.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purposee registers .section .data glabel D_8012AC90 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1E30, 0x10 glabel D_8012ACA0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1E40, 0x80 glabel D_8012AD20 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1EC0, 0xC glabel D_8012AD2C .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1ECC, 0x14 glabel D_8012AD40 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1EE0, 0x80 glabel D_8012ADC0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1F60, 0x18 glabel D_8012ADD8 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1F78, 0x40 glabel D_8012AE18 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1FB8, 0xC glabel D_8012AE24 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1FC4, 0xC glabel D_8012AE30 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1FD0, 0xC glabel D_8012AE3C .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA1FDC, 0x80 glabel D_8012AEBC .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA205C, 0x50 glabel D_8012AF0C .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA20AC, 0x84