#include "global.h" u8* sJpegBitStreamPtr; u32 sJpegBitStreamByteIdx; u8 sJpegBitStreamBitIdx; u8 sJpegBitStreamDontSkip; u32 sJpegBitStreamCurWord; s32 JpegDecoder_Decode(JpegDecoder* decoder, u16* mcuBuff, s32 count, u8 isFollowing, JpegDecoderState* state) { s16 pad; s16 unk0; s16 unk1; s16 unk2; u32 idx; s32 inc; s16 unkCount; JpegHuffmanTable* hTable0; JpegHuffmanTable* hTable1; JpegHuffmanTable* hTable2; JpegHuffmanTable* hTable3; inc = 0; sJpegBitStreamPtr = decoder->imageData; if (decoder->mode == 0) { unkCount = 2; } else { unkCount = 4; if (decoder->unk_05 == 1) { inc = 8 * 8 * 2; } } hTable0 = decoder->hTablePtrs[0]; hTable1 = decoder->hTablePtrs[1]; hTable2 = decoder->hTablePtrs[2]; hTable3 = decoder->hTablePtrs[3]; if (!isFollowing) { sJpegBitStreamByteIdx = 0; sJpegBitStreamBitIdx = 32; sJpegBitStreamCurWord = 0; sJpegBitStreamDontSkip = 0; unk0 = 0; unk1 = 0; unk2 = 0; } else { sJpegBitStreamByteIdx = state->byteIdx; sJpegBitStreamBitIdx = state->bitIdx; sJpegBitStreamCurWord = state->curWord; sJpegBitStreamDontSkip = state->dontSkip; unk0 = state->unk_0C; unk1 = state->unk_0E; unk2 = state->unk_10; } while (count != 0) { for (idx = 0; idx < unkCount; idx++) { if (JpegDecoder_ProcessMcu(hTable0, hTable1, mcuBuff, &unk0)) { return 2; } mcuBuff += 8 * 8; } if (JpegDecoder_ProcessMcu(hTable2, hTable3, mcuBuff, &unk1)) { return 2; } mcuBuff += 8 * 8; if (JpegDecoder_ProcessMcu(hTable2, hTable3, mcuBuff, &unk2)) { return 2; } count--; mcuBuff += 8 * 8; mcuBuff += inc; } state->byteIdx = sJpegBitStreamByteIdx; state->bitIdx = sJpegBitStreamBitIdx; state->curWord = sJpegBitStreamCurWord; state->dontSkip = sJpegBitStreamDontSkip; state->unk_0C = unk0; state->unk_0E = unk1; state->unk_10 = unk2; return 0; } s32 JpegDecoder_ProcessMcu(JpegHuffmanTable* hTable0, JpegHuffmanTable* hTable1, s16* mcu, s16* unk) { s8 i = 0; s8 zeroCount; s16 coeff; if (JpegDecoder_ParseNextSymbol(hTable0, &coeff, &zeroCount)) { return 1; } *unk += coeff; mcu[i++] = *unk; while (i < 8 * 8) { if (JpegDecoder_ParseNextSymbol(hTable1, &coeff, &zeroCount) != 0) { return 1; } if (coeff == 0) { if (zeroCount == 0xF) { while (zeroCount-- >= 0) { mcu[i++] = 0; } } else { while (i < 8 * 8) { mcu[i++] = 0; } break; } } else { while (0 < zeroCount--) { mcu[i++] = 0; } mcu[i++] = coeff; } } return 0; } #ifdef NON_MATCHING // stack usage (coeffLength is stored as a u32 instead of a u8) s32 JpegDecoder_ParseNextSymbol(JpegHuffmanTable* hTable, s16* outCoeff, u8* outZeroCount) { u16 buff; u8 codeIdx; u8 sym; u8 coeffLength; // 0x26 u16 codeOff; // 0x24 codeOff = 0; buff = JpegDecoder_ReadBits(16); for (codeIdx = 0; codeIdx < 16; codeIdx++) { if (hTable->codesB[codeIdx] == 0xFFFF) { continue; } codeOff = buff >> (15 - codeIdx); if (codeOff <= hTable->codesB[codeIdx]) { break; } } if (codeIdx >= 16) { return 1; } sym = hTable->symbols[hTable->codeOffs[codeIdx] + codeOff - hTable->codesA[codeIdx]]; *outZeroCount = sym >> 4; coeffLength = sym & 0xF; // not using a temp for "sym & 0xF" puts coeffLength on the stack sJpegBitStreamBitIdx += codeIdx - 15; *outCoeff = 0; if (coeffLength) { // (cond != 0) instead of (cond) puts coeffLength on the stack *outCoeff = JpegDecoder_ReadBits(coeffLength); if (*outCoeff < (1 << (coeffLength - 1))) { *outCoeff += (-1 << coeffLength) + 1; // (*outCoeff -= (1 << coeffLength)-1; makes more sense but doesn't match) } } return 0; } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/jpegdecoder/JpegDecoder_ParseNextSymbol.s") #endif u16 JpegDecoder_ReadBits(u8 len) { u8 byteCount; u8 data; s32 ret; u32 temp; ret = 0; // this is required for some reason for (byteCount = sJpegBitStreamBitIdx >> 3; byteCount > 0; byteCount--) { data = sJpegBitStreamPtr[sJpegBitStreamByteIdx++]; if (sJpegBitStreamDontSkip) { if (data == 0) { data = sJpegBitStreamPtr[sJpegBitStreamByteIdx++]; } } sJpegBitStreamDontSkip = (data == 0xFF) ? 1 : 0; sJpegBitStreamCurWord <<= 8; sJpegBitStreamCurWord |= data; sJpegBitStreamBitIdx -= 8; } ret = (sJpegBitStreamCurWord << (sJpegBitStreamBitIdx)); temp = ret; ret = temp >> -len; sJpegBitStreamBitIdx += len; return ret; }