.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purposee registers .section .bss glabel D_8016A500 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A504 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A508 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A50C .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A510 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A514 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A518 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A51C .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A520 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A528 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A530 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A538 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A540 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A548 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A550 .space 0x8 glabel D_8016A558 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A55C .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A560 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A564 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A568 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A56C .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A570 .space 0x4 glabel D_8016A574 .space 0xC glabel D_8016A580 .space 0x8 glabel gSpeedMeterTimeEntryPtr .space 0x8