#include "ultra64.h" #include "global.h" #include "vt.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_Horse/z_en_horse.h" s16 Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(Camera* camera, s16 setting, s16 flags); s32 Camera_ChangeModeFlags(Camera* camera, s16 mode, u8 flags); s32 Camera_QRegInit(void); s32 Camera_CheckWater(Camera* camera); #define RELOAD_PARAMS \ (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14 || R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) #define PCT(x) ((x)*0.01f) #define NEXTSETTING ((values++)->val) #define NEXTPCT PCT(NEXTSETTING) #define BGCAM_POS(v) ((v)[0]) #define BGCAM_ROT(v) ((v)[1]) #define BGCAM_FOV(v) ((v)[2].x) #define BGCAM_JFIFID(v) ((v)[2].y) #define FLG_ADJSLOPE (1 << 0) #define FLG_OFFGROUND (1 << 7) #include "z_camera_data.c" /*===============================================================*/ /** * Interpolates along a curve between 0 and 1 with a period of * -a <= p <= a at time `b` */ f32 Camera_InterpolateCurve(f32 a, f32 b) { f32 ret; f32 absB; f32 t = 0.4f; f32 t2; f32 t3; f32 t4; absB = fabsf(b); if (a < absB) { ret = 1.0f; } else { t2 = 1.0f - t; if ((a * t2) > absB) { t3 = SQ(b) * (1.0f - t); t4 = SQ(a * t2); ret = t3 / t4; } else { t3 = SQ(a - absB) * t; t4 = SQ(0.4f * a); ret = 1.0f - (t3 / t4); } } return ret; } /* * Performs linear interpoloation between `cur` and `target`. If `cur` is within * `minDiff` units, The result is rounded up to `target` */ f32 Camera_LERPCeilF(f32 target, f32 cur, f32 stepScale, f32 minDiff) { f32 diff = target - cur; f32 step; f32 ret; if (fabsf(diff) >= minDiff) { step = diff * stepScale; ret = cur + step; } else { ret = target; } return ret; } /* * Performs linear interpoloation between `cur` and `target`. If `cur` is within * `minDiff` units, The result is rounded down to `cur` */ f32 Camera_LERPFloorF(f32 target, f32 cur, f32 stepScale, f32 minDiff) { f32 diff = target - cur; f32 step; f32 ret; if (fabsf(diff) >= minDiff) { step = diff * stepScale; ret = cur + step; } else { ret = cur; } return ret; } /* * Performs linear interpoloation between `cur` and `target`. If `cur` is within * `minDiff` units, The result is rounded up to `target` */ s16 Camera_LERPCeilS(s16 target, s16 cur, f32 stepScale, s16 minDiff) { s16 diff = target - cur; s16 step; s32 ret; if (ABS(diff) >= minDiff) { step = diff * stepScale + 0.5f; ret = cur + step; } else { ret = target; } return ret; } /* * Performs linear interpoloation between `cur` and `target`. If `cur` is within * `minDiff` units, The result is rounded down to `cur` */ s16 Camera_LERPFloorS(s16 target, s16 cur, f32 stepScale, s16 minDiff) { s16 diff = target - cur; s16 step; s32 ret; if (ABS(diff) >= minDiff) { step = diff * stepScale + 0.5f; ret = cur + step; } else { ret = cur; } return ret; } /* * Performs linear interpoloation between `cur` and `target`. If `cur` is within * `minDiff` units, The result is rounded up to `target` */ void Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(Vec3f* target, Vec3f* cur, f32 yStepScale, f32 xzStepScale, f32 minDiff) { cur->x = Camera_LERPCeilF(target->x, cur->x, xzStepScale, minDiff); cur->y = Camera_LERPCeilF(target->y, cur->y, yStepScale, minDiff); cur->z = Camera_LERPCeilF(target->z, cur->z, xzStepScale, minDiff); } void func_80043ABC(Camera* camera) { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = 100.0f; camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE; camera->rUpdateRateInv = OREG(6); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(2)); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(3)); camera->fovUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(4)); } void func_80043B60(Camera* camera) { camera->rUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); camera->yawUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = 0.001f; camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = 0.001f; camera->fovUpdateRate = 0.001f; } Vec3f* Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(Vec3f* dest, Vec3s* src) { Vec3f copy; copy.x = src->x; copy.y = src->y; copy.z = src->z; *dest = copy; return dest; } Vec3f* Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(Vec3f* dest, Vec3f* a, VecSph* b) { Vec3f copy; Vec3f vecB; OLib_VecSphGeoToVec3f(&vecB, b); copy.x = a->x + vecB.x; copy.y = a->y + vecB.y; copy.z = a->z + vecB.z; *dest = copy; return dest; } Vec3f* Camera_Vec3fTranslateByUnitVector(Vec3f* dest, Vec3f* src, Vec3f* unitVector, f32 uvScale) { Vec3f copy; copy.x = src->x + (unitVector->x * uvScale); copy.y = src->y + (unitVector->y * uvScale); copy.z = src->z + (unitVector->z * uvScale); *dest = copy; return dest; } /** * Detects the collision poly between `from` and `to`, places collision info in `to` */ s32 Camera_BGCheckInfo(Camera* camera, Vec3f* from, CamColChk* to) { CollisionContext* colCtx = &camera->globalCtx->colCtx; Vec3f toNewPos; Vec3f toPoint; Vec3f fromToNorm; f32 floorPolyY; CollisionPoly* floorPoly; s32 floorBgId; VecSph fromToOffset; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&fromToOffset, from, &to->pos); fromToOffset.r += 8.0f; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&toPoint, from, &fromToOffset); if (!BgCheck_CameraLineTest1(colCtx, from, &toPoint, &toNewPos, &to->poly, 1, 1, 1, -1, &to->bgId)) { // no poly in path. OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&fromToNorm, from, &to->pos); to->norm.x = -fromToNorm.x; to->norm.y = -fromToNorm.y; to->norm.z = -fromToNorm.z; toNewPos = to->pos; toNewPos.y += 5.0f; floorPolyY = BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(colCtx, &floorPoly, &floorBgId, &toNewPos); if ((to->pos.y - floorPolyY) > 5.0f) { // if the y distance from the check point to the floor is more than 5 units // the point is not colliding with any collision. to->pos.x += to->norm.x; to->pos.y += to->norm.y; to->pos.z += to->norm.z; return 0; } to->poly = floorPoly; toNewPos.y = floorPolyY + 1.0f; to->bgId = floorBgId; } to->norm.x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.x); to->norm.y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.y); to->norm.z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.z); to->pos.x = to->norm.x + toNewPos.x; to->pos.y = to->norm.y + toNewPos.y; to->pos.z = to->norm.z + toNewPos.z; return floorBgId + 1; } /** * Detects if there is collision between `from` and `to` */ s32 Camera_BGCheck(Camera* camera, Vec3f* from, Vec3f* to) { CamColChk toCol; s32 bgId; toCol.pos = *to; bgId = Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, from, &toCol); *to = toCol.pos; return bgId; } s32 func_80043F94(Camera* camera, Vec3f* from, CamColChk* to) { CollisionContext* colCtx = &camera->globalCtx->colCtx; Vec3f toNewPos; Vec3f toPos; Vec3f fromToNorm; Vec3f playerFloorNormF; f32 floorY; CollisionPoly* floorPoly; s32 bgId; VecSph fromToGeo; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&fromToGeo, from, &to->pos); fromToGeo.r += 8.0f; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&toPos, from, &fromToGeo); if (!BgCheck_CameraLineTest1(colCtx, from, &toPos, &toNewPos, &to->poly, 1, 1, 1, -1, &to->bgId)) { OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&fromToNorm, from, &to->pos); to->norm.x = -fromToNorm.x; to->norm.y = -fromToNorm.y; to->norm.z = -fromToNorm.z; toNewPos = to->pos; toNewPos.y += 5.0f; floorY = BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(colCtx, &floorPoly, &bgId, &toNewPos); if ((to->pos.y - floorY) > 5.0f) { // to is not on the ground or below it. to->pos.x += to->norm.x; to->pos.y += to->norm.y; to->pos.z += to->norm.z; return 0; } // to is touching the ground, move it up 1 unit. to->poly = floorPoly; toNewPos.y = floorY + 1.0f; to->bgId = bgId; } to->norm.x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.x); to->norm.y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.y); to->norm.z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(to->poly->normal.z); if ((to->norm.y > 0.5f) || (to->norm.y < -0.8f)) { to->pos.x = to->norm.x + toNewPos.x; to->pos.y = to->norm.y + toNewPos.y; to->pos.z = to->norm.z + toNewPos.z; } else if (playerFloorPoly != NULL) { playerFloorNormF.x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.x); playerFloorNormF.y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.y); playerFloorNormF.z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.z); if (Math3D_LineSegVsPlane(playerFloorNormF.x, playerFloorNormF.y, playerFloorNormF.z, playerFloorPoly->dist, from, &toPos, &toNewPos, 1)) { // line is from->to is touching the poly the player is on. to->norm = playerFloorNormF; to->poly = playerFloorPoly; to->bgId = camera->bgCheckId; to->pos.x = to->norm.x + toNewPos.x; to->pos.y = to->norm.y + toNewPos.y; to->pos.z = to->norm.z + toNewPos.z; } else { OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&fromToNorm, from, &to->pos); to->norm.x = -fromToNorm.x; to->norm.y = -fromToNorm.y; to->norm.z = -fromToNorm.z; to->pos.x += to->norm.x; to->pos.y += to->norm.y; to->pos.z += to->norm.z; return 0; } } return 1; } void func_80044340(Camera* camera, Vec3f* arg1, Vec3f* arg2) { CamColChk sp20; Vec3s unused; sp20.pos = *arg2; func_80043F94(camera, arg1, &sp20); *arg2 = sp20.pos; } /** * Checks if `from` to `to` is looking from the outside of a poly towards the front */ s32 Camera_CheckOOB(Camera* camera, Vec3f* from, Vec3f* to) { s32 pad; Vec3f intersect; s32 pad2; s32 bgId; CollisionPoly* poly; CollisionContext* colCtx = &camera->globalCtx->colCtx; poly = NULL; if (BgCheck_CameraLineTest1(colCtx, from, to, &intersect, &poly, 1, 1, 1, 0, &bgId) && (CollisionPoly_GetPointDistanceFromPlane(poly, from) < 0.0f)) { // if there is a poly between `from` and `to` and the `from` is behind the poly. return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the floor position underneath `chkPos`, and returns the normal of the floor to `floorNorm`, * and bgId to `bgId`. If no floor is found, then the normal is a flat surface pointing upwards. */ f32 Camera_GetFloorYNorm(Camera* camera, Vec3f* floorNorm, Vec3f* chkPos, s32* bgId) { s32 pad; CollisionPoly* floorPoly; f32 floorY = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor3(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, &floorPoly, bgId, chkPos); if (floorY == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { // no floor floorNorm->x = 0.0f; floorNorm->y = 1.0f; floorNorm->z = 0.0f; } else { floorNorm->x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.x); floorNorm->y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.y); floorNorm->z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.z); } return floorY; } /** * Gets the position of the floor from `pos` */ f32 Camera_GetFloorY(Camera* camera, Vec3f* pos) { Vec3f posCheck; Vec3f floorNorm; s32 bgId; posCheck = *pos; posCheck.y += 80.0f; return Camera_GetFloorYNorm(camera, &floorNorm, &posCheck, &bgId); } /** * Gets the position of the floor from `pos`, and if the floor is considered not solid, * it checks the next floor below that up to 3 times. Returns the normal of the floor into `norm` */ f32 Camera_GetFloorYLayer(Camera* camera, Vec3f* norm, Vec3f* pos, s32* bgId) { CollisionPoly* floorPoly; CollisionContext* colCtx = &camera->globalCtx->colCtx; f32 floorY; s32 i; for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) { floorY = BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(colCtx, &floorPoly, bgId, pos); if (floorY == BGCHECK_Y_MIN || (camera->playerGroundY < floorY && !(COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.y) > 0.5f))) { // no floor, or player is below the floor and floor is not considered steep norm->x = 0.0f; norm->y = 1.0f; norm->z = 0.0f; floorY = BGCHECK_Y_MIN; break; } else if (func_80041D4C(colCtx, floorPoly, *bgId) == 1) { // floor is not solid, check below that floor. pos->y = floorY - 10.0f; continue; } else { norm->x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.x); norm->y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.y); norm->z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(floorPoly->normal.z); break; } } if (i == 0) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: foward check: too many layer!\n" VT_RST); } return floorY; } /** * Returns the CameraSettingType of the camera at index `camDataIdx` */ s16 Camera_GetCamDataSetting(Camera* camera, s32 camDataIdx) { return func_80041A4C(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, camDataIdx, BGCHECK_SCENE); } /** * Returns the scene camera info for the current camera data index */ Vec3s* Camera_GetCamBGData(Camera* camera) { return func_80041C10(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, camera->camDataIdx, BGCHECK_SCENE); } /** * Gets the scene's camera index for the poly `poly`, returns -1 if * there is no camera data for that poly. */ s32 Camera_GetDataIdxForPoly(Camera* camera, s32* bgId, CollisionPoly* poly) { s32 camDataIdx; PosRot playerPosRot; s32 ret; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); // unused. camDataIdx = SurfaceType_GetCamDataIndex(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, poly, *bgId); if (func_80041A4C(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, camDataIdx, *bgId) == CAM_SET_NONE) { ret = -1; } else { ret = camDataIdx; } return ret; } /** * Returns the scene camera info for the floor under the player. * If there is no floor then there is no camera data, returns the number of * pieces of data there are in `dataCnt` */ Vec3s* Camera_GetCamBgDataUnderPlayer(Camera* camera, u16* dataCnt) { CollisionPoly* floorPoly; s32 pad; s32 bgId; PosRot playerPosShape; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosShape, &camera->player->actor); playerPosShape.pos.y += Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor3(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, &floorPoly, &bgId, &playerPosShape.pos) == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { // no floor return NULL; } *dataCnt = SurfaceType_GetNumCameras(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, floorPoly, bgId); return SurfaceType_GetCamPosData(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, floorPoly, bgId); } /** * Gets the Camera information for the water box the player is in. * Returns -1 if the player is not in a water box, or does not have a swimming state. * Returns -2 if there is no camera index for the water box. * Returns the camera data index otherwise. */ s32 Camera_GetWaterBoxDataIdx(Camera* camera, f32* waterY) { PosRot playerPosShape; WaterBox* waterBox; s32 ret; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosShape, &camera->player->actor); *waterY = playerPosShape.pos.y; if (!WaterBox_GetSurface1(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->colCtx, playerPosShape.pos.x, playerPosShape.pos.z, waterY, &waterBox)) { // player's position is not in a water box. *waterY = BGCHECK_Y_MIN; return -1; } if (!(camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x8000000)) { // player is not swimming *waterY = BGCHECK_Y_MIN; return -1; } ret = WaterBox_GetCamDataIndex(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, waterBox); if ((ret <= 0) || (WaterBox_GetCameraSType(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, waterBox) <= 0)) { // no camera data idx, or no CameraSettingType return -2; } return ret; } /** * Checks if `chkPos` is inside a waterbox. If there is no water box below `chkPos` * or if `chkPos` is above the water surface, return BGCHECK_Y_MIN, output * environment properites to `envProp` if `chkPos` is inside the waterbox. */ f32 Camera_GetWaterSurface(Camera* camera, Vec3f* chkPos, s32* envProp) { PosRot playerPosRot; f32 waterY; WaterBox* waterBox; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); waterY = playerPosRot.pos.y; if (!WaterBox_GetSurface1(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->colCtx, chkPos->x, chkPos->z, &waterY, &waterBox)) { // chkPos is not within the x/z boundaries of a water box. return BGCHECK_Y_MIN; } if (waterY < chkPos->y) { // the water's y position is below the check position // meaning the position is NOT in the water. return BGCHECK_Y_MIN; } *envProp = WaterBox_GetLightSettingIndex(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, waterBox); return waterY; } /** * Calculates the angle between points `from` and `to` */ s16 Camera_XZAngle(Vec3f* to, Vec3f* from) { return DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(Math_FAtan2F(from->x - to->x, from->z - to->z))); } s16 func_80044ADC(Camera* camera, s16 yaw, s16 arg2) { static f32 D_8015CE50; static f32 D_8015CE54; static CamColChk D_8015CE58; Vec3f playerPos; Vec3f rotatedPos; Vec3f floorNorm; f32 temp_f2; s16 temp_s0; s16 temp_s1; f32 phi_f18; f32 sinYaw; f32 cosYaw; s32 bgId; f32 sp30; f32 sp2C; f32 phi_f16; f32 playerHeight; sinYaw = Math_SinS(yaw); cosYaw = Math_CosS(yaw); playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); temp_f2 = PCT(OREG(19)) * playerHeight; sp30 = PCT(OREG(17)) * playerHeight; sp2C = PCT(OREG(18)) * playerHeight; playerPos.x = camera->playerPosRot.pos.x; playerPos.y = camera->playerGroundY + temp_f2; playerPos.z = camera->playerPosRot.pos.z; rotatedPos.x = playerPos.x + (sp30 * sinYaw); rotatedPos.y = playerPos.y; rotatedPos.z = playerPos.z + (sp30 * cosYaw); if (arg2 || (camera->globalCtx->state.frames % 2) == 0) { D_8015CE58.pos.x = playerPos.x + (sp2C * sinYaw); D_8015CE58.pos.y = playerPos.y; D_8015CE58.pos.z = playerPos.z + (sp2C * cosYaw); Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, &playerPos, &D_8015CE58); if (arg2) { D_8015CE50 = D_8015CE54 = camera->playerGroundY; } } else { sp2C = OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(&playerPos, &D_8015CE58.pos); D_8015CE58.pos.x += D_8015CE58.norm.x * 5.0f; D_8015CE58.pos.y += D_8015CE58.norm.y * 5.0f; D_8015CE58.pos.z += D_8015CE58.norm.z * 5.0f; if (sp2C < sp30) { sp30 = sp2C; D_8015CE50 = D_8015CE54 = Camera_GetFloorYLayer(camera, &floorNorm, &D_8015CE58.pos, &bgId); } else { D_8015CE50 = Camera_GetFloorYLayer(camera, &floorNorm, &rotatedPos, &bgId); D_8015CE54 = Camera_GetFloorYLayer(camera, &floorNorm, &D_8015CE58.pos, &bgId); } if (D_8015CE50 == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { D_8015CE50 = camera->playerGroundY; } if (D_8015CE54 == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { D_8015CE54 = D_8015CE50; } } phi_f16 = PCT(OREG(20)) * (D_8015CE50 - camera->playerGroundY); phi_f18 = (1.0f - PCT(OREG(20))) * (D_8015CE54 - camera->playerGroundY); temp_s0 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(Math_FAtan2F(phi_f16, sp30))); temp_s1 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(RADF_TO_DEGF(Math_FAtan2F(phi_f18, sp2C))); return temp_s0 + temp_s1; } Vec3f* Camera_CalcUpFromPitchYawRoll(Vec3f* dest, s16 pitch, s16 yaw, s16 roll) { f32 sinPitch; f32 cosPitch; f32 sinYaw; f32 cosYaw; f32 sinNegRoll; f32 cosNegRoll; Vec3f spA4; f32 pad; f32 sp54; f32 sp4C; f32 cosPitchCosYawSinRoll; f32 negSinPitch; f32 temp_f10_2; f32 cosPitchcosYaw; f32 temp_f14; f32 negSinPitchSinYaw; f32 negSinPitchCosYaw; f32 cosPitchSinYaw; f32 temp_f4_2; f32 temp_f6; f32 temp_f8; f32 temp_f8_2; f32 temp_f8_3; sinPitch = Math_SinS(pitch); cosPitch = Math_CosS(pitch); sinYaw = Math_SinS(yaw); cosYaw = Math_CosS(yaw); negSinPitch = -sinPitch; sinNegRoll = Math_SinS(-roll); cosNegRoll = Math_CosS(-roll); negSinPitchSinYaw = negSinPitch * sinYaw; temp_f14 = 1.0f - cosNegRoll; cosPitchSinYaw = cosPitch * sinYaw; sp54 = SQ(cosPitchSinYaw); sp4C = (cosPitchSinYaw * sinPitch) * temp_f14; cosPitchcosYaw = cosPitch * cosYaw; temp_f4_2 = ((1.0f - sp54) * cosNegRoll) + sp54; cosPitchCosYawSinRoll = cosPitchcosYaw * sinNegRoll; negSinPitchCosYaw = negSinPitch * cosYaw; temp_f6 = (cosPitchcosYaw * cosPitchSinYaw) * temp_f14; temp_f10_2 = sinPitch * sinNegRoll; spA4.x = ((negSinPitchSinYaw * temp_f4_2) + (cosPitch * (sp4C - cosPitchCosYawSinRoll))) + (negSinPitchCosYaw * (temp_f6 + temp_f10_2)); sp54 = SQ(sinPitch); temp_f4_2 = (sinPitch * cosPitchcosYaw) * temp_f14; temp_f8_3 = cosPitchSinYaw * sinNegRoll; temp_f8 = sp4C + cosPitchCosYawSinRoll; spA4.y = ((negSinPitchSinYaw * temp_f8) + (cosPitch * (((1.0f - sp54) * cosNegRoll) + sp54))) + (negSinPitchCosYaw * (temp_f4_2 - temp_f8_3)); temp_f8_2 = temp_f6 - temp_f10_2; spA4.z = ((negSinPitchSinYaw * temp_f8_2) + (cosPitch * (temp_f4_2 + temp_f8_3))) + (negSinPitchCosYaw * (((1.0f - SQ(cosPitchcosYaw)) * cosNegRoll) + SQ(cosPitchcosYaw))); *dest = spA4; return dest; } f32 Camera_ClampLERPScale(Camera* camera, f32 maxLERPScale) { f32 ret; if (camera->atLERPStepScale < PCT(R_AT_LERP_MIN)) { ret = PCT(R_AT_LERP_MIN); } else if (camera->atLERPStepScale >= maxLERPScale) { ret = maxLERPScale; } else { ret = PCT(R_AT_LERP_SCALE) * camera->atLERPStepScale; } return ret; } void Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(Camera* camera, s16 mode) { CameraModeValue* values; CameraModeValue* valueP; s32 i; if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: res: stat (%d/%d/%d)\n", camera->thisIdx, camera->setting, mode); } values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[mode].values; for (i = 0; i < sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[mode].valueCnt; i++) { valueP = &values[i]; PREG(valueP->param) = valueP->val; if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: res: PREG(%02d) = %d\n", valueP->param, valueP->val); } } camera->animState = 0; } s32 Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(Camera* camera) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; CameraModeValue* valueP; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].valueCnt; i++) { valueP = &values[i]; valueP->val = PREG(valueP->param); if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: res: %d = PREG(%02d)\n", valueP->val, valueP->param); } } return true; } #define SHRINKWIN_MASK (0xF000) #define SHRINKWINVAL_MASK (0x7000) #define SHRINKWIN_CURVAL (0x8000) #define IFACE_ALPHA_MASK (0x0F00) void Camera_UpdateInterface(s16 flags) { s16 interfaceAlpha; if ((flags & SHRINKWIN_MASK) != SHRINKWIN_MASK) { switch (flags & SHRINKWINVAL_MASK) { case 0x1000: sCameraShrinkWindowVal = 0x1A; break; case 0x2000: sCameraShrinkWindowVal = 0x1B; break; case 0x3000: sCameraShrinkWindowVal = 0x20; break; default: sCameraShrinkWindowVal = 0; break; } if (flags & SHRINKWIN_CURVAL) { ShrinkWindow_SetCurrentVal(sCameraShrinkWindowVal); } else { ShrinkWindow_SetVal(sCameraShrinkWindowVal); } } if ((flags & IFACE_ALPHA_MASK) != IFACE_ALPHA_MASK) { interfaceAlpha = (flags & IFACE_ALPHA_MASK) >> 8; if (interfaceAlpha == 0) { interfaceAlpha = 0x32; } if (interfaceAlpha != sCameraInterfaceAlpha) { sCameraInterfaceAlpha = interfaceAlpha; Interface_ChangeAlpha(sCameraInterfaceAlpha); } } } Vec3f* Camera_BGCheckCorner(Vec3f* dst, Vec3f* linePointA, Vec3f* linePointB, CamColChk* pointAColChk, CamColChk* pointBColChk) { Vec3f closestPoint; if (!func_800427B4(pointAColChk->poly, pointBColChk->poly, linePointA, linePointB, &closestPoint)) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: corner check no cross point %x %x\n" VT_RST, pointAColChk, pointBColChk); *dst = pointAColChk->pos; return dst; } *dst = closestPoint; return dst; } /** * Checks collision between at and eyeNext, if `checkEye` is set, if there is no collsion between * eyeNext->at, then eye->at is also checked. * Returns: * 0 if no collsion is found between at->eyeNext * 2 if the angle between the polys is between 60 degrees and 120 degrees * 3 ? * 6 if the angle between the polys is greater than 120 degrees */ s32 func_80045508(Camera* camera, VecSph* diffSph, CamColChk* eyeChk, CamColChk* atChk, s16 checkEye) { Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f eyePos; s32 atEyeBgId; s32 eyeAtBgId; s32 ret; f32 cosEyeAt; eyeChk->pos = camera->eyeNext; ret = 0; atEyeBgId = Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, eyeChk); if (atEyeBgId != 0) { // collision found between at->eye atChk->pos = camera->at; OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&eyeChk->sphNorm, &eyeChk->norm); if (eyeChk->sphNorm.pitch >= 0x2EE1) { eyeChk->sphNorm.yaw = diffSph->yaw; } eyeAtBgId = Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, eyeNext, atChk); if (eyeAtBgId == 0) { // no collision from eyeNext->at if (checkEye & 1) { atChk->pos = *at; eyePos = *eye; if (Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, &eyePos, atChk) == 0) { // no collision from eye->at return 3; } else if (eyeChk->poly == atChk->poly) { // at->eye and eye->at is the same poly return 3; } } else { return 3; } } else if (eyeChk->poly == atChk->poly) { // at->eyeNext and eyeNext->at is the same poly return 3; } OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&atChk->sphNorm, &atChk->norm); if (atChk->sphNorm.pitch >= 0x2EE1) { atChk->sphNorm.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(diffSph->yaw); } if (atEyeBgId != eyeAtBgId) { // different bgIds for at->eye[Next] and eye[Next]->at ret = 3; } else { cosEyeAt = Math3D_Cos(&eyeChk->norm, &atChk->norm); if (cosEyeAt < -0.5f) { ret = 6; } else if (cosEyeAt > 0.5f) { ret = 3; } else { ret = 2; } } } return ret; } /** * Calculates how much to adjust the camera at's y value when on a slope. */ f32 Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(Vec3f* floorNorm, s16 playerYRot, s16 eyeAtYaw, f32 adjAmt) { f32 tmp; VecSph floorNormSph; OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&floorNormSph, floorNorm); tmp = Math_CosS(floorNormSph.pitch) * Math_CosS(playerYRot - floorNormSph.yaw); return (fabsf(tmp) * adjAmt) * Math_CosS(playerYRot - eyeAtYaw); } /** * Calculates new at vector for the camera pointing in `eyeAtDir` */ s32 Camera_CalcAtDefault(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAtDir, f32 extraYOffset, s16 calcSlope) { Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; Vec3f atTarget; s32 pad2; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 yOffset; yOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); posOffsetTarget.x = 0.f; posOffsetTarget.y = yOffset + extraYOffset; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.f; if (calcSlope) { posOffsetTarget.y -= OLib_ClampMaxDist( Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(&camera->floorNorm, playerPosRot->rot.y, eyeAtDir->yaw, OREG(9)), yOffset); } Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, 0.1f); atTarget.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; atTarget.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; atTarget.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return true; } s32 func_800458D4(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAtDir, f32 arg2, f32* arg3, s16 arg4) { f32 phi_f2; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; Vec3f atTarget; f32 eyeAtAngle; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 deltaY; s32 pad[2]; posOffsetTarget.y = Player_GetHeight(camera->player) + arg2; posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; if (arg4) { posOffsetTarget.y -= Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(&camera->floorNorm, playerPosRot->rot.y, eyeAtDir->yaw, OREG(9)); } deltaY = playerPosRot->pos.y - *arg3; eyeAtAngle = Math_FAtan2F(deltaY, OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(&camera->at, &camera->eye)); if (eyeAtAngle > DEGF_TO_RADF(OREG(32))) { if (1) {} phi_f2 = 1.0f - sinf(DEGF_TO_RADF(eyeAtAngle - OREG(32))); } else if (eyeAtAngle < DEGF_TO_RADF(OREG(33))) { phi_f2 = 1.0f - sinf(DEGF_TO_RADF(OREG(33)) - eyeAtAngle); } else { phi_f2 = 1.0f; } posOffsetTarget.y -= deltaY * phi_f2; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, PCT(OREG(29)), PCT(OREG(30)), 0.1f); atTarget.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; atTarget.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; atTarget.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, &camera->at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return 1; } s32 func_80045B08(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAtDir, f32 yExtra, s16 arg3) { f32 phi_f2; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; Vec3f atTarget; f32 sp38; // unused f32 temp_ret; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; posOffsetTarget.y = Player_GetHeight(camera->player) + yExtra; posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; temp_ret = Math_SinS(arg3); if (temp_ret < 0.0f) { phi_f2 = Math_CosS(playerPosRot->rot.y - eyeAtDir->yaw); } else { phi_f2 = -Math_CosS(playerPosRot->rot.y - eyeAtDir->yaw); } posOffsetTarget.y -= temp_ret * phi_f2 * OREG(9); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, 0.1f); atTarget.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; atTarget.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; atTarget.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, &camera->at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return 1; } /** * Adjusts the camera's at position for Camera_Parallel1 */ s32 Camera_CalcAtForParallel(Camera* camera, VecSph* arg1, f32 arg2, f32* arg3, s16 arg4) { Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; Vec3f atTarget; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 temp_f2; f32 phi_f16; f32 sp54; f32 phi_f20; f32 temp_f0_4; temp_f0_4 = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.y = temp_f0_4 + arg2; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; if (PREG(76) && arg4) { posOffsetTarget.y -= Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(&camera->floorNorm, playerPosRot->rot.y, arg1->yaw, OREG(9)); } if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y || camera->player->actor.gravity > -0.1f || camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x200000) { *arg3 = Camera_LERPCeilF(playerPosRot->pos.y, *arg3, PCT(OREG(43)), 0.1f); phi_f20 = playerPosRot->pos.y - *arg3; posOffsetTarget.y -= phi_f20; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, 0.1f); } else { if (!PREG(75)) { phi_f20 = playerPosRot->pos.y - *arg3; sp54 = OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(at, &camera->eye); phi_f16 = sp54; Math_FAtan2F(phi_f20, sp54); temp_f2 = Math_FTanF(DEG_TO_RAD(camera->fov * 0.4f)) * phi_f16; if (temp_f2 < phi_f20) { *arg3 += phi_f20 - temp_f2; phi_f20 = temp_f2; } else if (phi_f20 < -temp_f2) { *arg3 += phi_f20 + temp_f2; phi_f20 = -temp_f2; } posOffsetTarget.y -= phi_f20; } else { phi_f20 = playerPosRot->pos.y - *arg3; temp_f2 = Math_FAtan2F(phi_f20, OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(at, eye)); if (DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(32)) < temp_f2) { phi_f16 = 1 - sinf(temp_f2 - DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(32))); } else if (temp_f2 < DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(33))) { phi_f16 = 1 - sinf(DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(33)) - temp_f2); } else { phi_f16 = 1; } posOffsetTarget.y -= phi_f20 * phi_f16; } Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, PCT(OREG(29)), PCT(OREG(30)), 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(29)); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(30)); } atTarget.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; atTarget.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; atTarget.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return 1; } /** * Adjusts at position for Camera_Battle1 and Camera_KeepOn1 */ s32 Camera_CalcAtForLockOn(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAtDir, Vec3f* targetPos, f32 yOffset, f32 distance, f32* yPosOffset, VecSph* outPlayerToTargetDir, s16 flags) { Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f tmpPos0; Vec3f tmpPos1; Vec3f lookFromOffset; Vec3f* floorNorm = &camera->floorNorm; VecSph playerToTargetDir; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 yPosDelta; f32 phi_f16; f32 eyeAtDist; f32 temp_f0_2; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); tmpPos0.x = 0.0f; tmpPos0.y = playerHeight + yOffset; tmpPos0.z = 0.0f; if (PREG(76) && (flags & FLG_ADJSLOPE)) { tmpPos0.y -= Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(floorNorm, playerPosRot->rot.y, eyeAtDir->yaw, OREG(9)); } // tmpPos1 is player's head tmpPos1 = playerPosRot->pos; tmpPos1.y += playerHeight; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(outPlayerToTargetDir, &tmpPos1, targetPos); playerToTargetDir = *outPlayerToTargetDir; if (distance < playerToTargetDir.r) { playerToTargetDir.r = playerToTargetDir.r * PCT(OREG(38)); } else { // ratio of player's height off ground to player's height. temp_f0_2 = OLib_ClampMaxDist((playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerGroundY) / playerHeight, 1.0f); playerToTargetDir.r = (playerToTargetDir.r * PCT(OREG(39))) - (((PCT(OREG(39)) - PCT(OREG(38))) * playerToTargetDir.r) * (playerToTargetDir.r / distance)); playerToTargetDir.r = playerToTargetDir.r - (playerToTargetDir.r * temp_f0_2) * temp_f0_2; } if (flags & FLG_OFFGROUND) { playerToTargetDir.r *= 0.2f; camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = .01f; } OLib_VecSphGeoToVec3f(&lookFromOffset, &playerToTargetDir); if (PREG(89)) { osSyncPrintf("%f (%f %f %f) %f\n", playerToTargetDir.r / distance, lookFromOffset.x, lookFromOffset.y, lookFromOffset.z, camera->atLERPStepScale); } tmpPos0.x = tmpPos0.x + lookFromOffset.x; tmpPos0.y = tmpPos0.y + lookFromOffset.y; tmpPos0.z = tmpPos0.z + lookFromOffset.z; if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y || camera->player->actor.gravity > -0.1f || camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x200000) { *yPosOffset = Camera_LERPCeilF(playerPosRot->pos.y, *yPosOffset, PCT(OREG(43)), 0.1f); yPosDelta = playerPosRot->pos.y - *yPosOffset; tmpPos0.y -= yPosDelta; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&tmpPos0, &camera->posOffset, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, 0.1f); } else { if (!(flags & FLG_OFFGROUND)) { yPosDelta = playerPosRot->pos.y - *yPosOffset; eyeAtDist = OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(at, &camera->eye); phi_f16 = eyeAtDist; Math_FAtan2F(yPosDelta, eyeAtDist); temp_f0_2 = Math_FTanF(DEG_TO_RAD(camera->fov * 0.4f)) * phi_f16; if (temp_f0_2 < yPosDelta) { *yPosOffset = *yPosOffset + (yPosDelta - temp_f0_2); yPosDelta = temp_f0_2; } else if (yPosDelta < -temp_f0_2) { *yPosOffset = *yPosOffset + (yPosDelta + temp_f0_2); yPosDelta = -temp_f0_2; } tmpPos0.y = tmpPos0.y - yPosDelta; } else { yPosDelta = playerPosRot->pos.y - *yPosOffset; temp_f0_2 = Math_FAtan2F(yPosDelta, OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(at, &camera->eye)); if (temp_f0_2 > DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(32))) { phi_f16 = 1.0f - sinf(temp_f0_2 - DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(32))); } else if (temp_f0_2 < DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(33))) { phi_f16 = 1.0f - sinf(DEG_TO_RAD(OREG(33)) - temp_f0_2); } else { phi_f16 = 1.0f; } tmpPos0.y -= (yPosDelta * phi_f16); } Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&tmpPos0, &camera->posOffset, PCT(OREG(29)), PCT(OREG(30)), 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(29)); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(30)); } tmpPos1.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; tmpPos1.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; tmpPos1.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&tmpPos1, at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return 1; } s32 Camera_CalcAtForHorse(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAtDir, f32 yOffset, f32* yPosOffset, s16 calcSlope) { Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; Vec3f atTarget; s32 pad; s32 pad2; f32 playerHeight; Player* player; PosRot horsePosRot; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); player = camera->player; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&horsePosRot, player->rideActor); if (EN_HORSE_CHECK_JUMPING((EnHorse*)player->rideActor)) { horsePosRot.pos.y -= 49.f; *yPosOffset = Camera_LERPCeilF(horsePosRot.pos.y, *yPosOffset, 0.1f, 0.2f); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.4f, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f, 0.02f); } else { *yPosOffset = Camera_LERPCeilF(horsePosRot.pos.y, *yPosOffset, 0.5f, 0.2f); } posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.y = playerHeight + yOffset; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; if (calcSlope != 0) { posOffsetTarget.y -= Camera_CalcSlopeYAdj(&camera->floorNorm, camera->playerPosRot.rot.y, eyeAtDir->yaw, OREG(9)); } Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, 0.1f); atTarget.x = camera->posOffset.x + horsePosRot.pos.x; atTarget.y = camera->posOffset.y + horsePosRot.pos.y; atTarget.z = camera->posOffset.z + horsePosRot.pos.z; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, at, camera->atLERPStepScale, camera->atLERPStepScale, 0.2f); return 1; } f32 Camera_LERPClampDist(Camera* camera, f32 dist, f32 min, f32 max) { f32 distTarget; f32 rUpdateRateInvTarget; if (dist < min) { distTarget = min; rUpdateRateInvTarget = OREG(6); } else if (dist > max) { distTarget = max; rUpdateRateInvTarget = OREG(6); } else { distTarget = dist; rUpdateRateInvTarget = 1.0f; } camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(rUpdateRateInvTarget, camera->rUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); return Camera_LERPCeilF(distTarget, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f); } f32 Camera_ClampDist(Camera* camera, f32 dist, f32 minDist, f32 maxDist, s16 timer) { f32 distTarget; f32 rUpdateRateInvTarget; if (dist < minDist) { distTarget = minDist; rUpdateRateInvTarget = timer != 0 ? OREG(6) * 0.5f : OREG(6); } else if (maxDist < dist) { distTarget = maxDist; rUpdateRateInvTarget = timer != 0 ? OREG(6) * 0.5f : OREG(6); } else { distTarget = dist; rUpdateRateInvTarget = timer != 0 ? OREG(6) : 1.0f; } camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(rUpdateRateInvTarget, camera->rUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); return Camera_LERPCeilF(distTarget, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f); } s16 Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(Camera* camera, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, s16 arg3) { f32 pad; f32 phi_a2; f32 t; s16 phi_v0; s16 phi_v1; s16 sp1C; phi_v1 = ABS(arg1); phi_v0 = arg3 > 0 ? (s16)(Math_CosS(arg3) * arg3) : arg3; sp1C = arg2 - phi_v0; if (ABS(sp1C) < phi_v1) { phi_a2 = (1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv) * 3.0f; } else { t = phi_v1 * (1.0f / R_CAM_MAX_PHI); pad = Camera_InterpolateCurve(0.8f, 1.0f - t); phi_a2 = (1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv) * pad; } return Camera_LERPCeilS(sp1C, arg1, phi_a2, 0xA); } s16 Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(Camera* camera, s16 cur, s16 target, f32 arg3, f32 accel) { f32 velocity; s16 angDelta; f32 updSpeed; f32 speedT; f32 velFactor; f32 yawUpdRate; if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f) { angDelta = target - BINANG_ROT180(cur); speedT = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(BINANG_ROT180(angDelta)); } else { angDelta = target - BINANG_ROT180(cur); speedT = PCT(OREG(48)); } updSpeed = Camera_InterpolateCurve(arg3, speedT); velocity = updSpeed + (1.0f - updSpeed) * accel; if (velocity < 0.0f) { velocity = 0.0f; } velFactor = Camera_InterpolateCurve(0.5f, camera->speedRatio); yawUpdRate = 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv; return cur + (s16)(angDelta * velocity * velFactor * yawUpdRate); } void func_80046E20(Camera* camera, VecSph* eyeAdjustment, f32 minDist, f32 arg3, f32* arg4, SwingAnimation* anim) { static CamColChk atEyeColChk; static CamColChk eyeAtColChk; static CamColChk newEyeColChk; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; s32 temp_v0; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f peekAroundPoint; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; f32 temp_f0; VecSph newEyeAdjustment; VecSph sp40; temp_v0 = func_80045508(camera, eyeAdjustment, &atEyeColChk, &eyeAtColChk, !anim->unk_18); switch (temp_v0) { case 1: case 2: // angle between polys is between 60 and 120 degrees. Camera_BGCheckCorner(&anim->collisionClosePoint, at, eyeNext, &atEyeColChk, &eyeAtColChk); peekAroundPoint.x = anim->collisionClosePoint.x + (atEyeColChk.norm.x + eyeAtColChk.norm.x); peekAroundPoint.y = anim->collisionClosePoint.y + (atEyeColChk.norm.y + eyeAtColChk.norm.y); peekAroundPoint.z = anim->collisionClosePoint.z + (atEyeColChk.norm.z + eyeAtColChk.norm.z); temp_f0 = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, &atEyeColChk.pos); *arg4 = temp_f0 > minDist ? 1.0f : temp_f0 / minDist; anim->swingUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(10)); anim->unk_18 = 1; anim->atEyePoly = eyeAtColChk.poly; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&newEyeAdjustment, at, &peekAroundPoint); newEyeAdjustment.r = eyeAdjustment->r; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, at, &newEyeAdjustment); newEyeColChk.pos = *eye; if (Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &newEyeColChk) == 0) { // no collision found between at->newEyePos newEyeAdjustment.yaw += BINANG_SUB(eyeAdjustment->yaw, newEyeAdjustment.yaw) >> 1; newEyeAdjustment.pitch += BINANG_SUB(eyeAdjustment->pitch, newEyeAdjustment.pitch) >> 1; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, at, &newEyeAdjustment); if (atEyeColChk.sphNorm.pitch < 0x2AA8) { // ~ 60 degrees anim->unk_16 = newEyeAdjustment.yaw; anim->unk_14 = newEyeAdjustment.pitch; } else { anim->unk_16 = eyeAdjustment->yaw; anim->unk_14 = eyeAdjustment->pitch; } peekAroundPoint.x = anim->collisionClosePoint.x - (atEyeColChk.norm.x + eyeAtColChk.norm.x); peekAroundPoint.y = anim->collisionClosePoint.y - (atEyeColChk.norm.y + eyeAtColChk.norm.y); peekAroundPoint.z = anim->collisionClosePoint.z - (atEyeColChk.norm.z + eyeAtColChk.norm.z); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&newEyeAdjustment, at, &peekAroundPoint); newEyeAdjustment.r = eyeAdjustment->r; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &newEyeAdjustment); break; } camera->eye = newEyeColChk.pos; atEyeColChk = newEyeColChk; case 3: case 6: if (anim->unk_18 != 0) { anim->swingUpdateRateTimer = OREG(52); anim->unk_18 = 0; *eyeNext = *eye; } temp_f0 = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, &atEyeColChk.pos); *arg4 = temp_f0 > minDist ? 1.0f : temp_f0 / minDist; anim->swingUpdateRate = *arg4 * arg3; Camera_Vec3fTranslateByUnitVector(eye, &atEyeColChk.pos, &atEyeColChk.norm, 1.0f); anim->atEyePoly = NULL; if (temp_f0 < OREG(21)) { sp40.yaw = eyeAdjustment->yaw; sp40.pitch = Math_SinS(atEyeColChk.sphNorm.pitch + 0x3FFF) * 16380.0f; sp40.r = (OREG(21) - temp_f0) * PCT(OREG(22)); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, eye, &sp40); } break; default: if (anim->unk_18 != 0) { anim->swingUpdateRateTimer = OREG(52); *eyeNext = *eye; anim->unk_18 = 0; } anim->swingUpdateRate = arg3; anim->atEyePoly = NULL; eye->x = atEyeColChk.pos.x + atEyeColChk.norm.x; eye->y = atEyeColChk.pos.y + atEyeColChk.norm.y; eye->z = atEyeColChk.pos.z + atEyeColChk.norm.z; break; } } s32 Camera_Noop(Camera* camera) { return true; } s32 Camera_Normal1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; f32 spA0; f32 sp9C; f32 sp98; f32 sp94; Vec3f sp88; s16 wiggleAdj; s16 t; VecSph eyeAdjustment; VecSph atEyeGeo; VecSph atEyeNextGeo; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Normal1* norm1 = (Normal1*)camera->paramData; Normal1Anim* anim = &norm1->anim; f32 playerHeight; f32 rate = 0.1f; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) - PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); sp94 = yNormal * PCT(playerHeight); norm1->yOffset = NEXTSETTING * sp94; norm1->distMin = NEXTSETTING * sp94; norm1->distMax = NEXTSETTING * sp94; norm1->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); norm1->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; norm1->unk_10 = NEXTSETTING; norm1->unk_14 = NEXTPCT; norm1->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; norm1->atLERPScaleMax = NEXTPCT; norm1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = norm1->interfaceFlags; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atEyeGeo, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atEyeNextGeo, at, eyeNext); switch (camera->animState) { case 0x14: camera->yawUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); case 0: case 0xA: case 0x19: anim->swing.atEyePoly = NULL; anim->slopePitchAdj = 0; anim->unk_28 = 0xA; anim->swing.unk_16 = anim->swing.unk_14 = anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = norm1->unk_0C; anim->yOffset = camera->playerPosRot.pos.y; anim->unk_20 = camera->xzSpeed; anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer = 0; anim->swingYawTarget = atEyeGeo.yaw; sUpdateCameraDirection = 0; anim->startSwingTimer = OREG(50) + OREG(51); break; default: break; } camera->animState = 1; sUpdateCameraDirection = 1; if (anim->unk_28 != 0) { anim->unk_28--; } if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f) { anim->startSwingTimer = OREG(50) + OREG(51); } else if (anim->startSwingTimer > 0) { if (anim->startSwingTimer > OREG(50)) { anim->swingYawTarget = atEyeGeo.yaw + (BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(camera->playerPosRot.rot.y), atEyeGeo.yaw) / anim->startSwingTimer); } anim->startSwingTimer--; } spA0 = camera->speedRatio * PCT(OREG(25)); sp9C = camera->speedRatio * PCT(OREG(26)); sp98 = anim->swing.unk_18 != 0 ? PCT(OREG(25)) : spA0; sp94 = (camera->xzSpeed - anim->unk_20) * (0.333333f); if (sp94 > 1.0f) { sp94 = 1.0f; } if (sp94 > -1.0f) { sp94 = -1.0f; } anim->unk_20 = camera->xzSpeed; if (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer != 0) { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->swing.swingUpdateRate + (f32)(anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2), camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp98, rate); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF((f32)R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE + (f32)(anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2), camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp9C, rate); anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer--; } else { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->swing.swingUpdateRate - ((OREG(49) * 0.01f) * anim->swing.swingUpdateRate * sp94), camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp98, rate); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp9C, rate); } camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp9C, rate); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, spA0, rate); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, sp9C, rate); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, rate); if (norm1->interfaceFlags & 1) { t = func_80044ADC(camera, BINANG_ROT180(atEyeGeo.yaw), 0); sp9C = ((1.0f / norm1->unk_10) * 0.5f) * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio); anim->slopePitchAdj = Camera_LERPCeilS(t, anim->slopePitchAdj, ((1.0f / norm1->unk_10) * 0.5f) + sp9C, 0xF); } else { anim->slopePitchAdj = 0; if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y) { anim->yOffset = camera->playerPosRot.pos.y; } } spA0 = ((anim->swing.unk_18 != 0) && (norm1->yOffset > -40.0f)) ? (sp9C = Math_SinS(anim->swing.unk_14), ((-40.0f * sp9C) + (norm1->yOffset * (1.0f - sp9C)))) : norm1->yOffset; if (norm1->interfaceFlags & 0x80) { func_800458D4(camera, &atEyeNextGeo, spA0, &anim->yOffset, norm1->interfaceFlags & 1); } else if (norm1->interfaceFlags & 0x20) { func_80045B08(camera, &atEyeNextGeo, spA0, anim->slopePitchAdj); } else { Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &atEyeNextGeo, spA0, norm1->interfaceFlags & 1); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAdjustment, at, eyeNext); camera->dist = eyeAdjustment.r = Camera_ClampDist(camera, eyeAdjustment.r, norm1->distMin, norm1->distMax, anim->unk_28); if (anim->startSwingTimer <= 0) { eyeAdjustment.pitch = atEyeNextGeo.pitch; eyeAdjustment.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swingYawTarget, atEyeNextGeo.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else if (anim->swing.unk_18 != 0) { eyeAdjustment.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_16, atEyeNextGeo.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); eyeAdjustment.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_14, atEyeNextGeo.pitch, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else { // rotate yaw to follow player. eyeAdjustment.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, atEyeNextGeo.yaw, camera->playerPosRot.rot.y, norm1->unk_14, sp94); eyeAdjustment.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, atEyeNextGeo.pitch, norm1->pitchTarget, anim->slopePitchAdj); } // set eyeAdjustment pitch from 79.65 degrees to -85 degrees if (eyeAdjustment.pitch > 0x38A4) { eyeAdjustment.pitch = 0x38A4; } if (eyeAdjustment.pitch < -0x3C8C) { eyeAdjustment.pitch = -0x3C8C; } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeAdjustment); if ((camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) && (!(norm1->interfaceFlags & 0x10))) { anim->swingYawTarget = BINANG_ROT180(camera->playerPosRot.rot.y); if (anim->startSwingTimer > 0) { func_80046E20(camera, &eyeAdjustment, norm1->distMin, norm1->unk_0C, &sp98, &anim->swing); } else { sp88 = *eyeNext; anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = camera->yawUpdateRateInv = norm1->unk_0C * 2.0f; if (Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, &sp88)) { anim->swingYawTarget = atEyeNextGeo.yaw; anim->startSwingTimer = -1; } else { *eye = *eyeNext; } anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; } if (anim->swing.unk_18 != 0) { camera->inputDir.y = Camera_LERPCeilS(camera->inputDir.y + BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(anim->swing.unk_16), camera->inputDir.y), camera->inputDir.y, 1.0f - (0.99f * sp98), 0xA); } if (norm1->interfaceFlags & 4) { camera->inputDir.x = -atEyeGeo.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = BINANG_ROT180(atEyeGeo.yaw); camera->inputDir.z = 0; } else { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAdjustment, eye, at); camera->inputDir.x = eyeAdjustment.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = eyeAdjustment.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } // crit wiggle if (gSaveContext.health <= 16 && ((camera->globalCtx->state.frames % 256) == 0)) { wiggleAdj = Rand_ZeroOne() * 10000.0f; camera->inputDir.y = wiggleAdj + camera->inputDir.y; } } else { anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = norm1->unk_0C; anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; sUpdateCameraDirection = 0; *eye = *eyeNext; } spA0 = (gSaveContext.health <= 16 ? 0.8f : 1.0f); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(norm1->fovTarget * spA0, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, norm1->atLERPScaleMax); return 1; } s32 Camera_Normal2(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; CamColChk bgChk; s16 phi_a0; s16 phi_a1; f32 spA4; f32 spA0; VecSph adjSph; VecSph sp90; VecSph sp88; VecSph atToEyeDir; VecSph atToEyeNextDir; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Normal2* norm2 = (Normal2*)camera->paramData; Normal2Anim* anim = &norm2->anim; s32 pad; Vec3s* bgData; f32 playerHeight; f32 yNormal; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; norm2->unk_00 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; norm2->unk_04 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; norm2->unk_08 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; norm2->unk_1C = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); norm2->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; norm2->unk_10 = NEXTPCT; norm2->unk_14 = NEXTSETTING; norm2->unk_18 = NEXTPCT; norm2->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = norm2->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0xA: case 0x14: case 0x19: bgData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&anim->unk_00, &BGCAM_POS(bgData)); anim->unk_20 = BGCAM_ROT(bgData).x; anim->unk_22 = BGCAM_ROT(bgData).y; anim->unk_24 = playerPosRot->pos.y; anim->unk_1C = BGCAM_FOV(bgData) == -1 ? norm2->unk_14 : BGCAM_FOV(bgData) >= 0x169 ? PCT(BGCAM_FOV(bgData)) : BGCAM_FOV(bgData); anim->unk_28 = BGCAM_JFIFID(bgData) == -1 ? 0 : BGCAM_JFIFID(bgData); anim->unk_18 = 0.0f; if (norm2->interfaceFlags & 4) { sp88.pitch = anim->unk_20; sp88.yaw = anim->unk_22 + 0x3FFF; sp88.r = 100.0f; OLib_VecSphGeoToVec3f(&anim->unk_0C, &sp88); } camera->animState = 1; camera->yawUpdateRateInv = 50.0f; break; default: if (camera->playerGroundY == playerPosRot->pos.y) { anim->unk_24 = playerPosRot->pos.y; } break; } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeDir, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeNextDir, at, eyeNext); camera->speedRatio *= 0.5f; spA4 = PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio; spA0 = PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio; camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(norm2->unk_0C, camera->yawUpdateRateInv * camera->speedRatio, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(OREG(7), camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spA0, 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, spA4, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spA0, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); if (!(norm2->interfaceFlags & 0x80)) { Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, norm2->unk_00, norm2->interfaceFlags & 1); } else { func_800458D4(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, norm2->unk_00, &anim->unk_24, norm2->interfaceFlags & 1); } if (norm2->interfaceFlags & 4) { anim->unk_00.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + anim->unk_0C.x; anim->unk_00.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + anim->unk_0C.z; } anim->unk_00.y = playerPosRot->pos.y; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp88, &anim->unk_00, at); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp90, at, eyeNext); phi_a1 = (anim->unk_28 & 2 ? anim->unk_22 : norm2->unk_1C); phi_a0 = BINANG_SUB(sp90.yaw, sp88.yaw); if ((phi_a1 < 0x4000 && ABS(phi_a0) > phi_a1) || (phi_a1 >= 0x4000 && ABS(phi_a0) < phi_a1)) { phi_a0 = (phi_a0 < 0 ? -phi_a1 : phi_a1); phi_a0 += sp88.yaw; adjSph.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(phi_a0, atToEyeDir.yaw, (1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv) * camera->speedRatio, 0xA); if (anim->unk_28 & 1) { adjSph.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, atToEyeNextDir.pitch, anim->unk_20, 0); } else { adjSph.pitch = atToEyeDir.pitch; } } else { adjSph = sp90; } camera->dist = adjSph.r = Camera_ClampDist(camera, sp90.r, norm2->unk_04, norm2->unk_08, 0); if (!(anim->unk_28 & 1)) { if (adjSph.pitch >= 0xE39) { adjSph.pitch += (BINANG_SUB(0xE38, adjSph.pitch) >> 2); } if (adjSph.pitch < 0) { adjSph.pitch += (BINANG_SUB(-0x38E, adjSph.pitch) >> 2); } } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &adjSph); if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { bgChk.pos = *eyeNext; if (!camera->globalCtx->envCtx.skyboxDisabled || norm2->interfaceFlags & 0x10) { Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &bgChk); *eye = bgChk.pos; } else { func_80043F94(camera, at, &bgChk); *eye = bgChk.pos; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&adjSph, eye, at); camera->inputDir.x = adjSph.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = adjSph.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->unk_1C, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, norm2->unk_18); return 1; } // riding epona s32 Camera_Normal3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; f32 sp98; f32 sp94; f32 sp90; f32 sp8C; VecSph sp84; VecSph sp7C; VecSph sp74; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 temp_f0; f32 temp_f6; s16 phi_a0; s16 t2; Normal3* norm3 = (Normal3*)camera->paramData; Normal3Anim* anim = &norm3->anim; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; norm3->yOffset = NEXTSETTING * PCT(playerHeight); norm3->distMin = NEXTSETTING * PCT(playerHeight); norm3->distMax = NEXTSETTING * PCT(playerHeight); norm3->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); norm3->yawUpdateSpeed = NEXTSETTING; norm3->unk_10 = NEXTSETTING; norm3->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; norm3->maxAtLERPScale = NEXTPCT; norm3->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp7C, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp74, at, eyeNext); sUpdateCameraDirection = true; sCameraInterfaceFlags = norm3->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0xA: case 0x14: case 0x19: anim->swing.atEyePoly = NULL; anim->curPitch = 0; anim->unk_1C = 0.0f; anim->unk_20 = camera->playerGroundY; anim->swing.unk_16 = anim->swing.unk_14 = anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = norm3->yawUpdateSpeed; anim->yawUpdAmt = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y), sp7C.yaw) * (1.0f / OREG(23)); anim->distTimer = 10; anim->yawTimer = OREG(23); camera->animState = 1; anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer = 0; } if (anim->distTimer != 0) { anim->distTimer--; } sp98 = PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio; sp94 = PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio; if (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer != 0) { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(norm3->yawUpdateSpeed + (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2), camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp98, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF((f32)OREG(7) + (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2), camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp94, 0.1f); if (1) {} anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer--; } else { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(norm3->yawUpdateSpeed, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp98, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(OREG(7), camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, sp94, 0.1f); } camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp98, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, sp94, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->fovUpdateRate, sp94, 0.1f); t2 = func_80044ADC(camera, BINANG_ROT180(sp7C.yaw), 1); sp94 = ((1.0f / norm3->unk_10) * 0.5f); temp_f0 = (((1.0f / norm3->unk_10) * 0.5f) * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio)); anim->curPitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(t2, anim->curPitch, sp94 + temp_f0, 0xF); Camera_CalcAtForHorse(camera, &sp74, norm3->yOffset, &anim->unk_20, 1); sp90 = (norm3->distMax + norm3->distMin) * 0.5f; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp84, at, eyeNext); camera->dist = sp84.r = Camera_ClampDist(camera, sp84.r, norm3->distMin, norm3->distMax, anim->distTimer); if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f) { sp84.r += (sp90 - sp84.r) * 0.002f; } phi_a0 = BINANG_SUB(norm3->pitchTarget, anim->curPitch); sp84.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(phi_a0, sp74.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0xA); if (OREG(5) < sp84.pitch) { sp84.pitch = OREG(5); } if (sp84.pitch < OREG(34)) { sp84.pitch = OREG(34); } phi_a0 = BINANG_SUB(playerPosRot->rot.y, BINANG_ROT180(sp74.yaw)); if (ABS(phi_a0) > 0x2AF8) { if (phi_a0 > 0) { phi_a0 = 0x2AF8; } else { phi_a0 = -0x2AF8; } } sp90 = 1.0f; sp98 = 0.5; sp94 = camera->speedRatio; sp90 -= sp98; sp98 = sp98 + (sp94 * sp90); sp98 = (sp98 * phi_a0) / camera->yawUpdateRateInv; sp84.yaw = fabsf(sp98) > (150.0f * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio)) ? (s16)(sp74.yaw + sp98) : sp74.yaw; if (anim->yawTimer > 0) { sp84.yaw += anim->yawUpdAmt; anim->yawTimer--; } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &sp84); if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { func_80046E20(camera, &sp84, norm3->distMin, norm3->yawUpdateSpeed, &sp8C, &anim->swing); } else { *eye = *eyeNext; } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(norm3->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, norm3->maxAtLERPScale); return 1; } s32 Camera_Normal4(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Normal0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Parallel1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; f32 spB8; f32 spB4; s16 tangle; VecSph spA8; VecSph atToEyeDir; VecSph atToEyeNextDir; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; CamColChk sp6C; s16 sp6A; s16 phi_a0; Parallel1* para1 = (Parallel1*)camera->paramData; Parallel1Anim* anim = ¶1->anim; f32 pad2; f32 playerHeight; s32 pad3; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); para1->unk_00 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; ; para1->distTarget = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; para1->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); para1->yawTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); para1->unk_08 = NEXTSETTING; para1->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; para1->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; para1->unk_14 = NEXTPCT; para1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; para1->unk_18 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; para1->unk_1C = NEXTPCT; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeDir, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeNextDir, at, eyeNext); switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0xA: case 0x14: case 0x19: anim->unk_16 = 0; anim->unk_10 = 0; if (para1->interfaceFlags & 4) { anim->animTimer = 20; } else { anim->animTimer = OREG(23); } anim->unk_00.x = 0.0f; anim->yTarget = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; camera->animState++; } if (anim->animTimer != 0) { if (para1->interfaceFlags & 2) { // Rotate para1->yawTarget degrees from behind the player. anim->yawTarget = BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y) + para1->yawTarget; } else if (para1->interfaceFlags & 4) { // rotate to para1->yawTarget anim->yawTarget = para1->yawTarget; } else { // leave the rotation alone. anim->yawTarget = atToEyeNextDir.yaw; } } else { if (para1->interfaceFlags & 0x20) { anim->yawTarget = BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y) + para1->yawTarget; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = para1->interfaceFlags; } anim->pitchTarget = para1->pitchTarget; if (camera->animState == 0x15) { anim->unk_16 = 1; camera->animState = 1; } else if (camera->animState == 0xB) { camera->animState = 1; } spB8 = PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio; spB4 = PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio; camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(OREG(6), camera->rUpdateRateInv, spB8, 0.1f); camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(para1->unk_08, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, spB8, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(2.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spB4, 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, spB8, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spB4, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); if (para1->interfaceFlags & 1) { tangle = func_80044ADC(camera, BINANG_ROT180(atToEyeDir.yaw), 1); spB8 = ((1.0f / para1->unk_0C) * 0.3f); pad2 = (((1.0f / para1->unk_0C) * 0.7f) * (1.0f - camera->speedRatio)); anim->unk_10 = Camera_LERPCeilS(tangle, anim->unk_10, spB8 + pad2, 0xF); } else { anim->unk_10 = 0; } if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y || camera->player->actor.gravity > -0.1f || camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x200000) { anim->yTarget = playerPosRot->pos.y; sp6A = 0; } else { sp6A = 1; } if (!(para1->interfaceFlags & 0x80) && !sp6A) { Camera_CalcAtForParallel(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, para1->unk_00, &anim->yTarget, para1->interfaceFlags & 1); } else { func_800458D4(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, para1->unk_18, &anim->yTarget, para1->interfaceFlags & 1); } if (anim->animTimer != 0) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x20; tangle = (((anim->animTimer + 1) * anim->animTimer) >> 1); spA8.yaw = atToEyeDir.yaw + ((BINANG_SUB(anim->yawTarget, atToEyeDir.yaw) / tangle) * anim->animTimer); spA8.pitch = atToEyeDir.pitch; spA8.r = atToEyeDir.r; anim->animTimer--; } else { anim->unk_16 = 0; camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(para1->distTarget, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 2.0f); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spA8, at, eyeNext); spA8.r = camera->dist; if (para1->interfaceFlags & 0x40) { spA8.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->yawTarget, atToEyeNextDir.yaw, 0.6f, 0xA); } else { spA8.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->yawTarget, atToEyeNextDir.yaw, 0.8f, 0xA); } if (para1->interfaceFlags & 1) { phi_a0 = BINANG_SUB(anim->pitchTarget, anim->unk_10); } else { phi_a0 = anim->pitchTarget; } spA8.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(phi_a0, atToEyeNextDir.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 4); if (spA8.pitch > OREG(5)) { spA8.pitch = OREG(5); } if (spA8.pitch < OREG(34)) { spA8.pitch = OREG(34); } } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &spA8); if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { sp6C.pos = *eyeNext; if (!camera->globalCtx->envCtx.skyboxDisabled || para1->interfaceFlags & 0x10) { Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &sp6C); *eye = sp6C.pos; } else { func_80043F94(camera, at, &sp6C); *eye = sp6C.pos; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spA8, eye, at); camera->inputDir.x = spA8.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = spA8.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(para1->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, sp6A ? para1->unk_1C : para1->unk_14); //! @bug No return } s32 Camera_Parallel2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Parallel3(Camera* camera) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; s16 val = NEXTSETTING; sCameraInterfaceFlags = val; if (val & 1) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x400; } if (val & 2) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x10; } //! @bug doesn't return } s32 Camera_Parallel4(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Parallel0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Generic jump, jumping off ledges */ s32 Camera_Jump1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; s32 pad2; f32 spA4; Vec3f newEye; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; VecSph eyeDiffSph; VecSph eyeDiffTarget; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; PosRot playerhead; s16 tangle; Jump1* jump1 = (Jump1*)camera->paramData; Jump1Anim* anim = &jump1->anim; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); jump1->atYOffset = PCT(NEXTSETTING) * playerHeight * yNormal; jump1->distMin = PCT(NEXTSETTING) * playerHeight * yNormal; jump1->distMax = PCT(NEXTSETTING) * playerHeight * yNormal; jump1->yawUpateRateTarget = NEXTSETTING; jump1->maxYawUpdate = PCT(NEXTSETTING); jump1->unk_14 = NEXTSETTING; jump1->atLERPScaleMax = PCT(NEXTSETTING); jump1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } // playerhead never gets used. Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); sCameraInterfaceFlags = jump1->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { anim->swing.unk_16 = anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; anim->swing.atEyePoly = NULL; anim->unk_20.pitch = 0; anim->unk_20.yaw = 0xC8; anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer = 0; anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = jump1->yawUpateRateTarget; anim->unk_1C = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; anim->unk_20.r = eyeAtOffset.r; camera->posOffset.y -= camera->playerPosDelta.y; camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = (1.0f / 10000.0f); camera->animState++; } if (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer != 0) { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump1->yawUpateRateTarget + anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF((f32)R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE + anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer--; } else { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump1->yawUpateRateTarget, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF((f32)R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); } camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, 0.05f, 0.1f); func_800458D4(camera, &eyeNextAtOffset, jump1->atYOffset, &anim->unk_1C, 0); eyeDiffSph = eyeAtOffset; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeDiffTarget, at, eye); eyeDiffSph.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(eyeDiffTarget.r, eyeAtOffset.r, PCT(OREG(29)), 1.0f); eyeDiffSph.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(eyeDiffTarget.pitch, eyeAtOffset.pitch, PCT(OREG(29)), 0xA); if (anim->swing.unk_18) { eyeDiffSph.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_16, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); eyeDiffSph.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_14, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else { eyeDiffSph.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, camera->playerPosRot.rot.y, jump1->maxYawUpdate, 0.0f); } // Clamp the eye->at distance to jump1->distMin < eyeDiffSph.r < jump1->distMax if (eyeDiffSph.r < jump1->distMin) { eyeDiffSph.r = jump1->distMin; } else if (eyeDiffSph.r > jump1->distMax) { eyeDiffSph.r = jump1->distMax; } // Clamp the phi rotation at R_CAM_MAX_PHI AND R_CAM_MIN_PHI2 if (eyeDiffSph.pitch > R_CAM_MAX_PHI) { eyeDiffSph.pitch = R_CAM_MAX_PHI; } else if (eyeDiffSph.pitch < R_CAM_MIN_PHI2) { eyeDiffSph.pitch = R_CAM_MIN_PHI2; } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&newEye, at, &eyeDiffSph); eyeNext->x = newEye.x; eyeNext->z = newEye.z; eyeNext->y += (newEye.y - eyeNext->y) * PCT(OREG(31)); if ((camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) && !(jump1->interfaceFlags & 0x10)) { func_80046E20(camera, &eyeDiffSph, jump1->distMin, jump1->yawUpateRateTarget, &spA4, &anim->swing); if (jump1->interfaceFlags & 4) { camera->inputDir.x = -eyeAtOffset.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = BINANG_ROT180(eyeAtOffset.yaw); camera->inputDir.z = 0; } else { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeDiffSph, eye, at); camera->inputDir.x = eyeDiffSph.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = eyeDiffSph.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } if (anim->swing.unk_18) { camera->inputDir.y = Camera_LERPCeilS(camera->inputDir.y + BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(anim->swing.unk_16), camera->inputDir.y), camera->inputDir.y, 1.0f - (0.99f * spA4), 0xA); } } else { anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = jump1->yawUpateRateTarget; anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; sUpdateCameraDirection = 0; *eye = *eyeNext; } camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, jump1->atLERPScaleMax); return true; } // Climbing ladders/vines s32 Camera_Jump2(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f bgChkPos; Vec3f floorNorm; VecSph adjAtToEyeDir; VecSph bgChkPara; VecSph atToEyeNextDir; VecSph atToEyeDir; f32 temp_f14; f32 temp_f16; f32 sp90; f32 sp8C; s32 bgId; CamColChk camBgChk; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; s16 yawDiff; s16 playerYawRot180; Jump2* jump2 = (Jump2*)camera->paramData; Jump2Anim* anim = &jump2->anim; CameraModeValue* values; f32 playerHeight; f32 yNormal; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); jump2->atYOffset = PCT((camera->playerPosDelta.y > 0.0f ? -10.0f : 10.0f) + NEXTSETTING) * playerHeight * yNormal; jump2->minDist = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; jump2->maxDist = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; jump2->minMaxDistFactor = NEXTPCT; jump2->yawUpdRateTarget = NEXTSETTING; jump2->xzUpdRateTarget = NEXTPCT; jump2->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; jump2->atLERPStepScale = NEXTPCT; jump2->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeDir, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeNextDir, at, eyeNext); sCameraInterfaceFlags = jump2->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { bgChkPos = playerPosRot->pos; anim->floorY = Camera_GetFloorY(camera, &bgChkPos); anim->yawTarget = atToEyeNextDir.yaw; anim->initYawDiff = 0; if (anim->floorY == BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: climb: no floor \n" VT_RST); anim->onFloor = -1; anim->floorY = playerPosRot->pos.y - 1000.0f; } else if (playerPosRot->pos.y - anim->floorY < playerHeight) { // player's model is within the height of the floor. anim->onFloor = 1; } else { anim->onFloor = -1; } yawDiff = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y), atToEyeNextDir.yaw); anim->initYawDiff = ((yawDiff / OREG(23)) / 4) * 3; if (jump2->interfaceFlags & 2) { anim->yawAdj = 0xA; } else { anim->yawAdj = 0x2710; } playerPosRot->pos.x -= camera->playerPosDelta.x; playerPosRot->pos.y -= camera->playerPosDelta.y; playerPosRot->pos.z -= camera->playerPosDelta.z; anim->animTimer = OREG(23); camera->animState++; camera->atLERPStepScale = jump2->atLERPStepScale; } sp90 = PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio; sp8C = PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio; camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump2->yawUpdRateTarget, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, sp90, 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump2->xzUpdRateTarget, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, sp90, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, sp8C, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); camera->rUpdateRateInv = OREG(27); Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, jump2->atYOffset, 0); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&adjAtToEyeDir, at, eye); temp_f16 = jump2->minDist; sp90 = jump2->maxDist + (jump2->maxDist * jump2->minMaxDistFactor); temp_f14 = temp_f16 - (jump2->minDist * jump2->minMaxDistFactor); if (adjAtToEyeDir.r > sp90) { adjAtToEyeDir.r = sp90; } else if (adjAtToEyeDir.r < temp_f14) { adjAtToEyeDir.r = temp_f14; } yawDiff = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y), adjAtToEyeDir.yaw); if (anim->animTimer != 0) { anim->yawTarget = BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y); anim->animTimer--; adjAtToEyeDir.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->yawTarget, atToEyeNextDir.yaw, 0.5f, 0xA); } else if (anim->yawAdj < ABS(yawDiff)) { playerYawRot180 = BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y); adjAtToEyeDir.yaw = Camera_LERPFloorS( ((yawDiff < 0) ? (s16)(playerYawRot180 + anim->yawAdj) : (s16)(playerYawRot180 - anim->yawAdj)), atToEyeNextDir.yaw, 0.1f, 0xA); } else { adjAtToEyeDir.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(adjAtToEyeDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw, 0.25f, 0xA); } // Check the floor at the top of the climb bgChkPos.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + (Math_SinS(playerPosRot->rot.y) * 25.0f); bgChkPos.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + (playerHeight * 2.2f); bgChkPos.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + (Math_CosS(playerPosRot->rot.y) * 25.0f); sp90 = Camera_GetFloorYNorm(camera, &floorNorm, &bgChkPos, &bgId); if ((sp90 != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) && (playerPosRot->pos.y < sp90)) { // top of the climb is within 2.2x of the player's height. camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); adjAtToEyeDir.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(0x1F4, atToEyeNextDir.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else if ((playerPosRot->pos.y - anim->floorY) < playerHeight) { // player is within his height of the ground. camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(20.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(20.0f, camera->rUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(26)), 0.1f); adjAtToEyeDir.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(0x1F4, atToEyeNextDir.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else { camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 100.0f; camera->rUpdateRateInv = 100.0f; } // max pitch to +/- ~ 60 degrees if (adjAtToEyeDir.pitch > 0x2AF8) { adjAtToEyeDir.pitch = 0x2AF8; } if (adjAtToEyeDir.pitch < -0x2AF8) { adjAtToEyeDir.pitch = -0x2AF8; } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &adjAtToEyeDir); camBgChk.pos = *eyeNext; if (Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &camBgChk)) { // Collision detected between at->eyeNext, Check if collision between // at->eyeNext, but parallel to at (pitch = 0). bgChkPos = camBgChk.pos; bgChkPara.r = adjAtToEyeDir.r; bgChkPara.pitch = 0; bgChkPara.yaw = adjAtToEyeDir.yaw; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&camBgChk.pos, at, &bgChkPara); if (Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &camBgChk)) { // Collision found between parallel at->eyeNext, set eye position to // first collsion point. *eye = bgChkPos; } else { // no collision found with the parallel at->eye, animate to be parallel adjAtToEyeDir.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, adjAtToEyeDir.pitch, 0.2f, 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, at, &adjAtToEyeDir); // useless? Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); } } else { // no collision detected. *eye = *eyeNext; } camera->dist = adjAtToEyeDir.r; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump2->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); return true; } // swimming s32 Camera_Jump3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; s32 prevMode; f32 spC4; f32 spC0; f32 spBC; Vec3f spB0; // unused VecSph eyeDiffSph; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Jump3* jump3 = (Jump3*)camera->paramData; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; s32 pad; s32 pad2; CameraModeValue* values; f32 t2; f32 phi_f0; f32 phi_f2; f32 playerHeight; PosRot playerhead; f32 yNormal; f32 temp_f18; s32 modeSwitch; f32 temp_f2_2; Jump3Anim* anim = &jump3->anim; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); modeSwitch = false; if (((camera->waterYPos - eye->y) < OREG(44) || (camera->animState == 0))) { if (anim->mode != CAM_MODE_NORMAL) { anim->mode = CAM_MODE_NORMAL; modeSwitch = true; } } else if (((camera->waterYPos - eye->y) > OREG(45)) && (anim->mode != CAM_MODE_BOOMERANG)) { anim->mode = CAM_MODE_BOOMERANG; modeSwitch = true; } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14 || modeSwitch || R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[anim->mode].values; yNormal = ((1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight))); t2 = PCT(playerHeight) * yNormal; jump3->yOffset = NEXTSETTING * t2; jump3->distMin = NEXTSETTING * t2; jump3->distMax = NEXTSETTING * t2; jump3->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); jump3->swingUpdateRate = NEXTSETTING; jump3->unk_10 = NEXTSETTING; jump3->unk_14 = NEXTPCT; jump3->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; jump3->unk_1C = NEXTPCT; jump3->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { prevMode = camera->mode; camera->mode = anim->mode; Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); camera->mode = prevMode; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = jump3->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0xA: case 0x14: case 0x19: anim->swing.atEyePoly = NULL; anim->unk_1C = camera->playerGroundY; anim->swing.unk_16 = anim->swing.unk_14 = anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; anim->animTimer = 0xA; anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = jump3->swingUpdateRate; camera->animState++; anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer = 0; break; default: if (anim->animTimer != 0) { anim->animTimer--; } break; } spB0 = *eye; // unused (void)spB0; // suppresses set but unused warning spC4 = PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio; spC0 = camera->speedRatio * PCT(OREG(26)); spBC = anim->swing.unk_18 != 0 ? PCT(OREG(25)) : spC4; if (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer != 0) { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF( anim->swing.swingUpdateRate + (anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2), camera->yawUpdateRateInv, spC4, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF((anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer * 2) + 40.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spC0, 0.1f); anim->swing.swingUpdateRateTimer--; } else { camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->swing.swingUpdateRate, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, spBC, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(40.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, spC0, 0.1f); } camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(2)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, spC4, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, spC0, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &eyeNextAtOffset, jump3->yOffset, jump3->interfaceFlags); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeDiffSph, at, eyeNext); camera->dist = eyeDiffSph.r = Camera_ClampDist(camera, eyeDiffSph.r, jump3->distMin, jump3->distMax, anim->animTimer); if (camera->playerGroundY <= playerPosRot->pos.y) { phi_f0 = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerGroundY; } else { phi_f0 = -(playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerGroundY); } if (!(phi_f0 < 10.0f)) { if (camera->waterYPos <= playerhead.pos.y) { phi_f2 = playerhead.pos.y - camera->waterYPos; } else { phi_f2 = -(playerhead.pos.y - camera->waterYPos); } if (!(phi_f2 < 50.0f)) { camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 100.0f; } } if (anim->swing.unk_18 != 0) { eyeDiffSph.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_16, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); eyeDiffSph.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->swing.unk_14, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch, 1.0f / camera->yawUpdateRateInv, 0xA); } else { eyeDiffSph.yaw = Camera_CalcDefaultYaw(camera, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, playerPosRot->rot.y, jump3->unk_14, 0.0f); eyeDiffSph.pitch = Camera_CalcDefaultPitch(camera, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch, jump3->pitchTarget, 0); } if (eyeDiffSph.pitch > OREG(5)) { eyeDiffSph.pitch = OREG(5); } if (eyeDiffSph.pitch < OREG(34)) { eyeDiffSph.pitch = OREG(34); } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeDiffSph); if ((camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) && !(jump3->interfaceFlags & 0x10)) { func_80046E20(camera, &eyeDiffSph, jump3->distMin, jump3->swingUpdateRate, &spBC, &anim->swing); if (jump3->interfaceFlags & 4) { camera->inputDir.x = -eyeAtOffset.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = BINANG_ROT180(eyeAtOffset.yaw); camera->inputDir.z = 0; } else { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeDiffSph, eye, at); camera->inputDir.x = eyeDiffSph.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = eyeDiffSph.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } if (anim->swing.unk_18 != 0) { camera->inputDir.y = Camera_LERPCeilS(camera->inputDir.y + BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(anim->swing.unk_16), camera->inputDir.y), camera->inputDir.y, 1.0f - (0.99f * spBC), 0xA); } } else { anim->swing.swingUpdateRate = jump3->swingUpdateRate; anim->swing.unk_18 = 0; sUpdateCameraDirection = 0; *eye = *eyeNext; } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(jump3->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, jump3->unk_1C); return true; } s32 Camera_Jump4(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Jump0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Battle1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f sp128; Vec3f playerHead; Vec3f targetPos; f32 var3; f32 var2; f32 temp_f0_2; f32 temp_f12_2; f32 spFC; f32 spF8; f32 swingAngle; f32 temp_f2_2; f32 temp_f14; s32 skipEyeAtCalc; f32 distRatio; CamColChk spBC; VecSph spB4; VecSph atToTargetDir; VecSph playerToTargetDir; VecSph atToEyeDir; VecSph atToEyeNextDir; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; s16 tmpAng1; s16 tmpAng2; Player* player; s16 sp86; s16 isOffGround; f32 distance; f32 sp7C; f32 sp78; f32 fov; Battle1* batt1 = (Battle1*)camera->paramData; Battle1Anim* anim = &batt1->anim; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; skipEyeAtCalc = false; player = camera->player; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); batt1->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; batt1->distance = NEXTSETTING; batt1->swingYawInitial = NEXTSETTING; batt1->swingYawFinal = NEXTSETTING; batt1->swingPitchInitial = NEXTSETTING; batt1->swingPitchFinal = NEXTSETTING; batt1->swingPitchAdj = NEXTPCT; batt1->fov = NEXTSETTING; batt1->atLERPScaleOnGround = NEXTPCT; batt1->flags = NEXTSETTING; batt1->yOffsetOffGround = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; batt1->atLERPScaleOffGround = NEXTPCT; anim->chargeTimer = 40; anim->unk_10 = PCT(OREG(12)); } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } distance = batt1->distance; sp7C = batt1->swingPitchInitial; sp78 = batt1->swingPitchFinal; fov = batt1->fov; if (camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x1000) { // charging sword. anim->unk_10 = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(12)) * 0.5f, anim->unk_10, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.2f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.2f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); if (anim->chargeTimer >= -19) { anim->chargeTimer--; } else { distance = 250.0f; sp7C = 50.0f; sp78 = 40.0f; fov = 60.0f; } } else if (anim->chargeTimer < 0) { distance = 250.0f; sp7C = 50.0f; sp78 = 40.0f; fov = 60.0f; anim->chargeTimer++; } else { anim->chargeTimer = 40; anim->unk_10 = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(12)), anim->unk_10, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(40)), camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(40)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); } camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); playerHeight += batt1->yOffset; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeDir, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeNextDir, at, eyeNext); if (camera->target == NULL || camera->target->update == NULL) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf( VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: battle: target is not valid, change parallel\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; Camera_ChangeMode(camera, CAM_MODE_TARGET); return true; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = batt1->flags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { anim->unk_14 = 0; anim->roll = 0.0f; anim->target = camera->target; camera->animState++; if (anim->target->id > 0) { osSyncPrintf("camera: battle: target actor name " VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "%d" VT_RST "\n", anim->target->id); } else { osSyncPrintf("camera: battle: target actor name " VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "%d" VT_RST "\n", anim->target->id); camera->target = NULL; Camera_ChangeMode(camera, CAM_MODE_TARGET); return true; } anim->animTimer = OREG(23) + OREG(24); anim->initialEyeToAtYaw = atToEyeDir.yaw; anim->initialEyeToAtPitch = atToEyeDir.pitch; anim->initialEyeToAtDist = atToEyeDir.r; anim->yPosOffset = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; } if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { sUpdateCameraDirection = 1; camera->inputDir.x = -atToEyeDir.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = BINANG_ROT180(atToEyeDir.yaw); camera->inputDir.z = 0; } if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y || camera->player->actor.gravity > -0.1f || camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x200000) { isOffGround = false; anim->yPosOffset = playerPosRot->pos.y; } else { isOffGround = true; } if (anim->animTimer == 0) { camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, isOffGround ? batt1->atLERPScaleOffGround : batt1->atLERPScaleOnGround); } Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); if (anim->target != camera->target) { osSyncPrintf("camera: battle: change target %d -> " VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "%d" VT_RST "\n", anim->target->id, camera->target->id); camera->animState = 0; return true; } Camera_CalcAtForLockOn(camera, &atToEyeNextDir, &camera->targetPosRot.pos, isOffGround ? batt1->yOffsetOffGround : batt1->yOffset, distance, &anim->yPosOffset, &playerToTargetDir, (isOffGround ? 0x81 : 1) | batt1->flags); tmpAng2 = playerToTargetDir.yaw; playerHead = playerPosRot->pos; playerHead.y += playerHeight; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerToTargetDir, &playerHead, &camera->targetPosRot.pos); distRatio = playerToTargetDir.r > distance ? 1 : playerToTargetDir.r / distance; targetPos = camera->targetPosRot.pos; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToTargetDir, at, &targetPos); atToTargetDir.r = distance - ((atToTargetDir.r <= distance ? atToTargetDir.r : distance) * 0.5f); swingAngle = batt1->swingYawInitial + ((batt1->swingYawFinal - batt1->swingYawInitial) * (1.1f - distRatio)); spF8 = OREG(13) + swingAngle; spB4.r = camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(distance, camera->dist, PCT(OREG(11)), 2.0f); spB4.yaw = atToEyeNextDir.yaw; tmpAng1 = BINANG_SUB(atToTargetDir.yaw, BINANG_ROT180(atToEyeNextDir.yaw)); if (anim->animTimer != 0) { if (anim->animTimer >= OREG(24)) { sp86 = anim->animTimer - OREG(24); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerToTargetDir, at, eye); playerToTargetDir.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(tmpAng2); var2 = 1.0f / OREG(23); var3 = (anim->initialEyeToAtDist - playerToTargetDir.r) * var2; tmpAng1 = BINANG_SUB(anim->initialEyeToAtYaw, playerToTargetDir.yaw) * var2; tmpAng2 = BINANG_SUB(anim->initialEyeToAtPitch, playerToTargetDir.pitch) * var2; spB4.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(playerToTargetDir.r + (var3 * sp86), atToEyeDir.r, PCT(OREG(28)), 1.0f); spB4.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(playerToTargetDir.yaw + (tmpAng1 * sp86), atToEyeDir.yaw, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); spB4.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(playerToTargetDir.pitch + (tmpAng2 * sp86), atToEyeDir.pitch, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); } else { skipEyeAtCalc = true; } anim->animTimer--; } else if (ABS(tmpAng1) > DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle)) { spFC = BINANG_TO_DEGF(tmpAng1); temp_f2_2 = swingAngle + (spF8 - swingAngle) * (OLib_ClampMaxDist(atToTargetDir.r, spB4.r) / spB4.r); temp_f12_2 = ((temp_f2_2 * temp_f2_2) - 2.0f) / (temp_f2_2 - 360.0f); var2 = ((temp_f12_2 * spFC) + (2.0f - (360.0f * temp_f12_2))); temp_f14 = SQ(spFC) / var2; tmpAng2 = tmpAng1 >= 0 ? DEGF_TO_BINANG(temp_f14) : (-DEGF_TO_BINANG(temp_f14)); spB4.yaw = BINANG_ROT180((s16)(BINANG_ROT180(atToEyeNextDir.yaw) + tmpAng2)); } else { spFC = 0.05f; spFC = (1 - camera->speedRatio) * spFC; tmpAng2 = tmpAng1 >= 0 ? DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle) : -DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); spB4.yaw = atToEyeNextDir.yaw - (s16)((tmpAng2 - tmpAng1) * spFC); } if (!skipEyeAtCalc) { var3 = atToTargetDir.pitch * batt1->swingPitchAdj; var2 = F32_LERPIMP(sp7C, sp78, distRatio); tmpAng1 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(var2) - (s16)(playerToTargetDir.pitch * (0.5f + distRatio * (1.0f - 0.5f))); tmpAng1 += (s16)(var3); if (tmpAng1 < -0x2AA8) { tmpAng1 = -0x2AA8; } else if (tmpAng1 > 0x2AA8) { tmpAng1 = 0x2AA8; } spB4.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(tmpAng1, atToEyeNextDir.pitch, anim->unk_10, 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &spB4); spBC.pos = *eyeNext; if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { if (!camera->globalCtx->envCtx.skyboxDisabled || batt1->flags & 1) { Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &spBC); } else if (batt1->flags & 2) { func_80043F94(camera, at, &spBC); } else { OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&sp128, at, &spBC.pos); spBC.pos.x -= sp128.x; spBC.pos.y -= sp128.y; spBC.pos.z -= sp128.z; } *eye = spBC.pos; } else { *eye = *eyeNext; } } anim->roll += (((OREG(36) * camera->speedRatio) * (1.0f - distRatio)) - anim->roll) * PCT(OREG(37)); camera->roll = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->roll); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF((player->swordState != 0 ? 0.8f : gSaveContext.health <= 0x10 ? 0.8f : 1.0f) * (fov - ((fov * 0.05f) * distRatio)), camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); } s32 Camera_Battle2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Battle3(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Charging spin attack * Camera zooms out slowly for 50 frames, then tilts up to a specified * setting value. */ s32 Camera_Battle4(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; VecSph eyeNextOffset; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; Battle4* batt4 = (Battle4*)camera->paramData; Battle4Anim* anim = &batt4->anim; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); batt4->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; batt4->rTarget = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; batt4->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); batt4->lerpUpdateRate = NEXTPCT; batt4->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; batt4->atLERPTarget = NEXTPCT; batt4->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); sCameraInterfaceFlags = batt4->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0xA: case 0x14: anim->animTimer = 50; camera->animState++; } camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(batt4->lerpUpdateRate, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); camera->rUpdateRateInv = 1000.0f; camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = 1000.0f; camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.025f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(3)), camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = 0.0001f; Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &eyeNextAtOffset, batt4->yOffset, 1); if (anim->animTimer != 0) { eyeNextOffset.yaw = eyeAtOffset.yaw; eyeNextOffset.pitch = eyeAtOffset.pitch; eyeNextOffset.r = eyeAtOffset.r; anim->animTimer--; } else { eyeNextOffset.yaw = eyeAtOffset.yaw; eyeNextOffset.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(batt4->pitchTarget, eyeAtOffset.pitch, batt4->lerpUpdateRate, 2); eyeNextOffset.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(batt4->rTarget, eyeAtOffset.r, batt4->lerpUpdateRate, 0.001f); } Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeNextOffset); *eye = *eyeNext; camera->dist = eyeNextOffset.r; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(batt4->fovTarget, camera->fov, batt4->lerpUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, batt4->atLERPTarget); return true; } s32 Camera_Battle0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } // Targeting non-enemy s32 Camera_KeepOn1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f sp120; Vec3f sp114; Vec3f sp108; f32 sp104; f32 temp_f12_2; f32 temp_f14; f32 t1; f32 spF4; f32 spF0; f32 spEC; f32 spE8; f32 t2; s16 spE2; s16 spE0; VecSph spD8; VecSph spD0; VecSph spC8; VecSph spC0; VecSph spB8; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; CamColChk sp8C; s32 sp88; f32 sp84; s16 sp82; s16 sp80; KeepOn1* keep1 = (KeepOn1*)camera->paramData; Keep1Anim* anim = &keep1->anim; s16 t3; f32 playerHeight; sp88 = 0; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if ((camera->target == NULL) || (camera->target->update == NULL)) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf( VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: keepon: target is not valid, change parallel\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; Camera_ChangeMode(camera, CAM_MODE_TARGET); return 1; } if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); keep1->unk_00 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; keep1->unk_04 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_08 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_10 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_14 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_18 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_1C = NEXTPCT; keep1->unk_20 = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_24 = NEXTPCT; keep1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; keep1->unk_28 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; keep1->unk_2C = NEXTPCT; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } playerHeight += keep1->unk_00; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spC0, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spB8, at, eyeNext); sCameraInterfaceFlags = keep1->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { camera->animState++; anim->unk_10 = 0; anim->unk_04 = 0.0f; anim->unk_0C = camera->target; anim->unk_16 = OREG(23) + OREG(24); anim->unk_12 = spC0.yaw; anim->unk_14 = spC0.pitch; anim->unk_00 = spC0.r; anim->unk_08 = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; } if (camera->status == 7) { sUpdateCameraDirection = 1; camera->inputDir.x = -spC0.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = BINANG_ROT180(spC0.yaw); camera->inputDir.z = 0; } sp104 = keep1->unk_04; sp84 = 1; switch (camera->paramFlags & 0x18) { case 8: if ((camera->player->actor.category == 2) && (camera->player->interactRangeActor == camera->target)) { PosRot sp54; Actor_GetFocus(&sp54, &camera->player->actor); spC8.r = 60.0f; spC8.yaw = camera->playerPosRot.rot.y; spC8.pitch = 0x2EE0; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&camera->targetPosRot.pos, &sp54.pos, &spC8); } else { Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); } Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); if (anim->unk_0C != camera->target) { anim->unk_0C = camera->target; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; } camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(1.0f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(25)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(1.0f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, PCT(OREG(26)) * camera->speedRatio, 0.1f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(PCT(OREG(4)), camera->fovUpdateRate, camera->speedRatio * 0.05f, 0.1f); goto cont; case 0x10: anim->unk_0C = NULL; cont: if (camera->playerGroundY == camera->playerPosRot.pos.y || camera->player->actor.gravity > -0.1f || camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x200000) { anim->unk_08 = playerPosRot->pos.y; sp80 = 0; } else { sp80 = 1; } Camera_CalcAtForLockOn(camera, &spB8, &camera->targetPosRot.pos, sp80 ? keep1->unk_28 : keep1->unk_00, sp104, &anim->unk_08, &spC8, (sp80 ? 0x80 : 0) | keep1->interfaceFlags); sp114 = playerPosRot->pos; sp114.y += playerHeight; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spC8, &sp114, &camera->targetPosRot.pos); sp84 = spC8.r > sp104 ? 1.0f : spC8.r / sp104; break; default: *at = playerPosRot->pos; at->y += playerHeight; anim->unk_0C = NULL; break; } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spD8, at, eyeNext); if (spD8.r < keep1->unk_04) { sp104 = keep1->unk_04; spE8 = OREG(6); } else if (keep1->unk_08 < spD8.r) { sp104 = keep1->unk_08; spE8 = OREG(6); } else { sp104 = spD8.r; spE8 = 1.0f; } camera->rUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(spE8, camera->rUpdateRateInv, PCT(OREG(25)), 0.1f); spD8.r = spE8 = camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(sp104, camera->dist, 1.0f / camera->rUpdateRateInv, 0.2f); sp108 = camera->targetPosRot.pos; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spD0, at, &sp108); spD0.r = spE8 - ((spD0.r <= spE8 ? spD0.r : spE8) * 0.5f); spEC = keep1->unk_0C + ((keep1->unk_10 - keep1->unk_0C) * (1.1f - sp84)); spF0 = OREG(13) + spEC; spD8.r = camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(spE8, camera->dist, PCT(OREG(11)), 2.0f); spD8.yaw = spB8.yaw; spE2 = BINANG_SUB(spD0.yaw, BINANG_ROT180(spB8.yaw)); if (anim->unk_16 != 0) { if (anim->unk_16 >= OREG(24)) { sp82 = anim->unk_16 - OREG(24); spE2 = spC8.yaw; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spC8, at, eye); spC8.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(spE2); t2 = 1.0f / OREG(23); spE8 = (anim->unk_00 - spC8.r) * t2; spE2 = BINANG_SUB(anim->unk_12, spC8.yaw) * t2; spE0 = BINANG_SUB(anim->unk_14, spC8.pitch) * t2; spD8.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(spC8.r + (spE8 * sp82), spC0.r, PCT(OREG(28)), 1.0f); spD8.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(spC8.yaw + (spE2 * sp82), spC0.yaw, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); spD8.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(spC8.pitch + (spE0 * sp82), spC0.pitch, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); } else { sp88 = 1; } anim->unk_16--; } else if (ABS(spE2) > DEGF_TO_BINANG(spEC)) { spF4 = BINANG_TO_DEGF(spE2); t2 = spEC + (spF0 - spEC) * (OLib_ClampMaxDist(spD0.r, spD8.r) / spD8.r); temp_f12_2 = ((SQ(t2) - 2.0f) / (t2 - 360.0f)); t1 = (temp_f12_2 * spF4) + (2.0f - (360.0f * temp_f12_2)); temp_f14 = SQ(spF4) / t1; spE0 = spE2 >= 0 ? (DEGF_TO_BINANG(temp_f14)) : (-DEGF_TO_BINANG(temp_f14)); spD8.yaw = BINANG_ROT180((s16)(BINANG_ROT180(spB8.yaw) + spE0)); } else { spF4 = 0.02f; spF4 = (1.0f - camera->speedRatio) * spF4; spE0 = spE2 >= 0 ? DEGF_TO_BINANG(spEC) : -DEGF_TO_BINANG(spEC); spD8.yaw = spB8.yaw - (s16)((spE0 - spE2) * spF4); } if (sp88 == 0) { spE2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG((f32)(keep1->unk_14 + ((keep1->unk_18 - keep1->unk_14) * sp84))); spE2 -= (s16)(spC8.pitch * (0.5f + (sp84 * 0.5f))); spE8 = spD0.pitch * keep1->unk_1C; spE2 += (s16)spE8; if (spE2 < -0x3200) { spE2 = -0x3200; } else if (spE2 > 0x3200) { spE2 = 0x3200; } spD8.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(spE2, spB8.pitch, PCT(OREG(12)), 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &spD8); sp8C.pos = *eyeNext; if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { if (!camera->globalCtx->envCtx.skyboxDisabled || keep1->interfaceFlags & 1) { Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &sp8C); } else if (keep1->interfaceFlags & 2) { func_80043F94(camera, at, &sp8C); } else { OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&sp120, at, &sp8C.pos); sp8C.pos.x -= sp120.x; sp8C.pos.y -= sp120.y; sp8C.pos.z -= sp120.z; } *eye = sp8C.pos; } else { *eye = *eyeNext; } OLib_Vec3fDistNormalize(&sp120, eye, at); Camera_Vec3fTranslateByUnitVector(eye, eye, &sp120, OREG(1)); } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(keep1->unk_20, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, sp80 ? keep1->unk_2C : keep1->unk_24); return 1; } s32 Camera_KeepOn2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Talking to an NPC */ s32 Camera_KeepOn3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f playerHeadPos; Vec3f lineChkPointB; f32 temp_f0; f32 spBC; f32 prevTargetPlayerDist; f32 swingAngle; Actor* colChkActors[2]; VecSph targetToPlayerDir; VecSph atToEyeAdj; VecSph atToEyeDir; VecSph atToEyeNextDir; s32 i; s32 angleCnt; s16 sp82; s16 sp80; PosRot playerPosRot; PosRot* camPlayerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; KeepOn3* keep3 = (KeepOn3*)camera->paramData; Keep3Anim* anim = &keep3->anim; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (camera->target == NULL || camera->target->update == NULL) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: talk: target is not valid, change parallel\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; Camera_ChangeMode(camera, CAM_MODE_TARGET); return 1; } if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { if (camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 == 0) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x20; camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 = camera->thisIdx | 0x50; return 1; } camera->unk_14C &= ~0x20; } camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); keep3->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; keep3->minDist = NEXTSETTING; keep3->maxDist = NEXTSETTING; keep3->swingYawInital = NEXTSETTING; keep3->swingYawFinal = NEXTSETTING; keep3->swingPitchInitial = NEXTSETTING; keep3->swingPitchFinal = NEXTSETTING; keep3->swingPitchAdj = NEXTPCT; keep3->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; keep3->atLERPScaleMax = NEXTPCT; keep3->initTimer = NEXTSETTING; keep3->flags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } playerHeight += keep3->yOffset; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeDir, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atToEyeNextDir, at, eyeNext); Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); Actor_GetFocus(&playerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); playerHeadPos = camPlayerPosRot->pos; playerHeadPos.y += playerHeight; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&targetToPlayerDir, &playerHeadPos, &camera->targetPosRot.pos); sCameraInterfaceFlags = keep3->flags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { colChkActors[0] = camera->target; colChkActors[1] = &camera->player->actor; camera->animState++; anim->target = camera->target; temp_f0 = (keep3->maxDist < targetToPlayerDir.r ? 1.0f : targetToPlayerDir.r / keep3->maxDist); anim->animTimer = keep3->initTimer; spBC = ((1.0f - temp_f0) * targetToPlayerDir.r) / anim->animTimer; swingAngle = F32_LERPIMP(keep3->swingPitchInitial, keep3->swingPitchFinal, temp_f0); atToEyeAdj.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle) + ((s16)(-(targetToPlayerDir.pitch * keep3->swingPitchAdj))); swingAngle = F32_LERPIMP(keep3->swingYawInital, keep3->swingYawFinal, temp_f0); if (keep3->flags & 0x10) { if (BINANG_SUB(targetToPlayerDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw) < 0) { atToEyeAdj.yaw = targetToPlayerDir.yaw + DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } else { atToEyeAdj.yaw = targetToPlayerDir.yaw - DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } } else if (keep3->flags & 0x20) { if (BINANG_SUB(targetToPlayerDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw) < 0) { atToEyeAdj.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(targetToPlayerDir.yaw) - DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } else { atToEyeAdj.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(targetToPlayerDir.yaw) + DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } } else if (ABS(BINANG_SUB(targetToPlayerDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw)) < 0x3FFF) { if (BINANG_SUB(targetToPlayerDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw) < 0) { atToEyeAdj.yaw = targetToPlayerDir.yaw + DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } else { atToEyeAdj.yaw = targetToPlayerDir.yaw - DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } } else { if (BINANG_SUB(targetToPlayerDir.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw) < 0) { atToEyeAdj.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(targetToPlayerDir.yaw) - DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } else { atToEyeAdj.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(targetToPlayerDir.yaw) + DEGF_TO_BINANG(swingAngle); } } prevTargetPlayerDist = targetToPlayerDir.r; temp_f0 = 0.6f; targetToPlayerDir.r = (spBC * 0.6f) + (prevTargetPlayerDist * (1.0f - temp_f0)); sp80 = atToEyeAdj.yaw; sp82 = atToEyeAdj.pitch; playerHeadPos = camPlayerPosRot->pos; playerHeadPos.y += playerHeight; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&anim->atTarget, &playerHeadPos, &targetToPlayerDir); angleCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D3B0); i = 0; targetToPlayerDir.r = prevTargetPlayerDist; atToEyeAdj.r = ((keep3->minDist + (targetToPlayerDir.r * (1 - 0.5f))) - atToEyeNextDir.r) + atToEyeNextDir.r; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&lineChkPointB, &anim->atTarget, &atToEyeAdj); if (!(keep3->flags & 0x80)) { while (i < angleCnt) { if (!CollisionCheck_LineOCCheck(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->colChkCtx, &anim->atTarget, &lineChkPointB, colChkActors, 2) && !Camera_BGCheck(camera, &anim->atTarget, &lineChkPointB)) { break; } atToEyeAdj.yaw = sp80 + D_8011D3B0[i]; atToEyeAdj.pitch = sp82 + D_8011D3CC[i]; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&lineChkPointB, &anim->atTarget, &atToEyeAdj); i++; } } osSyncPrintf("camera: talk: BG&collision check %d time(s)\n", i); camera->unk_14C &= ~0xC; pad = ((anim->animTimer + 1) * anim->animTimer) >> 1; anim->eyeToAtTarget.y = (f32)BINANG_SUB(atToEyeAdj.yaw, atToEyeNextDir.yaw) / pad; anim->eyeToAtTarget.z = (f32)BINANG_SUB(atToEyeAdj.pitch, atToEyeNextDir.pitch) / pad; anim->eyeToAtTarget.x = (atToEyeAdj.r - atToEyeNextDir.r) / pad; return 1; } if (anim->animTimer != 0) { at->x += (anim->atTarget.x - at->x) / anim->animTimer; at->y += (anim->atTarget.y - at->y) / anim->animTimer; at->z += (anim->atTarget.z - at->z) / anim->animTimer; // needed to match if (!prevTargetPlayerDist) {} atToEyeAdj.r = ((anim->eyeToAtTarget.x * anim->animTimer) + atToEyeNextDir.r) + 1.0f; atToEyeAdj.yaw = atToEyeNextDir.yaw + (s16)(anim->eyeToAtTarget.y * anim->animTimer); atToEyeAdj.pitch = atToEyeNextDir.pitch + (s16)(anim->eyeToAtTarget.z * anim->animTimer); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &atToEyeAdj); *eye = *eyeNext; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(keep3->fovTarget, camera->fov, 0.5, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, keep3->atLERPScaleMax); Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); anim->animTimer--; } else { camera->unk_14C |= 0x410; } if (camera->unk_14C & 8) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; func_80043B60(camera); camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z)) { camera->unk_14C |= 4; camera->unk_14C &= ~8; } } return 1; } s32 Camera_KeepOn4(Camera* camera) { static Vec3f D_8015BD50; static Vec3f D_8015BD60; static Vec3f D_8015BD70; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Actor* spCC[2]; f32 t = -0.5f; f32 temp_f0_2; CollisionPoly* spC0; VecSph spB8; VecSph spB0; VecSph spA8; s16* temp_s0 = &camera->data2; s16 spA2; s16 spA0; s16 sp9E; s16 sp9C; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; KeepOn4* keep4 = (KeepOn4*)camera->paramData; KeepOn4_Unk20* unk20 = &keep4->unk_20; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(camera->globalCtx); s16 angleCnt; s32 i; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { if (camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 == 0) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x20; camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x4 | 0x2); camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 = camera->thisIdx | 0x50; return 1; } unk20->unk_14 = *temp_s0; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x20; } if (unk20->unk_14 != *temp_s0) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: item: item type changed %d -> %d\n" VT_RST, unk20->unk_14, *temp_s0); camera->animState = 0x14; camera->unk_14C |= 0x20; camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x4 | 0x2); camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 = camera->thisIdx | 0x50; return 1; } playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + t) - ((68.0f / playerHeight) * t); keep4->unk_00 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = NEXTSETTING; keep4->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; keep4->unk_10 = NEXTSETTING; keep4->unk_18 = NEXTSETTING; keep4->unk_1C = NEXTSETTING; keep4->unk_14 = NEXTPCT; keep4->unk_1E = NEXTSETTING; osSyncPrintf("camera: item: type %d\n", *temp_s0); switch (*temp_s0) { case 1: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.6f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 2.0f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = 10.0f; break; case 2: case 3: keep4->unk_08 = -20.0f; keep4->unk_18 = 80.0f; break; case 4: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.2f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = 25.0f; break; case 8: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.2f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 0.8f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = 50.0f; keep4->unk_18 = 70.0f; break; case 9: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * 0.1f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 0.5f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = -20.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 0.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2540; break; case 5: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.4f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = -10.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 45.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2002; break; case 10: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.5f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 1.5f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = -15.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 175.0f; keep4->unk_18 = 70.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2202; keep4->unk_1E = 0x3C; break; case 12: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.6f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 1.6f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = -2.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 120.0f; keep4->unk_10 = player->stateFlags1 & 0x8000000 ? 0.0f : 20.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x3212; keep4->unk_1E = 0x1E; keep4->unk_18 = 50.0f; break; case 0x5A: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.3f * yNormal; keep4->unk_18 = 45.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2F02; break; case 0x5B: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.1f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 1.5f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = -3.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 10.0f; keep4->unk_18 = 55.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2F08; break; case 0x51: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.3f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 1.5f * yNormal; keep4->unk_08 = 2.0f; keep4->unk_0C = 20.0f; keep4->unk_10 = 20.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2280; keep4->unk_1E = 0x1E; keep4->unk_18 = 45.0f; break; case 11: keep4->unk_00 = playerHeight * -0.19f * yNormal; keep4->unk_04 = playerHeight * 0.7f * yNormal; keep4->unk_0C = 130.0f; keep4->unk_10 = 10.0f; keep4->unk_1C = 0x2522; break; default: break; } } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sUpdateCameraDirection = 1; sCameraInterfaceFlags = keep4->unk_1C; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spB0, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&spA8, at, eyeNext); D_8015BD50 = playerPosRot->pos; D_8015BD50.y += playerHeight; temp_f0_2 = BgCheck_CameraRaycastFloor2(&camera->globalCtx->colCtx, &spC0, &i, &D_8015BD50); if (temp_f0_2 > (keep4->unk_00 + D_8015BD50.y)) { D_8015BD50.y = temp_f0_2 + 10.0f; } else { D_8015BD50.y += keep4->unk_00; } sp9C = 0; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: case 0x14: spCC[sp9C] = &camera->player->actor; sp9C++; func_80043ABC(camera); camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x4 | 0x2); unk20->unk_10 = keep4->unk_1E; unk20->unk_08 = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; if (keep4->unk_1C & 2) { spA2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_08); spA0 = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y), spA8.yaw) > 0 ? BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y) + DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C) : BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y) - DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C); } else if (keep4->unk_1C & 4) { spA2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_08); spA0 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C); } else if ((keep4->unk_1C & 8) && camera->target != NULL) { PosRot sp60; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&sp60, camera->target); spA2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_08) - sp60.rot.x; spA0 = BINANG_SUB(BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y), spA8.yaw) > 0 ? BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y) + DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C) : BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y) - DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C); spCC[1] = camera->target; sp9C++; } else if ((keep4->unk_1C & 0x80) && camera->target != NULL) { PosRot sp4C; Actor_GetWorld(&sp4C, camera->target); spA2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_08); sp9E = Camera_XZAngle(&sp4C.pos, &playerPosRot->pos); spA0 = (BINANG_SUB(sp9E, spA8.yaw) > 0) ? sp9E + DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C) : sp9E - DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_0C); spCC[1] = camera->target; sp9C++; } else if (keep4->unk_1C & 0x40) { spA2 = DEGF_TO_BINANG(keep4->unk_08); spA0 = spA8.yaw; } else { spA2 = spA8.pitch; spA0 = spA8.yaw; } spB8.pitch = spA2; spB8.yaw = spA0; spB8.r = keep4->unk_04; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&D_8015BD70, &D_8015BD50, &spB8); if (!(keep4->unk_1C & 1)) { angleCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D3B0); for (i = 0; i < angleCnt; i++) { if (!CollisionCheck_LineOCCheck(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->colChkCtx, &D_8015BD50, &D_8015BD70, spCC, sp9C) && !Camera_BGCheck(camera, &D_8015BD50, &D_8015BD70)) { break; } spB8.yaw = D_8011D3B0[i] + spA0; spB8.pitch = D_8011D3CC[i] + spA2; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&D_8015BD70, &D_8015BD50, &spB8); } osSyncPrintf("camera: item: BG&collision check %d time(s)\n", i); } unk20->unk_04 = BINANG_SUB(spB8.pitch, spA8.pitch) / (f32)unk20->unk_10; unk20->unk_00 = BINANG_SUB(spB8.yaw, spA8.yaw) / (f32)unk20->unk_10; unk20->unk_0C = spA8.yaw; unk20->unk_0E = spA8.pitch; camera->animState++; unk20->unk_12 = 1; break; case 0xA: unk20->unk_08 = playerPosRot->pos.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; default: break; } camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = 0.25f; camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = 0.25f; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.75f; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&D_8015BD50, at, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.2f); if (keep4->unk_10 != 0.0f) { spB8.r = keep4->unk_10; spB8.pitch = 0; spB8.yaw = playerPosRot->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, at, &spB8); } camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->dist = Camera_LERPCeilF(keep4->unk_04, camera->dist, 0.25f, 2.0f); spB8.r = camera->dist; if (unk20->unk_10 != 0) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x20; unk20->unk_0C += (s16)unk20->unk_00; unk20->unk_0E += (s16)unk20->unk_04; unk20->unk_10--; } else if (keep4->unk_1C & 0x10) { camera->unk_14C |= (0x400 | 0x10); camera->unk_14C |= (0x4 | 0x2); camera->unk_14C &= ~8; if (camera->timer > 0) { camera->timer--; } } else { camera->unk_14C |= (0x400 | 0x10); if (camera->unk_14C & 8 || keep4->unk_1C & 0x80) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; camera->unk_14C |= (0x4 | 0x2); camera->unk_14C &= ~8; if (camera->prevCamDataIdx < 0) { Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); } else { Camera_ChangeDataIdx(camera, camera->prevCamDataIdx); camera->prevCamDataIdx = -1; } } } spB8.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(unk20->unk_0C, spA8.yaw, keep4->unk_14, 4); spB8.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(unk20->unk_0E, spA8.pitch, keep4->unk_14, 4); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &spB8); *eye = *eyeNext; Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(keep4->unk_18, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); } /** * Talking in a pre-rendered room */ s32 Camera_KeepOn0(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; VecSph eyeTargetPosOffset; VecSph eyeAtOffset; KeepOn0* keep0 = (KeepOn0*)camera->paramData; KeepOn0Anim* anim = &keep0->anim; s32 pad; Vec3s* sceneCamData; Vec3s sceneCamRot; s16 fov; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; keep0->fovScale = NEXTPCT; keep0->yawScale = NEXTPCT; keep0->timerInit = NEXTSETTING; keep0->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(eyeNext, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); *eye = *eyeNext; sceneCamRot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); // unused (void)sceneCamRot; // suppresses set but unused warning fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); if (fov == -1) { fov = 6000; } if (camera->target == NULL || camera->target->update == NULL) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf( VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: talk: target is not valid, change normal camera\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; Camera_ChangeMode(camera, CAM_MODE_NORMAL); return true; } Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, eye, at); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeTargetPosOffset, eye, &camera->targetPosRot.pos); sCameraInterfaceFlags = keep0->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; camera->fov = PCT(fov); camera->roll = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; anim->animTimer = keep0->timerInit; anim->fovTarget = camera->fov - (camera->fov * keep0->fovScale); } if (anim->animTimer != 0) { eyeAtOffset.yaw += (BINANG_SUB(eyeTargetPosOffset.yaw, eyeAtOffset.yaw) / anim->animTimer) * keep0->yawScale; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &eyeAtOffset); anim->animTimer--; } else { camera->unk_14C |= (0x400 | 0x10); } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->fovTarget, camera->fov, 0.5f, 10.0f); return true; } s32 Camera_Fixed1(Camera* camera) { Fixed1* fixd1 = (Fixed1*)camera->paramData; Fixed1Anim* anim = &fixd1->anim; s32 pad; VecSph eyeOffset; VecSph eyeAtOffset; s32 pad2; Vec3f adjustedPos; Vec3s* scenePosData; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; scenePosData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&anim->eyePosRotTarget.pos, &BGCAM_POS(scenePosData)); anim->eyePosRotTarget.rot = BGCAM_ROT(scenePosData); anim->fov = BGCAM_FOV(scenePosData); fixd1->unk_00 = NEXTPCT * playerHeight; fixd1->lerpStep = NEXTPCT; fixd1->fov = NEXTSETTING; fixd1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } if (anim->fov == -1) { anim->fov = fixd1->fov * 100.0f; } else if (anim->fov < 361) { anim->fov *= 100; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = fixd1->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; func_80043B60(camera); if (anim->fov != -1) { fixd1->fov = PCT(anim->fov); } } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, eye, at); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&anim->eyePosRotTarget.pos, eye, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.2f); adjustedPos = playerPosRot->pos; adjustedPos.y += playerHeight; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&adjustedPos, eye); eyeOffset.r = camera->dist; eyeOffset.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(-anim->eyePosRotTarget.rot.x, eyeAtOffset.pitch, fixd1->lerpStep, 5); eyeOffset.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->eyePosRotTarget.rot.y, eyeAtOffset.yaw, fixd1->lerpStep, 5); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &eyeOffset); camera->eyeNext = *eye; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(fixd1->fov, camera->fov, fixd1->lerpStep, 0.01f); camera->roll = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; return true; } s32 Camera_Fixed2(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f atTarget; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Vec3s* scenePosData; Fixed2* fixd2 = (Fixed2*)camera->paramData; Fixed2InitParams* initParams = &fixd2->initParams; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); fixd2->yOffset = (NEXTPCT * playerHeight) * yNormal; fixd2->eyeStepScale = NEXTPCT; fixd2->posStepScale = NEXTPCT; fixd2->fov = NEXTSETTING; fixd2->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; initParams->fov = fixd2->fov * 100.0f; scenePosData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); if (scenePosData != NULL) { Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&initParams->eye, &BGCAM_POS(scenePosData)); if (BGCAM_FOV(scenePosData) != -1) { initParams->fov = BGCAM_FOV(scenePosData); } } else { initParams->eye = *eye; } if (initParams->fov < 361) { initParams->fov *= 100; } } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = fixd2->interfaceFlags; posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.y = fixd2->yOffset + playerHeight; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, fixd2->posStepScale, fixd2->posStepScale, 0.1f); atTarget.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; atTarget.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; atTarget.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; func_80043B60(camera); if (!(fixd2->interfaceFlags & 1)) { *eye = *eyeNext = initParams->eye; camera->at = atTarget; } } Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, &camera->at, fixd2->posStepScale, fixd2->posStepScale, 10.0f); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&initParams->eye, eyeNext, fixd2->eyeStepScale, fixd2->eyeStepScale, 0.1f); *eye = *eyeNext; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); camera->roll = 0; camera->xzSpeed = 0.0f; camera->fov = PCT(initParams->fov); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, 1.0f); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; return true; } /** * Camera's position is fixed, does not move, or rotate */ s32 Camera_Fixed3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; VecSph atSph; Vec3s* sceneCamData; VecSph eyeAtOffset; Fixed3* fixd3 = (Fixed3*)camera->paramData; Fixed3Anim* anim = &fixd3->anim; s32 pad; sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, eye, at); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; fixd3->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(eyeNext, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); *eye = *eyeNext; anim->rot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); anim->fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); anim->jfifId = BGCAM_JFIFID(sceneCamData); if (anim->fov == -1) { anim->fov = 6000; } if (anim->fov <= 360) { anim->fov *= 100; } } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } if (camera->animState == 0) { anim->updDirTimer = 5; R_CAM_FIXED3_FOV = anim->fov; camera->animState++; } if (BGCAM_JFIFID(sceneCamData) != anim->jfifId) { osSyncPrintf("camera: position change %d \n", anim->jfifId); anim->jfifId = BGCAM_JFIFID(sceneCamData); anim->updDirTimer = 5; } if (anim->updDirTimer > 0) { anim->updDirTimer--; sUpdateCameraDirection = true; } else { sUpdateCameraDirection = false; } atSph.r = 150.0f; atSph.yaw = anim->rot.y; atSph.pitch = -anim->rot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &atSph); sCameraInterfaceFlags = fixd3->interfaceFlags; anim->fov = R_CAM_FIXED3_FOV; camera->roll = 0; camera->fov = anim->fov * 0.01f; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; return true; } /** * camera follow player, eye is in a fixed offset of the previous eye, and a value * specified in the scene. */ s32 Camera_Fixed4(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f playerPosWithCamOffset; Vec3f atTarget; Vec3f posOffsetTarget; VecSph atEyeNextOffset; VecSph atTargetEyeNextOffset; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Vec3s* camPosData; Vec3f* posOffset = &camera->posOffset; Fixed4* fixed4 = (Fixed4*)camera->paramData; Fixed4Anim* anim = &fixed4->anim; f32 playerYOffset; playerYOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = ((1.0f + PCT(OREG(46))) - (PCT(OREG(46)) * (68.0f / playerYOffset))); fixed4->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerYOffset * yNormal; fixed4->speedToEyePos = NEXTPCT; fixed4->followSpeed = NEXTPCT; fixed4->fov = NEXTSETTING; fixed4->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; camPosData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); if (camPosData != NULL) { Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&anim->eyeTarget, &BGCAM_POS(camPosData)); } else { anim->eyeTarget = *eye; } } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = fixed4->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; if (!(fixed4->interfaceFlags & 4)) { func_80043B60(camera); } anim->followSpeed = fixed4->followSpeed; } VEC3F_LERPIMPDST(eyeNext, eyeNext, &anim->eyeTarget, fixed4->speedToEyePos); *eye = *eyeNext; posOffsetTarget.x = 0.0f; posOffsetTarget.y = fixed4->yOffset + playerYOffset; posOffsetTarget.z = 0.0f; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&posOffsetTarget, &camera->posOffset, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); playerPosWithCamOffset.x = playerPosRot->pos.x + camera->posOffset.x; playerPosWithCamOffset.y = playerPosRot->pos.y + camera->posOffset.y; playerPosWithCamOffset.z = playerPosRot->pos.z + camera->posOffset.z; VEC3F_LERPIMPDST(&atTarget, at, &playerPosWithCamOffset, 0.5f); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atEyeNextOffset, eyeNext, at); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atTargetEyeNextOffset, eyeNext, &atTarget); atEyeNextOffset.r += (atTargetEyeNextOffset.r - atEyeNextOffset.r) * anim->followSpeed; atEyeNextOffset.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(atTargetEyeNextOffset.pitch, atEyeNextOffset.pitch, anim->followSpeed * camera->speedRatio, 0xA); atEyeNextOffset.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(atTargetEyeNextOffset.yaw, atEyeNextOffset.yaw, anim->followSpeed * camera->speedRatio, 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eyeNext, &atEyeNextOffset); camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); camera->roll = 0; camera->fov = fixed4->fov; camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, 1.0f); return true; } s32 Camera_Fixed0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Subj1(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Subj2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * First person view */ s32 Camera_Subj3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f sp98; Vec3f sp8C; VecSph sp84; VecSph sp7C; VecSph tsph; PosRot sp60; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 sp58; f32 temp_f0_3; s16 sp52; s16 sp50; Subj3* subj3 = (Subj3*)camera->paramData; Subj3Anim* anim = &subj3->anim; CameraModeValue* values; Vec3f* pad2; f32 playerHeight; Actor_GetFocus(&sp60, &camera->player->actor); playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 == 0) { camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 = camera->thisIdx | 0x50; return true; } func_80043ABC(camera); Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; subj3->eyeNextYOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight; subj3->eyeDist = NEXTSETTING; subj3->eyeNextDist = NEXTSETTING; subj3->unk_0C = NEXTSETTING; subj3->atOffset.x = NEXTSETTING * 0.1f; subj3->atOffset.y = NEXTSETTING * 0.1f; subj3->atOffset.z = NEXTSETTING * 0.1f; subj3->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; subj3->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; sp84.r = subj3->eyeNextDist; sp84.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y); sp84.pitch = sp60.rot.x; sp98 = sp60.pos; sp98.y += subj3->eyeNextYOffset; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&sp8C, &sp98, &sp84); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp7C, at, eye); sCameraInterfaceFlags = subj3->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0 || camera->animState == 0xA || camera->animState == 0x14) { anim->r = sp7C.r; anim->yaw = sp7C.yaw; anim->pitch = sp7C.pitch; anim->animTimer = OREG(23); camera->dist = subj3->eyeNextDist; camera->animState++; camera->rUpdateRateInv = 1.0f; camera->dist = subj3->eyeNextDist; } tsph.r = anim->r; tsph.yaw = anim->yaw; tsph.pitch = anim->pitch; if (anim->animTimer != 0) { temp_f0_3 = (1.0f / anim->animTimer); pad2 = at; at->x = at->x + (sp98.x - pad2->x) * temp_f0_3; at->y = at->y + (sp98.y - pad2->y) * temp_f0_3; at->z = at->z + (sp98.z - pad2->z) * temp_f0_3; temp_f0_3 = (1.0f / OREG(23)); sp58 = (tsph.r - sp84.r) * temp_f0_3; sp52 = BINANG_SUB(tsph.yaw, sp84.yaw) * temp_f0_3; sp50 = BINANG_SUB(tsph.pitch, sp84.pitch) * temp_f0_3; sp7C.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(sp84.r + (sp58 * anim->animTimer), sp7C.r, PCT(OREG(28)), 1.0f); sp7C.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(sp84.yaw + (sp52 * anim->animTimer), sp7C.yaw, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); sp7C.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(sp84.pitch + (sp50 * anim->animTimer), sp7C.pitch, PCT(OREG(28)), 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &sp7C); *eye = *eyeNext; anim->animTimer--; if (!camera->globalCtx->envCtx.skyboxDisabled) { Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); } else { func_80044340(camera, at, eye); } } else { sp58 = Math_SinS(-sp60.rot.x); temp_f0_3 = Math_CosS(-sp60.rot.x); sp98.x = subj3->atOffset.x; sp98.y = (subj3->atOffset.y * temp_f0_3) - (subj3->atOffset.z * sp58); sp98.z = (subj3->atOffset.y * sp58) + (subj3->atOffset.z * temp_f0_3); sp58 = Math_SinS(BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y)); temp_f0_3 = Math_CosS(BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y)); subj3->atOffset.x = (sp98.z * sp58) + (sp98.x * temp_f0_3); subj3->atOffset.y = sp98.y; subj3->atOffset.z = (sp98.z * temp_f0_3) - (sp98.x * sp58); at->x = subj3->atOffset.x + sp60.pos.x; at->y = subj3->atOffset.y + sp60.pos.y; at->z = subj3->atOffset.z + sp60.pos.z; sp7C.r = subj3->eyeNextDist; sp7C.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(sp60.rot.y); sp7C.pitch = sp60.rot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &sp7C); sp7C.r = subj3->eyeDist; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, at, &sp7C); } camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(subj3->fovTarget, camera->fov, 0.25f, 1.0f); camera->roll = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; return 1; } s32 Camera_Subj4(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; u16 spAA; Vec3s* spA4; Vec3f sp98; Vec3f sp8C; f32 sp88; s16 pad2; f32 temp_f16; PosRot sp6C; VecSph sp64; VecSph sp5C; s16 temp_a0; f32 tx; Player* player; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Subj4* subj4 = (Subj4*)camera->paramData; Subj4Anim* anim = &subj4->anim; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; subj4->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } if (camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 == 0) { camera->globalCtx->view.unk_124 = (camera->thisIdx | 0x50); anim->unk_24 = camera->xzSpeed; return true; } Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&sp6C, &camera->player->actor); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp5C, at, eye); sCameraInterfaceFlags = subj4->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { spA4 = Camera_GetCamBgDataUnderPlayer(camera, &spAA); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&anim->unk_00.a, &spA4[1]); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&sp98, &spA4[spAA - 2]); sp64.r = 10.0f; // 0x238C ~ 50 degrees sp64.pitch = 0x238C; sp64.yaw = Camera_XZAngle(&sp98, &anim->unk_00.a); sp88 = OLib_Vec3fDist(&playerPosRot->pos, &anim->unk_00.a); if (OLib_Vec3fDist(&playerPosRot->pos, &sp98) < sp88) { anim->unk_00.b.x = anim->unk_00.a.x - sp98.x; anim->unk_00.b.y = anim->unk_00.a.y - sp98.y; anim->unk_00.b.z = anim->unk_00.a.z - sp98.z; anim->unk_00.a = sp98; } else { anim->unk_00.b.x = sp98.x - anim->unk_00.a.x; anim->unk_00.b.y = sp98.y - anim->unk_00.a.y; anim->unk_00.b.z = sp98.z - anim->unk_00.a.z; sp64.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(sp64.yaw); } anim->unk_30 = sp64.yaw; anim->unk_32 = 0xA; anim->unk_2C = 0; anim->unk_2E = false; anim->unk_28 = 0.0f; camera->animState++; } if (anim->unk_32 != 0) { sp64.r = 10.0f; sp64.pitch = 0x238C; sp64.yaw = anim->unk_30; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&sp8C, &sp6C.pos, &sp64); sp88 = (anim->unk_32 + 1.0f); at->x += (sp8C.x - at->x) / sp88; at->y += (sp8C.y - at->y) / sp88; at->z += (sp8C.z - at->z) / sp88; sp5C.r -= (sp5C.r / sp88); sp5C.yaw = BINANG_LERPIMPINV(sp5C.yaw, BINANG_ROT180(sp6C.rot.y), anim->unk_32); sp5C.pitch = BINANG_LERPIMPINV(sp5C.pitch, sp6C.rot.x, anim->unk_32); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &sp5C); *eye = *eyeNext; anim->unk_32--; return false; } else if (anim->unk_24 < 0.5f) { return false; } Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&sp6C, &camera->player->actor); Math3D_LineClosestToPoint(&anim->unk_00, &sp6C.pos, eyeNext); at->x = eyeNext->x + anim->unk_00.b.x; at->y = eyeNext->y + anim->unk_00.b.y; at->z = eyeNext->z + anim->unk_00.b.z; *eye = *eyeNext; sp64.yaw = anim->unk_30; sp64.r = 5.0f; sp64.pitch = 0x238C; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&sp98, eyeNext, &sp64); anim->unk_2C += 0xBB8; temp_f16 = Math_CosS(anim->unk_2C); eye->x += (sp98.x - eye->x) * fabsf(temp_f16); eye->y += (sp98.y - eye->y) * fabsf(temp_f16); eye->z += (sp98.z - eye->z) * fabsf(temp_f16); if ((anim->unk_28 < temp_f16) && !anim->unk_2E) { player = camera->player; anim->unk_2E = true; func_800F4010(&player->actor.projectedPos, player->unk_89E + 0x8B0, 4.0f); } else if (anim->unk_28 > temp_f16) { anim->unk_2E = false; } anim->unk_28 = temp_f16; camera->player->actor.world.pos = *eyeNext; camera->player->actor.world.pos.y = camera->playerGroundY; camera->player->actor.shape.rot.y = sp64.yaw; temp_f16 = ((240.0f * temp_f16) * (anim->unk_24 * 0.416667f)); temp_a0 = temp_f16 + anim->unk_30; at->x = eye->x + (Math_SinS(temp_a0) * 10.0f); at->y = eye->y; at->z = eye->z + (Math_CosS(temp_a0) * 10.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); return 1; } s32 Camera_Subj0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Data0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Data1(Camera* camera) { osSyncPrintf("chau!chau!\n"); return Camera_Normal1(camera); } s32 Camera_Data2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Data3(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Data4(Camera* camera) { s32 pad2[2]; Data4* data4 = (Data4*)camera->paramData; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph atOffset; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; f32 yNormal; s16 fov; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3s* sceneCamData; Vec3f lookAt; CameraModeValue* values; Data4InitParams* initParams = &data4->initParams; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; f32 playerHeight; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; s32 pad; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); data4->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; data4->fov = NEXTSETTING; data4->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&initParams->eyePosRot.pos, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); initParams->eyePosRot.rot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); initParams->fov = fov; if (fov != -1) { data4->fov = initParams->fov < 361 ? initParams->fov : PCT(initParams->fov); } initParams->jfifId = BGCAM_JFIFID(sceneCamData); *eye = initParams->eyePosRot.pos; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = data4->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; func_80043B60(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &eyeNextAtOffset, data4->yOffset, false); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, eye, at); atOffset.r = eyeAtOffset.r; atOffset.yaw = (initParams->jfifId & 1) ? (DEGF_TO_BINANG(camera->data2) + initParams->eyePosRot.rot.y) : eyeAtOffset.yaw; atOffset.pitch = (initParams->jfifId & 2) ? (DEGF_TO_BINANG(camera->data3) + initParams->eyePosRot.rot.x) : eyeAtOffset.pitch; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &atOffset); lookAt = camera->playerPosRot.pos; lookAt.y += playerHeight; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&lookAt, eye); camera->roll = 0; camera->xzSpeed = 0.0f; camera->fov = data4->fov; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0; return true; } /** * Hanging off of a ledge */ s32 Camera_Unique1(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f playerBodyPart0; s16 phiTarget; VecSph sp8C; VecSph unk908PlayerPosOffset; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; PosRot playerhead; Unique1* uniq1 = (Unique1*)camera->paramData; Unique1Anim* anim = &uniq1->anim; s32 pad; f32 playerHeight; s32 pad2; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); uniq1->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; uniq1->distMin = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; uniq1->distMax = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; uniq1->pitchTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); uniq1->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; uniq1->atLERPScaleMax = NEXTPCT; uniq1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS != 0) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sUpdateCameraDirection = 1; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); sCameraInterfaceFlags = uniq1->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->posOffset.y = camera->posOffset.y - camera->playerPosDelta.y; anim->yawTarget = eyeNextAtOffset.yaw; anim->unk_00 = 0.0f; playerBodyPart0 = camera->player->bodyPartsPos[0]; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&unk908PlayerPosOffset, &playerPosRot->pos, &playerBodyPart0); anim->timer = R_DEFA_CAM_ANIM_TIME; anim->yawTargetAdj = ABS(BINANG_SUB(unk908PlayerPosOffset.yaw, eyeAtOffset.yaw)) < 0x3A98 ? 0 : ((BINANG_SUB(unk908PlayerPosOffset.yaw, eyeAtOffset.yaw) / anim->timer) / 4) * 3; camera->animState++; } Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); // unused camera->yawUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(100.0f, camera->yawUpdateRateInv, OREG(25) * 0.01f, 0.1f); camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = Camera_LERPCeilF(100.0f, camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, OREG(25) * 0.01f, 0.1f); camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.005f, camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate, OREG(25) * 0.01f, 0.01f); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(0.01f, camera->yOffsetUpdateRate, OREG(26) * 0.01f, 0.01f); camera->fovUpdateRate = Camera_LERPCeilF(OREG(4) * 0.01f, camera->fovUpdateRate, 0.05f, 0.1f); Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &eyeNextAtOffset, uniq1->yOffset, 1); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp8C, at, eyeNext); camera->dist = Camera_LERPClampDist(camera, sp8C.r, uniq1->distMin, uniq1->distMax); phiTarget = uniq1->pitchTarget; sp8C.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(phiTarget, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch, 1.0f / camera->pitchUpdateRateInv, 0xA); if (sp8C.pitch > OREG(5)) { sp8C.pitch = OREG(5); } if (sp8C.pitch < -OREG(5)) { sp8C.pitch = -OREG(5); } if (anim->timer != 0) { anim->yawTarget += anim->yawTargetAdj; anim->timer--; } sp8C.yaw = Camera_LERPFloorS(anim->yawTarget, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, 0.5f, 0x2710); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &sp8C); *eye = *eyeNext; Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(uniq1->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->fovUpdateRate, 1.0f); camera->roll = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, uniq1->atLERPScaleMax); return true; } s32 Camera_Unique2(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f playerPos; VecSph eyeOffset; VecSph eyeAtOffset; s32 pad; f32 lerpRateFactor; Unique2* uniq2 = (Unique2*)camera->paramData; Unique2Unk10* unk10 = &uniq2->unk_10; s32 pad2; f32 playerHeight; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = ((1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight))); uniq2->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; uniq2->distTarget = NEXTSETTING; uniq2->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; uniq2->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = uniq2->interfaceFlags; if ((camera->animState == 0) || (unk10->unk_04 != uniq2->interfaceFlags)) { unk10->unk_04 = uniq2->interfaceFlags; } if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState = 1; func_80043B60(camera); unk10->unk_00 = 200.0f; if (uniq2->interfaceFlags & 0x10) { camera->unk_14C &= ~4; } } playerPos = camera->playerPosRot.pos; lerpRateFactor = (uniq2->interfaceFlags & 1 ? 1.0f : camera->speedRatio); at->x = F32_LERPIMP(at->x, playerPos.x, lerpRateFactor * 0.6f); at->y = F32_LERPIMP(at->y, playerPos.y + playerHeight + uniq2->yOffset, 0.4f); at->z = F32_LERPIMP(at->z, playerPos.z, lerpRateFactor * 0.6f); unk10->unk_00 = F32_LERPIMP(unk10->unk_00, 2.0f, 0.05f); // unused. if (uniq2->interfaceFlags & 1) { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeOffset, at, eyeNext); eyeOffset.r = uniq2->distTarget; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&playerPos, at, &eyeOffset); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&playerPos, eye, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.2f); } else if (uniq2->interfaceFlags & 2) { if (OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(at, eyeNext) < uniq2->distTarget) { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeOffset, at, eyeNext); eyeOffset.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(eyeOffset.yaw, eyeAtOffset.yaw, 0.1f, 0xA); eyeOffset.r = uniq2->distTarget; eyeOffset.pitch = 0; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eye, at, &eyeOffset); eye->y = eyeNext->y; } else { Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(eyeNext, eye, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.2f); } } Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); camera->roll = 0; camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(uniq2->fovTarget, camera->fov, 0.2f, 0.1f); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, 1.0f); return true; } s32 Camera_Unique3(Camera* camera) { VecSph sp60; f32 playerHeight; Unique3* uniq3 = (Unique3*)camera->paramData; Vec3s* temp_v0_2; Vec3s sp4C; Unique3Anim* anim = &uniq3->anim; Unique3Params* params = &uniq3->params; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; PosRot* cameraPlayerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; playerHeight = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerHeight)); params->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerHeight * yNormal; params->fov = NEXTSETTING; params->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS != 0) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = params->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: func_80043B60(camera); camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x8 | 0x4); anim->initialFov = camera->fov; anim->initialDist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, &camera->eye); camera->animState++; case 1: if (uniq3->doorParams.timer1-- > 0) { break; } temp_v0_2 = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&camera->eyeNext, &BGCAM_POS(temp_v0_2)); camera->eye = camera->eyeNext; sp4C = BGCAM_ROT(temp_v0_2); sp60.r = 100.0f; sp60.yaw = sp4C.y; sp60.pitch = -sp4C.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, &camera->eye, &sp60); camera->animState++; case 2: if (params->interfaceFlags & 4) { camera->at = cameraPlayerPosRot->pos; camera->at.y += playerHeight + params->yOffset; } if (uniq3->doorParams.timer2-- > 0) { break; } camera->animState++; case 3: camera->unk_14C |= (0x400 | 0x10); if ((camera->unk_14C & 8) != 0) { camera->animState++; } else { break; } case 4: if (params->interfaceFlags & 2) { camera->unk_14C |= 4; camera->unk_14C &= ~8; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, CAM_SET_PIVOT_IN_FRONT, 2); break; } uniq3->doorParams.timer3 = 5; if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z)) { camera->animState++; } else { break; } case 5: camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->initialFov, camera->fov, 0.4f, 0.1f); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp60, at, &camera->eye); sp60.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(100.0f, sp60.r, 0.4f, 0.1f); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&camera->eyeNext, at, &sp60); camera->eye = camera->eyeNext; if (uniq3->doorParams.timer3-- > 0) { break; } camera->animState++; default: camera->unk_14C |= 4; camera->unk_14C &= ~8; camera->fov = params->fov; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - cameraPlayerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - cameraPlayerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - cameraPlayerPosRot->pos.z; break; } return true; } /** * Camera's eye is specified by scene camera data, at point is generated at the intersection * of the eye to the player */ s32 Camera_Unique0(Camera* camera) { f32 yOffset; CameraModeValue* values; Player* player; Vec3f playerPosWithOffset; VecSph atPlayerOffset; Vec3s* sceneCamData; Vec3s sceneCamRot; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Unique0* uniq0 = (Unique0*)camera->paramData; Unique0Params* params = &uniq0->uniq0; Unique0Anim* anim = ¶ms->anim; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; s16 fov; yOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); player = camera->player; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; params->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } playerPosWithOffset = playerPosRot->pos; playerPosWithOffset.y += yOffset; sCameraInterfaceFlags = params->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { func_80043B60(camera); camera->unk_14C &= ~4; sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&anim->sceneCamPosPlayerLine.a, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); *eye = camera->eyeNext = anim->sceneCamPosPlayerLine.a; sceneCamRot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); if (fov != -1) { camera->fov = fov < 361 ? fov : PCT(fov); } anim->animTimer = BGCAM_JFIFID(sceneCamData); if (anim->animTimer == -1) { anim->animTimer = uniq0->doorParams.timer1 + uniq0->doorParams.timer2; } atPlayerOffset.r = OLib_Vec3fDist(&playerPosWithOffset, eye); atPlayerOffset.yaw = sceneCamRot.y; atPlayerOffset.pitch = -sceneCamRot.x; OLib_VecSphGeoToVec3f(&anim->sceneCamPosPlayerLine.b, &atPlayerOffset); Math3D_LineClosestToPoint(&anim->sceneCamPosPlayerLine, &playerPosRot->pos, &camera->at); anim->initalPos = playerPosRot->pos; camera->animState++; } if (player->stateFlags1 & 0x20000000) { anim->initalPos = playerPosRot->pos; } if (params->interfaceFlags & 1) { if (anim->animTimer > 0) { anim->animTimer--; anim->initalPos = playerPosRot->pos; } else if ((!(player->stateFlags1 & 0x20000000)) && ((OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(&playerPosRot->pos, &anim->initalPos) >= 10.0f) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z))) { camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->at, eye); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->unk_14C |= 4; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); } } else { if (anim->animTimer > 0) { anim->animTimer--; if (anim->animTimer == 0) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; } } else { anim->initalPos = playerPosRot->pos; } if ((!(player->stateFlags1 & 0x20000000)) && ((0.001f < camera->xzSpeed) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z))) { camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->at, &camera->eye); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); camera->unk_14C |= 4; } } return true; } s32 Camera_Unique4(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Was setup to be used by the camera setting "FOREST_UNUSED" */ s32 Camera_Unique5(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * This function doesn't really update much. * Eye/at positions are updated via Camera_SetParam */ s32 Camera_Unique6(Camera* camera) { Unique6* uniq6 = (Unique6*)camera->paramData; CameraModeValue* values; Vec3f sp2C; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; f32 offset; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; uniq6->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = uniq6->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; func_80043ABC(camera); } if (camera->player != NULL) { offset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); sp2C = playerPosRot->pos; sp2C.y += offset; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&sp2C, &camera->eye); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; } else { camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->at, &camera->eye); } if (uniq6->interfaceFlags & 1 && camera->timer > 0) { camera->timer--; } return true; } /** * Camera is at a fixed point specified by the scene's camera data, * camera rotates to follow player */ s32 Camera_Unique7(Camera* camera) { s32 pad; Unique7* uniq7 = (Unique7*)camera->paramData; CameraModeValue* values; VecSph playerPosEyeOffset; s16 fov; Vec3s* sceneCamData; Vec3s sceneCamRot; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Unique7Unk8* unk08 = &uniq7->unk_08; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; uniq7->fov = NEXTSETTING; uniq7->interfaceFlags = (s16)NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(eyeNext, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); *eye = *eyeNext; sceneCamRot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); // unused (void)sceneCamRot; // suppresses set but unused warning OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerPosEyeOffset, eye, &playerPosRot->pos); // fov actually goes unused since it's hard set later on. fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); if (fov == -1) { fov = uniq7->fov * 100.0f; } if (fov < 361) { fov *= 100; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = uniq7->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; camera->fov = PCT(fov); camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->roll = 0; unk08->unk_00.x = playerPosEyeOffset.yaw; } camera->fov = 60.0f; // 0x7D0 ~ 10.98 degres. unk08->unk_00.x = Camera_LERPFloorS(playerPosEyeOffset.yaw, unk08->unk_00.x, 0.4f, 0x7D0); playerPosEyeOffset.pitch = -BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData).x * Math_CosS(playerPosEyeOffset.yaw - BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData).y); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &playerPosEyeOffset); camera->unk_14C |= 0x400; return true; } s32 Camera_Unique8(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Unique9(Camera* camera) { Vec3f atTarget; Vec3f eyeTarget; Unique9* uniq9 = &ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->uniq9; Unique9Anim* anim = &uniq9->anim; f32 invKeyFrameTimer; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; VecSph scratchSph; VecSph playerTargetOffset; s16 action; s16 atInitFlags; s16 eyeInitFlags; s16 pad2; PosRot targethead; PosRot playerhead; PosRot playerPosRot; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Player* player = camera->player; Actor* focusActor; f32 spB4; PosRot atFocusPosRot; Vec3f eyeLookAtPos; CameraModeValue* values; PosRot eyeFocusPosRot; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; uniq9->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = uniq9->interfaceFlags; Actor_GetWorld(&playerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; anim->curKeyFrameIdx = -1; anim->keyFrameTimer = 1; anim->unk_38 = 0; anim->playerPos.x = playerPosRot.pos.x; anim->playerPos.y = playerPosRot.pos.y; anim->playerPos.z = playerPosRot.pos.z; camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; func_80043B60(camera); } if (anim->unk_38 == 0 && anim->keyFrameTimer > 0) { anim->keyFrameTimer--; } if (anim->keyFrameTimer == 0) { anim->isNewKeyFrame = true; anim->curKeyFrameIdx++; if (anim->curKeyFrameIdx < ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt) { anim->curKeyFrame = &ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames[anim->curKeyFrameIdx]; anim->keyFrameTimer = anim->curKeyFrame->timerInit; if (anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01 != 0xFF) { if ((anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01 & 0xF0) == 0x80) { D_8011D3AC = anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01 & 0xF; } else if ((anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01 & 0xF0) == 0xC0) { Camera_UpdateInterface(0xF000 | ((anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01 & 0xF) << 8)); } else if (camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x8000000 && player->currentBoots != PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON) { func_8002DF38(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, 8); osSyncPrintf("camera: demo: player demo set WAIT\n"); } else { osSyncPrintf("camera: demo: player demo set %d\n", anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01); func_8002DF38(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, anim->curKeyFrame->unk_01); } } } else { // We've gone through all the keyframes. if (camera->thisIdx != MAIN_CAM) { camera->timer = 0; } return true; } } else { anim->isNewKeyFrame = false; } atInitFlags = anim->curKeyFrame->initFlags & 0xFF; if (atInitFlags == 1) { anim->atTarget = anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit; } else if (atInitFlags == 2) { if (anim->isNewKeyFrame) { anim->atTarget.x = camera->globalCtx->view.lookAt.x + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.x; anim->atTarget.y = camera->globalCtx->view.lookAt.y + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.y; anim->atTarget.z = camera->globalCtx->view.lookAt.z + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.z; } } else if (atInitFlags == 3) { if (anim->isNewKeyFrame) { anim->atTarget.x = camera->at.x + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.x; anim->atTarget.y = camera->at.y + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.y; anim->atTarget.z = camera->at.z + anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.z; } } else if (atInitFlags == 4 || atInitFlags == 0x84) { if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->update != NULL) { Actor_GetFocus(&targethead, camera->target); Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); playerhead.pos.x = playerPosRot.pos.x; playerhead.pos.z = playerPosRot.pos.z; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerTargetOffset, &targethead.pos, &playerhead.pos); if (atInitFlags & (s16)0x8080) { scratchSph.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.x); scratchSph.yaw = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.y); scratchSph.r = anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.z; } else { OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&scratchSph, &anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit); } scratchSph.yaw += playerTargetOffset.yaw; scratchSph.pitch += playerTargetOffset.pitch; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&anim->atTarget, &targethead.pos, &scratchSph); } else { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: demo C: actor is not valid\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; anim->atTarget = camera->at; } } else if (atInitFlags & 0x6060) { if (!(atInitFlags & 4) || anim->isNewKeyFrame) { if (atInitFlags & 0x2020) { focusActor = &camera->player->actor; } else if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->update != NULL) { focusActor = camera->target; } else { camera->target = NULL; focusActor = NULL; } if (focusActor != NULL) { if ((atInitFlags & 0xF) == 1) { Actor_GetFocus(&atFocusPosRot, focusActor); } else if ((atInitFlags & 0xF) == 2) { Actor_GetWorld(&atFocusPosRot, focusActor); } else { Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&atFocusPosRot, focusActor); } if (atInitFlags & (s16)0x8080) { scratchSph.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.x); scratchSph.yaw = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.y); scratchSph.r = anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit.z; } else { OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&scratchSph, &anim->curKeyFrame->atTargetInit); } scratchSph.yaw += atFocusPosRot.rot.y; scratchSph.pitch -= atFocusPosRot.rot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&anim->atTarget, &atFocusPosRot.pos, &scratchSph); } else { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: demo C: actor is not valid\n" VT_RST); } anim->atTarget = *at; } } } else { anim->atTarget = *at; } eyeInitFlags = anim->curKeyFrame->initFlags & 0xFF00; if (eyeInitFlags == 0x100) { anim->eyeTarget = anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit; } else if (eyeInitFlags == 0x200) { if (anim->isNewKeyFrame) { anim->eyeTarget.x = camera->globalCtx->view.eye.x + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.x; anim->eyeTarget.y = camera->globalCtx->view.eye.y + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.y; anim->eyeTarget.z = camera->globalCtx->view.eye.z + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z; } } else if (eyeInitFlags == 0x300) { if (anim->isNewKeyFrame) { anim->eyeTarget.x = camera->eyeNext.x + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.x; anim->eyeTarget.y = camera->eyeNext.y + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.y; anim->eyeTarget.z = camera->eyeNext.z + anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z; } } else if (eyeInitFlags == 0x400 || eyeInitFlags == (s16)0x8400 || eyeInitFlags == 0x500 || eyeInitFlags == (s16)0x8500) { if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->update != NULL) { Actor_GetFocus(&targethead, camera->target); Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); playerhead.pos.x = playerPosRot.pos.x; playerhead.pos.z = playerPosRot.pos.z; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerTargetOffset, &targethead.pos, &playerhead.pos); if (eyeInitFlags == 0x400 || eyeInitFlags == (s16)0x8400) { eyeLookAtPos = targethead.pos; } else { eyeLookAtPos = anim->atTarget; } if (eyeInitFlags & (s16)0x8080) { scratchSph.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.x); scratchSph.yaw = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.y); scratchSph.r = anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z; } else { OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&scratchSph, &anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit); } scratchSph.yaw += playerTargetOffset.yaw; scratchSph.pitch += playerTargetOffset.pitch; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&anim->eyeTarget, &eyeLookAtPos, &scratchSph); } else { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: demo C: actor is not valid\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; anim->eyeTarget = *eyeNext; } } else if (eyeInitFlags & 0x6060) { if (!(eyeInitFlags & 0x400) || anim->isNewKeyFrame) { if (eyeInitFlags & 0x2020) { focusActor = &camera->player->actor; } else if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->update != NULL) { focusActor = camera->target; } else { camera->target = NULL; focusActor = NULL; } if (focusActor != NULL) { if ((eyeInitFlags & 0xF00) == 0x100) { // head Actor_GetFocus(&eyeFocusPosRot, focusActor); } else if ((eyeInitFlags & 0xF00) == 0x200) { // world Actor_GetWorld(&eyeFocusPosRot, focusActor); } else { // world, shapeRot Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&eyeFocusPosRot, focusActor); } if (eyeInitFlags & (s16)0x8080) { scratchSph.pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.x); scratchSph.yaw = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.y); scratchSph.r = anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z; } else { OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&scratchSph, &anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit); } scratchSph.yaw += eyeFocusPosRot.rot.y; scratchSph.pitch -= eyeFocusPosRot.rot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&anim->eyeTarget, &eyeFocusPosRot.pos, &scratchSph); } else { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: demo C: actor is not valid\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; anim->eyeTarget = *eyeNext; } } } else { anim->eyeTarget = *eyeNext; } if (anim->curKeyFrame->initFlags == 2) { anim->fovTarget = camera->globalCtx->view.fovy; anim->rollTarget = 0; } else if (anim->curKeyFrame->initFlags == 0) { anim->fovTarget = camera->fov; anim->rollTarget = camera->roll; } else { anim->fovTarget = anim->curKeyFrame->fovTargetInit; anim->rollTarget = DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->rollTargetInit); } action = anim->curKeyFrame->actionFlags & 0x1F; switch (action) { case 15: // static copy to at/eye/fov/roll *at = anim->atTarget; *eyeNext = anim->eyeTarget; camera->fov = anim->fovTarget; camera->roll = anim->rollTarget; camera->unk_14C |= 0x400; break; case 21: // same as 15, but with unk_38 ? if (anim->unk_38 == 0) { anim->unk_38 = 1; } else if (camera->unk_14C & 8) { anim->unk_38 = 0; camera->unk_14C &= ~8; } *at = anim->atTarget; *eyeNext = anim->eyeTarget; camera->fov = anim->fovTarget; camera->roll = anim->rollTarget; break; case 16: // same as 16, but don't unset bit 0x8 on unk_14C if (anim->unk_38 == 0) { anim->unk_38 = 1; } else if (camera->unk_14C & 8) { anim->unk_38 = 0; } *at = anim->atTarget; *eyeNext = anim->eyeTarget; camera->fov = anim->fovTarget; camera->roll = anim->rollTarget; break; case 1: // linear interpolation of eye/at using the spherical coordinates OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&anim->atEyeOffsetTarget, &anim->atTarget, &anim->eyeTarget); invKeyFrameTimer = 1.0f / anim->keyFrameTimer; scratchSph.r = F32_LERPIMP(eyeNextAtOffset.r, anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.r, invKeyFrameTimer); scratchSph.pitch = eyeNextAtOffset.pitch + (BINANG_SUB(anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.pitch, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch) * invKeyFrameTimer); scratchSph.yaw = eyeNextAtOffset.yaw + (BINANG_SUB(anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.yaw, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw) * invKeyFrameTimer); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&eyeTarget, at, &scratchSph); goto setEyeNext; case 2: // linear interpolation of eye/at using the eyeTarget invKeyFrameTimer = 1.0f / anim->keyFrameTimer; eyeTarget.x = F32_LERPIMP(camera->eyeNext.x, anim->eyeTarget.x, invKeyFrameTimer); eyeTarget.y = F32_LERPIMP(camera->eyeNext.y, anim->eyeTarget.y, invKeyFrameTimer); eyeTarget.z = F32_LERPIMP(camera->eyeNext.z, anim->eyeTarget.z, invKeyFrameTimer); setEyeNext: camera->eyeNext.x = Camera_LERPFloorF(eyeTarget.x, camera->eyeNext.x, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->eyeNext.y = Camera_LERPFloorF(eyeTarget.y, camera->eyeNext.y, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->eyeNext.z = Camera_LERPFloorF(eyeTarget.z, camera->eyeNext.z, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); case 9: case 10: // linear interpolation of at/fov/roll invKeyFrameTimer = 1.0f / anim->keyFrameTimer; atTarget.x = F32_LERPIMP(camera->at.x, anim->atTarget.x, invKeyFrameTimer); atTarget.y = F32_LERPIMP(camera->at.y, anim->atTarget.y, invKeyFrameTimer); atTarget.z = F32_LERPIMP(camera->at.z, anim->atTarget.z, invKeyFrameTimer); camera->at.x = Camera_LERPFloorF(atTarget.x, camera->at.x, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->at.y = Camera_LERPFloorF(atTarget.y, camera->at.y, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->at.z = Camera_LERPFloorF(atTarget.z, camera->at.z, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->fov = Camera_LERPFloorF(F32_LERPIMP(camera->fov, anim->fovTarget, invKeyFrameTimer), camera->fov, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 0.01f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPFloorS(BINANG_LERPIMPINV(camera->roll, anim->rollTarget, anim->keyFrameTimer), camera->roll, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 0xA); break; case 4: // linear interpolation of eye/at/fov/roll using the step scale, and spherical coordinates OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeNextAtOffset, at, eyeNext); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&anim->atEyeOffsetTarget, &anim->atTarget, &anim->eyeTarget); scratchSph.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.r, eyeNextAtOffset.r, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 0.1f); scratchSph.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.pitch, eyeNextAtOffset.pitch, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1); scratchSph.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->atEyeOffsetTarget.yaw, eyeNextAtOffset.yaw, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &scratchSph); goto setAtFOVRoll; case 3: // linear interplation of eye/at/fov/roll using the step scale using eyeTarget camera->eyeNext.x = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->eyeTarget.x, camera->eyeNext.x, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->eyeNext.y = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->eyeTarget.y, camera->eyeNext.y, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->eyeNext.z = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->eyeTarget.z, camera->eyeNext.z, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); case 11: case 12: setAtFOVRoll: // linear interpolation of at/fov/roll using the step scale. camera->at.x = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atTarget.x, camera->at.x, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->at.y = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atTarget.y, camera->at.y, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->at.z = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atTarget.z, camera->at.z, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->fovTarget, camera->fov, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->rollTarget, camera->roll, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1); break; case 13: // linear interpolation of at, with rotation around eyeTargetInit.y camera->at.x = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atTarget.x, camera->at.x, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->at.y += camera->playerPosDelta.y * anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale; camera->at.z = Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->atTarget.z, camera->at.z, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&scratchSph, at, eyeNext); scratchSph.yaw += DEGF_TO_BINANG(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.y); // 3A98 ~ 82.40 degrees if (scratchSph.pitch >= 0x3A99) { scratchSph.pitch = 0x3A98; } if (scratchSph.pitch < -0x3A98) { scratchSph.pitch = -0x3A98; } spB4 = scratchSph.r; if (1) {} scratchSph.r = !(spB4 < anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z) ? Camera_LERPCeilF(anim->curKeyFrame->eyeTargetInit.z, spB4, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f) : scratchSph.r; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &scratchSph); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(F32_LERPIMPINV(camera->fov, anim->curKeyFrame->fovTargetInit, anim->keyFrameTimer), camera->fov, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->rollTarget, camera->roll, anim->curKeyFrame->lerpStepScale, 1); break; case 24: // Set current keyframe to the roll target? anim->curKeyFrameIdx = anim->rollTarget; break; case 19: { // Change the parent camera (or default)'s mode to normal s32 camIdx = camera->parentCamIdx <= SUBCAM_NONE ? MAIN_CAM : camera->parentCamIdx; Camera_ChangeModeFlags(camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[camIdx], CAM_MODE_NORMAL, 1); } case 18: { // copy the current camera to the parent (or default)'s camera. s32 camIdx = camera->parentCamIdx <= SUBCAM_NONE ? MAIN_CAM : camera->parentCamIdx; Camera* cam = camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[camIdx]; *eye = *eyeNext; Camera_Copy(cam, camera); } default: if (camera->thisIdx != MAIN_CAM) { camera->timer = 0; } } *eye = *eyeNext; if (anim->curKeyFrame->actionFlags & 0x80) { Camera_BGCheck(camera, at, eye); } if (anim->curKeyFrame->actionFlags & 0x40) { // Set the player's position camera->player->actor.world.pos.x = anim->playerPos.x; camera->player->actor.world.pos.z = anim->playerPos.z; if (camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x8000000 && player->currentBoots != PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON) { camera->player->actor.world.pos.y = anim->playerPos.y; } } else { anim->playerPos.x = playerPosRot.pos.x; anim->playerPos.y = playerPosRot.pos.y; anim->playerPos.z = playerPosRot.pos.z; } if (anim->unk_38 == 0 && camera->timer > 0) { camera->timer--; } if (camera->player != NULL) { camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - camera->playerPosRot.pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - camera->playerPosRot.pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - camera->playerPosRot.pos.z; } camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); return true; } void Camera_DebugPrintSplineArray(char* name, s16 length, CutsceneCameraPoint cameraPoints[]) { s32 i; osSyncPrintf("static SplinedatZ %s[] = {\n", name); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { osSyncPrintf(" /* key frame %2d */ {\n", i); osSyncPrintf(" /* code */ %d,\n", cameraPoints[i].continueFlag); osSyncPrintf(" /* z */ %d,\n", cameraPoints[i].cameraRoll); osSyncPrintf(" /* T */ %d,\n", cameraPoints[i].nextPointFrame); osSyncPrintf(" /* zoom */ %f,\n", cameraPoints[i].viewAngle); osSyncPrintf(" /* pos */ { %d, %d, %d }\n", cameraPoints[i].pos.x, cameraPoints[i].pos.y, cameraPoints[i].pos.z); osSyncPrintf(" },\n"); } osSyncPrintf("};\n\n"); } /** * Copies `src` to `dst`, used in Camera_Demo1 * Name from AC map: Camera2_SetPos_Demo */ void Camera_Vec3fCopy(Vec3f* src, Vec3f* dst) { dst->x = src->x; dst->y = src->y; dst->z = src->z; } /** * Calculates new position from `at` to `pos`, outputs to `dst * Name from AC map: Camera2_CalcPos_Demo */ void Camera_RotateAroundPoint(PosRot* at, Vec3f* pos, Vec3f* dst) { VecSph posSph; Vec3f posCopy; Camera_Vec3fCopy(pos, &posCopy); OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&posSph, &posCopy); posSph.yaw += at->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(dst, &at->pos, &posSph); } /** * Camera follows points specified at pointers to CutsceneCameraPoints, * camera->data0 for camera at positions, and camera->data1 for camera eye positions * until all keyFrames have been exhausted. */ s32 Camera_Demo1(Camera* camera) { s32 pad; Demo1* demo1 = (Demo1*)camera->paramData; CameraModeValue* values; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; CutsceneCameraPoint* csAtPoints = (CutsceneCameraPoint*)camera->data0; CutsceneCameraPoint* csEyePoints = (CutsceneCameraPoint*)camera->data1; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; PosRot curPlayerPosRot; Vec3f csEyeUpdate; Vec3f csAtUpdate; f32 newRoll; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; f32* cameraFOV = &camera->fov; s16* relativeToPlayer = &camera->data2; Demo1Anim* anim = &demo1->anim; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; demo1->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = demo1->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: // initalize camera state anim->keyframe = 0; anim->curFrame = 0.0f; camera->animState++; // "absolute" : "relative" osSyncPrintf(VT_SGR("1") "%06u:" VT_RST " camera: spline demo: start %s \n", camera->globalCtx->state.frames, *relativeToPlayer == 0 ? "絶対" : "相対"); if (PREG(93)) { Camera_DebugPrintSplineArray("CENTER", 5, csAtPoints); Camera_DebugPrintSplineArray(" EYE", 5, csEyePoints); } case 1: // follow CutsceneCameraPoints. function returns 1 if at the end. if (func_800BB2B4(&csEyeUpdate, &newRoll, cameraFOV, csEyePoints, &anim->keyframe, &anim->curFrame) || func_800BB2B4(&csAtUpdate, &newRoll, cameraFOV, csAtPoints, &anim->keyframe, &anim->curFrame)) { camera->animState++; } if (*relativeToPlayer) { // if the camera is set to be relative to the player, move the interpolated points // relative to the player's position if (camera->player != NULL && camera->player->actor.update != NULL) { Actor_GetWorld(&curPlayerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&curPlayerPosRot, &csEyeUpdate, eyeNext); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&curPlayerPosRot, &csAtUpdate, at); } else { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "camera: spline demo: owner dead\n" VT_RST); } } else { // simply copy the interpolated values to the eye and at Camera_Vec3fCopy(&csEyeUpdate, eyeNext); Camera_Vec3fCopy(&csAtUpdate, at); } *eye = *eyeNext; camera->roll = newRoll * 256.0f; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); break; } return true; } s32 Camera_Demo2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Opening large chests. * The camera position will be at a fixed point, and rotate around at different intervals. * The direction, and initial position is dependent on when the camera was started. */ s32 Camera_Demo3(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; PosRot* camPlayerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; VecSph eyeAtOffset; VecSph eyeOffset; VecSph atOffset; Vec3f sp74; Vec3f sp68; Vec3f sp5C; f32 temp_f0; s32 pad; u8 skipUpdateEye = false; f32 yOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); s16 angle; Demo3* demo3 = (Demo3*)camera->paramData; Demo3Anim* anim = &demo3->anim; s32 pad2; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; demo3->fov = NEXTSETTING; demo3->unk_04 = NEXTSETTING; // unused. demo3->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, at, eye); sCameraInterfaceFlags = demo3->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x8 | 0x4); func_80043B60(camera); camera->fov = demo3->fov; camera->roll = anim->animFrame = 0; anim->initialAt = camPlayerPosRot->pos; if (camera->playerGroundY != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { anim->initialAt.y = camera->playerGroundY; } angle = camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; sp68.x = anim->initialAt.x + (Math_SinS(angle) * 40.0f); sp68.y = anim->initialAt.y + 40.0f; sp68.z = anim->initialAt.z + (Math_CosS(angle) * 40.0f); if (camera->globalCtx->state.frames & 1) { angle -= 0x3FFF; anim->yawDir = 1; } else { angle += 0x3FFF; anim->yawDir = -1; } sp74.x = sp68.x + (D_8011D658[1].r * Math_SinS(angle)); sp74.y = anim->initialAt.y + 5.0f; sp74.z = sp68.z + (D_8011D658[1].r * Math_CosS(angle)); if (Camera_BGCheck(camera, &sp68, &sp74)) { anim->yawDir = -anim->yawDir; } OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&atOffset, &D_8011D678[0]); atOffset.yaw += camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, &anim->initialAt, &atOffset); eyeOffset.r = D_8011D658[0].r; eyeOffset.pitch = D_8011D658[0].pitch; eyeOffset.yaw = (D_8011D658[0].yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; anim->unk_0C = 1.0f; break; case 1: temp_f0 = (anim->animFrame - 2) * (1.0f / 146.0f); sp5C.x = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[0].x, D_8011D678[1].x, temp_f0); sp5C.y = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[0].y, D_8011D678[1].y, temp_f0); sp5C.z = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[0].z, D_8011D678[1].z, temp_f0); OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&atOffset, &sp5C); atOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, &anim->initialAt, &atOffset); atOffset.r = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[0].r, D_8011D658[1].r, temp_f0); atOffset.pitch = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[0].pitch, D_8011D658[1].pitch, temp_f0); atOffset.yaw = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[0].yaw, D_8011D658[1].yaw, temp_f0); eyeOffset.r = atOffset.r; eyeOffset.pitch = atOffset.pitch; eyeOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; anim->unk_0C -= (1.0f / 365.0f); break; case 2: temp_f0 = (anim->animFrame - 0x94) * 0.1f; sp5C.x = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[1].x, D_8011D678[2].x, temp_f0); sp5C.y = F32_LERPIMP((D_8011D678[1].y - yOffset), D_8011D678[2].y, temp_f0); sp5C.y += yOffset; sp5C.z = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[1].z, D_8011D678[2].z, temp_f0); OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&atOffset, &sp5C); atOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, &anim->initialAt, &atOffset); atOffset.r = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[1].r, D_8011D658[2].r, temp_f0); atOffset.pitch = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[1].pitch, D_8011D658[2].pitch, temp_f0); atOffset.yaw = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[1].yaw, D_8011D658[2].yaw, temp_f0); eyeOffset.r = atOffset.r; eyeOffset.pitch = atOffset.pitch; eyeOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; anim->unk_0C -= 0.04f; break; case 3: temp_f0 = (anim->animFrame - 0x9F) * (1.0f / 9.0f); sp5C.x = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[2].x, D_8011D678[3].x, temp_f0); sp5C.y = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[2].y, D_8011D678[3].y, temp_f0); sp5C.y += yOffset; sp5C.z = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D678[2].z, D_8011D678[3].z, temp_f0); OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&atOffset, &sp5C); atOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, &anim->initialAt, &atOffset); atOffset.r = F32_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[2].r, D_8011D658[3].r, temp_f0); atOffset.pitch = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[2].pitch, D_8011D658[3].pitch, temp_f0); atOffset.yaw = BINANG_LERPIMP(D_8011D658[2].yaw, D_8011D658[3].yaw, temp_f0); eyeOffset.r = atOffset.r; eyeOffset.pitch = atOffset.pitch; eyeOffset.yaw = (atOffset.yaw * anim->yawDir) + camPlayerPosRot->rot.y; anim->unk_0C += (4.0f / 45.0f); break; case 30: camera->unk_14C |= 0x400; if (camera->unk_14C & 8) { camera->animState = 4; } case 10: case 20: skipUpdateEye = true; break; case 4: eyeOffset.r = 80.0f; eyeOffset.pitch = 0; eyeOffset.yaw = eyeAtOffset.yaw; anim->unk_0C = 0.1f; sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0x3400; if (!((anim->animFrame < 0 || camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z)) && camera->unk_14C & 8)) { goto skipeyeUpdate; } default: camera->unk_14C |= 0x14; camera->unk_14C &= ~8; if (camera->prevCamDataIdx < 0) { Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); } else { Camera_ChangeDataIdx(camera, camera->prevCamDataIdx); camera->prevCamDataIdx = -1; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; skipeyeUpdate: skipUpdateEye = true; break; } anim->animFrame++; if (anim->animFrame == 1) { camera->animState = 0xA; } else if (anim->animFrame == 2) { camera->animState = 0x1; } else if (anim->animFrame == 0x94) { camera->animState = 2; } else if (anim->animFrame == 0x9E) { camera->animState = 0x14; } else if (anim->animFrame == 0x9F) { camera->animState = 3; } else if (anim->animFrame == 0xA8) { camera->animState = 0x1E; } else if (anim->animFrame == 0xE4) { camera->animState = 4; } if (!skipUpdateEye) { eyeOffset.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(eyeOffset.r, eyeAtOffset.r, anim->unk_0C, 2.0f); eyeOffset.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(eyeOffset.pitch, eyeAtOffset.pitch, anim->unk_0C, 0xA); eyeOffset.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(eyeOffset.yaw, eyeAtOffset.yaw, anim->unk_0C, 0xA); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeOffset); *eye = *eyeNext; } camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(at, eye); camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.1f; camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - camPlayerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - camPlayerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - camPlayerPosRot->pos.z; return true; } s32 Camera_Demo4(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Sets up a cutscene for Camera_Uniq9 */ s32 Camera_Demo5(Camera* camera) { f32 eyeTargetDist; f32 sp90; VecSph playerTargetGeo; VecSph eyePlayerGeo; VecSph sp78; PosRot playerhead; PosRot targethead; Player* player; s16 sp4A; s32 pad; s32 temp_v0; s16 t; s32 pad2; Actor_GetFocus(&playerhead, &camera->player->actor); player = camera->player; sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0x3200; if ((camera->target == NULL) || (camera->target->update == NULL)) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: attention: target is not valid, stop!\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; return true; } Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&playerTargetGeo, &camera->targetPosRot.pos, &camera->playerPosRot.pos); D_8011D3AC = camera->target->category; Actor_GetScreenPos(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, &sp78.yaw, &sp78.pitch); eyeTargetDist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->targetPosRot.pos, &camera->eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyePlayerGeo, &playerhead.pos, &camera->eyeNext); sp4A = eyePlayerGeo.yaw - playerTargetGeo.yaw; if (camera->target->category == ACTORCAT_PLAYER) { // camera is targeting a(the) player actor if (eyePlayerGeo.r > 30.0f) { D_8011D6AC[1].timerInit = camera->timer - 1; D_8011D6AC[1].atTargetInit.z = Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f; D_8011D6AC[1].eyeTargetInit.x = Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D6AC; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D6AC); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt--; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D6AC[2].timerInit; } } else { D_8011D724[1].eyeTargetInit.x = Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f; D_8011D724[1].timerInit = camera->timer - 1; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D724; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D724); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt--; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D724[2].timerInit; } } } else if (playerTargetGeo.r < 30.0f) { // distance between player and target is less than 30 units. ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D79C; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D79C); if ((sp78.yaw < 0x15) || (sp78.yaw >= 0x12C) || (sp78.pitch < 0x29) || (sp78.pitch >= 0xC8)) { D_8011D79C[0].actionFlags = 0x41; D_8011D79C[0].atTargetInit.y = -30.0f; D_8011D79C[0].atTargetInit.x = 0.0f; D_8011D79C[0].atTargetInit.z = 0.0f; D_8011D79C[0].eyeTargetInit.y = 0.0f; D_8011D79C[0].eyeTargetInit.x = 10.0f; D_8011D79C[0].eyeTargetInit.z = -50.0f; } D_8011D79C[1].timerInit = camera->timer - 1; if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt -= 2; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D79C[2].timerInit + D_8011D79C[3].timerInit; } } else if (eyeTargetDist < 300.0f && eyePlayerGeo.r < 30.0f) { // distance from the camera's current positon and the target is less than 300 units // and the distance fromthe camera's current position to the player is less than 30 units D_8011D83C[0].timerInit = camera->timer; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D83C; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D83C); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt--; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D83C[1].timerInit; } } else if (eyeTargetDist < 700.0f && ABS(sp4A) < 0x36B0) { // The distance between the camera's current position and the target is less than 700 units // and the angle between the camera's position and the player, and the player to the target // is less than ~76.9 degrees if (sp78.yaw >= 0x15 && sp78.yaw < 0x12C && sp78.pitch >= 0x29 && sp78.pitch < 0xC8 && eyePlayerGeo.r > 30.0f) { D_8011D88C[0].timerInit = camera->timer; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D88C; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D88C); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt--; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D88C[1].timerInit; } } else { D_8011D8DC[0].atTargetInit.z = eyeTargetDist * 0.6f; D_8011D8DC[0].eyeTargetInit.z = eyeTargetDist + 50.0f; D_8011D8DC[0].eyeTargetInit.x = Rand_ZeroOne() * 10.0f; if (BINANG_SUB(eyePlayerGeo.yaw, playerTargetGeo.yaw) > 0) { D_8011D8DC[0].atTargetInit.x = -D_8011D8DC[0].atTargetInit.x; D_8011D8DC[0].eyeTargetInit.x = -D_8011D8DC[0].eyeTargetInit.x; D_8011D8DC[0].rollTargetInit = -D_8011D8DC[0].rollTargetInit; } D_8011D8DC[0].timerInit = camera->timer; D_8011D8DC[1].timerInit = (s16)(eyeTargetDist * 0.005f) + 8; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D8DC; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D8DC); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt -= 2; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D8DC[1].timerInit + D_8011D8DC[2].timerInit; } } } else if (camera->target->category == ACTORCAT_DOOR) { // the target is a door. D_8011D954[0].timerInit = camera->timer - 5; sp4A = 0; if (!func_800C0D34(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, &sp4A)) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: attention demo: this door is dummy door!\n" VT_RST); if (ABS(playerTargetGeo.yaw - camera->target->shape.rot.y) >= 0x4000) { sp4A = camera->target->shape.rot.y; } else { sp4A = BINANG_ROT180(camera->target->shape.rot.y); } } D_8011D954[0].atTargetInit.y = D_8011D954[0].eyeTargetInit.y = D_8011D954[1].atTargetInit.y = camera->target->shape.rot.y == sp4A ? 180.0f : 0.0f; sp90 = (BINANG_SUB(playerTargetGeo.yaw, sp4A) < 0 ? 20.0f : -20.0f) * Rand_ZeroOne(); D_8011D954[0].eyeTargetInit.y = D_8011D954->eyeTargetInit.y + sp90; temp_v0 = Rand_ZeroOne() * (sp90 * -0.2f); D_8011D954[1].rollTargetInit = temp_v0; D_8011D954[0].rollTargetInit = temp_v0; Actor_GetFocus(&targethead, camera->target); targethead.pos.x += 50.0f * Math_SinS(BINANG_ROT180(sp4A)); targethead.pos.z += 50.0f * Math_CosS(BINANG_ROT180(sp4A)); if (Camera_BGCheck(camera, &playerhead.pos, &targethead.pos)) { D_8011D954[1].actionFlags = 0xC1; D_8011D954[2].actionFlags = 0x8F; } else { D_8011D954[2].timerInit = (s16)(eyeTargetDist * 0.004f) + 6; } ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D954; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D954); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt -= 2; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D954[2].timerInit + D_8011D954[3].timerInit; } } else { if (playerTargetGeo.r < 200.0f) { D_8011D9F4[0].eyeTargetInit.z = playerTargetGeo.r; D_8011D9F4[0].atTargetInit.z = playerTargetGeo.r * 0.25f; } if (playerTargetGeo.r < 400.0f) { D_8011D9F4[0].eyeTargetInit.x = Rand_ZeroOne() * 25.0f; } Player_GetHeight(camera->player); D_8011D9F4[0].timerInit = camera->timer; Actor_GetFocus(&targethead, camera->target); if (Camera_BGCheck(camera, &playerhead.pos, &targethead.pos)) { D_8011D9F4[1].timerInit = 4; D_8011D9F4[1].actionFlags = 0x8F; } else { t = eyeTargetDist * 0.005f; D_8011D9F4[1].timerInit = t + 8; } ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrames = D_8011D9F4; ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt = ARRAY_COUNT(D_8011D9F4); if (camera->parentCamIdx != MAIN_CAM) { if (camera->globalCtx->state.frames & 1) { D_8011D9F4[0].rollTargetInit = -D_8011D9F4[0].rollTargetInit; D_8011D9F4[1].rollTargetInit = -D_8011D9F4[1].rollTargetInit; } ONEPOINT_CS_INFO(camera)->keyFrameCnt -= 2; } else { camera->timer += D_8011D9F4[1].timerInit + D_8011D9F4[2].timerInit; D_8011D9F4[0].rollTargetInit = D_8011D9F4[1].rollTargetInit = 0; } } pad = sDemo5PrevSfxFrame - camera->globalCtx->state.frames; if ((pad >= 0x33) || (pad < -0x32)) { func_80078884(camera->data1); } sDemo5PrevSfxFrame = camera->globalCtx->state.frames; if (camera->player->stateFlags1 & 0x8000000 && (player->currentBoots != PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON)) { // swimming, and not iron boots player->stateFlags1 |= 0x20000000; // env frozen player->actor.freezeTimer = camera->timer; } else { sp4A = playerhead.rot.y - playerTargetGeo.yaw; if (camera->target->category == ACTORCAT_PLAYER) { pad = camera->globalCtx->state.frames - sDemo5PrevAction12Frame; if (player->stateFlags1 & 0x800) { // holding object over head. func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, 8); } else if (ABS(pad) > 3000) { func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, 12); } else { func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, 69); } } else { func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, camera->target, 1); } } sDemo5PrevAction12Frame = camera->globalCtx->state.frames; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, CAM_SET_CS_C, (4 | 1)); Camera_Unique9(camera); return true; } /** * Used in Forest Temple when poes are defeated, follows the flames to the torches. * Fixed position, rotates to follow the target */ s32 Camera_Demo6(Camera* camera) { Camera* mainCam; Demo6Anim* anim = (Demo6Anim*)&((Demo6*)camera->paramData)->anim; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; CameraModeValue* values; VecSph eyeOffset; Actor* camFocus; PosRot focusPosRot; s16 stateTimers[4]; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; mainCam = Gameplay_GetCamera(camera->globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); camFocus = camera->target; stateTimers[1] = 0x37; stateTimers[2] = 0x46; stateTimers[3] = 0x5A; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; ((Demo6*)camera->paramData)->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } switch (camera->animState) { case 0: // initalizes the camera state. anim->animTimer = 0; camera->fov = 60.0f; Actor_GetWorld(&focusPosRot, camFocus); camera->at.x = focusPosRot.pos.x; camera->at.y = focusPosRot.pos.y + 20.0f; camera->at.z = focusPosRot.pos.z; eyeOffset.r = 200.0f; // 0x7D0 ~10.99 degrees eyeOffset.yaw = Camera_XZAngle(&focusPosRot.pos, &mainCam->playerPosRot.pos) + 0x7D0; // -0x3E8 ~5.49 degrees eyeOffset.pitch = -0x3E8; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeOffset); camera->eye = *eyeNext; camera->animState++; case 1: if (stateTimers[camera->animState] < anim->animTimer) { func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, &camera->player->actor, 8); Actor_GetWorld(&focusPosRot, camFocus); anim->atTarget.x = focusPosRot.pos.x; anim->atTarget.y = focusPosRot.pos.y - 20.0f; anim->atTarget.z = focusPosRot.pos.z; camera->animState++; } else { break; } case 2: Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&anim->atTarget, at, 0.1f, 0.1f, 8.0f); if (stateTimers[camera->animState] < anim->animTimer) { camera->animState++; } else { break; } case 3: camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(50.0f, camera->fov, 0.2f, 0.01f); if (stateTimers[camera->animState] < anim->animTimer) { camera->timer = 0; return true; } break; } anim->animTimer++; Actor_GetWorld(&focusPosRot, camFocus); return true; } s32 Camera_Demo7(Camera* camera) { if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->unk_14C &= ~4; camera->unk_14C |= 0x1000; camera->animState++; } //! @bug doesn't return } s32 Camera_Demo8(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } /** * Camera follows points specified by demo9.atPoints and demo9.eyePoints, allows finer control * over the final eye and at points than Camera_Demo1, by allowing the interpolated at and eye points * to be relative to the main camera's player, the current camera's player, or the main camera's target */ s32 Camera_Demo9(Camera* camera) { s32 pad; s32 finishAction; s16 onePointTimer; Demo9OnePointCs* demo9OnePoint = (Demo9OnePointCs*)camera->paramData; Vec3f csEyeUpdate; Vec3f csAtUpdate; Vec3f newEye; Vec3f newAt; f32 newRoll; CameraModeValue* values; Camera* mainCam; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; PosRot* mainCamPlayerPosRot; PosRot focusPosRot; s32 pad3; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Demo9* demo9 = &demo9OnePoint->demo9; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; f32* camFOV = &camera->fov; Demo9Anim* anim = &demo9->anim; mainCam = Gameplay_GetCamera(camera->globalCtx, MAIN_CAM); mainCamPlayerPosRot = &mainCam->playerPosRot; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; demo9->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = demo9->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { case 0: // initalize the camera state anim->keyframe = 0; anim->finishAction = 0; anim->curFrame = 0.0f; camera->animState++; anim->doLERPAt = false; finishAction = demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.actionParameters & 0xF000; if (finishAction != 0) { anim->finishAction = finishAction; // Clear finish parameters demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.actionParameters &= 0xFFF; } anim->animTimer = demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.initTimer; case 1: // Run the camera state if (anim->animTimer > 0) { // if the animation timer is still running, run the demo logic // if it is not, then the case will fallthrough to the finish logic. // Run the at and eye cs interpoloation functions, if either of them return 1 (that no more points // exist) change the animation state to 2 (standby) if (func_800BB2B4(&csEyeUpdate, &newRoll, camFOV, demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.eyePoints, &anim->keyframe, &anim->curFrame) != 0 || func_800BB2B4(&csAtUpdate, &newRoll, camFOV, demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.atPoints, &anim->keyframe, &anim->curFrame) != 0) { camera->animState = 2; } if (demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.actionParameters == 1) { // rotate around mainCam's player Camera_RotateAroundPoint(mainCamPlayerPosRot, &csEyeUpdate, &newEye); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(mainCamPlayerPosRot, &csAtUpdate, &newAt); } else if (demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.actionParameters == 4) { // rotate around the current camera's player Actor_GetWorld(&focusPosRot, &camera->player->actor); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&focusPosRot, &csEyeUpdate, &newEye); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&focusPosRot, &csAtUpdate, &newAt); } else if (demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.actionParameters == 8) { // rotate around the current camera's target if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->update != NULL) { Actor_GetWorld(&focusPosRot, camera->target); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&focusPosRot, &csEyeUpdate, &newEye); Camera_RotateAroundPoint(&focusPosRot, &csAtUpdate, &newAt); } else { camera->target = NULL; newEye = *eye; newAt = *at; } } else { // simple copy Camera_Vec3fCopy(&csEyeUpdate, &newEye); Camera_Vec3fCopy(&csAtUpdate, &newAt); } *eyeNext = newEye; *eye = *eyeNext; if (anim->doLERPAt) { Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&newAt, at, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f); } else { *at = newAt; anim->doLERPAt = true; } camera->roll = newRoll * 256.0f; anim->animTimer--; break; } case 3: // the cs is finished, decide the next action camera->timer = 0; if (anim->finishAction != 0) { if (anim->finishAction != 0x1000) { if (anim->finishAction == 0x2000) { // finish action = 0x2000, run OnePointCs 0x3FC (Dramatic Return to Link) onePointTimer = demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.initTimer < 50 ? 5 : demo9OnePoint->onePointCs.initTimer / 5; OnePointCutscene_Init(camera->globalCtx, 1020, onePointTimer, NULL, camera->parentCamIdx); } } else { // finish action = 0x1000, copy the current camera's values to the // default camera. Camera_Copy(mainCam, camera); } } break; case 2: // standby while the timer finishes, change the animState to finish when // the timer runs out. anim->animTimer--; if (anim->animTimer < 0) { camera->animState++; } break; case 4: // do nothing. break; } return true; } s32 Camera_Demo0(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Special0(Camera* camera) { PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Special0* spec0 = (Special0*)camera->paramData; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; spec0->lerpAtScale = NEXTPCT; spec0->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } sCameraInterfaceFlags = spec0->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; } if ((camera->target == NULL) || (camera->target->update == NULL)) { if (camera->target == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: warning: circle: target is not valid, stop!\n" VT_RST); } camera->target = NULL; return true; } Actor_GetFocus(&camera->targetPosRot, camera->target); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&camera->targetPosRot.pos, &camera->at, spec0->lerpAtScale, spec0->lerpAtScale, 0.1f); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->at, &camera->eye); camera->xzSpeed = 0.0f; if (camera->timer > 0) { camera->timer--; } return true; } s32 Camera_Special1(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Special2(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Unique2(camera); } s32 Camera_Special3(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Special4(Camera* camera) { PosRot curTargetPosRot; s16 sp3A; s16* timer = &camera->timer; Special4* spec4 = (Special4*)camera->paramData; if (camera->animState == 0) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0x3200; camera->fov = 40.0f; camera->animState++; spec4->initalTimer = camera->timer; } camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(80.0f, camera->fov, 1.0f / *timer, 0.1f); if ((spec4->initalTimer - *timer) < 0xF) { (*timer)--; return false; } else { camera->roll = -0x1F4; Actor_GetWorld(&curTargetPosRot, camera->target); camera->at = curTargetPosRot.pos; camera->at.y -= 150.0f; // 0x3E8 ~ 5.49 degrees sp3A = BINANG_ROT180(curTargetPosRot.rot.y) + 0x3E8; camera->eye.x = camera->eyeNext.x = (Math_SinS(sp3A) * 780.0f) + camera->at.x; camera->eyeNext.y = camera->at.y; camera->eye.z = camera->eyeNext.z = (Math_CosS(sp3A) * 780.0f) + camera->at.z; camera->eye.y = curTargetPosRot.pos.y; camera->eye.y = Camera_GetFloorY(camera, &camera->eye) + 20.0f; (*timer)--; return true; } } /** * Flying with hookshot */ s32 Camera_Special5(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; PosRot spA8; s16 pad; s16 spA4; CamColChk sp7C; VecSph sp74; VecSph sp6C; VecSph sp64; VecSph sp5C; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Special5* spec5 = (Special5*)camera->paramData; Special5Anim* anim = &spec5->anim; f32 temp_f0_2; f32 yOffset; yOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; f32 yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / yOffset)); spec5->yOffset = (NEXTPCT * yOffset) * yNormal; spec5->eyeDist = NEXTSETTING; spec5->minDistForRot = NEXTSETTING; spec5->timerInit = NEXTSETTING; spec5->pitch = DEGF_TO_BINANG(NEXTSETTING); spec5->fovTarget = NEXTSETTING; spec5->atMaxLERPScale = NEXTPCT; spec5->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp64, at, eye); OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&sp5C, at, eyeNext); Actor_GetWorld(&spA8, camera->target); sCameraInterfaceFlags = spec5->interfaceFlags; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; anim->animTimer = spec5->timerInit; } if (anim->animTimer > 0) { anim->animTimer--; } else if (anim->animTimer == 0) { if (camera->target == NULL || camera->target->update == NULL) { camera->target = NULL; return true; } anim->animTimer--; if (spec5->minDistForRot < OLib_Vec3fDist(&spA8.pos, &playerPosRot->pos)) { sp6C.yaw = playerPosRot->rot.y; sp6C.pitch = -playerPosRot->rot.x; sp6C.r = 20.0f; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&sp7C.pos, &spA8.pos, &sp6C); Camera_BGCheckInfo(camera, at, &sp7C); OLib_Vec3fToVecSphGeo(&sp6C, &sp7C.norm); spA4 = BINANG_SUB(playerPosRot->rot.y, sp6C.yaw); sp74.r = spec5->eyeDist; temp_f0_2 = Rand_ZeroOne(); sp74.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(playerPosRot->rot.y) + (s16)(spA4 < 0 ? -(s16)(0x1553 + (s16)(temp_f0_2 * 2730.0f)) : (s16)(0x1553 + (s16)(temp_f0_2 * 2730.0f))); sp74.pitch = spec5->pitch; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, &spA8.pos, &sp74); *eye = *eyeNext; Camera_BGCheck(camera, &spA8.pos, eye); } } Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &sp5C, spec5->yOffset, 0); camera->fov = Camera_LERPCeilF(spec5->fovTarget, camera->fov, camera->atLERPStepScale * PCT(OREG(4)), 1.0f); camera->roll = Camera_LERPCeilS(0, camera->roll, 0.5f, 0xA); camera->atLERPStepScale = Camera_ClampLERPScale(camera, spec5->atMaxLERPScale); return true; } /** * Camera's eye is fixed at points specified at D_8011DA6C / D_8011DA9C * depending on the player's position */ s32 Camera_Special7(Camera* camera) { Special7* spec7 = (Special7*)camera->paramData; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Vec3f atTarget; f32 yOffset; f32 temp_f0; yOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); if (camera->animState == 0) { if (camera->globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_JYASINZOU) { // Spirit Temple spec7->idx = 3; } else if (playerPosRot->pos.x < 1500.0f) { spec7->idx = 2; } else if (playerPosRot->pos.y < 3000.0f) { spec7->idx = 0; } else { spec7->idx = 1; } camera->animState++; camera->roll = 0; } if (camera->at.y < D_8011DACC[spec7->idx]) { atTarget = playerPosRot->pos; atTarget.y -= 20.0f; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, &camera->at, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.10f); camera->eye = camera->eyeNext = D_8011DA6C[spec7->idx]; temp_f0 = (playerPosRot->pos.y - D_8011DADC[spec7->idx]) / (D_8011DACC[spec7->idx] - D_8011DADC[spec7->idx]); camera->roll = D_8011DAEC[spec7->idx] * temp_f0; camera->fov = (20.0f * temp_f0) + 60.0f; } else { atTarget = playerPosRot->pos; atTarget.y += yOffset; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&atTarget, &camera->at, 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.1f); camera->roll = 0; camera->eye = camera->eyeNext = D_8011DA9C[spec7->idx]; camera->fov = 70.0f; } camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&camera->at, &camera->eye); camera->atLERPStepScale = 0.0f; camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; return true; } /** * Courtyard. * Camera's eye is fixed on the z plane, slides on the xy plane with link * When the camera's scene data changes the animation to the next "screen" * happens for 12 frames. The camera's eyeNext is the scene's camera data's position */ s32 Camera_Special6(Camera* camera) { Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; VecSph atOffset; Vec3f sceneCamPos; Vec3f eyePosCalc; Vec3f eyeAnim; Vec3f atAnim; VecSph eyeAtOffset; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; Vec3s* sceneCamData; Vec3s sceneCamRot; s16 fov; f32 sp54; f32 timerF; f32 timerDivisor; Special6* spec6 = (Special6*)camera->paramData; Special6Anim* anim = &spec6->anim; s32 pad; if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; spec6->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtOffset, eye, at); sceneCamData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(&sceneCamPos, &BGCAM_POS(sceneCamData)); sceneCamRot = BGCAM_ROT(sceneCamData); fov = BGCAM_FOV(sceneCamData); if (fov == -1) { fov = 6000; } if (fov < 361) { fov *= 100; } sCameraInterfaceFlags = spec6->interfaceFlags; if (eyeNext->x != sceneCamPos.x || eyeNext->y != sceneCamPos.y || eyeNext->z != sceneCamPos.z || camera->animState == 0) { // A change in the current scene's camera positon has been detected, // Change "screens" camera->player->actor.freezeTimer = 12; sCameraInterfaceFlags = (sCameraInterfaceFlags & 0xF0FF) | 0x300; anim->initalPlayerY = playerPosRot->pos.y; anim->animTimer = 12; *eyeNext = sceneCamPos; if (camera->animState == 0) { camera->animState++; } } if (anim->animTimer > 0) { // In transition between "screens" timerF = anim->animTimer; eyePosCalc = *eyeNext; eyePosCalc.x += (playerPosRot->pos.x - eyePosCalc.x) * 0.5f; eyePosCalc.y += (playerPosRot->pos.y - anim->initalPlayerY) * 0.2f; eyeAnim = eyePosCalc; eyeAnim.y = Camera_LERPCeilF(eyePosCalc.y, eye->y, 0.5f, 0.01f); // set the at point to be 100 units from the eye looking at the // direction specified in the scene's camera data. atOffset.r = 100.0f; atOffset.yaw = sceneCamRot.y; atOffset.pitch = -sceneCamRot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(&atAnim, &eyeAnim, &atOffset); timerDivisor = 1.0f / timerF; eye->x += (eyeAnim.x - eye->x) * timerDivisor; eye->y += (eyeAnim.y - eye->y) * timerDivisor; eye->z += (eyeAnim.z - eye->z) * timerDivisor; at->x += (atAnim.x - at->x) * timerDivisor; at->y += (atAnim.y - at->y) * timerDivisor; at->z += (atAnim.z - at->z) * timerDivisor; camera->fov += (PCT(fov) - camera->fov) / anim->animTimer; anim->animTimer--; } else { // Camera following link on the x axis. sCameraInterfaceFlags &= 0xF0FF; eyePosCalc = *eyeNext; eyePosCalc.x += (playerPosRot->pos.x - eyePosCalc.x) * 0.5f; eyePosCalc.y += (playerPosRot->pos.y - anim->initalPlayerY) * 0.2f; *eye = eyePosCalc; eye->y = Camera_LERPCeilF(eyePosCalc.y, eye->y, 0.5f, 0.01f); // set the at point to be 100 units from the eye looking at the // direction specified in the scene's camera data. atOffset.r = 100.0f; atOffset.yaw = sceneCamRot.y; atOffset.pitch = -sceneCamRot.x; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(at, eye, &atOffset); } return true; } s32 Camera_Special8(Camera* camera) { return Camera_Noop(camera); } s32 Camera_Special9(Camera* camera) { s32 pad; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Vec3f spAC; VecSph eyeAdjustment; VecSph atEyeOffsetGeo; f32 playerYOffset; s32 pad3; PosRot* playerPosRot = &camera->playerPosRot; PosRot adjustedPlayerPosRot; f32 yNormal; Special9* spec9 = (Special9*)camera->paramData; Special9Params* params = &spec9->params; Special9Anim* anim = ¶ms->anim; s32 pad4; Vec3s* camPosData; playerYOffset = Player_GetHeight(camera->player); camera->unk_14C &= ~0x10; yNormal = (1.0f + PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM)) - (PCT(R_CAM_YOFFSET_NORM) * (68.0f / playerYOffset)); if (RELOAD_PARAMS) { CameraModeValue* values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; params->yOffset = NEXTPCT * playerYOffset * yNormal; params->unk_04 = NEXTSETTING; params->interfaceFlags = NEXTSETTING; } if (R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { Camera_CopyPREGToModeValues(camera); } if (spec9->doorParams.doorActor != NULL) { Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&adjustedPlayerPosRot, spec9->doorParams.doorActor); } else { adjustedPlayerPosRot = *playerPosRot; adjustedPlayerPosRot.pos.y += playerYOffset + params->yOffset; adjustedPlayerPosRot.rot.x = 0; } OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&atEyeOffsetGeo, at, eye); sCameraInterfaceFlags = params->interfaceFlags; switch (camera->animState) { if (1) {} case 0: camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x4 | 0x2); camera->animState++; anim->targetYaw = ABS(playerPosRot->rot.y - adjustedPlayerPosRot.rot.y) >= 0x4000 ? BINANG_ROT180(adjustedPlayerPosRot.rot.y) : adjustedPlayerPosRot.rot.y; case 1: spec9->doorParams.timer1--; if (spec9->doorParams.timer1 <= 0) { camera->animState++; if (params->interfaceFlags & 1) { camPosData = Camera_GetCamBGData(camera); Camera_Vec3sToVec3f(eyeNext, &BGCAM_POS(camPosData)); spAC = *eye = *eyeNext; } else { s16 yaw; // 0xE38 ~ 20 degrees eyeAdjustment.pitch = 0xE38; // 0xAAA ~ 15 degrees. yaw = 0xAAA * ((camera->globalCtx->state.frames & 1) ? 1 : -1); eyeAdjustment.yaw = anim->targetYaw + yaw; eyeAdjustment.r = 200.0f * yNormal; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeAdjustment); spAC = *eye = *eyeNext; if (Camera_CheckOOB(camera, &spAC, &playerPosRot->pos)) { yaw = -yaw; eyeAdjustment.yaw = anim->targetYaw + yaw; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeAdjustment); *eye = *eyeNext; } } } else { break; } case 2: spAC = playerPosRot->pos; spAC.y += playerYOffset + params->yOffset; Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&spAC, at, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.1f); spec9->doorParams.timer2--; if (spec9->doorParams.timer2 <= 0) { camera->animState++; anim->targetYaw = BINANG_ROT180(anim->targetYaw); } else { break; } case 3: spAC = playerPosRot->pos; spAC.y += (playerYOffset + params->yOffset); Camera_LERPCeilVec3f(&spAC, at, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f); eyeAdjustment.pitch = Camera_LERPCeilS(0xAAA, atEyeOffsetGeo.pitch, 0.3f, 0xA); eyeAdjustment.yaw = Camera_LERPCeilS(anim->targetYaw, atEyeOffsetGeo.yaw, 0.3f, 0xA); eyeAdjustment.r = Camera_LERPCeilF(60.0f, atEyeOffsetGeo.r, 0.3f, 1.0f); Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeAdjustment); *eye = *eyeNext; spec9->doorParams.timer3--; if (spec9->doorParams.timer3 <= 0) { camera->animState++; } else { break; } case 4: camera->animState++; default: camera->unk_14C |= (0x400 | 0x10); sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; if (camera->xzSpeed > 0.001f || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_A) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_B) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CLEFT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CDOWN) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CUP) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_R) || CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_Z) || params->interfaceFlags & 0x8) { Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, camera->prevSetting, 2); camera->unk_14C |= (0x4 | 0x2); } break; } if (1) {} spAC = playerPosRot->pos; spAC.y += playerYOffset; camera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&spAC, eye); camera->posOffset.x = camera->at.x - playerPosRot->pos.x; camera->posOffset.y = camera->at.y - playerPosRot->pos.y; camera->posOffset.z = camera->at.z - playerPosRot->pos.z; return true; } Camera* Camera_Create(View* view, CollisionContext* colCtx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Camera* newCamera = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(sizeof(*newCamera), "../z_camera.c", 9370); if (newCamera != NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "camera: create --- allocate %d byte" VT_RST "\n", sizeof(*newCamera) * 4); Camera_Init(newCamera, view, colCtx, globalCtx); } else { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "camera: create: not enough memory\n" VT_RST); } return newCamera; } void Camera_Destroy(Camera* camera) { if (camera != NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "camera: destroy ---" VT_RST "\n"); ZeldaArena_FreeDebug(camera, "../z_camera.c", 9391); } else { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: destroy: already cleared\n" VT_RST); } } void Camera_Init(Camera* camera, View* view, CollisionContext* colCtx, GlobalContext* globalCtx) { Camera* camP; s32 i; s16 curUID; s16 j; func_80106860(camera, 0, sizeof(*camera)); if (sInitRegs) { for (i = 0; i < sOREGInitCnt; i++) { OREG(i) = sOREGInit[i]; } for (i = 0; i < sPREGInitCnt; i++) { PREG(i) = sPREGInit[i]; } DbCamera_Reset(camera, &D_8015BD80); sInitRegs = false; PREG(88) = -1; } camera->globalCtx = D_8015BD7C = globalCtx; DbCamera_Init(&D_8015BD80, camera); curUID = sNextUID; sNextUID++; while (curUID != 0) { if (curUID == 0) { sNextUID++; } for (j = 0; j < NUM_CAMS; j++) { camP = camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[j]; if (camP != NULL && curUID == camP->uid) { break; } } if (j == 4) { break; } curUID = sNextUID++; } // ~ 90 degrees camera->inputDir.y = 0x3FFF; camera->uid = curUID; camera->camDir = camera->inputDir; camera->rUpdateRateInv = 10.0f; camera->yawUpdateRateInv = 10.0f; camera->up.x = 0.0f; camera->up.y = 1.0f; camera->up.z = 0.0f; camera->fov = 60.0f; camera->pitchUpdateRateInv = R_CAM_DEFA_PHI_UPDRATE; camera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(2)); camera->yOffsetUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(3)); camera->fovUpdateRate = PCT(OREG(4)); sCameraShrinkWindowVal = 0x20; sCameraInterfaceAlpha = 0; camera->unk_14C = 0; camera->setting = camera->prevSetting = CAM_SET_FREE0; camera->camDataIdx = camera->prevCamDataIdx = -1; camera->mode = 0; camera->bgCheckId = BGCHECK_SCENE; camera->csId = 0x7FFF; camera->timer = -1; camera->unk_14C |= 0x4000; camera->up.y = 1.0f; camera->up.z = camera->up.x = 0.0f; camera->skyboxOffset.x = camera->skyboxOffset.y = camera->skyboxOffset.z = 0; camera->atLERPStepScale = 1; sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0xFF00; sDbgModeIdx = -1; D_8011D3F0 = 3; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "camera: initialize --- " VT_RST " UID %d\n", camera->uid); } void func_80057FC4(Camera* camera) { if (camera != &camera->globalCtx->mainCamera) { camera->prevSetting = camera->setting = CAM_SET_FREE0; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x4; } else if (camera->globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.mesh->polygon.type != 1) { switch (camera->globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.unk_03) { case 1: Camera_ChangeDoorCam(camera, NULL, -99, 0, 0, 18, 10); camera->prevSetting = camera->setting = CAM_SET_DUNGEON0; break; case 0: osSyncPrintf("camera: room type: default set field\n"); Camera_ChangeDoorCam(camera, NULL, -99, 0, 0, 18, 10); camera->prevSetting = camera->setting = CAM_SET_NORMAL0; break; default: osSyncPrintf("camera: room type: default set etc (%d)\n", camera->globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.unk_03); Camera_ChangeDoorCam(camera, NULL, -99, 0, 0, 18, 10); camera->prevSetting = camera->setting = CAM_SET_NORMAL0; camera->unk_14C |= 4; break; } } else { osSyncPrintf("camera: room type: prerender\n"); camera->prevSetting = camera->setting = CAM_SET_FREE0; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x4; } } void Camera_Stub80058140(Camera* camera) { } void Camera_InitPlayerSettings(Camera* camera, Player* player) { PosRot playerPosShape; VecSph eyeNextAtOffset; s32 bgId; Vec3f floorPos; s32 upXZ; f32 playerYOffset; Vec3f* eye = &camera->eye; Vec3f* at = &camera->at; Vec3f* eyeNext = &camera->eyeNext; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosShape, &player->actor); playerYOffset = Player_GetHeight(player); camera->player = player; camera->playerPosRot = playerPosShape; camera->dist = eyeNextAtOffset.r = 180.0f; camera->inputDir.y = playerPosShape.rot.y; eyeNextAtOffset.yaw = BINANG_ROT180(camera->inputDir.y); camera->inputDir.x = eyeNextAtOffset.pitch = 0x71C; camera->inputDir.z = 0; camera->camDir = camera->inputDir; camera->xzSpeed = 0.0f; camera->playerPosDelta.y = 0.0f; camera->at = playerPosShape.pos; camera->at.y += playerYOffset; camera->posOffset.x = 0; camera->posOffset.y = playerYOffset; camera->posOffset.z = 0; Camera_Vec3fVecSphGeoAdd(eyeNext, at, &eyeNextAtOffset); *eye = *eyeNext; camera->roll = 0; upXZ = 0; camera->up.z = upXZ; camera->up.y = 1.0f; camera->up.x = upXZ; if (Camera_GetFloorYNorm(camera, &floorPos, at, &bgId) != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { camera->bgCheckId = bgId; } camera->waterPrevCamIdx = -1; camera->waterPrevCamSetting = -1; camera->unk_14C |= 4; if (camera == &camera->globalCtx->mainCamera) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0xB200; } else { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; } func_80057FC4(camera); camera->unk_14A = 0; camera->paramFlags = 0; camera->nextCamDataIdx = -1; camera->atLERPStepScale = 1.0f; Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); Camera_QRegInit(); osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(BLUE) "camera: personalize ---" VT_RST "\n"); if (camera->thisIdx == MAIN_CAM) { Camera_CheckWater(camera); } } s16 Camera_ChangeStatus(Camera* camera, s16 status) { CameraModeValue* values; CameraModeValue* valueP; s32 i; if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: change camera status: cond %c%c\n", status == 7 ? 'o' : 'x', camera->status != 7 ? 'o' : 'x'); } if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: res: stat (%d/%d/%d)\n", camera->thisIdx, camera->setting, camera->mode); } if (status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE && camera->status != CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { values = sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].values; for (i = 0; i < sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].valueCnt; i++) { valueP = &values[i]; PREG(valueP->param) = valueP->val; if (PREG(82)) { osSyncPrintf("camera: change camera status: PREG(%02d) = %d\n", valueP->param, valueP->val); } } } camera->status = status; return camera->status; } void Camera_PrintSettings(Camera* camera) { char sp58[8]; char sp50[8]; char sp48[8]; s32 i; if ((OREG(0) & 1) && (camera->globalCtx->activeCamera == camera->thisIdx) && !gDbgCamEnabled) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_CAMS; i++) { if (camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[i] == NULL) { sp58[i] = '-'; sp48[i] = ' '; } else { switch (camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[i]->status) { case 0: sp58[i] = 'c'; break; case 1: sp58[i] = 'w'; break; case 3: sp58[i] = 's'; break; case 7: sp58[i] = 'a'; break; case 0x100: sp58[i] = 'd'; break; default: sp58[i] = '*'; break; } } sp48[i] = ' '; } sp58[i] = '\0'; sp48[i] = '\0'; sp48[camera->globalCtx->activeCamera] = 'a'; func_8006376C(3, 0x16, 5, sp58); func_8006376C(3, 0x16, 1, sp48); func_8006376C(3, 0x17, 5, "S:"); func_8006376C(5, 0x17, 4, sCameraSettingNames[camera->setting]); func_8006376C(3, 0x18, 5, "M:"); func_8006376C(5, 0x18, 4, sCameraModeNames[camera->mode]); func_8006376C(3, 0x19, 5, "F:"); func_8006376C(5, 0x19, 4, sCameraFunctionNames[sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].funcIdx]); i = 0; if (camera->camDataIdx < 0) { sp50[i++] = '-'; } //! @bug: this code was clearly meaning to print `abs(camera->camDataIdx)` as a //! one-or-two-digit number, instead of `i`. // "sp50[i++] = ..." matches here, but is undefined behavior due to conflicting // reads/writes between sequence points, triggering warnings. Work around by // putting i++ afterwards while on the same line. // clang-format off if (camera->camDataIdx / 10 != 0) { sp50[i] = i / 10 + '0'; i++; } sp50[i] = i % 10 + '0'; i++; // clang-format on sp50[i++] = ' '; sp50[i++] = ' '; sp50[i++] = ' '; sp50[i++] = ' '; sp50[i] = '\0'; func_8006376C(3, 26, 5, "I:"); func_8006376C(5, 26, 4, sp50); } } s32 Camera_CheckWater(Camera* camera) { f32 waterY; s16 newQuakeId; s32 waterLightsIndex; s32* waterPrevCamSetting = &camera->waterPrevCamSetting; s16 waterCamIdx; s16* quakeId = (s16*)&camera->waterQuakeId; Player* player = camera->player; s16 prevBgId; if (!(camera->unk_14C & 2) || sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0x40000000) { return 0; } if (camera->unk_14C & 0x200) { if (player->stateFlags2 & 0x800) { Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, CAM_SET_PIVOT_WATER_SURFACE, 6); camera->unk_14C |= (s16)0x8000; } else if (camera->unk_14C & (s16)0x8000) { Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, *waterPrevCamSetting, 6); camera->unk_14C &= ~((s16)0x8000); } } if (!(camera->unk_14C & (s16)0x8000)) { if (waterCamIdx = Camera_GetWaterBoxDataIdx(camera, &waterY), waterCamIdx == -2) { // No camera data idx if (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x200)) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x200; camera->waterYPos = waterY; camera->waterPrevCamIdx = camera->camDataIdx; *quakeId = -1; } if (camera->playerGroundY != camera->playerPosRot.pos.y) { prevBgId = camera->bgCheckId; camera->bgCheckId = BGCHECK_SCENE; Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, CAM_SET_NORMAL3, 2); *waterPrevCamSetting = camera->setting; camera->bgCheckId = prevBgId; camera->camDataIdx = -2; } } else if (waterCamIdx != -1) { // player is in a water box if (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x200)) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x200; camera->waterYPos = waterY; camera->waterPrevCamIdx = camera->camDataIdx; *quakeId = -1; } if (camera->playerGroundY != camera->playerPosRot.pos.y) { prevBgId = camera->bgCheckId; camera->bgCheckId = BGCHECK_SCENE; Camera_ChangeDataIdx(camera, waterCamIdx); *waterPrevCamSetting = camera->setting; camera->bgCheckId = prevBgId; } } else if (camera->unk_14C & 0x200) { // player is out of a water box. osSyncPrintf("camera: water: off\n"); camera->unk_14C &= ~0x200; prevBgId = camera->bgCheckId; camera->bgCheckId = BGCHECK_SCENE; if (camera->waterPrevCamIdx < 0) { func_80057FC4(camera); camera->camDataIdx = -1; } else { Camera_ChangeDataIdx(camera, camera->waterPrevCamIdx); } camera->bgCheckId = prevBgId; } } if (waterY = Camera_GetWaterSurface(camera, &camera->eye, &waterLightsIndex), waterY != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { camera->waterYPos = waterY; if (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x100)) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x100; osSyncPrintf("kankyo changed water, sound on\n"); Environment_EnableUnderwaterLights(camera->globalCtx, waterLightsIndex); camera->unk_150 = 0x50; } Audio_SetExtraFilter(0x20); if (PREG(81)) { Quake_RemoveFromIdx(*quakeId); *quakeId = -1; PREG(81) = 0; } if ((*quakeId == -1) || (Quake_GetCountdown(*quakeId) == 0xA)) { if (*quakeId = newQuakeId = Quake_Add(camera, 5U), newQuakeId != 0) { Quake_SetSpeed(*quakeId, 550); Quake_SetQuakeValues(*quakeId, 1, 1, 180, 0); Quake_SetCountdown(*quakeId, 1000); } } if (camera->unk_150 > 0) { camera->unk_150--; camera->unk_152 |= 8; } else if (camera->globalCtx->sceneNum == 0x49) { camera->unk_152 |= 0x10; } else { camera->unk_152 |= 2; } } else { if (camera->unk_14C & 0x100) { camera->unk_14C &= ~0x100; osSyncPrintf("kankyo changed water off, sound off\n"); Environment_DisableUnderwaterLights(camera->globalCtx); if (*quakeId != 0) { Quake_RemoveFromIdx(*quakeId); } camera->unk_150 = 0; camera->unk_152 = 0; } Audio_SetExtraFilter(0); } //! @bug: doesn't always return a value, but sometimes does. } /** * Sets the room to be hot camera quake flag */ s32 Camera_SetRoomHotFlag(Camera* camera) { camera->unk_152 &= ~1; if (camera->globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.unk_02 == 3) { camera->unk_152 |= 1; } return 1; } s32 Camera_DbgChangeMode(Camera* camera) { s32 changeDir = 0; if (!gDbgCamEnabled && camera->globalCtx->activeCamera == MAIN_CAM) { if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[2].press.button, BTN_CUP)) { osSyncPrintf("attention sound URGENCY\n"); func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_URGENCY); } if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[2].press.button, BTN_CDOWN)) { osSyncPrintf("attention sound NORMAL\n"); func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON); } if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[2].press.button, BTN_CRIGHT)) { changeDir = 1; } if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[2].press.button, BTN_CLEFT)) { changeDir = -1; } if (changeDir != 0) { sDbgModeIdx = (sDbgModeIdx + changeDir) % 6; if (Camera_ChangeSetting(camera, D_8011DAFC[sDbgModeIdx]) > 0) { osSyncPrintf("camera: force change SET to %s!\n", sCameraSettingNames[D_8011DAFC[sDbgModeIdx]]); } } } return true; } void func_80058E8C(Camera* camera) { static s16 D_8011DB08 = 0x3F0; static s16 D_8011DB0C = 0x156; s32 pad3; f32 sp60; s32 pad; s32 pad1; s32 pad4; f32 phi_f2; s32 pad2; f32 phi_f0; f32 phi_f20; f32 sp40; f32 sp3C; f32 sp38; f32 sp34; if (camera->unk_152 != 0) { if (camera->unk_152 & 4) { phi_f0 = 0.0f; phi_f2 = 170.0f; sp3C = 0.01f; sp40 = -0.01f; sp38 = 0.0f; sp34 = 0.6f; phi_f20 = camera->unk_150 / 60.0f; sp60 = 1.0f; } else if (camera->unk_152 & 8) { phi_f0 = 248.0f; phi_f2 = -90.0f; sp38 = 0.2f; sp34 = 0.2f; sp40 = -0.3f; sp3C = 0.3f; phi_f20 = camera->unk_150 / 80.0f; sp60 = 1.0f; } else if (camera->unk_152 & 2) { phi_f0 = 359.2f; phi_f2 = -18.5f; sp40 = 0.09f; sp38 = 0.01f; sp3C = 0.09f; sp34 = 0.08f; phi_f20 = (((camera->waterYPos - camera->eye.y) > 150.0f ? 1.0f : (camera->waterYPos - camera->eye.y) / 150.0f) * 0.45f) + (camera->speedRatio * 0.45f); sp60 = phi_f20; } else if (camera->unk_152 & 1) { // hot room flag phi_f2 = 150.0f; phi_f0 = 0.0f; sp3C = 0.01f; sp38 = 0.01f; sp40 = -0.01f; sp34 = 0.6f; sp60 = 1.0f; phi_f20 = 1.0f; } else { return; } D_8011DB08 += DEGF_TO_BINANG(phi_f0); D_8011DB0C += DEGF_TO_BINANG(phi_f2); Math_CosS(D_8011DB08); Math_SinS(D_8011DB08); Math_SinS(D_8011DB0C); func_800AA76C(&camera->globalCtx->view, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); func_800AA78C(&camera->globalCtx->view, Math_SinS(D_8011DB0C) * (sp40 * phi_f20) + 1.0f, Math_CosS(D_8011DB0C) * (sp3C * phi_f20) + 1.0f, Math_CosS(D_8011DB08) * (sp38 * phi_f20) + 1.0f); func_800AA7AC(&camera->globalCtx->view, sp34 * sp60); camera->unk_14C |= 0x40; } else if (camera->unk_14C & 0x40) { func_800AA814(&camera->globalCtx->view); camera->unk_14C &= ~0x40; } } Vec3s Camera_Update(Camera* camera) { static s32 sOOBTimer = 0; Vec3f viewAt; Vec3f viewEye; Vec3f viewUp; f32 viewFov; Vec3f spAC; s32 bgId; f32 playerGroundY; f32 playerXZSpeed; VecSph eyeAtAngle; s16 camDataIdx; PosRot curPlayerPosRot; QuakeCamCalc quake; Player* player; player = camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[MAIN_CAM]->player; if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: in %x\n", camera); } if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_CUT) { if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: cut out %x\n", camera); } return camera->inputDir; } sUpdateCameraDirection = false; if (camera->player != NULL) { Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&curPlayerPosRot, &camera->player->actor); camera->xzSpeed = playerXZSpeed = OLib_Vec3fDistXZ(&curPlayerPosRot.pos, &camera->playerPosRot.pos); camera->speedRatio = OLib_ClampMaxDist(playerXZSpeed / (func_8002DCE4(camera->player) * PCT(OREG(8))), 1.0f); camera->playerPosDelta.x = curPlayerPosRot.pos.x - camera->playerPosRot.pos.x; camera->playerPosDelta.y = curPlayerPosRot.pos.y - camera->playerPosRot.pos.y; camera->playerPosDelta.z = curPlayerPosRot.pos.z - camera->playerPosRot.pos.z; spAC = curPlayerPosRot.pos; spAC.y += Player_GetHeight(camera->player); playerGroundY = BgCheck_EntityRaycastFloor5(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->colCtx, &playerFloorPoly, &bgId, &camera->player->actor, &spAC); if (playerGroundY != BGCHECK_Y_MIN) { // player is above ground. sOOBTimer = 0; camera->floorNorm.x = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.x); camera->floorNorm.y = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.y); camera->floorNorm.z = COLPOLY_GET_NORMAL(playerFloorPoly->normal.z); camera->bgCheckId = bgId; camera->playerGroundY = playerGroundY; } else { // player is not above ground. sOOBTimer++; camera->floorNorm.x = 0.0; camera->floorNorm.y = 1.0f; camera->floorNorm.z = 0.0; } camera->playerPosRot = curPlayerPosRot; if (sOOBTimer < 200) { if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { Camera_CheckWater(camera); Camera_SetRoomHotFlag(camera); } if (!(camera->unk_14C & 4)) { camera->nextCamDataIdx = -1; } if ((camera->unk_14C & 1) && (camera->unk_14C & 4) && (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x400)) && (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x200) || (player->currentBoots == PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON)) && (!(camera->unk_14C & (s16)0x8000)) && (playerGroundY != BGCHECK_Y_MIN)) { camDataIdx = Camera_GetDataIdxForPoly(camera, &bgId, playerFloorPoly); if (camDataIdx != -1) { camera->nextBGCheckId = bgId; if (bgId == BGCHECK_SCENE) { camera->nextCamDataIdx = camDataIdx; } } } if (camera->nextCamDataIdx != -1 && (fabsf(curPlayerPosRot.pos.y - playerGroundY) < 2.0f) && (!(camera->unk_14C & 0x200) || (player->currentBoots == PLAYER_BOOTS_IRON))) { camera->bgCheckId = camera->nextBGCheckId; Camera_ChangeDataIdx(camera, camera->nextCamDataIdx); camera->nextCamDataIdx = -1; } } } Camera_PrintSettings(camera); Camera_DbgChangeMode(camera); if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_WAIT) { if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: wait out %x\n", camera); } return camera->inputDir; } camera->unk_14A = 0; camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x400 | 0x20); camera->unk_14C |= 0x10; if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: engine (%d %d %d) %04x \n", camera->setting, camera->mode, sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].funcIdx, camera->unk_14C); } if (sOOBTimer < 200) { sCameraFunctions[sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].funcIdx](camera); } else if (camera->player != NULL) { OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtAngle, &camera->at, &camera->eye); Camera_CalcAtDefault(camera, &eyeAtAngle, 0.0f, 0); } if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { if ((gSaveContext.gameMode != 0) && (gSaveContext.gameMode != 3)) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0; Camera_UpdateInterface(sCameraInterfaceFlags); } else if ((D_8011D3F0 != 0) && (camera->thisIdx == MAIN_CAM)) { D_8011D3F0--; sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0x3200; Camera_UpdateInterface(sCameraInterfaceFlags); } else if (camera->globalCtx->transitionMode != 0) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0xF200; Camera_UpdateInterface(sCameraInterfaceFlags); } else if (camera->globalCtx->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { sCameraInterfaceFlags = 0x3200; Camera_UpdateInterface(sCameraInterfaceFlags); } else { Camera_UpdateInterface(sCameraInterfaceFlags); } } if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: shrink_and_bitem %x(%d)\n", sCameraInterfaceFlags, camera->globalCtx->transitionMode); } if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: engine (%s(%d) %s(%d) %s(%d)) ok!\n", &sCameraSettingNames[camera->setting], camera->setting, &sCameraModeNames[camera->mode], camera->mode, &sCameraFunctionNames[sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].funcIdx], sCameraSettings[camera->setting].cameraModes[camera->mode].funcIdx); } // enable/disable debug cam if (CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[2].press.button, BTN_START)) { gDbgCamEnabled ^= 1; if (gDbgCamEnabled) { DbgCamera_Enable(&D_8015BD80, camera); } else if (camera->globalCtx->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) { func_80064534(camera->globalCtx, &camera->globalCtx->csCtx); } } // Debug cam update if (gDbgCamEnabled) { camera->globalCtx->view.fovy = D_8015BD80.fov; DbCamera_Update(&D_8015BD80, camera); func_800AA358(&camera->globalCtx->view, &D_8015BD80.eye, &D_8015BD80.at, &D_8015BD80.unk_1C); if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: debug out\n"); } return D_8015BD80.sub.unk_104A; } OREG(0) &= ~8; if (camera->status == 3) { return camera->inputDir; } // setting bgCheckId to the ret of Quake_Calc, and checking that // is required, it doesn't make too much sense though. if ((bgId = Quake_Calc(camera, &quake), bgId != 0) && (camera->setting != CAM_SET_TURN_AROUND)) { viewAt.x = camera->at.x + quake.atOffset.x; viewAt.y = camera->at.y + quake.atOffset.y; viewAt.z = camera->at.z + quake.atOffset.z; viewEye.x = camera->eye.x + quake.eyeOffset.x; viewEye.y = camera->eye.y + quake.eyeOffset.y; viewEye.z = camera->eye.z + quake.eyeOffset.z; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtAngle, &viewEye, &viewAt); Camera_CalcUpFromPitchYawRoll(&viewUp, eyeAtAngle.pitch + quake.rotZ, eyeAtAngle.yaw + quake.unk_1A, camera->roll); viewFov = camera->fov + BINANG_TO_DEGF(quake.zoom); } else { viewAt = camera->at; viewEye = camera->eye; OLib_Vec3fDiffToVecSphGeo(&eyeAtAngle, &viewEye, &viewAt); Camera_CalcUpFromPitchYawRoll(&viewUp, eyeAtAngle.pitch, eyeAtAngle.yaw, camera->roll); viewFov = camera->fov; } if (camera->paramFlags & 4) { camera->paramFlags &= ~4; viewUp = camera->up; } else { camera->up = viewUp; } camera->skyboxOffset = quake.eyeOffset; func_80058E8C(camera); if ((camera->globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT00) && (camera->fov < 59.0f)) { View_SetScale(&camera->globalCtx->view, 0.79f); } else { View_SetScale(&camera->globalCtx->view, 1.0f); } camera->globalCtx->view.fovy = viewFov; func_800AA358(&camera->globalCtx->view, &viewEye, &viewAt, &viewUp); camera->camDir.x = eyeAtAngle.pitch; camera->camDir.y = eyeAtAngle.yaw; camera->camDir.z = 0; if (sUpdateCameraDirection == 0) { camera->inputDir.x = eyeAtAngle.pitch; camera->inputDir.y = eyeAtAngle.yaw; camera->inputDir.z = 0; } if (PREG(81)) { osSyncPrintf("dir (%d) %d(%f) %d(%f) 0(0) \n", sUpdateCameraDirection, camera->inputDir.x, BINANG_TO_DEGF(camera->inputDir.x), camera->inputDir.y, BINANG_TO_DEGF(camera->inputDir.y)); osSyncPrintf("real (%d) %d(%f) %d(%f) 0(0) \n", sUpdateCameraDirection, camera->camDir.x, BINANG_TO_DEGF(camera->camDir.x), camera->camDir.y, BINANG_TO_DEGF(camera->camDir.y)); } if (camera->timer != -1 && CHECK_BTN_ALL(D_8015BD7C->state.input[0].press.button, BTN_DRIGHT)) { camera->timer = 0; } if (R_DBG_CAM_UPDATE) { osSyncPrintf("camera: out (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)\n", camera->at.x, camera->at.y, camera->at.z, camera->eye.x, camera->eye.y, camera->eye.z); osSyncPrintf("camera: dir (%f %d(%f) %d(%f)) (%f)\n", eyeAtAngle.r, eyeAtAngle.pitch, BINANG_TO_DEGF(eyeAtAngle.pitch), eyeAtAngle.yaw, BINANG_TO_DEGF(eyeAtAngle.yaw), camera->fov); if (camera->player != NULL) { osSyncPrintf("camera: foot(%f %f %f) dist (%f)\n", curPlayerPosRot.pos.x, curPlayerPosRot.pos.y, curPlayerPosRot.pos.z, camera->dist); } } return camera->inputDir; } /** * When the camera's timer is 0, change the camera to its parent */ void Camera_Finish(Camera* camera) { Camera* mainCam = camera->globalCtx->cameraPtrs[MAIN_CAM]; Player* player = GET_PLAYER(camera->globalCtx); if (camera->timer == 0) { Gameplay_ChangeCameraStatus(camera->globalCtx, camera->parentCamIdx, CAM_STAT_ACTIVE); if ((camera->parentCamIdx == MAIN_CAM) && (camera->csId != 0)) { player->actor.freezeTimer = 0; player->stateFlags1 &= ~0x20000000; if (player->csMode != 0) { func_8002DF54(camera->globalCtx, &player->actor, 7); osSyncPrintf("camera: player demo end!!\n"); } mainCam->unk_14C |= 8; } if (CHILD_CAM(camera)->parentCamIdx == camera->thisIdx) { CHILD_CAM(camera)->parentCamIdx = camera->parentCamIdx; } if (PARENT_CAM(camera)->childCamIdx == camera->thisIdx) { PARENT_CAM(camera)->childCamIdx = camera->childCamIdx; } if (PARENT_CAM(camera)->thisIdx == MAIN_CAM) { PARENT_CAM(camera)->animState = 0; } camera->childCamIdx = camera->parentCamIdx = SUBCAM_FREE; camera->timer = -1; camera->globalCtx->envCtx.fillScreen = false; Gameplay_ClearCamera(camera->globalCtx, camera->thisIdx); } } s32 func_8005A02C(Camera* camera) { camera->unk_14C |= 0xC; camera->unk_14C &= ~(0x1000 | 0x8); return true; } s32 Camera_ChangeModeFlags(Camera* camera, s16 mode, u8 flags) { static s32 modeChangeFlags = 0; if (QREG(89)) { osSyncPrintf("+=+(%d)+=+ recive request -> %s\n", camera->globalCtx->state.frames, sCameraModeNames[mode]); } if (camera->unk_14C & 0x20 && flags == 0) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x20; return -1; } if (!((sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0x3FFFFFFF) & (1 << mode))) { if (mode == CAM_MODE_FIRSTPERSON) { osSyncPrintf("camera: error sound\n"); func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ERROR); } if (camera->mode != CAM_MODE_NORMAL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(YELLOW, BLACK) "camera: change camera mode: force NORMAL: %s %s refused\n" VT_RST, sCameraSettingNames[camera->setting], sCameraModeNames[mode]); camera->mode = CAM_MODE_NORMAL; Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); func_8005A02C(camera); return 0xC0000000 | mode; } else { camera->unk_14A |= 0x20; camera->unk_14A |= 2; return 0; } } else { if (mode == camera->mode && flags == 0) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x20; camera->unk_14A |= 2; return -1; } camera->unk_14A |= 0x20; camera->unk_14A |= 2; Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, mode); modeChangeFlags = 0; switch (mode) { case CAM_MODE_FIRSTPERSON: modeChangeFlags = 0x20; break; case CAM_MODE_BATTLE: modeChangeFlags = 4; break; case CAM_MODE_FOLLOWTARGET: if (camera->target != NULL && camera->target->id != ACTOR_EN_BOOM) { modeChangeFlags = 8; } break; case CAM_MODE_TARGET: case CAM_MODE_TALK: case CAM_MODE_BOWARROWZ: case CAM_MODE_HANGZ: case CAM_MODE_PUSHPULL: modeChangeFlags = 2; break; } switch (camera->mode) { case CAM_MODE_FIRSTPERSON: if (modeChangeFlags & 0x20) { camera->animState = 0xA; } break; case CAM_MODE_TARGET: if (modeChangeFlags & 0x10) { camera->animState = 0xA; } modeChangeFlags |= 1; break; case CAM_MODE_CHARGE: modeChangeFlags |= 1; break; case CAM_MODE_FOLLOWTARGET: if (modeChangeFlags & 8) { camera->animState = 0xA; } modeChangeFlags |= 1; break; case CAM_MODE_BATTLE: if (modeChangeFlags & 4) { camera->animState = 0xA; } modeChangeFlags |= 1; break; case CAM_MODE_BOWARROWZ: case CAM_MODE_HANGZ: case CAM_MODE_PUSHPULL: modeChangeFlags |= 1; break; case CAM_MODE_NORMAL: if (modeChangeFlags & 0x10) { camera->animState = 0xA; } break; } modeChangeFlags &= ~0x10; if (camera->status == CAM_STAT_ACTIVE) { switch (modeChangeFlags) { case 1: func_80078884(0); break; case 2: if (camera->globalCtx->roomCtx.curRoom.unk_03 == 1) { func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_URGENCY); } else { func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON); } break; case 4: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_URGENCY); break; case 8: func_80078884(NA_SE_SY_ATTENTION_ON); break; } } func_8005A02C(camera); camera->mode = mode; return 0x80000000 | mode; } } s32 Camera_ChangeMode(Camera* camera, s16 mode) { return Camera_ChangeModeFlags(camera, mode, 0); } s32 Camera_CheckValidMode(Camera* camera, s16 mode) { if (QREG(89) != 0) { osSyncPrintf("+=+=+=+ recive asking -> %s (%s)\n", sCameraModeNames[mode], sCameraSettingNames[camera->setting]); } if (!(sCameraSettings[camera->setting].validModes & (1 << mode))) { return 0; } else if (mode == camera->mode) { return -1; } else { return mode | 0x80000000; } } s16 Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(Camera* camera, s16 setting, s16 flags) { if (camera->unk_14A & 1) { if ((u32)((u32)(sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0xF000000) >> 0x18) >= (u32)((u32)(sCameraSettings[setting].unk_00 & 0xF000000) >> 0x18)) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x10; return -2; } } if (((setting == CAM_SET_MEADOW_BIRDS_EYE) || (setting == CAM_SET_MEADOW_UNUSED)) && LINK_IS_ADULT && (camera->globalCtx->sceneNum == SCENE_SPOT05)) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x10; return -5; } if (setting == CAM_SET_NONE || setting >= CAM_SET_MAX) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "camera: error: illegal camera set (%d) !!!!\n" VT_RST, setting); return -99; } if ((setting == camera->setting) && (!(flags & 1))) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x10; if (!(flags & 2)) { camera->unk_14A |= 1; } return -1; } camera->unk_14A |= 0x10; if (!(flags & 2)) { camera->unk_14A |= 1; } camera->unk_14C |= 0xC; camera->unk_14C &= ~0x1008; if (!(sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0x40000000)) { camera->prevSetting = camera->setting; } if (flags & 8) { if (1) {} camera->camDataIdx = camera->prevCamDataIdx; camera->prevCamDataIdx = -1; } else if (!(flags & 4)) { if (!(sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0x40000000)) { camera->prevCamDataIdx = camera->camDataIdx; } camera->camDataIdx = -1; } camera->setting = setting; if (Camera_ChangeModeFlags(camera, camera->mode, 1) >= 0) { Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); } osSyncPrintf(VT_SGR("1") "%06u:" VT_RST " camera: change camera[%d] set %s\n", camera->globalCtx->state.frames, camera->thisIdx, sCameraSettingNames[camera->setting]); return setting; } s32 Camera_ChangeSetting(Camera* camera, s16 setting) { return Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, setting, 0); } s32 Camera_ChangeDataIdx(Camera* camera, s32 camDataIdx) { s16 newCameraSetting; s16 settingChangeSuccessful; if (camDataIdx == -1 || camDataIdx == camera->camDataIdx) { camera->unk_14A |= 0x40; return -1; } if (!(camera->unk_14A & 0x40)) { newCameraSetting = Camera_GetCamDataSetting(camera, camDataIdx); camera->unk_14A |= 0x40; settingChangeSuccessful = Camera_ChangeSettingFlags(camera, newCameraSetting, 5) >= 0; if (settingChangeSuccessful || sCameraSettings[camera->setting].unk_00 & 0x80000000) { camera->camDataIdx = camDataIdx; camera->unk_14A |= 4; Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); } else if (settingChangeSuccessful < -1) { //! @bug: This is likely checking the wrong value. The actual return of Camera_ChangeSettingFlags or // camDataIdx would make more sense. osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "camera: error: illegal camera ID (%d) !! (%d|%d|%d)\n" VT_RST, camDataIdx, camera->thisIdx, 0x32, newCameraSetting); } return 0x80000000 | camDataIdx; } } Vec3s* Camera_GetInputDir(Vec3s* dst, Camera* camera) { if (gDbgCamEnabled) { *dst = D_8015BD80.sub.unk_104A; return dst; } else { *dst = camera->inputDir; return dst; } } s16 Camera_GetInputDirPitch(Camera* camera) { Vec3s dir; Camera_GetInputDir(&dir, camera); return dir.x; } s16 Camera_GetInputDirYaw(Camera* camera) { Vec3s dir; Camera_GetInputDir(&dir, camera); return dir.y; } Vec3s* Camera_GetCamDir(Vec3s* dst, Camera* camera) { if (gDbgCamEnabled) { *dst = D_8015BD80.sub.unk_104A; return dst; } else { *dst = camera->camDir; return dst; } } s16 Camera_GetCamDirPitch(Camera* camera) { Vec3s camDir; Camera_GetCamDir(&camDir, camera); return camDir.x; } s16 Camera_GetCamDirYaw(Camera* camera) { Vec3s camDir; Camera_GetCamDir(&camDir, camera); return camDir.y; } s32 Camera_AddQuake(Camera* camera, s32 arg1, s16 y, s32 countdown) { s16 quakeIdx; quakeIdx = Quake_Add(camera, 3); if (quakeIdx == 0) { return 0; } Quake_SetSpeed(quakeIdx, 0x61A8); Quake_SetQuakeValues(quakeIdx, y, 0, 0, 0); Quake_SetCountdown(quakeIdx, countdown); return 1; } s32 Camera_SetParam(Camera* camera, s32 param, void* value) { s32 pad[3]; if (value != NULL) { switch (param) { case 1: camera->paramFlags &= ~(0x10 | 0x8 | 0x1); camera->at = *(Vec3f*)value; break; case 16: camera->paramFlags &= ~(0x10 | 0x8 | 0x1); camera->targetPosRot.pos = *(Vec3f*)value; break; case 8: if (camera->setting == CAM_SET_CS_C || camera->setting == CAM_SET_CS_ATTENTION) { break; } camera->target = (Actor*)value; camera->paramFlags &= ~(0x10 | 0x8 | 0x1); break; case 2: camera->eye = camera->eyeNext = *(Vec3f*)value; break; case 4: camera->up = *(Vec3f*)value; break; case 0x40: camera->roll = DEGF_TO_BINANG(*(f32*)value); break; case 0x20: camera->fov = *(f32*)value; break; default: return false; } camera->paramFlags |= param; } else { return false; } return true; } s32 Camera_UnsetParam(Camera* camera, s16 param) { camera->paramFlags &= ~param; return true; } s32 func_8005AC48(Camera* camera, s16 arg1) { camera->unk_14C = arg1; return true; } s32 Camera_ResetAnim(Camera* camera) { camera->animState = 0; return 1; } s32 Camera_SetCSParams(Camera* camera, CutsceneCameraPoint* atPoints, CutsceneCameraPoint* eyePoints, Player* player, s16 relativeToPlayer) { PosRot playerPosRot; camera->data0 = atPoints; camera->data1 = eyePoints; camera->data2 = relativeToPlayer; if (camera->data2 != 0) { camera->player = player; Actor_GetWorldPosShapeRot(&playerPosRot, &player->actor); camera->playerPosRot = playerPosRot; camera->nextCamDataIdx = -1; camera->xzSpeed = 0.0f; camera->speedRatio = 0.0f; } return 1; } s16 func_8005ACFC(Camera* camera, s16 arg1) { camera->unk_14C |= arg1; return camera->unk_14C; } s16 func_8005AD1C(Camera* camera, s16 arg1) { camera->unk_14C &= ~arg1; return camera->unk_14C; } s32 Camera_ChangeDoorCam(Camera* camera, Actor* doorActor, s16 camDataIdx, f32 arg3, s16 timer1, s16 timer2, s16 timer3) { DoorParams* doorParams = (DoorParams*)camera->paramData; if ((camera->setting == CAM_SET_CS_ATTENTION) || (camera->setting == CAM_SET_DOORC)) { return 0; } doorParams->doorActor = doorActor; doorParams->timer1 = timer1; doorParams->timer2 = timer2; doorParams->timer3 = timer3; doorParams->camDataIdx = camDataIdx; if (camDataIdx == -99) { Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); return -99; } if (camDataIdx == -1) { Camera_ChangeSetting(camera, CAM_SET_DOORC); osSyncPrintf(".... change default door camera (set %d)\n", CAM_SET_DOORC); } else { s32 setting = Camera_GetCamDataSetting(camera, camDataIdx); camera->unk_14A |= 0x40; if (Camera_ChangeSetting(camera, setting) >= 0) { camera->camDataIdx = camDataIdx; camera->unk_14A |= 4; } osSyncPrintf("....change door camera ID %d (set %d)\n", camera->camDataIdx, camera->setting); } Camera_CopyModeValuesToPREG(camera, camera->mode); return -1; } s32 Camera_Copy(Camera* dstCamera, Camera* srcCamera) { s32 pad; dstCamera->posOffset.x = 0.0f; dstCamera->posOffset.y = 0.0f; dstCamera->posOffset.z = 0.0f; dstCamera->atLERPStepScale = 0.1f; dstCamera->at = srcCamera->at; dstCamera->eye = dstCamera->eyeNext = srcCamera->eye; dstCamera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&dstCamera->at, &dstCamera->eye); dstCamera->fov = srcCamera->fov; dstCamera->roll = srcCamera->roll; func_80043B60(dstCamera); if (dstCamera->player != NULL) { Actor_GetWorld(&dstCamera->playerPosRot, &dstCamera->player->actor); dstCamera->posOffset.x = dstCamera->at.x - dstCamera->playerPosRot.pos.x; dstCamera->posOffset.y = dstCamera->at.y - dstCamera->playerPosRot.pos.y; dstCamera->posOffset.z = dstCamera->at.z - dstCamera->playerPosRot.pos.z; dstCamera->dist = OLib_Vec3fDist(&dstCamera->playerPosRot.pos, &dstCamera->eye); dstCamera->xzOffsetUpdateRate = 1.0f; dstCamera->yOffsetUpdateRate = 1.0f; } return true; } s32 Camera_GetDbgCamEnabled() { return gDbgCamEnabled; } Vec3f* Camera_GetSkyboxOffset(Vec3f* dst, Camera* camera) { *dst = camera->skyboxOffset; return dst; } void Camera_SetCameraData(Camera* camera, s16 setDataFlags, void* data0, void* data1, s16 data2, s16 data3, UNK_TYPE arg6) { if (setDataFlags & 0x1) { camera->data0 = data0; } if (setDataFlags & 0x2) { camera->data1 = data1; } if (setDataFlags & 0x4) { camera->data2 = data2; } if (setDataFlags & 0x8) { camera->data3 = data3; } if (setDataFlags & 0x10) { osSyncPrintf(VT_COL(RED, WHITE) "camera: setCameraData: last argument not alive!\n" VT_RST); } } s32 Camera_QRegInit() { if (!R_RELOAD_CAM_PARAMS) { QREG(2) = 1; QREG(10) = -1; QREG(11) = 100; QREG(12) = 80; QREG(20) = 90; QREG(21) = 10; QREG(22) = 10; QREG(23) = 50; QREG(24) = 6000; QREG(25) = 240; QREG(26) = 40; QREG(27) = 85; QREG(28) = 55; QREG(29) = 87; QREG(30) = 23; QREG(31) = 20; QREG(32) = 4; QREG(33) = 5; QREG(50) = 1; QREG(51) = 20; QREG(52) = 200; QREG(53) = 1; QREG(54) = 15; QREG(55) = 60; QREG(56) = 15; QREG(57) = 30; QREG(58) = 0; } QREG(65) = 50; return true; } s32 func_8005B198() { return D_8011D3AC; } s16 func_8005B1A4(Camera* camera) { camera->unk_14C |= 0x8; if ((camera->thisIdx == MAIN_CAM) && (camera->globalCtx->activeCamera != MAIN_CAM)) { GET_ACTIVE_CAM(camera->globalCtx)->unk_14C |= 0x8; return camera->globalCtx->activeCamera; } return camera->thisIdx; }