset
if start_pos in self . table_cache :
for _ in range ( table_spec . num_entries ) :
curpos = self . pos
cur = self . read_u16 ( ) - table_spec . addend
if cur > = len ( self . data ) - 1 :
assert False , " Bad table pointer "
self . add_branch_target ( cur , table_spec . sectype , big = True )
self . add_job ( cur , table_spec . sectype , table_spec . sectype )
self . register_addend ( curpos , table_spec . addend )
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ] , start_pos , self . pos ) )
self . table_cache . add ( start_pos )
def analyze_array ( self ) :
start_pos = self . pos
# TODO better heuristic than just hardcoding 16...
# it would be better to wait until later to resize arrays though, up to the next identified fragment
for _ in range ( 16 ) :
assert self . read_u8 ( ) == 0
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ] , start_pos , self . pos ) )
def analyze_filter ( self ) :
start_pos = self . pos
for _ in range ( 8 ) :
assert self . read_u16 ( ) == 0
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ] , start_pos , self . pos ) )
def analyze_envelope ( self ) :
start_pos = self . pos
while True : # dangerous
delay = self . read_s16 ( )
arg = self . read_s16 ( )
if delay < 0 :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ] , start_pos , self . pos ) )
def analyze_unknown ( self ) :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , self . cur_section , self . data [ self . pos : self . pos + 2 ] , self . pos , self . pos + 2 ) )
def analyze ( self ) :
# mark offset 0 as a SEQ section
self . add_branch_target ( 0 , SqSection . SEQ , big = True )
self . decode_list . append ( ( 0 , SqSection . SEQ , SqSection . SEQ ) )
# analyze all sections, following branches to locate new sections
while len ( self . decode_list ) != 0 :
self . pos , self . cur_section , self . refd_from = self . decode_list . pop ( )
if self . pos > = len ( self . data ) :
# ignore sections that begin past the end of the file
# TODO should be an error or warning?
# execute handler based on section
SqSection . SEQ : self . analyze_code ,
SqSection . CHAN : self . analyze_code ,
SqSection . LAYER : self . analyze_code ,
SqSection . TABLE : self . analyze_table ,
SqSection . ARRAY : self . analyze_array ,
SqSection . FILTER : self . analyze_filter ,
SqSection . ENVELOPE : self . analyze_envelope ,
SqSection . UNKNOWN : self . analyze_unknown ,
} [ self . cur_section ] ( )
# merge fragments
self . merge_frags ( )
# update coverage
self . final_cvg = [ 0 ] * len ( self . data )
for frag in self . fragments :
for i in range ( frag . start , frag . end ) :
self . final_cvg [ i ] = frag . section
# resolve gaps in coverage
while True :
# keeps going until there's no zeros except for padding
try :
first_zero_idx = self . final_cvg . index ( 0 )
except ValueError :
break # no more gaps
# there was a gap, handle it
if ( ( first_zero_idx + 0xF ) & ~ 0xF ) == len ( self . data ) and \
all ( b == 0 for b in self . final_cvg [ first_zero_idx : ] ) and \
all ( b == 0 for b in self . data [ first_zero_idx : ] ) :
# there's only padding left, we're done
else :
# resolve non-padding gaps with heuristics
# TODO any unknown data after a `jump` in a sequence frag should extend the sequence frag
# TODO any unknown data before a filter should be a balign 16
last_zero_idx = first_zero_idx
while self . final_cvg [ last_zero_idx ] == 0 and last_zero_idx < len ( self . final_cvg ) - 1 :
self . final_cvg [ last_zero_idx ] = SqSection . UNKNOWN
last_zero_idx + = 1
num_unk = last_zero_idx - first_zero_idx
emit_unk = True
prev_frag = None
prev_frag_idx = None
next_frag = None
next_frag_idx = None
for i , frag in enumerate ( self . fragments ) :
if frag . end == first_zero_idx :
prev_frag = frag
prev_frag_idx = i
elif frag . start == last_zero_idx :
next_frag = frag
next_frag_idx = i
# SEQ + UNK -> SEQ
if prev_frag is not None :
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . SEQ :
self . fragments [ prev_frag_idx ] = SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . SEQ ,
self . data [ prev_frag . start : last_zero_idx ] ,
prev_frag . start , last_zero_idx )
emit_unk = False
if next_frag is not None :
if next_frag . section == SqSection . FILTER and num_unk < 16 :
emit_unk = False
if next_frag . section == SqSection . TABLE and num_unk < 2 :
emit_unk = False
if prev_frag is not None and next_frag is not None :
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . LAYER and next_frag . section == SqSection . LAYER :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . LAYER , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
emit_unk = False
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . LAYER and next_frag . section == SqSection . CHAN :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . LAYER , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
emit_unk = False
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . TABLE and next_frag . section == SqSection . ENVELOPE :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . ENVELOPE , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
emit_unk = False
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . ENVELOPE and next_frag . section == SqSection . ENVELOPE :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . ENVELOPE , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
emit_unk = False
if prev_frag is not None and next_frag is None :
if prev_frag . section == SqSection . ENVELOPE :
if all ( b == 0 for b in self . data [ first_zero_idx : ] ) :
for k in range ( first_zero_idx , len ( self . data ) , 16 ) :
if k + 16 > len ( self . data ) :
# padding
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . FILTER , self . data [ k : k + 16 ] , k , k + 16 ) )
else :
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . ENVELOPE , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
emit_unk = False
if emit_unk :
# leave it unknown for now, TODO make reasonable guesses
self . add_branch_target ( first_zero_idx , SqSection . UNKNOWN )
self . fragments . append ( SequenceFragment ( self , SqSection . UNKNOWN , self . data [ first_zero_idx : last_zero_idx ] , first_zero_idx , last_zero_idx ) )
# disas helpers
def label_name ( self , value , section , force_big = False ) :
if value in self . big_labels or force_big :
lbl_prefix = section . lbl_prefix + " "
suffix = " "
else :
lbl_prefix = " "
suffix = " : "
return f " { lbl_prefix } { section . prefix } _ { value : 04X } { suffix } "
def emit_branch_target_real ( self , outfile , value , section , force_big = False ) :
if section is SqSection . UNKNOWN :
for frag in self . fragments :
if value in range ( frag . start , frag . end ) :
section = frag . section
outfile . write ( f " { self . label_name ( value , section , force_big ) } \n " )
def emit_branch_target ( self , outfile , start , end , force_big = False ) :
did_emit = False
for b_tgt in self . branch_targets :
if b_tgt in range ( start , end ) :
self . emit_branch_target_real ( outfile , start , self . branch_targets [ b_tgt ] , force_big )
did_emit = True
return did_emit
# disas handlers
def disas_section ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
force_big_lbl = False
if self . pos == frag . start :
# If the previous frag is not the same type as this frag, force the first label to be a big label
for frag2 in self . fragments :
frag2 : SequenceFragment
if frag2 . end == frag . start :
if frag2 . section != frag . section :
force_big_lbl = True
while self . pos < frag . end :
start_pos = self . pos
self . insn_begin = start_pos
cmd_byte = self . read_u8 ( )
cmd = self . lookup_cmd ( cmd_byte )
mnemonic = cmd . mnemonic
# Hacky fixups for commands using long var encodings when it was not necessary for them to do so, the usual
# macros for re-assembly only select the long encoding when necessary so switch to special macros that
# always use the long encoding unconditionally.
if self . insn_begin in self . force_long :
if mnemonic == " notedv " :
mnemonic = " noteldv "
elif mnemonic in ( " delay " , " ldelay " ) :
mnemonic = " lldelay "
else :
assert False , mnemonic
args = [ argtype ( self ) for argtype in cmd . args ]
raw_data = self . data [ start_pos : self . pos ]
self . emit_branch_target ( outfile , start_pos , self . pos , force_big_lbl )
force_big_lbl = False
args_str = ' , ' . join ( [ arg . emit ( self ) for arg in args ] )
data_str = ' ' . join ( [ f ' 0x { b : 02X } ' for b in raw_data ] )
outfile . write ( f " /* 0x { start_pos : 04X } [ { data_str : 24 } ] */ { mnemonic : 11 } { args_str } " . strip ( ) + " \n " )
if cmd . is_terminal or cmd . is_branch_unconditional :
outfile . write ( " \n " )
def disas_table ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
base_pos = self . pos
while self . pos < frag . end :
start_pos = self . pos
addend = self . addends . get ( start_pos , 0 )
ent = self . read_u16 ( ) - addend
self . emit_branch_target ( outfile , start_pos , self . pos )
section = self . branch_targets . get ( ent , None )
if section is None :
section = SqSection . UNKNOWN
if addend != 0 :
addend_str = f " + { addend } "
else :
addend_str = " "
# TODO proper label name
outfile . write ( f " entry { section . prefix } _ { ent : 04X } { addend_str } \n " )
outfile . write ( " \n " )
def disas_filter ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
start_pos = self . pos
num_filters , align = divmod ( len ( frag . data ) , 2 * 8 )
assert all ( b == 0 for b in frag . data )
assert align == 0
for n in range ( num_filters ) :
self . emit_branch_target_real ( outfile , start_pos + n * 2 * 8 , SqSection . FILTER , force_big = True )
outfile . write ( " filter 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 \n \n " )
def disas_envelope ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
start_pos = self . pos
self . emit_branch_target ( outfile , start_pos , frag . end )
while self . pos < frag . end :
delay = self . read_s16 ( )
arg = self . read_s16 ( )
if delay == 0 and arg == 0 :
outfile . write ( " disable \n " )
elif delay == - 1 and arg == 0 :
outfile . write ( " hang \n " )
elif delay == - 2 :
outfile . write ( f " goto { arg } \n " )
elif delay == - 3 and arg == 0 :
outfile . write ( " restart \n " )
else :
assert delay > 0
outfile . write ( f " point { delay } , { arg } \n " )
if delay < 0 and self . pos not in self . branch_targets :
outfile . write ( " \n " )
self . emit_branch_target_real ( outfile , self . pos , frag . section )
outfile . write ( " \n " )
def disas_array ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
self . emit_branch_target ( outfile , frag . start , frag . end )
array_data = self . data [ frag . start : frag . end ]
if all ( b == 0 for b in array_data ) :
outfile . write ( f " .fill 0x { len ( array_data ) : X } \n \n " )
else :
for b in array_data :
outfile . write ( f " .byte 0x { b : 2X } \n " )
outfile . write ( " \n " )
def disas_unknown ( self , frag : SequenceFragment , outfile ) :
start_pos = self . pos
prev = start_pos
for b_tgt in sorted ( self . branch_targets ) :
if b_tgt in range ( start_pos + 1 , frag . end ) :
# emit data between this branch target and the previous
outfile . write ( " .byte " + " , " . join ( f " 0x { b : 02X } " for b in self . data [ prev : b_tgt ] ) + " \n \n " )
if b_tgt in range ( start_pos , frag . end ) :
# emit the branch target
self . emit_branch_target_real ( outfile , b_tgt , SqSection . UNKNOWN )
prev = b_tgt
# write any remaining data if the final branch target was not the end of the frag
if prev != frag . end :
outfile . write ( " .byte " + " , " . join ( f " 0x { b : 02X } " for b in self . data [ prev : frag . end ] ) + " \n \n " )
# emit disassembled text
def emit ( self ) :
with open ( self . outpath , " w " ) as outfile :
# emit header
outfile . write ( " #include \" aseq.h \" \n " )
# emit fonts
for font in self . used_fonts :
outfile . write ( f " #include \" { font . file_name } .h \" \n " )
outfile . write ( " \n " )
outfile . write ( f " .startseq { self . seq_name } \n \n " )
# emit fragments
for frag in sorted ( self . fragments ) :
frag : SequenceFragment
self . cur_section = frag . section
self . pos = frag . start
SqSection . SEQ : self . disas_section ,
SqSection . CHAN : self . disas_section ,
SqSection . LAYER : self . disas_section ,
SqSection . TABLE : self . disas_table ,
SqSection . ARRAY : self . disas_array ,
SqSection . FILTER : self . disas_filter ,
SqSection . ENVELOPE : self . disas_envelope ,
SqSection . UNKNOWN : self . disas_unknown ,
} [ frag . section ] ( frag , outfile )
outfile . write ( f " .endseq { self . seq_name } \n " )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
import sys
in_path = sys . argv [ 1 ]
out_path = sys . argv [ 2 ]
with open ( in_path , " rb " ) as infile :
data = bytearray ( infile . read ( ) )
class FontDummy :
def __init__ ( self , file_name ) - > None :
self . name = file_name
self . file_name = file_name
self . instrument_index_map = { }
disas = SequenceDisassembler ( 0 , data , None , CMD_SPEC , MMLVersion . MM , out_path , " " , [ FontDummy ( " wow " ) ] , [ ] )
disas . analyze ( )
disas . emit ( )