#include "global.h" void Audio_InitNoteSub(Note* note, NoteSubEu* sub, NoteSubAttributes* attrs) { f32 volRight, volLeft; s32 smallPanIndex; u64 pad; u8 strongLeft; u8 strongRight; f32 vel; u8 pan; u8 reverbVol; StereoData stereoData; s32 stereoHeadsetEffects = note->playbackState.stereoHeadsetEffects; vel = attrs->velocity; pan = attrs->pan; reverbVol = attrs->reverbVol; stereoData = attrs->stereo.s; sub->bitField0 = note->noteSubEu.bitField0; sub->bitField1 = note->noteSubEu.bitField1; sub->sound.samples = note->noteSubEu.sound.samples; sub->unk_06 = note->noteSubEu.unk_06; Audio_NoteSetResamplingRate(sub, attrs->frequency); pan &= 0x7F; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = false; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = false; sub->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects = stereoData.stereoHeadsetEffects; sub->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = stereoData.usesHeadsetPanEffects; if (stereoHeadsetEffects && gAudioContext.soundMode == 1) { smallPanIndex = pan >> 1; if (smallPanIndex > 0x3F) { smallPanIndex = 0x3F; } sub->headsetPanLeft = gHeadsetPanQuantization[smallPanIndex]; sub->headsetPanRight = gHeadsetPanQuantization[0x3F - smallPanIndex]; sub->bitField1.usesHeadsetPanEffects2 = true; volLeft = gHeadsetPanVolume[pan]; volRight = gHeadsetPanVolume[0x7F - pan]; } else if (stereoHeadsetEffects && gAudioContext.soundMode == 0) { strongLeft = strongRight = 0; sub->headsetPanRight = 0; sub->headsetPanLeft = 0; sub->bitField1.usesHeadsetPanEffects2 = false; volLeft = gStereoPanVolume[pan]; volRight = gStereoPanVolume[0x7F - pan]; if (pan < 0x20) { strongLeft = 1; } else if (pan > 0x60) { strongRight = 1; } sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = strongRight; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = strongLeft; switch (stereoData.bit2) { case 0: break; case 1: sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = stereoData.strongRight; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = stereoData.strongLeft; break; case 2: sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = stereoData.strongRight | strongRight; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = stereoData.strongLeft | strongLeft; break; case 3: sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = stereoData.strongRight ^ strongRight; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = stereoData.strongLeft ^ strongLeft; break; } } else if (gAudioContext.soundMode == 3) { sub->bitField0.stereoHeadsetEffects = false; sub->bitField0.usesHeadsetPanEffects = false; volLeft = 0.707f; // approx 1/sqrt(2) volRight = 0.707f; } else { sub->bitField0.stereoStrongRight = stereoData.strongRight; sub->bitField0.stereoStrongLeft = stereoData.strongLeft; volLeft = gDefaultPanVolume[pan]; volRight = gDefaultPanVolume[0x7F - pan]; } vel = 0.0f > vel ? 0.0f : vel; vel = 1.0f < vel ? 1.0f : vel; sub->targetVolLeft = (s32)((vel * volLeft) * (0x1000 - 0.001f)); sub->targetVolRight = (s32)((vel * volRight) * (0x1000 - 0.001f)); sub->gain = attrs->gain; sub->filter = attrs->filter; sub->unk_07 = attrs->unk_14; sub->unk_0E = attrs->unk_16; sub->reverbVol = reverbVol; } void Audio_NoteSetResamplingRate(NoteSubEu* noteSubEu, f32 resamplingRateInput) { f32 resamplingRate = 0.0f; if (resamplingRateInput < 2.0f) { noteSubEu->bitField1.hasTwoParts = false; resamplingRate = CLAMP_MAX(resamplingRateInput, 1.99998f); } else { noteSubEu->bitField1.hasTwoParts = true; if (resamplingRateInput > 3.99996f) { resamplingRate = 1.99998f; } else { resamplingRate = resamplingRateInput * 0.5f; } } noteSubEu->resamplingRateFixedPoint = (s32)(resamplingRate * 32768.0f); } void Audio_NoteInit(Note* note) { if (note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.decayIndex == 0) { Audio_AdsrInit(¬e->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->channel->adsr.envelope, ¬e->playbackState.adsrVolScaleUnused); } else { Audio_AdsrInit(¬e->playbackState.adsr, note->playbackState.parentLayer->adsr.envelope, ¬e->playbackState.adsrVolScaleUnused); } note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_INITIAL; note->noteSubEu = gDefaultNoteSub; } void Audio_NoteDisable(Note* note) { if (note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit == true) { note->noteSubEu.bitField0.needsInit = false; } note->playbackState.priority = 0; note->noteSubEu.bitField0.enabled = false; note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0; note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = false; note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_DISABLED; note->playbackState.adsr.current = 0; } void Audio_ProcessNotes(void) { s32 pad[2]; NoteAttributes* attrs; NoteSubEu* noteSubEu2; NoteSubEu* noteSubEu; Note* note; NotePlaybackState* playbackState; NoteSubAttributes subAttrs; u8 bookOffset; f32 scale; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) { note = &gAudioContext.notes[i]; noteSubEu2 = &gAudioContext.noteSubsEu[gAudioContext.noteSubEuOffset + i]; playbackState = ¬e->playbackState; if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) { if ((u32)playbackState->parentLayer < 0x7FFFFFFF) { continue; } if (note != playbackState->parentLayer->note && playbackState->unk_04 == 0) { playbackState->adsr.action.s.release = true; playbackState->adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv; playbackState->priority = 1; playbackState->unk_04 = 2; goto out; } else if (!playbackState->parentLayer->enabled && playbackState->unk_04 == 0 && playbackState->priority >= 1) { // do nothing } else if (playbackState->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer == NULL) { AudioSeq_SequenceChannelDisable(playbackState->parentLayer->channel); playbackState->priority = 1; playbackState->unk_04 = 1; continue; } else if (playbackState->parentLayer->channel->seqPlayer->muted && (playbackState->parentLayer->channel->muteBehavior & 0x40)) { // do nothing } else { goto out; } Audio_SeqLayerNoteRelease(playbackState->parentLayer); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); Audio_AudioListPushFront(¬e->listItem.pool->decaying, ¬e->listItem); playbackState->priority = 1; playbackState->unk_04 = 2; } else if (playbackState->unk_04 == 0 && playbackState->priority >= 1) { continue; } out: if (playbackState->priority != 0) { if (1) {} noteSubEu = ¬e->noteSubEu; if (playbackState->unk_04 >= 1 || noteSubEu->bitField0.finished) { if (playbackState->adsr.action.s.state == ADSR_STATE_DISABLED || noteSubEu->bitField0.finished) { if (playbackState->wantedParentLayer != NO_LAYER) { Audio_NoteDisable(note); if (playbackState->wantedParentLayer->channel != NULL) { Audio_NoteInitForLayer(note, playbackState->wantedParentLayer); Audio_NoteVibratoInit(note); Audio_NotePortamentoInit(note); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(¬e->listItem.pool->active, ¬e->listItem); playbackState->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; // don't skip } else { Audio_NoteDisable(note); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, ¬e->listItem); playbackState->wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; goto skip; } } else { if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) { playbackState->parentLayer->bit1 = true; } Audio_NoteDisable(note); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, ¬e->listItem); continue; } } } else if (playbackState->adsr.action.s.state == ADSR_STATE_DISABLED) { if (playbackState->parentLayer != NO_LAYER) { playbackState->parentLayer->bit1 = true; } Audio_NoteDisable(note); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(¬e->listItem.pool->disabled, ¬e->listItem); continue; } scale = Audio_AdsrUpdate(&playbackState->adsr); Audio_NoteVibratoUpdate(note); attrs = &playbackState->attributes; if (playbackState->unk_04 == 1 || playbackState->unk_04 == 2) { subAttrs.frequency = attrs->freqScale; subAttrs.velocity = attrs->velocity; subAttrs.pan = attrs->pan; subAttrs.reverbVol = attrs->reverb; subAttrs.stereo = attrs->stereo; subAttrs.gain = attrs->gain; subAttrs.filter = attrs->filter; subAttrs.unk_14 = attrs->unk_4; subAttrs.unk_16 = attrs->unk_6; bookOffset = noteSubEu->bitField1.bookOffset; } else { SequenceLayer* layer = playbackState->parentLayer; SequenceChannel* channel = layer->channel; subAttrs.frequency = layer->noteFreqScale; subAttrs.velocity = layer->noteVelocity; subAttrs.pan = layer->notePan; if (layer->stereo.asByte == 0) { subAttrs.stereo = channel->stereo; } else { subAttrs.stereo = layer->stereo; } subAttrs.reverbVol = channel->reverb; subAttrs.gain = channel->gain; subAttrs.filter = channel->filter; subAttrs.unk_14 = channel->unk_0F; subAttrs.unk_16 = channel->unk_20; bookOffset = channel->bookOffset & 0x7; if (channel->seqPlayer->muted && (channel->muteBehavior & 8)) { subAttrs.frequency = 0.0f; subAttrs.velocity = 0.0f; } } subAttrs.frequency *= playbackState->vibratoFreqScale * playbackState->portamentoFreqScale; subAttrs.frequency *= gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.resampleRate; subAttrs.velocity *= scale; Audio_InitNoteSub(note, noteSubEu2, &subAttrs); noteSubEu->bitField1.bookOffset = bookOffset; skip:; } } } SoundFontSound* Audio_InstrumentGetSound(Instrument* instrument, s32 semitone) { SoundFontSound* sound; if (semitone < instrument->normalRangeLo) { sound = &instrument->lowNotesSound; } else if (semitone <= instrument->normalRangeHi) { sound = &instrument->normalNotesSound; } else { sound = &instrument->highNotesSound; } return sound; } Instrument* Audio_GetInstrumentInner(s32 fontId, s32 instId) { Instrument* inst; if (fontId == 0xFF) { return NULL; } if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000; return NULL; } if (instId >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numInstruments) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + instId) + 0x3000000; return NULL; } inst = gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].instruments[instId]; if (inst == NULL) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + instId) + 0x1000000; return inst; } return inst; } Drum* Audio_GetDrum(s32 fontId, s32 drumId) { Drum* drum; if (fontId == 0xFF) { return NULL; } if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000; return NULL; } if (drumId >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numDrums) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + drumId) + 0x4000000; return NULL; } if ((u32)gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].drums < 0x80000000) { return NULL; } drum = gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].drums[drumId]; if (drum == NULL) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + drumId) + 0x5000000; } return drum; } SoundFontSound* Audio_GetSfx(s32 fontId, s32 sfxId) { SoundFontSound* sfx; if (fontId == 0xFF) { return NULL; } if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = fontId + 0x10000000; return NULL; } if (sfxId >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numSfx) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + sfxId) + 0x4000000; return NULL; } if ((u32)gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].soundEffects < 0x80000000) { return NULL; } sfx = &gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].soundEffects[sfxId]; if (sfx == NULL) { gAudioContext.audioErrorFlags = ((fontId << 8) + sfxId) + 0x5000000; } if (sfx->sample == NULL) { return NULL; } return sfx; } s32 Audio_SetFontInstrument(s32 instrumentType, s32 fontId, s32 index, void* value) { if (fontId == 0xFF) { return -1; } if (!AudioLoad_IsFontLoadComplete(fontId)) { return -2; } switch (instrumentType) { case 0: if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numDrums) { return -3; } gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].drums[index] = value; break; case 1: if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numSfx) { return -3; } gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].soundEffects[index] = *(SoundFontSound*)value; break; default: if (index >= gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].numInstruments) { return -3; } gAudioContext.soundFonts[fontId].instruments[index] = value; break; } return 0; } void Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(SequenceLayer* layer, s32 target) { Note* note; NoteAttributes* attrs; SequenceChannel* chan; s32 i; if (layer == NO_LAYER) { return; } layer->bit3 = false; if (layer->note == NULL) { return; } note = layer->note; attrs = ¬e->playbackState.attributes; if (note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == layer) { note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; } if (note->playbackState.parentLayer != layer) { if (note->playbackState.parentLayer == NO_LAYER && note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER && note->playbackState.prevParentLayer == layer && target != ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true; } return; } if (note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.state != ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { attrs->freqScale = layer->noteFreqScale; attrs->velocity = layer->noteVelocity; attrs->pan = layer->notePan; if (layer->channel != NULL) { chan = layer->channel; attrs->reverb = chan->reverb; attrs->gain = chan->gain; attrs->filter = chan->filter; if (attrs->filter != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { attrs->filterBuf[i] = attrs->filter[i]; } attrs->filter = attrs->filterBuf; } attrs->unk_6 = chan->unk_20; attrs->unk_4 = chan->unk_0F; if (chan->seqPlayer->muted && (chan->muteBehavior & 8)) { note->noteSubEu.bitField0.finished = true; } if (layer->stereo.asByte == 0) { attrs->stereo = chan->stereo; } else { attrs->stereo = layer->stereo; } note->playbackState.priority = chan->someOtherPriority; } else { attrs->stereo = layer->stereo; note->playbackState.priority = 1; } note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = note->playbackState.parentLayer; note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER; if (target == ADSR_STATE_RELEASE) { note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true; note->playbackState.unk_04 = 2; } else { note->playbackState.unk_04 = 1; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.decay = true; if (layer->adsr.decayIndex == 0) { note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.adsrDecayTable[layer->channel->adsr.decayIndex]; } else { note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.adsrDecayTable[layer->adsr.decayIndex]; } note->playbackState.adsr.sustain = ((f32)(s32)(layer->channel->adsr.sustain) * note->playbackState.adsr.current) / 256.0f; } } if (target == ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); Audio_AudioListPushFront(¬e->listItem.pool->decaying, ¬e->listItem); } } void Audio_SeqLayerNoteDecay(SequenceLayer* layer) { Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(layer, ADSR_STATE_DECAY); } void Audio_SeqLayerNoteRelease(SequenceLayer* layer) { Audio_SeqLayerDecayRelease(layer, ADSR_STATE_RELEASE); } s32 Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer, s32 waveId) { f32 freqScale; f32 ratio; u8 sampleCountIndex; if (waveId < 128) { waveId = 128; } freqScale = layer->freqScale; if (layer->portamento.mode != 0 && 0.0f < layer->portamento.extent) { freqScale *= (layer->portamento.extent + 1.0f); } if (freqScale < 0.99999f) { sampleCountIndex = 0; ratio = 1.0465f; } else if (freqScale < 1.99999f) { sampleCountIndex = 1; ratio = 0.52325f; } else if (freqScale < 3.99999f) { sampleCountIndex = 2; ratio = 0.26263f; } else { sampleCountIndex = 3; ratio = 0.13081f; } layer->freqScale *= ratio; note->playbackState.waveId = waveId; note->playbackState.sampleCountIndex = sampleCountIndex; note->noteSubEu.sound.samples = &gWaveSamples[waveId - 128][sampleCountIndex * 64]; return sampleCountIndex; } void Audio_InitSyntheticWave(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) { s32 sampleCountIndex; s32 waveSampleCountIndex; s32 waveId = layer->instOrWave; if (waveId == 0xFF) { waveId = layer->channel->instOrWave; } sampleCountIndex = note->playbackState.sampleCountIndex; waveSampleCountIndex = Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(note, layer, waveId); if (waveSampleCountIndex != sampleCountIndex) { note->noteSubEu.unk_06 = waveSampleCountIndex * 4 + sampleCountIndex; } } void Audio_InitNoteList(AudioListItem* list) { list->prev = list; list->next = list; list->u.count = 0; } void Audio_InitNoteLists(NotePool* pool) { Audio_InitNoteList(&pool->disabled); Audio_InitNoteList(&pool->decaying); Audio_InitNoteList(&pool->releasing); Audio_InitNoteList(&pool->active); pool->disabled.pool = pool; pool->decaying.pool = pool; pool->releasing.pool = pool; pool->active.pool = pool; } void Audio_InitNoteFreeList(void) { s32 i; Audio_InitNoteLists(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists); for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) { gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem.u.value = &gAudioContext.notes[i]; gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem.prev = NULL; AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled, &gAudioContext.notes[i].listItem); } } void Audio_NotePoolClear(NotePool* pool) { s32 i; AudioListItem* source; AudioListItem* cur; AudioListItem* dest; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: source = &pool->disabled; dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled; break; case 1: source = &pool->decaying; dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.decaying; break; case 2: source = &pool->releasing; dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.releasing; break; case 3: source = &pool->active; dest = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.active; break; } for (;;) { cur = source->next; if (cur == source || cur == NULL) { break; } Audio_AudioListRemove(cur); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(dest, cur); } } } void Audio_NotePoolFill(NotePool* pool, s32 count) { s32 i; s32 j; Note* note; AudioListItem* source; AudioListItem* dest; Audio_NotePoolClear(pool); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < count; i++) { if (i == 4) { return; } switch (i) { case 0: source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.disabled; dest = &pool->disabled; break; case 1: source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.decaying; dest = &pool->decaying; break; case 2: source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.releasing; dest = &pool->releasing; break; case 3: source = &gAudioContext.noteFreeLists.active; dest = &pool->active; break; } while (j < count) { note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(source); if (note == NULL) { break; } AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(dest, ¬e->listItem); j++; } } } void Audio_AudioListPushFront(AudioListItem* list, AudioListItem* item) { // add 'item' to the front of the list given by 'list', if it's not in any list if (item->prev == NULL) { item->prev = list; item->next = list->next; list->next->prev = item; list->next = item; list->u.count++; item->pool = list->pool; } } void Audio_AudioListRemove(AudioListItem* item) { // remove 'item' from the list it's in, if any if (item->prev != NULL) { item->prev->next = item->next; item->next->prev = item->prev; item->prev = NULL; } } Note* Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(AudioListItem* list, s32 limit) { AudioListItem* cur = list->next; AudioListItem* best; if (cur == list) { return NULL; } for (best = cur; cur != list; cur = cur->next) { if (((Note*)best->u.value)->playbackState.priority >= ((Note*)cur->u.value)->playbackState.priority) { best = cur; } } if (best == NULL) { return NULL; } if (limit <= ((Note*)best->u.value)->playbackState.priority) { return NULL; } return best->u.value; } void Audio_NoteInitForLayer(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) { s32 pad[3]; s16 instId; NotePlaybackState* playback = ¬e->playbackState; NoteSubEu* sub = ¬e->noteSubEu; note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.parentLayer = layer; playback->priority = layer->channel->notePriority; layer->notePropertiesNeedInit = true; layer->bit3 = true; layer->note = note; layer->channel->noteUnused = note; layer->channel->layerUnused = layer; layer->noteVelocity = 0.0f; Audio_NoteInit(note); instId = layer->instOrWave; if (instId == 0xFF) { instId = layer->channel->instOrWave; } sub->sound.soundFontSound = layer->sound; if (instId >= 0x80 && instId < 0xC0) { sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = true; } else { sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave = false; } if (sub->bitField1.isSyntheticWave) { Audio_BuildSyntheticWave(note, layer, instId); } playback->fontId = layer->channel->fontId; playback->stereoHeadsetEffects = layer->channel->stereoHeadsetEffects; sub->bitField1.reverbIndex = layer->channel->reverbIndex & 3; } void func_800E82C0(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) { // similar to Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership, hard to say what the difference is Audio_SeqLayerNoteRelease(note->playbackState.parentLayer); note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer; } void Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(Note* note, SequenceLayer* layer) { note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer; note->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority; note->playbackState.adsr.fadeOutVel = gAudioContext.audioBufferParameters.updatesPerFrameInv; note->playbackState.adsr.action.s.release = true; } Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) { Note* note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(&pool->disabled); if (note != NULL) { Audio_NoteInitForLayer(note, layer); Audio_AudioListPushFront(&pool->active, ¬e->listItem); } return note; } Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) { Note* note = AudioSeq_AudioListPopBack(&pool->decaying); if (note != NULL) { Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(note, layer); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&pool->releasing, ¬e->listItem); } return note; } Note* Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(NotePool* pool, SequenceLayer* layer) { Note* rNote; Note* aNote; s32 rPriority; s32 aPriority; rPriority = aPriority = 0x10; rNote = Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(&pool->releasing, layer->channel->notePriority); if (rNote != NULL) { rPriority = rNote->playbackState.priority; } aNote = Audio_FindNodeWithPrioLessThan(&pool->active, layer->channel->notePriority); if (aNote != NULL) { aPriority = aNote->playbackState.priority; } if (rNote == NULL && aNote == NULL) { return NULL; } if (aPriority < rPriority) { Audio_AudioListRemove(&aNote->listItem); func_800E82C0(aNote, layer); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(&pool->releasing, &aNote->listItem); aNote->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority; return aNote; } rNote->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = layer; rNote->playbackState.priority = layer->channel->notePriority; return rNote; } Note* Audio_AllocNote(SequenceLayer* layer) { Note* note; u32 policy = layer->channel->noteAllocPolicy; if (policy & 1) { note = layer->note; if (note != NULL && note->playbackState.prevParentLayer == layer && note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer == NO_LAYER) { Audio_NoteReleaseAndTakeOwnership(note, layer); Audio_AudioListRemove(¬e->listItem); AudioSeq_AudioListPushBack(¬e->listItem.pool->releasing, ¬e->listItem); return note; } } if (policy & 2) { if (!(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer))) { goto null_return; } return note; } if (policy & 4) { if (!(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer))) { goto null_return; } return note; } if (policy & 8) { if (!(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer))) { goto null_return; } return note; } if (!(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDisabled(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromDecaying(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&layer->channel->seqPlayer->notePool, layer)) && !(note = Audio_AllocNoteFromActive(&gAudioContext.noteFreeLists, layer))) { goto null_return; } return note; null_return: layer->bit3 = true; return NULL; } void Audio_NoteInitAll(void) { Note* note; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gAudioContext.numNotes; i++) { note = &gAudioContext.notes[i]; note->noteSubEu = gZeroNoteSub; note->playbackState.priority = 0; note->playbackState.unk_04 = 0; note->playbackState.parentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.wantedParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.prevParentLayer = NO_LAYER; note->playbackState.waveId = 0; note->playbackState.attributes.velocity = 0.0f; note->playbackState.adsrVolScaleUnused = 0; note->playbackState.adsr.action.asByte = 0; note->vibratoState.active = 0; note->portamento.cur = 0; note->portamento.speed = 0; note->playbackState.stereoHeadsetEffects = false; note->unk_BC = 0; note->synthesisState.synthesisBuffers = AudioHeap_AllocDmaMemory(&gAudioContext.miscPool, 0x1E0); } }