#ifndef _Z64ENVIRONMENT_H_ #define _Z64ENVIRONMENT_H_ #include "z64math.h" #include "z64light.h" #include "z64dma.h" struct PlayState; struct SkyboxContext; #define FILL_SCREEN_OPA (1 << 0) #define FILL_SCREEN_XLU (1 << 1) #define NEXT_TIME_NONE 0xFFFF #define NEXT_TIME_DAY (CLOCK_TIME(12, 0) + 1) #define NEXT_TIME_NIGHT CLOCK_TIME(0, 0) #define NEXT_TIME_DAY_SET 0xFFFE #define NEXT_TIME_NIGHT_SET 0xFFFD #define LIGHT_SETTING_MAX 31 #define LIGHT_SETTING_OVERRIDE_NONE 0xFF // This mode disables the updating of lights in both light modes. // With this mode enabled, the only way lights can change is via the adjustment arrays. // This mode is not used in the original game. #define LIGHT_SETTING_OVERRIDE_FULL_CONTROL 0xFE #define LIGHT_BLENDRATE_OVERRIDE_NONE 0xFFFF #define LIGHT_BLEND_OVERRIDE_NONE 0 #define LIGHT_BLEND_OVERRIDE_ON 1 // This mode disables the light system's automatic blending between // light settings for `LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS` (or using a light setting override). // This is a bit of a hack used only by bosses in the original game. #define LIGHT_BLEND_OVERRIDE_FULL_CONTROL 2 typedef enum { /* 0 */ LIGHT_MODE_TIME, // environment lights use `lightConfig` and change based on time of day /* 1 */ LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS // environment lights use `lightSetting` } LightMode; typedef enum { /* 0 */ SKYBOX_DMA_INACTIVE, /* 1 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TEXTURE1_START, /* 2 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TEXTURE1_DONE, /* 3 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TLUT1_START, /* 11 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TEXTURE2_START = 11, /* 12 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TEXTURE2_DONE, /* 13 */ SKYBOX_DMA_TLUT2_START } SkyboxDmaState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ LIGHTNING_OFF, // no lightning /* 1 */ LIGHTNING_ON, // request lightning strikes at random intervals /* 2 */ LIGHTNING_LAST // request one lightning strike before turning off } LightningState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ LIGHTNING_STRIKE_WAIT, // wait between lightning strikes. request bolts when timer hits 0 /* 1 */ LIGHTNING_STRIKE_START, // fade in the flash. note: bolts are requested in the previous state /* 2 */ LIGHTNING_STRIKE_END // fade out the flash and go back to wait } LightningStrikeState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ WEATHER_MODE_CLEAR, /* 1 */ WEATHER_MODE_CLOUDY_CONFIG3, // scene must define settings for light config 3 /* 2 */ WEATHER_MODE_CLOUDY_CONFIG2, // scene must define settings for light config 2 /* 3 */ WEATHER_MODE_SNOW, // scene must define settings for light config 2 /* 4 */ WEATHER_MODE_RAIN, // scene must define settings for light config 2 /* 5 */ WEATHER_MODE_HEAVY_RAIN // scene must define settings for light config 4 } WeatherMode; typedef enum { /* 0 */ CHANGE_SKYBOX_INACTIVE, /* 1 */ CHANGE_SKYBOX_REQUESTED, /* 2 */ CHANGE_SKYBOX_WAIT, /* 3 */ CHANGE_SKYBOX_ACTIVE } ChangeSkyboxState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ PRECIP_RAIN_MAX, // max number of raindrops that can draw; uses this or SOS_MAX, whichever is larger /* 1 */ PRECIP_RAIN_CUR, // current number of rain drops being drawn on screen /* 2 */ PRECIP_SNOW_CUR, // current number of snowflakes being drawn on screen /* 3 */ PRECIP_SNOW_MAX, // max number of snowflakes that can draw /* 4 */ PRECIP_SOS_MAX, // max number of rain drops requested from song of storms specifically /* 5 */ PRECIP_MAX } PrecipitationData; typedef enum { /* 0 */ STORM_REQUEST_NONE, /* 1 */ STORM_REQUEST_START, /* 2 */ STORM_REQUEST_STOP } StormRequest; typedef enum { /* 0 */ STORM_STATE_OFF, /* 1 */ STORM_STATE_ON } StormState; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ TIMESEQ_DAY_BGM, /* 0x01 */ TIMESEQ_FADE_DAY_BGM, /* 0x02 */ TIMESEQ_NIGHT_BEGIN_SFX, /* 0x03 */ TIMESEQ_EARLY_NIGHT_CRITTERS, /* 0x04 */ TIMESEQ_NIGHT_DELAY, /* 0x05 */ TIMESEQ_NIGHT_CRITTERS, /* 0x06 */ TIMESEQ_DAY_BEGIN_SFX, /* 0x07 */ TIMESEQ_MORNING_CRITTERS, /* 0x08 */ TIMESEQ_DAY_DELAY, /* 0xFF */ TIMESEQ_DISABLED = 0xFF } TimeBasedSeqState; typedef enum { /* 0 */ SANDSTORM_OFF, /* 1 */ SANDSTORM_FILL, /* 2 */ SANDSTORM_UNFILL, /* 3 */ SANDSTORM_ACTIVE, /* 4 */ SANDSTORM_DISSIPATE } SandstormState; typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 state; /* 0x01 */ u8 flashRed; /* 0x02 */ u8 flashGreen; /* 0x03 */ u8 flashBlue; /* 0x04 */ u8 flashAlphaTarget; /* 0x08 */ f32 delayTimer; } LightningStrike; // size = 0xC typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 startTime; /* 0x02 */ u16 endTime; /* 0x04 */ u8 changeSkybox; /* 0x05 */ u8 skybox1Index; /* 0x06 */ u8 skybox2Index; } TimeBasedSkyboxEntry; // size = 0x8 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 ambientColor[3]; /* 0x03 */ s8 light1Dir[3]; /* 0x06 */ u8 light1Color[3]; /* 0x09 */ s8 light2Dir[3]; /* 0x0C */ u8 light2Color[3]; /* 0x0F */ u8 fogColor[3]; /* 0x12 */ s16 fogNear; // ranges from 0-1000 (0: starts immediately, 1000: no fog), but is clamped to ENV_FOGNEAR_MAX /* 0x14 */ s16 zFar; // Max depth (render distance) of the view as a whole. fogFar will always match zFar } CurrentEnvLightSettings; // size = 0x16 // `EnvLightSettings` is very similar to `CurrentEnvLightSettings` with one key difference. // The light settings data in the scene packs blend rate information with the fog near value. // The blendRate determines how fast the current light settings fade to the next one // (under LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS, otherwise unused). // Get blend rate from `EnvLightSettings.blendRateAndFogNear` in 0-255 range #define ENV_LIGHT_SETTINGS_BLEND_RATE_U8(blendRateAndFogNear) (((blendRateAndFogNear) >> 10) * 4) #define ENV_LIGHT_SETTINGS_FOG_NEAR(blendRateAndFogNear) ((blendRateAndFogNear) & 0x3FF) typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u8 ambientColor[3]; /* 0x03 */ s8 light1Dir[3]; /* 0x06 */ u8 light1Color[3]; /* 0x09 */ s8 light2Dir[3]; /* 0x0C */ u8 light2Color[3]; /* 0x0F */ u8 fogColor[3]; /* 0x12 */ s16 blendRateAndFogNear; /* 0x14 */ s16 zFar; } EnvLightSettings; // size = 0x16 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ char unk_00[0x02]; /* 0x02 */ u16 sceneTimeSpeed; // time speed value from the scene file /* 0x04 */ Vec3f sunPos; // moon position can be found by negating the sun position /* 0x10 */ u8 skybox1Index; /* 0x11 */ u8 skybox2Index; /* 0x12 */ char unk_12[0x01]; /* 0x13 */ u8 skyboxBlend; /* 0x14 */ char unk_14[0x01]; /* 0x15 */ u8 skyboxDisabled; /* 0x16 */ u8 sunMoonDisabled; /* 0x17 */ u8 skyboxConfig; // only used for `LIGHT_MODE_TIME` /* 0x18 */ u8 changeSkyboxNextConfig; /* 0x19 */ u8 changeSkyboxState; /* 0x1A */ u16 changeSkyboxTimer; /* 0x1C */ char unk_1C[0x02]; /* 0x1E */ u8 lightMode; /* 0x1F */ u8 lightConfig; // only used for `LIGHT_MODE_TIME` /* 0x20 */ u8 changeLightNextConfig; /* 0x21 */ u8 changeLightEnabled; /* 0x22 */ u16 changeLightTimer; /* 0x24 */ u16 changeDuration; // total time to change skybox and light configs /* 0x26 */ char unk_26[0x02]; /* 0x28 */ LightInfo dirLight1; // used as sunlight for `LIGHT_MODE_TIME` /* 0x36 */ LightInfo dirLight2; // used as moonlight for `LIGHT_MODE_TIME` /* 0x44 */ s8 skyboxDmaState; /* 0x48 */ DmaRequest dmaRequest; /* 0x68 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue; /* 0x80 */ OSMesg loadMsg; /* 0x84 */ f32 glareAlpha; /* 0x88 */ f32 lensFlareAlphaScale; /* 0x8C */ s16 adjAmbientColor[3]; /* 0x92 */ s16 adjLight1Color[3]; /* 0x98 */ s16 adjFogColor[3]; /* 0x9E */ s16 adjFogNear; /* 0xA0 */ s16 adjZFar; /* 0xA2 */ char unk_A2[0x06]; /* 0xA8 */ Vec3s windDirection; /* 0xB0 */ f32 windSpeed; /* 0xB4 */ u8 numLightSettings; /* 0xB8 */ EnvLightSettings* lightSettingsList; // list of light settings from the scene file /* 0xBC */ u8 lightBlendEnabled; // only used with `LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS` or on override /* 0xBD */ u8 lightSetting; // only used with `LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS` or on override /* 0xBE */ u8 prevLightSetting; /* 0xBF */ u8 lightSettingOverride; /* 0xC0 */ CurrentEnvLightSettings lightSettings; // settings for the currently "live" lights /* 0xD6 */ u16 lightBlendRateOverride; /* 0xD8 */ f32 lightBlend; // only used with `LIGHT_MODE_SETTINGS` or on setting override /* 0xDC */ u8 lightBlendOverride; /* 0xDD */ u8 stormRequest; // "rain_evt_trg" /* 0xDE */ u8 stormState; /* 0xDF */ u8 lightningState; /* 0xE0 */ u8 timeSeqState; /* 0xE1 */ u8 fillScreen; /* 0xE2 */ u8 screenFillColor[4]; /* 0xE6 */ u8 sandstormState; /* 0xE7 */ u8 sandstormPrimA; /* 0xE8 */ u8 sandstormEnvA; /* 0xE9 */ u8 customSkyboxFilter; /* 0xEA */ u8 skyboxFilterColor[4]; /* 0xEE */ u8 precipitation[PRECIP_MAX]; /* 0xF3 */ char unk_F3[0x09]; } EnvironmentContext; // size = 0xFC extern u8 gSkyboxIsChanging; extern TimeBasedSkyboxEntry gTimeBasedSkyboxConfigs[][9]; void Environment_UpdateSkybox(u8 skyboxId, EnvironmentContext* envCtx, struct SkyboxContext* skyboxCtx); void Environment_DrawSkyboxFilters(struct PlayState* play); #endif