mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 14:06:54 +00:00
133 lines
4 KiB
133 lines
4 KiB
import os
import struct
def Main():
symbolFile = open("symbols.txt")
symbolList = symbolFile.readlines()
asmFiles = os.listdir("output")
for fileName in asmFiles:
print("Processing " + fileName)
asmFile = open("output/" + fileName)
asmText = asmFile.read()
for symbolLine in symbolList:
asmText = asmText.replace(symbolLine.split(' ')[0], symbolLine.split(' ')[1])
asmText = ".include \"macro.inc\"\n\n" + asmText
asmText = FixIncBin(fileName, asmText)
asmText = FixMove(asmText)
asmText = FixInvalidOpcodes(asmText)
outputFile = open("output2/" + fileName, "w+")
def FixInvalidOpcodes(asmText):
asmLines = asmText.split('\n')
i = 0
while i < len(asmLines):
asmLine = asmLines[i]
if (asmLine.find("Because of invalid n64 opcode") != -1):
nextLine = asmLines[i + 1]
if (nextLine.find("/*") != -1):
asmLines.insert(i + 1, "/*" + nextLine.split("/*")[1])
asmLines[i + 1] = nextLine.split("*/")[0] + "*/ .word 0x" + nextLine.split(" ")[3]
i += 1
output = ""
for i in range(len(asmLines)):
output += asmLines[i] + "\n"
return output
def FixMove(asmText):
asmLines = asmText.split('\n')
i = 0
while i < len(asmLines):
asmLine = asmLines[i]
if (asmLine.find(" move $") != -1 and asmLine.split("/*")[1].split(" ")[3].endswith("21")):
registers = asmLine.split("move")[1]
asmLines[i] = asmLine.split("*/")[0] + "*/ addu %s, $zero" % (registers)
i += 1
output = ""
for i in range(len(asmLines)):
output += asmLines[i] + "\n"
return output
def FixIncBin(fileName, asmText):
asmLines = asmText.split('\n')
ovlFile = open("../../../baserom/" + fileName.split('.s')[0], "rb")
ovlData = bytearray(ovlFile.read())
headerOffset = struct.unpack_from(">I", ovlData, offset = len(ovlData) - 4)[0]
headerAddress = len(ovlData) - headerOffset
dataSectionAddress = struct.unpack_from(">I", ovlData, offset = headerAddress + 4)[0]
fixLineIndex = -1
fixLineAddress = 0
fixLineFileAddress = 0
i = 0
while i < len(asmLines):
asmLine = asmLines[i]
if ((asmLine.startswith("D_") and asmLine.endswith(":")) or (i == len(asmLines) - 1 and fixLineIndex != -1)):
if (fixLineIndex == -1):
if (asmLines[i + 1].startswith(".")):
i += 1
if (asmLines[i + 1].split(" ")[3].startswith("27BD") == False):
fixLineFileAddress = int(asmLines[i + 1].split(" ")[1], 16)
if (fixLineFileAddress < dataSectionAddress):
i += 1
fixLineAddress = int(asmLine.split("D_")[1].split(":")[0], 16)
fixLineIndex = i + 1
if (i == len(asmLines) - 1):
ovlSize = os.path.getsize("../../../baserom/" + fileName.split('.s')[0])
dataSize = ovlSize - fixLineFileAddress
asmLines[fixLineIndex] = ".incbin \"baserom/%s\", 0x%X, 0x%X" % (fileName.split('.s')[0], fixLineFileAddress, dataSize)
del asmLines[fixLineIndex + 1 : i]
currentAddress = int(asmLine.split("D_")[1].split(":")[0], 16)
dataSize = currentAddress - fixLineAddress
del asmLines[fixLineIndex : i - 1]
asmLines[fixLineIndex] = ".incbin \"baserom/%s\", 0x%X, 0x%X" % (fileName.split('.s')[0], fixLineFileAddress, dataSize)
i -= (i - fixLineIndex)
fixLineIndex = -1
i += 1
output = ""
for i in range(len(asmLines)):
output += asmLines[i] + "\n"
return output