mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:05:55 +00:00
Decompiles z_bg_ingate (#301)
* Decompiles z_bg_ingate * BgIngate_SetupAction * BgIngate_Init * BgIngate_Destroy * BgIngate_Update * func_80892990 * func_80892890 * BgIngate_Draw Removes unused asm's Formats z_bg_ingate.c * Addresses PR comments * Fixes usage of cutscene id instead of regular scene * Addresses PR comments
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 91 additions and 293 deletions
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ venv/
# Project-specific ignores
# Project-specific ignores
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
glabel BgIngate_Destroy
/* 00120 80892860 27BDFFE8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFE8 ## $sp = FFFFFFE8
/* 00124 80892864 AFA40018 */ sw $a0, 0x0018($sp)
/* 00128 80892868 8FAE0018 */ lw $t6, 0x0018($sp)
/* 0012C 8089286C AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00130 80892870 00A02025 */ or $a0, $a1, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 00134 80892874 24A50810 */ addiu $a1, $a1, 0x0810 ## $a1 = 00000810
/* 00138 80892878 0C00FB56 */ jal DynaPolyInfo_Free
## DynaPolyInfo_delReserve
/* 0013C 8089287C 8DC6014C */ lw $a2, 0x014C($t6) ## 0000014C
/* 00140 80892880 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00144 80892884 27BD0018 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0018 ## $sp = 00000000
/* 00148 80892888 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 0014C 8089288C 00000000 */ nop
@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
glabel D_80892AB0
.asciz "../z_bg_ingate.c"
.balign 4
glabel D_80892AC4
.asciz "../z_bg_ingate.c"
.balign 4
glabel D_80892AD8
.asciz "../z_bg_ingate.c"
.balign 4
glabel BgIngate_Draw
/* 00280 808929C0 27BDFFC0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFC0 ## $sp = FFFFFFC0
/* 00284 808929C4 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 00288 808929C8 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x0018($sp)
/* 0028C 808929CC AFA40040 */ sw $a0, 0x0040($sp)
/* 00290 808929D0 AFA50044 */ sw $a1, 0x0044($sp)
/* 00294 808929D4 8CA50000 */ lw $a1, 0x0000($a1) ## 00000000
/* 00298 808929D8 3C068089 */ lui $a2, %hi(D_80892AB0) ## $a2 = 80890000
/* 0029C 808929DC 24C62AB0 */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(D_80892AB0) ## $a2 = 80892AB0
/* 002A0 808929E0 27A4002C */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x002C ## $a0 = FFFFFFEC
/* 002A4 808929E4 240700F0 */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x00F0 ## $a3 = 000000F0
/* 002A8 808929E8 0C031AB1 */ jal Graph_OpenDisps
/* 002AC 808929EC 00A08025 */ or $s0, $a1, $zero ## $s0 = 00000000
/* 002B0 808929F0 8FAF0044 */ lw $t7, 0x0044($sp)
/* 002B4 808929F4 0C024F46 */ jal func_80093D18
/* 002B8 808929F8 8DE40000 */ lw $a0, 0x0000($t7) ## 00000000
/* 002BC 808929FC 8E0202C0 */ lw $v0, 0x02C0($s0) ## 000002C0
/* 002C0 80892A00 3C19DA38 */ lui $t9, 0xDA38 ## $t9 = DA380000
/* 002C4 80892A04 37390003 */ ori $t9, $t9, 0x0003 ## $t9 = DA380003
/* 002C8 80892A08 24580008 */ addiu $t8, $v0, 0x0008 ## $t8 = 00000008
/* 002CC 80892A0C AE1802C0 */ sw $t8, 0x02C0($s0) ## 000002C0
/* 002D0 80892A10 AC590000 */ sw $t9, 0x0000($v0) ## 00000000
/* 002D4 80892A14 8FA80044 */ lw $t0, 0x0044($sp)
/* 002D8 80892A18 3C058089 */ lui $a1, %hi(D_80892AC4) ## $a1 = 80890000
/* 002DC 80892A1C 24A52AC4 */ addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(D_80892AC4) ## $a1 = 80892AC4
/* 002E0 80892A20 8D040000 */ lw $a0, 0x0000($t0) ## 00000000
/* 002E4 80892A24 240600F5 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x00F5 ## $a2 = 000000F5
/* 002E8 80892A28 0C0346A2 */ jal Matrix_NewMtx
/* 002EC 80892A2C AFA20028 */ sw $v0, 0x0028($sp)
/* 002F0 80892A30 8FA30028 */ lw $v1, 0x0028($sp)
/* 002F4 80892A34 3C0B0600 */ lui $t3, 0x0600 ## $t3 = 06000000
/* 002F8 80892A38 256B1040 */ addiu $t3, $t3, 0x1040 ## $t3 = 06001040
/* 002FC 80892A3C AC620004 */ sw $v0, 0x0004($v1) ## 00000004
/* 00300 80892A40 8E0202C0 */ lw $v0, 0x02C0($s0) ## 000002C0
/* 00304 80892A44 3C0ADE00 */ lui $t2, 0xDE00 ## $t2 = DE000000
/* 00308 80892A48 3C068089 */ lui $a2, %hi(D_80892AD8) ## $a2 = 80890000
/* 0030C 80892A4C 24490008 */ addiu $t1, $v0, 0x0008 ## $t1 = 00000008
/* 00310 80892A50 AE0902C0 */ sw $t1, 0x02C0($s0) ## 000002C0
/* 00314 80892A54 AC4B0004 */ sw $t3, 0x0004($v0) ## 00000004
/* 00318 80892A58 AC4A0000 */ sw $t2, 0x0000($v0) ## 00000000
/* 0031C 80892A5C 8FAC0044 */ lw $t4, 0x0044($sp)
/* 00320 80892A60 24C62AD8 */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(D_80892AD8) ## $a2 = 80892AD8
/* 00324 80892A64 27A4002C */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x002C ## $a0 = FFFFFFEC
/* 00328 80892A68 240700FA */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x00FA ## $a3 = 000000FA
/* 0032C 80892A6C 0C031AD5 */ jal Graph_CloseDisps
/* 00330 80892A70 8D850000 */ lw $a1, 0x0000($t4) ## 00000000
/* 00334 80892A74 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 00338 80892A78 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x0018($sp)
/* 0033C 80892A7C 27BD0040 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0040 ## $sp = 00000000
/* 00340 80892A80 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 00344 80892A84 00000000 */ nop
/* 00348 80892A88 00000000 */ nop
/* 0034C 80892A8C 00000000 */ nop
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
glabel BgIngate_Init
/* 00008 80892748 27BDFFD0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFD0 ## $sp = FFFFFFD0
/* 0000C 8089274C AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 00010 80892750 AFB00018 */ sw $s0, 0x0018($sp)
/* 00014 80892754 AFA50034 */ sw $a1, 0x0034($sp)
/* 00018 80892758 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero ## $s0 = 00000000
/* 0001C 8089275C AFA00024 */ sw $zero, 0x0024($sp)
/* 00020 80892760 0C010D20 */ jal DynaPolyInfo_SetActorMove
/* 00024 80892764 00002825 */ or $a1, $zero, $zero ## $a1 = 00000000
/* 00028 80892768 3C040600 */ lui $a0, 0x0600 ## $a0 = 06000000
/* 0002C 8089276C 248411B8 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x11B8 ## $a0 = 060011B8
/* 00030 80892770 0C010620 */ jal DynaPolyInfo_Alloc
/* 00034 80892774 27A50024 */ addiu $a1, $sp, 0x0024 ## $a1 = FFFFFFF4
/* 00038 80892778 8FA40034 */ lw $a0, 0x0034($sp)
/* 0003C 8089277C 02003025 */ or $a2, $s0, $zero ## $a2 = 00000000
/* 00040 80892780 8FA70024 */ lw $a3, 0x0024($sp)
/* 00044 80892784 0C00FA9D */ jal DynaPolyInfo_RegisterActor
## DynaPolyInfo_setActor
/* 00048 80892788 24850810 */ addiu $a1, $a0, 0x0810 ## $a1 = 00000810
/* 0004C 8089278C AE02014C */ sw $v0, 0x014C($s0) ## 0000014C
/* 00050 80892790 8FAE0034 */ lw $t6, 0x0034($sp)
/* 00054 80892794 3C028016 */ lui $v0, %hi(gSaveContext)
/* 00058 80892798 24010063 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0063 ## $at = 00000063
/* 0005C 8089279C 85CF00A4 */ lh $t7, 0x00A4($t6) ## 000000A4
/* 00060 808927A0 2442E660 */ addiu $v0, %lo(gSaveContext)
/* 00064 808927A4 15E1000E */ bne $t7, $at, .L808927E0
/* 00068 808927A8 00000000 */ nop
/* 0006C 808927AC 8C580004 */ lw $t8, 0x0004($v0) ## 8015E664
/* 00070 808927B0 1700000B */ bne $t8, $zero, .L808927E0
/* 00074 808927B4 00000000 */ nop
/* 00078 808927B8 94590ED6 */ lhu $t9, 0x0ED6($v0) ## 8015F536
/* 0007C 808927BC 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 00080 808927C0 3C053DCC */ lui $a1, 0x3DCC ## $a1 = 3DCC0000
/* 00084 808927C4 33280100 */ andi $t0, $t9, 0x0100 ## $t0 = 00000000
/* 00088 808927C8 11000009 */ beq $t0, $zero, .L808927F0
/* 0008C 808927CC 00000000 */ nop
/* 00090 808927D0 8C490008 */ lw $t1, 0x0008($v0) ## 8015E668
/* 00094 808927D4 3401FFF0 */ ori $at, $zero, 0xFFF0 ## $at = 0000FFF0
/* 00098 808927D8 11210005 */ beq $t1, $at, .L808927F0
/* 0009C 808927DC 00000000 */ nop
/* 000A0 808927E0 0C00B55C */ jal Actor_Kill
/* 000A4 808927E4 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 000A8 808927E8 10000019 */ beq $zero, $zero, .L80892850
/* 000AC 808927EC 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 000B0 808927F0 0C00B58B */ jal Actor_SetScale
/* 000B4 808927F4 34A5CCCD */ ori $a1, $a1, 0xCCCD ## $a1 = 0000CCCD
/* 000B8 808927F8 860A001C */ lh $t2, 0x001C($s0) ## 0000001C
/* 000BC 808927FC 3C028016 */ lui $v0, %hi(gSaveContext)
/* 000C0 80892800 2442E660 */ addiu $v0, %lo(gSaveContext)
/* 000C4 80892804 314B0001 */ andi $t3, $t2, 0x0001 ## $t3 = 00000000
/* 000C8 80892808 1160000D */ beq $t3, $zero, .L80892840
/* 000CC 8089280C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 000D0 80892810 944C13FA */ lhu $t4, 0x13FA($v0) ## 8015FA5A
/* 000D4 80892814 24010006 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0006 ## $at = 00000006
/* 000D8 80892818 8FAE0034 */ lw $t6, 0x0034($sp)
/* 000DC 8089281C 318D000F */ andi $t5, $t4, 0x000F ## $t5 = 00000000
/* 000E0 80892820 15A10007 */ bne $t5, $at, .L80892840
/* 000E4 80892824 3C058089 */ lui $a1, %hi(func_80892890) ## $a1 = 80890000
/* 000E8 80892828 A5C01D74 */ sh $zero, 0x1D74($t6) ## 00001D74
/* 000EC 8089282C 02002025 */ or $a0, $s0, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 000F0 80892830 0C2249D0 */ jal BgIngate_SetupAction
/* 000F4 80892834 24A52890 */ addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(func_80892890) ## $a1 = 80892890
/* 000F8 80892838 10000005 */ beq $zero, $zero, .L80892850
/* 000FC 8089283C 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 00100 80892840 3C058089 */ lui $a1, %hi(func_80892990) ## $a1 = 80890000
/* 00104 80892844 0C2249D0 */ jal BgIngate_SetupAction
/* 00108 80892848 24A52990 */ addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(func_80892990) ## $a1 = 80892990
/* 0010C 8089284C 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x001C($sp)
/* 00110 80892850 8FB00018 */ lw $s0, 0x0018($sp)
/* 00114 80892854 27BD0030 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0030 ## $sp = 00000000
/* 00118 80892858 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 0011C 8089285C 00000000 */ nop
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
glabel BgIngate_SetupAction
/* 00000 80892740 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 00004 80892744 AC850164 */ sw $a1, 0x0164($a0) ## 00000164
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
glabel BgIngate_Update
/* 0025C 8089299C 27BDFFE8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFE8 ## $sp = FFFFFFE8
/* 00260 808929A0 AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00264 808929A4 8C990164 */ lw $t9, 0x0164($a0) ## 00000164
/* 00268 808929A8 0320F809 */ jalr $ra, $t9
/* 0026C 808929AC 00000000 */ nop
/* 00270 808929B0 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00274 808929B4 27BD0018 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0018 ## $sp = 00000000
/* 00278 808929B8 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 0027C 808929BC 00000000 */ nop
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
glabel func_80892890
/* 00150 80892890 27BDFFE8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFE8 ## $sp = FFFFFFE8
/* 00154 80892894 AFBF0014 */ sw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00158 80892898 94A21D74 */ lhu $v0, 0x1D74($a1) ## 00001D74
/* 0015C 8089289C 00803025 */ or $a2, $a0, $zero ## $a2 = 00000000
/* 00160 808928A0 3C058089 */ lui $a1, %hi(func_80892990) ## $a1 = 80890000
/* 00164 808928A4 28410032 */ slti $at, $v0, 0x0032
/* 00168 808928A8 54200010 */ bnel $at, $zero, .L808928EC
/* 0016C 808928AC 2841000A */ slti $at, $v0, 0x000A
/* 00170 808928B0 848E001C */ lh $t6, 0x001C($a0) ## 0000001C
/* 00174 808928B4 24024000 */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0x4000 ## $v0 = 00004000
/* 00178 808928B8 31CF0002 */ andi $t7, $t6, 0x0002 ## $t7 = 00000000
/* 0017C 808928BC 55E00003 */ bnel $t7, $zero, .L808928CC
/* 00180 808928C0 84D80032 */ lh $t8, 0x0032($a2) ## 00000032
/* 00184 808928C4 2402C000 */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0xC000 ## $v0 = FFFFC000
/* 00188 808928C8 84D80032 */ lh $t8, 0x0032($a2) ## 00000032
/* 0018C 808928CC 00C02025 */ or $a0, $a2, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000
/* 00190 808928D0 24A52990 */ addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(func_80892990) ## $a1 = 80892990
/* 00194 808928D4 0302C821 */ addu $t9, $t8, $v0
/* 00198 808928D8 0C2249D0 */ jal BgIngate_SetupAction
/* 0019C 808928DC A4D900B6 */ sh $t9, 0x00B6($a2) ## 000000B6
/* 001A0 808928E0 10000028 */ beq $zero, $zero, .L80892984
/* 001A4 808928E4 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 001A8 808928E8 2841000A */ slti $at, $v0, 0x000A
/* 001AC 808928EC 14200024 */ bne $at, $zero, .L80892980
/* 001B0 808928F0 2444FFF6 */ addiu $a0, $v0, 0xFFF6 ## $a0 = FFFFFFF6
/* 001B4 808928F4 00042400 */ sll $a0, $a0, 16
/* 001B8 808928F8 00042403 */ sra $a0, $a0, 16
/* 001BC 808928FC 00800821 */ addu $at, $a0, $zero
/* 001C0 80892900 00042080 */ sll $a0, $a0, 2
/* 001C4 80892904 00812023 */ subu $a0, $a0, $at
/* 001C8 80892908 000420C0 */ sll $a0, $a0, 3
/* 001CC 8089290C 00812021 */ addu $a0, $a0, $at
/* 001D0 80892910 00042100 */ sll $a0, $a0, 4
/* 001D4 80892914 00042400 */ sll $a0, $a0, 16
/* 001D8 80892918 00042403 */ sra $a0, $a0, 16
/* 001DC 8089291C 28814001 */ slti $at, $a0, 0x4001
/* 001E0 80892920 14200002 */ bne $at, $zero, .L8089292C
/* 001E4 80892924 00000000 */ nop
/* 001E8 80892928 24044000 */ addiu $a0, $zero, 0x4000 ## $a0 = 00004000
/* 001EC 8089292C 0C01DE1C */ jal Math_Sins
## sins?
/* 001F0 80892930 AFA60018 */ sw $a2, 0x0018($sp)
/* 001F4 80892934 3C014680 */ lui $at, 0x4680 ## $at = 46800000
/* 001F8 80892938 44812000 */ mtc1 $at, $f4 ## $f4 = 16384.00
/* 001FC 8089293C 8FA60018 */ lw $a2, 0x0018($sp)
/* 00200 80892940 46040182 */ mul.s $f6, $f0, $f4
/* 00204 80892944 84C9001C */ lh $t1, 0x001C($a2) ## 0000001C
/* 00208 80892948 312A0002 */ andi $t2, $t1, 0x0002 ## $t2 = 00000000
/* 0020C 8089294C 4600320D */ trunc.w.s $f8, $f6
/* 00210 80892950 44034000 */ mfc1 $v1, $f8
/* 00214 80892954 00000000 */ nop
/* 00218 80892958 00031400 */ sll $v0, $v1, 16
/* 0021C 8089295C 15400005 */ bne $t2, $zero, .L80892974
/* 00220 80892960 00021403 */ sra $v0, $v0, 16
/* 00224 80892964 00601025 */ or $v0, $v1, $zero ## $v0 = 00000000
/* 00228 80892968 00021023 */ subu $v0, $zero, $v0
/* 0022C 8089296C 00021400 */ sll $v0, $v0, 16
/* 00230 80892970 00021403 */ sra $v0, $v0, 16
/* 00234 80892974 84CB0032 */ lh $t3, 0x0032($a2) ## 00000032
/* 00238 80892978 01626021 */ addu $t4, $t3, $v0
/* 0023C 8089297C A4CC00B6 */ sh $t4, 0x00B6($a2) ## 000000B6
/* 00240 80892980 8FBF0014 */ lw $ra, 0x0014($sp)
/* 00244 80892984 27BD0018 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0018 ## $sp = 00000000
/* 00248 80892988 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 0024C 8089298C 00000000 */ nop
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
glabel func_80892990
/* 00250 80892990 AFA40000 */ sw $a0, 0x0000($sp)
/* 00254 80892994 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* 00258 80892998 AFA50004 */ sw $a1, 0x0004($sp)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
.include "macro.inc"
# assembler directives
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
.set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers
.section .data
.balign 16
glabel Bg_Ingate_InitVars
.word 0x01400600, 0x00000000, 0x01290000, 0x00000168
.word BgIngate_Init
.word BgIngate_Destroy
.word BgIngate_Update
.word BgIngate_Draw
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
.include "macro.inc"
# assembler directives
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
.set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers
.section .rodata
.balign 16
glabel D_80892AF0
.incbin "baserom/ovl_Bg_Ingate", 0x3B0, 0x00000070
@ -957,8 +957,7 @@ endseg
name "ovl_Bg_Ingate"
name "ovl_Bg_Ingate"
include "build/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/z_bg_ingate.o"
include "build/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/z_bg_ingate.o"
include "build/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_ingate.data.o"
include "build/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/ovl_Bg_Ingate_reloc.o"
include "build/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_ingate.reloc.o"
@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ void BgIngate_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void BgIngate_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void BgIngate_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void func_80892890(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void func_80892890(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void func_80892990(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void BgIngate_DoNothing(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx);
const ActorInit Bg_Ingate_InitVars = {
const ActorInit Bg_Ingate_InitVars = {
@ -30,17 +29,93 @@ const ActorInit Bg_Ingate_InitVars = {
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/BgIngate_SetupAction.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/BgIngate_Init.s")
extern UNK_TYPE D_060011B8;
extern Gfx D_06001040[];
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/BgIngate_Destroy.s")
void BgIngate_SetupAction(BgIngate* this, BgIngateActionFunc actionFunc) {
this->actionFunc = actionFunc;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/func_80892890.s")
void BgIngate_Init(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
BgIngate* this = THIS;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/func_80892990.s")
s32 pad;
s32 sp32 = 0;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/BgIngate_Update.s")
DynaPolyInfo_SetActorMove(&this->dyna, 0);
DynaPolyInfo_Alloc(&D_060011B8, &sp32);
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Ingate/BgIngate_Draw.s")
this->dyna.dynaPolyId = DynaPolyInfo_RegisterActor(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx.dyna, &this->dyna.actor, sp32);
if ((globalCtx->sceneNum != SCENE_SPOT20 || LINK_IS_CHILD) ||
(((gSaveContext.eventChkInf[1] & 0x100)) && (gSaveContext.cutsceneIndex != 0xFFF0))) {
Actor_SetScale(&this->dyna.actor, 0.1f);
if (((this->dyna.actor.params & 1) != 0) && ((gSaveContext.eventInf[0] & 0xF) == 6)) {
globalCtx->csCtx.frames = 0;
BgIngate_SetupAction(this, func_80892890);
} else {
BgIngate_SetupAction(this, BgIngate_DoNothing);
void BgIngate_Destroy(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
BgIngate* this = THIS;
DynaPolyInfo_Free(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx.dyna, this->dyna.dynaPolyId);
void func_80892890(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
s32 phi0;
s16 phi1;
s16 csFrames;
if (globalCtx->csCtx.frames >= 50) {
phi0 = 0x4000;
if ((this->dyna.actor.params & 2) == 0) {
phi0 = -0x4000;
this->dyna.actor.shape.rot.y = this->dyna.actor.posRot.rot.y + phi0;
BgIngate_SetupAction(this, &BgIngate_DoNothing);
} else if (globalCtx->csCtx.frames >= 10) {
csFrames = globalCtx->csCtx.frames - 10;
csFrames *= 400;
phi1 = csFrames;
if (csFrames > 0x4000) {
csFrames = 0x4000;
csFrames = (Math_Sins(csFrames) * 16384.0f);
phi1 = csFrames;
if ((this->dyna.actor.params & 2) == 0) {
phi1 = -phi1;
this->dyna.actor.shape.rot.y = this->dyna.actor.posRot.rot.y + phi1;
void BgIngate_DoNothing(BgIngate* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {}
void BgIngate_Update(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
BgIngate* this = THIS;
this->actionFunc(this, globalCtx);
void BgIngate_Draw(Actor* thisx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
GraphicsContext* gfxCtx = globalCtx->state.gfxCtx;
Gfx* dispRefs[4];
Graph_OpenDisps(dispRefs, globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_bg_ingate.c", 240);
gSPMatrix(gfxCtx->polyOpa.p++, Matrix_NewMtx(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_bg_ingate.c", 245),
gSPDisplayList(gfxCtx->polyOpa.p++, D_06001040);
Graph_CloseDisps(dispRefs, globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_bg_ingate.c", 250);
@ -801,3 +801,7 @@ D_060108B8 = 0x060108B8;
D_0600FE40 = 0x0600FE40;
D_0600FE40 = 0x0600FE40;
D_0400CD80 = 0x0400CD80;
D_0400CD80 = 0x0400CD80;
D_040184B0 = 0x040184B0;
D_040184B0 = 0x040184B0;
// z_bg_ingate
D_060011B8 = 0x060011B8;
D_06001040 = 0x06001040;
Add table
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