mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 19:14:50 +00:00
Cleanup z_lifemeter (#552)
* z_lifemeter cleanup finished, one non-matching * made Health_UpdateData a bit better, nowhere near matching still * lifemeter done for now * fixed define issue * improve z_lifemeter, still doesn't match * z_lifemeter done * Rename functions * Add files via upload * Update Health_Update.s * fix missing symbols in asm file * Update Health_Update.s * Update Health_Update.s * fixed stuff * Add files via upload * Delete Health_Update.s * Rename things according to Roman's suggestions * lifemeter done hopefully * fix unused asm that for some reason didn't merge * fix feedback * compiles right now Co-authored-by: Zelllll <elijah@DESKTOP-NMP1I89.localdomain>
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 305 additions and 253 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ glabel D_8013C888
.float 0.1
glabel Health_UpdateData
glabel HealthMeter_Update
/* AEFBD8 80078A38 3C0E0001 */ lui $t6, 1
/* AEFBDC 80078A3C 01C47021 */ addu $t6, $t6, $a0
/* AEFBE0 80078A40 85CE06EE */ lh $t6, 0x6ee($t6)
@ -52,41 +52,41 @@ glabel Health_UpdateData
/* AEFC80 80078AE0 A444021A */ sh $a0, 0x21a($v0)
/* AEFC84 80078AE4 A44B021E */ sh $t3, 0x21e($v0)
/* AEFC88 80078AE8 A44C0222 */ sh $t4, 0x222($v0)
/* AEFC8C 80078AEC 3C0D8012 */ lui $t5, %hi(D_8011FF10) # $t5, 0x8012
/* AEFC90 80078AF0 85ADFF10 */ lh $t5, %lo(D_8011FF10)($t5)
/* AEFC94 80078AF4 3C0E8012 */ lui $t6, %hi(D_8011FF10+2) # $t6, 0x8012
/* AEFC98 80078AF8 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(D_8011FF10+4) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFC8C 80078AEC 3C0D8012 */ lui $t5, %hi(sHeartsPrimColors) # $t5, 0x8012
/* AEFC90 80078AF0 85ADFF10 */ lh $t5, %lo(sHeartsPrimColors)($t5)
/* AEFC94 80078AF4 3C0E8012 */ lui $t6, %hi(sHeartsPrimColors+2) # $t6, 0x8012
/* AEFC98 80078AF8 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(sHeartsPrimColors+4) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFC9C 80078AFC A44D0210 */ sh $t5, 0x210($v0)
/* AEFCA0 80078B00 85CEFF12 */ lh $t6, %lo(D_8011FF10+2)($t6)
/* AEFCA4 80078B04 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(D_8011FF24) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFCA8 80078B08 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(D_8011FF24+2) # $t9, 0x8012
/* AEFCA0 80078B00 85CEFF12 */ lh $t6, %lo(sHeartsPrimColors+2)($t6)
/* AEFCA4 80078B04 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(sHeartsEnvColors) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFCA8 80078B08 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(sHeartsEnvColors+2) # $t9, 0x8012
/* AEFCAC 80078B0C A44E0214 */ sh $t6, 0x214($v0)
/* AEFCB0 80078B10 85EFFF14 */ lh $t7, %lo(D_8011FF10+4)($t7)
/* AEFCB4 80078B14 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(D_8011FF24+4) # $t3, 0x8012
/* AEFCB8 80078B18 3C078012 */ lui $a3, %hi(D_8011FF38) # $a3, 0x8012
/* AEFCB0 80078B10 85EFFF14 */ lh $t7, %lo(sHeartsPrimColors+4)($t7)
/* AEFCB4 80078B14 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(sHeartsEnvColors+4) # $t3, 0x8012
/* AEFCB8 80078B18 3C078012 */ lui $a3, %hi(sHeartsPrimFactors) # $a3, 0x8012
/* AEFCBC 80078B1C A44F0218 */ sh $t7, 0x218($v0)
/* AEFCC0 80078B20 8718FF24 */ lh $t8, %lo(D_8011FF24)($t8)
/* AEFCC4 80078B24 24E7FF38 */ addiu $a3, %lo(D_8011FF38) # addiu $a3, $a3, -0xc8
/* AEFCC8 80078B28 3C088012 */ lui $t0, %hi(D_8011FF4C) # $t0, 0x8012
/* AEFCC0 80078B20 8718FF24 */ lh $t8, %lo(sHeartsEnvColors)($t8)
/* AEFCC4 80078B24 24E7FF38 */ addiu $a3, %lo(sHeartsPrimFactors) # addiu $a3, $a3, -0xc8
/* AEFCC8 80078B28 3C088012 */ lui $t0, %hi(sHeartsEnvFactors) # $t0, 0x8012
/* AEFCCC 80078B2C A458021C */ sh $t8, 0x21c($v0)
/* AEFCD0 80078B30 8739FF26 */ lh $t9, %lo(D_8011FF24+2)($t9)
/* AEFCD4 80078B34 2508FF4C */ addiu $t0, %lo(D_8011FF4C) # addiu $t0, $t0, -0xb4
/* AEFCD8 80078B38 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8015FDD0+6) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFCD0 80078B30 8739FF26 */ lh $t9, %lo(sHeartsEnvColors+2)($t9)
/* AEFCD4 80078B34 2508FF4C */ addiu $t0, %lo(sHeartsEnvFactors) # addiu $t0, $t0, -0xb4
/* AEFCD8 80078B38 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim+6) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFCDC 80078B3C A4590220 */ sh $t9, 0x220($v0)
/* AEFCE0 80078B40 856BFF28 */ lh $t3, %lo(D_8011FF24+4)($t3)
/* AEFCE4 80078B44 3C098016 */ lui $t1, %hi(D_8015FDC0) # $t1, 0x8016
/* AEFCE8 80078B48 2529FDC0 */ addiu $t1, %lo(D_8015FDC0) # addiu $t1, $t1, -0x240
/* AEFCE0 80078B40 856BFF28 */ lh $t3, %lo(sHeartsEnvColors+4)($t3)
/* AEFCE4 80078B44 3C098016 */ lui $t1, %hi(sHeartsDDPrim) # $t1, 0x8016
/* AEFCE8 80078B48 2529FDC0 */ addiu $t1, %lo(sHeartsDDPrim) # addiu $t1, $t1, -0x240
/* AEFCEC 80078B4C A44B0224 */ sh $t3, 0x224($v0)
/* AEFCF0 80078B50 84EC0000 */ lh $t4, ($a3)
/* AEFCF4 80078B54 84EE0002 */ lh $t6, 2($a3)
/* AEFCF8 80078B58 84F80004 */ lh $t8, 4($a3)
/* AEFCFC 80078B5C 448C5000 */ mtc1 $t4, $f10
/* AEFD00 80078B60 448E3000 */ mtc1 $t6, $f6
/* AEFD04 80078B64 3C078016 */ lui $a3, %hi(D_8015FDD0) # $a3, 0x8016
/* AEFD04 80078B64 3C078016 */ lui $a3, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim) # $a3, 0x8016
/* AEFD08 80078B68 46805420 */ cvt.s.w $f16, $f10
/* AEFD0C 80078B6C 24E7FDD0 */ addiu $a3, %lo(D_8015FDD0) # addiu $a3, $a3, -0x230
/* AEFD10 80078B70 3C0A8016 */ lui $t2, %hi(D_8015FDC8)
/* AEFD14 80078B74 254AFDC8 */ addiu $t2, %lo(D_8015FDC8) # addiu $t2, $t2, -0x238
/* AEFD0C 80078B6C 24E7FDD0 */ addiu $a3, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim) # addiu $a3, $a3, -0x230
/* AEFD10 80078B70 3C0A8016 */ lui $t2, %hi(sHeartsDDEnv)
/* AEFD14 80078B74 254AFDC8 */ addiu $t2, %lo(sHeartsDDEnv) # addiu $t2, $t2, -0x238
/* AEFD18 80078B78 46803220 */ cvt.s.w $f8, $f6
/* AEFD1C 80078B7C 46008482 */ mul.s $f18, $f16, $f0
/* AEFD20 80078B80 4600910D */ trunc.w.s $f4, $f18
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ glabel Health_UpdateData
/* AEFD94 80078BF4 85190004 */ lh $t9, 4($t0)
/* AEFD98 80078BF8 448D5000 */ mtc1 $t5, $f10
/* AEFD9C 80078BFC 448F3000 */ mtc1 $t7, $f6
/* AEFDA0 80078C00 3C088016 */ lui $t0, %hi(D_8015FDE0) # $t0, 0x8016
/* AEFDA0 80078C00 3C088016 */ lui $t0, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv) # $t0, 0x8016
/* AEFDA4 80078C04 46805420 */ cvt.s.w $f16, $f10
/* AEFDA8 80078C08 2508FDE0 */ addiu $t0, %lo(D_8015FDE0) # addiu $t0, $t0, -0x220
/* AEFDAC 80078C0C 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(D_8011FF60) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFDB0 80078C10 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(D_8011FF74)
/* AEFDA8 80078C08 2508FDE0 */ addiu $t0, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv) # addiu $t0, $t0, -0x220
/* AEFDAC 80078C0C 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimColors) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFDB0 80078C10 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvColors)
/* AEFDB4 80078C14 46803220 */ cvt.s.w $f8, $f6
/* AEFDB8 80078C18 46008482 */ mul.s $f18, $f16, $f0
/* AEFDBC 80078C1C 4600910D */ trunc.w.s $f4, $f18
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ glabel Health_UpdateData
/* AEFE0C 80078C6C 331900FF */ andi $t9, $t8, 0xff
/* AEFE10 80078C70 44054000 */ mfc1 $a1, $f8
/* AEFE14 80078C74 A459020A */ sh $t9, 0x20a($v0)
/* AEFE18 80078C78 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(D_8011FF60+2) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFE18 80078C78 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimColors+2) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFE1C 80078C7C 00052C00 */ sll $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AEFE20 80078C80 00052C03 */ sra $a1, $a1, 0x10
/* AEFE24 80078C84 24AC003C */ addiu $t4, $a1, 0x3c
@ -163,49 +163,49 @@ glabel Health_UpdateData
/* AEFE3C 80078C9C A4E60004 */ sh $a2, 4($a3)
/* AEFE40 80078CA0 A5000002 */ sh $zero, 2($t0)
/* AEFE44 80078CA4 A5000004 */ sh $zero, 4($t0)
/* AEFE48 80078CA8 3C0E8012 */ lui $t6, %hi(D_8011FF88) # $t6, 0x8012
/* AEFE4C 80078CAC 85CEFF88 */ lh $t6, %lo(D_8011FF88)($t6)
/* AEFE50 80078CB0 85EFFF60 */ lh $t7, %lo(D_8011FF60)($t7)
/* AEFE54 80078CB4 8718FF62 */ lh $t8, %lo(D_8011FF60+2)($t8)
/* AEFE48 80078CA8 3C0E8012 */ lui $t6, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimFactors) # $t6, 0x8012
/* AEFE4C 80078CAC 85CEFF88 */ lh $t6, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimFactors)($t6)
/* AEFE50 80078CB0 85EFFF60 */ lh $t7, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimColors)($t7)
/* AEFE54 80078CB4 8718FF62 */ lh $t8, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimColors+2)($t8)
/* AEFE58 80078CB8 448E5000 */ mtc1 $t6, $f10
/* AEFE5C 80078CBC 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(D_8011FF60+4) # $t9, 0x8012
/* AEFE60 80078CC0 8739FF64 */ lh $t9, %lo(D_8011FF60+4)($t9)
/* AEFE5C 80078CBC 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimColors+4) # $t9, 0x8012
/* AEFE60 80078CC0 8739FF64 */ lh $t9, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimColors+4)($t9)
/* AEFE64 80078CC4 46805420 */ cvt.s.w $f16, $f10
/* AEFE68 80078CC8 A42FFDD6 */ sh $t7, %lo(D_8015FDD0+6)($at)
/* AEFE6C 80078CCC 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8015FDD0+8) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFE70 80078CD0 856BFF74 */ lh $t3, %lo(D_8011FF74)($t3)
/* AEFE74 80078CD4 A438FDD8 */ sh $t8, %lo(D_8015FDD0+8)($at)
/* AEFE78 80078CD8 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(D_8011FF88+2) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFE68 80078CC8 A42FFDD6 */ sh $t7, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim+6)($at)
/* AEFE6C 80078CCC 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim+8) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFE70 80078CD0 856BFF74 */ lh $t3, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvColors)($t3)
/* AEFE74 80078CD4 A438FDD8 */ sh $t8, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim+8)($at)
/* AEFE78 80078CD8 3C188012 */ lui $t8, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimFactors+2) # $t8, 0x8012
/* AEFE7C 80078CDC 46008482 */ mul.s $f18, $f16, $f0
/* AEFE80 80078CE0 A439FDDA */ sh $t9, %lo(D_8015FDD0+0xa)($at)
/* AEFE84 80078CE4 8718FF8A */ lh $t8, %lo(D_8011FF88+2)($t8)
/* AEFE88 80078CE8 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8015FDE0+6) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFE8C 80078CEC A42BFDE6 */ sh $t3, %lo(D_8015FDE0+6)($at)
/* AEFE90 80078CF0 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(D_8011FF88+4)
/* AEFE94 80078CF4 856BFF8C */ lh $t3, %lo(D_8011FF88+4)($t3)
/* AEFE80 80078CE0 A439FDDA */ sh $t9, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDPrim+0xa)($at)
/* AEFE84 80078CE4 8718FF8A */ lh $t8, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimFactors+2)($t8)
/* AEFE88 80078CE8 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv+6) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFE8C 80078CEC A42BFDE6 */ sh $t3, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv+6)($at)
/* AEFE90 80078CF0 3C0B8012 */ lui $t3, %hi(sHeartsDDPrimFactors+4)
/* AEFE94 80078CF4 856BFF8C */ lh $t3, %lo(sHeartsDDPrimFactors+4)($t3)
/* AEFE98 80078CF8 44983000 */ mtc1 $t8, $f6
/* AEFE9C 80078CFC 4600910D */ trunc.w.s $f4, $f18
/* AEFEA0 80078D00 448B9000 */ mtc1 $t3, $f18
/* AEFEA4 80078D04 3C0D8012 */ lui $t5, %hi(D_8011FF74+4) # $t5, 0x8012
/* AEFEA4 80078D04 3C0D8012 */ lui $t5, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvColors+4) # $t5, 0x8012
/* AEFEA8 80078D08 46803220 */ cvt.s.w $f8, $f6
/* AEFEAC 80078D0C 44032000 */ mfc1 $v1, $f4
/* AEFEB0 80078D10 85ADFF78 */ lh $t5, %lo(D_8011FF74+4)($t5)
/* AEFEB4 80078D14 3C0C8012 */ lui $t4, %hi(D_8011FF74+2) # $t4, 0x8012
/* AEFEB8 80078D18 858CFF76 */ lh $t4, %lo(D_8011FF74+2)($t4)
/* AEFEB0 80078D10 85ADFF78 */ lh $t5, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvColors+4)($t5)
/* AEFEB4 80078D14 3C0C8012 */ lui $t4, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvColors+2) # $t4, 0x8012
/* AEFEB8 80078D18 858CFF76 */ lh $t4, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvColors+2)($t4)
/* AEFEBC 80078D1C 46809120 */ cvt.s.w $f4, $f18
/* AEFEC0 80078D20 46004282 */ mul.s $f10, $f8, $f0
/* AEFEC4 80078D24 00031C00 */ sll $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AEFEC8 80078D28 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(D_8015FDE0+8) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFEC8 80078D28 3C018016 */ lui $at, %hi(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv+8) # $at, 0x8016
/* AEFECC 80078D2C 00031C03 */ sra $v1, $v1, 0x10
/* AEFED0 80078D30 246E00FF */ addiu $t6, $v1, 0xff
/* AEFED4 80078D34 46002182 */ mul.s $f6, $f4, $f0
/* AEFED8 80078D38 A42DFDEA */ sh $t5, %lo(D_8015FDE0+0xa)($at)
/* AEFED8 80078D38 A42DFDEA */ sh $t5, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv+0xa)($at)
/* AEFEDC 80078D3C 31CF00FF */ andi $t7, $t6, 0xff
/* AEFEE0 80078D40 A42CFDE8 */ sh $t4, %lo(D_8015FDE0+8)($at)
/* AEFEE0 80078D40 A42CFDE8 */ sh $t4, %lo(sBeatingHeartsDDEnv+8)($at)
/* AEFEE4 80078D44 A52F0000 */ sh $t7, ($t1)
/* AEFEE8 80078D48 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(D_8011FF9C) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFEE8 80078D48 3C0F8012 */ lui $t7, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvFactors) # $t7, 0x8012
/* AEFEEC 80078D4C 4600540D */ trunc.w.s $f16, $f10
/* AEFEF0 80078D50 3C0C8012 */ lui $t4, %hi(D_8011FF9C+4) # $t4, 0x8012
/* AEFEF0 80078D50 3C0C8012 */ lui $t4, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvFactors+4) # $t4, 0x8012
/* AEFEF4 80078D54 4600320D */ trunc.w.s $f8, $f6
/* AEFEF8 80078D58 44048000 */ mfc1 $a0, $f16
/* AEFEFC 80078D5C 44054000 */ mfc1 $a1, $f8
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ glabel Health_UpdateData
/* AEFF1C 80078D7C 31AE00FF */ andi $t6, $t5, 0xff
/* AEFF20 80078D80 A52B0002 */ sh $t3, 2($t1)
/* AEFF24 80078D84 A52E0004 */ sh $t6, 4($t1)
/* AEFF28 80078D88 85EFFF9C */ lh $t7, %lo(D_8011FF9C)($t7)
/* AEFF2C 80078D8C 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(D_8011FF9C+2)
/* AEFF30 80078D90 8739FF9E */ lh $t9, %lo(D_8011FF9C+2)($t9)
/* AEFF28 80078D88 85EFFF9C */ lh $t7, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvFactors)($t7)
/* AEFF2C 80078D8C 3C198012 */ lui $t9, %hi(sHeartsDDEnvFactors+2)
/* AEFF30 80078D90 8739FF9E */ lh $t9, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvFactors+2)($t9)
/* AEFF34 80078D94 448F5000 */ mtc1 $t7, $f10
/* AEFF38 80078D98 858CFFA0 */ lh $t4, %lo(D_8011FF9C+4)($t4)
/* AEFF38 80078D98 858CFFA0 */ lh $t4, %lo(sHeartsDDEnvFactors+4)($t4)
/* AEFF3C 80078D9C 44993000 */ mtc1 $t9, $f6
/* AEFF40 80078DA0 46805420 */ cvt.s.w $f16, $f10
/* AEFF44 80078DA4 46803220 */ cvt.s.w $f8, $f6
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ glabel Interface_Draw
/* B01C74 8008AAD4 02E02025 */ move $a0, $s7
/* B01C78 8008AAD8 0C022A65 */ jal func_8008A994
/* B01C7C 8008AADC 02C02025 */ move $a0, $s6
/* B01C80 8008AAE0 0C01E3C7 */ jal Health_Draw
/* B01C80 8008AAE0 0C01E3C7 */ jal HealthMeter_Draw
/* B01C84 8008AAE4 02E02025 */ move $a0, $s7
/* B01C88 8008AAE8 0C025148 */ jal func_80094520
/* B01C8C 8008AAEC 8EE40000 */ lw $a0, ($s7)
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
.include "macro.inc"
# assembler directives
.set noat # allow manual use of $at
.set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches
.set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers
.section .data
.balign 16
glabel D_8011FF10
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB970B0, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF24
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB970C4, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF38
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB970D8, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF4C
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB970EC, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF60
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB97100, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF74
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB97114, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF88
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB97128, 0x14
glabel D_8011FF9C
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB9713C, 0x14
glabel D_8011FFB0
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB97150, 0x40
glabel D_8011FFF0
.incbin "baserom.z64", 0xB97190, 0x40
@ -1020,11 +1020,11 @@ void Color_RGBA8_Copy(Color_RGBA8* dst, Color_RGBA8* src);
void func_80078884(u16 sfxId);
void func_800788CC(u16 sfxId);
void func_80078914(Vec3f* arg0, u16 sfxId);
void Health_InitData(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void Health_UpdateData(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void Health_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void Health_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
u32 Health_IsCritical(void);
void HealthMeter_Init(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void HealthMeter_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void HealthMeter_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
void HealthMeter_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx);
u32 HealthMeter_IsCritical(void);
void Lights_PointSetInfo(LightInfo* info, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, s16 radius, s32 type);
void Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(LightInfo* info, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, s16 radius);
void Lights_PointGlowSetInfo(LightInfo* info, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, s16 radius);
@ -363,10 +363,14 @@ typedef struct {
/* 0x01FC */ s16 unk_1FC;
/* 0x01FE */ s16 unk_1FE;
/* 0x0200 */ s16 unk_200;
/* 0x0202 */ s16 unk_202[3];
/* 0x0208 */ s16 unk_208[3];
/* 0x020E */ s16 unk_20E[6];
/* 0x021A */ s16 unk_21A[6];
/* 0x0202 */ s16 beatingHeartPrim[3];
/* 0x0208 */ s16 beatingHeartEnv[3];
/* 0x020E */ s16 heartsPrimR[2];
/* 0x0212 */ s16 heartsPrimG[2];
/* 0x0216 */ s16 heartsPrimB[2];
/* 0x021A */ s16 heartsEnvR[2];
/* 0x021E */ s16 heartsEnvG[2];
/* 0x0222 */ s16 heartsEnvB[2];
/* 0x0226 */ s16 unk_226;
/* 0x0228 */ s16 unk_228;
/* 0x022A */ s16 unk_22A;
@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ beginseg
include "build/data/z_kankyo.bss.o"
include "build/src/code/z_lib.o"
include "build/src/code/z_lifemeter.o"
include "build/data/z_lifemeter.data.o"
include "build/src/code/z_lights.o"
include "build/src/code/z_malloc.o"
include "build/src/code/z_map_mark.o"
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void func_801109B0(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
// Translates to: "Parameter Area = %x"
osSyncPrintf("PARAMETER領域=%x\n", parameterSize + 0x5300);
interfaceCtx->unk_23C = interfaceCtx->unk_242 = 0;
@ -1,22 +1,106 @@
#include "global.h"
extern s16 D_8011FF10[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF24[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF38[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF4C[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF60[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF74[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF88[3];
extern s16 D_8011FF9C[3];
extern u8* D_8011FFB0[];
extern u8* D_8011FFF0[];
* These are the colors for the hearts in the interface. The prim color is the red color of the heart
* for the base hearts, while the prim color for the double defense hearts is the white outline. The
* env color for the base hearts is the purple-ish outline, while the env color for the double defense
* hearts is the red color of the hearts.
s16 D_8015FDC0[3];
s16 D_8015FDC8[3];
s16 D_8015FDD0[6];
s16 D_8015FDE0[6];
#define HEARTS_PRIM_R 255
#define HEARTS_PRIM_G 70
#define HEARTS_PRIM_B 50
void Health_InitData(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
#define HEARTS_ENV_R 50
#define HEARTS_ENV_G 40
#define HEARTS_ENV_B 60
#define HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R 255
#define HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G 255
#define HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B 255
#define HEARTS_DD_ENV_R 200
#define HEARTS_DD_ENV_G 0
#define HEARTS_DD_ENV_B 0
* The burn and drown colors listed here are unused. Prerelease footage of the game confirms that at one
* point in development the orange color was to be used while taking damage from hot environments.
* Based on this, we can assume that the blue heart color was to be used while drowning.
* In the final game these environments only have a timer and do not damage you continuously.
#define HEARTS_BURN_PRIM_R 255
#define HEARTS_BURN_PRIM_G 190
#define HEARTS_BURN_ENV_R 255
#define HEARTS_DROWN_ENV_B 255
s16 sHeartsPrimColors[3][3] = {
s16 sHeartsEnvColors[3][3] = {
s16 sHeartsPrimFactors[3][3] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 120, -50 }, // unused
{ -155, 30, 205 }, // unused
s16 sHeartsEnvFactors[3][3] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 205, -40, -60 }, // unused
{ -50, -40, 195 }, // unused
s16 sHeartsDDPrimColors[3][3] = {
s16 sHeartsDDEnvColors[3][3] = {
s16 sHeartsDDPrimFactors[3][3] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, -65, -255 }, // unused
{ -155, -155, 0 }, // unused
s16 sHeartsDDEnvFactors[3][3] = {
{ 0, 0, 0 },
{ 55, 0, 0 }, // unused
{ -200, 0, 255 }, // unused
// Current colors for the double defense hearts
s16 sHeartsDDPrim[3];
s16 sHeartsDDEnv[3];
s16 sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[2][3];
s16 sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[2][3];
void HealthMeter_Init(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
InterfaceContext* interfaceCtx = &globalCtx->interfaceCtx;
interfaceCtx->unk_228 = 0x140;
@ -24,36 +108,42 @@ void Health_InitData(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
interfaceCtx->unk_22A = interfaceCtx->unk_1FE = 0;
interfaceCtx->unk_22C = interfaceCtx->unk_200 = 0;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[0] = 255;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[2] = 70;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[4] = 50;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[0] = 50;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[2] = 40;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[4] = 60;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[1] = 255;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[3] = 70;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[5] = 50;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[1] = 50;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[3] = 40;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[5] = 60;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[0] = HEARTS_ENV_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[0] = HEARTS_ENV_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[0] = HEARTS_ENV_B;
D_8015FDD0[0] = D_8015FDD0[3] = 255;
D_8015FDD0[1] = D_8015FDD0[4] = 255;
D_8015FDD0[2] = D_8015FDD0[5] = 255;
D_8015FDE0[0] = D_8015FDE0[3] = 200;
D_8015FDE0[1] = D_8015FDE0[4] = 0;
D_8015FDE0[2] = D_8015FDE0[5] = 0;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[1] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[1] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[1] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[1] = HEARTS_ENV_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[1] = HEARTS_ENV_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[1] = HEARTS_ENV_B;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][0] = sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][0] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][1] = sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][1] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][2] = sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][2] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][0] = sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][0] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_R;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][1] = sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][1] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_G;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][2] = sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][2] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_B;
// this function still needs some work but it should be functionally equivalent
void Health_UpdateData(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
// Far from matching, but is equivalent. The for loop needs to become unrolled somehow in order to match.
void HealthMeter_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
InterfaceContext* interfaceCtx = &globalCtx->interfaceCtx;
f32 temp_f0 = interfaceCtx->unk_1FE * 0.1f;
s16 temp1, temp2, temp3;
if (0) {}
f32 factor = interfaceCtx->unk_1FE * 0.1f;
s16 rFactor;
s16 gFactor;
s16 bFactor;
s16 i;
s16* prim;
s16* env;
if (interfaceCtx->unk_200 != 0) {
@ -69,80 +159,69 @@ void Health_UpdateData(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[0] = 255;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[2] = 70;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[4] = 50;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[0] = HEARTS_PRIM_B;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[0] = 50;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[2] = 40;
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[4] = 60;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[0] = HEARTS_ENV_R;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[0] = HEARTS_ENV_G;
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[0] = HEARTS_ENV_B;
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[1] = D_8011FF10[0];
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[3] = D_8011FF10[1];
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[5] = D_8011FF10[2];
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[1] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][0];
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[1] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][1];
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[1] = sHeartsPrimColors[0][2];
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[1] = D_8011FF24[0];
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[3] = D_8011FF24[1];
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[5] = D_8011FF24[2];
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[1] = sHeartsEnvColors[0][0];
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[1] = sHeartsEnvColors[0][1];
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[1] = sHeartsEnvColors[0][2];
temp1 = D_8011FF38[0];
temp2 = D_8011FF38[1];
temp3 = D_8011FF38[2];
temp1 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_202[0] = (u8)(temp1 + 0xFF);
temp2 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_202[1] = (u8)(temp2 + 0x46);
temp3 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_202[2] = (u8)(temp3 + 0x32);
rFactor = sHeartsPrimFactors[0][0] * factor;
gFactor = sHeartsPrimFactors[0][1] * factor;
bFactor = sHeartsPrimFactors[0][2] * factor;
temp1 = D_8011FF4C[0];
temp2 = D_8011FF4C[1];
temp3 = D_8011FF4C[2];
temp1 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_208[0] = (u8)(temp1 + 0x32);
temp2 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_208[1] = (u8)(temp2 + 0x28);
temp3 *= temp_f0;
interfaceCtx->unk_208[2] = (u8)(temp3 + 0x3C);
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[0] = (u8)(s32)(rFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_R) & 0xFF;
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[1] = (u8)(s32)(gFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_G) & 0xFF;
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[2] = (u8)(s32)(bFactor + HEARTS_PRIM_B) & 0xFF;
D_8015FDD0[0] = 0xFF;
D_8015FDD0[1] = 0xFF;
D_8015FDD0[2] = 0xFF;
rFactor = sHeartsEnvFactors[0][0] * factor;
gFactor = sHeartsEnvFactors[0][1] * factor;
bFactor = sHeartsEnvFactors[0][2] * factor;
D_8015FDE0[0] = 200;
D_8015FDE0[1] = 0;
D_8015FDE0[2] = 0;
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[0] = (u8)(s32)(rFactor + HEARTS_ENV_R) & 0xFF;
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[1] = (u8)(s32)(gFactor + HEARTS_ENV_G) & 0xFF;
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[2] = (u8)(s32)(bFactor + HEARTS_ENV_B) & 0xFF;
D_8015FDD0[3] = D_8011FF60[0];
D_8015FDD0[4] = D_8011FF60[1];
D_8015FDD0[5] = D_8011FF60[2];
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][0] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][1] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G;
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][2] = HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B;
D_8015FDE0[3] = D_8011FF74[0];
D_8015FDE0[4] = D_8011FF74[1];
D_8015FDE0[5] = D_8011FF74[2];
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][0] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_R;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][1] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_G;
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][2] = HEARTS_DD_ENV_B;
temp1 = D_8011FF88[0];
temp2 = D_8011FF88[1];
temp3 = D_8011FF88[2];
temp1 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC0[0] = (u8)(temp1 + 0xFF);
temp2 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC0[1] = (u8)(temp2 + 0xFF);
temp3 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC0[2] = (u8)(temp3 + 0xFF);
for (prim = &sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][0], env = &sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][0], i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
prim[i] = sHeartsDDPrimColors[0][i];
env[i] = sHeartsDDEnvColors[0][i];
temp1 = D_8011FF9C[0];
temp2 = D_8011FF9C[1];
temp3 = D_8011FF9C[2];
temp1 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC8[0] = (u8)(temp1 + 0xC8);
temp2 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC8[1] = (u8)(temp2 + 0x00);
temp3 *= temp_f0;
D_8015FDC8[2] = (u8)(temp3 + 0x00);
rFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[0][0] * factor;
gFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[0][1] * factor;
bFactor = sHeartsDDPrimFactors[0][2] * factor;
sHeartsDDPrim[0] = (u8)(s32)(rFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_R) & 0xFF;
sHeartsDDPrim[1] = (u8)(s32)(gFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_G) & 0xFF;
sHeartsDDPrim[2] = (u8)(s32)(bFactor + HEARTS_DD_PRIM_B) & 0xFF;
rFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[0][0] * factor;
gFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[0][1] * factor;
bFactor = sHeartsDDEnvFactors[0][2] * factor;
sHeartsDDEnv[0] = (u8)(s32)(rFactor + HEARTS_DD_ENV_R) & 0xFF;
sHeartsDDEnv[1] = (u8)(s32)(gFactor + HEARTS_DD_ENV_G) & 0xFF;
sHeartsDDEnv[2] = (u8)(s32)(bFactor + HEARTS_DD_ENV_B) & 0xFF;
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_lifemeter/Health_UpdateData.s")
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_lifemeter/HealthMeter_Update.s")
s32 func_80078E18(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
@ -172,20 +251,26 @@ s32 func_80078E84(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
} else {
interfaceCtx->unk_228 = 0x140;
interfaceCtx->unk_226 -= 0x10;
if (interfaceCtx->unk_226 <= 0) {
interfaceCtx->unk_226 = 0;
globalCtx->damagePlayer(globalCtx, -(gSaveContext.health + 1));
return 1;
return 0;
void Health_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void HealthMeter_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
static UNK_PTR sHeartTextures[] = {
0x02000400, 0x02000100, 0x02000100, 0x02000100, 0x02000100, 0x02000100, 0x02000200, 0x02000200,
0x02000200, 0x02000200, 0x02000200, 0x02000300, 0x02000300, 0x02000300, 0x02000300, 0x02000300,
static UNK_PTR sDDHeartTextures[] = {
0x02000900, 0x02000600, 0x02000600, 0x02000600, 0x02000600, 0x02000600, 0x02000700, 0x02000700,
0x02000700, 0x02000700, 0x02000700, 0x02000800, 0x02000800, 0x02000800, 0x02000800, 0x02000800,
s32 pad[5];
u8* heartBgImg;
UNK_PTR heartBgImg;
u32 curColorSet;
f32 offsetX;
f32 offsetY;
@ -222,44 +307,45 @@ void Health_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (curColorSet != 0) {
curColorSet = 0;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->unk_20E[0], interfaceCtx->unk_20E[2],
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[4], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->unk_21A[0], interfaceCtx->unk_21A[2],
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[4], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[0], interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[0],
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[0], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[0], interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[0],
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[0], 255);
} else if (i == fullHeartCount) {
if (curColorSet != 1) {
curColorSet = 1;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->unk_202[0], interfaceCtx->unk_202[1],
interfaceCtx->unk_202[2], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->unk_208[0], interfaceCtx->unk_208[1],
interfaceCtx->unk_208[2], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[0],
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[1], interfaceCtx->beatingHeartPrim[2],
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[0], interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[1],
interfaceCtx->beatingHeartEnv[2], 255);
} else if (i > fullHeartCount) {
if (curColorSet != 2) {
curColorSet = 2;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->unk_20E[0], interfaceCtx->unk_20E[2],
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[4], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->unk_21A[0], interfaceCtx->unk_21A[2],
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[4], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[0], interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[0],
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[0], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[0], interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[0],
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[0], 255);
} else {
if (curColorSet != 3) {
curColorSet = 3;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->unk_20E[1], interfaceCtx->unk_20E[3],
interfaceCtx->unk_20E[5], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->unk_21A[1], interfaceCtx->unk_21A[3],
interfaceCtx->unk_21A[5], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, interfaceCtx->heartsPrimR[1], interfaceCtx->heartsPrimG[1],
interfaceCtx->heartsPrimB[1], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, interfaceCtx->heartsEnvR[1], interfaceCtx->heartsEnvG[1],
interfaceCtx->heartsEnvB[1], 255);
if (i < fullHeartCount) {
heartBgImg = D_02000400;
} else if (i == fullHeartCount) {
heartBgImg = D_8011FFB0[curHeartFraction];
heartBgImg = sHeartTextures[curHeartFraction];
} else {
heartBgImg = D_02000000;
@ -268,40 +354,43 @@ void Health_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (curColorSet != 4) {
curColorSet = 4;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, D_8015FDD0[0], D_8015FDD0[1], D_8015FDD0[2],
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, D_8015FDE0[0], D_8015FDE0[1], D_8015FDE0[2], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][0], sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][2], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][0], sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][2], 255);
} else if (i == fullHeartCount) {
if (curColorSet != 5) {
curColorSet = 5;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, D_8015FDC0[0], D_8015FDC0[1], D_8015FDC0[2],
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, sHeartsDDPrim[0], sHeartsDDPrim[1], sHeartsDDPrim[2],
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, D_8015FDC8[0], D_8015FDC8[1], D_8015FDC8[2], 0xFF);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, sHeartsDDEnv[0], sHeartsDDEnv[1], sHeartsDDEnv[2], 0xFF);
} else if (i > fullHeartCount) {
if (curColorSet != 6) {
curColorSet = 6;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, D_8015FDD0[0], D_8015FDD0[1], D_8015FDD0[2],
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, D_8015FDE0[0], D_8015FDE0[1], D_8015FDE0[2], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][0], sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[0][2], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][0], sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[0][2], 255);
} else {
if (curColorSet != 7) {
curColorSet = 7;
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, D_8015FDD0[3], D_8015FDD0[4], D_8015FDD0[5],
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, D_8015FDE0[3], D_8015FDE0[4], D_8015FDE0[5], 0xFF);
gDPSetPrimColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, 0, 0, sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][0], sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDPrim[1][2], interfaceCtx->healthAlpha);
gDPSetEnvColor(OVERLAY_DISP++, sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][0], sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][1],
sBeatingHeartsDDEnv[1][2], 255);
if (i < fullHeartCount) {
heartBgImg = D_02000900;
} else if (i == fullHeartCount) {
heartBgImg = D_8011FFF0[curHeartFraction];
heartBgImg = sDDHeartTextures[curHeartFraction];
} else {
heartBgImg = D_02000500;
@ -378,7 +467,7 @@ void Health_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
CLOSE_DISPS(gfxCtx, "../z_lifemeter.c", 606);
void Health_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
void HealthMeter_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
InterfaceContext* interfaceCtx = &globalCtx->interfaceCtx;
if (interfaceCtx->unk_22C != 0) {
@ -387,7 +476,7 @@ void Health_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
interfaceCtx->unk_22A = 0;
interfaceCtx->unk_22C = 0;
if (!Player_InCsMode(globalCtx) && (globalCtx->pauseCtx.state == 0) && (globalCtx->pauseCtx.flag == 0) &&
Health_IsCritical() && !Gameplay_InCsMode(globalCtx)) {
HealthMeter_IsCritical() && !Gameplay_InCsMode(globalCtx)) {
@ -400,7 +489,7 @@ void Health_HandleCriticalAlarm(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
u32 Health_IsCritical(void) {
u32 HealthMeter_IsCritical(void) {
s32 var;
if (gSaveContext.healthCapacity <= 0x50) {
@ -414,8 +503,8 @@ u32 Health_IsCritical(void) {
if ((var >= gSaveContext.health) && (gSaveContext.health > 0)) {
return 1;
return true;
} else {
return 0;
return false;
@ -3082,7 +3082,7 @@ void Interface_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if (pauseCtx->flag == 0) {
@ -4035,7 +4035,7 @@ void Interface_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
D_80125A58 = func_8008F2F8(globalCtx);
if (D_80125A58 == 1) {
@ -4048,7 +4048,7 @@ void Interface_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) {
if ((gSaveContext.timer1State >= 3) && (globalCtx->pauseCtx.state == 0) && (globalCtx->pauseCtx.flag == 0) &&
(msgCtx->msgMode == 0) && !(player->stateFlags2 & 0x01000000) && (globalCtx->sceneLoadFlag == 0) &&
@ -6748,7 +6748,7 @@ void func_808409CC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Player* this) {
s32 sp34;
if ((this->unk_664 != NULL) ||
(!(heathIsCritical = Health_IsCritical()) && ((this->unk_6AC = (this->unk_6AC + 1) & 1) != 0))) {
(!(heathIsCritical = HealthMeter_IsCritical()) && ((this->unk_6AC = (this->unk_6AC + 1) & 1) != 0))) {
this->stateFlags2 &= ~0x10000000;
anim = func_80833338(this);
} else {
Add table
Reference in a new issue