mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:05:55 +00:00
Match func_800344BC and make func_8002FBAC equivalent (#778)
* format * now equivalent * another match * cleanup Co-authored-by: petrie911 <pmontag@DESKTOP-LG8A167.localdomain>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 113 additions and 359 deletions
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
glabel func_800344BC
/* AAB65C 800344BC 27BDFFB8 */ addiu $sp, $sp, -0x48
/* AAB660 800344C0 AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/* AAB664 800344C4 AFA40048 */ sw $a0, 0x48($sp)
/* AAB668 800344C8 AFA5004C */ sw $a1, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB66C 800344CC AFA60050 */ sw $a2, 0x50($sp)
/* AAB670 800344D0 AFA70054 */ sw $a3, 0x54($sp)
/* AAB674 800344D4 C4840024 */ lwc1 $f4, 0x24($a0)
/* AAB678 800344D8 24A50018 */ addiu $a1, $a1, 0x18
/* AAB67C 800344DC E7A40030 */ swc1 $f4, 0x30($sp)
/* AAB680 800344E0 C4A8FFFC */ lwc1 $f8, -4($a1)
/* AAB684 800344E4 C4860028 */ lwc1 $f6, 0x28($a0)
/* AAB688 800344E8 46083280 */ add.s $f10, $f6, $f8
/* AAB68C 800344EC E7AA0034 */ swc1 $f10, 0x34($sp)
/* AAB690 800344F0 C490002C */ lwc1 $f16, 0x2c($a0)
/* AAB694 800344F4 AFA50024 */ sw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* AAB698 800344F8 27A40030 */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x30
/* AAB69C 800344FC 0C01E027 */ jal Math_Vec3f_Pitch
/* AAB6A0 80034500 E7B00038 */ swc1 $f16, 0x38($sp)
/* AAB6A4 80034504 A7A20046 */ sh $v0, 0x46($sp)
/* AAB6A8 80034508 27A40030 */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x30
/* AAB6AC 8003450C 0C01E01A */ jal Math_Vec3f_Yaw
/* AAB6B0 80034510 8FA50024 */ lw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* AAB6B4 80034514 8FA40048 */ lw $a0, 0x48($sp)
/* AAB6B8 80034518 A7A20044 */ sh $v0, 0x44($sp)
/* AAB6BC 8003451C 8FA50024 */ lw $a1, 0x24($sp)
/* AAB6C0 80034520 0C01E01A */ jal Math_Vec3f_Yaw
/* AAB6C4 80034524 24840024 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0x24
/* AAB6C8 80034528 8FB80048 */ lw $t8, 0x48($sp)
/* AAB6CC 8003452C 87A50052 */ lh $a1, 0x52($sp)
/* AAB6D0 80034530 8FA8004C */ lw $t0, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB6D4 80034534 871900B6 */ lh $t9, 0xb6($t8)
/* AAB6D8 80034538 00052023 */ negu $a0, $a1
/* AAB6DC 8003453C 24060006 */ li $a2, 6
/* AAB6E0 80034540 00591823 */ subu $v1, $v0, $t9
/* AAB6E4 80034544 00031C00 */ sll $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB6E8 80034548 00031C03 */ sra $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB6EC 8003454C 0064082A */ slt $at, $v1, $a0
/* AAB6F0 80034550 10200004 */ beqz $at, .L80034564
/* AAB6F4 80034554 240707D0 */ li $a3, 2000
/* AAB6F8 80034558 00042C00 */ sll $a1, $a0, 0x10
/* AAB6FC 8003455C 10000008 */ b .L80034580
/* AAB700 80034560 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB704 80034564 00A3082A */ slt $at, $a1, $v1
/* AAB708 80034568 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L80034578
/* AAB70C 8003456C 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB710 80034570 10000001 */ b .L80034578
/* AAB714 80034574 00A01025 */ move $v0, $a1
/* AAB718 80034578 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB71C 8003457C 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB720 80034580 240A0001 */ li $t2, 1
/* AAB724 80034584 AFAA0010 */ sw $t2, 0x10($sp)
/* AAB728 80034588 2504000A */ addiu $a0, $t0, 0xa
/* AAB72C 8003458C 0C01E1A7 */ jal Math_SmoothStepToS
/* AAB730 80034590 A7A30040 */ sh $v1, 0x40($sp)
/* AAB734 80034594 87A30040 */ lh $v1, 0x40($sp)
/* AAB738 80034598 8FA8004C */ lw $t0, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB73C 8003459C 34018000 */ li $at, 32768
/* AAB740 800345A0 04600003 */ bltz $v1, .L800345B0
/* AAB744 800345A4 24060006 */ li $a2, 6
/* AAB748 800345A8 10000002 */ b .L800345B4
/* AAB74C 800345AC 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB750 800345B0 00031023 */ negu $v0, $v1
/* AAB754 800345B4 0041082A */ slt $at, $v0, $at
/* AAB758 800345B8 14200003 */ bnez $at, .L800345C8
/* AAB75C 800345BC 240707D0 */ li $a3, 2000
/* AAB760 800345C0 10000007 */ b .L800345E0
/* AAB764 800345C4 00002825 */ move $a1, $zero
/* AAB768 800345C8 04600003 */ bltz $v1, .L800345D8
/* AAB76C 800345CC 00031023 */ negu $v0, $v1
/* AAB770 800345D0 10000001 */ b .L800345D8
/* AAB774 800345D4 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB778 800345D8 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB77C 800345DC 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB780 800345E0 8504000A */ lh $a0, 0xa($t0)
/* AAB784 800345E4 00051023 */ negu $v0, $a1
/* AAB788 800345E8 240C0001 */ li $t4, 1
/* AAB78C 800345EC 0082082A */ slt $at, $a0, $v0
/* AAB790 800345F0 50200004 */ beql $at, $zero, .L80034604
/* AAB794 800345F4 00A4082A */ slt $at, $a1, $a0
/* AAB798 800345F8 10000007 */ b .L80034618
/* AAB79C 800345FC A502000A */ sh $v0, 0xa($t0)
/* AAB7A0 80034600 00A4082A */ slt $at, $a1, $a0
/* AAB7A4 80034604 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L80034614
/* AAB7A8 80034608 00801025 */ move $v0, $a0
/* AAB7AC 8003460C 10000001 */ b .L80034614
/* AAB7B0 80034610 00A01025 */ move $v0, $a1
/* AAB7B4 80034614 A502000A */ sh $v0, 0xa($t0)
/* AAB7B8 80034618 850B000A */ lh $t3, 0xa($t0)
/* AAB7BC 8003461C 87A4005E */ lh $a0, 0x5e($sp)
/* AAB7C0 80034620 006B1823 */ subu $v1, $v1, $t3
/* AAB7C4 80034624 00031C00 */ sll $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB7C8 80034628 00031C03 */ sra $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB7CC 8003462C 00041023 */ negu $v0, $a0
/* AAB7D0 80034630 0062082A */ slt $at, $v1, $v0
/* AAB7D4 80034634 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L80034644
/* AAB7D8 80034638 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB7DC 8003463C 10000008 */ b .L80034660
/* AAB7E0 80034640 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB7E4 80034644 0083082A */ slt $at, $a0, $v1
/* AAB7E8 80034648 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L80034658
/* AAB7EC 8003464C 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB7F0 80034650 10000001 */ b .L80034658
/* AAB7F4 80034654 00801025 */ move $v0, $a0
/* AAB7F8 80034658 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB7FC 8003465C 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB800 80034660 25040010 */ addiu $a0, $t0, 0x10
/* AAB804 80034664 AFAC0010 */ sw $t4, 0x10($sp)
/* AAB808 80034668 0C01E1A7 */ jal Math_SmoothStepToS
/* AAB80C 8003466C A7A30040 */ sh $v1, 0x40($sp)
/* AAB810 80034670 87A30040 */ lh $v1, 0x40($sp)
/* AAB814 80034674 8FA8004C */ lw $t0, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB818 80034678 34018000 */ li $at, 32768
/* AAB81C 8003467C 04600003 */ bltz $v1, .L8003468C
/* AAB820 80034680 00031023 */ negu $v0, $v1
/* AAB824 80034684 10000001 */ b .L8003468C
/* AAB828 80034688 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB82C 8003468C 0041082A */ slt $at, $v0, $at
/* AAB830 80034690 14200003 */ bnez $at, .L800346A0
/* AAB834 80034694 00000000 */ nop
/* AAB838 80034698 10000007 */ b .L800346B8
/* AAB83C 8003469C 00002825 */ move $a1, $zero
/* AAB840 800346A0 04600003 */ bltz $v1, .L800346B0
/* AAB844 800346A4 00031023 */ negu $v0, $v1
/* AAB848 800346A8 10000001 */ b .L800346B0
/* AAB84C 800346AC 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB850 800346B0 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB854 800346B4 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB858 800346B8 85030010 */ lh $v1, 0x10($t0)
/* AAB85C 800346BC 00051023 */ negu $v0, $a1
/* AAB860 800346C0 24060006 */ li $a2, 6
/* AAB864 800346C4 0062082A */ slt $at, $v1, $v0
/* AAB868 800346C8 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L800346D8
/* AAB86C 800346CC 240707D0 */ li $a3, 2000
/* AAB870 800346D0 10000007 */ b .L800346F0
/* AAB874 800346D4 A5020010 */ sh $v0, 0x10($t0)
/* AAB878 800346D8 00A3082A */ slt $at, $a1, $v1
/* AAB87C 800346DC 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L800346EC
/* AAB880 800346E0 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB884 800346E4 10000001 */ b .L800346EC
/* AAB888 800346E8 00A01025 */ move $v0, $a1
/* AAB88C 800346EC A5020010 */ sh $v0, 0x10($t0)
/* AAB890 800346F0 93AD006B */ lbu $t5, 0x6b($sp)
/* AAB894 800346F4 8FA40048 */ lw $a0, 0x48($sp)
/* AAB898 800346F8 87A50044 */ lh $a1, 0x44($sp)
/* AAB89C 800346FC 11A00005 */ beqz $t5, .L80034714
/* AAB8A0 80034700 248400B6 */ addiu $a0, $a0, 0xb6
/* AAB8A4 80034704 240E0001 */ li $t6, 1
/* AAB8A8 80034708 0C01E1A7 */ jal Math_SmoothStepToS
/* AAB8AC 8003470C AFAE0010 */ sw $t6, 0x10($sp)
/* AAB8B0 80034710 8FA8004C */ lw $t0, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB8B4 80034714 87A2005A */ lh $v0, 0x5a($sp)
/* AAB8B8 80034718 87A90046 */ lh $t1, 0x46($sp)
/* AAB8BC 8003471C 25040008 */ addiu $a0, $t0, 8
/* AAB8C0 80034720 24060006 */ li $a2, 6
/* AAB8C4 80034724 0122082A */ slt $at, $t1, $v0
/* AAB8C8 80034728 10200004 */ beqz $at, .L8003473C
/* AAB8CC 8003472C 240707D0 */ li $a3, 2000
/* AAB8D0 80034730 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB8D4 80034734 1000000A */ b .L80034760
/* AAB8D8 80034738 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB8DC 8003473C 87A30056 */ lh $v1, 0x56($sp)
/* AAB8E0 80034740 01201025 */ move $v0, $t1
/* AAB8E4 80034744 0069082A */ slt $at, $v1, $t1
/* AAB8E8 80034748 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L80034758
/* AAB8EC 8003474C 00000000 */ nop
/* AAB8F0 80034750 10000001 */ b .L80034758
/* AAB8F4 80034754 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB8F8 80034758 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB8FC 8003475C 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB900 80034760 240F0001 */ li $t7, 1
/* AAB904 80034764 0C01E1A7 */ jal Math_SmoothStepToS
/* AAB908 80034768 AFAF0010 */ sw $t7, 0x10($sp)
/* AAB90C 8003476C 8FA8004C */ lw $t0, 0x4c($sp)
/* AAB910 80034770 87B80046 */ lh $t8, 0x46($sp)
/* AAB914 80034774 87A40066 */ lh $a0, 0x66($sp)
/* AAB918 80034778 85190008 */ lh $t9, 8($t0)
/* AAB91C 8003477C 24060006 */ li $a2, 6
/* AAB920 80034780 240707D0 */ li $a3, 2000
/* AAB924 80034784 03191823 */ subu $v1, $t8, $t9
/* AAB928 80034788 00031C00 */ sll $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB92C 8003478C 00031C03 */ sra $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AAB930 80034790 0064082A */ slt $at, $v1, $a0
/* AAB934 80034794 10200004 */ beqz $at, .L800347A8
/* AAB938 80034798 240A0001 */ li $t2, 1
/* AAB93C 8003479C 00042C00 */ sll $a1, $a0, 0x10
/* AAB940 800347A0 1000000A */ b .L800347CC
/* AAB944 800347A4 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB948 800347A8 87A40062 */ lh $a0, 0x62($sp)
/* AAB94C 800347AC 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* AAB950 800347B0 0083082A */ slt $at, $a0, $v1
/* AAB954 800347B4 10200003 */ beqz $at, .L800347C4
/* AAB958 800347B8 00000000 */ nop
/* AAB95C 800347BC 10000001 */ b .L800347C4
/* AAB960 800347C0 00801025 */ move $v0, $a0
/* AAB964 800347C4 00022C00 */ sll $a1, $v0, 0x10
/* AAB968 800347C8 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AAB96C 800347CC 2504000E */ addiu $a0, $t0, 0xe
/* AAB970 800347D0 0C01E1A7 */ jal Math_SmoothStepToS
/* AAB974 800347D4 AFAA0010 */ sw $t2, 0x10($sp)
/* AAB978 800347D8 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x1c($sp)
/* AAB97C 800347DC 27BD0048 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x48
/* AAB980 800347E0 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* AAB984 800347E4 00000000 */ nop
@ -1771,87 +1771,65 @@ void func_8002FA60(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
D_8015BC18 = 0.0f;
Vec3f D_80116048 = { 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f };
Vec3f D_80116054 = { 0.0f, -0.025f, 0.0f };
Color_RGBA8 D_80116060 = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
Color_RGBA8 D_80116064 = { 100, 200, 0, 0 };
// saved register, stack usage and minor ordering differences
// this also doesn't generate a few useless struct copies
// some regalloc and odd loading of gSaveContext
void func_8002FBAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
Vec3f lightPos;
f32 spD8;
f32 spD4;
s32 spD0;
s32 spCC;
f32 spC0;
Vec3f spB4;
Vec3f spA4;
f32 sp9C;
Vec3f sp7C;
Vec3f sp70;
f32 temp_f12;
f32 temp_f14;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 temp_ret;
s32 temp_a3;
f32 phi_f14;
f32 phi_f10;
f32 phi_f6;
static Vec3f D_80116048 = { 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f };
static Vec3f D_80116054 = { 0.0f, -0.025f, 0.0f };
static Color_RGBA8 D_80116060 = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
static Color_RGBA8 D_80116064 = { 100, 200, 0, 0 };
Vec3f* temp = &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos;
s32 spF0;
OPEN_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 5308);
if (gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data != 0) {
spD8 = 80.0f;
} else {
spD8 = 60.0f;
spF0 = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data;
spD0 = 0xFF;
spD4 = 1.0f;
if (spF0 != 0) {
f32 spD8 = (LINK_IS_ADULT) ? 80.0f : 60.0f;
f32 spD4 = 1.0f;
s32 spD0 = 0xFF;
s32 spCC = spF0 - 40;
s32 temp2;
s32 pad;
temp_a3 = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data - 0x28;
spCC = temp_a3;
if (temp_a3 < 0) {
spD4 = ABS(gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data) * 0.025f;
if (spCC < 0) {
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = ++spF0;
spD4 = ABS(spF0) * 0.025f;
D_8015BC14 = 60;
D_8015BC18 = 1.0f;
} else if (D_8015BC14 != 0) {
} else if (D_8015BC18 > 0.0f) {
spC0 = D_8015BC18;
temp_ret = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(&gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos,
&gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos, &spB4);
f32 spC0 = D_8015BC18;
Vec3f spB4;
f32 spB0 = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(&gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos, temp, &spB4);
Vec3f spA4;
if (temp_ret < 20.0f) {
if (spB0 < 20.0f) {
D_8015BC18 = 0.0f;
Math_Vec3f_Copy(temp, &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos);
} else {
sp9C = (1.0f / D_8015BC18) * temp_ret;
phi_f14 = 20.0f / sp9C;
phi_f14 = (phi_f14 < 0.05f) ? 0.05f : phi_f14;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 sp9C = spB0 * (1.0f / D_8015BC18);
f32 phi_f14 = 20.0f / sp9C;
phi_f14 = CLAMP_MIN(phi_f14, 0.05f);
Math_StepToF(&D_8015BC18, 0.0f, phi_f14);
temp_f2 = ((D_8015BC18 / spC0) * temp_ret) / temp_ret;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x =
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.x + (spB4.x * temp_f2);
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y =
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.y + (spB4.y * temp_f2);
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z =
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.z + (spB4.z * temp_f2);
temp_f12 = sp9C * 0.5f;
temp_f14 = temp_ret - temp_f12;
spD8 += sqrtf((temp_f12 * temp_f12) - (temp_f14 * temp_f14)) * 0.2f;
temp_f2 = ((D_8015BC18 / spC0) * spB0) / spB0;
temp->x = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.x + (spB4.x * temp_f2);
temp->y = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.y + (spB4.y * temp_f2);
temp->z = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN].pos.z + (spB4.z * temp_f2);
spD8 += sqrtf(SQ(sp9C / 2.0f) - SQ(spB0 - sp9C / 2.0f)) * 0.2f;
osSyncPrintf("-------- DISPLAY Y=%f\n", spD8);
spA4.x = Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f) + gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x;
spA4.y = Rand_ZeroOne() * 6.0f + gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y + 80.0f;
spA4.z = Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f) + gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z;
spA4.x = temp->x + Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f);
spA4.y = temp->y + 80.0f + Rand_ZeroOne() * 6.0f;
spA4.z = temp->z + Rand_CenteredFloat(6.0f);
EffectSsKiraKira_SpawnDispersed(globalCtx, &spA4, &D_80116048, &D_80116054, &D_80116060, &D_80116064, 1000,
@ -1859,51 +1837,56 @@ void func_8002FBAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (D_8015BC18 == 0.0f) {
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP] = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN];
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].playerParams = 0x06FF;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 0x28;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 40;
// somehow this shouldn't be optimized out
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos;
} else if (temp_a3 > 0) {
temp_f12 = temp_a3 * 0.1f;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = *temp;
} else if (spCC > 0) {
if (spCC * 0.1f < 1.0f) {
s32 pad2;
s32 pad3;
f32 temp3;
f32 temp4;
Vec3f sp7C;
Vec3f sp70;
if (temp_f12 < 1.0f) {
sp7C.x = globalCtx->view.eye.x;
sp7C.y = globalCtx->view.eye.y - spD8;
sp7C.z = globalCtx->view.eye.z;
temp_ret = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(&sp7C, &gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos, &sp70);
temp_f2 = (((1.0f - temp_f12) / (1.0f - ((f32)(temp_a3 - 1) * 0.1f))) * temp_ret) / temp_ret;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x = sp70.x * temp_f2 + sp7C.x;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y = sp70.y * temp_f2 + sp7C.y;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z = sp70.z * temp_f2 + sp7C.z;
temp4 = Math_Vec3f_DistXYZAndStoreDiff(&sp7C, temp, &sp70);
temp3 = (((1.0f - spCC * 0.1f) / (1.0f - ((f32)(spCC - 1) * 0.1f))) * temp4) / temp4;
temp->x = sp70.x * temp3 + sp7C.x;
temp->y = sp70.y * temp3 + sp7C.y;
temp->z = sp70.z * temp3 + sp7C.z;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = *temp;
// somehow this shouldn't be optimized out
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos;
spD0 = 0xFF - (((temp_a3 * 0x10) - temp_a3) * 2);
spD0 = 0xFF - 30 * spCC;
if (spD0 < 0) {
gSaveContext.fw.set = 0;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = 0;
spD0 = 0;
} else {
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].data = ++spF0;
spD4 = spCC * 0.200000000000000011102230246252 + 1.0f;
spD4 = (f32)spCC * 0.2 + 1.0f;
if ((globalCtx->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) &&
(gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].entranceIndex == gSaveContext.entranceIndex) &&
if (globalCtx->csCtx.state == CS_STATE_IDLE) {
temp2 = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].entranceIndex;
if ((temp2 == gSaveContext.entranceIndex) &&
(globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.num == gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].roomIndex)) {
f32 phi_f10;
f32 phi_f6;
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y + spD8,
gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z, MTXMODE_NEW);
// bad gSaveContext load here
Matrix_Translate(temp->x, temp->y + spD8, temp->z, MTXMODE_NEW);
Matrix_Scale(0.025f * spD4, 0.025f * spD4, 0.025f * spD4, MTXMODE_APPLY);
Matrix_Mult(&globalCtx->mf_11D60, MTXMODE_APPLY);
Matrix_Mult(&globalCtx->mf_11DA0, MTXMODE_APPLY);
@ -1925,17 +1908,27 @@ void func_8002FBAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
gSPDisplayList(POLY_XLU_DISP++, &gEffFlash1DL);
Vec3f lightPos;
lightPos.x = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.x;
lightPos.y = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.y + spD8;
lightPos.z = gSaveContext.respawn[RESPAWN_MODE_TOP].pos.z;
Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&D_8015BC00, lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 500.0f * spD4);
Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(&D_8015BC00, lightPos.x, lightPos.y, lightPos.z, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
500.0f * spD4);
CLOSE_DISPS(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 5474);
static Vec3f D_80116048 = { 0.0f, -0.05f, 0.0f };
static Vec3f D_80116054 = { 0.0f, -0.025f, 0.0f };
static Color_RGBA8 D_80116060 = { 255, 255, 255, 0 };
static Color_RGBA8 D_80116064 = { 100, 200, 0, 0 };
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_actor/func_8002FBAC.s")
@ -3500,7 +3493,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x18 */ u32 unk_18;
} struct_801160DC; // size = 0x1C
struct_801160DC D_801160DC[] = {
static struct_801160DC D_801160DC[] = {
{ 0.54f, 6000.0f, 5000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0x050011F0, 0x05001100 },
{ 0.644f, 12000.0f, 8000.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0x06001530, 0x06001400 },
{ 0.64000005f, 8500.0f, 8000.0f, 1.75f, 0.1f, 0x050011F0, 0x05001100 },
@ -3637,7 +3630,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x14 */ s16 unk_14;
} struct_80116130; // size = 0x18
struct_80116130 D_80116130[] = {
static struct_80116130 D_80116130[] = {
{ { 0x2AA8, 0xF1C8, 0x18E2, 0x1554, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1 }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC },
{ { 0x2AA8, 0xEAAC, 0x1554, 0x1554, 0xF8E4, 0x0E38, 1 }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC },
{ { 0x31C4, 0xE390, 0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0xF1C8, 0x071C, 1 }, 170.0f, 0x3FFC },
@ -3653,8 +3646,6 @@ struct_80116130 D_80116130[] = {
{ { 0x18E2, 0xF1C8, 0x0E38, 0x0E38, 0x0000, 0x0000, 1 }, 0.0f, 0x0000 },
// regalloc differences
void func_800344BC(Actor* actor, struct_80034A14_arg1* arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3, s16 arg4, s16 arg5, s16 arg6, s16 arg7,
u8 arg8) {
s16 sp46;
@ -3675,23 +3666,22 @@ void func_800344BC(Actor* actor, struct_80034A14_arg1* arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3,
temp1 = CLAMP(sp40, -arg2, arg2);
Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->unk_08.y, temp1, 6, 2000, 1);
sp40 = (ABS(sp40) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(sp40);
arg1->unk_08.y = CLAMP(arg1->unk_08.y, -sp40, sp40);
temp1 = (ABS(sp40) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(sp40);
arg1->unk_08.y = CLAMP(arg1->unk_08.y, -temp1, temp1);
sp40 = sp40 - arg1->unk_08.y;
sp40 -= arg1->unk_08.y;
temp1 = CLAMP(sp40, -arg5, arg5);
Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->unk_0E.y, temp1, 6, 2000, 1);
sp40 = (ABS(sp40) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(sp40);
arg1->unk_0E.y = CLAMP(arg1->unk_0E.y, -sp40, sp40);
temp1 = (ABS(sp40) >= 0x8000) ? 0 : ABS(sp40);
arg1->unk_0E.y = CLAMP(arg1->unk_0E.y, -temp1, temp1);
if (arg8 != 0) {
if (arg3) {} // Seems necessary to match
if (arg8) {
Math_SmoothStepToS(&actor->shape.rot.y, sp44, 6, 2000, 1);
temp1 = CLAMP(sp46, arg4, arg3);
temp1 = CLAMP(sp46, arg4, (s16)(u16)arg3);
Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->unk_08.x, temp1, 6, 2000, 1);
temp2 = sp46 - arg1->unk_08.x;
@ -3699,9 +3689,6 @@ void func_800344BC(Actor* actor, struct_80034A14_arg1* arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3,
temp1 = CLAMP(temp2, arg7, arg6);
Math_SmoothStepToS(&arg1->unk_0E.x, temp1, 6, 2000, 1);
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_actor/func_800344BC.s")
s16 func_800347E8(s16 arg0) {
return D_80116130[arg0].unk_14;
Add table
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