#ifndef _Z64PLAYER_H_ #define _Z64PLAYER_H_ #include "z64actor.h" struct Player; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_SHIELD_NONE, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_SHIELD_DEKU, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_SHIELD_HYLIAN, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_SHIELD_MIRROR, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_SHIELD_MAX } PlayerShield; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_TUNIC_KOKIRI, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_TUNIC_GORON, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_TUNIC_ZORA, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_TUNIC_MAX } PlayerTunic; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_NORMAL, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_HOVER, /* Values below are only relevant when setting regs in Player_SetBootData */ /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_INDOOR, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON_UNDERWATER, /* 0x05 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_NORMAL_CHILD, /* 0x06 */ PLAYER_BOOTS_MAX } PlayerBoots; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_STR_NONE, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_STR_BRACELET, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_STR_SILVER_G, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_STR_GOLD_G, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_STR_MAX } PlayerStrength; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_MASK_NONE, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_MASK_KEATON, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_MASK_SKULL, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_MASK_SPOOKY, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_MASK_BUNNY, /* 0x05 */ PLAYER_MASK_GORON, /* 0x06 */ PLAYER_MASK_ZORA, /* 0x07 */ PLAYER_MASK_GERUDO, /* 0x08 */ PLAYER_MASK_TRUTH, /* 0x09 */ PLAYER_MASK_MAX } PlayerMask; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_AP_NONE, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_AP_LAST_USED, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_AP_FISHING_POLE, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_AP_SWORD_MASTER, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_AP_SWORD_KOKIRI, /* 0x05 */ PLAYER_AP_SWORD_BGS, /* 0x06 */ PLAYER_AP_STICK, /* 0x07 */ PLAYER_AP_HAMMER, /* 0x08 */ PLAYER_AP_BOW, /* 0x09 */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_FIRE, /* 0x0A */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_ICE, /* 0x0B */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_LIGHT, /* 0x0C */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_0C, /* 0x0D */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_0D, /* 0x0E */ PLAYER_AP_BOW_0E, /* 0x0F */ PLAYER_AP_SLINGSHOT, /* 0x10 */ PLAYER_AP_HOOKSHOT, /* 0x11 */ PLAYER_AP_LONGSHOT, /* 0x12 */ PLAYER_AP_BOMB, /* 0x13 */ PLAYER_AP_BOMBCHU, /* 0x14 */ PLAYER_AP_BOOMERANG, /* 0x15 */ PLAYER_AP_MAGIC_SPELL_15, /* 0x16 */ PLAYER_AP_MAGIC_SPELL_16, /* 0x17 */ PLAYER_AP_MAGIC_SPELL_17, /* 0x18 */ PLAYER_AP_FARORES_WIND, /* 0x19 */ PLAYER_AP_NAYRUS_LOVE, /* 0x1A */ PLAYER_AP_DINS_FIRE, /* 0x1B */ PLAYER_AP_NUT, /* 0x1C */ PLAYER_AP_OCARINA_FAIRY, /* 0x1D */ PLAYER_AP_OCARINA_TIME, /* 0x1E */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE, /* 0x1F */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_FISH, /* 0x20 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_FIRE, /* 0x21 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_BUG, /* 0x22 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_POE, /* 0x23 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_BIG_POE, /* 0x24 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_LETTER, /* 0x25 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_POTION_RED, /* 0x26 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_POTION_BLUE, /* 0x27 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_POTION_GREEN, /* 0x28 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_MILK, /* 0x29 */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_MILK_HALF, /* 0x2A */ PLAYER_AP_BOTTLE_FAIRY, /* 0x2B */ PLAYER_AP_LETTER_ZELDA, /* 0x2C */ PLAYER_AP_WEIRD_EGG, /* 0x2D */ PLAYER_AP_CHICKEN, /* 0x2E */ PLAYER_AP_BEAN, /* 0x2F */ PLAYER_AP_POCKET_EGG, /* 0x30 */ PLAYER_AP_POCKET_CUCCO, /* 0x31 */ PLAYER_AP_COJIRO, /* 0x32 */ PLAYER_AP_ODD_MUSHROOM, /* 0x33 */ PLAYER_AP_ODD_POTION, /* 0x34 */ PLAYER_AP_SAW, /* 0x35 */ PLAYER_AP_SWORD_BROKEN, /* 0x36 */ PLAYER_AP_PRESCRIPTION, /* 0x37 */ PLAYER_AP_FROG, /* 0x38 */ PLAYER_AP_EYEDROPS, /* 0x39 */ PLAYER_AP_CLAIM_CHECK, /* 0x3A */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_KEATON, /* 0x3B */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_SKULL, /* 0x3C */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_SPOOKY, /* 0x3D */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_BUNNY, /* 0x3E */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_GORON, /* 0x3F */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_ZORA, /* 0x40 */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_GERUDO, /* 0x41 */ PLAYER_AP_MASK_TRUTH, /* 0x42 */ PLAYER_AP_LENS, /* 0x43 */ PLAYER_AP_MAX } PlayerActionParam; typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PLAYER_LIMB_NONE, /* 0x01 */ PLAYER_LIMB_ROOT, /* 0x02 */ PLAYER_LIMB_WAIST, /* 0x03 */ PLAYER_LIMB_LOWER, /* 0x04 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_THIGH, /* 0x05 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_SHIN, /* 0x06 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_FOOT, /* 0x07 */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_THIGH, /* 0x08 */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_SHIN, /* 0x09 */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_FOOT, /* 0x0A */ PLAYER_LIMB_UPPER, /* 0x0B */ PLAYER_LIMB_HEAD, /* 0x0C */ PLAYER_LIMB_HAT, /* 0x0D */ PLAYER_LIMB_COLLAR, /* 0x0E */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_SHOULDER, /* 0x0F */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_FOREARM, /* 0x10 */ PLAYER_LIMB_L_HAND, /* 0x11 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_SHOULDER, /* 0x12 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_FOREARM, /* 0x13 */ PLAYER_LIMB_R_HAND, /* 0x14 */ PLAYER_LIMB_SHEATH, /* 0x15 */ PLAYER_LIMB_TORSO, /* 0x16 */ PLAYER_LIMB_MAX } PlayerLimb; typedef enum { /* -1 */ PLAYER_DOORTYPE_AJAR = -1, /* 0 */ PLAYER_DOORTYPE_NONE, /* 1 */ PLAYER_DOORTYPE_HANDLE, /* 2 */ PLAYER_DOORTYPE_SLIDING, /* 3 */ PLAYER_DOORTYPE_FAKE } PlayerDoorType; #define PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT PLAYER_LIMB_MAX + 2 // 2 extra entries in limb buffers? typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ f32 unk_00; /* 0x04 */ f32 unk_04; /* 0x08 */ f32 unk_08; /* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C; /* 0x10 */ f32 unk_10; /* 0x14 */ f32 unk_14; /* 0x18 */ f32 unk_18; /* 0x1C */ f32 unk_1C; /* 0x20 */ f32 unk_20; /* 0x24 */ f32 unk_24; /* 0x28 */ f32 unk_28; /* 0x2C */ f32 unk_2C; /* 0x30 */ f32 unk_30; /* 0x34 */ f32 unk_34; /* 0x38 */ f32 unk_38; /* 0x3C */ f32 unk_3C; /* 0x40 */ f32 unk_40; /* 0x44 */ Vec3s unk_44; /* 0x4A */ Vec3s unk_4A[4]; /* 0x62 */ Vec3s unk_62[4]; /* 0x7A */ Vec3s unk_7A[2]; /* 0x86 */ Vec3s unk_86[2]; /* 0x92 */ u16 unk_92; /* 0x94 */ u16 unk_94; /* 0x98 */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_98; /* 0x9C */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_9C; /* 0xA0 */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_A0; /* 0xA4 */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_A4; /* 0xA8 */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_A8; /* 0xAC */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_AC[4]; /* 0xBC */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_BC[2]; /* 0xC4 */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_C4[2]; /* 0xCC */ LinkAnimationHeader* unk_CC[2]; } PlayerAgeProperties; // size = 0xD4 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s32 active; /* 0x04 */ Vec3f tip; /* 0x10 */ Vec3f base; } WeaponInfo; // size = 0x1C typedef void (*PlayerFunc674)(struct Player*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef s32 (*PlayerFunc82C)(struct Player*, struct GlobalContext*); typedef void (*PlayerFuncA74)(struct GlobalContext*, struct Player*); typedef struct Player { /* 0x0000 */ Actor actor; /* 0x014C */ s8 currentTunic; // current tunic from `PlayerTunic` /* 0x014D */ s8 currentSword; // current sword Item ID /* 0x014E */ s8 currentShield; // current shield from `PlayerShield` /* 0x014F */ s8 currentBoots; // current boots from `PlayerBoots` /* 0x0150 */ s8 heldItemButton; // Button index for the item currently used /* 0x0151 */ s8 heldItemActionParam; // Action param for the item currently used /* 0x0152 */ u8 heldItemId; // Item id for the item currently used /* 0x0153 */ s8 prevBoots; // previous boots from `PlayerBoots` /* 0x0154 */ s8 itemActionParam; // the difference between this and heldItemActionParam is unclear /* 0x0155 */ char unk_155[0x003]; /* 0x0158 */ u8 modelGroup; /* 0x0159 */ u8 nextModelGroup; /* 0x015A */ s8 unk_15A; /* 0x015B */ u8 modelAnimType; /* 0x015C */ u8 leftHandType; /* 0x015D */ u8 rightHandType; /* 0x015E */ u8 sheathType; /* 0x015F */ u8 currentMask; // current mask equipped from `PlayerMask` /* 0x0160 */ Gfx** rightHandDLists; /* 0x0164 */ Gfx** leftHandDLists; /* 0x0168 */ Gfx** sheathDLists; /* 0x016C */ Gfx** waistDLists; /* 0x0170 */ u8 giObjectLoading; /* 0x0174 */ DmaRequest giObjectDmaRequest; /* 0x0194 */ OSMesgQueue giObjectLoadQueue; /* 0x01AC */ OSMesg giObjectLoadMsg; /* 0x01B0 */ void* giObjectSegment; // also used for title card textures /* 0x01B4 */ SkelAnime skelAnime; /* 0x01F8 */ Vec3s jointTable[PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT]; /* 0x0288 */ Vec3s morphTable[PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT]; /* 0x0318 */ Vec3s blendTable[PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT]; /* 0x03A8 */ s16 unk_3A8[2]; /* 0x03AC */ Actor* heldActor; /* 0x03B0 */ Vec3f leftHandPos; /* 0x03BC */ Vec3s unk_3BC; /* 0x03C4 */ Actor* unk_3C4; /* 0x03C8 */ Vec3f unk_3C8; /* 0x03D4 */ char unk_3D4[0x058]; /* 0x042C */ s8 doorType; /* 0x042D */ s8 doorDirection; /* 0x042E */ s16 doorTimer; /* 0x0430 */ Actor* doorActor; /* 0x0434 */ s8 getItemId; /* 0x0436 */ u16 getItemDirection; /* 0x0438 */ Actor* interactRangeActor; /* 0x043C */ s8 unk_43C; /* 0x043D */ char unk_43D[0x003]; /* 0x0440 */ Actor* rideActor; /* 0x0444 */ u8 csMode; /* 0x0445 */ u8 prevCsMode; /* 0x0446 */ u8 unk_446; /* 0x0447 */ u8 unk_447; /* 0x0448 */ Actor* unk_448; /* 0x044C */ char unk_44C[0x004]; /* 0x0450 */ Vec3f unk_450; /* 0x045C */ Vec3f unk_45C; /* 0x0468 */ char unk_468[0x002]; /* 0x046A */ s16 unk_46A; /* 0x046C */ s16 unk_46C; /* 0x046E */ char unk_46E[0x02A]; /* 0x0498 */ ColliderCylinder cylinder; /* 0x04E4 */ ColliderQuad swordQuads[2]; /* 0x05E4 */ ColliderQuad shieldQuad; /* 0x0664 */ Actor* unk_664; /* 0x0668 */ char unk_668[0x004]; /* 0x066C */ s32 unk_66C; /* 0x0670 */ s32 swordEffectIndex; /* 0x0674 */ PlayerFunc674 func_674; /* 0x0678 */ PlayerAgeProperties* ageProperties; /* 0x067C */ u32 stateFlags1; /* 0x0680 */ u32 stateFlags2; /* 0x0684 */ Actor* unk_684; /* 0x0688 */ Actor* boomerangActor; /* 0x068C */ Actor* naviActor; /* 0x0690 */ s16 naviTextId; /* 0x0692 */ u8 stateFlags3; /* 0x0693 */ s8 exchangeItemId; /* 0x0694 */ Actor* targetActor; /* 0x0698 */ f32 targetActorDistance; /* 0x069C */ char unk_69C[0x004]; /* 0x06A0 */ f32 unk_6A0; /* 0x06A4 */ f32 unk_6A4; /* 0x06A8 */ Actor* unk_6A8; /* 0x06AC */ s8 unk_6AC; /* 0x06AD */ u8 unk_6AD; /* 0x06AE */ u16 unk_6AE; /* 0x06B0 */ s16 unk_6B0; /* 0x06B2 */ char unk_6B4[0x004]; /* 0x06B6 */ s16 unk_6B6; /* 0x06B8 */ s16 unk_6B8; /* 0x06BA */ s16 unk_6BA; /* 0x06BC */ s16 unk_6BC; /* 0x06BE */ s16 unk_6BE; /* 0x06C0 */ s16 unk_6C0; /* 0x06C2 */ s16 unk_6C2; /* 0x06C4 */ f32 unk_6C4; /* 0x06C8 */ SkelAnime skelAnime2; /* 0x070C */ Vec3s jointTable2[PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT]; /* 0x079C */ Vec3s morphTable2[PLAYER_LIMB_BUF_COUNT]; /* 0x082C */ PlayerFunc82C func_82C; /* 0x0830 */ f32 unk_830; /* 0x0834 */ s16 unk_834; /* 0x0836 */ s8 unk_836; /* 0x0837 */ u8 unk_837; /* 0x0838 */ f32 linearVelocity; /* 0x083C */ s16 currentYaw; /* 0x083E */ s16 targetYaw; /* 0x0840 */ u16 unk_840; /* 0x0842 */ s8 swordAnimation; /* 0x0843 */ s8 swordState; /* 0x0844 */ s8 unk_844; /* 0x0845 */ u8 unk_845; /* 0x0846 */ u8 unk_846; /* 0x0847 */ s8 unk_847[4]; /* 0x084B */ s8 unk_84B[4]; /* 0x084F */ s8 unk_84F; /* 0x0850 */ s16 unk_850; // multipurpose timer /* 0x0854 */ f32 unk_854; /* 0x0858 */ f32 unk_858; /* 0x085C */ f32 unk_85C; // stick length among other things /* 0x0860 */ s16 unk_860; // stick flame timer among other things /* 0x0862 */ s8 unk_862; // get item draw ID + 1 /* 0x0864 */ f32 unk_864; /* 0x0868 */ f32 unk_868; /* 0x086C */ f32 unk_86C; /* 0x0870 */ f32 unk_870; /* 0x0874 */ f32 unk_874; /* 0x0878 */ f32 unk_878; /* 0x087C */ s16 unk_87C; /* 0x087E */ s16 unk_87E; /* 0x0880 */ f32 unk_880; /* 0x0884 */ f32 wallHeight; // height used to determine whether link can climb or grab a ledge at the top /* 0x0888 */ f32 wallDistance; // distance to the colliding wall plane /* 0x088C */ u8 unk_88C; /* 0x088D */ u8 unk_88D; /* 0x088E */ u8 unk_88E; /* 0x088F */ u8 unk_88F; /* 0x0890 */ u8 unk_890; /* 0x0891 */ u8 shockTimer; /* 0x0892 */ u8 unk_892; /* 0x0893 */ u8 unk_893; /* 0x0894 */ s16 fallStartHeight; // last truncated Y position before falling /* 0x0896 */ s16 fallDistance; // truncated Y distance the player has fallen so far (positive is down) /* 0x0898 */ s16 unk_898; /* 0x089A */ s16 unk_89A; /* 0x089C */ s16 unk_89C; /* 0x089E */ u16 unk_89E; /* 0x08A0 */ u8 unk_8A0; /* 0x08A1 */ u8 unk_8A1; /* 0x08A2 */ s16 unk_8A2; /* 0x08A4 */ f32 unk_8A4; /* 0x08A8 */ f32 unk_8A8; /* 0x08AC */ f32 windSpeed; /* 0x08B0 */ s16 windDirection; /* 0x08B4 */ WeaponInfo swordInfo[3]; /* 0x0908 */ Vec3f bodyPartsPos[18]; /* 0x09E0 */ MtxF mf_9E0; /* 0x0A20 */ MtxF shieldMf; /* 0x0A60 */ u8 isBurning; /* 0x0A61 */ u8 flameTimers[18]; // one flame per body part /* 0x0A73 */ u8 unk_A73; /* 0x0A74 */ PlayerFuncA74 func_A74; /* 0x0A78 */ s8 invincibilityTimer; // prevents damage when nonzero (positive = visible, counts towards zero each frame) /* 0x0A79 */ u8 unk_A79; /* 0x0A7A */ u8 unk_A7A; /* 0x0A7B */ u8 unk_A7B; /* 0x0A7C */ f32 unk_A7C; /* 0x0A80 */ s16 unk_A80; /* 0x0A82 */ u16 unk_A82; /* 0x0A84 */ s16 unk_A84; /* 0x0A86 */ s8 unk_A86; /* 0x0A87 */ u8 unk_A87; /* 0x0A88 */ Vec3f unk_A88; // previous body part 0 position } Player; // size = 0xA94 #endif