#include "ultra64.h" #include "global.h" #include "vt.h" typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ u16 sfxId; /* 0x04 */ Vec3f* pos; /* 0x08 */ u8 unk_8; /* 0x0C */ u32* unk_C; /* 0x10 */ u32* unk_10; /* 0x14 */ u32* unk_14; } Struct_800F738C; // size = 0x18 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ f32 unk_0; /* 0x04 */ f32 unk_4; /* 0x08 */ f32 unk_8; /* 0x0C */ u16 unk_C; } Struct_800F8EA0; // size = 0x10 typedef struct { u32 unk_0; u8 unk_4; } Struct_800F7CEC; typedef struct { u8 unk_0; u16 unk_2; } Struct_8013331C; u8 D_80133340[4] = { 0x53, 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, }; char D_80133344[] = VT_COL(RED, WHITE) " dist over! flag:%04X ptr:%08X pos:%f-%f-%f" VT_RST "\n"; s32 D_8013338C = 0; UNK_TYPE D_80133390[] = { 0x53455120, 0x48000000, }; UNK_TYPE D_80133398[] = { 0x20202020, 0x4C000000, }; u8 D_801333A0 = 0; u8 D_801333A4 = 0; /** * Array of pointers to arrays of SoundBankEntry of sizes: 9, 12, 22, 20, 8, 3, 5 * * 0 : Player Bank size 9 * 1 : Item Bank size 12 * 2 : Environment Bank size 22 * 3 : Enemy Bank size 20 * 4 : System Bank size 8 * 5 : Ocarina Bank size 3 * 6 : Voice Bank size 5 */ SoundBankEntry* gSoundBanks[7] = { D_8016BAD0, D_8016BC80, D_8016BEC0, D_8016C2E0, D_8016C6A0, D_8016C820, D_8016C8B0, }; u8 sBankSizes[ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks)] = { ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016BAD0), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016BC80), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016BEC0), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016C2E0), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016C6A0), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016C820), ARRAY_COUNT(D_8016C8B0), }; u8 D_801333CC = 0; u16 D_801333D0 = 0; Vec3f D_801333D4 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; f32 D_801333E0 = 1.0f; UNK_TYPE D_801333E4 = 0; f32 D_801333E8 = 0.0f; UNK_TYPE D_801333EC = 0; u8 D_801333F0 = 0; u8 D_801333F4 = 0; u8 D_801333F8 = 0; extern Struct_800F738C D_8016C9A0[]; extern Struct_800F7CEC D_8016E1B8[7][3]; // total size = 0xA8 extern Struct_800F8EA0 D_8016E270[]; extern Struct_8013331C* D_8013331C[9]; void func_800F7260(u16 arg0) { u8 bankId; for (bankId = 0; bankId < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); bankId++) { if (arg0 & 1) { D_8016E264[bankId] = 1; } else { D_8016E264[bankId] = 0; } arg0 = (arg0 >> 1) & 0xFFFF; } } void func_800F72B8(u8 arg0) { D_801333D0 |= (1 << arg0); func_800FA240(0, 2, 0x40, 0xF); func_800FA240(3, 2, 0x40, 0xF); } void func_800F731C(u8 arg0) { D_801333D0 &= ((1 << arg0) ^ 0xFFFF); if (D_801333D0 == 0) { func_800FA240(0, 2, 0x7F, 0xF); func_800FA240(3, 2, 0x7F, 0xF); } } void Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(u16 sfxId, Vec3f* a1, u8 a2, u32* a3, u32* a4, u32* a5) { u8 i; Struct_800F738C* phi_v0; if (D_8016E264[SFX_BANK_SHIFT(sfxId)] == 0) { phi_v0 = &D_8016C9A0[D_801333A0]; if (D_801333F4 == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (sfxId == D_8016E2E0[i]) { if (D_8016E310[i] == 0) { sfxId = D_8016E2F8[i]; } else { phi_v0->sfxId = D_8016E2F8[i]; phi_v0->pos = a1; phi_v0->unk_8 = a2; phi_v0->unk_C = a3; phi_v0->unk_10 = a4; phi_v0->unk_14 = a5; D_801333A0++; phi_v0 = &D_8016C9A0[D_801333A0]; } i = 10; } } } phi_v0->sfxId = sfxId; phi_v0->pos = a1; phi_v0->unk_8 = a2; phi_v0->unk_C = a3; phi_v0->unk_10 = a4; phi_v0->unk_14 = a5; D_801333A0++; } } void func_800F74E0(u8 arg0, SoundBankEntry* arg1) { Struct_800F738C* entry; s32 phi_a0; u8 i = D_801333A4; while (i != D_801333A0) { phi_a0 = false; entry = &D_8016C9A0[i]; switch (arg0) { case 0: if (SFX_BANK_MASK(entry->sfxId) == SFX_BANK_MASK(arg1->unk_28)) { phi_a0 = true; } break; case 1: if (SFX_BANK_MASK(entry->sfxId) == SFX_BANK_MASK(arg1->unk_28) && (&entry->pos->x == arg1->posX)) { phi_a0 = true; } break; case 2: if (&entry->pos->x == arg1->posX) { phi_a0 = true; } break; case 3: if (&entry->pos->x == arg1->posX && entry->sfxId == arg1->unk_28) { phi_a0 = true; } break; case 4: if (entry->unk_8 == arg1->unk_C && entry->sfxId == arg1->unk_28) { phi_a0 = true; } break; case 5: if (entry->sfxId == arg1->unk_28) { phi_a0 = true; } break; } if (phi_a0) { entry->sfxId = 0; } i++; } } #ifdef NON_EQUIVALENT // Mostly ok at the start, then runs into some reorderings near the assignments // of temp_s0 and temp_a2, inducing regalloc throughout the rest void func_800F7680(void) { u8 sp43; Struct_8013331C* temp_a2; SoundBankEntry* temp_s0; s32 phi_s5; Struct_800F738C* phi_t2; u8 phi_a1; u8 phi_t4; s32 phi_s1; phi_t2 = &D_8016C9A0[D_801333A4]; phi_s1 = 0x80; if (phi_t2->sfxId == 0) { return; } phi_s5 = SFX_BANK(phi_t2->sfxId); if ((1 << phi_s5) & D_801333F0) { func_800F2D6C(D_80133340, phi_t2->sfxId); phi_s5 = SFX_BANK(phi_t2->sfxId); } phi_t4 = 0; phi_a1 = gSoundBanks[phi_s5][0].next; while (phi_a1 != 0xFF && phi_a1 != 0) { if (gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].posX == &phi_t2->pos->x) { temp_a2 = &D_8013331C[SFX_BANK_SHIFT(phi_t2->sfxId)][SFX_INDEX(phi_t2->sfxId)]; temp_s0 = &gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1]; if (!(temp_a2->unk_2 & 0x20) || temp_s0->unk_24 != temp_a2->unk_0) { if (temp_s0->unk_28 == phi_t2->sfxId) { phi_t4 = D_80130594[phi_s5][D_801333CC]; } else { //!@bug possibly uninitialized sp43 ? confirm when matching if (phi_t4 == 0) { phi_s1 = phi_a1; sp43 = D_8013331C[SFX_BANK_SHIFT(temp_s0->unk_28)][SFX_INDEX(temp_s0->unk_28)].unk_0; } else if (temp_s0->unk_24 < sp43) { if (1) {} if (1) {} if (1) {} if (1) {} if (1) {} if (1) {} phi_s1 = phi_a1; sp43 = D_8013331C[SFX_BANK_SHIFT(temp_s0->unk_28)][SFX_INDEX(temp_s0->unk_28)].unk_0; } phi_t4++; if (phi_t4 == D_80130594[phi_s5][D_801333CC]) { phi_a1 = (temp_a2->unk_0 >= sp43) ? phi_s1 : 0; } } if (D_80130594[phi_s5][D_801333CC] == phi_t4) { if ((phi_t2->sfxId & 0xC00) || (temp_a2->unk_2 & 4) || phi_a1 == phi_s1) { if ((gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_26 & 8) && gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2A != 1) { func_800F731C(gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2E); } gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_C = phi_t2->unk_8; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_28 = phi_t2->sfxId; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2A = 1; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2B = 2; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_10 = phi_t2->unk_C; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_14 = phi_t2->unk_10; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_18 = phi_t2->unk_14; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_26 = temp_a2->unk_2; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_24 = temp_a2->unk_0; } else if (gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2A == 5) { gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].unk_2A = 4; } phi_a1 = 0; } } else { return; } } if (phi_a1 != 0) { phi_a1 = gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1].next; } } if (gSoundBanks[phi_s5][D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]].next != 0xFF && phi_a1 != 0) { phi_a1 = D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]; temp_s0 = &gSoundBanks[phi_s5][phi_a1]; temp_s0->posX = &phi_t2->pos->x; temp_s0->posY = &phi_t2->pos->y; temp_s0->posZ = &phi_t2->pos->z; temp_s0->unk_C = phi_t2->unk_8; temp_s0->unk_10 = phi_t2->unk_C; temp_s0->unk_14 = phi_t2->unk_10; temp_s0->unk_18 = phi_t2->unk_14; temp_a2 = &D_8013331C[SFX_BANK_SHIFT(phi_t2->sfxId)][SFX_INDEX(phi_t2->sfxId)]; temp_s0->unk_26 = temp_a2->unk_2; temp_s0->unk_24 = temp_a2->unk_0; temp_s0->unk_28 = phi_t2->sfxId; temp_s0->unk_2A = 1; temp_s0->unk_2B = 2; temp_s0->prev = D_8016E1A0[phi_s5]; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][D_8016E1A0[phi_s5]].next = D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]; D_8016E1A0[phi_s5] = D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]; D_8016E1A8[phi_s5] = gSoundBanks[phi_s5][D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]].next; gSoundBanks[phi_s5][D_8016E1A8[phi_s5]].prev = 0xFF; temp_s0->next = 0xFF; } } #else void func_800F7680(void); #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800F7260/func_800F7680.s") #endif void func_800F7B54(u8 bankId, u8 bankIndex) { SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[bankId][bankIndex]; u8 i; if (entry->unk_26 & 8) { func_800F731C(entry->unk_2E); } if (bankIndex == D_8016E1A0[bankId]) { D_8016E1A0[bankId] = entry->prev; } else { gSoundBanks[bankId][entry->next].prev = entry->prev; } gSoundBanks[bankId][entry->prev].next = entry->next; entry->next = D_8016E1A8[bankId]; entry->prev = 0xFF; gSoundBanks[bankId][D_8016E1A8[bankId]].prev = bankIndex; D_8016E1A8[bankId] = bankIndex; entry->unk_2A = 0; for (i = 0; i < D_80130578[D_801333CC][bankId]; i++) { if (D_8016E1B8[bankId][i].unk_4 == bankIndex) { D_8016E1B8[bankId][i].unk_4 = 0xFF; i = D_80130578[D_801333CC][bankId]; } } } #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800F7260/func_800F7CEC.s") void func_800F8480(u8 bankId) { u8 bankIndex; SequenceChannel* seqChannel; SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 i; for (i = 0; i < D_80130578[D_801333CC][bankId]; i++) { bankIndex = D_8016E1B8[bankId][i].unk_4; if (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[bankId][bankIndex]; seqChannel = gAudioContext.gSequencePlayers[2].channels[D_8016E260]; if (entry->unk_2A == 2) { entry->unk_2E = D_8016E260; if (entry->unk_26 & 8) { func_800F72B8(D_8016E260); } if (entry->unk_26 & 0xC0) { switch (entry->unk_26 & 0xC0) { case 0x40: entry->unk_2F = Audio_NextRandom() & 0xF; break; case 0x80: entry->unk_2F = Audio_NextRandom() & 0x1F; break; case 0xC0: entry->unk_2F = Audio_NextRandom() & 0x3F; break; default: entry->unk_2F = 0; break; } } func_800F3A08(bankId, bankIndex, D_8016E260); func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((D_8016E260 & 0xFF) << 8), 1); func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((D_8016E260 & 0xFF) << 8) | 4, entry->unk_28 & 0xFF); if (D_80130570[bankId] != 0) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((D_8016E260 & 0xFF) << 8) | 5, (entry->unk_28 & 0x100) >> 8); } if (entry->unk_28 & 0xC00) { entry->unk_2A = 4; } else { entry->unk_2A = 5; } } else if ((u8)seqChannel->soundScriptIO[1] == 0xFF) { func_800F7B54(bankId, bankIndex); } else if (entry->unk_2A == 3) { func_800F3A08(bankId, bankIndex, D_8016E260); if (entry->unk_28 & 0xC00) { entry->unk_2A = 4; } else { entry->unk_2A = 5; } } } D_8016E260++; } } void func_800F87A0(u8 bankId) { SoundBankEntry* entry; s32 pad; SoundBankEntry sp48; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[bankId][0].next; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[bankId][bankIndex]; if (entry->unk_2A >= 3) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((entry->unk_2E & 0xFF) << 8), 0); } if (entry->unk_2A != 0) { func_800F7B54(bankId, bankIndex); } bankIndex = gSoundBanks[bankId][0].next; } sp48.unk_28 = bankId << 0xC; func_800F74E0(0, &sp48); } void func_800F8884(u8 bankId, Vec3f* pos) { SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[bankId][0].next; u8 bankIndex2 = 0; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[bankId][bankIndex]; if (entry->posX == &pos->x) { if (entry->unk_2A >= 3) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((entry->unk_2E & 0xFF) << 8), 0); } if (entry->unk_2A != 0) { func_800F7B54(bankId, bankIndex); } } else { bankIndex2 = bankIndex; } bankIndex = gSoundBanks[bankId][bankIndex2].next; } } void func_800F89A0(u8 bankId, Vec3f* pos) { SoundBankEntry sp18; func_800F8884(bankId, pos); sp18.unk_28 = bankId << 0xC; sp18.posX = &pos->x; func_800F74E0(1, &sp18); } void func_800F89E8(Vec3f* pos) { u8 i; SoundBankEntry sp24; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); i++) { func_800F8884(i, pos); } sp24.posX = &pos->x; func_800F74E0(2, &sp24); } void func_800F8A44(Vec3f* pos, u16 sfxId) { SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][0].next; u8 bankIndex2 = 0; SoundBankEntry sp50; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex]; if (entry->posX == &pos->x && entry->unk_28 == sfxId) { if (entry->unk_2A >= 3) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((entry->unk_2E & 0xFF) << 8), 0); } if (entry->unk_2A != 0) { func_800F7B54(SFX_BANK(sfxId), bankIndex); } bankIndex = 0xFF; } else { bankIndex2 = bankIndex; } if (bankIndex != 0xFF) { bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex2].next; } } sp50.posX = &pos->x; sp50.unk_28 = sfxId; func_800F74E0(3, &sp50); } void func_800F8BA0(u8 arg0, u16 sfxId) { SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][0].next; u8 bankIndex2 = 0; SoundBankEntry sp58; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex]; if (entry->unk_C == arg0 && entry->unk_28 == sfxId) { if (entry->unk_2A >= 3) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((entry->unk_2E & 0xFF) << 8), 0); } if (entry->unk_2A != 0) { func_800F7B54(SFX_BANK(sfxId), bankIndex); } } else { bankIndex2 = bankIndex; } if (bankIndex != 0xFF) { bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex2].next; } } sp58.unk_C = arg0; sp58.unk_28 = sfxId; func_800F74E0(4, &sp58); } void func_800F8D04(u32 sfxId) { SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][0].next; u8 bankIndex2 = 0; SoundBankEntry sp50; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex]; if (entry->unk_28 == sfxId) { if (entry->unk_2A >= 3) { func_800E5B20(0x06020000 | ((entry->unk_2E & 0xFF) << 8), 0); } if (entry->unk_2A != 0) { func_800F7B54(SFX_BANK(sfxId), bankIndex); } } else { bankIndex2 = bankIndex; } bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex2].next; } sp50.unk_28 = sfxId; func_800F74E0(5, &sp50); } void func_800F8E3C(void) { while (D_801333A0 != D_801333A4) { func_800F7680(); D_801333A4++; } } void func_800F8EA0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u16 arg2) { if (arg2 == 0) { arg2++; } D_8016E270[arg0].unk_4 = arg1 / 127.0f; D_8016E270[arg0].unk_C = arg2; D_8016E270[arg0].unk_8 = ((D_8016E270[arg0].unk_0 - D_8016E270[arg0].unk_4) / arg2); } void func_800F8F34(u8 arg0) { if (D_8016E270[arg0].unk_C != 0) { D_8016E270[arg0].unk_C--; if (D_8016E270[arg0].unk_C != 0) { D_8016E270[arg0].unk_0 -= D_8016E270[arg0].unk_8; } else { D_8016E270[arg0].unk_0 = D_8016E270[arg0].unk_4; } } } void func_800F8F88(void) { u8 i; if (IS_SEQUENCE_CHANNEL_VALID(gAudioContext.gSequencePlayers[2].channels[0])) { D_8016E260 = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); i++) { func_800F7CEC(i); func_800F8480(i); func_800F8F34(i); } } } u8 func_800F8FF4(u32 sfxId) { SoundBankEntry* entry; u8 bankIndex = gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][0].next; while (bankIndex != 0xFF) { entry = &gSoundBanks[SFX_BANK(sfxId)][bankIndex]; if (entry->unk_28 == sfxId) { return true; } bankIndex = entry->next; } return false; } void func_800F905C(void) { u8 bankId; u8 i; u8 bankIndex; D_801333A0 = 0; D_801333A4 = 0; D_801333D0 = 0; for (bankId = 0; bankId < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); bankId++) { D_8016E1A0[bankId] = 0; D_8016E1A8[bankId] = 1; D_8016E1B0[bankId] = 0; D_8016E264[bankId] = 0; D_8016E270[bankId].unk_0 = 1.0f; D_8016E270[bankId].unk_C = 0; } for (bankId = 0; bankId < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); bankId++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { D_8016E1B8[bankId][i].unk_4 = 0xFF; } } for (bankId = 0; bankId < ARRAY_COUNT(gSoundBanks); bankId++) { gSoundBanks[bankId][0].prev = 0xFF; gSoundBanks[bankId][0].next = 0xFF; for (i = 1; i < sBankSizes[bankId] - 1; i++) { gSoundBanks[bankId][i].prev = i - 1; gSoundBanks[bankId][i].next = i + 1; } gSoundBanks[bankId][i].prev = i - 1; gSoundBanks[bankId][i].next = 0xFF; } if (D_801333F8 == 0) { for (bankId = 0; bankId < 10; bankId++) { D_8016E2E0[bankId] = 0; D_8016E2F8[bankId] = 0; D_8016E310[bankId] = 0; } D_801333F8++; } }