#ifndef Z64PAUSE_H #define Z64PAUSE_H #include "z64animation.h" #include "z64message.h" #include "z64view.h" struct OcarinaStaff; #define PAUSE_ITEM_NONE 999 #define PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_LEFT 10 #define PAUSE_CURSOR_PAGE_RIGHT 11 typedef enum { /* 0x00 */ PAUSE_ITEM, /* 0x01 */ PAUSE_MAP, /* 0x02 */ PAUSE_QUEST, /* 0x03 */ PAUSE_EQUIP, /* 0x04 */ PAUSE_WORLD_MAP } PauseMenuPage; #define PAUSE_EQUIP_PLAYER_WIDTH 64 #define PAUSE_EQUIP_PLAYER_HEIGHT 112 #define PAUSE_EQUIP_BUFFER_SIZE sizeof(u16[PAUSE_EQUIP_PLAYER_HEIGHT][PAUSE_EQUIP_PLAYER_WIDTH]) #define PAUSE_PLAYER_SEGMENT_GAMEPLAY_KEEP_BUFFER_SIZE 0x5000 typedef enum { /* 0 */ PAUSE_STATE_OFF, /* 1 */ PAUSE_STATE_WAIT_LETTERBOX, // Request no letterboxing and wait for it. /* 2 */ PAUSE_STATE_WAIT_BG_PRERENDER, // Wait for the pause background prerender to be done. /* 3 */ PAUSE_STATE_INIT, // Load data and initialize/setup various things. /* 4 */ PAUSE_STATE_OPENING_1, // Animate the pause menu coming together with rotations and other animations. /* 5 */ PAUSE_STATE_OPENING_2, // Finish some animations for opening the menu. /* 6 */ PAUSE_STATE_MAIN, // Pause menu ready for player inputs. /* 7 */ PAUSE_STATE_SAVE_PROMPT, // Save prompt in the pause menu /* 8 */ PAUSE_STATE_8, /* 9 */ PAUSE_STATE_9, /* 10 */ PAUSE_STATE_10, /* 11 */ PAUSE_STATE_11, /* 12 */ PAUSE_STATE_12, /* 13 */ PAUSE_STATE_13, /* 14 */ PAUSE_STATE_14, /* 15 */ PAUSE_STATE_15, /* 16 */ PAUSE_STATE_16, /* 17 */ PAUSE_STATE_17, /* 18 */ PAUSE_STATE_CLOSING, // Animate the pause menu closing /* 19 */ PAUSE_STATE_RESUME_GAMEPLAY // Handles returning to normal gameplay once the pause menu is visually closed } PauseState; #define IS_PAUSE_STATE_GAMEOVER(pauseCtx) \ (((pauseCtx)->state >= PAUSE_STATE_8) && ((pauseCtx)->state <= PAUSE_STATE_17)) #define IS_PAUSED(pauseCtx) \ (((pauseCtx)->state != PAUSE_STATE_OFF) || ((pauseCtx)->debugState != 0)) // Sub-states of PAUSE_STATE_MAIN typedef enum { /* 0 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_IDLE, /* 1 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_1, /* 2 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_2, /* 3 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_3, /* 4 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_4, /* 5 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_5, /* 6 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_6, /* 7 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_7, /* 8 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_8, /* 9 */ PAUSE_MAIN_STATE_9 } PauseMainState; typedef struct { /* 0x0000 */ View view; /* 0x0128 */ u8* iconItemSegment; /* 0x012C */ u8* iconItem24Segment; /* 0x0130 */ u8* iconItemAltSegment; /* 0x0134 */ u8* iconItemLangSegment; /* 0x0138 */ u8* nameSegment; /* 0x013C */ u8* playerSegment; /* 0x0140 */ char unk_140[0x04]; /* 0x0144 */ Vtx* itemPageVtx; /* 0x0148 */ Vtx* equipPageVtx; /* 0x014C */ Vtx* mapPageVtx; /* 0x0150 */ Vtx* questPageVtx; /* 0x0154 */ Vtx* infoPanelVtx; /* 0x0158 */ Vtx* itemVtx; /* 0x015C */ Vtx* equipVtx; /* 0x0160 */ char unk_160[0x04]; /* 0x0164 */ Vtx* questVtx; /* 0x0168 */ Vtx* cursorVtx; /* 0x016C */ Vtx* saveVtx; /* 0x0170 */ char unk_170[0x24]; /* 0x0194 */ struct OcarinaStaff* ocarinaStaff; /* 0x0198 */ char unk_198[0x20]; /* 0x01B8 */ OSMesgQueue loadQueue; /* 0x01D0 */ OSMesg loadMsg; /* 0x01D4 */ u16 state; /* 0x01D6 */ u16 debugState; /* 0x01D8 */ Vec3f eye; /* 0x01E4 */ u16 mainState; /* 0x01E6 */ u16 mode; /* 0x01E8 */ u16 pageIndex; // "kscp_pos" /* 0x01EA */ u16 unk_1EA; /* 0x01EC */ u16 unk_1EC; /* 0x01F0 */ f32 unk_1F0; /* 0x01F4 */ f32 unk_1F4; /* 0x01F8 */ f32 unk_1F8; /* 0x01FC */ f32 unk_1FC; /* 0x0200 */ f32 unk_200; /* 0x0204 */ f32 unk_204; // "angle_s" /* 0x0208 */ u16 alpha; /* 0x020A */ s16 offsetY; /* 0x020C */ char unk_20C[0x08]; /* 0x0214 */ s16 stickAdjX; /* 0x0216 */ s16 stickAdjY; /* 0x0218 */ s16 cursorPoint[5]; // "cursor_point" /* 0x0222 */ s16 cursorX[5]; // "cur_xpt" /* 0x022C */ s16 cursorY[5]; // "cur_ypt" /* 0x0236 */ s16 dungeonMapSlot; /* 0x0238 */ s16 cursorSpecialPos; // "key_angle" /* 0x023A */ s16 pageSwitchInputTimer; // Used to introduce a delay before switching page when arriving on the "scroll left/right" positions while holding stick left/right. /* 0x023C */ u16 namedItem; // "zoom_name" /* 0x023E */ u16 cursorItem[4]; // "select_name" /* 0x0246 */ u16 cursorSlot[4]; /* 0x024E */ u16 equipTargetItem; // "sl_item_no" /* 0x0250 */ u16 equipTargetSlot; // "sl_number" /* 0x0252 */ u16 equipTargetCBtn; /* 0x0254 */ s16 equipAnimX; /* 0x0256 */ s16 equipAnimY; /* 0x0258 */ s16 equipAnimAlpha; /* 0x025A */ s16 infoPanelOffsetY; /* 0x025C */ u16 nameDisplayTimer; /* 0x025E */ u16 nameColorSet; // 0 = white; 1 = grey /* 0x0260 */ s16 cursorColorSet; // 0 = white; 4 = yellow; 8 = green /* 0x0262 */ s16 promptChoice; // save/continue choice: 0 = yes; 4 = no /* 0x0264 */ s16 ocarinaSongIdx; /* 0x0266 */ u8 worldMapPoints[20]; // 0 = hidden; 1 = displayed; 2 = highlighted /* 0x027A */ u8 tradeQuestLocation; /* 0x027C */ SkelAnime playerSkelAnime; } PauseContext; // size = 0x2C0 // Note that z_kaleido_scope_PAL.c assumes that the dimensions and texture format here also matches the dimensions and // texture format for ITEM_NAME_TEX_* #define MAP_NAME_TEX1_WIDTH 128 #define MAP_NAME_TEX1_HEIGHT 16 #define MAP_NAME_TEX1_SIZE ((MAP_NAME_TEX1_WIDTH * MAP_NAME_TEX1_HEIGHT) / 2) // 128x16 IA4 texture #define MAP_NAME_TEX2_WIDTH 80 #define MAP_NAME_TEX2_HEIGHT 32 #define MAP_NAME_TEX2_SIZE (MAP_NAME_TEX2_WIDTH * MAP_NAME_TEX2_HEIGHT) // 80x32 IA8 texture #define PAUSE_MAP_MARK_NONE -1 #define PAUSE_MAP_MARK_CHEST 0 #define PAUSE_MAP_MARK_BOSS 1 typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 chestFlag; // chest icon is only displayed if this flag is not set for the current room, -1 for no flag /* 0x04 */ f32 x, y; // coordinates to place the icon (top-left corner) } PauseMapMarkPoint; // size = 0x0C typedef struct { /* 0x00 */ s16 markType; // 0 for the chest icon, 1 for the boss skull icon, -1 for none /* 0x04 */ s32 unk_04; /* 0x08 */ const Vtx* vtx; /* 0x0C */ s32 vtxCount; /* 0x10 */ s32 count; // number of icons to display /* 0x14 */ PauseMapMarkPoint points[12]; } PauseMapMarkData; // size = 0xA4 typedef PauseMapMarkData PauseMapMarksData[3]; #endif