.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .data .balign 16 glabel D_8012E090 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5230, 0x200 glabel D_8012E290 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5430, 0x200 glabel D_8012E490 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5630, 0x200 glabel D_8012E690 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5830, 0x200 glabel D_8012E890 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5A30, 0x200 glabel D_8012EA90 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5C30, 0x200 glabel D_8012EC90 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA5E30, 0x200 glabel D_8012EE90 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6030, 0x200 glabel gWaveSamples .word D_8012E090 .word D_8012E290 .word D_8012E490 .word D_8012E690 .word D_8012E890 .word D_8012EA90 .word D_8012EC90 .word D_8012EE90 .word D_8012EE90 glabel gPitchBendFrequencyScale .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6254, 0x400 glabel D_8012F4B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6654, 0x200 glabel D_8012F6B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6854, 0x200 glabel gNoteFrequencies .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6A54, 0x200 glabel gDefaultShortNoteVelocityTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C54, 0x10 glabel gDefaultShortNoteGateTimeTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C64, 0x10 glabel gDefaultEnvelope .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C74, 0x10 glabel gZeroNoteSub .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C84, 0x20 glabel gDefaultNoteSub .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6CA4, 0x20 glabel gHeadsetPanQuantization .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6CC4, 0x7E glabel D_8012FBA2 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6D42, 0x8 glabel D_8012FBAA .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6D4A, 0x7E glabel gHeadsetPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6DC8, 0x1FC glabel D_8012FE24 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6FC4, 0x4 glabel gStereoPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6FC8, 0x200 glabel gDefaultPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71C8, 0x1FC glabel D_80130224 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA73C4, 0x4 glabel sLowPassFilterData .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA73C8, 0x100 glabel sHighPassFilterData .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA74C8, 0x148 glabel D_80130470 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7610, 0x30 glabel D_801304A0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7640, 0x4 glabel D_801304A4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7644, 0x4 glabel D_801304A8 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7648, 0x4 glabel D_801304AC .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA764C, 0x14 glabel D_801304C0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7660, 0x10