#include #include #include void func_8005B2AC(GraphicsContext* gfx, Vec3f* vA, Vec3f* vB, Vec3f* vC, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b); // draw red poly void func_8005B280(GraphicsContext* gfx, Vec3f* vA, Vec3f* vB, Vec3f* vC) { func_8005B2AC(gfx, vA, vB, vC, 255, 0, 0); } // draw poly #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_8005B2AC.s") s32 Collider_InitBase(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { static Collider init = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, COLTYPE_UNK3, COLSHAPE_INVALID }; *collider = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyBase(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { return 1; } s32 Collider_SetBase_Actor(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, ColliderInit_Actor* src) { collider->actor = src->actor; collider->atFlags = src->atFlags; collider->acFlags = src->acFlags; collider->maskA = src->maskA; collider->maskB = 0x10; collider->shape = src->shape; return 1; } // maskB = 0x10 s32 Collider_SetBase_Set3(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderInit_Set3* src) { collider->actor = actor; collider->type = src->type; collider->atFlags = src->atFlags; collider->acFlags = src->acFlags; collider->maskA = src->maskA; collider->maskB = 0x10; collider->shape = src->shape; return 1; } // maskB = src->maskB s32 Collider_SetBase(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderInit* src) { collider->actor = actor; collider->type = src->type; collider->atFlags = src->atFlags; collider->acFlags = src->acFlags; collider->maskA = src->maskA; collider->maskB = src->maskB; collider->shape = src->shape; return 1; } void Collider_BaseSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { collider->at = NULL; collider->atFlags &= ~0x6; } void Collider_BaseSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { collider->ac = NULL; collider->acFlags &= ~0x82; } void Collider_BaseSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { collider->oc = NULL; collider->maskA &= ~0x2; collider->maskB &= ~0x1; } s32 Collider_InitTouch(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTouch* touch) { static ColliderTouch init = { 0, 0, 0 }; *touch = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyTouch(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTouch* touch) { return 1; } // src might actually be a different type s32 Collider_SetTouch(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTouch* dest, ColliderTouch* src) { dest->flags = src->flags; dest->effect = src->effect; dest->damage = src->damage; return 1; } void Collider_BodySetAT_Unk(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { } s32 Collider_InitBump(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBump* bump) { static ColliderBump init = { 0xFFCFFFFF, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }; *bump = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyBump(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBump* bump) { return 1; } s32 Collider_SetBump(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBump* bump, ColliderBumpInit* init) { bump->flags = init->flags; bump->effect = init->effect; bump->defense = init->defense; return 1; } s32 Collider_InitBody(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { static ColliderBody init = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0xFFCFFFFF, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 } }, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, }; *body = init; Collider_InitTouch(globalCtx, &body->toucher); Collider_InitBump(globalCtx, &body->bumper); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyBody(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { Collider_DestroyTouch(globalCtx, &body->toucher); Collider_DestroyBump(globalCtx, &body->bumper); return 1; } s32 Collider_SetBody(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body, ColliderBodyInit* bodyInit) { body->flags = bodyInit->bodyFlags; Collider_SetTouch(globalCtx, &body->toucher, &bodyInit->toucher); Collider_SetBump(globalCtx, &body->bumper, &bodyInit->bumper); body->toucherFlags = bodyInit->toucherFlags; body->bumperFlags = bodyInit->bumperFlags; body->ocFlags = bodyInit->bodyFlags2; return 1; } void Collider_BodySetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { body->atHit = NULL; body->atHitItem = NULL; body->toucherFlags &= ~0x2; body->toucherFlags &= ~0x40; Collider_BodySetAT_Unk(globalCtx, body); } void Collider_BodySetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { body->bumper.unk_06.z = 0; body->bumperFlags &= ~0x2; body->bumperFlags &= ~0x80; body->acHit = NULL; body->acHitItem = NULL; body->bumper.unk_06.y = body->bumper.unk_06.z; body->bumper.unk_06.x = body->bumper.unk_06.z; } void Collider_BodySetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* body) { body->ocFlags &= ~0x2; } s32 Collider_InitJntSphItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItemDim* dim) { static ColliderJntSphItemDim init = { 0 }; *dim = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyJntSphItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItemDim* item) { return 1; } s32 Collider_SetJntSphItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItemDim* dest, ColliderJntSphItemDimInit* src) { dest->joint = src->joint; dest->modelSphere = src->modelSphere; dest->scale = src->scale * 0.01f; return 1; } s32 Collider_InitJntSphItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* item) { Collider_InitBody(globalCtx, &item->body); Collider_InitJntSphItemDim(globalCtx, &item->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyJntSphItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* item) { Collider_DestroyBody(globalCtx, &item->body); Collider_DestroyJntSphItemDim(globalCtx, &item->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_SetJntSphItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* dest, ColliderJntSphItemInit* src) { Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &dest->body, &src->body); Collider_SetJntSphItemDim(globalCtx, &dest->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphItemSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* collider) { Collider_BodySetAT(globalCtx, &collider->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphItemSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* collider) { Collider_BodySetAC(globalCtx, &collider->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphItemSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSphItem* collider) { Collider_BodySetOC(globalCtx, &collider->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_InitJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* collider) { Collider_InitBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); collider->count = 0; collider->list = NULL; return 1; } // Destruct ColliderJntSph (malloc) s32 Collider_FreeJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* collider) { ColliderJntSphItem* next; Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); next = collider->list; while (next < collider->list + collider->count) { Collider_DestroyJntSphItem(globalCtx, next); next++; } collider->count = 0; if (collider->list != NULL) { ZeldaArena_FreeDebug(collider->list, "../z_collision_check.c", 1393); } collider->list = NULL; return 1; } // Destruct ColliderJntSph (no malloc) s32 Collider_DestroyJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* collider) { ColliderJntSphItem* next; Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); next = collider->list; while (next < collider->list + collider->count) { Collider_DestroyJntSphItem(globalCtx, next); next++; } collider->count = 0; collider->list = NULL; return 1; } // ClObjJntSph s32 Collider_SetJntSph_Set(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* dest, ColliderJntSphInit_Actor* src) { ColliderJntSphItem* destNext; ColliderJntSphItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase_Actor(globalCtx, &dest->base, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(src->count * sizeof(ColliderJntSphItem), "../z_collision_check.c", 1443); if (dest->list == NULL) { dest->count = 0; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); osSyncPrintf("ClObjJntSph_set():zelda_malloc()出来ません。\n"); // EUC-JP: 出来ません。 | Can not. osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); return 0; } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } // ClObjJntSph_set3 (maskB = 0x10) // called by En_Nwc s32 Collider_SetJntSph_Set3(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderJntSphInit_Set3* src) { ColliderJntSphItem* destNext; ColliderJntSphItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase_Set3(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(src->count * sizeof(ColliderJntSphItem), "../z_collision_check.c", 1490); if (dest->list == NULL) { dest->count = 0; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); osSyncPrintf("ClObjJntSph_set3():zelda_malloc_出来ません。\n"); // EUC-JP: 出来ません。 | Can not. osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); return 0; } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } // ClObjJntSph_set5 (maskB = src->maskB) s32 Collider_SetJntSph_Set5(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderJntSphInit* src) { ColliderJntSphItem* destNext; ColliderJntSphItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(src->count * sizeof(ColliderJntSphItem), "../z_collision_check.c", 1551); if (dest->list == NULL) { dest->count = 0; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); osSyncPrintf("ClObjJntSph_set5():zelda_malloc出来ません\n"); // EUC-JP: 出来ません。 | Can not. osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); return 0; } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_SetJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderJntSph* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderJntSphInit* src, ColliderJntSphItem* list) { ColliderJntSphItem* destNext; ColliderJntSphItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = list; if (dest->list == NULL) { __assert("pclobj_jntsph->elem_tbl != NULL", "../z_collision_check.c", 1603); } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetJntSphItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSphItem* next; ColliderJntSph* col = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetAT(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_JntSphItemSetAT(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSphItem* next; ColliderJntSph* col = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetAC(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_JntSphItemSetAC(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_JntSphSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSphItem* next; ColliderJntSph* col = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetOC(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_JntSphItemSetOC(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_InitCylinderDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Cylinder16* dim) { Cylinder16 init = { 0 }; *dim = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyCylinderDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Cylinder16* dim) { return 1; } s32 Collider_SetCylinderDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Cylinder16* dest, Cylinder16* src) { *dest = *src; return 1; } s32 Collider_InitCylinder(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderCylinder* collider) { Collider_InitBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); Collider_InitBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_InitCylinderDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyCylinder(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderCylinder* collider) { Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); Collider_DestroyBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_DestroyCylinderDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } // used only by DekuJr, D_80B92A00 s32 Collider_SetCylinder_Actor(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderCylinder* collider, ColliderCylinderInit_Actor* src) { Collider_SetBase_Actor(globalCtx, &collider->base, &src->base); Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &collider->body, &src->body); Collider_SetCylinderDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } // maskB = 0x10 s32 Collider_SetCylinder_Set3(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderCylinder* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderCylinderInit_Set3* src) { Collider_SetBase_Set3(globalCtx, &collider->base, actor, &src->base); Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &collider->body, &src->body); Collider_SetCylinderDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } // maskB = src->maskB s32 Collider_SetCylinder(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderCylinder* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderCylinderInit* src) { Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &collider->base, actor, &src->base); Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &collider->body, &src->body); Collider_SetCylinderDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_CylinderSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderCylinder* col = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; Collider_BaseSetAT(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetAT(globalCtx, &col->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_CylinderSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderCylinder* col = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; Collider_BaseSetAC(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetAC(globalCtx, &col->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_CylinderSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderCylinder* col = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; Collider_BaseSetOC(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetOC(globalCtx, &col->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_InitTrisItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, TriNorm* dim) { static TriNorm init = { 0 }; *dim = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyTrisItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, TriNorm* dim) { return 1; } s32 Collider_SetTrisItemDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, TriNorm* dest, ColliderTrisItemDimInit* src) { Vec3f* d; Vec3f* s; float nx, ny, nz, nd; d = dest->vtx; s = src->vtx; while (d < dest->vtx + 3) { *d++ = *s++; } func_800CC8B4(&src->vtx[0], &src->vtx[1], &src->vtx[2], &nx, &ny, &nz, &nd); dest->plane.normal.x = nx; dest->plane.normal.y = ny; dest->plane.normal.z = nz; dest->plane.originDist = nd; return 1; } s32 Collider_InitTrisItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* collider) { Collider_InitBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_InitTrisItemDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyTrisItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* collider) { Collider_DestroyBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_DestroyTrisItemDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_SetTrisItem(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* dest, ColliderTrisItemInit* src) { Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &dest->body, &src->body); Collider_SetTrisItemDim(globalCtx, &dest->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisItemSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* item) { Collider_BodySetAT(globalCtx, &item->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisItemSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* item) { Collider_BodySetAC(globalCtx, &item->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisItemSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTrisItem* item) { Collider_BodySetOC(globalCtx, &item->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_InitTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* tris) { Collider_InitBase(globalCtx, &tris->base); tris->count = 0; tris->list = 0; return 1; } // zelda malloc s32 Collider_FreeTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* tris) { ColliderTrisItem* next; Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &tris->base); next = tris->list; while (next < tris->list + tris->count) { Collider_DestroyTrisItem(globalCtx, next); next++; } tris->count = 0; if (tris->list != NULL) { ZeldaArena_FreeDebug(tris->list, "../z_collision_check.c", 2099); } tris->list = NULL; return 1; } // no malloc s32 Collider_DestroyTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* tris) { ColliderTrisItem* next; Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &tris->base); next = tris->list; while (next < tris->list + tris->count) { Collider_DestroyTrisItem(globalCtx, next); next++; } tris->count = 0; tris->list = NULL; return 1; } // ClObjTris_set3 (maskB = 0x10) s32 Collider_SetTris_Set3(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderTrisInit_Set3* src) { ColliderTrisItem* destNext; ColliderTrisItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase_Set3(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(dest->count * sizeof(ColliderTrisItem), "../z_collision_check.c", 2156); if (dest->list == NULL) { dest->count = 0; osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); osSyncPrintf("ClObjTris_set3():zelda_malloc()出来ません\n"); // EUC-JP: 出来ません。 | Can not. osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); return 0; } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } // ClObjTris_set5 (maskB = src->maskB) s32 Collider_SetTris_Set5(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderTrisInit* src) { ColliderTrisItem* destNext; ColliderTrisItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = ZeldaArena_MallocDebug(dest->count * sizeof(ColliderTrisItem), "../z_collision_check.c", 2207); if (dest->list == NULL) { osSyncPrintf(VT_FGCOL(RED)); osSyncPrintf("ClObjTris_set5():zelda_malloc出来ません\n"); // EUC-JP: 出来ません。 | Can not. osSyncPrintf(VT_RST); dest->count = 0; return 0; } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_SetTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* dest, Actor* actor, ColliderTrisInit* src, ColliderTrisItem* list) { ColliderTrisItem* destNext; ColliderTrisItemInit* srcNext; Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &dest->base, actor, &src->base); dest->count = src->count; dest->list = list; if (dest->list == NULL) { __assert("pclobj_tris->elem_tbl != NULL", "../z_collision_check.c", 2258); } destNext = dest->list; srcNext = src->list; while (destNext < dest->list + dest->count) { Collider_InitTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext); Collider_SetTrisItem(globalCtx, destNext, srcNext); destNext++; srcNext++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderTrisItem* next; ColliderTris* col = (ColliderTris*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetAT(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_TrisItemSetAT(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderTrisItem* next; ColliderTris* col = (ColliderTris*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetAC(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_TrisItemSetAC(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_TrisSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderTrisItem* next; ColliderTris* col = (ColliderTris*)collider; GlobalContext* gctx = globalCtx; Collider_BaseSetOC(gctx, &col->base); next = col->list; while (next < col->list + col->count) { Collider_TrisItemSetOC(gctx, next); next++; } return 1; } s32 Collider_InitQuadDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuadDim* dim) { static ColliderQuadDim init = { { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 1.0E38f, }; *dim = init; return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyQuadDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuadDim* dim) { return 1; } // Set ColliderQuadDim unk_3C s32 func_8005CEC4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuadDim* dim) { dim->unk_3C = 1.0E38f; return 1; } // ColliderQuadDim compute dc ba midpoints void func_8005CEDC(ColliderQuadDim* dim) { dim->dcMid.x = (dim->quad[3].x + dim->quad[2].x) * 0.5f; dim->dcMid.y = (dim->quad[3].y + dim->quad[2].y) * 0.5f; dim->dcMid.z = (dim->quad[3].z + dim->quad[2].z) * 0.5f; dim->baMid.x = (dim->quad[1].x + dim->quad[0].x) * 0.5f; dim->baMid.y = (dim->quad[1].y + dim->quad[0].y) * 0.5f; dim->baMid.z = (dim->quad[1].z + dim->quad[0].z) * 0.5f; } s32 Collider_SetQuadDim(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuadDim* dest, ColliderQuadDimInit* src) { dest->quad[0] = src->quad[0]; dest->quad[1] = src->quad[1]; dest->quad[2] = src->quad[2]; dest->quad[3] = src->quad[3]; func_8005CEDC(dest); return 1; } s32 Collider_InitQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuad* collider) { Collider_InitBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); Collider_InitBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_InitQuadDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuad* collider) { Collider_DestroyBase(globalCtx, &collider->base); Collider_DestroyBody(globalCtx, &collider->body); Collider_DestroyQuadDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim); return 1; } // maskB = 0x10 s32 Collider_SetQuad_Set3(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuad* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderQuadInit_Set3* src) { Collider_SetBase_Set3(globalCtx, &collider->base, actor, &src->base); Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &collider->body, &src->body); Collider_SetQuadDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } // maskB = src->maskB s32 Collider_SetQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuad* collider, Actor* actor, ColliderQuadInit* src) { Collider_SetBase(globalCtx, &collider->base, actor, &src->base); Collider_SetBody(globalCtx, &collider->body, &src->body); Collider_SetQuadDim(globalCtx, &collider->dim, &src->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_QuadSetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderQuad* col = (ColliderQuad*)collider; Collider_BaseSetAT(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetAT(globalCtx, &col->body); func_8005CEC4(globalCtx, &col->dim); return 1; } s32 Collider_QuadSetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderQuad* col = (ColliderQuad*)collider; Collider_BaseSetAC(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetAC(globalCtx, &col->body); return 1; } s32 Collider_QuadSetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderQuad* col = (ColliderQuad*)collider; Collider_BaseSetOC(globalCtx, &col->base); Collider_BodySetOC(globalCtx, &col->body); return 1; } s32 func_8005D218(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderQuad* quad, Vec3f* arg2) { f32 temp; Vec3f sp20; if (!(quad->body.toucherFlags & 4)) { return 1; } Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp20, &quad->dim.dcMid); temp = func_800CB650(&sp20, arg2); if (temp < quad->dim.unk_3C) { quad->dim.unk_3C = temp; if (quad->body.atHit != NULL) { Collider_BaseSetAC(globalCtx, quad->body.atHit); } if (quad->body.atHitItem != NULL) { Collider_BodySetAC(globalCtx, quad->body.atHitItem); } return 1; } return 0; } s32 Collider_InitOcLine(GlobalContext* globalCtx, OcLine* line) { static Vec3f init = { 0, 0, 0 }; Vec3f temp; temp = init; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&line->line.a, &temp); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&line->line.b, &temp); return 1; } s32 Collider_DestroyOcLine(GlobalContext* globalCtx, OcLine* line) { return 1; } s32 func_8005D334(UNK_TYPE arg0, OcLine* arg1, Vec3f* arg2, Vec3f* arg3) { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&arg1->line.a, arg2); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&arg1->line.b, arg3); return 1; } s32 func_8005D378(UNK_TYPE arg0, OcLine* arg1, OcLine* arg2) { arg1->unk_18 = arg2->unk_18; func_8005D334(arg0, arg1, &arg2->line.a, &arg2->line.b); return 1; } s32 func_8005D3A4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, OcLine* line) { line->unk_18 &= 0xFFFE; return 1; } void func_8005D3BC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { colChkCtx->sacFlags = 0; CollisionCheck_InitContext(globalCtx, colChkCtx); AREG(21) = 1; AREG(22) = 1; AREG(23) = 1; } void CollisionCheck_DestroyContext(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { } // Initialize CollisionCheckContext void CollisionCheck_InitContext(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider** c; OcLine** d; if (!(colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1)) { colChkCtx->colAtCount = 0; colChkCtx->colAcCount = 0; colChkCtx->colOcCount = 0; colChkCtx->colOcLineCount = 0; for (c = colChkCtx->colAt; c < colChkCtx->colAt + COLLISION_CHECK_AT_MAX; c++) { *c = NULL; } for (c = colChkCtx->colAc; c < colChkCtx->colAc + COLLISION_CHECK_AC_MAX; c++) { *c = NULL; } for (c = colChkCtx->colOc; c < colChkCtx->colOc + COLLISION_CHECK_OC_MAX; c++) { *c = NULL; } for (d = colChkCtx->colOcLine; d < colChkCtx->colOcLine + COLLISION_CHECK_OC_LINE_MAX; d++) { *d = NULL; } } } // Unused void CollisionCheck_EnableSAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { colChkCtx->sacFlags |= 1; } // Unused void CollisionCheck_DisableSAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { colChkCtx->sacFlags &= ~1; } // Draw Collider void func_8005D4DC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSph* jntSph; ColliderCylinder* cylinder; ColliderTris* tris; ColliderTrisItem* trisItem; ColliderQuad* quad; s32 i; if (collider == NULL) { return; } switch (collider->shape) { case COLSHAPE_JNTSPH: jntSph = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; for (i = 0; i < jntSph->count; i++) { func_800D05D0(globalCtx, &jntSph->list[i].dim.worldSphere); } break; case COLSHAPE_CYLINDER: cylinder = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; func_800D05DC(globalCtx, &cylinder->dim); break; case COLSHAPE_TRIS: tris = (ColliderTris*)collider; for (i = 0; i < tris->count; i++) { trisItem = &tris->list[i]; func_8005B280(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, &trisItem->dim.vtx[0], &trisItem->dim.vtx[1], &trisItem->dim.vtx[2]); } break; case COLSHAPE_QUAD: quad = (ColliderQuad*)collider; func_8005B280(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, &quad->dim.quad[2], &quad->dim.quad[3], &quad->dim.quad[1]); func_8005B280(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, &quad->dim.quad[1], &quad->dim.quad[0], &quad->dim.quad[2]); break; } } void CollisionCheck_Draw(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider* collider; s32 i; if (AREG(15)) { if (AREG(21)) { for (i = 0; i < colChkCtx->colAtCount; i++) { func_8005D4DC(globalCtx, colChkCtx->colAt[i]); } } if (AREG(22)) { for (i = 0; i < colChkCtx->colAcCount; i++) { func_8005D4DC(globalCtx, colChkCtx->colAc[i]); } } if (AREG(23)) { for (i = 0; i < colChkCtx->colOcCount; i++) { collider = colChkCtx->colOc[i]; if (collider->maskA & 1) { func_8005D4DC(globalCtx, collider); } } } if (AREG(24)) { func_80042C3C(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx); } if (AREG(25)) { func_80042FC4(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colCtx); } } } s32 (*D_8011DEF8[])(GlobalContext*, Collider*) = { Collider_JntSphSetAT, Collider_CylinderSetAT, Collider_TrisSetAT, Collider_QuadSetAT }; // Sets collider as an AT (attack) for the current frame, which will be checked against ACs (attack colliders) s32 CollisionCheck_SetAT(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { s32 index; if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 2997); } D_8011DEF8[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL) { if (collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } } if (colChkCtx->colAtCount >= COLLISION_CHECK_AT_MAX) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAT():インデックスがオーバーして追加不能\n"); // EUC-JP: インデックスがオーバーして追加不能 | Index exceeded and cannot be added return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colAtCount; colChkCtx->colAt[colChkCtx->colAtCount++] = collider; return index; } // Unused. Sets collider as an AT (attack) for the current frame, which will be checked against ACs (attack colliders). // If CollisionCheck_SAC is enabled, the collider will be inserted into the list at the specified index, otherwise it // will be inserted into the next slot s32 CollisionCheck_SetAT_SAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, s32 index) { if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 3037); } if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } D_8011DEF8[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL && collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { if (!(index < colChkCtx->colAtCount)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAT_SAC():全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。\n"); // EUC-JP: 全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。 | You are trying to register a location that // is larger than the total number of data. return -1; } colChkCtx->colAt[index] = collider; } else { if (!(colChkCtx->colAtCount < COLLISION_CHECK_AT_MAX)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAT():インデックスがオーバーして追加不能\n"); return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colAtCount; colChkCtx->colAt[colChkCtx->colAtCount++] = collider; } return index; } s32 (*D_8011DF08[])(GlobalContext*, Collider*) = { Collider_JntSphSetAC, Collider_CylinderSetAC, Collider_TrisSetAC, Collider_QuadSetAC }; // Sets collider as an AC (attack collider) for the current frame, allowing it to detect ATs (attacks) s32 CollisionCheck_SetAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { s32 index; if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 3114); } D_8011DF08[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL) { if (collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } } if (colChkCtx->colAcCount >= COLLISION_CHECK_AC_MAX) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAC():インデックスがオーバして追加不能\n"); // EUC-JP: インデックスがオーバして追加不能 | Index exceeded and cannot be added return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colAcCount; colChkCtx->colAc[colChkCtx->colAcCount++] = collider; return index; } // Unused. Sets collider as an AC (attack collider) for the current frame, allowing it to detect ATs (attacks). // If CollisionCheck_SAC is enabled, the collider will be inserted into the list at the specified index, otherwise it // will be inserted into the next slot s32 CollisionCheck_SetAC_SAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, s32 index) { if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 3153); } if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } D_8011DF08[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL && collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { if (!(index < colChkCtx->colAcCount)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAC_SAC():全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。\n"); // EUC-JP: 全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。| You are trying to register a location that is // larger than the total number of data. return -1; } colChkCtx->colAc[index] = collider; } else { if (!(colChkCtx->colAcCount < COLLISION_CHECK_AC_MAX)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setAC():インデックスがオーバして追加不能\n"); // EUC-JP: インデックスがオーバして追加不能 | Index exceeded and cannot be added return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colAcCount; colChkCtx->colAc[colChkCtx->colAcCount++] = collider; } return index; } s32 (*D_8011DF18[])(GlobalContext*, Collider*) = { Collider_JntSphSetOC, Collider_CylinderSetOC, Collider_TrisSetOC, Collider_QuadSetOC, }; // Sets collider as an OC (object collider) for the current frame, allowing it to detect other OCs s32 CollisionCheck_SetOC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { s32 index; if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 3229); } D_8011DF18[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL) { if (collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } } if (colChkCtx->colOcCount >= COLLISION_CHECK_OC_MAX) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setOC():インデックスがオーバして追加不能\n"); // EUC-JP: インデックスがオーバして追加不能 | Index exceeded and cannot be added return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colOcCount; colChkCtx->colOc[colChkCtx->colOcCount++] = collider; return index; } // Unused. Sets collider as an OC (object collider) for the current frame, allowing it to detect other OCs // If CollisionCheck_SAC is enabled, the collider will be inserted into the list at the specified index, otherwise it // will be inserted into the next slot s32 CollisionCheck_SetOC_SAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, s32 index) { if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } if (!(collider->shape < COLSHAPE_INVALID)) { __assert("pcl_obj->data_type <= CL_DATA_LBL_SWRD", "../z_collision_check.c", 3274); } D_8011DF18[collider->shape](globalCtx, collider); if (collider->actor != NULL && collider->actor->update == NULL) { return -1; } if (colChkCtx->sacFlags & 1) { if (!(index < colChkCtx->colOcCount)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setOC_SAC():全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。\n"); // EUC-JP: 全データ数より大きいところに登録しようとしている。| You are trying to register a location that is // larger than the total number of data. return -1; } //! @bug Should be colOc colChkCtx->colAt[index] = collider; } else { if (!(colChkCtx->colOcCount < COLLISION_CHECK_OC_MAX)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setOC():インデックスがオーバして追加不能\n"); // EUC-JP: インデックスがオーバして追加不能 | Index exceeded and cannot be added return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colOcCount; colChkCtx->colOc[colChkCtx->colOcCount++] = collider; } return index; } s32 CollisionCheck_SetOCLine(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, OcLine* collider) { s32 index; if (func_800C0D28(globalCtx) == 1) { return -1; } func_8005D3A4(globalCtx, collider); if (!(colChkCtx->colOcLineCount < COLLISION_CHECK_OC_LINE_MAX)) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_setOCLine():インデックスがオーバして追加不能\n"); return -1; } index = colChkCtx->colOcLineCount; colChkCtx->colOcLine[colChkCtx->colOcLineCount++] = collider; return index; } s32 func_8005DF2C(ColliderBody* body) { if (!(body->toucherFlags & 1)) { return 1; } return 0; } s32 func_8005DF50(ColliderBody* body) { if (!(body->bumperFlags & 1)) { return 1; } return 0; } s32 func_8005DF74(ColliderBody* left, ColliderBody* right) { if (!(left->toucher.flags & right->bumper.flags)) { return 1; } return 0; } void func_8005DF9C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { } #ifdef NON_MATCHING // Blue EffectSpark // .bss problems void func_8005DFAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { static EffectSparkInit D_8015D8A0; s32 sp24; D_8015D8A0.position.x = (s32)v->x; D_8015D8A0.position.y = (s32)v->y; D_8015D8A0.position.z = (s32)v->z; D_8015D8A0.uDiv = 5; D_8015D8A0.vDiv = 5; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[0].r = 10; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[0].g = 10; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[0].b = 200; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[0].a = 255; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[1].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[1].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[1].b = 128; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[1].a = 255; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[2].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[2].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[2].b = 128; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[2].a = 255; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[3].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[3].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[3].b = 128; D_8015D8A0.colorStart[3].a = 255; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[0].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[0].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[0].b = 32; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[0].a = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[1].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[1].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[1].b = 32; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[1].a = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[2].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[2].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[2].b = 64; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[2].a = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[3].r = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[3].g = 0; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[3].b = 64; D_8015D8A0.colorEnd[3].a = 0; D_8015D8A0.timer = 0; D_8015D8A0.duration = 16; D_8015D8A0.speed = 8.0f; D_8015D8A0.gravity = -1.0f; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SPARK, 0, 1, &D_8015D8A0); } #else void func_8005DFAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v); #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_8005DFAC.s") #endif // NON_MATCHING #ifdef NON_MATCHING // Green EffectSpark // .bss problems void func_8005E10C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { static EffectSparkInit D_8015DD68; s32 sp24; D_8015DD68.position.x = (s32)v->x; D_8015DD68.position.y = (s32)v->y; D_8015DD68.position.z = (s32)v->z; D_8015DD68.uDiv = 5; D_8015DD68.vDiv = 5; D_8015DD68.colorStart[0].r = 10; D_8015DD68.colorStart[0].g = 200; D_8015DD68.colorStart[0].b = 10; D_8015DD68.colorStart[0].a = 255; D_8015DD68.colorStart[1].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[1].g = 128; D_8015DD68.colorStart[1].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[1].a = 255; D_8015DD68.colorStart[2].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[2].g = 128; D_8015DD68.colorStart[2].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[2].a = 255; D_8015DD68.colorStart[3].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[3].g = 128; D_8015DD68.colorStart[3].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorStart[3].a = 255; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[0].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[0].g = 32; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[0].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[0].a = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[1].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[1].g = 32; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[1].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[1].a = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[2].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[2].g = 64; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[2].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[2].a = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[3].r = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[3].g = 64; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[3].b = 0; D_8015DD68.colorEnd[3].a = 0; D_8015DD68.timer = 0; D_8015DD68.duration = 16; D_8015DD68.speed = 8.0f; D_8015DD68.gravity = -1.0f; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SPARK, 0, 1, &D_8015DD68); } #else void func_8005E10C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v); #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_8005E10C.s") #endif // NON_MATCHING void func_8005E26C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { func_800299AC(globalCtx, v); func_80062B80(globalCtx, v); } void func_8005E2A4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { func_80062A28(globalCtx, v); } void func_8005E2C8(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* v) { func_80062A28(globalCtx, v); } void func_8005E2EC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderBody* colliderBody, Collider* collider, Vec3f* arg3) { s32 flags; flags = colliderBody->toucherFlags & 0x18; if (flags == 0 && collider->type != COLTYPE_METAL_SHIELD) { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, 0, arg3); if (collider->actor == NULL) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &collider->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } if (flags == 0) { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, 3, arg3); if (collider->actor == NULL) { func_80062D60(globalCtx, arg3); return; } func_80062DAC(globalCtx, arg3, &collider->actor->projectedPos); return; } if (flags == 8) { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, 0, arg3); if (collider->actor == NULL) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &collider->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } if (flags == 0x10) { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, 1, arg3); if (collider->actor == NULL) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_REFLECTION_WOOD, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_REFLECTION_WOOD, &collider->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); return; } } s32 func_8005E4F8(Collider* left, ColliderBody* rightBody) { if (left->actor != NULL) { if (ACTORTYPE_PLAYER == left->actor->type) { if (rightBody->flags == 0) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SWORD_STRIKE, &left->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else if (rightBody->flags == 1) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SWORD_STRIKE_HARD, &left->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else if (rightBody->flags == 2) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, &left->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else if (rightBody->flags == 3) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_PL_WALK_GROUND - SFX_FLAG, &left->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } } return 1; } typedef struct { u8 unk00; u8 unk01; } D_8011DF40_s; void func_8005E604(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* left, ColliderBody* leftBody, Collider* right, ColliderBody* rightBody, Vec3f* arg5) { static void (*D_8011DF28[])(GlobalContext*, Collider*, Vec3f*) = { func_8005DF9C, func_8005DFAC, func_8005E10C, func_8005E26C, func_8005E2A4, func_8005E2C8, }; static D_8011DF40_s D_8011DF40[] = { { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 3, 5 }, { 0, 2 }, { 2, 0 }, { 4, 0 }, { 1, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 5 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 3 }, { 0, 4 }, }; if (rightBody->bumperFlags & 0x40) { return; } if (!(leftBody->toucherFlags & 0x20) && leftBody->toucherFlags & 0x40) { return; } if (right->actor != NULL) { (*D_8011DF28[D_8011DF40[right->type].unk00])(globalCtx, right, arg5); } if (right->actor != NULL) { if (D_8011DF40[right->type].unk01 == 3) { func_8005E2EC(globalCtx, leftBody, right, arg5); } else if (D_8011DF40[right->type].unk01 == 4) { if (left->actor == NULL) { func_80062CD4(globalCtx, arg5); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_REFLECTION_WOOD, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else { func_80062E14(globalCtx, arg5, &left->actor->projectedPos); } } else if (D_8011DF40[right->type].unk01 != 5) { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, D_8011DF40[right->type].unk01, arg5); if ((rightBody->bumperFlags & 0x20) == 0) { func_8005E4F8(left, rightBody); } } } else { func_80029CA4(globalCtx, 0, arg5); if (right->actor == NULL) { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } else { Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_BOUND, &right->actor->projectedPos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } } } void func_8005E800(Collider* left, Collider* right) { left->atFlags |= 4; right->acFlags |= 0x80; } // Set AT to AC collision s32 func_8005E81C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Collider* left, ColliderBody* leftBody, Vec3f* leftv, Collider* right, ColliderBody* rightBody, Vec3f* rightv, Vec3f* arg7) { if (right->acFlags & 4 && left->actor != NULL && right->actor != NULL) { func_8005E800(left, right); } if (!(rightBody->bumperFlags & 8)) { left->atFlags |= 2; left->at = right->actor; leftBody->atHit = right; leftBody->atHitItem = rightBody; leftBody->toucherFlags |= 2; if (left->actor != NULL) { left->actor->colChkInfo.atHitEffect = rightBody->bumper.effect; } } right->acFlags |= 2; right->ac = left->actor; rightBody->acHit = left; rightBody->acHitItem = leftBody; rightBody->bumperFlags |= 2; if (right->actor != NULL) { right->actor->colChkInfo.acHitEffect = leftBody->toucher.effect; } rightBody->bumper.unk_06.x = (s16)arg7->x; rightBody->bumper.unk_06.y = (s16)arg7->y; rightBody->bumper.unk_06.z = (s16)arg7->z; if (!(leftBody->toucherFlags & 0x20) && right->type != COLTYPE_METAL_SHIELD && right->type != COLTYPE_WOODEN_SHIELD && right->type != COLTYPE_UNK12) { rightBody->bumperFlags |= 0x80; } else { func_8005E604(globalCtx, left, leftBody, right, rightBody, arg7); leftBody->toucherFlags |= 0x40; } return 1; } void CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left; ColliderJntSph* right; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; ColliderJntSphItem* rItem; f32 sp8C; f32 sp88; f32 temp_f0; Vec3f sp78; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; right = (ColliderJntSph*)r; if (left->count <= 0 || left->list == NULL || right->count <= 0 || right->list == NULL) { return; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_SpheresTouchingSurfaceCenter(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &rItem->dim.worldSphere, &sp8C, &sp88) == 1) { sp6C.x = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp6C.y = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp6C.z = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; sp60.x = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp60.y = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp60.z = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; if (!(fabsf(sp88) < 0.008f)) { temp_f0 = rItem->dim.worldSphere.radius / sp88; sp78.x = (((sp6C.x - sp60.x) * temp_f0) + sp60.x); sp78.y = (((sp6C.y - sp60.y) * temp_f0) + sp60.y); sp78.z = (((sp6C.z - sp60.z) * temp_f0) + sp60.z); } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp78, &sp6C); } func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp6C, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp60, &sp78); if (!(right->base.maskB & 0x40)) { return; } } } } } void CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; f32 sp80; f32 sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Vec3f sp64; Vec3f sp58; f32 temp_f0; if (left->count <= 0 || left->list == NULL || right->dim.radius <= 0 || right->dim.height <= 0) { return; } if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &right->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CFDA4(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &right->dim, &sp80, &sp7C) != 0) { sp64.x = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp64.y = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp64.z = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; sp58.x = right->dim.pos.x; sp58.y = right->dim.pos.y; sp58.z = right->dim.pos.z; if (!(fabsf(sp7C) < 0.008f)) { temp_f0 = right->dim.radius / sp7C; if (temp_f0 <= 1.0f) { sp70.x = ((sp64.x - sp58.x) * temp_f0) + sp58.x; sp70.y = ((sp64.y - sp58.y) * temp_f0) + sp58.y; sp70.z = ((sp64.z - sp58.z) * temp_f0) + sp58.z; } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp70, &sp64); } } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp70, &sp64); } func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp64, &right->base, &right->body, &sp58, &sp70); return; } } } void CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderCylinder* left = (ColliderCylinder*)l; ColliderJntSph* right = (ColliderJntSph*)r; f32 sp9C; f32 sp98; ColliderJntSphItem* rItem; Vec3f sp88; Vec3f sp7C; Vec3f sp70; f32 temp_f0; if (right->count <= 0 || right->list == NULL || left->dim.radius <= 0 || left->dim.height <= 0) { return; } if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1) { return; } for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CFDA4(&rItem->dim.worldSphere, &left->dim, &sp9C, &sp98) != 0) { sp7C.x = left->dim.pos.x; sp7C.y = left->dim.pos.y; sp7C.z = left->dim.pos.z; sp70.x = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp70.y = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp70.z = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; if (!(fabsf(sp98) < 0.008f)) { temp_f0 = (f32)rItem->dim.worldSphere.radius / sp98; if (temp_f0 <= 1.0f) { sp88.x = ((sp7C.x - sp70.x) * temp_f0) + sp70.x; sp88.y = ((sp7C.y - sp70.y) * temp_f0) + sp70.y; sp88.z = ((sp7C.z - sp70.z) * temp_f0) + sp70.z; } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp88, &sp7C); } } else { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&sp88, &sp7C); } func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp7C, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp70, &sp88); if (!(right->base.maskB & 0x40)) { break; } } } } void CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; ColliderTris* right = (ColliderTris*)r; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; ColliderTrisItem* rItem; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; Vec3f sp54; if (left->count <= 0 || left->list == NULL || right->count <= 0 || right->list == NULL) { return; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CE934(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &rItem->dim, &sp6C) == 1) { sp60.x = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp60.y = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp60.z = lItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; sp54.x = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].x + rItem->dim.vtx[1].x + rItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp54.y = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].y + rItem->dim.vtx[1].y + rItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp54.z = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].z + rItem->dim.vtx[1].z + rItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp60, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp54, &sp6C); return; } } } } void CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderTris* left = (ColliderTris*)l; ColliderTrisItem* lItem; ColliderJntSph* right = (ColliderJntSph*)r; ColliderJntSphItem* rItem; Vec3f sp7C; Vec3f sp70; Vec3f sp64; if (right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL) { if (left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CE934(&rItem->dim.worldSphere, &lItem->dim, &sp7C) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp64, &rItem->dim.worldSphere.center); sp70.x = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].x + lItem->dim.vtx[1].x + lItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp70.y = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].y + lItem->dim.vtx[1].y + lItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp70.z = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].z + lItem->dim.vtx[1].z + lItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp70, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp64, &sp7C); if (!(right->base.maskB & 0x40)) { return; } } } } } } } extern TriNorm D_8015E230; extern TriNorm D_8015E268; void CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; ColliderQuad* right = (ColliderQuad*)r; Vec3f sp7C; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; if (left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E230, &right->dim.quad[2], &right->dim.quad[3], &right->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E268, &right->dim.quad[1], &right->dim.quad[0], &right->dim.quad[2]); for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &right->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CE934(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &D_8015E230, &sp7C) == 1 || func_800CE934(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &D_8015E268, &sp7C) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp6C, &lItem->dim.worldSphere.center); sp60.x = (right->dim.quad[0].x + (right->dim.quad[1].x + (right->dim.quad[3].x + right->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp60.y = (right->dim.quad[0].y + (right->dim.quad[1].y + (right->dim.quad[3].y + right->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp60.z = (right->dim.quad[0].z + (right->dim.quad[1].z + (right->dim.quad[3].z + right->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp6C, &right->base, &right->body, &sp60, &sp7C); return; } } } } extern TriNorm D_8015E2A0; extern TriNorm D_8015E2D8; void CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* right = (ColliderJntSph*)r; Vec3f sp88; ColliderQuad* left = (ColliderQuad*)l; ColliderJntSphItem* rItem; Vec3f sp74; Vec3f sp68; if (right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) != 1) { Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E2A0, &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[3], &left->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E2D8, &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[1], &left->dim.quad[0]); for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_800CE934(&rItem->dim.worldSphere, &D_8015E2A0, &sp88) != 1 && func_800CE934(&rItem->dim.worldSphere, &D_8015E2D8, &sp88) != 1) { continue; } if (func_8005D218(globalCtx, left, &sp88) != 0) { sp68.x = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.x; sp68.y = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.y; sp68.z = rItem->dim.worldSphere.center.z; sp74.x = (left->dim.quad[0].x + (left->dim.quad[1].x + (left->dim.quad[3].x + left->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp74.y = (left->dim.quad[0].y + (left->dim.quad[1].y + (left->dim.quad[3].y + left->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp74.z = (left->dim.quad[0].z + (left->dim.quad[1].z + (left->dim.quad[3].z + left->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp74, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp68, &sp88); if ((right->base.maskB & 0x40) == 0) { return; } } } } } } void CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderCylinder* left = (ColliderCylinder*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; f32 sp6C; f32 sp68; Vec3f sp5C; Vec3f sp50; Vec3f sp44; f32 temp_f0; if (left->dim.radius <= 0 || left->dim.height <= 0 || right->dim.radius <= 0 || right->dim.height <= 0) { return; } if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &right->body) == 1) { return; } if (Math3D_CylinderOutCylinderDist(&left->dim, &right->dim, &sp6C, &sp68) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp50, &left->dim.pos); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp44, &right->dim.pos); if (!(fabsf(sp68) < 0.008f)) { temp_f0 = (f32)right->dim.radius / sp68; sp5C.y = (f32)right->dim.pos.y + (f32)right->dim.yShift + (f32)right->dim.height * 0.5f; sp5C.x = ((f32)left->dim.pos.x - right->dim.pos.x) * temp_f0 + right->dim.pos.x; sp5C.z = ((f32)left->dim.pos.z - right->dim.pos.z) * temp_f0 + right->dim.pos.z; } else { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp5C, &right->dim.pos); } func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp50, &right->base, &right->body, &sp44, &sp5C); } } void CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderCylinder* left = (ColliderCylinder*)l; ColliderTris* right = (ColliderTris*)r; ColliderTrisItem* rItem; Vec3f sp68; Vec3f sp5C; Vec3f sp50; if (left->dim.radius > 0 && left->dim.height > 0 && right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1) { return; } for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&left->dim, &rItem->dim, &sp68) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp5C, &left->dim.pos); sp50.x = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].x + rItem->dim.vtx[1].x + rItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp50.y = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].y + rItem->dim.vtx[1].y + rItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp50.z = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].z + rItem->dim.vtx[1].z + rItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp5C, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp50, &sp68); return; } } } } extern Vec3f D_8015E310; void CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderTris* left = (ColliderTris*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; ColliderTrisItem* lItem; Vec3f sp60; Vec3f sp54; if (right->dim.radius > 0 && right->dim.height > 0 && left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &right->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&right->dim, &lItem->dim, &D_8015E310) == 1) { sp60.x = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].x + lItem->dim.vtx[1].x + lItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp60.y = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].y + lItem->dim.vtx[1].y + lItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp60.z = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].z + lItem->dim.vtx[1].z + lItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp54, &right->dim.pos); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp60, &right->base, &right->body, &sp54, &D_8015E310); return; } } } } extern TriNorm D_8015E320; extern TriNorm D_8015E358; extern Vec3f D_8015E390; void CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderCylinder* left = (ColliderCylinder*)l; ColliderQuad* right = (ColliderQuad*)r; Vec3f sp64; Vec3f sp58; Vec3f sp4C; Vec3f sp40; if (left->dim.height <= 0 || left->dim.radius <= 0) { return; } if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1 || func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &right->body) == 1) { return; } Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E320, &right->dim.quad[2], &right->dim.quad[3], &right->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E358, &right->dim.quad[1], &right->dim.quad[0], &right->dim.quad[2]); if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&left->dim, &D_8015E320, &D_8015E390) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp64, &left->dim.pos); sp58.x = (right->dim.quad[0].x + (right->dim.quad[1].x + (right->dim.quad[3].x + right->dim.quad[2].x))) * 0.25f; sp58.y = (right->dim.quad[0].y + (right->dim.quad[1].y + (right->dim.quad[3].y + right->dim.quad[2].y))) * 0.25f; sp58.z = (right->dim.quad[0].z + (right->dim.quad[1].z + (right->dim.quad[3].z + right->dim.quad[2].z))) * 0.25f; func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp64, &right->base, &right->body, &sp58, &D_8015E390); return; } if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&left->dim, &D_8015E358, &D_8015E390) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp4C, &left->dim.pos); sp40.x = (right->dim.quad[0].x + (right->dim.quad[1].x + (right->dim.quad[3].x + right->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp40.y = (right->dim.quad[0].y + (right->dim.quad[1].y + (right->dim.quad[3].y + right->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp40.z = (right->dim.quad[0].z + (right->dim.quad[1].z + (right->dim.quad[3].z + right->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp4C, &right->base, &right->body, &sp40, &D_8015E390); } } extern TriNorm D_8015E3A0; extern TriNorm D_8015E3D8; extern Vec3f D_8015E410; void CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderQuad* left = (ColliderQuad*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; Vec3f sp64; Vec3f sp58; Vec3f sp4C; Vec3f sp40; if (right->dim.height <= 0 || right->dim.radius <= 0) { return; } if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1 || func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &right->body) == 1) { return; } Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E3A0, &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[3], &left->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E3D8, &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[1], &left->dim.quad[0]); if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&right->dim, &D_8015E3A0, &D_8015E410) == 1) { if (func_8005D218(globalCtx, left, &D_8015E410) != 0) { sp64.x = (left->dim.quad[0].x + (left->dim.quad[1].x + (left->dim.quad[3].x + left->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp64.y = (left->dim.quad[0].y + (left->dim.quad[1].y + (left->dim.quad[3].y + left->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp64.z = (left->dim.quad[0].z + (left->dim.quad[1].z + (left->dim.quad[3].z + left->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp58, &right->dim.pos); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp64, &right->base, &right->body, &sp58, &D_8015E410); return; } } if (Math3D_CylTriTouchingIntersect(&right->dim, &D_8015E3D8, &D_8015E410) == 1) { if (func_8005D218(globalCtx, left, &D_8015E410) != 0) { sp4C.x = (left->dim.quad[0].x + (left->dim.quad[1].x + (left->dim.quad[3].x + left->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp4C.y = (left->dim.quad[0].y + (left->dim.quad[1].y + (left->dim.quad[3].y + left->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp4C.z = (left->dim.quad[0].z + (left->dim.quad[1].z + (left->dim.quad[3].z + left->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp40, &right->dim.pos); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp4C, &right->base, &right->body, &sp40, &D_8015E410); } } } extern Vec3f D_8015E420; void CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderTris* left = (ColliderTris*)l; ColliderTris* right = (ColliderTris*)r; ColliderTrisItem* lItem; ColliderTrisItem* rItem; Vec3f sp5C; Vec3f sp50; if (right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL && left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_TrisIntersect(&lItem->dim, &rItem->dim, &D_8015E420) == 1) { sp5C.x = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].x + lItem->dim.vtx[1].x + lItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp5C.y = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].y + lItem->dim.vtx[1].y + lItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp5C.z = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].z + lItem->dim.vtx[1].z + lItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); sp50.x = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].x + rItem->dim.vtx[1].x + rItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp50.y = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].y + rItem->dim.vtx[1].y + rItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp50.z = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].z + rItem->dim.vtx[1].z + rItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp5C, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp50, &D_8015E420); return; } } } } } extern Vec3f D_8015E430; extern TriNorm D_8015E440; extern TriNorm D_8015E478; void CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderTris* left = (ColliderTris*)l; ColliderQuad* right = (ColliderQuad*)r; ColliderTrisItem* lItem; Vec3f sp68; Vec3f sp5C; if (left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) != 1) { Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E440, &right->dim.quad[2], &right->dim.quad[3], &right->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E478, &right->dim.quad[1], &right->dim.quad[0], &right->dim.quad[2]); for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (func_8005DF2C(&lItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&lItem->body, &right->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_TrisIntersect(&D_8015E440, &lItem->dim, &D_8015E430) == 1 || Math3D_TrisIntersect(&D_8015E478, &lItem->dim, &D_8015E430) == 1) { sp68.x = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].x + lItem->dim.vtx[1].x + lItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp68.y = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].y + lItem->dim.vtx[1].y + lItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp68.z = (lItem->dim.vtx[0].z + lItem->dim.vtx[1].z + lItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); sp5C.x = (right->dim.quad[0].x + (right->dim.quad[1].x + (right->dim.quad[3].x + right->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp5C.y = (right->dim.quad[0].y + (right->dim.quad[1].y + (right->dim.quad[3].y + right->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp5C.z = (right->dim.quad[0].z + (right->dim.quad[1].z + (right->dim.quad[3].z + right->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &lItem->body, &sp68, &right->base, &right->body, &sp5C, &D_8015E430); return; } } } } } extern Vec3f D_8015E4B0; extern TriNorm D_8015E4C0; extern TriNorm D_8015E4F8; void CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsTris(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderQuad* left = (ColliderQuad*)l; ColliderTris* right = (ColliderTris*)r; ColliderTrisItem* rItem; Vec3f sp68; Vec3f sp5C; if (right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL) { if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) != 1) { Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E4C0, &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[3], &left->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E4F8, &left->dim.quad[1], &left->dim.quad[0], &left->dim.quad[2]); for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (func_8005DF50(&rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &rItem->body) == 1) { continue; } if (Math3D_TrisIntersect(&D_8015E4C0, &rItem->dim, &D_8015E4B0) == 1 || Math3D_TrisIntersect(&D_8015E4F8, &rItem->dim, &D_8015E4B0) == 1) { if (func_8005D218(globalCtx, left, &D_8015E4B0) != 0) { sp5C.x = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].x + rItem->dim.vtx[1].x + rItem->dim.vtx[2].x) * (1.0f / 3); sp5C.y = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].y + rItem->dim.vtx[1].y + rItem->dim.vtx[2].y) * (1.0f / 3); sp5C.z = (rItem->dim.vtx[0].z + rItem->dim.vtx[1].z + rItem->dim.vtx[2].z) * (1.0f / 3); sp68.x = (left->dim.quad[0].x + (left->dim.quad[1].x + (left->dim.quad[3].x + left->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp68.y = (left->dim.quad[0].y + (left->dim.quad[1].y + (left->dim.quad[3].y + left->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp68.z = (left->dim.quad[0].z + (left->dim.quad[1].z + (left->dim.quad[3].z + left->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp68, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp5C, &D_8015E4B0); return; } } } } } } extern TriNorm D_8015E530[2]; extern Vec3f D_8015E598; extern TriNorm D_8015E5A8[2]; void CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsQuad(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderQuad* left = (ColliderQuad*)l; ColliderQuad* right = (ColliderQuad*)r; s32 i; s32 j; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; if (func_8005DF2C(&left->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF50(&right->body) == 1) { return; } if (func_8005DF74(&left->body, &right->body) == 1) { return; } Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E5A8[0], &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[3], &left->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E5A8[1], &left->dim.quad[2], &left->dim.quad[1], &left->dim.quad[0]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E530[0], &right->dim.quad[2], &right->dim.quad[3], &right->dim.quad[1]); Math3D_TriNorm(&D_8015E530[1], &right->dim.quad[2], &right->dim.quad[1], &right->dim.quad[0]); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (Math3D_TrisIntersect(&D_8015E5A8[j], &D_8015E530[i], &D_8015E598) == 1) { if (func_8005D218(globalCtx, left, &D_8015E598) != 0) { sp6C.x = (left->dim.quad[0].x + (left->dim.quad[1].x + (left->dim.quad[3].x + left->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp6C.y = (left->dim.quad[0].y + (left->dim.quad[1].y + (left->dim.quad[3].y + left->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp6C.z = (left->dim.quad[0].z + (left->dim.quad[1].z + (left->dim.quad[3].z + left->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); sp60.x = (right->dim.quad[0].x + (right->dim.quad[1].x + (right->dim.quad[3].x + right->dim.quad[2].x))) * (1.0f / 4); sp60.y = (right->dim.quad[0].y + (right->dim.quad[1].y + (right->dim.quad[3].y + right->dim.quad[2].y))) * (1.0f / 4); sp60.z = (right->dim.quad[0].z + (right->dim.quad[1].z + (right->dim.quad[3].z + right->dim.quad[2].z))) * (1.0f / 4); func_8005E81C(globalCtx, &left->base, &left->body, &sp6C, &right->base, &right->body, &sp60, &D_8015E598); return; } } } } } // D_8011DF5C ColliderJntSph void func_80060EBC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSph* col = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; ColliderJntSphItem* item; Vec3f sp24; for (item = col->list; item < col->list + col->count; item++) { if (item->body.bumperFlags & 0x80) { if (item->body.acHitItem != NULL) { if (!(item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags & 0x40)) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp24, &item->body.bumper.unk_06); func_8005E604(globalCtx, item->body.acHit, item->body.acHitItem, &col->base, &item->body, &sp24); item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags |= 0x40; return; } } } } } // D_8011DF5C ColliderCylinder void func_80060F94(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderCylinder* item = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; Vec3f sp28; if (item->body.bumperFlags & 0x80) { if (item->body.acHitItem != NULL) { if (!(item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags & 0x40)) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp28, &item->body.bumper.unk_06); func_8005E604(globalCtx, item->body.acHit, item->body.acHitItem, &item->base, &item->body, &sp28); item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags |= 0x40; } } } } // D_8011DF5C ColliderTris void func_80061028(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderTris* col = (ColliderTris*)collider; ColliderTrisItem* item; Vec3f sp24; for (item = col->list; item < col->list + col->count; item++) { if (item->body.bumperFlags & 0x80) { if (item->body.acHitItem != NULL) { if (!(item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags & 0x40)) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp24, &item->body.bumper.unk_06); func_8005E604(globalCtx, item->body.acHit, item->body.acHitItem, &col->base, &item->body, &sp24); item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags |= 0x40; return; } } } } } // D_8011DF5C ColliderQuad void func_8006110C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderQuad* item = (ColliderQuad*)collider; Vec3f sp28; if (item->body.bumperFlags & 0x80) { if (item->body.acHitItem != NULL) { if (!(item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags & 0x40)) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp28, &item->body.bumper.unk_06); func_8005E604(globalCtx, item->body.acHit, item->body.acHitItem, &item->base, &item->body, &sp28); item->body.acHitItem->toucherFlags |= 0x40; } } } } void func_800611A0(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider** col; Collider* temp; static void (*D_8011DF5C[4])(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*) = { func_80060EBC, func_80060F94, func_80061028, func_8006110C, }; for (col = colChkCtx->colAc; col < colChkCtx->colAc + colChkCtx->colAcCount; col++) { temp = *col; if (temp != NULL) { if (temp->acFlags & 1) { if (temp->actor == NULL || temp->actor->update != NULL) { (*D_8011DF5C[temp->shape])(globalCtx, colChkCtx, temp); } } } } } void CollisionCheck_AC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { Collider** col; Collider* temp; static void (*D_8011DF6C[4][4])(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Collider*) = { { CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsCyl, CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsTris, CollisionCheck_AC_JntSphVsQuad }, { CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsCyl, CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsTris, CollisionCheck_AC_CylVsQuad }, { CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsCyl, CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsTris, CollisionCheck_AC_TrisVsQuad }, { CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsCyl, CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsTris, CollisionCheck_AC_QuadVsQuad }, }; for (col = colChkCtx->colAc; col < colChkCtx->colAc + colChkCtx->colAcCount; col++) { temp = *col; if (temp == NULL) { continue; } else if (!(temp->acFlags & 1)) { continue; } else if (temp->actor != NULL && temp->actor->update == NULL) { continue; } else if (!((temp->acFlags & collider->atFlags) & 0x38)) { continue; } else if (collider == temp) { continue; } else if ((collider->atFlags & 0x40) || collider->actor == NULL || temp->actor != collider->actor) { D_8011DF6C[collider->shape][temp->shape](globalCtx, colChkCtx, collider, temp); } } } // Test Attack Collisions void func_8006139C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider** colAt; Collider* colliderAt; if (colChkCtx->colAtCount != 0) { if (colChkCtx->colAcCount != 0) { for (colAt = colChkCtx->colAt; colAt < colChkCtx->colAt + colChkCtx->colAtCount; colAt++) { colliderAt = *colAt; if (colliderAt != NULL) { if (colliderAt->atFlags & 1) { if ((colliderAt->actor == NULL) || (colliderAt->actor->update != NULL)) { CollisionCheck_AC(globalCtx, colChkCtx, colliderAt); } } } } func_800611A0(globalCtx, colChkCtx); } } } // Get mass type s32 func_8006146C(u8 mass) { if (mass == 0xFF) { return 0; } if (mass == 0xFE) { return 1; } return 2; } // SetOC collision, perform elastic collision void func_800614A4(Collider* left, ColliderBody* leftBody, Vec3f* leftv, Collider* right, ColliderBody* rightBody, Vec3f* rightv, f32 arg6) { f32 temp_f0; f32 leftDisplacementFactor; f32 rightDisplacementFactor; f32 xzDist; f32 leftMass; f32 rightMass; f32 totalMass; f32 inverseTotalMass; f32 xDelta; f32 zDelta; Actor* leftActor; Actor* rightActor; s32 rightMassType; s32 leftMassType; leftActor = left->actor; rightActor = right->actor; left->maskA |= 2; left->oc = rightActor; leftBody->ocFlags |= 2; if ((right->maskB & 8) != 0) { left->maskB |= 1; } right->oc = leftActor; right->maskA |= 2; rightBody->ocFlags |= 2; if ((left->maskB & 8) != 0) { right->maskB |= 1; } if (leftActor == NULL || rightActor == NULL || (left->maskA & 4) || (right->maskA & 4)) { return; } leftMassType = func_8006146C(leftActor->colChkInfo.mass); rightMassType = func_8006146C(rightActor->colChkInfo.mass); leftMass = leftActor->colChkInfo.mass; rightMass = rightActor->colChkInfo.mass; totalMass = leftMass + rightMass; if (fabsf(totalMass) < 0.008f) { totalMass = (leftMass = rightMass = 1.0f) * 2; } xDelta = rightv->x - leftv->x; zDelta = rightv->z - leftv->z; xzDist = sqrtf(SQ(xDelta) + SQ(zDelta)); if (leftMassType == 0) { if (rightMassType == 0) { return; } else { leftDisplacementFactor = 0; rightDisplacementFactor = 1; } } else if (leftMassType == 1) { if (rightMassType == 0) { leftDisplacementFactor = 1; rightDisplacementFactor = 0; } else if (rightMassType == 1) { leftDisplacementFactor = 0.5f; rightDisplacementFactor = 0.5f; } else { leftDisplacementFactor = 0; rightDisplacementFactor = 1; } } else { if (rightMassType == 2) { inverseTotalMass = 1 / totalMass; leftDisplacementFactor = rightMass * inverseTotalMass; rightDisplacementFactor = leftMass * inverseTotalMass; } else { leftDisplacementFactor = 1; rightDisplacementFactor = 0; } } if (!(fabsf(xzDist) < 0.008f)) { temp_f0 = arg6 / xzDist; xDelta *= temp_f0; zDelta *= temp_f0; leftActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x += -xDelta * leftDisplacementFactor; leftActor->colChkInfo.displacement.z += -zDelta * leftDisplacementFactor; rightActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x += xDelta * rightDisplacementFactor; rightActor->colChkInfo.displacement.z += zDelta * rightDisplacementFactor; } else if (!(arg6 == 0.0f)) { leftActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x += -arg6 * leftDisplacementFactor; rightActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x += arg6 * rightDisplacementFactor; } else { leftActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x -= leftDisplacementFactor; rightActor->colChkInfo.displacement.x += rightDisplacementFactor; } } void CollisionCheck_OC_JntSphVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; ColliderJntSph* right = (ColliderJntSph*)r; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; ColliderJntSphItem* rItem; f32 sp74; Vec3f sp68; Vec3f sp5C; if (left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL && right->count > 0 && right->list != NULL) { for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (!(lItem->body.ocFlags & 1)) { continue; } for (rItem = right->list; rItem < right->list + right->count; rItem++) { if (!(rItem->body.ocFlags & 1)) { continue; } if (Math3D_SpheresTouchingSurface(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &rItem->dim.worldSphere, &sp74) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp68, &lItem->dim.worldSphere.center); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp5C, &rItem->dim.worldSphere.center); func_800614A4(&left->base, &lItem->body, &sp68, &right->base, &rItem->body, &sp5C, sp74); } } } } } void CollisionCheck_OC_JntSphVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderJntSph* left = (ColliderJntSph*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; ColliderJntSphItem* lItem; f32 sp78; Vec3f sp6C; Vec3f sp60; if (left->count > 0 && left->list != NULL) { if (!(right->base.maskA & 1)) { return; } if (!(right->body.ocFlags & 1)) { return; } for (lItem = left->list; lItem < left->list + left->count; lItem++) { if (!(lItem->body.ocFlags & 1)) { continue; } if (func_800CFD84(&lItem->dim.worldSphere, &right->dim, &sp78) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp6C, &lItem->dim.worldSphere.center); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp60, &right->dim.pos); func_800614A4(&left->base, &lItem->body, &sp6C, &right->base, &right->body, &sp60, sp78); } } } } void CollisionCheck_OC_CylVsJntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { CollisionCheck_OC_JntSphVsCyl(globalCtx, colChkCtx, r, l); } void CollisionCheck_OC_CylVsCyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* l, Collider* r) { ColliderCylinder* left = (ColliderCylinder*)l; ColliderCylinder* right = (ColliderCylinder*)r; f32 sp4C; Vec3f sp40; Vec3f sp34; if (!(left->base.maskA & 1) || !(right->base.maskA & 1)) { return; } if (!(left->body.ocFlags & 1) || !(right->body.ocFlags & 1)) { return; } if (Math3D_CylinderOutCylinder(&left->dim, &right->dim, &sp4C) == 1) { Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp40, &left->dim.pos); Math_Vec3s_ToVec3f(&sp34, &right->dim.pos); func_800614A4(&left->base, &left->body, &sp40, &right->base, &right->body, &sp34, sp4C); } } // CollisionCheck_OC test ? s32 func_80061BF4(Collider* collider) { if (!(collider->maskA & 1)) { return 1; } return 0; } // CollisionCheck_OC test ? s32 func_80061C18(Collider* arg0, Collider* arg1) { if (!((arg0->maskA & arg1->maskB) & 0x38) || !((arg0->maskB & arg1->maskA) & 0x38) || ((arg0->maskB & 2) && (arg1->maskB & 4)) || ((arg1->maskB & 2) && (arg0->maskB & 4))) { return 1; } if (arg0->actor == arg1->actor) { return 1; } return 0; } void CollisionCheck_OC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider** phi_s2; Collider** phi_s0; Collider** new_var; Collider** new_var2; void (*test)(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Collider*); static void (*D_8011DFAC[4][4])(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Collider*) = { { CollisionCheck_OC_JntSphVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_OC_JntSphVsCyl, NULL, NULL }, { CollisionCheck_OC_CylVsJntSph, CollisionCheck_OC_CylVsCyl, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; for (phi_s2 = colChkCtx->colOc; phi_s2 < colChkCtx->colOc + colChkCtx->colOcCount; phi_s2++) { if (*phi_s2 == NULL || func_80061BF4(*phi_s2) == 1) { continue; } for (phi_s0 = phi_s2 + 1; phi_s0 < colChkCtx->colOc + colChkCtx->colOcCount; phi_s0++) { if (*phi_s0 == NULL || func_80061BF4(*phi_s0) == 1 || func_80061C18(*phi_s2, *phi_s0) == 1) { continue; } new_var2 = phi_s0; new_var = phi_s2; test = D_8011DFAC[(*new_var)->shape][(*new_var2)->shape]; if (test == NULL) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_OC():未対応 %d, %d\n", (*new_var)->shape, (*new_var2)->shape); // EUC-JP: 未対応 | Not compatible continue; } (*test)(globalCtx, colChkCtx, *new_var, *new_var2); } } } // Initialize CollisionCheckInfo void func_80061E48(CollisionCheckInfo* info) { static CollisionCheckInfo init = { NULL, { 0, 0, 0 }, 10, 10, 0, 50, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; *info = init; } void func_80061E8C(CollisionCheckInfo* info) { info->damage = 0; info->damageEffect = 0; info->atHitEffect = 0; info->acHitEffect = 0; info->displacement.z = 0.0f; info->displacement.y = 0.0f; info->displacement.x = 0.0f; } void func_80061EB0(CollisionCheckInfo* info, CollisionCheckInfoInit* init) { info->health = init->health; info->unk_10 = init->unk_02; info->unk_12 = init->unk_04; info->mass = init->mass; } void func_80061ED4(CollisionCheckInfo* info, DamageTable* damageTable, CollisionCheckInfoInit* init) { info->health = init->health; info->damageTable = damageTable; info->unk_10 = init->unk_02; info->unk_12 = init->unk_04; info->mass = init->mass; } void func_80061EFC(CollisionCheckInfo* info, DamageTable* damageTable, CollisionCheckInfoInit2* init) { info->health = init->health; info->damageTable = damageTable; info->unk_10 = init->unk_02; info->unk_12 = init->unk_04; info->unk_14 = init->unk_06; info->mass = init->mass; } void func_80061F2C(CollisionCheckInfo* info, s32 index, CollisionCheckInfoInit2* init) { func_80061EFC(info, DamageTable_Get(index), init); } // Apply AC damage effect void func_80061F64(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, ColliderBody* body) { DamageTable* tbl; u32 flags; s32 i; f32 damage; int tblLookup; if (collider->actor == NULL || !(collider->acFlags & 2)) { return; } if (!(body->bumperFlags & 2) || (body->bumperFlags & 0x10)) { return; } if (body->acHitItem == NULL) { __assert("pclobj_elem->ac_hit_elem != NULL", "../z_collision_check.c", 6493); } tbl = collider->actor->colChkInfo.damageTable; if (tbl == NULL) { damage = (f32)body->acHitItem->toucher.damage - (f32)body->bumper.defense; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } } else { for (i = 0, flags = body->acHitItem->toucher.flags; i < 0x20; i++, flags >>= 1) { if (flags == 1) { break; } } tblLookup = tbl->table[i]; damage = tblLookup & 0xF; collider->actor->colChkInfo.damageEffect = tblLookup >> 4 & 0xF; } if (!(collider->acFlags & 4)) { collider->actor->colChkInfo.damage = (u32)(collider->actor->colChkInfo.damage + damage); } } // Apply ColliderJntSph AC damage effect void func_8006216C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderJntSph* jntSph = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; s32 i; if (!(jntSph->count > 0) || jntSph->list == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < jntSph->count; i++) { func_80061F64(globalCtx, colChkCtx, &jntSph->base, &jntSph->list[i].body); } } // Apply ColliderCylinder AC damage effect void func_80062210(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderCylinder* cylinder = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; func_80061F64(globalCtx, colChkCtx, &cylinder->base, &cylinder->body); } // Apply ColliderTris AC damage effect void func_80062230(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderTris* tris = (ColliderTris*)collider; s32 i; for (i = 0; i < tris->count; i++) { func_80061F64(globalCtx, colChkCtx, collider, &tris->list[i].body); } } // Apply ColliderQuad AC damage effect void func_800622C4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider) { ColliderQuad* quad = (ColliderQuad*)collider; func_80061F64(globalCtx, colChkCtx, &quad->base, &quad->body); } // Apply all AC damage effects void func_800622E4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx) { Collider* collider; s32 i; static void (*D_8011E008[4])(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*) = { func_8006216C, func_80062210, func_80062230, func_800622C4, }; for (i = 0; i < colChkCtx->colAcCount; i++) { collider = colChkCtx->colAc[i]; if (collider == 0) { continue; } if ((collider->acFlags & 0x40)) { continue; } D_8011E008[collider->shape](globalCtx, colChkCtx, collider); } } extern Linef D_8015E610; s32 CollisionCheck_generalLineOcCheck_JntSph(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* arg3, Vec3f* arg4) { ColliderJntSph* jntSph = (ColliderJntSph*)collider; ColliderJntSphItem* item; s32 phi_s0; for (phi_s0 = 0; phi_s0 < jntSph->count; phi_s0++) { item = &jntSph->list[phi_s0]; if (!(item->body.ocFlags & 1)) { continue; } D_8015E610.a = *arg3; D_8015E610.b = *arg4; if (func_800CE600(&item->dim.worldSphere, &D_8015E610) == 1) { return 1; } } return 0; } extern Vec3f D_8015E628; extern Vec3f D_8015E638; s32 CollisionCheck_generalLineOcCheck_Cyl(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Collider* collider, Vec3f* arg3, Vec3f* arg4) { ColliderCylinder* cylinder = (ColliderCylinder*)collider; if (!(cylinder->body.ocFlags & 1)) { return 0; } if (func_800CEE0C(&cylinder->dim, arg3, arg4, &D_8015E628, &D_8015E638) != 0) { return 1; } return 0; } s32 CollisionCheck_GeneralLineOcCheck(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Vec3f* camera_3C, Vec3f* arg3, Actor** arg4, s32 arg5) { Collider* collider; s32 (*t)(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Vec3f*, Vec3f*); Collider** c; s32 i; s32 test; s32 result; static s32 (*D_8011E018[4])(GlobalContext*, CollisionCheckContext*, Collider*, Vec3f*, Vec3f*) = { CollisionCheck_generalLineOcCheck_JntSph, CollisionCheck_generalLineOcCheck_Cyl, NULL, NULL, }; result = 0; for (c = colChkCtx->colOc; c < colChkCtx->colOc + colChkCtx->colOcCount; c++) { if (func_80061BF4(*c) == 1) { continue; } test = 0; for (i = 0; i < arg5; i++) { if ((*c)->actor == arg4[i]) { test = 1; break; } } if (test == 1) { continue; } collider = *c; t = D_8011E018[collider->shape]; if (t == NULL) { osSyncPrintf("CollisionCheck_generalLineOcCheck():未対応 %dタイプ\n", collider->shape); // EUC-JP: 未対応 %dタイプ | %d's type is not supported } else { result = (*t)(globalCtx, colChkCtx, collider, camera_3C, arg3); if (result != 0) { break; } } } return result; } s32 func_8006268C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Vec3f* arg2, Vec3f* arg3) { CollisionCheck_GeneralLineOcCheck(globalCtx, colChkCtx, arg2, arg3, NULL, 0); } s32 func_800626B0(GlobalContext* globalCtx, CollisionCheckContext* colChkCtx, Vec3f* camera_3C, Vec3f* arg3, Actor** arg4, s32 arg5) { CollisionCheck_GeneralLineOcCheck(globalCtx, colChkCtx, camera_3C, arg3, arg4, arg5); } void Collider_CylinderUpdate(Actor* actor, ColliderCylinder* collider) { collider->dim.pos.x = (s32)actor->posRot.pos.x; collider->dim.pos.y = (s32)actor->posRot.pos.y; collider->dim.pos.z = (s32)actor->posRot.pos.z; } // Set ColliderCylinder position void func_80062718(ColliderCylinder* collider, Vec3s* pos) { collider->dim.pos.x = pos->x; collider->dim.pos.y = pos->y; collider->dim.pos.z = pos->z; } // Set ColliderQuad vertices void func_80062734(ColliderQuad* collider, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b, Vec3f* c, Vec3f* d) { Math_Vec3f_Copy(&collider->dim.quad[2], c); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&collider->dim.quad[3], d); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&collider->dim.quad[0], a); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&collider->dim.quad[1], b); func_8005CEDC(&collider->dim); } // Set ColliderTrisItem at index void func_800627A0(ColliderTris* collider, s32 index, Vec3f* a, Vec3f* b, Vec3f* c) { ColliderTrisItem* item; f32 sp40; f32 sp3C; f32 sp38; f32 sp34; item = &collider->list[index]; Math_Vec3f_Copy(&item->dim.vtx[0], a); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&item->dim.vtx[1], b); Math_Vec3f_Copy(&item->dim.vtx[2], c); func_800CC8B4(a, b, c, &sp40, &sp3C, &sp38, &sp34); item->dim.plane.normal.x = sp40; item->dim.plane.normal.y = sp3C; item->dim.plane.normal.z = sp38; item->dim.plane.originDist = sp34; } // Set ColliderTrisItem at index void func_8006285C(GlobalContext* globalCtx, ColliderTris* collider, s32 index, ColliderTrisItemDimInit* init) { ColliderTrisItem* item = &collider->list[index]; Collider_SetTrisItemDim(globalCtx, &item->dim, init); } #ifdef NON_MATCHING // Codegen OK, .bss section problems void func_800628A4(s32 arg0, ColliderJntSph* collider) { s32 phi_s3; static Vec3f D_8015CF00; static Vec3f D_8015E648; for (phi_s3 = 0; phi_s3 < collider->count; phi_s3++) { if (arg0 == collider->list[phi_s3].dim.joint) { D_8015E648.x = collider->list[phi_s3].dim.modelSphere.center.x; D_8015E648.y = collider->list[phi_s3].dim.modelSphere.center.y; D_8015E648.z = collider->list[phi_s3].dim.modelSphere.center.z; Matrix_MultVec3f(&D_8015E648, &D_8015CF00); collider->list[phi_s3].dim.worldSphere.center.x = (s32)D_8015CF00.x; collider->list[phi_s3].dim.worldSphere.center.y = (s32)D_8015CF00.y; collider->list[phi_s3].dim.worldSphere.center.z = (s32)D_8015CF00.z; collider->list[phi_s3].dim.worldSphere.radius = (s32)((f32)collider->list[phi_s3].dim.modelSphere.radius * collider->list[phi_s3].dim.scale); } } } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_800628A4.s") #endif // NON_MATCHING #ifdef NON_MATCHING // Purple EffectSpark // .bss section problems void func_80062A28(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v) { static EffectSparkInit D_8015CF10; s32 sp24; D_8015CF10.position.x = (s32)v->x; D_8015CF10.position.y = (s32)v->y; D_8015CF10.position.z = (s32)v->z; D_8015CF10.uDiv = 5; D_8015CF10.vDiv = 5; D_8015CF10.colorStart[0].r = 128; D_8015CF10.colorStart[0].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorStart[0].b = 64; D_8015CF10.colorStart[0].a = 255; D_8015CF10.colorStart[1].r = 128; D_8015CF10.colorStart[1].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorStart[1].b = 64; D_8015CF10.colorStart[1].a = 255; D_8015CF10.colorStart[2].r = 255; D_8015CF10.colorStart[2].g = 128; D_8015CF10.colorStart[2].b = 0; D_8015CF10.colorStart[2].a = 255; D_8015CF10.colorStart[3].r = 255; D_8015CF10.colorStart[3].g = 128; D_8015CF10.colorStart[3].b = 0; D_8015CF10.colorStart[3].a = 255; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[0].r = 64; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[0].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[0].b = 32; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[0].a = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[1].r = 64; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[1].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[1].b = 32; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[1].a = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[2].r = 128; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[2].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[2].b = 64; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[2].a = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[3].r = 128; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[3].g = 0; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[3].b = 64; D_8015CF10.colorEnd[3].a = 0; D_8015CF10.timer = 0; D_8015CF10.duration = 16; D_8015CF10.speed = 8.0f; D_8015CF10.gravity = -1.0f; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SPARK, 0, 1, &D_8015CF10); } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_80062A28.s") #endif // NON_MATCHING #ifdef NON_MATCHING // White EffectSpark (Bubbles?) // .bss section problems void func_80062B80(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v) { static EffectSparkInit D_8015D3D8; s32 sp24; D_8015D3D8.position.x = (s32)v->x; D_8015D3D8.position.y = (s32)v->y; D_8015D3D8.position.z = (s32)v->z; D_8015D3D8.uDiv = 5; D_8015D3D8.vDiv = 5; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[0].r = 255; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[0].g = 255; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[0].b = 255; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[0].a = 255; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[1].r = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[1].g = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[1].b = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[1].a = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[2].r = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[2].g = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[2].b = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[2].a = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[3].r = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[3].g = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[3].b = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorStart[3].a = 100; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[0].r = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[0].g = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[0].b = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[0].a = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[1].r = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[1].g = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[1].b = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[1].a = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[2].r = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[2].g = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[2].b = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[2].a = 50; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[3].r = 0; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[3].g = 0; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[3].b = 0; D_8015D3D8.colorEnd[3].a = 0; D_8015D3D8.timer = 0; D_8015D3D8.duration = 16; D_8015D3D8.speed = 8.0f; D_8015D3D8.gravity = -1.0f; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SPARK, 0, 1, &D_8015D3D8); } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_80062B80.s") #endif // NON_MATCHING void func_80062CD4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v) { static EffectShieldParticleInit init = { 16, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0x00, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC8 }, { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF }, 2.1f, 35.0f, 30.0f, 8, { 0, 0, 0, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 300 }, 1, }; s32 sp24; init.position.x = (s32)v->x; init.position.y = (s32)v->y; init.position.z = (s32)v->z; init.lightParams.posX = init.position.x; init.lightParams.posY = init.position.y; init.lightParams.posZ = init.position.z; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SHIELD_PARTICLE, 0, 1, &init); } void func_80062D60(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v) { func_80062CD4(globalCtx, v); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REFLECT_SW, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } void func_80062DAC(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v, Vec3f* arg2) { func_80062CD4(globalCtx, v); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SHIELD_REFLECT_SW, arg2, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } void func_80062DF4(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v) { func_80062D60(globalCtx, v); } void func_80062E14(GlobalContext* globalCtx, Vec3f* v, Vec3f* arg2) { static EffectShieldParticleInit init = { 16, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0x00, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF }, { 0xFF, 0x40, 0x00, 0xC8 }, { 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF }, 2.1f, 35.0f, 30.0f, 8, { 0, 0, 0, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x00, 300 }, 0, }; s32 sp24; init.position.x = (s32)v->x; init.position.y = (s32)v->y; init.position.z = (s32)v->z; init.lightParams.posX = init.position.x; init.lightParams.posY = init.position.y; init.lightParams.posZ = init.position.z; Effect_Add(globalCtx, &sp24, EFFECT_SHIELD_PARTICLE, 0, 1, &init); Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_REFLECTION_WOOD, arg2, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8); } #ifdef NON_EQUIVALENT // Incomplete, possibly not using the same logic s32 func_80062ECC(f32 actor_ac_98_10, f32 actor_ac_98_12, f32 arg2, Vec3f* ac_actor_pos, Vec3f* at_actor_pos, Vec3f* arg5, Vec3f* arg6, Vec3f* arg7) { // arg5 = SP + 0xA8, unk input // arg6 = SP + 0x90, unk output // arg7 = SP + 0x84, unk output2 // sp -0x78 Vec3f delta_a3_a4_sp6C; Vec3f delta_a3_a5_sp60; Vec3f delta_a4_a5_sp54; f32 sp50; f32 sp4C; f32 temp_f0; f32 temp_f0_3; f32 temp_f12; f32 temp_f14; f32 sp38; f32 temp_f16_2; f32 temp_f2; s32 phi_v0; s32 phi_v1; s32 phi_a0; s32 phi_a1; s32 phi_a2; delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x = at_actor_pos->x - ac_actor_pos->x; delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y = at_actor_pos->y - ac_actor_pos->y - arg2; // temp_f14 delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z = at_actor_pos->z - ac_actor_pos->z; delta_a3_a5_sp60.x = arg5->x - ac_actor_pos->x; delta_a3_a5_sp60.y = arg5->y - ac_actor_pos->y - arg2; // temp_f6 delta_a3_a5_sp60.z = arg5->z - ac_actor_pos->z; delta_a4_a5_sp54.x = delta_a3_a5_sp60.x - delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x; // temp_f16; delta_a4_a5_sp54.y = delta_a3_a5_sp60.y - delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y; // sp18; // temp_f8; delta_a4_a5_sp54.z = delta_a3_a5_sp60.z - delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z; // temp_f18; phi_v0 = 0; // ada12c: bc1f 0xada138 ~> if (0.0f < delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y) { phi_v0 = 1; } // ada138: beqzl v0,0xada188 ~> if (phi_v0 && delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y < actor_ac_98_12) { if (sqrtf(SQ(delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x) + SQ(delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z)) < actor_ac_98_10) { return 3; } } phi_v1 = 0; if (0.0f < delta_a3_a5_sp60.y) { // ada19c: bc1f 0xada1a8 ~> phi_v1 = 1; } // ada1a8: beqzl v1,0xada1f4 ~> if (phi_v1 && delta_a3_a5_sp60.y < actor_ac_98_12) { if (sqrtf(SQ(delta_a3_a5_sp60.x) + SQ(delta_a3_a5_sp60.z)) < actor_ac_98_10) { return 3; } } // ada1f4 sp38 = SQ(delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x) + SQ(delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z) - SQ(actor_ac_98_10); // temp_f12; temp_f2 = SQ(delta_a4_a5_sp54.x) + SQ(delta_a4_a5_sp54.z); if (!(fabsf(temp_f2) < 0.008f)) { // ada23c: bc1t 0xada2f0 ~> temp_f14 = (delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a4_a5_sp54.x) * delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x + (delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a4_a5_sp54.z) * delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z; temp_f0 = SQ(temp_f14); temp_f12 = (4.0f * temp_f2) * sp38; if (temp_f0 < temp_f12) { // ada280: bc1f 0xada290 ~> return 0; } // ada290 temp_f16_2 = temp_f0 - temp_f12; temp_f0 = sqrtf(temp_f16_2); if (0.0f < temp_f16_2) { phi_v0 = 1; phi_v1 = 1; } else { phi_v0 = 0; phi_v1 = 1; } sp50 = (temp_f0 - temp_f14) / (temp_f2 + temp_f2); // temp_f16_3; if (phi_v0 == 1) { sp4C = (-temp_f14 - temp_f0) / (temp_f2 + temp_f2); } } else { // 0xada2f0 temp_f14 = ((delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a4_a5_sp54.x) * delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x) + ((delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a4_a5_sp54.z) * delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z); if (!(fabsf(temp_f14) < 0.008f)) { // ada324 phi_v0 = 0; sp50 = -sp38 / temp_f14; phi_v1 = 1; } // ada340: b 0xada468 else { if (sp38 <= 0.0f) { // ada358: bc1f 0xada460 phi_a0 = phi_v0; if (phi_v0 != 0) // ada360: beqz v0,0xada388 ~> { phi_a0 = 0; // ada37C if (delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y < actor_ac_98_12) { phi_a0 = 1; } } phi_a1 = phi_a0; // ada38C phi_a0 = phi_v1; if (phi_v1 != 0) { phi_a0 = 0; if (delta_a3_a5_sp60.y < actor_ac_98_12) { phi_a0 = 1; } } if (phi_a1) { // ada3b4 if (phi_a0) { // ada3bc *arg6 = delta_a3_a4_sp6C; *arg7 = delta_a3_a5_sp60; return 2; } } // ada408 if (phi_a1) { *arg6 = delta_a3_a4_sp6C; return 1; } // ada434 if (phi_a0) { *arg6 = delta_a3_a5_sp60; return 1; } } // ada460 return 0; } } // ada468 800632C8 if (phi_v0 == 0) { // ada468: bnezl v0,0xada4a4 ~> if (sp50 < 0.0f || 1.0f < sp50) { return 0; } } else { // ada4a4 phi_a1 = 0; if (sp50 < 0.0f) { // ada4ac phi_a1 = 1; } // ada4b8 phi_a0 = phi_a1; if (phi_a1 == 0) { phi_a1 = 0; if (1.0f < sp50) { phi_a1 = 1; } } // ada4dc phi_a2 = 0; if (sp4C < 0.0f) { phi_a2 = 1; } if (phi_a2 == 0) { phi_a2 = 0; if (1.0f < sp4C) { phi_a2 = 1; } } if (phi_a1 != 0) { if (phi_a2 != 0) { return 0; } } if (phi_a1 != 0) { phi_v1 = 0; } if (phi_a2 != 0) { phi_v0 = 0; } } if (phi_v1 == 1) { temp_f0_3 = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y; if (temp_f0_3 < 0.0f || actor_ac_98_12 < temp_f0_3) { phi_v1 = 0; } } if (phi_v0 == 1) { temp_f0_3 = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y; if (temp_f0_3 < 0.0f || actor_ac_98_12 < temp_f0_3) { phi_v0 = 0; } } if (phi_v1 == 0 && phi_v0 == 0) { return 0; } if (phi_v1 == 1) { if (phi_v0 == 1) { arg6->x = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x + ac_actor_pos->x; arg6->y = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y + ac_actor_pos->y; arg6->z = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z + ac_actor_pos->z; arg7->x = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x + ac_actor_pos->x; arg7->y = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y + ac_actor_pos->y; arg7->z = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z + ac_actor_pos->z; return 2; } } if (phi_v1 == 1) { arg6->x = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x + ac_actor_pos->x; arg6->y = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y + ac_actor_pos->y; arg6->z = sp50 * delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z + ac_actor_pos->z; return 1; } if (phi_v0 == 1) { // ada700 arg6->x = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.x + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.x + ac_actor_pos->x; arg6->y = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.y + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.y + ac_actor_pos->y; arg6->z = sp4C * delta_a4_a5_sp54.z + delta_a3_a4_sp6C.z + ac_actor_pos->z; return 1; } return 1; } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_collision_check/func_80062ECC.s") #endif s32 func_800635D0(s32 arg0) { s32 result; result = 0; if (arg0 & 0x00400100) { result = 1; } else if (arg0 & 0x03000242) { result = 2; } else if (arg0 & 0x48800400) { result = 4; } else if (arg0 & 0x04000000) { result = 8; } KREG(7) = result; return result; }