#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys from pathlib import Path import shlex import subprocess import tempfile import uuid import asm_processor # Boolean for debugging purposes # Preprocessed files are temporary, set to True to keep a copy keep_preprocessed_files = False dir_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent asm_prelude_path = dir_path / "prelude.inc" all_args = sys.argv[1:] sep0 = next(index for index, arg in enumerate(all_args) if not arg.startswith("-")) sep1 = all_args.index("--") sep2 = all_args.index("--", sep1 + 1) asmproc_flags = all_args[:sep0] compiler = all_args[sep0:sep1] assembler_args = all_args[sep1 + 1 : sep2] assembler_sh = " ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in assembler_args) compile_args = all_args[sep2 + 1 :] in_file = Path(compile_args[-1]) del compile_args[-1] out_ind = compile_args.index("-o") out_file = Path(compile_args[out_ind + 1]) del compile_args[out_ind + 1] del compile_args[out_ind] in_dir = in_file.resolve().parent opt_flags = [ x for x in compile_args if x in {"-g3", "-g", "-O0", "-O1", "-O2", "-framepointer"} ] if "-mips2" not in compile_args: opt_flags.append("-mips1") asmproc_flags += opt_flags + [str(in_file)] # Drop .mdebug and .gptab sections from resulting binaries. This makes # resulting .o files much smaller and speeds up builds, but loses line # number debug data. # asmproc_flags += ["--drop-mdebug-gptab"] # Convert encoding before compiling. asmproc_flags += ["--input-enc", "utf-8", "--output-enc", "euc-jp"] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="asm_processor") as tmpdirname: tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdirname) preprocessed_filename = "preprocessed_" + uuid.uuid4().hex + ".c" preprocessed_path = tmpdir_path / preprocessed_filename with preprocessed_path.open("wb") as f: functions, deps = asm_processor.run(asmproc_flags, outfile=f) if keep_preprocessed_files: import shutil keep_output_dir = Path("./asm_processor_preprocessed") keep_output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy( preprocessed_path, keep_output_dir / (in_file.stem + "_" + preprocessed_filename), ) compile_cmdline = ( compiler + compile_args + ["-I", str(in_dir), "-o", str(out_file), str(preprocessed_path)] ) try: subprocess.check_call(compile_cmdline) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to compile file " + str(in_file) + ". Command line:") print() print(" ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in compile_cmdline)) print() sys.exit(55) asm_processor.run( asmproc_flags + [ "--post-process", str(out_file), "--assembler", assembler_sh, "--asm-prelude", str(asm_prelude_path), ], functions=functions, ) deps_file = out_file.with_suffix(".asmproc.d") if deps: with deps_file.open("w") as f: f.write(str(out_file) + ": " + " \\\n ".join(deps) + "\n") for dep in deps: f.write("\n" + dep + ":\n") else: try: deps_file.unlink() except OSError: pass