2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 ZeldaRET
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Extract audio files
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
import os, shutil, time
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from dataclasses import dataclass
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from .audio_tables import AudioCodeTable, AudioCodeTableEntry, AudioStorageMedium
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
from .audiotable import AudioTableData, AudioTableFile, AudioTableSample
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
from .audiobank_file import AudiobankFile
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
from .disassemble_sequence import CMD_SPEC, SequenceDisassembler, SequenceTableSpec, MMLVersion
from .util import align, debugm, error, incbin, program_get, XMLWriter
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
class GameVersionInfo:
# Music Macro Language Version
mml_version : MMLVersion
# Soundfont table code offset
soundfont_table : int
# Sequence font table code offset
seq_font_table : int
# Sequence table code offset
seq_table : int
# Sample bank table code offset
sample_bank_table : int
# Sequence enum names
seq_enum_names : Tuple[str]
# List of indices corresponding to handwritten sequences
handwritten_sequences : Tuple[int]
# Some soundfonts report the wrong samplebank, map them to the correct samplebank for proper sample discovery
fake_banks : Dict[int, int]
# Contains audiotable indices that suffer from a buffer clearing bug
audiotable_buffer_bugs : Tuple[int]
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
# Sequence disassembly table specs
seq_disas_tables : Dict[int, Tuple[SequenceTableSpec]]
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
SAMPLECONV_PATH = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/../sampleconv/sampleconv"
# ======================================================================================================================
# Run
# ======================================================================================================================
def collect_sample_banks(audiotable_seg : memoryview, extracted_dir : str, version_info : GameVersionInfo,
table : AudioCodeTable, samplebank_xmls : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]]):
sample_banks : List[Union[AudioTableFile, int]] = []
for i,entry in enumerate(table):
entry : AudioCodeTableEntry
assert entry.short_data1 == 0 and entry.short_data2 == 0 and entry.short_data3 == 0, \
"Bad data for Sample Bank entry, all short data should be 0"
assert entry.medium == AudioStorageMedium.MEDIUM_CART , \
"Bad data for Sample Bank entry, medium should be CART"
if entry.size == 0:
# Pointer to other entry, in this case the rom address is a table index
entry_dst = table.entries[entry.rom_addr]
# Check whether this samplebank suffers from the buffer bug
# TODO it should be possible to detect this automatically by checking padding following sample discovery
bug = i in version_info.audiotable_buffer_bugs
bank = AudioTableFile(i, audiotable_seg, entry, table.rom_addr, buffer_bug=bug,
extraction_xml=samplebank_xmls.get(i, None))
return sample_banks
def bank_data_lookup(sample_banks : List[Union[AudioTableFile, int]], e : Union[AudioTableFile, int]) -> AudioTableFile:
if isinstance(e, int):
if e == 255:
return None
return bank_data_lookup(sample_banks, sample_banks[e])
return e
def collect_soundfonts(audiobank_seg : memoryview, extracted_dir : str, version_info : GameVersionInfo,
sound_font_table : AudioCodeTable, soundfont_xmls : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]],
sample_banks : List[Union[AudioTableFile, int]]):
soundfonts = []
for i,entry in enumerate(sound_font_table):
entry : AudioCodeTableEntry
# Lookup the samplebanks used by this soundfont
bank1 = bank_data_lookup(sample_banks, version_info.fake_banks.get(i, entry.sample_bank_id_1))
bank2 = bank_data_lookup(sample_banks, entry.sample_bank_id_2)
# Read the data
soundfont = AudiobankFile(audiobank_seg, i, entry, sound_font_table.rom_addr, bank1, bank2,
entry.sample_bank_id_1, entry.sample_bank_id_2,
extraction_xml=soundfont_xmls.get(i, None))
# Write the individual file for debugging and comparison
return soundfonts
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
def aifc_extract_one_sample(base_path : str, sample : AudioTableSample):
aifc_path = f"{base_path}/aifc/{sample.filename}"
ext_compressed = sample.codec_file_extension_compressed()
ext_decompressed = sample.codec_file_extension_decompressed()
wav_path = f"{base_path}/{sample.filename.replace(ext_compressed, ext_decompressed)}"
# export to AIFC
# decode to AIFF/WAV
program_get(f"{SAMPLECONV_PATH} --matching pcm16 {aifc_path} {wav_path}")
def aifc_extract_one_bin(base_path : str, sample : AudioTableData):
# export to BIN
# copy to correct location
shutil.copyfile(f"{base_path}/aifc/{sample.filename}", f"{base_path}/{sample.filename}")
def extract_samplebank(pool : ThreadPool, extracted_dir : str, sample_banks : List[Union[AudioTableFile, int]],
bank : AudioTableFile, write_xml : bool):
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
# deal with remaining gaps, have to blob them unless we can find an exact match in another bank
# assign names
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
base_path = f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/samples/{bank.name}"
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
# write xml
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/samplebanks/{bank.file_name}.xml", "w") as outfile:
# write the extraction xml if specified
if write_xml:
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
# write sample sand blobs
os.makedirs(f"{base_path}/aifc", exist_ok=True)
aifc_samples = [sample for sample in bank.samples_final if isinstance(sample, AudioTableSample)]
bin_samples = [sample for sample in bank.samples_final if not isinstance(sample, AudioTableSample)]
t_start = time.time()
# we assume the number of bin samples are very small and don't multiprocess it
for sample in bin_samples:
aifc_extract_one_bin(base_path, sample)
# multiprocess aifc extraction + decompression
async_results = [pool.apply_async(aifc_extract_one_sample, args=(base_path, sample)) for sample in aifc_samples]
# block until done
[res.get() for res in async_results]
dt = time.time() - t_start
print(f"Samplebank {bank.name} extraction took {dt:.3f}s")
# drop aifc dir if not in debug mode
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
def disassemble_one_sequence(extracted_dir : str, version_info : GameVersionInfo, soundfonts : List[AudiobankFile],
enum_names : List[str], id : int, data : bytes, name : str, filename : str,
fonts : memoryview):
out_filename = f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/sequences/{filename}.seq"
disas = SequenceDisassembler(id, data, version_info.seq_disas_tables.get(id, None), CMD_SPEC,
version_info.mml_version, out_filename, name,
[soundfonts[i] for i in fonts], enum_names)
def extract_sequences(audioseq_seg : memoryview, extracted_dir : str, version_info : GameVersionInfo, write_xml : bool,
sequence_table : AudioCodeTable, sequence_font_table : memoryview,
sequence_xmls : Dict[int, Element], soundfonts : List[AudiobankFile]):
sequence_font_table_cvg = [0] * len(sequence_font_table)
seq_enum_names = version_info.seq_enum_names
handwritten_sequences = version_info.handwritten_sequences
# We should have as many enum names as sequences that require extraction
assert len(seq_enum_names) == len(sequence_table)
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audioseq_files", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/sequences", exist_ok=True)
if write_xml:
os.makedirs(f"assets/xml/audio/sequences", exist_ok=True)
all_fonts = []
disas_jobs = []
t = time.time()
for i,entry in enumerate(sequence_table):
entry : AudioCodeTableEntry
# extract font indices
font_data_offset = (sequence_font_table[2 * i + 0] << 8) | (sequence_font_table[2 * i + 1])
num_fonts = sequence_font_table[font_data_offset]
font_data_offset += 1
fonts = sequence_font_table[font_data_offset:font_data_offset+num_fonts]
# mark coverage for sequence font table
sequence_font_table_cvg[2 * i + 0] = 1
sequence_font_table_cvg[2 * i + 1] = 1
for j in range(font_data_offset-1,font_data_offset+num_fonts):
sequence_font_table_cvg[j] = 1
if entry.size != 0:
# Real sequence, queue extraction
seq_data = bytearray(entry.data(audioseq_seg, sequence_table.rom_addr))
ext = ".prg" if i in handwritten_sequences else ""
# Extract original sequence binary for comparison
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audioseq_files/seq_{i}{ext}.aseq", "wb") as outfile:
extraction_xml = sequence_xmls.get(i, None)
if extraction_xml is None:
sequence_filename = f"seq_{i}"
sequence_name = f"Sequence_{i}"
sequence_filename = extraction_xml[0]
sequence_name = extraction_xml[1].attrib["Name"]
# Write extraction xml entry
if write_xml:
xml = XMLWriter()
xml.write_comment("This file is only for extraction of vanilla data.")
xml.write_element("Sequence", {
"Name" : sequence_name,
"Index" : i,
with open(f"assets/xml/audio/sequences/{sequence_filename}.xml", "w") as outfile:
if i in handwritten_sequences:
# skip "handwritten" sequences
disas_jobs.append((i, seq_data, sequence_name, sequence_filename, fonts))
# Pointer to another sequence, checked later
# Check full coverage
if align(sequence_font_table_cvg.index(0), 16) != len(sequence_font_table_cvg):
# does not pad to full size, fail
assert False, "Sequence font table missing data"
# pads to full size, good
except ValueError:
pass # fully covered, good
# Check consistency of font data for the same sequence accessed via pointers
for i,entry in enumerate(sequence_table):
entry : AudioCodeTableEntry
# Fonts for this entry
fonts = all_fonts[i]
if entry.size != 0:
# real, ignore
# pointer, check that the fonts for this entry are the same as the fonts for the other
j = entry.rom_addr
fonts2 = all_fonts[j]
assert fonts == fonts2, \
f"Font mismatch: Pointer {i} against Real {j}. This is a limitation of the build process."
# Disassemble to text
for job in disas_jobs:
disassemble_one_sequence(extracted_dir, version_info, soundfonts, seq_enum_names, *job)
dt = time.time() - t
print(f"Sequences extraction took {dt:.3f}")
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
def extract_audio_for_version(version_info : GameVersionInfo, extracted_dir : str, read_xml : bool, write_xml : bool):
print("Setting up...")
# Open baserom segments
code_seg = None
audiotable_seg = None
audiobank_seg = None
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
audioseq_seg = None
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom/code", "rb") as infile:
code_seg = memoryview(infile.read())
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom/Audiotable", "rb") as infile:
audiotable_seg = memoryview(infile.read())
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom/Audiobank", "rb") as infile:
audiobank_seg = memoryview(infile.read())
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom/Audioseq", "rb") as infile:
audioseq_seg = memoryview(infile.read())
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
# ==================================================================================================================
# Collect audio tables
# ==================================================================================================================
seq_font_tbl_len = version_info.seq_table - version_info.seq_font_table
sound_font_table = AudioCodeTable(code_seg, version_info.soundfont_table)
sample_bank_table = AudioCodeTable(code_seg, version_info.sample_bank_table)
sequence_table = AudioCodeTable(code_seg, version_info.seq_table)
sequence_font_table = incbin(code_seg, version_info.seq_font_table, seq_font_tbl_len)
# Extract Table Binaries
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audio_code_tables/", exist_ok=True)
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audio_code_tables/samplebank_table.bin", "wb") as outfile:
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audio_code_tables/soundfont_table.bin", "wb") as outfile:
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audio_code_tables/sequence_table.bin", "wb") as outfile:
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audio_code_tables/sequence_font_table.bin", "wb") as outfile:
# ==================================================================================================================
# Collect extraction xmls
# ==================================================================================================================
samplebank_xmls : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]] = {}
soundfont_xmls : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]] = {}
sequence_xmls : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]] = {}
if read_xml:
# Read all present xmls
def walk_xmls(out_dict : Dict[int, Tuple[str, Element]], path : str, typename : str):
for root,_,files in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
fullpath = os.path.join(root, f)
xml = ElementTree.parse(fullpath)
xml_root = xml.getroot()
if xml_root.tag != typename or "Name" not in xml_root.attrib or "Index" not in xml_root.attrib:
error(f"Malformed {typename} extraction xml: \"{fullpath}\"")
out_dict[int(xml_root.attrib["Index"])] = (f.replace(".xml", ""), xml_root)
walk_xmls(samplebank_xmls, f"assets/xml/audio/samplebanks", "SampleBank")
walk_xmls(soundfont_xmls, f"assets/xml/audio/soundfonts", "SoundFont")
walk_xmls(sequence_xmls, f"assets/xml/audio/sequences", "Sequence")
# TODO warn about any missing xmls or xmls with a bad index
# ==================================================================================================================
# Collect samplebanks
# ==================================================================================================================
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audiotable_files", exist_ok=True)
sample_banks = collect_sample_banks(audiotable_seg, extracted_dir, version_info, sample_bank_table, samplebank_xmls)
# ==================================================================================================================
# Collect soundfonts
# ==================================================================================================================
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/baserom_audiotest/audiobank_files", exist_ok=True)
soundfonts = collect_soundfonts(audiobank_seg, extracted_dir, version_info, sound_font_table, soundfont_xmls,
# ==================================================================================================================
# Finalize samplebanks
# ==================================================================================================================
for i,bank in enumerate(sample_banks):
if isinstance(bank, AudioTableFile):
# ==================================================================================================================
# Extract samplebank contents
# ==================================================================================================================
print("Extracting samplebanks...")
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
# Check that the sampleconv binary is available
assert os.path.isfile(SAMPLECONV_PATH) , "Compile sampleconv"
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/samplebanks", exist_ok=True)
if write_xml:
os.makedirs(f"assets/xml/audio/samplebanks", exist_ok=True)
2024-08-09 03:39:18 +01:00
with ThreadPool(processes=os.cpu_count()) as pool:
for bank in sample_banks:
if isinstance(bank, AudioTableFile):
extract_samplebank(pool, extracted_dir, sample_banks, bank, write_xml)
2024-08-08 05:11:39 +01:00
# ==================================================================================================================
# Extract soundfonts
# ==================================================================================================================
print("Extracting soundfonts...")
os.makedirs(f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/soundfonts", exist_ok=True)
if write_xml:
os.makedirs(f"assets/xml/audio/soundfonts", exist_ok=True)
for i,sf in enumerate(soundfonts):
sf : AudiobankFile
# Finalize instruments/drums/etc.
# This step includes assigning the final samplerate and basenote for the instruments, which may be different
# from the samplerate and basenote assigned to their sample prior.
# write the soundfont xml itself
with open(f"{extracted_dir}/assets/audio/soundfonts/{sf.file_name}.xml", "w") as outfile:
outfile.write(sf.to_xml(f"Soundfont_{i}", "assets/audio/samplebanks"))
# write the extraction xml if specified
if write_xml:
2024-09-04 18:55:04 +01:00
# ==================================================================================================================
# Extract sequences
# ==================================================================================================================
print("Extracting sequences...")
extract_sequences(audioseq_seg, extracted_dir, version_info, write_xml, sequence_table, sequence_font_table,
sequence_xmls, soundfonts)