.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .data .balign 16 glabel Obj_Warp2block_InitVars .word 0x01D60700, 0x0A000011, 0x01900000, 0x00000178 .word ObjWarp2block_Init .word ObjWarp2block_Destroy .word ObjWarp2block_Update .word ObjWarp2block_Draw glabel D_80BA2840 .word 0x3F800000 glabel D_80BA2844 .word 0x42700000 glabel D_80BA2848 .word 0x00180000, 0x3F19999A, 0x42200000, 0x00190000 glabel D_80BA2858 .word 0x42700000, 0x42C80000, 0x430C0000, 0x43340000, 0x435C0000, 0x43820000, 0x43960000, 0x43960000 glabel D_80BA2878 .word 0xB0F40708, 0xB0F8012C, 0x30FC05DC glabel D_80BA2884 .word 0x64788C50, 0x8CC86496, 0xC864C8F0, 0x506E8C46, 0xA0E15064, 0x82646EBE, 0x00000000