#ifndef Z64ACTOR_H #define Z64ACTOR_H #include "z64dma.h" #include "z64animation.h" #include "z64math.h" #include "z64collision_check.h" #define ACTOR_NUMBER_MAX 200 #define INVISIBLE_ACTOR_MAX 20 #define AM_FIELD_SIZE 0x27A0 #define MASS_IMMOVABLE 0xFF // Cannot be pushed by OC collisions #define MASS_HEAVY 0xFE // Can only be pushed by OC collisions with IMMOVABLE and HEAVY objects. struct Actor; struct GlobalContext; struct Lights; typedef void (*ActorFunc)(struct Actor*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef void (*ActorShadowFunc)(struct Actor*, struct Lights*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef u16 (*callback1_800343CC)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Actor*); typedef s16 (*callback2_800343CC)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Actor*); typedef struct { Vec3f pos; Vec3s rot; } PosRot; // size = 0x14 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 id; /* 0x02 */ u8 category; // Classifies actor and determines when it will update or draw /* 0x04 */ u32 flags; /* 0x08 */ s16 objectId; /* 0x0C */ u32 instanceSize; /* 0x10 */ ActorFunc init; // Constructor /* 0x14 */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destructor /* 0x18 */ ActorFunc update; // Update Function /* 0x1C */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw function } ActorInit; // size = 0x20 typedef enum { /* 0 */ ALLOCTYPE_NORMAL, /* 1 */ ALLOCTYPE_ABSOLUTE, /* 2 */ ALLOCTYPE_PERMANENT } AllocType; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u32 vromStart; /* 0x04 */ u32 vromEnd; /* 0x08 */ void* vramStart; /* 0x0C */ void* vramEnd; /* 0x10 */ void* loadedRamAddr; // original name: "allocp" /* 0x14 */ ActorInit* initInfo; /* 0x18 */ char* name; /* 0x1C */ u16 allocType; /* 0x1E */ s8 numLoaded; // original name: "clients" } ActorOverlay; // size = 0x20 typedef struct { u8 table[32]; } DamageTable; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 health; /* 0x02 */ s16 cylRadius; /* 0x04 */ s16 cylHeight; /* 0x06 */ u8 mass; } CollisionCheckInfoInit; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 health; /* 0x02 */ s16 cylRadius; /* 0x04 */ s16 cylHeight; /* 0x06 */ s16 cylYShift; /* 0x08 */ u8 mass; } CollisionCheckInfoInit2; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ DamageTable* damageTable; /* 0x04 */ Vec3f displacement; // Amount to correct velocity (0x5C) by when colliding into a body /* 0x10 */ s16 cylRadius; // Used for various purposes /* 0x12 */ s16 cylHeight; // Used for various purposes /* 0x14 */ s16 cylYShift; // Unused. Purpose inferred from Cylinder16 and CollisionCheck_CylSideVsLineSeg /* 0x16 */ u8 mass; // Used to compute displacement for OC collisions /* 0x17 */ u8 health; // Note: some actors may use their own health variable instead of this one /* 0x18 */ u8 damage; // Amount to decrement health by /* 0x19 */ u8 damageEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when hit by a weapon /* 0x1A */ u8 atHitEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when AT connects with an AC /* 0x1B */ u8 acHitEffect; // Stores what effect should occur when AC is touched by an AT } CollisionCheckInfo; // size = 0x1C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ Vec3s rot; // Current actor shape rotation /* 0x06 */ s16 face; // Used to index eyebrow/eye/mouth textures. Only used by player /* 0x08 */ f32 yOffset; // Model y axis offset. Represents model space units /* 0x0C */ ActorShadowFunc shadowDraw; // Shadow draw function /* 0x10 */ f32 shadowScale; // Changes the size of the shadow /* 0x14 */ u8 shadowAlpha; // Default is 255 /* 0x15 */ u8 feetFloorFlags; // Set if the actor's foot is clipped under the floor. & 1 is right foot, & 2 is left /* 0x18 */ Vec3f feetPos[2]; // Update by using `Actor_SetFeetPos` in PostLimbDraw } ActorShape; // size = 0x30 typedef struct Actor { /* 0x000 */ s16 id; // Actor ID /* 0x002 */ u8 category; // Actor category. Refer to the corresponding enum for values /* 0x003 */ s8 room; // Room number the actor is in. -1 denotes that the actor won't despawn on a room change /* 0x004 */ u32 flags; // Flags used for various purposes /* 0x008 */ PosRot home; // Initial position/rotation when spawned. Can be used for other purposes /* 0x01C */ s16 params; // Configurable variable set by the actor's spawn data; original name: "args_data" /* 0x01E */ s8 objBankIndex; // Object bank index of the actor's object dependency; original name: "bank" /* 0x01F */ s8 targetMode; // Controls how far the actor can be targeted from and how far it can stay locked on /* 0x020 */ u16 sfx; // SFX ID to play. Sound plays when value is set, then is cleared the following update cycle /* 0x024 */ PosRot world; // Position/rotation in the world /* 0x038 */ PosRot focus; // Target reticle focuses on this position. For player this represents head pos and rot /* 0x04C */ f32 targetArrowOffset; // Height offset of the target arrow relative to `focus` position /* 0x050 */ Vec3f scale; // Scale of the actor in each axis /* 0x05C */ Vec3f velocity; // Velocity of the actor in each axis /* 0x068 */ f32 speedXZ; // How fast the actor is traveling along the XZ plane /* 0x06C */ f32 gravity; // Acceleration due to gravity. Value is added to Y velocity every frame /* 0x070 */ f32 minVelocityY; // Sets the lower bounds cap on velocity along the Y axis /* 0x074 */ CollisionPoly* wallPoly; // Wall polygon the actor is touching /* 0x078 */ CollisionPoly* floorPoly; // Floor polygon directly below the actor /* 0x07C */ u8 wallBgId; // Bg ID of the wall polygon the actor is touching /* 0x07D */ u8 floorBgId; // Bg ID of the floor polygon directly below the actor /* 0x07E */ s16 wallYaw; // Y rotation of the wall polygon the actor is touching /* 0x080 */ f32 floorHeight; // Y position of the floor polygon directly below the actor /* 0x084 */ f32 yDistToWater; // Distance to the surface of active waterbox. Negative value means above water /* 0x088 */ u16 bgCheckFlags; // See comments below actor struct for wip docs. TODO: macros for these flags /* 0x08A */ s16 yawTowardsPlayer; // Y rotation difference between the actor and the player /* 0x08C */ f32 xyzDistToPlayerSq; // Squared distance between the actor and the player in the x,y,z axis /* 0x090 */ f32 xzDistToPlayer; // Distance between the actor and the player in the XZ plane /* 0x094 */ f32 yDistToPlayer; // Dist is negative if the actor is above the player /* 0x098 */ CollisionCheckInfo colChkInfo; // Variables related to the Collision Check system /* 0x0B4 */ ActorShape shape; // Variables related to the physical shape of the actor /* 0x0E4 */ Vec3f projectedPos; // Position of the actor in projected space /* 0x0F0 */ f32 projectedW; // w component of the projected actor position /* 0x0F4 */ f32 uncullZoneForward; // Amount to increase the uncull zone forward by (in projected space) /* 0x0F8 */ f32 uncullZoneScale; // Amount to increase the uncull zone scale by (in projected space) /* 0x0FC */ f32 uncullZoneDownward; // Amount to increase uncull zone downward by (in projected space) /* 0x100 */ Vec3f prevPos; // World position from the previous update cycle /* 0x10C */ u8 isTargeted; // Set to true if the actor is currently being targeted by the player /* 0x10D */ u8 targetPriority; // Lower values have higher priority. Resets to 0 when player stops targeting /* 0x10E */ u16 textId; // Text ID to pass to link/display when interacting with the actor /* 0x110 */ u16 freezeTimer; // Actor does not update when set. Timer decrements automatically /* 0x112 */ u16 colorFilterParams; // Set color filter to red, blue, or white. Toggle opa or xlu /* 0x114 */ u8 colorFilterTimer; // A non-zero value enables the color filter. Decrements automatically /* 0x115 */ u8 isDrawn; // Set to true if the actor is currently being drawn. Always stays false for lens actors /* 0x116 */ u8 dropFlag; // Configures what item is dropped by the actor from `Item_DropCollectibleRandom` /* 0x117 */ u8 naviEnemyId; // Sets what 0600 dialog to display when talking to navi. Default 0xFF /* 0x118 */ struct Actor* parent; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild` /* 0x11C */ struct Actor* child; // Usage is actor specific. Set if actor is spawned via `Actor_SpawnAsChild` /* 0x120 */ struct Actor* prev; // Previous actor of this category /* 0x124 */ struct Actor* next; // Next actor of this category /* 0x128 */ ActorFunc init; // Initialization Routine. Called by `Actor_Init` or `Actor_UpdateAll` /* 0x12C */ ActorFunc destroy; // Destruction Routine. Called by `Actor_Destroy` /* 0x130 */ ActorFunc update; // Update Routine. Called by `Actor_UpdateAll` /* 0x134 */ ActorFunc draw; // Draw Routine. Called by `Actor_Draw` /* 0x138 */ ActorOverlay* overlayEntry; // Pointer to the overlay table entry for this actor /* 0x13C */ char dbgPad[0x10]; // Padding that only exists in the debug rom } Actor; // size = 0x14C typedef enum { /* 0 */ FOOT_LEFT, /* 1 */ FOOT_RIGHT } ActorFootIndex; /* BgCheckFlags WIP documentation: & 0x001 : Standing on the ground & 0x002 : Has touched the ground (only active for 1 frame) & 0x004 : Has left the ground (only active for 1 frame) & 0x008 : Touching a wall & 0x010 : Touching a ceiling & 0x020 : On or below water surface & 0x040 : Has touched water (actor is responsible for unsetting this the frame it touches the water) & 0x080 : Similar to & 0x1 but with no velocity check and is cleared every frame & 0x100 : Crushed between a floor and ceiling (triggers a void for player) & 0x200 : Unknown (only set/used by player so far) */ /* colorFilterParams WIP documentation & 0x8000 : white & 0x4000 : red if neither of the above are set : blue (& 0x1F00 >> 5) | 7 : color intensity 0x2000 : translucent, else opaque */ typedef struct DynaPolyActor { /* 0x000 */ struct Actor actor; /* 0x14C */ s32 bgId; /* 0x150 */ f32 unk_150; /* 0x154 */ f32 unk_154; /* 0x158 */ s16 unk_158; // y rotation? /* 0x15A */ u16 unk_15A; /* 0x15C */ u32 unk_15C; /* 0x160 */ u8 unk_160; /* 0x162 */ s16 unk_162; } DynaPolyActor; // size = 0x164 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ MtxF* matrices; /* 0x04 */ s16* objectIds; /* 0x08 */ s16 count; /* 0x0C */ Gfx** dLists; /* 0x10 */ s32 val; // used for various purposes: both a status indicator and counter /* 0x14 */ s32 prevLimbIndex; } BodyBreak; #define BODYBREAK_OBJECT_DEFAULT -1 // use the same object as the actor #define BODYBREAK_STATUS_READY -1 #define BODYBREAK_STATUS_FINISHED 0 typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_GREEN, /* 0x01 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_BLUE, /* 0x02 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_RED, /* 0x03 */ ITEM00_HEART, /* 0x04 */ ITEM00_BOMBS_A, /* 0x05 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_SINGLE, /* 0x06 */ ITEM00_HEART_PIECE, /* 0x07 */ ITEM00_HEART_CONTAINER, /* 0x08 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_SMALL, /* 0x09 */ ITEM00_ARROWS_MEDIUM, /* 0x0A */ ITEM00_ARROWS_LARGE, /* 0x0B */ ITEM00_BOMBS_B, /* 0x0C */ ITEM00_NUTS, /* 0x0D */ ITEM00_STICK, /* 0x0E */ ITEM00_MAGIC_LARGE, /* 0x0F */ ITEM00_MAGIC_SMALL, /* 0x10 */ ITEM00_SEEDS, /* 0x11 */ ITEM00_SMALL_KEY, /* 0x12 */ ITEM00_FLEXIBLE, /* 0x13 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_ORANGE, /* 0x14 */ ITEM00_RUPEE_PURPLE, /* 0x15 */ ITEM00_SHIELD_DEKU, /* 0x16 */ ITEM00_SHIELD_HYLIAN, /* 0x17 */ ITEM00_TUNIC_ZORA, /* 0x18 */ ITEM00_TUNIC_GORON, /* 0x19 */ ITEM00_BOMBS_SPECIAL } Item00Type; struct EnItem00; typedef void (*EnItem00ActionFunc)(struct EnItem00*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef struct EnItem00 { /* 0x000 */ Actor actor; /* 0x14C */ EnItem00ActionFunc actionFunc; /* 0x150 */ s16 collectibleFlag; /* 0x152 */ s16 getItemId; /* 0x154 */ s16 unk_154; /* 0x156 */ s16 unk_156; /* 0x158 */ s16 unk_158; /* 0x15A */ s16 unk_15A; /* 0x15C */ f32 scale; /* 0x160 */ ColliderCylinder collider; } EnItem00; // size = 0x1AC // Only A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_OBLONG and A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_ARROW are used in room files. typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_SMALL, /* 0x01 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_LARGE, /* 0x02 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_HUGE, /* 0x03 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_SMALL_ROT, /* 0x04 */ A_OBJ_BLOCK_LARGE_ROT, /* 0x05 */ A_OBJ_CUBE_SMALL, /* 0x06 */ A_OBJ_UNKNOWN_6, /* 0x07 */ A_OBJ_GRASS_CLUMP, /* 0x08 */ A_OBJ_TREE_STUMP, /* 0x09 */ A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_OBLONG, /* 0x0A */ A_OBJ_SIGNPOST_ARROW, /* 0x0B */ A_OBJ_BOULDER_FRAGMENT, /* 0x0C */ A_OBJ_MAX } AObjType; struct EnAObj; typedef void (*EnAObjActionFunc)(struct EnAObj*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef struct EnAObj { /* 0x000 */ DynaPolyActor dyna; /* 0x164 */ EnAObjActionFunc actionFunc; /* 0x168 */ s32 rotateWaitTimer; /* 0x16C */ s16 textId; /* 0x16E */ s16 rotateState; /* 0x170 */ s16 rotateForTimer; /* 0x172 */ s16 rotSpeedY; /* 0x174 */ s16 rotSpeedX; /* 0x178 */ f32 focusYoffset; /* 0x17C */ ColliderCylinder collider; } EnAObj; // size = 0x1C8 typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ ACTORCAT_SWITCH, /* 0x01 */ ACTORCAT_BG, /* 0x02 */ ACTORCAT_PLAYER, /* 0x03 */ ACTORCAT_EXPLOSIVE, /* 0x04 */ ACTORCAT_NPC, /* 0x05 */ ACTORCAT_ENEMY, /* 0x06 */ ACTORCAT_PROP, /* 0x07 */ ACTORCAT_ITEMACTION, /* 0x08 */ ACTORCAT_MISC, /* 0x09 */ ACTORCAT_BOSS, /* 0x0A */ ACTORCAT_DOOR, /* 0x0B */ ACTORCAT_CHEST } ActorCategory; #define DEFINE_ACTOR(_0, enum, _2) enum, #define DEFINE_ACTOR_INTERNAL(_0, enum, _2) enum, #define DEFINE_ACTOR_UNSET(enum) enum, typedef enum { #include "tables/actor_table.h" /* 0x0192 */ ACTOR_ID_MAX // originally "ACTOR_DLF_MAX" } ActorID; #undef DEFINE_ACTOR #undef DEFINE_ACTOR_INTERNAL #undef DEFINE_ACTOR_UNSET #endif