.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .bss .balign 16 glabel D_8016BAD0 .space 0x1B0 glabel D_8016BC80 .space 0x240 glabel D_8016BEC0 .space 0x420 glabel D_8016C2E0 .space 0x3C0 glabel D_8016C6A0 .space 0x180 glabel D_8016C820 .space 0x90 glabel D_8016C8B0 .space 0xF0 glabel sSoundRequests .space 0x1800 glabel D_8016E1A0 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016E1A8 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016E1B0 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016E1B8 .space 0xA8 glabel D_8016E260 .space 0x4 glabel gSoundBankMuted .space 0xC glabel D_8016E270 .space 0x70 glabel gAudioSEFlagSwapSource .space 0x18 glabel gAudioSEFlagSwapTarget .space 0x18 glabel gAudioSEFlagSwapMode .space 0x10 glabel D_8016E320 .space 0x28 glabel D_8016E348 .space 0x8 glabel sAudioSeqCmds .space 0x400 glabel D_8016E750 .space 0x990 glabel D_8016F0E0 # unused? .space 0xA0 glabel gAudioContext .space 0x6450 glabel D_801755D0 .space 0x20