#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> #define VTXDIS_VER "0.1" #define SWAP16(x) (((x & 0xFF00) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00FF) << 8)) typedef struct { int16_t pos[3]; /* 0x00 */ int16_t flag; /* 0x06 */ int16_t tpos[2]; /* 0x08 */ uint8_t cn[4]; /* 0x0C */ } Vtx; /* 0x10 */ static char *filename = NULL; static char *data = NULL; static int offset = 0; static int data_len = 0; static int count = 0; const struct option cmdline_opts[] = { { "offset", required_argument, NULL, 'o', }, { "length", required_argument, NULL, 'l', }, { "file" , required_argument, NULL, 'f', }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, '~', }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, '?', }, { "count", required_argument, NULL, 'c', }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static uint32_t parse_int(const char *num){ uint32_t ret = 0; char outnum[20]; if(strlen(num) > 2 && num[0] == '0' && (num[1] == 'x' || num[1] == 'X')) { strncpy(outnum, &num[2], 20); sscanf(outnum, "%"SCNx32, &ret); } else if(strlen(num) == 0){ ret = -1; } else { strncpy(outnum, num, 20); sscanf(outnum, "%"SCNu32, &ret); } return ret; } static void print_usage(void) { puts("vtxdis version " VTXDIS_VER "\n" "Usage:\n" " vtxdis -f/--file FILE [options]\n" " vtxdis -?/--help\n" " vtxdis --version\n" "Options:\n" " -f, --file The file path to extract vertex data from.\n" " -c, --count The number of vertices to extract.\n" " -l, --length The amount of data to extract vertices from.\n" " -o, --offset The offset into file to start reading vertex data.\n" " -?, --help Prints this help message\n" " --version Prints the current version\n" ); } static void print_version(void){ puts("Version: " VTXDIS_VER); } static void print_vtx_data(Vtx *vtx, int vtx_cnt) { printf("{\n"); for(int i = 0; i < vtx_cnt; i++) { Vtx *v = &vtx[i]; printf(" VTX(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X),\n", v->pos[0], v->pos[1], v->pos[2], v->tpos[0], v->tpos[1], v->cn[0], v->cn[1], v->cn[2], v->cn[3]); } printf("}\n"); } static void parse_file(void) { int alloc_size = 0; struct stat sbuffer; stat(filename, &sbuffer); if(errno != 0){ perror("Count not stat file."); exit(1); } /* sanity checks */ if(count > 0) { alloc_size = sizeof(Vtx) * count; if((offset > 0 && (offset + alloc_size) > sbuffer.st_size) || alloc_size > sbuffer.st_size) { printf("Requested data is beyond file boundaries."); exit(1); } } else if(data_len > 0) { alloc_size = data_len; if((offset > 0 && (offset + alloc_size) > sbuffer.st_size) || alloc_size > sbuffer.st_size) { printf("Requested data is beyond file boundaries."); exit(1); } } else { if (offset > 0) { alloc_size = sbuffer.st_size - offset; } else { alloc_size = sbuffer.st_size; } } if(alloc_size % sizeof(Vtx) != 0) { printf("Requested data size is not a multiple of sizeof(Vtx). Requested size is %8x", alloc_size); exit(1); } FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(!file){ perror("Could not open file"); exit(1); } if(offset > 0){ if(fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET)){ perror("Could not seek file"); fclose(file); exit(1); } } Vtx *data = NULL; data = malloc(alloc_size); if(!data){ fclose(file); perror("Could not allocate vtx data"); exit(1); } if(!fread(data, alloc_size, 1, file)){ perror("Could not read from file"); fclose(file); free(data); exit(1); } fclose(file); int vtx_cnt = alloc_size / sizeof(Vtx); for(int i = 0; i < vtx_cnt; i++){ Vtx *v = &data[i]; v->pos[0] = SWAP16(v->pos[0]); v->pos[1] = SWAP16(v->pos[1]); v->pos[2] = SWAP16(v->pos[2]); v->flag = SWAP16(v->flag); v->tpos[0] = SWAP16(v->tpos[0]); v->tpos[1] = SWAP16(v->tpos[1]); } print_vtx_data(data, vtx_cnt); free(data); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; int argv_idx = 0; while(1){ argv_idx++; opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:l:f:c:v?", cmdline_opts, NULL); if(opt == -1){ break; } switch(opt){ case 'd': data = optarg; break; case '~': print_version(); return 0; case '?': print_usage(); return 0; case 'l': data_len = parse_int(optarg); break; case 'o': offset = parse_int(optarg); break; case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 'c': count = parse_int(optarg); break; } } if (filename == NULL && data == NULL) { printf("Must specify -f or -d\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } if(data_len < 0) { printf("Invalid -l/--length parameter passed."); print_usage(); exit(1); } if(offset < 0) { printf("Invalid -o/--offset parameter passed."); print_usage(); exit(1); } if(count < 0) { printf("Invalid -c/--count parameter passed."); print_usage(); exit(1); } if(count > 0 && data_len > 0) { printf("Cannot specify both -c/--count and -l/--length."); print_usage(); exit(1); } if(filename != NULL) { parse_file(); } return 0; }