diff --git a/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/BgSpot09Obj_Draw.s b/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/BgSpot09Obj_Draw.s deleted file mode 100644 index a6c32f3d69..0000000000 --- a/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/BgSpot09Obj_Draw.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -.rdata - -glabel D_808B207C - - .asciz "../z_bg_spot09_obj.c" - .balign 4 - -glabel D_808B2094 - - .asciz "../z_bg_spot09_obj.c" - .balign 4 - -glabel D_808B20AC - .asciz "../z_bg_spot09_obj.c" - .balign 4 - -.text - -glabel BgSpot09Obj_Draw -/* 003A0 808B1E80 27BDFFC0 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0xFFC0 ## $sp = FFFFFFC0 -/* 003A4 808B1E84 AFB00014 */ sw $s0, 0x0014($sp) -/* 003A8 808B1E88 00808025 */ or $s0, $a0, $zero ## $s0 = 00000000 -/* 003AC 808B1E8C AFBF001C */ sw $ra, 0x001C($sp) -/* 003B0 808B1E90 AFB10018 */ sw $s1, 0x0018($sp) -/* 003B4 808B1E94 860E001C */ lh $t6, 0x001C($s0) ## 0000001C -/* 003B8 808B1E98 00A08825 */ or $s1, $a1, $zero ## $s1 = 00000000 -/* 003BC 808B1E9C 00A02025 */ or $a0, $a1, $zero ## $a0 = 00000000 -/* 003C0 808B1EA0 3C05808B */ lui $a1, %hi(D_808B1FC8) ## $a1 = 808B0000 -/* 003C4 808B1EA4 000E7880 */ sll $t7, $t6, 2 -/* 003C8 808B1EA8 00AF2821 */ addu $a1, $a1, $t7 -/* 003CC 808B1EAC 0C00D498 */ jal Draw_DListOpa - -/* 003D0 808B1EB0 8CA51FC8 */ lw $a1, %lo(D_808B1FC8)($a1) -/* 003D4 808B1EB4 8618001C */ lh $t8, 0x001C($s0) ## 0000001C -/* 003D8 808B1EB8 24010003 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0003 ## $at = 00000003 -/* 003DC 808B1EBC 27A4002C */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x002C ## $a0 = FFFFFFEC -/* 003E0 808B1EC0 17010024 */ bne $t8, $at, .L808B1F54 -/* 003E4 808B1EC4 3C06808B */ lui $a2, %hi(D_808B207C) ## $a2 = 808B0000 -/* 003E8 808B1EC8 8E250000 */ lw $a1, 0x0000($s1) ## 00000000 -/* 003EC 808B1ECC 24C6207C */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(D_808B207C) ## $a2 = 808B207C -/* 003F0 808B1ED0 24070184 */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x0184 ## $a3 = 00000184 -/* 003F4 808B1ED4 0C031AB1 */ jal func_800C6AC4 -/* 003F8 808B1ED8 00A08025 */ or $s0, $a1, $zero ## $s0 = 00000000 -/* 003FC 808B1EDC 0C024F61 */ jal func_80093D84 -/* 00400 808B1EE0 8E240000 */ lw $a0, 0x0000($s1) ## 00000000 -/* 00404 808B1EE4 8E0202D0 */ lw $v0, 0x02D0($s0) ## 000002D0 -/* 00408 808B1EE8 3C08DA38 */ lui $t0, 0xDA38 ## $t0 = DA380000 -/* 0040C 808B1EEC 35080003 */ ori $t0, $t0, 0x0003 ## $t0 = DA380003 -/* 00410 808B1EF0 24590008 */ addiu $t9, $v0, 0x0008 ## $t9 = 00000008 -/* 00414 808B1EF4 AE1902D0 */ sw $t9, 0x02D0($s0) ## 000002D0 -/* 00418 808B1EF8 AC480000 */ sw $t0, 0x0000($v0) ## 00000000 -/* 0041C 808B1EFC 8E240000 */ lw $a0, 0x0000($s1) ## 00000000 -/* 00420 808B1F00 3C05808B */ lui $a1, %hi(D_808B2094) ## $a1 = 808B0000 -/* 00424 808B1F04 24A52094 */ addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(D_808B2094) ## $a1 = 808B2094 -/* 00428 808B1F08 24060187 */ addiu $a2, $zero, 0x0187 ## $a2 = 00000187 -/* 0042C 808B1F0C 0C0346A2 */ jal Matrix_NewMtx -/* 00430 808B1F10 AFA20028 */ sw $v0, 0x0028($sp) -/* 00434 808B1F14 8FA30028 */ lw $v1, 0x0028($sp) -/* 00438 808B1F18 3C0B0601 */ lui $t3, 0x0601 ## $t3 = 06010000 -/* 0043C 808B1F1C 256B8010 */ addiu $t3, $t3, 0x8010 ## $t3 = 06008010 -/* 00440 808B1F20 AC620004 */ sw $v0, 0x0004($v1) ## 00000004 -/* 00444 808B1F24 8E0202D0 */ lw $v0, 0x02D0($s0) ## 000002D0 -/* 00448 808B1F28 3C0ADE00 */ lui $t2, 0xDE00 ## $t2 = DE000000 -/* 0044C 808B1F2C 3C06808B */ lui $a2, %hi(D_808B20AC) ## $a2 = 808B0000 -/* 00450 808B1F30 24490008 */ addiu $t1, $v0, 0x0008 ## $t1 = 00000008 -/* 00454 808B1F34 AE0902D0 */ sw $t1, 0x02D0($s0) ## 000002D0 -/* 00458 808B1F38 AC4B0004 */ sw $t3, 0x0004($v0) ## 00000004 -/* 0045C 808B1F3C AC4A0000 */ sw $t2, 0x0000($v0) ## 00000000 -/* 00460 808B1F40 8E250000 */ lw $a1, 0x0000($s1) ## 00000000 -/* 00464 808B1F44 24C620AC */ addiu $a2, $a2, %lo(D_808B20AC) ## $a2 = 808B20AC -/* 00468 808B1F48 27A4002C */ addiu $a0, $sp, 0x002C ## $a0 = FFFFFFEC -/* 0046C 808B1F4C 0C031AD5 */ jal func_800C6B54 -/* 00470 808B1F50 2407018C */ addiu $a3, $zero, 0x018C ## $a3 = 0000018C -.L808B1F54: -/* 00474 808B1F54 8FBF001C */ lw $ra, 0x001C($sp) -/* 00478 808B1F58 8FB00014 */ lw $s0, 0x0014($sp) -/* 0047C 808B1F5C 8FB10018 */ lw $s1, 0x0018($sp) -/* 00480 808B1F60 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 00484 808B1F64 27BD0040 */ addiu $sp, $sp, 0x0040 ## $sp = 00000000 -/* 00488 808B1F68 00000000 */ nop -/* 0048C 808B1F6C 00000000 */ nop - diff --git a/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/func_808B1AE0.s b/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/func_808B1AE0.s deleted file mode 100644 index 70aba536af..0000000000 --- a/asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/func_808B1AE0.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -glabel func_808B1AE0 -/* 00000 808B1AE0 3C028016 */ lui $v0, 0x8016 ## $v0 = 80160000 -/* 00004 808B1AE4 2442E660 */ addiu $v0, $v0, 0xE660 ## $v0 = 8015E660 -/* 00008 808B1AE8 8C4E1360 */ lw $t6, 0x1360($v0) ## 8015F9C0 -/* 0000C 808B1AEC AFA50004 */ sw $a1, 0x0004($sp) -/* 00010 808B1AF0 29C10004 */ slti $at, $t6, 0x0004 -/* 00014 808B1AF4 54200005 */ bnel $at, $zero, .L808B1B0C -/* 00018 808B1AF8 94430EE6 */ lhu $v1, 0x0EE6($v0) ## 8015F546 -/* 0001C 808B1AFC 8482001C */ lh $v0, 0x001C($a0) ## 0000001C -/* 00020 808B1B00 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 00024 808B1B04 2C420001 */ sltiu $v0, $v0, 0x0001 -.L808B1B08: -/* 00028 808B1B08 94430EE6 */ lhu $v1, 0x0EE6($v0) ## 8015F546 -.L808B1B0C: -/* 0002C 808B1B0C 8C4F0004 */ lw $t7, 0x0004($v0) ## 8015E664 -/* 00030 808B1B10 24010011 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0011 ## $at = 00000011 -/* 00034 808B1B14 3063000F */ andi $v1, $v1, 0x000F ## $v1 = 00000000 -/* 00038 808B1B18 3863000F */ xori $v1, $v1, 0x000F ## $v1 = 0000000F -/* 0003C 808B1B1C 11E00003 */ beq $t7, $zero, .L808B1B2C -/* 00040 808B1B20 2C630001 */ sltiu $v1, $v1, 0x0001 -/* 00044 808B1B24 10000002 */ beq $zero, $zero, .L808B1B30 -/* 00048 808B1B28 24020005 */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0x0005 ## $v0 = 00000005 -.L808B1B2C: -/* 0004C 808B1B2C 24020011 */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0x0011 ## $v0 = 00000011 -.L808B1B30: -/* 00050 808B1B30 54410016 */ bnel $v0, $at, .L808B1B8C -/* 00054 808B1B34 8482001C */ lh $v0, 0x001C($a0) ## 0000001C -/* 00058 808B1B38 8482001C */ lh $v0, 0x001C($a0) ## 0000001C -/* 0005C 808B1B3C 24010001 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0001 ## $at = 00000001 -/* 00060 808B1B40 10400009 */ beq $v0, $zero, .L808B1B68 -/* 00064 808B1B44 00000000 */ nop -/* 00068 808B1B48 10410009 */ beq $v0, $at, .L808B1B70 -/* 0006C 808B1B4C 24010003 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0003 ## $at = 00000003 -/* 00070 808B1B50 1041000B */ beq $v0, $at, .L808B1B80 -/* 00074 808B1B54 24010004 */ addiu $at, $zero, 0x0004 ## $at = 00000004 -/* 00078 808B1B58 10410007 */ beq $v0, $at, .L808B1B78 -/* 0007C 808B1B5C 00000000 */ nop -/* 00080 808B1B60 1000000D */ beq $zero, $zero, .L808B1B98 -/* 00084 808B1B64 00001025 */ or $v0, $zero, $zero ## $v0 = 00000000 -.L808B1B68: -/* 00088 808B1B68 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 0008C 808B1B6C 00001025 */ or $v0, $zero, $zero ## $v0 = 00000000 -.L808B1B70: -/* 00090 808B1B70 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 00094 808B1B74 2C620001 */ sltiu $v0, $v1, 0x0001 -.L808B1B78: -/* 00098 808B1B78 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 0009C 808B1B7C 00601025 */ or $v0, $v1, $zero ## $v0 = 0000000F -.L808B1B80: -/* 000A0 808B1B80 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 000A4 808B1B84 24020001 */ addiu $v0, $zero, 0x0001 ## $v0 = 00000001 -.L808B1B88: -/* 000A8 808B1B88 8482001C */ lh $v0, 0x001C($a0) ## 0000001C -.L808B1B8C: -/* 000AC 808B1B8C 38420002 */ xori $v0, $v0, 0x0002 ## $v0 = 00000003 -/* 000B0 808B1B90 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 000B4 808B1B94 2C420001 */ sltiu $v0, $v0, 0x0001 -.L808B1B98: -/* 000B8 808B1B98 03E00008 */ jr $ra -/* 000BC 808B1B9C 00000000 */ nop - - diff --git a/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_spot09_obj.reloc.s b/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_spot09_obj.reloc.s deleted file mode 100644 index bd2caa08ac..0000000000 --- a/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_spot09_obj.reloc.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -.include "macro.inc" - - # assembler directives - .set noat # allow manual use of $at - .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches - .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purposee registers - -.section .rodata -glabel D_808B20D0 - -.incbin "baserom/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj", 0x5F0, 0x000000B0 diff --git a/diff.py b/diff.py index 5ba345632b..446dfb56be 100755 --- a/diff.py +++ b/diff.py @@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ def fail(msg): print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) +MISSING_PREREQUISITES = "Missing prerequisite python module {}. " \ + "Run `python3 -m pip install --user colorama ansiwrap attrs watchdog python-Levenshtein` to install prerequisites (python-Levenshtein only needed for --algorithm=levenshtein)." + try: import attr from colorama import Fore, Style, Back import ansiwrap import watchdog except ModuleNotFoundError as e: - fail(f"Missing prerequisite python module {e.name}. " - "Run `python3 -m pip install --user colorama ansiwrap attrs watchdog` to install prerequisites.") + fail(MISSING_PREREQUISITES.format(e.name)) # Prefer to use diff_settings.py from the current working directory sys.path.insert(0, '.') @@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ parser.add_argument('-w', '--watch', dest='watch', action='store_true', "Recommended in combination with -m.") parser.add_argument('--width', dest='column_width', type=int, default=50, help="Sets the width of the left and right view column.") +parser.add_argument('--algorithm', dest='algorithm', default='difflib', + choices=['levenshtein', 'difflib'], help="Diff algorithm to use.") # Project-specific flags, e.g. different versions/make arguments. if hasattr(diff_settings, "add_custom_arguments"): @@ -106,6 +110,12 @@ FS_WATCH_EXTENSIONS = ['.c', '.h'] # ==== LOGIC ==== +if args.algorithm == 'levenshtein': + try: + import Levenshtein + except ModuleNotFoundError as e: + fail(MISSING_PREREQUISITES.format(e.name)) + binutils_prefix = None for binutils_cand in ['mips-linux-gnu-', 'mips64-elf-']: @@ -449,6 +459,32 @@ def color_branch_imms(br1, br2): br2 = f'{Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX}{br2}{Style.RESET_ALL}' return br1, br2 +def diff_sequences_difflib(seq1, seq2): + differ = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=seq1, b=seq2, autojunk=False) + return differ.get_opcodes() + +def diff_sequences(seq1, seq2): + if (args.algorithm != 'levenshtein' or len(seq1) * len(seq2) > 4 * 10**8 or + len(seq1) + len(seq2) >= 0x110000): + return diff_sequences_difflib(seq1, seq2) + + # The Levenshtein library assumes that we compare strings, not lists. Convert. + # (Per the check above we know we have fewer than 0x110000 unique elements, so chr() works.) + remapping = {} + def remap(seq): + seq = seq[:] + for i in range(len(seq)): + val = remapping.get(seq[i]) + if val is None: + val = chr(len(remapping)) + remapping[seq[i]] = val + seq[i] = val + return ''.join(seq) + + seq1 = remap(seq1) + seq2 = remap(seq2) + return Levenshtein.opcodes(seq1, seq2) + def do_diff(basedump, mydump): asm_lines1 = basedump.split('\n') asm_lines2 = mydump.split('\n') @@ -477,8 +513,7 @@ def do_diff(basedump, mydump): btset.add(bt + ":") sc.color_symbol(bt + ":") - differ: difflib.SequenceMatcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=mnemonics1, b=mnemonics2, autojunk=False) - for (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) in differ.get_opcodes(): + for (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) in diff_sequences(mnemonics1, mnemonics2): lines1 = asm_lines1[i1:i2] lines2 = asm_lines2[j1:j2] @@ -791,7 +826,7 @@ def main(): display.progress("Building...") ret = run_make(make_target, capture_output=True) if ret.returncode != 0: - display.update(ret.stderr.decode() or ret.stdout.decode(), error=True) + display.update(ret.stderr.decode('utf-8-sig', 'replace') or ret.stdout.decode('utf-8-sig', 'replace'), error=True) continue mydump = run_objdump(mycmd) display.update(mydump, error=False) diff --git a/spec b/spec index 48a72b0d71..1e62dbf547 100644 --- a/spec +++ b/spec @@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ endseg beginseg name "ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj" include "build/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj.o" - include "build/data/overlays/actors/z_bg_spot09_obj.reloc.o" + include "build/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj_reloc.o" endseg beginseg diff --git a/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj.c b/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj.c index c121558bcd..a1e7d546bf 100644 --- a/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj.c +++ b/src/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/z_bg_spot09_obj.c @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ #define ROOM 0x00 #define FLAGS 0x00000000 -void BgSpot09Obj_Init(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -void BgSpot09Obj_Destroy(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -void BgSpot09Obj_Update(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -void BgSpot09Obj_Draw(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static void BgSpot09Obj_Init(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static void BgSpot09Obj_Destroy(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static void BgSpot09Obj_Update(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static void BgSpot09Obj_Draw(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -s32 func_808B1AE0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -s32 func_808B1BA0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); -s32 func_808B1BEC(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static s32 func_808B1AE0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static s32 func_808B1BA0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); +static s32 func_808B1BEC(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx); const ActorInit Bg_Spot09_Obj_InitVars = { @@ -26,66 +26,66 @@ const ActorInit Bg_Spot09_Obj_InitVars = (ActorFunc)BgSpot09Obj_Draw, }; -u32 D_808B1F90[] = { +static u32 D_808B1F90[] = { 0x00000000, 0x06005520, 0x0600283C, 0x06008458, 0x06007580 }; typedef s32 (*ActorFuncRet)(struct Actor*, struct GlobalContext*); -ActorFuncRet D_808B1FA4[] = { +static ActorFuncRet D_808B1FA4[] = { (ActorFuncRet)func_808B1BEC, (ActorFuncRet)func_808B1AE0, (ActorFuncRet)func_808B1BA0, }; -InitChainEntry initChain1[] = { +static InitChainEntry initChain1[] = { ICHAIN_F32(unk_F4, 7200, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(unk_F8, 3000, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(unk_FC, 7200, ICHAIN_STOP), }; -InitChainEntry initChain2[] = { +static InitChainEntry initChain2[] = { ICHAIN_F32(unk_F4, 7200, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(unk_F8, 800, ICHAIN_CONTINUE), ICHAIN_F32(unk_FC, 1500, ICHAIN_STOP), }; -u32 dists[] = { +static u32 dlists[] = { 0x06000100, 0x06003970, 0x06001120, 0x06007D40, 0x06006210, }; extern UNK_TYPE D_06008010; -#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/overlays/actors/ovl_Bg_Spot09_Obj/func_808B1AE0.s") -/*void func_808B1AE0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { - u16 temp_v1; - s32 phi_v0; +static s32 func_808B1AE0(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { + s32 temp_v1; + s32 linkAge; + Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; - if (gSaveContext->unk1360 >= 4) { - return (u32) arg0->unk1C < 1U; + if (gSaveContext.scene_setup_index >= 4) { + return thisx->params == 0; } - temp_v1 = (u32) ((gSaveContext->unkEE6 & 0xF) ^ 0xF) < 1U; - if (gSaveContext->unk4 != 0) { - phi_v0 = 5; + temp_v1 = (gSaveContext.event_chk_inf[9] & 0xF) == 0xF; + if (LINK_IS_CHILD) { + linkAge = YEARS_CHILD; } else { - phi_v0 = 0x11; + linkAge = YEARS_ADULT; } - if (phi_v0 == 0x11) { - if (arg0->unk1C == 0) { - return (u16)0; - } - if (arg0->unk1C == 1) { - return temp_v1 < 1U; - } - if (arg0->unk1C == 3) { - return (u16)1; - } - if (arg0->unk1C == 4) { - return temp_v1; - } - return (u16)0; - } - return (u32) (arg0->unk1C ^ 2) < 1U; -}*/ -s32 func_808B1BA0(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { + if (linkAge == YEARS_ADULT) { + switch (thisx->params) { + case 0: + return 0; + case 1: + return !temp_v1; + case 4: + return temp_v1; + case 3: + return 1; + } + } else { + return thisx->params == 2; + } + return 0; +} + +static s32 func_808B1BA0(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; if (thisx->params == 3) { Actor_SetScale(thisx, 0.1f); @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ s32 func_808B1BA0(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { return 1; } -s32 func_808B1BEC(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { +static s32 func_808B1BEC(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; s32 localC = 0; s32 pad[2]; @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ s32 func_808B1BEC(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { return 1; } -s32 func_808B1C70(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { +static s32 func_808B1C70(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(D_808B1FA4); i++) { if (!D_808B1FA4[i](this, globalCtx)) { @@ -118,17 +118,17 @@ s32 func_808B1C70(BgSpot09Obj *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) { return 1; } -s32 func_808B1CEC(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static s32 func_808B1CEC(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->dyna.actor, &initChain1); return 1; } -s32 func_808B1D18(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static s32 func_808B1D18(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Actor_ProcessInitChain(&this->dyna.actor, &initChain2); return 1; } -s32 func_808B1D44(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static s32 func_808B1D44(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { if (this->dyna.actor.params == 3) { return func_808B1D18(this, globalCtx); } else { @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ s32 func_808B1D44(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { } } -void BgSpot09Obj_Init(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static void BgSpot09Obj_Init(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; osSyncPrintf("Spot09 Object [arg_data : 0x%04x](大工救出フラグ 0x%x)\n", thisx->params, @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void BgSpot09Obj_Init(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { } } -void BgSpot09Obj_Destroy(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static void BgSpot09Obj_Destroy(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { DynaCollisionContext* dynaColCtx = &globalCtx->colCtx.dyna; Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; @@ -163,17 +163,18 @@ void BgSpot09Obj_Destroy(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { } } -void BgSpot09Obj_Update(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { +static void BgSpot09Obj_Update(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { } -void BgSpot09Obj_Draw(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { - GraphicsContext* gfxCtx = globalCtx->state.gfxCtx; - Gfx* gfxArr[3]; +static void BgSpot09Obj_Draw(BgSpot09Obj* this, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Actor* thisx = &this->dyna.actor; + GraphicsContext* gfxCtx; + Gfx* gfxArr[3]; - Draw_DListOpa(globalCtx, dists[thisx->params]); + Draw_DListOpa(globalCtx, dlists[thisx->params]); if (thisx->params == 3) { + gfxCtx = globalCtx->state.gfxCtx; func_800C6AC4(gfxArr, globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, "../z_bg_spot09_obj.c", 388); func_80093D84(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx);