#ifndef _Z64_H_ #define _Z64_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240 #define REGION_NULL 0 #define REGION_US 1 #define REGION_JP 2 #define REGION_EU 3 // NOTE: Once we start supporting other builds, this can be changed with an ifdef #define REGION_NATIVE REGION_EU // Game Info aka. Static Context (dbg ram start: 80210A10) // Data normally accessed through REG macros (see regs.h) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 regPage; // 1 is first page /* 0x04 */ s32 regGroup; // "register" group (R, RS, RO, RP etc.) /* 0x08 */ s32 regCur; // selected register within page /* 0x0C */ s32 dpadLast; /* 0x10 */ s32 repeat; /* 0x14 */ s16 data[REG_GROUPS * REG_PER_GROUP]; // 0xAE0 entries } GameInfo; // size = 0x15D4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 buttonItems[4]; /* 0x04 */ u8 cButtonSlots[3]; /* 0x08 */ u16 equipment; } ItemEquips; // size = 0x0A typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 chest; /* 0x04 */ u32 swch; /* 0x08 */ u32 clear; /* 0x0C */ u32 collect; /* 0x10 */ u32 unk; /* 0x14 */ u32 rooms; /* 0x18 */ u32 floors; } SaveSceneFlags; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 scene; /* 0x02 */ Vec3s pos; /* 0x08 */ s16 angle; } HorseData; // size = 0x0A typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos; /* 0x0C */ s16 yaw; /* 0x0E */ s16 playerParams; /* 0x10 */ s16 entranceIndex; /* 0x12 */ u8 roomIndex; /* 0x13 */ s8 data; /* 0x14 */ u32 tempSwchFlags; /* 0x18 */ u32 tempCollectFlags; } RespawnData; // size = 0x1C typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ RESPAWN_MODE_DOWN, /* Normal Void Outs */ /* 0x01 */ RESPAWN_MODE_RETURN, /* Grotto Returnpoints */ /* 0x02 */ RESPAWN_MODE_TOP /* Farore's Wind */ } RespawnMode; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ BTN_ENABLED, /* 0xFF */ BTN_DISABLED = 0xFF } ButtonStatus; // Save Context (dbg ram start: 8015E660) typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ s32 entranceIndex; /* 0x0004 */ s32 linkAge; // 0: Adult; 1: Child /* 0x0008 */ s32 cutsceneIndex; /* 0x000C */ u16 dayTime; // "zelda_time" /* 0x0010 */ s32 nightFlag; /* 0x0014 */ s32 unk_14; /* 0x0018 */ s32 unk_18; /* 0x001C */ char newf[6]; // string "ZELDAZ" /* 0x0022 */ s16 deaths; /* 0x0024 */ char playerName[8]; /* 0x002C */ s16 n64ddFlag; /* 0x002E */ s16 healthCapacity; // "max_life" /* 0x0030 */ s16 health; // "now_life" /* 0x0032 */ s8 magicLevel; /* 0x0033 */ s8 magic; /* 0x0034 */ s16 rupees; /* 0x0036 */ u16 bgsHitsLeft; /* 0x0038 */ u16 naviTimer; /* 0x003A */ u8 magicAcquired; /* 0x003B */ char unk_3B[0x0001]; /* 0x003C */ u8 doubleMagic; /* 0x003D */ u8 doubleDefense; /* 0x003E */ s8 bgsFlag; /* 0x0040 */ ItemEquips childEquips; /* 0x004A */ ItemEquips adultEquips; /* 0x0054 */ char unk_54[0x0014]; /* 0x0068 */ ItemEquips equips; /* 0x0072 */ char unk_72[0x0002]; /* 0x0074 */ u8 items[24]; /* 0x008C */ s8 ammo[16]; /* 0x009C */ u16 equipment; /* 0x00A0 */ u32 upgrades; /* 0x00A4 */ u32 questItems; /* 0x00A8 */ u8 dungeonItems[20]; /* 0x00BC */ s8 dungeonKeys[19]; /* 0x00CF */ s8 defenseHearts; /* 0x00D0 */ s16 gsTokens; /* 0x00D4 */ SaveSceneFlags sceneFlags[124]; struct { /* 0x0E64 */ Vec3i pos; /* 0x0E70 */ s32 yaw; /* 0x0E74 */ s32 playerParams; /* 0x0E78 */ s32 entranceIndex; /* 0x0E7C */ s32 roomIndex; /* 0x0E80 */ s32 set; /* 0x0E84 */ s32 tempSwchFlags; /* 0x0E88 */ s32 tempCollectFlags; } fw; /* 0x0E8C */ char unk_E8C[0x0010]; /* 0x0E9C */ s32 gsFlags[6]; /* 0x0EB4 */ char unk_EB4[0x0010]; /* 0x0EC4 */ s32 unk_EC4; /* 0x0EC8 */ char unk_EC8[0x000C]; /* 0x0ED4 */ u16 eventChkInf[14]; // "event_chk_inf" /* 0x0EF0 */ u16 itemGetInf[4]; // "item_get_inf" /* 0x0EF8 */ u16 infTable[30]; // "inf_table" /* 0x0F34 */ char unk_F34[0x0004]; /* 0x0F38 */ u32 worldMapAreaData; // "area_arrival" /* 0x0F3C */ char unk_F3C[0x040C]; /* 0x1348 */ HorseData horseData; /* 0x1352 */ u16 checksum; // "check_sum" /* 0x1354 */ s32 fileNum; // "file_no" /* 0x1358 */ char unk_1358[0x0004]; /* 0x135C */ s32 gameMode; /* 0x1360 */ s32 sceneSetupIndex; /* 0x1364 */ s32 respawnFlag; // "restart_flag" /* 0x1368 */ RespawnData respawn[3]; // "restart_data" /* 0x13BC */ char unk_13BC[0x0008]; /* 0x13C4 */ s16 dogParams; /* 0x13C6 */ u8 unk_13C6; /* 0x13C7 */ u8 unk_13C7; /* 0x13C8 */ s16 nayrusLoveTimer; /* 0x13CA */ char unk_13CA[0x0002]; /* 0x13CC */ s16 rupeeAccumulator; /* 0x13CE */ s16 timer1State; /* 0x13D0 */ s16 timer1Value; /* 0x13D2 */ s16 timer2State; /* 0x13D4 */ s16 timer2Value; /* 0x13D6 */ s16 timerX[2]; /* 0x13DA */ s16 timerY[2]; /* 0x13DE */ char unk_13DE[0x0002]; /* 0x13E0 */ u8 seqIndex; /* 0x13E1 */ u8 nightSeqIndex; /* 0x13E2 */ u8 buttonStatus[5]; /* 0x13E7 */ u8 unk_13E7; /* 0x13E8 */ u16 unk_13E8; // alpha type? /* 0x13EA */ u16 unk_13EA; // also alpha type? /* 0x13EC */ u16 unk_13EC; // alpha type counter? /* 0x13EE */ u16 unk_13EE; // previous alpha type? /* 0x13F0 */ s16 unk_13F0; /* 0x13F2 */ s16 unk_13F2; /* 0x13F4 */ s16 unk_13F4; /* 0x13F6 */ s16 unk_13F6; /* 0x13F8 */ s16 unk_13F8; /* 0x13FA */ u16 eventInf[4]; // "event_inf" /* 0x1402 */ u16 mapIndex; // intended for maps/minimaps but commonly used as the dungeon index /* 0x1404 */ u16 minigameState; /* 0x1406 */ u16 minigameScore; // "yabusame_total" /* 0x1408 */ char unk_1408[0x0001]; /* 0x1409 */ u8 language; /* 0x140A */ u8 audioSetting; /* 0x140B */ char unk_140B[0x0001]; /* 0x140C */ u8 zTargetingSetting; // 0: Switch; 1: Hold /* 0x140E */ u16 unk_140E; // bgm related /* 0x1410 */ u8 unk_1410; /* 0x1411 */ u8 unk_1411; /* 0x1412 */ u16 nextCutsceneIndex; /* 0x1414 */ u8 cutsceneTrigger; /* 0x1415 */ u8 chamberCutsceneNum; /* 0x1416 */ u16 nextDayTime; // "next_zelda_time" /* 0x1418 */ u8 fadeDuration; /* 0x1419 */ u8 unk_1419; // transition related /* 0x141A */ u16 environmentTime; /* 0x141C */ u8 dogIsLost; /* 0x141D */ u8 nextTransition; /* 0x141E */ char unk_141E[0x0002]; /* 0x1420 */ s16 worldMapArea; /* 0x1422 */ s16 unk_1422; // day time related /* 0x1424 */ s16 healthAccumulator; } SaveContext; // size = 0x1428 typedef struct { /* 0x00000 */ u16 headMagic; // 1234 /* 0x00008 */ Gfx polyOpaBuffer[0x17E0]; /* 0x0BF08 */ Gfx polyXluBuffer[0x800]; /* 0x0FF08 */ Gfx overlayBuffer[0x400]; /* 0x11F08 */ Gfx workBuffer[0x80]; /* 0x11308 */ Gfx unusedBuffer[0x20]; /* 0x12408 */ u16 tailMagic; // 5678 } GfxPool; // size = 0x12410 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u32 size; /* 0x0004 */ u8* bufp; /* 0x0008 */ u8* head; /* 0x000C */ u8* tail; } TwoHeadArena; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u32 size; /* 0x0004 */ Gfx* bufp; /* 0x0008 */ Gfx* p; /* 0x000C */ Gfx* d; } TwoHeadGfxArena; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16* fb1; /* 0x04 */ u16* swapBuffer; /* 0x08 */ OSViMode* viMode; /* 0x0C */ u32 features; /* 0x10 */ u8 unk_10; /* 0x11 */ s8 updateRate; /* 0x12 */ s8 updateRate2; /* 0x13 */ u8 unk_13; /* 0x14 */ f32 xScale; /* 0x18 */ f32 yScale; } CfbInfo; // size = 0x1C typedef struct OSScTask { /* 0x00 */ struct OSScTask* next; /* 0x04 */ u32 state; /* 0x08 */ u32 flags; /* 0x0C */ CfbInfo* framebuffer; /* 0x10 */ OSTask list; /* 0x50 */ OSMesgQueue* msgQ; /* 0x54 */ OSMesg msg; } OSScTask; typedef struct GraphicsContext { /* 0x0000 */ Gfx* polyOpaBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 0" /* 0x0004 */ Gfx* polyXluBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 1" /* 0x0008 */ char unk_008[0x08]; // Unused, could this be pointers to "Zelda 2" / "Zelda 3" /* 0x0010 */ Gfx* overlayBuffer; // Pointer to "Zelda 4" /* 0x0014 */ u32 unk_014; /* 0x0018 */ char unk_018[0x20]; /* 0x0038 */ OSMesg msgBuff[0x08]; /* 0x0058 */ OSMesgQueue* schedMsgQ; /* 0x005C */ OSMesgQueue queue; /* 0x0074 */ char unk_074[0x04]; /* 0x0078 */ OSScTask task; // size of OSScTask might be wrong /* 0x00D0 */ char unk_0D0[0xE0]; /* 0x01B0 */ Gfx* workBuffer; /* 0x01B4 */ TwoHeadGfxArena work; /* 0x01C4 */ char unk_01C4[0xC0]; /* 0x0284 */ OSViMode* viMode; /* 0x0288 */ char unk_0288[0x20]; // Unused, could this be Zelda 2/3 ? /* 0x02A8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena overlay; // "Zelda 4" /* 0x02B8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena polyOpa; // "Zelda 0" /* 0x02C8 */ TwoHeadGfxArena polyXlu; // "Zelda 1" /* 0x02D8 */ u32 gfxPoolIdx; /* 0x02DC */ u16* curFrameBuffer; /* 0x02E0 */ char unk_2E0[0x04]; /* 0x02E4 */ u32 viFeatures; /* 0x02E8 */ s32 fbIdx; /* 0x02EC */ void (*callback)(struct GraphicsContext*, u32); /* 0x02F0 */ u32 callbackParam; /* 0x02F4 */ f32 xScale; /* 0x02F8 */ f32 yScale; /* 0x02FC */ char unk_2FC[0x04]; } GraphicsContext; // size = 0x300 typedef struct { PadInput in; union { u16 status; struct { u8 errno; u8 statusLo; }; }; } PadState; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ PadState cur; /* 0x06 */ PadState prev; /* 0x0C */ PadState press; // X/Y store delta from last frame /* 0x12 */ PadState rel; // X/Y store adjusted /* The old version of this struct is: RawInput raw; u16 status; RawInput rawPrev; u16 statusPrev; u16 padPressed; s8 xDiff; s8 yDiff; char unk_10[0x02]; u16 padReleased; s8 xAdjusted; s8 yAdjusted; char unk_16[0x02]; */ } Input; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ s32 topY; // uly (upper left y) /* 0x0004 */ s32 bottomY; // lry (lower right y) /* 0x0008 */ s32 leftX; // ulx (upper left x) /* 0x000C */ s32 rightX; // lrx (lower right x) } Viewport; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ s32 magic; // string literal "VIEW" / 0x56494557 /* 0x0004 */ GraphicsContext* gfxCtx; /* 0x0008 */ Viewport viewport; /* 0x0018 */ f32 fovy; // vertical field of view in degrees /* 0x001C */ f32 zNear; // distance to near clipping plane /* 0x0020 */ f32 zFar; // distance to far clipping plane /* 0x0024 */ f32 scale; // scale for matrix elements /* 0x0028 */ Vec3f eye; /* 0x0034 */ Vec3f lookAt; /* 0x0040 */ Vec3f up; /* 0x0050 */ Vp vp; /* 0x0060 */ Mtx projection; /* 0x00A0 */ Mtx viewing; /* 0x00E0 */ Mtx* projectionPtr; /* 0x00E4 */ Mtx* viewingPtr; /* 0x00E8 */ Vec3f unk_E8; /* 0x00F4 */ Vec3f unk_F4; /* 0x0100 */ f32 unk_100; /* 0x0104 */ Vec3f unk_104; /* 0x0110 */ Vec3f unk_110; /* 0x011C */ u16 normal; // used to normalize the projection matrix /* 0x0120 */ u32 flags; /* 0x0124 */ s32 unk_124; } View; // size = 0x128 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ f32 unk_00; /* 0x0004 */ f32 unk_04; /* 0x0008 */ s16 unk_08; } Special9; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ Actor* door; /* 0x0004 */ s16 unk_04; /* 0x0006 */ s16 unk_06; /* 0x0008 */ s16 unk_08; /* 0x000A */ s16 unk_0A; /* 0x000C */ Special9 spec9; /* 0x0018 */ s16 unk_18; } DoorCamera; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { f32 unk_00; s16 unk_04; } Special0; typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ f32 unk_00; /* 0x0004 */ s16 unk_04; } Demo1_unk_04; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ s16 unk_00; /* 0x0002 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x0004 */ Demo1_unk_04 unk_04; } Demo1; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { char unk_00[0xC]; s32 unk_0C; f32 unk_10; s16 unk_14; s16 unk_16; s16 unk_18; s16 unk_1A; f32 unk_1C; f32 unk_20; s16 unk_24; s16 unk_26; s16 unk_28; s16 unk_2A; } Normal3_Unk20; typedef struct { f32 unk_00; f32 unk_04; // distance f32 unk_08; f32 unk_0C; f32 unk_10; f32 unk_14; // fov f32 unk_18; s16 unk_1C; // theta s16 unk_1E; Normal3_Unk20 unk_20; } Normal3; typedef union { char data[0x50]; s16 sh[2]; s32 w; f32 f; DoorCamera doorCam; Special0 spec0; Demo1 demo1; Normal3 normal3; } camera_unk_00; typedef struct { Vec3s unk_00; Vec3s unk_06; s16 unk_0C; s16 unk_0E; } struct_80041C10_ret; typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ camera_unk_00 unk_00; /* 0x0050 */ Vec3f at; /* 0x005C */ Vec3f eye; /* 0x0068 */ Vec3f unk_68; /* 0x0074 */ Vec3f eyeNext; /* 0x0080 */ Vec3f unk_80; /* 0x008C */ struct GlobalContext* globalCtx; /* 0x0090 */ Player* player; /* 0x0094 */ PosRot playerPosRot; /* 0x00A8 */ Actor* target; /* 0x00AC */ PosRot targetPosRot; /* 0x00C0 */ Vec3f unk_C0; // has to do with how quickly the camera rotates link. /* 0x00CC */ Vec3f unk_CC; // has to do with how quickly the camera zooms /* 0x00D8 */ f32 unk_D8; /* 0x00DC */ f32 dist; // possibly a Vec3f /* 0x00E0 */ f32 unk_E0; /* 0x00E4 */ Vec3f unk_E4; /* 0x00F0 */ Vec3f unk_F0; /* 0x00FC */ f32 fov; /* 0x0100 */ f32 unk_100; // update rate of distance from link? /* 0x0104 */ f32 unk_104; /* 0x0108 */ Vec3f unk_108; /* 0x0114 */ char unk_114[0x4]; /* 0x0118 */ s32 unk_118; /* 0x011C */ s32 unk_11C; /* 0x0120 */ char unk_120[0x4]; /* 0x0124 */ CutsceneCameraPoint* atPoints; /* 0x0128 */ CutsceneCameraPoint* eyePoints; /* 0x012C */ s16 relativeToPlayer; // camera Cutscene points are relative to player's position /* 0x012E */ s16 unk_12E; /* 0x0130 */ s16 uid; // Unique identifier of the camera. /* 0x0132 */ char unk_132[0x02]; /* 0x0134 */ Vec3s unk_134; /* 0x013A */ Vec3s unk_13A; // seems to be a copy of unk_134, but unused for anything different? /* 0x0140 */ s16 status; /* 0x0142 */ s16 setting; // referred to as set /* 0x0144 */ s16 mode; /* 0x0146 */ s16 unk_146; // unknown if used /* 0x0148 */ s16 unk_148; // ID for door camera? (see func_8005AD40) /* 0x014A */ s16 unk_14A; // unknown if used /* 0x014C */ s16 unk_14C; /* 0x014E */ s16 unk_14E; /* 0x0150 */ s16 unk_150; // unknown if used /* 0x0152 */ s16 unk_152; /* 0x0154 */ u16 unk_154; // appears to be some clone of setting? /* 0x0156 */ s16 unk_156; /* 0x0158 */ s16 unk_158; // unknown if used /* 0x015A */ s16 roll; /* 0x015C */ s16 unk_15C; // unknown if used /* 0x015E */ s16 unk_15E; /* 0x0160 */ s16 unk_160; /* 0x0162 */ s16 unk_162; /* 0x0164 */ s16 unk_164; /* 0x0166 */ s16 unk_166; // unknown if used /* 0x0168 */ s16 unk_168; /* 0x016A */ s16 unk_16A; // unknown if used } Camera; // size = 0x16C typedef struct { s32 unk_00; char unk_04[0x30]; s32 unk_34; s32 unk_38; s32 unk_3C; s32 unk_40; s32 unk_44; f32 unk_48; s16 unk_4C; f32 unk_50; char unk_54[0x18]; f32 unk_6C; f32 unk_70; f32 unk_74; s16 unk_78; s16 unk_7A; s16 unk_7C; s16 unk_7E; s16 unk_80; s16 unk_82; s16 unk_84; s16 unk_86; char unk_88[0x1038]; s16 unk_10C0; s16 unk_10C2; s16 unk_10C4; s16 unk_10C6; s16 unk_10C8; s16 unk_10CA; } DbgCamera; // size = 0x10CC; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 seqIndex; /* 0x01 */ u8 nightSeqIndex; /* 0x02 */ char unk_02[0x2]; } SoundContext; // size = 0x4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 toggle; /* 0x04 */ s32 counter; } SubGlobalContext7B8; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x2]; /* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ char unk_04[0xC]; } WaterBox; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s colAbsMin; /* 0x06 */ Vec3s colAbsMax; /* 0x0C */ s16 nbVertices; /* 0x10 */ void* vertexArray; /* 0x14 */ s16 nbPolygons; /* 0x18 */ void* polygonArray; /* 0x1C */ void* polygonTypes; /* 0x20 */ void* cameraData; /* 0x24 */ s16 nbWaterBoxes; /* 0x28 */ WaterBox* waterBoxes; } CollisionHeader; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ CollisionHeader* colHeader; /* 0x04 */ char unk_04[0x4C]; } StaticCollisionContext; // size = 0x50 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ ActorMesh actorMeshArr[50]; /* 0x1388 */ char unk_1388[0x04]; /* 0x138C */ u16 flags[50]; /* 0x13F0 */ char unk_13F0[0x24]; } DynaCollisionContext; // size = 0x1414 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ StaticCollisionContext stat; /* 0x0050 */ DynaCollisionContext dyna; } CollisionContext; // size = 0x1464 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos; /* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C; // radius? /* 0x10 */ Color_RGB8 color; } TargetContextEntry; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f naviRefPos; // possibly wrong /* 0x0C */ Vec3f targetCenterPos; /* 0x18 */ Color_RGBAf naviInner; /* 0x28 */ Color_RGBAf naviOuter; /* 0x38 */ Actor* arrowPointedActor; /* 0x3C */ Actor* targetedActor; /* 0x40 */ f32 unk_40; /* 0x44 */ f32 unk_44; /* 0x48 */ s16 unk_48; /* 0x4A */ u8 activeType; /* 0x4B */ u8 unk_4B; /* 0x4C */ s8 unk_4C; /* 0x4D */ char unk_4D[0x03]; /* 0x50 */ TargetContextEntry arr_50[3]; /* 0x8C */ Actor* unk_8C; /* 0x90 */ Actor* unk_90; /* 0x94 */ Actor* unk_94; } TargetContext; // size = 0x98 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 texture; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_4; /* 0x06 */ s16 unk_6; /* 0x08 */ u8 unk_8; /* 0x09 */ u8 unk_9; /* 0x0A */ u8 delayA; /* 0x0B */ u8 delayB; /* 0x0C */ s16 unk_C; /* 0x0E */ s16 unk_E; } TitleCardContext; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 length; // number of actors loaded of this type /* 0x04 */ Actor* first; // pointer to first actor of this type } ActorListEntry; // size = 0x08 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u8 unk_00; /* 0x0001 */ char unk_01[0x01]; /* 0x0002 */ u8 unk_02; /* 0x0003 */ u8 unk_03; /* 0x0004 */ char unk_04[0x04]; /* 0x0008 */ u8 total; // total number of actors loaded /* 0x0009 */ char unk_09[0x03]; /* 0x000C */ ActorListEntry actorList[12]; /* 0x006C */ TargetContext targetCtx; struct { /* 0x0104 */ u32 swch; /* 0x0108 */ u32 tempSwch; /* 0x010C */ u32 unk0; /* 0x0110 */ u32 unk1; /* 0x0114 */ u32 chest; /* 0x0118 */ u32 clear; /* 0x011C */ u32 tempClear; /* 0x0120 */ u32 collect; /* 0x0124 */ u32 tempCollect; } flags; /* 0x0128 */ TitleCardContext titleCtx; /* 0x0138 */ char unk_138[0x04]; /* 0x013C */ void* absoluteSpace; // Space used to allocate actor overlays of alloc type 1 } ActorContext; // size = 0x140 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x4]; /* 0x04 */ void* segment; /* 0x08 */ u8 state; /* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C; /* 0x10 */ u16 frames; /* 0x12 */ u16 unk_12; /* 0x14 */ s32 unk_14; /* 0x18 */ u16 unk_18; /* 0x1A */ u8 unk_1A; /* 0x1B */ u8 unk_1B; /* 0x1C */ CutsceneCameraPoint* cameraFocus; /* 0x20 */ CutsceneCameraPoint* cameraPosition; /* 0x24 */ CsCmdActorAction* linkAction; /* 0x28 */ CsCmdActorAction* npcActions[10]; // "npcdemopnt" } CutsceneContext; // size = 0x50 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 countdown; /* 0x04 */ Vec3f originPos; /* 0x10 */ Vec3f relativePos; } SoundSource; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_0[0x4]; } SubGlobalContext1F74; // size = 0x4 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ char unk_00[0x128]; /* 0x128 */ void* staticSegments[3]; /* 0x134 */ Gfx* dpList; /* 0x138 */ Gfx* unk_138; /* 0x13C */ void* roomVtx; /* 0x140 */ s16 unk_140; /* 0x144 */ Vec3f rot; } SkyboxContext; // size = 0x150 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ View view; /* 0x0128 */ char unk_128[0xE188]; /* 0xE2B0 */ void* textboxSegment; // "fukidashiSegment" /* 0xE2B4 */ char unk_E2B4[0x44]; /* 0xE2FA */ u16 unk_E2F8; /* 0xE2FA */ u16 unk_E2FA; /* 0xE2FC */ char unk_E2FC[0x04]; /* 0xE300 */ s32 unk_E300; /* 0xE304 */ u8 msgMode; /* 0xE305 */ char unk_E305[0xD1]; /* 0xE3D6 */ u16 unk_E3D6; /* 0xE3D8 */ char unk_E3D8[0x0A]; /* 0xE3E2 */ u16 unk_E3E2; /* 0xE3E4 */ u8 unk_E3E4; /* 0xE3E5 */ u8 choiceIndex; /* 0xE3E6 */ char unk_E3E6[0x01]; /* 0xE3E7 */ u8 unk_E3E7; /* 0xE3E8 */ char unk_E3E8[0x04]; /* 0xE3EC */ u16 unk_E3EC; /* 0xE3EE */ u16 unk_E3EE; /* 0xE3F0 */ u16 unk_E3F0; /* 0xE3F2 */ char unk_E3F2[0x02]; /* 0xE3F4 */ u16 unk_E3F4; /* 0xE3F6 */ char unk_E3F6[0x16]; /* 0xE40C */ u16 unk_E40C; /* 0xE40E */ s16 unk_E40E; /* 0xE410 */ char unk_E410[0x08]; } MessageContext; // size = 0xE418 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ View view; /* 0x0128 */ Vtx* vtx_128; /* 0x012C */ Vtx* vtx_12C; /* 0x0130 */ void* parameterSegment; /* 0x0134 */ void* do_actionSegment; /* 0x0138 */ void* icon_itemSegment; /* 0x013C */ void* mapSegment; /* 0x0140 */ u8 unk_140[32]; /* 0x0160 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest_160; /* 0x0180 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest_180; /* 0x01A0 */ char unk_1A0[0x20]; /* 0x01C0 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue; /* 0x01D8 */ OSMesg loadMsg; /* 0x01DC */ Viewport viewport; /* 0x01EC */ s16 unk_1EC; /* 0x01EE */ u16 unk_1EE; /* 0x01F0 */ u16 unk_1F0; /* 0x01F4 */ f32 unk_1F4; /* 0x01F8 */ s16 naviCalling; /* 0x01FA */ s16 unk_1FA; /* 0x01FC */ s16 unk_1FC; /* 0x01FE */ s16 unk_1FE; /* 0x0200 */ s16 unk_200; /* 0x0202 */ s16 unk_202[3]; /* 0x0208 */ s16 unk_208[3]; /* 0x020E */ s16 unk_20E[6]; /* 0x021A */ s16 unk_21A[6]; /* 0x0226 */ s16 unk_226; /* 0x0228 */ s16 unk_228; /* 0x022A */ s16 unk_22A; /* 0x022C */ s16 unk_22C; /* 0x022E */ s16 unk_22E; /* 0x0230 */ s16 unk_230; /* 0x0232 */ s16 counterDigits[4]; // used for key and rupee counters /* 0x023A */ u8 unk_23A; /* 0x023C */ u16 unk_23C; /* 0x023E */ u16 hbaAmmo; // ammo while playing the horseback archery minigame /* 0x0240 */ u16 unk_240; /* 0x0242 */ u16 unk_242; /* 0x0224 */ u16 unk_244; // screen fill alpha? /* 0x0246 */ u16 aAlpha; // also carrots alpha /* 0x0248 */ u16 bAlpha; // also HBA score alpha /* 0x024A */ u16 cLeftAlpha; /* 0x024C */ u16 cDownAlpha; /* 0x024E */ u16 cRightAlpha; /* 0x0250 */ u16 healthAlpha; // also max C-Up alpha /* 0x0252 */ u16 magicAlpha; // also Rupee and Key counters alpha /* 0x0254 */ u16 minimapAlpha; /* 0x0256 */ s16 startAlpha; /* 0x0258 */ s16 unk_258; /* 0x025A */ s16 unk_25A; /* 0x025C */ s16 mapRoomNum; /* 0x025E */ s16 mapPaletteNum; // "map_palete_no" /* 0x0260 */ u8 unk_260; /* 0x0261 */ u8 unk_261; struct { /* 0x0262 */ u8 hGauge; // "h_gage"; unknown? /* 0x0263 */ u8 bButton; // "b_button" /* 0x0264 */ u8 aButton; // "a_button" /* 0x0265 */ u8 bottles; // "c_bottle" /* 0x0266 */ u8 tradeItems; // "c_warasibe" /* 0x0267 */ u8 hookshot; // "c_hook" /* 0x0268 */ u8 ocarina; // "c_ocarina" /* 0x0269 */ u8 warpSongs; // "c_warp" /* 0x026A */ u8 sunsSong; // "m_sunmoon" /* 0x026B */ u8 farores; // "m_wind" /* 0x026C */ u8 dinsNayrus; // "m_magic"; din's fire and nayru's love /* 0x026D */ u8 all; // "another"; enables all item restrictions } restrictions; } InterfaceContext; // size = 0x270 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ View view; /* 0x0128 */ void* unk_128; /* 0x012C */ void* unk_12C; /* 0x0130 */ void* unk_130; /* 0x0134 */ void* unk_134; /* 0x0138 */ void* unk_138; /* 0x013C */ void* unk_13C; /* 0x0140 */ char unk_140[0x028]; /* 0x0168 */ Vtx* vtx_168; /* 0x016C */ char unk_16C[0x068]; /* 0x01D4 */ u16 state; /* 0x01D6 */ u16 flag; /* 0x01D8 */ Vec3f eye; /* 0x01E4 */ u16 unk_1E4; /* 0x01E6 */ u16 mode; /* 0x01E8 */ u16 kscpPos; // "kscp_pos"; basically the page index (0=SELECT ITEM; 1=MAP; 2=QUEST STATUS; 3=EQUIPMENT) /* 0x01EA */ u16 unk_1EA; /* 0x01EC */ u16 unk_1EC; /* 0x01EE */ char unk_1EE[0x2]; /* 0x01F0 */ f32 unk_1F0; /* 0x01F4 */ f32 unk_1F4; /* 0x01F8 */ f32 unk_1F8; /* 0x01FC */ f32 unk_1FC; /* 0x0200 */ f32 unk_200; /* 0x0204 */ f32 unk_204; /* 0x0208 */ s16 unk_208; /* 0x020A */ char unk_20A[0xA]; /* 0x0214 */ s16 inputX; /* 0x0216 */ s16 inputY; /* 0x0218 */ s16 unk_218; /* 0x021A */ s16 unk_21A; /* 0x021C */ s16 unk_21C; /* 0x021E */ s16 unk_21E; /* 0x0220 */ s16 unk_220; /* 0x0222 */ s16 unk_222; /* 0x0224 */ s16 unk_224; /* 0x0226 */ s16 unk_226; /* 0x0228 */ s16 unk_228; /* 0x022A */ s16 unk_22A; /* 0x022C */ s16 unk_22C; /* 0x022E */ s16 unk_22E; /* 0x0230 */ s16 unk_230; /* 0x0232 */ s16 unk_232; /* 0x0234 */ s16 unk_234; /* 0x0236 */ s16 unk_236; /* 0x0238 */ s16 unk_238; /* 0x023A */ s16 unk_23A; /* 0x023C */ s16 unk_23C; /* 0x023E */ s16 unk_23E; /* 0x0240 */ s16 unk_240; /* 0x0242 */ s16 unk_242; /* 0x0244 */ s16 unk_244; /* 0x0246 */ s16 unk_246; /* 0x0248 */ s16 unk_248; /* 0x024A */ s16 unk_24A; /* 0x024C */ s16 unk_24C; /* 0x024E */ s16 unk_24E; /* 0x0250 */ s16 unk_250; /* 0x0252 */ s16 unk_252; /* 0x0254 */ s16 unk_254; /* 0x0256 */ s16 unk_256; /* 0x0258 */ s16 unk_258; /* 0x025A */ s16 unk_25A; /* 0x025C */ s16 unk_25C; /* 0x025E */ s16 unk_25E; /* 0x0260 */ s16 unk_260; /* 0x0262 */ s16 unk_262; /* 0x0264 */ s16 unk_264; /* 0x0266 */ s16 unk_266; /* 0x0268 */ char unk_268[0x58]; } PauseContext; // size = 0x2C0 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x02]; /* 0x02 */ u16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ Vec3f unk_04; /* 0x10 */ char unk_10[0x03]; /* 0x13 */ u8 unk_13; /* 0x14 */ char unk_14[0x01]; /* 0x15 */ u8 skyDisabled; /* 0x16 */ u8 sunMoonDisabled; /* 0x17 */ u8 gloomySky; /* 0x18 */ u8 unk_18; /* 0x19 */ u8 unk_19; /* 0x1A */ u16 unk_1A; /* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[0x02]; /* 0x1E */ u8 unk_1E; /* 0x1F */ u8 unk_1F; /* 0x20 */ u8 unk_20; /* 0x21 */ u8 unk_21; /* 0x22 */ u16 unk_22; /* 0x24 */ u16 unk_24; /* 0x26 */ char unk_26[0x04]; /* 0x2A */ s8 unk_2A; /* 0x2B */ s8 unk_2B; /* 0x2C */ s8 unk_2C; /* 0x2D */ char unk_2D[0x5E]; /* 0x8C */ s16 unk_8C[6]; /* 0x98 */ char unk_98[0x08]; /* 0xA0 */ s16 unk_A0; /* 0xA2 */ char unk_A2[0x06]; /* 0xA8 */ s16 unk_A8; /* 0xAA */ s16 unk_AA; /* 0xAC */ s16 unk_AC; /* 0xB0 */ f32 unk_B0; /* 0xB4 */ u8 nbLightSettings; /* 0xB8 */ UNK_PTR lightSettingsList; /* 0xBC */ char unk_BC[0x03]; /* 0xBF */ u8 unk_BF; /* 0xC0 */ char unk_C0[0x16]; /* 0xD6 */ s16 unk_D6; /* 0xD8 */ f32 unk_D8; /* 0xDC */ u8 unk_DC; /* 0xDD */ u8 gloomySkyEvent; /* 0xDE */ u8 unk_DE; /* 0xDF */ u8 lightning; /* 0xE0 */ u8 unk_E0; /* 0xE1 */ u8 unk_E1; /* 0xE2 */ u8 unk_E2[4]; /* 0xE6 */ u8 unk_E6; /* 0xE7 */ u8 unk_E7; /* 0xE8 */ u8 unk_E8; /* 0xE9 */ char unk_E9[0x05]; /* 0xEE */ u8 unk_EE[4]; /* 0xF2 */ u8 unk_F2[4]; /* 0xF6 */ char unk_F6[0x06]; } EnvironmentContext; // size = 0xFC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 id; /* 0x04 */ void* segment; /* 0x08 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest; /* 0x28 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue; /* 0x40 */ OSMesg loadMsg; } ObjectStatus; // size = 0x44 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ void* spaceStart; /* 0x0004 */ void* spaceEnd; // original name: "endSegment" /* 0x0008 */ u8 num; // number of objects in bank /* 0x0009 */ u8 unk_09; /* 0x000A */ u8 mainKeepIndex; // "gameplay_keep" index in bank /* 0x000B */ u8 subKeepIndex; // "gameplay_field_keep" or "gameplay_dangeon_keep" index in bank /* 0x000C */ ObjectStatus status[OBJECT_EXCHANGE_BANK_MAX]; } ObjectContext; // size = 0x518 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Gfx* opa; /* 0x04 */ Gfx* xlu; } PolygonDlist; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 type; /* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries /* 0x04 */ void* start; /* 0x08 */ void* end; } Polygon; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 type; /* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries /* 0x04 */ void* start; /* 0x08 */ void* end; } PolygonType0; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 unk_00; /* 0x02 */ u8 id; /* 0x04 */ u32 source; /* 0x08 */ u32 unk_0C; /* 0x0C */ u32 tlut; /* 0x10 */ u16 width; /* 0x12 */ u16 height; /* 0x14 */ u8 fmt; /* 0x15 */ u8 siz; /* 0x16 */ u16 mode0; /* 0x18 */ u16 tlutCount; } BgImage; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 type; /* 0x01 */ u8 format; // 1 = single, 2 = multi /* 0x04 */ void* dlist; union { struct { /* 0x08 */ u32 source; /* 0x0C */ u32 unk_0C; /* 0x10 */ u32 tlut; /* 0x14 */ u16 width; /* 0x16 */ u16 height; /* 0x18 */ u8 fmt; /* 0x19 */ u8 siz; /* 0x1A */ u16 mode0; /* 0x1C */ u16 tlutCount; } single; struct { /* 0x08 */ u8 count; /* 0x0C */ BgImage* list; } multi; }; } PolygonType1; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s pos; /* 0x06 */ s16 unk_06; /* 0x08 */ Gfx* opa; /* 0x0C */ Gfx* xlu; } PolygonDlist2; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 type; /* 0x01 */ u8 num; // number of dlist entries /* 0x04 */ void* start; /* 0x08 */ void* end; } PolygonType2; // size = 0xC typedef union { Polygon polygon; PolygonType0 polygon0; PolygonType1 polygon1; PolygonType2 polygon2; } Mesh; // "Ground Shape" typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 num; /* 0x01 */ u8 unk_01; /* 0x02 */ u8 unk_02; /* 0x03 */ u8 unk_03; /* 0x04 */ s8 echo; /* 0x05 */ u8 showInvisActors; /* 0x08 */ Mesh* mesh; // original name: "ground_shape" /* 0x0C */ void* segment; /* 0x10 */ char unk_10[0x4]; } Room; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Room curRoom; /* 0x14 */ Room prevRoom; /* 0x28 */ void* bufPtrs[2]; /* 0x30 */ u8 unk_30; /* 0x31 */ s8 status; /* 0x34 */ void* unk_34; /* 0x38 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest; /* 0x58 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue; /* 0x70 */ OSMesg loadMsg; } RoomContext; // size = 0x74 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ s16 colAtCount; /* 0x002 */ u16 sacFlags; /* 0x004 */ Collider* colAt[COLLISION_CHECK_AT_MAX]; /* 0x0CC */ s32 colAcCount; /* 0x0D0 */ Collider* colAc[COLLISION_CHECK_AC_MAX]; /* 0x1C0 */ s32 colOcCount; /* 0x1C4 */ Collider* colOc[COLLISION_CHECK_OC_MAX]; /* 0x28C */ s32 colOcLineCount; /* 0x290 */ OcLine* colOcLine[COLLISION_CHECK_OC_LINE_MAX]; } CollisionCheckContext; // size = 0x29C SubGlobalContext11E60 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x10]; /* 0x10 */ u16* unk_10; /* 0x14 */ u16* unk_14; /* 0x18 */ u16* unk_18; /* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[0x87]; /* 0xA3 */ s8 unk_A3; } PreRenderContext; // size = 0xA4 typedef struct { union { TransitionFade fade; TransitionCircle circle; TransitionTriforce triforce; TransitionWipe wipe; char data[0x228]; }; /* 0x228 */ s32 transitionType; /* 0x22C */ void* (*init)(void* transition); /* 0x230 */ void (*destroy)(void* transition); /* 0x234 */ void (*update)(void* transition, s32 updateRate); /* 0x238 */ void (*draw)(void* transition, Gfx** gfxP); /* 0x23C */ void (*start)(void* transition); /* 0x240 */ void (*setType)(void* transition, s32 type); /* 0x244 */ void (*setColor)(void* transition, u32 color); /* 0x248 */ void (*setEnvColor)(void* transition, u32 color); /* 0x24C */ s32 (*isDone)(void* transition); } TransitionContext; // size = 0x250 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 id; /* 0x02 */ Vec3s pos; /* 0x08 */ Vec3s rot; /* 0x0E */ s16 params; } ActorEntry; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 frontRoom; // Room to switch to when triggered from the front of the object /* 0x01 */ s8 frontEffects; // How the camera reacts during the front transition /* 0x02 */ s8 backRoom; // Room to switch to when triggered from the back of the object /* 0x03 */ s8 backEffects; // How the camera reacts during the back transition /* 0x04 */ s16 id; /* 0x06 */ Vec3s pos; /* 0x0C */ s16 rotY; /* 0x0E */ s16 params; } TransitionActorEntry; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 spawn; /* 0x01 */ u8 room; } EntranceEntry; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ void* read_buff; } Sram; // size = 0x4 typedef struct GameAllocEntry { /* 0x00 */ struct GameAllocEntry* next; /* 0x04 */ struct GameAllocEntry* prev; /* 0x08 */ u32 size; /* 0x0C */ u32 unk_0C; } GameAllocEntry; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ GameAllocEntry base; /* 0x10 */ GameAllocEntry* head; } GameAlloc; // size = 0x14 struct GameState; typedef void (*GameStateFunc)(struct GameState* gameState); typedef struct GameState { /* 0x00 */ GraphicsContext* gfxCtx; /* 0x04 */ GameStateFunc main; /* 0x08 */ GameStateFunc destroy; // "cleanup" /* 0x0C */ GameStateFunc init; /* 0x10 */ u32 size; /* 0x14 */ Input input[4]; /* 0x74 */ TwoHeadArena tha; /* 0x84 */ GameAlloc alloc; /* 0x98 */ u32 running; /* 0x9C */ u32 frames; /* 0xA0 */ u32 unk_A0; } GameState; // size = 0xA4 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ GameState state; /* 0x00A4 */ void* staticSegment; /* 0x00A8 */ View view; /* 0x01D0 */ Sram sram; /* 0x01D4 */ u16 unk_1D4; // not used in mq dbg (some sort of timer that doesn't seem to affect anything) /* 0x01D6 */ s16 coverAlpha; /* 0x01D8 */ s16 addAlpha; // not used in mq dbg /* 0x01DA */ u16 visibleDuration; // not used in mq dbg /* 0x01DC */ s16 ult; /* 0x01DE */ s16 uls; /* 0x01E0 */ char unk_1E0[0x01]; /* 0x01E1 */ u8 exit; /* 0x01E2 */ char unk_1E2[0x06]; } TitleContext; // size = 0x1E8 struct SelectContext; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char* name; /* 0x04 */ void (*loadFunc)(struct SelectContext*, s32); /* 0x08 */ s32 entranceIndex; } SceneSelectEntry; // size = 0xC typedef struct SelectContext { /* 0x0000 */ GameState state; /* 0x00A4 */ s32 unk_A4; /* 0x00A8 */ View view; /* 0x01D0 */ s32 count; /* 0x01D4 */ SceneSelectEntry* scenes; /* 0x01D8 */ s32 currentScene; /* 0x01DC */ s32 unk_1DC; /* 0x01E0 */ s32 unk_1E0[7]; /* 0x01FC */ s32 unk_1FC; /* 0x0200 */ s32 unk_200; /* 0x0204 */ s32 unk_204; /* 0x0208 */ s32 opt; /* 0x020C */ s32 unk_20C; /* 0x0210 */ s32 unk_210; /* 0x0214 */ s32 unk_214; /* 0x0218 */ s32 unk_218; /* 0x021C */ s32 unk_21C; /* 0x0220 */ s32 unk_220; /* 0x0224 */ s32 unk_224; /* 0x0228 */ s32 unk_228; /* 0x022C */ s32 unk_22C; /* 0x0230 */ s32 unk_230; /* 0x0234 */ s32 unk_234; /* 0x0238 */ void* staticSegment; /* 0x023C */ s32 unk_23C; } SelectContext; // size = 0x240 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ GameState state; /* 0x00A4 */ void* staticSegment; /* 0x00A8 */ View view; } SampleContext; // size = 0x1D0 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 byte0; /* 0x01 */ u8 byte1; /* 0x02 */ u8 byte2; /* 0x03 */ u8 byte3; } ElfMessage; // size = 0x4 // Global Context (dbg ram start: 80212020) typedef struct GlobalContext { /* 0x00000 */ GameState state; /* 0x000A4 */ s16 sceneNum; /* 0x000A6 */ u8 sceneConfig; /* 0x000A7 */ char unk_A7[0x9]; /* 0x000B0 */ void* sceneSegment; /* 0x000B4 */ char unk_B4[0x4]; /* 0x000B8 */ View view; /* 0x001E0 */ Camera cameras[4]; /* 0x00790 */ Camera* cameraPtrs[4]; /* 0x007A0 */ s16 activeCamera; /* 0x007A2 */ s16 nextCamera; /* 0x007A4 */ SoundContext soundCtx; /* 0x007A8 */ LightingContext lightCtx; /* 0x007B8 */ SubGlobalContext7B8 sub_7B8; /* 0x007C0 */ CollisionContext colCtx; /* 0x01C24 */ ActorContext actorCtx; /* 0x01D64 */ CutsceneContext csCtx; // "demo_play" /* 0x01DB4 */ SoundSource soundSources[16]; /* 0x01F74 */ SubGlobalContext1F74 sub_1F74; /* 0x01F78 */ SkyboxContext skyboxCtx; /* 0x020C8 */ char unk_20C8[0x10]; /* 0x020D8 */ MessageContext msgCtx; // "message" /* 0x104F0 */ InterfaceContext interfaceCtx; // "parameter" /* 0x10760 */ PauseContext pauseCtx; /* 0x10A20 */ u16 unk_10A20; /* 0x10A24 */ EnvironmentContext envCtx; /* 0x10B20 */ AnimationContext animationCtx; /* 0x117A4 */ ObjectContext objectCtx; /* 0x11CBC */ RoomContext roomCtx; /* 0x11D30 */ s16 unk_11D30[2]; /* 0x11D34 */ u8 nbTransitionActors; /* 0x11D38 */ TransitionActorEntry* transitionActorList; /* 0x11D3C */ char unk_11D3C[0x10]; /* 0x11D4C */ s32 (*unk_11D4C)(struct GlobalContext*, Actor*); /* 0x11D50 */ char unk_11D50[0x8]; /* 0x11D58 */ void (*unk_11D58)(struct GlobalContext*, s32); /* 0x11D5C */ void (*unk_11D5C)(struct GlobalContext*, Actor*); /* 0x11D60 */ MtxF mf_11D60; /* 0x11DA0 */ MtxF mf_11DA0; /* 0x11DE0 */ Mtx* unk_11DE0; /* 0x11DE4 */ u32 gameplayFrames; /* 0x11DE8 */ u8 linkAgeOnLoad; /* 0x11DE9 */ u8 unk_11DE9; /* 0x11DEA */ u8 curSpawn; /* 0x11DEB */ u8 nbSetupActors; /* 0x11DEC */ u8 nbRooms; /* 0x11DF0 */ RomFile* roomList; /* 0x11DF4 */ ActorEntry* linkActorEntry; /* 0x11DF8 */ ActorEntry* setupActorList; /* 0x11DFC */ UNK_PTR unk_11DFC; /* 0x11E00 */ EntranceEntry* setupEntranceList; /* 0x11E04 */ UNK_PTR setupExitList; /* 0x11E08 */ Path* setupPathList; /* 0x11E0C */ ElfMessage* cUpElfMsgs; /* 0x11E10 */ char unk_11E10[0x4]; /* 0x11E14 */ u8 skyboxId; /* 0x11E15 */ s8 sceneLoadFlag; // "fade_direction" /* 0x11E16 */ s16 unk_11E16; /* 0x11E18 */ s16 unk_11E18; /* 0x11E1A */ s16 nextEntranceIndex; /* 0x11E1C */ char unk_11E1C[0x40]; /* 0x11E5C */ s8 unk_11E5C; /* 0x11E5D */ s8 bombchuBowlingAmmo; // "bombchu_game_flag" /* 0x11E5E */ u8 fadeTransition; /* 0x11E60 */ CollisionCheckContext colChkCtx; /* 0x120FC */ u16 envFlags[20]; /* 0x12124 */ PreRenderContext preRenderCtx; /* 0x121C8 */ TransitionContext transitionCtx; /* 0x12418 */ char unk_12418[0x3]; /* 0x1241B */ u8 transitionMode; // "fbdemo_wipe_modem" /* 0x1241C */ TransitionFade transitionFade; /* 0x12428 */ char unk_12428[0x3]; /* 0x1242B */ u8 unk_1242B; /* 0x1242C */ Scene* loadedScene; /* 0x12430 */ char unk_12430[0xE8]; } GlobalContext; // size = 0x12518 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ GameState state; /* 0x00A4 */ char unk_A4[4]; /* 0x00A8 */ View view; } OpeningContext; // size = 0x1D0 typedef enum { DPM_UNK = 0, DPM_PLAYER = 1, DPM_ENEMY = 2 } DynaPolyMoveFlag; // Some animation related structure typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation; /* 0x04 */ f32 playbackSpeed; /* 0x08 */ f32 unk_08; /* 0x0C */ f32 frameCount; /* 0x10 */ u8 unk_10; /* 0x14 */ f32 transitionRate; } struct_80034EC0_Entry; // size = 0x18 // Another animation related structure typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ AnimationHeader* animation; /* 0x04 */ f32 frameCount; /* 0x08 */ u8 unk_08; /* 0x0C */ f32 transitionRate; } struct_D_80AA1678; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 unk_00; /* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04; /* 0x06 */ s16 unk_06; /* 0x08 */ Vec3s unk_08; /* 0x0E */ Vec3s unk_0E; /* 0x14 */ f32 unk_14; /* 0x18 */ Vec3f unk_18; /* 0x24 */ char unk_24[0x4]; } struct_80034A14_arg1; // size = 0x28 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 scene; /* 0x01 */ s8 spawn; /* 0x02 */ u16 field; } EntranceInfo; // size = 0x4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ void* loadedRamAddr; /* 0x04 */ u32 vromStart; // if applicable /* 0x08 */ u32 vromEnd; // if applicable /* 0x0C */ void* vramStart; // if applicable /* 0x10 */ void* vramEnd; // if applicable /* 0x14 */ UNK_PTR unk_14; /* 0x18 */ void* init; // initializes and executes the given context /* 0x1C */ void* destroy; // deconstructs the context, and sets the next context to load /* 0x20 */ UNK_PTR unk_20; /* 0x24 */ UNK_PTR unk_24; /* 0x28 */ UNK_TYPE unk_28; /* 0x2C */ u32 instanceSize; } GameStateOverlay; // size = 0x30 typedef struct PreNMIContext { /* 0x00 */ GameState state; /* 0xA4 */ u32 timer; /* 0xA8 */ UNK_TYPE unk_A8; } PreNMIContext; // size = 0xAC typedef enum { /* 1 */ F_8F = 1, /* 2 */ F_7F, /* 3 */ F_6F, /* 4 */ F_5F, /* 5 */ F_4F, /* 6 */ F_3F, /* 7 */ F_2F, /* 8 */ F_1F, /* 9 */ F_B1, /* 10 */ F_B2, /* 11 */ F_B3, /* 12 */ F_B4, /* 13 */ F_B5, /* 14 */ F_B6, /* 15 */ F_B7, /* 16 */ F_B8 } FloorID; // All arrays pointed in this struct are indexed by "map indexes" // In dungeons, the map index corresponds to the dungeon index (which also indexes keys, items, etc) // In overworld areas, the map index corresponds to the overworld area index (spot 00, 01, etc) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 (*floorTexIndexOffset)[8]; // dungeon texture index offset by floor /* 0x04 */ s16* bossFloor; // floor the boss is on /* 0x08 */ s16 (*roomPalette)[32]; // map palette by room /* 0x0C */ s16* maxPaletteCount; // max number of palettes in a same floor /* 0x10 */ s16 (*paletteRoom)[8][14]; // room by palette by floor /* 0x14 */ s16 (*roomCompassOffsetX)[44]; // dungeon compass icon X offset by room /* 0x18 */ s16 (*roomCompassOffsetY)[44]; // dungeon compass icon Y offset by room /* 0x1C */ u8* dgnMinimapCount; // number of room minimaps /* 0x20 */ u16* dgnMinimapTexIndexOffset; // dungeon minimap texture index offset /* 0x24 */ u16* owMinimapTexSize; /* 0x28 */ u16* owMinimapTexOffset; /* 0x2C */ s16* owMinimapPosX; /* 0x30 */ s16* owMinimapPosY; /* 0x34 */ s16 (*owCompassInfo)[4]; // [X scale, Y scale, X offset, Y offset] /* 0x38 */ s16* dgnMinimapTexIndexBase; // dungeon minimap texture index base /* 0x3C */ s16 (*dgnCompassInfo)[4]; // [X scale, Y scale, X offset, Y offset] /* 0x40 */ s16* owMinimapWidth; /* 0x44 */ s16* owMinimapHeight; /* 0x48 */ s16* owEntranceIconPosX; // "dungeon entrance" icon X pos /* 0x4C */ s16* owEntranceIconPosY; // "dungeon entrance" icon Y pos /* 0x50 */ u16* owEntranceFlag; // flag in inf_table[26] based on which entrance icons are shown (0xFFFF = always shown) /* 0x54 */ f32 (*floorCoordY)[8]; // Y coordinate of each floor /* 0x58 */ u16* switchEntryCount; // number of "room switch" entries, which correspond to the next 3 arrays /* 0x5C */ u8 (*switchFromRoom)[51]; // room to come from /* 0x60 */ u8 (*switchFromFloor)[51]; // floor to come from /* 0x64 */ u8 (*switchToRoom)[51]; // room to go to /* 0x68 */ u8 (*floorID)[8]; /* 0x6C */ s16* skullFloorIconY; // dungeon big skull icon Y pos } MapData; // size = 0x70 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 chestFlag; // chest icon is only displayed if this flag is not set for the current room /* 0x01 */ u8 x, y; // coordinates to place the icon (top-left corner), relative to the minimap texture } MapMarkPoint; // size = 0x3 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s8 markType; // 0 for the chest icon, 1 for the boss skull icon, -1 for none /* 0x01 */ u8 count; // number of icons to display /* 0x02 */ MapMarkPoint points[12]; } MapMarkData; // size = 0x26 typedef MapMarkData MapMarksData[3]; // size = 0x72 typedef struct DebugDispObject { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos; /* 0x0C */ Vec3s rot; /* 0x14 */ Vec3f scale; /* 0x20 */ Color_RGBA8 color; /* 0x24 */ s16 type; /* 0x28 */ struct DebugDispObject* next; } DebugDispObject; // size = 0x2C typedef enum { MTXMODE_NEW, // generates a new matrix MTXMODE_APPLY // applies transformation to the current matrix } MatrixMode; typedef struct FaultClient { /* 0x00 */ struct FaultClient* next; /* 0x04 */ u32 callback; /* 0x08 */ u32 param1; /* 0x0C */ u32 param2; } FaultClient; // size = 0x10 typedef struct FaultAddrConvClient { /* 0x00 */ struct FaultAddrConvClient* next; /* 0x04 */ u32 callback; /* 0x08 */ u32 param; } FaultAddrConvClient; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 (*callback)(u32, u32); /* 0x04 */ u32 param0; /* 0x08 */ u32 param1; /* 0x0C */ u32 ret; /* 0x10 */ OSMesgQueue* queue; /* 0x14 */ OSMesg msg; } FaultClientContext; // size = 0x18 typedef struct FaultThreadStruct { /* 0x000 */ OSThread thread; /* 0x1B0 */ u8 unk_1B0[0x600]; /* 0x7B0 */ OSMesgQueue queue; /* 0x7C8 */ OSMesg msg; /* 0x7CC */ u8 exitDebugger; /* 0x7CD */ u8 msgId; /* 0x7CE */ u8 faultHandlerEnabled; /* 0x7CF */ u8 faultActive; /* 0x7D0 */ OSThread* faultedThread; /* 0x7D4 */ void(*padCallback)(Input*); /* 0x7D8 */ FaultClient* clients; /* 0x7DC */ FaultAddrConvClient* addrConvClients; /* 0x7E0 */ u8 unk_7E0[4]; /* 0x7E4 */ Input padInput; /* 0x7FC */ u16 colors[36]; /* 0x844 */ void* fb; /* 0x848 */ u32 currClientThreadSp; /* 0x84C */ u8 unk_84C[4]; } FaultThreadStruct; // size = 0x850 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16* fb; /* 0x04 */ u16 w; /* 0x08 */ u16 h; /* 0x0A */ u16 yStart; /* 0x0C */ u16 yEnd; /* 0x0E */ u16 xStart; /* 0x10 */ u16 xEnd; /* 0x12 */ u16 foreColor; /* 0x14 */ u16 backColor; /* 0x14 */ u16 cursorX; /* 0x16 */ u16 cursorY; /* 0x18 */ u32* fontData; /* 0x1C */ u8 charW; /* 0x1D */ u8 charH; /* 0x1E */ s8 charWPad; /* 0x1F */ s8 charHPad; /* 0x20 */ u16 printColors[10]; /* 0x34 */ u8 escCode; // bool /* 0x35 */ u8 osSyncPrintfEnabled; /* 0x38 */ void(*inputCallback)(); } FaultDrawer; // size = 0x3C typedef struct GfxPrint { /* 0x00 */ struct GfxPrint*(*callback)(struct GfxPrint*, const char*, size_t); /* 0x04 */ Gfx* dlist; /* 0x08 */ u16 posX; /* 0x0A */ u16 posY; /* 0x0C */ u16 baseX; /* 0x0E */ u8 baseY; /* 0x0F */ u8 flag; /* 0x10 */ Color_RGBA8 color; /* 0x14 */ char unk_14[0x1C]; // unused } GfxPrint; // size = 0x30 typedef enum { GFXPRINT_FLAG1 = 1, GFXPRINT_USE_RGBA16 = 2, GFXPRINT_FLAG4 = 4, GFXPRINT_UPDATE_MODE = 8, GFXPRINT_FLAG64 = 0x40, GFXPRINT_OPEN = 0x80 } GfxPrintFlag; typedef struct StackEntry { /* 0x00 */ struct StackEntry* next; /* 0x04 */ struct StackEntry* prev; /* 0x08 */ u32 head; /* 0x0C */ u32 tail; /* 0x10 */ u32 initValue; /* 0x14 */ s32 minSpace; /* 0x18 */ const char* name; } StackEntry; typedef enum { STACK_STATUS_OK = 0, STACK_STATUS_WARNING = 1, STACK_STATUS_OVERFLOW = 2 } StackStatus; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 magic; // IS64 /* 0x04 */ u32 get; /* 0x08 */ u8 unk_08[0x14-0x08]; /* 0x14 */ u32 put; /* 0x18 */ u8 unk_18[0x20-0x18]; /* 0x20 */ u8 data[0x10000-0x20]; } ISVDbg; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char name[0x18]; /* 0x18 */ u32 mediaFormat; /* 0x1C */ union { struct { u16 cartId; u8 countryCode; u8 version; }; u32 regionInfo; }; } LocaleCartInfo; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char magic[4]; // Yaz0 /* 0x04 */ u32 decSize; /* 0x08 */ u32 compInfoOffset; // only used in mio0 /* 0x0C */ u32 uncompDataOffset; // only used in mio0 /* 0x10 */ u32 data[1]; } Yaz0Header; // size = 0x10 ("data" is not part of the header) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 type; /* 0x02 */ char misc[0x1E]; } OSScMsg; // size = 0x20 typedef struct IrqMgrClient { /* 0x00 */ struct IrqMgrClient* prev; /* 0x04 */ OSMesgQueue* queue; } IrqMgrClient; typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ OSScMsg retraceMsg; // this apparently got moved from OSSched /* 0x020 */ OSScMsg prenmiMsg; // this apparently got moved from OSSched /* 0x040 */ OSScMsg nmiMsg; /* 0x060 */ OSMesgQueue queue; /* 0x078 */ OSMesg msgBuf[8]; /* 0x098 */ OSThread thread; /* 0x248 */ IrqMgrClient* clients; /* 0x24C */ u8 resetStatus; /* 0x250 */ OSTime resetTime; /* 0x258 */ OSTimer timer; /* 0x278 */ OSTime retraceTime; } IrqMgr; // size = 0x280 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ OSContStatus padStatus[4]; /* 0x0010 */ OSMesg serialMsgBuf[1]; /* 0x0014 */ OSMesg lockMsgBuf[1]; /* 0x0018 */ OSMesg interruptMsgBuf[4]; /* 0x0028 */ OSMesgQueue serialMsgQ; /* 0x0040 */ OSMesgQueue lockMsgQ; /* 0x0058 */ OSMesgQueue interruptMsgQ; /* 0x0070 */ IrqMgrClient irqClient; /* 0x0078 */ IrqMgr* irqMgr; /* 0x0080 */ OSThread thread; /* 0x0230 */ Input inputs[4]; /* 0x0290 */ PadState pads[4]; /* 0x02A8 */ volatile u8 validCtrlrsMask; /* 0x02A9 */ u8 ncontrollers; /* 0x02AA */ u8 ctrlrIsConnected[4]; // "Key_switch" originally /* 0x02AE */ u8 pakType[4]; // 1 if rumble pack, 2 if mempak? /* 0x02B2 */ volatile u8 rumbleEnable[4]; /* 0x02B6 */ u8 rumbleCounter[4]; // not clear exact meaning /* 0x02BC */ OSPfs pfs[4]; /* 0x045C */ volatile u8 rumbleOffFrames; /* 0x045D */ volatile u8 rumbleOnFrames; /* 0x045E */ u8 preNMIShutdown; /* 0x0460 */ void (*retraceCallback)(void* padmgr, u32 unk464); /* 0x0464 */ u32 retraceCallbackValue; } PadMgr; // size = 0x468 // == Previously sched.h #define OS_SC_NEEDS_RDP 0x0001 #define OS_SC_NEEDS_RSP 0x0002 #define OS_SC_DRAM_DLIST 0x0004 #define OS_SC_PARALLEL_TASK 0x0010 #define OS_SC_LAST_TASK 0x0020 #define OS_SC_SWAPBUFFER 0x0040 #define OS_SC_RCP_MASK 0x0003 #define OS_SC_TYPE_MASK 0x0007 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ u16* curBuffer; /* 0x0004 */ u16* nextBuffer; } FrameBufferSwap; typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ OSMesgQueue interruptQ; /* 0x0018 */ OSMesg intBuf[8]; /* 0x0038 */ OSMesgQueue cmdQ; /* 0x0050 */ OSMesg cmdMsgBuf[8]; /* 0x0070 */ OSThread thread; /* 0x0220 */ OSScTask* audioListHead; /* 0x0224 */ OSScTask* gfxListHead; /* 0x0228 */ OSScTask* audioListTail; /* 0x022C */ OSScTask* gfxListTail; /* 0x0230 */ OSScTask* curRSPTask; /* 0x0234 */ OSScTask* curRDPTask; /* 0x0238 */ s32 retraceCnt; /* 0x023C */ s32 doAudio; /* 0x0240 */ CfbInfo* curBuf; /* 0x0244 */ CfbInfo* pendingSwapBuf1; /* 0x0220 */ CfbInfo* pendingSwapBuf2; /* 0x0220 */ UNK_TYPE unk_24C; /* 0x0250 */ IrqMgrClient irqClient; } SchedContext; // size = 0x258 // ======================== #define OS_SC_RETRACE_MSG 1 #define OS_SC_DONE_MSG 2 #define OS_SC_NMI_MSG 3 // name is made up, 3 is OS_SC_RDP_DONE_MSG in the original sched.c #define OS_SC_PRE_NMI_MSG 4 #define OS_SC_DP 0x0001 #define OS_SC_SP 0x0002 #define OS_SC_YIELD 0x0010 #define OS_SC_YIELDED 0x0020 typedef struct { struct { /* 0x0000 */ s32 unk_0[0x10]; // not char to avoid generating lwl/lwr swl/swr in a struct copy } unk_0; /* 0x0040 */ OSMesgQueue* unk_40; } Sub_AudioMgr_18; // size = 0x44 typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ IrqMgr* irqMgr; /* 0x0004 */ SchedContext* sched; /* 0x0008 */ OSMesg unk_8; /* 0x000C */ char unk_C[0x04]; /* 0x0010 */ s32 unk_10; /* 0x0014 */ s32 unk_14; /* 0x0018 */ Sub_AudioMgr_18 unk_18; /* 0x005C */ UNK_PTR unk_5C; /* 0x0060 */ char unk_60[0x10]; /* 0x0070 */ Sub_AudioMgr_18* unk_70; /* 0x0074 */ OSMesgQueue unk_74; /* 0x008C */ OSMesg unk_8C; /* 0x0090 */ OSMesgQueue unk_90; /* 0x00A8 */ OSMesg unk_A8; /* 0x00AC */ OSMesgQueue unk_AC; /* 0x00C4 */ OSMesg unk_C4; /* 0x00C8 */ OSMesgQueue unk_C8; /* 0x00E0 */ OSMesg unk_E0; /* 0x00E4 */ char unk_E4[0x04]; /* 0x00E8 */ OSThread unk_E8; } AudioMgr; // size = 0x298 struct ArenaNode; typedef struct Arena { /* 0x00 */ struct ArenaNode* head; /* 0x04 */ void* start; /* 0x08 */ OSMesgQueue lock; /* 0x20 */ u8 unk_20; /* 0x21 */ u8 isInit; /* 0x22 */ u8 flag; } Arena; // size = 0x24 typedef struct ArenaNode { /* 0x00 */ s16 magic; /* 0x02 */ s16 isFree; /* 0x04 */ u32 size; /* 0x08 */ struct ArenaNode* next; /* 0x0C */ struct ArenaNode* prev; /* 0x10 */ const char* filename; /* 0x14 */ s32 line; /* 0x18 */ OSId threadId; /* 0x1C */ Arena* arena; /* 0x20 */ OSTime time; /* 0x28 */ u8 unk_28[0x30-0x28]; // probably padding } ArenaNode; // size = 0x30 typedef struct OverlayRelocationSection { /* 0x00 */ u32 textSize; /* 0x04 */ u32 dataSize; /* 0x08 */ u32 rodataSize; /* 0x0C */ u32 bssSize; /* 0x10 */ u32 nRelocations; /* 0x14 */ u32 relocations[1]; } OverlayRelocationSection; // size >= 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ void* loadedRamAddr; /* 0x04 */ u32 vromStart; /* 0x08 */ u32 vromEnd; /* 0x0C */ u8* vramStart; /* 0x10 */ u8* vramEnd; /* 0x14 */ u32 off; // loadedRamAddr - vram /* 0x18 */ const char* name; } KaleidoManagerOvl; // size = 0x1C #define KALEIDO_OVL_KALEIDO_SCOPE 0 #define KALEIDO_OVL_PLAYER_ACTOR 1 #define KALEIDO_OVL_COUNT 2 typedef struct ListAlloc { /* 0x00 */ struct ListAlloc* prev; /* 0x04 */ struct ListAlloc* next; } ListAlloc; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 resetting; /* 0x04 */ u32 resetCount; /* 0x08 */ OSTime duration; /* 0x10 */ OSTime resetTime; } PreNmiBuff; // size = 0x18 (actually osAppNmiBuffer is 0x40 bytes large but the rest is unused) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 unk_00; /* 0x02 */ s16 unk_02; /* 0x04 */ s16 unk_04; } SubQuakeRequest14; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 randIdx; /* 0x02 */ s16 countdownMax; /* 0x04 */ Camera* cam; /* 0x08 */ u32 callbackIdx; /* 0x0C */ s16 y; /* 0x0E */ s16 x; /* 0x10 */ s16 zoom; /* 0x12 */ s16 rotZ; /* 0x14 */ SubQuakeRequest14 unk_14; /* 0x1A */ s16 speed; /* 0x1C */ s16 unk_1C; /* 0x1E */ s16 countdown; /* 0x20 */ s16 camPtrIdx; } QuakeRequest; // size = 0x24 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f vec1; /* 0x0C */ Vec3f vec2; /* 0x18 */ s16 rotZ; /* 0x1A */ s16 unk_1A; /* 0x1C */ s16 zoom; } ShakeInfo; // size = 0x1E typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3f vec1; /* 0x0C */ Vec3f vec2; /* 0x18 */ s16 rotZ; /* 0x1A */ s16 unk_1A; /* 0x1C */ s16 zoom; /* 0x20 */ f32 unk_20; } UnkQuakeCalcStruct; // size = 0x24 #define UCODE_NULL 0 #define UCODE_F3DZEX 1 #define UCODE_UNK 2 #define UCODE_S2DEX 3 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 type; /* 0x04 */ void* ptr; } UCodeInfo; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 segments[NUM_SEGMENTS]; /* 0x40 */ u32 dlStack[18]; /* 0x88 */ s32 dlDepth; /* 0x8C */ u32 dlCnt; /* 0x90 */ u32 vtxCnt; /* 0x94 */ u32 spvtxCnt; /* 0x98 */ u32 tri1Cnt; /* 0x9C */ u32 tri2Cnt; /* 0xA0 */ u32 quadCnt; /* 0xA4 */ u32 lineCnt; /* 0xA8 */ u32 loaducodeCnt; /* 0xAC */ u32 pipeSyncRequired; /* 0xB0 */ u32 tileSyncRequired; /* 0xB4 */ u32 loadSyncRequired; /* 0xB8 */ u32 syncErr; /* 0xBC */ s32 enableLog; /* 0xC0 */ s32 ucodeType; /* 0xC4 */ s32 ucodeInfoCount; /* 0xC8 */ UCodeInfo* ucodeInfo; /* 0xCC */ u32 modeH; /* 0xD0 */ u32 modeL; /* 0xD4 */ u32 geometryMode; } UCodeDisas; // size = 0xD8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 table[8*8]; } JpegQuantizationTable; // size = 0x80 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 codeOffs[16]; /* 0x10 */ u16 codesA[16]; /* 0x30 */ u16 codesB[16]; /* 0x50 */ u8* symbols; } JpegHuffmanTable; // size = 0x54 // this struct might be unaccurate but it's not used outside jpegutils.c anyways typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 codeOffs[16]; /* 0x010 */ u16 dcCodes[120]; /* 0x100 */ u16 acCodes[256]; } JpegHuffmanTableOld; // size = 0x300 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 address; /* 0x04 */ u32 mbCount; /* 0x08 */ u32 mode; /* 0x0C */ u32 qTableYPtr; /* 0x10 */ u32 qTableUPtr; /* 0x14 */ u32 qTableVPtr; /* 0x18 */ char unk_18[0x8]; } JpegTaskData; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ JpegTaskData taskData; /* 0x020 */ char yieldData[0x200]; /* 0x220 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableY; /* 0x2A0 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableU; /* 0x320 */ JpegQuantizationTable qTableV; /* 0x3A0 */ u8 codesLengths[0x110]; /* 0x4B0 */ u16 codes[0x108]; /* 0x6C0 */ u16 unk_6C0[4][0x180]; } JpegWork; // size = 0x12C0 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ void* imageData; /* 0x04 */ u8 mode; /* 0x05 */ u8 unk_05; /* 0x08 */ JpegHuffmanTable* hTablePtrs[4]; /* 0x18 */ u8 unk_18; } JpegDecoder; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 dqtCount; /* 0x04 */ u8* dqtPtr[3]; /* 0x10 */ u8 dhtCount; /* 0x14 */ u8* dhtPtr[4]; /* 0x24 */ void* imageData; /* 0x28 */ u32 mode; // 0 if Y V0 is 1 and 2 if Y V0 is 2 /* 0x2C */ char unk_2C[4]; /* 0x30 */ OSScTask scTask; /* 0x88 */ char unk_88[0x10]; /* 0x98 */ OSMesgQueue mq; /* 0xB0 */ OSMesg msg; /* 0xB4 */ JpegWork* workBuf; } JpegContext; // size = 0xB8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 byteIdx; /* 0x04 */ u8 bitIdx; /* 0x05 */ u8 dontSkip; /* 0x08 */ u32 curWord; /* 0x0C */ s16 unk_0C; /* 0x0E */ s16 unk_0E; /* 0x10 */ s16 unk_10; } JpegDecoderState; // size = 0x14 // Vis... typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 type; /* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor; /* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8 color; /* 0x0C */ Color_RGBA8 envColor; } struct_801664F0; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 unk_00; /* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor; /* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8 primColor; /* 0x0C */ Color_RGBA8 envColor; /* 0x10 */ u16* tlut; /* 0x14 */ Gfx* monoDl; } VisMono; // size = 0x18 // Vis... typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 useRgba; /* 0x04 */ u32 setScissor; /* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8 primColor; /* 0x08 */ Color_RGBA8 envColor; } struct_80166500; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { /* 0x000 */ u8 rumbleEnable[4]; /* 0x004 */ u8 unk_04[0x40]; /* 0x044 */ u8 unk_44[0x40]; /* 0x084 */ u8 unk_84[0x40]; /* 0x0C4 */ u8 unk_C4[0x40]; /* 0x104 */ u8 unk_104; /* 0x105 */ u8 unk_105; /* 0x106 */ u16 unk_106; /* 0x108 */ u16 unk_108; /* 0x10A */ u8 unk_10A; /* 0x10B */ u8 unk_10B; /* 0x10C */ u8 unk_10C; /* 0x10D */ u8 unk_10D; } UnkRumbleStruct; // size = 0x10E typedef struct { char unk_00[0x48]; void* avbTbl; SkelAnime skelAnime; } PSkinAwb; // size = 0x90 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x18]; /* 0x18 */ s32 unk_18; /* 0x1C */ s32 y; } SpeedMeter; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 maxval; /* 0x04 */ s32 val; /* 0x08 */ u16 backColor; /* 0x0A */ u16 foreColor; /* 0x0C */ s32 ulx; /* 0x10 */ s32 lrx; /* 0x14 */ s32 uly; /* 0x18 */ s32 lry; } SpeedMeterAllocEntry; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ OSTime* time; /* 0x04 */ u8 x; /* 0x05 */ u8 y; /* 0x06 */ u16 color; } SpeedMeterTimeEntry; // size = 0x08 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 intPart[4][4]; /* 0x20 */ u16 fracPart[4][4]; } MatrixInternal; // size = 0x40 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 value; /* 0x04 */ const char* name; } F3dzexConst; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 value; /* 0x04 */ const char* setName; /* 0x08 */ const char* unsetName; } F3dzexFlag; // size = 0x0C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ const char* name; /* 0x04 */ u32 value; /* 0x08 */ u32 mask; } F3dzexRenderMode; // size = 0x0C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ const char* name; /* 0x04 */ u32 value; } F3dzexSetModeMacroValue; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ const char* name; /* 0x04 */ u32 shift; /* 0x08 */ u32 len; /* 0x0C */ F3dzexSetModeMacroValue values[4]; } F3dzexSetModeMacro; // size = 0x2C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16* value; /* 0x04 */ const char* name; } FlagSetEntry; // size = 0x08 #endif