import os class FileEntry: def __init__(self, nFuncName): self.funcName = nFuncName self.lines = list() def ReadAllLines(filename): with open(filename) as f: lines = return lines; def WriteAllLines(filename, lines): with open(filename, 'w') as f: for item in lines: f.write("%s\n" % item) return lines; if not os.path.exists("asm"): os.makedirs("asm") if not os.path.exists("c"): os.makedirs("c") dirs = os.listdir("asm") for directory in dirs: if (os.path.isdir("asm\\" + directory)): continue print("Processing asm\\" + directory) folderName = os.path.splitext(directory)[0] lines = ReadAllLines("asm\\" + directory) functions = list() currentFunction = None for line in lines: if (line.startswith("glabel")): if (currentFunction != None): functions.insert(len(functions), currentFunction) currentFunction = FileEntry(line.split("glabel ")[1]) if (currentFunction != None): currentFunction.lines.insert(len(currentFunction.lines), line) if (currentFunction != None): functions.insert(len(functions), currentFunction) if not os.path.exists("asm\\" + folderName): os.makedirs("asm\\" + folderName) for func in functions: WriteAllLines("asm\\" + folderName + "\\" + func.funcName + ".s", func.lines) cLines = list() cLines.insert(len(cLines), "#include ") cLines.insert(len(cLines), "#include \n") for func in functions: cLines.insert(len(cLines), "#pragma GLOBAL_ASM(\"asm/non_matchings/code/" + folderName + "/" + func.funcName + ".s\")\n") WriteAllLines("c\\" + folderName + ".c", cLines) print("Done!")