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synced 2025-02-05 11:44:31 +00:00
275 lines
10 KiB
275 lines
10 KiB
#include "ZCollision.h"
#include "BitConverter.h"
#include "StringHelper.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
ZCollisionHeader::ZCollisionHeader(ZFile* parent, std::string prefix, std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex)
uint8_t* data = rawData.data();
absMinX = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 0);
absMinY = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 2);
absMinZ = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 4);
absMaxX = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 6);
absMaxY = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 8);
absMaxZ = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 10);
numVerts = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 12);
vtxSegmentOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 16) & 0x00FFFFFF;
numPolygons = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 20);
polySegmentOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 24) & 0x00FFFFFF;
polyTypeDefSegmentOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 28) & 0x00FFFFFF;
camDataSegmentOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 32) & 0x00FFFFFF;
numWaterBoxes = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 36);
waterBoxSegmentOffset = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 40) & 0x00FFFFFF;
for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++)
vertices.push_back(new VertexEntry(rawData, vtxSegmentOffset + (i * 6)));
for (int i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++)
polygons.push_back(new PolygonEntry(rawData, polySegmentOffset + (i * 16)));
int highestPolyType = 0;
for (PolygonEntry* poly : polygons)
if (poly->type > highestPolyType)
highestPolyType = poly->type;
//if (highestPolyType > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < highestPolyType + 1; i++)
polygonTypes.push_back(BitConverter::ToInt64BE(data, polyTypeDefSegmentOffset + (i * 8)));
//int polyTypesSize = abs(polyTypeDefSegmentOffset - camDataSegmentOffset) / 8;
//for (int i = 0; i < polyTypesSize; i++)
//polygonTypes.push_back(BitConverter::ToInt64BE(data, polyTypeDefSegmentOffset + (i * 8)));
if (camDataSegmentOffset != 0)
camData = new CameraDataList(parent, prefix, rawData, camDataSegmentOffset, polyTypeDefSegmentOffset, polygonTypes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < numWaterBoxes; i++)
waterBoxes.push_back(new WaterBoxHeader(rawData, waterBoxSegmentOffset + (i * 16)));
string declaration = "";
char line[2048];
if (waterBoxes.size() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < waterBoxes.size(); i++)
sprintf(line, "\t{ %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, 0x%08X },\n", waterBoxes[i]->xMin, waterBoxes[i]->ySurface, waterBoxes[i]->zMin, waterBoxes[i]->xLength, waterBoxes[i]->zLength, waterBoxes[i]->properties);
declaration += line;
if (waterBoxSegmentOffset != 0)
parent->declarations[waterBoxSegmentOffset] = new Declaration(DeclarationAlignment::None, 16 * waterBoxes.size(), "WaterBox",
StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_waterBoxes_%08X", prefix.c_str(), waterBoxSegmentOffset), true, declaration);
if (polygons.size() > 0)
declaration = "";
for (int i = 0; i < polygons.size(); i++)
sprintf(line, "\t{ 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X, 0x%04X }, // 0x%08X\n",
(uint16_t)polygons[i]->type, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->vtxA, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->vtxB, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->vtxC,
(uint16_t)polygons[i]->a, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->b, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->c, (uint16_t)polygons[i]->d, polySegmentOffset + (i * 16));
declaration += line;
if (polySegmentOffset != 0) {
parent->declarations[polySegmentOffset] = new Declaration(DeclarationAlignment::None, polygons.size() * 16, "RoomPoly", // TODO: Change this to CollisionPoly once the struct has been updated
StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_polygons_%08X", prefix.c_str(), polySegmentOffset), true, declaration);
declaration = "";
for (int i = 0; i < polygonTypes.size(); i++)
sprintf(line, "\t 0x%08lX, 0x%08lX, \n", polygonTypes[i] >> 32, polygonTypes[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
declaration += line;
if (polyTypeDefSegmentOffset != 0)
parent->declarations[polyTypeDefSegmentOffset] = new Declaration(DeclarationAlignment::None, polygonTypes.size() * 8,
"u32", StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_polygonTypes_%08X", prefix.c_str(), polyTypeDefSegmentOffset), true, declaration);
declaration = "";
if (vertices.size() > 0)
declaration = "";
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
sprintf(line, "{ %i, %i, %i }, // 0x%08X\n", vertices[i]->x, vertices[i]->y, vertices[i]->z, vtxSegmentOffset + (i * 6));
declaration += line;
if (vtxSegmentOffset != 0)
parent->declarations[vtxSegmentOffset] = new Declaration(DeclarationAlignment::None, vertices.size() * 6,
"Vec3s", StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_vtx_%08X", prefix.c_str(), vtxSegmentOffset), true, declaration);
declaration = "";
declaration = "";
char waterBoxStr[2048];
if (waterBoxSegmentOffset != 0)
sprintf(waterBoxStr, "%s_waterBoxes_%08X", prefix.c_str(), waterBoxSegmentOffset);
sprintf(waterBoxStr, "0");
declaration += StringHelper::Sprintf("%i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %s_vtx_%08X, %i, %s_polygons_%08X, %s_polygonTypes_%08X, &%s_camDataList_%08X, %i, %s",
absMinX, absMinY, absMinZ,
absMaxX, absMaxY, absMaxZ,
numVerts, prefix.c_str(), vtxSegmentOffset, numPolygons,
prefix.c_str(), polySegmentOffset, prefix.c_str(), polyTypeDefSegmentOffset,
prefix.c_str(), camDataSegmentOffset, numWaterBoxes, waterBoxStr);
/*parent->AddDeclaration(rawDataIndex, DeclarationAlignment::None, DeclarationPadding::Pad16, 44, "CollisionHeader",
StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_collisionHeader_%08X", prefix.c_str(), rawDataIndex), declaration);*/
parent->AddDeclaration(rawDataIndex, DeclarationAlignment::None, DeclarationPadding::Pad16, 44, "CollisionHeader",
StringHelper::Sprintf("%s", prefix.c_str(), rawDataIndex), declaration);
ZCollisionHeader* ZCollisionHeader::ExtractFromXML(tinyxml2::XMLElement* reader, vector<uint8_t> nRawData, int rawDataIndex)
ZCollisionHeader* col = new ZCollisionHeader();
return col;
PolygonEntry::PolygonEntry(std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex)
uint8_t* data = rawData.data();
type = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 0);
vtxA = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 2);
vtxB = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 4);
vtxC = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 6);
a = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 8);
b = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 10);
c = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 12);
d = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 14);
VertexEntry::VertexEntry(std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex)
uint8_t* data = rawData.data();
x = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 0);
y = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 2);
z = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 4);
WaterBoxHeader::WaterBoxHeader(std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex)
uint8_t* data = rawData.data();
xMin = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 0);
ySurface = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 2);
zMin = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 4);
xLength = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 6);
zLength = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(data, rawDataIndex + 8);
properties = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(data, rawDataIndex + 12);
CameraDataList::CameraDataList(ZFile* parent, std::string prefix, std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex, int polyTypeDefSegmentOffset, int polygonTypesCnt)
string declaration = "";
// Parse CameraDataEntries
int numElements = abs(polyTypeDefSegmentOffset - (rawDataIndex)) / 8;
//int numElements = polygonTypesCnt;
uint32_t cameraPosDataSeg = rawDataIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
CameraDataEntry* entry = new CameraDataEntry();
entry->cameraSType = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + (entries.size() * 8) + 0);
entry->numData = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + (entries.size() * 8) + 2);
entry->cameraPosDataSeg = BitConverter::ToInt32BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + (entries.size() * 8) + 4);
if (entry->cameraPosDataSeg != 0 && GETSEGNUM(entry->cameraPosDataSeg) != 2)
cameraPosDataSeg = rawDataIndex + (entries.size() * 8);
if (entry->cameraPosDataSeg != 0 && cameraPosDataSeg > (entry->cameraPosDataSeg & 0xFFFFFF))
cameraPosDataSeg = (entry->cameraPosDataSeg & 0xFFFFFF);
//setting cameraPosDataAddr to rawDataIndex give a pos list length of 0
uint32_t cameraPosDataOffset = cameraPosDataSeg & 0xFFFFFF;
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++)
char camSegLine[2048];
if (entries[i]->cameraPosDataSeg != 0)
int index = ((entries[i]->cameraPosDataSeg & 0x00FFFFFF) - cameraPosDataOffset) / 0x6;
sprintf(camSegLine, "&%s_camPosData_%08X[%i]", prefix.c_str(), cameraPosDataOffset, index);
sprintf(camSegLine, "0x%08X", entries[i]->cameraPosDataSeg);
declaration += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t{ 0x%04X, %i, %s }, // 0x%08X\n", entries[i]->cameraSType, entries[i]->numData, camSegLine, rawDataIndex + (i * 8));
parent->AddDeclarationArray(rawDataIndex, DeclarationAlignment::None, entries.size() * 8, "CamData", StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_camDataList_%08X", prefix.c_str(), rawDataIndex), entries.size(), declaration);
int numDataTotal = abs(rawDataIndex - (int)cameraPosDataOffset) / 0x6;
if (numDataTotal > 0)
declaration = "";
for (int i = 0; i < numDataTotal; i++)
CameraPositionData* data = new CameraPositionData(rawData, cameraPosDataOffset + (i * 6));
declaration += StringHelper::Sprintf("\t{ %6i, %6i, %6i }, // 0x%08X\n", data->x, data->y, data->z, cameraPosDataSeg + (i * 0x6));;
int cameraPosDataIndex = cameraPosDataSeg & 0x00FFFFFF;
int entrySize = numDataTotal * 0x6;
parent->AddDeclarationArray(cameraPosDataIndex, DeclarationAlignment::None, entrySize, "Vec3s", StringHelper::Sprintf("%s_camPosData_%08X", prefix.c_str(), cameraPosDataIndex), numDataTotal, declaration);
CameraPositionData::CameraPositionData(std::vector<uint8_t> rawData, int rawDataIndex)
x = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 0);
y = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 2);
z = BitConverter::ToInt16BE(rawData, rawDataIndex + 4);