#include "global.h" #include "overlays/actors/ovl_En_fHG/z_en_fhg.h" /** * Initialises the Vtx buffers used for limb at index `limbIndex` */ void Skin_InitAnimatedLimb(PlayState* play, Skin* skin, s32 limbIndex) { s32 i; SkinLimb** skeleton = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skin->skeletonHeader->segment); SkinAnimatedLimbData* animatedLimbData = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(((SkinLimb*)SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skeleton[limbIndex]))->segment); SkinLimbModif* limbModifications = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(animatedLimbData->limbModifications); SkinLimbModif* modifEntry; SkinVertex* skinVtxEntry; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(skin->vtxTable->buf); i++) { Vtx* vtxBuf = skin->vtxTable[limbIndex].buf[i]; for (modifEntry = limbModifications; modifEntry < limbModifications + animatedLimbData->limbModifCount; modifEntry++) { SkinVertex* skinVertices = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(modifEntry->skinVertices); for (skinVtxEntry = skinVertices; skinVtxEntry < &skinVertices[modifEntry->vtxCount];) { Vtx* vtx = &vtxBuf[skinVtxEntry->index]; vtx->n.flag = 0; vtx->n.tc[0] = skinVtxEntry->s; vtx->n.tc[1] = skinVtxEntry->t; vtx->n.a = skinVtxEntry->alpha; skinVtxEntry++; } } } } /** * Initializes a skin skeleton to looping animation, dynamically allocating the frame tables, * and dynamically allocating and initializing the Vtx and SkinLimbVtx buffers for its animated limbs */ void Skin_Init(PlayState* play, Skin* skin, SkeletonHeader* skeletonHeader, AnimationHeader* animationHeader) { s32 limbCount; s32 i; SkinLimb** skeleton; SkeletonHeader* virtSkelHeader = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skeletonHeader); skin->limbCount = virtSkelHeader->limbCount; skin->skeletonHeader = virtSkelHeader; skeleton = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skin->skeletonHeader->segment); limbCount = skin->skeletonHeader->limbCount; skin->vtxTable = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC(limbCount * sizeof(SkinLimbVtx), "../z_skin_awb.c", 212); ASSERT(skin->vtxTable != NULL, "pskin_awb->avb_tbl != NULL", "../z_skin_awb.c", 214); for (i = 0; i < limbCount; i++) { SkinLimbVtx* vtxEntry = &skin->vtxTable[i]; SkinLimb* limb = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skeleton[i]); if ((limb->segmentType != SKIN_LIMB_TYPE_ANIMATED) || (limb->segment == NULL)) { vtxEntry->index = 0; vtxEntry->buf[0] = NULL; vtxEntry->buf[1] = NULL; } else { SkinAnimatedLimbData* animatedLimbData = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(((void)0, limb->segment)); vtxEntry->index = 0; vtxEntry->buf[0] = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC(animatedLimbData->totalVtxCount * sizeof(Vtx), "../z_skin_awb.c", 235); ASSERT(vtxEntry->buf[0] != NULL, "psavb->buf[0] != NULL", "../z_skin_awb.c", 237); vtxEntry->buf[1] = ZELDA_ARENA_MALLOC(animatedLimbData->totalVtxCount * sizeof(Vtx), "../z_skin_awb.c", 240); ASSERT(vtxEntry->buf[1] != NULL, "psavb->buf[1] != NULL", "../z_skin_awb.c", 242); Skin_InitAnimatedLimb(play, skin, i); } } SkelAnime_InitSkin(play, &skin->skelAnime, skeletonHeader, animationHeader); } /** * Frees the dynamically allocated Vtx and SkinLimbVtx buffers and tables */ void Skin_Free(PlayState* play, Skin* skin) { if (skin->vtxTable != NULL) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < skin->limbCount; i++) { if (skin->vtxTable[i].buf[0] != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE(skin->vtxTable[i].buf[0], "../z_skin_awb.c", 276); skin->vtxTable[i].buf[0] = NULL; } if (skin->vtxTable[i].buf[1] != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE(skin->vtxTable[i].buf[1], "../z_skin_awb.c", 280); skin->vtxTable[i].buf[1] = NULL; } } if (skin->vtxTable != NULL) { ZELDA_ARENA_FREE(skin->vtxTable, "../z_skin_awb.c", 286); } SkelAnime_Free(&skin->skelAnime, play); } } s32 func_800A698C(Skin* skin, SkinLimb** skeleton, MtxF* limbMatrices, u8 parentIndex, u8 limbIndex) { s32 pad; SkinLimb* limb = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skeleton[limbIndex]); MtxF* mtx; s32 ret; MtxF sp28; if (parentIndex == LIMB_DONE) { SkinMatrix_GetClear(&mtx); } else { mtx = &limbMatrices[(s32)parentIndex]; } SkinMatrix_MtxFMtxFMult(mtx, &limbMatrices[limbIndex], &sp28); SkinMatrix_MtxFCopy(&sp28, &limbMatrices[limbIndex]); if (limb->child != LIMB_DONE) { ret = func_800A698C(skin, skeleton, limbMatrices, limbIndex, limb->child); if (ret) { return ret; } } if (limb->sibling != LIMB_DONE) { ret = func_800A698C(skin, skeleton, limbMatrices, parentIndex, limb->sibling); if (ret) { return ret; } } return false; } /** * Recursively applies matrix transformations to each limb */ s32 Skin_ApplyAnimTransformations(Skin* skin, MtxF* limbMatrices, Actor* actor, s32 setTranslation) { s32 i; s32 pad; f32 yRot; f32 xRot; f32 zRot; s32 ret; f32 yTransl; f32 xTransl; f32 zTransl; SkinLimb** skeleton = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skin->skeletonHeader->segment); Vec3s* jointRot = &skin->skelAnime.jointTable[0]; jointRot++; xRot = jointRot->x; yRot = jointRot->y; zRot = jointRot->z; if (setTranslation) { jointRot--; // access joint table entry 0 for translation data xTransl = jointRot->x; yTransl = jointRot->y; zTransl = jointRot->z; jointRot++; if (setTranslation == SKIN_TRANSFORM_IS_FHG) { EnfHG* horse = (EnfHG*)actor; yRot += horse->turnRot; } SkinMatrix_SetTranslateRotateZYX(&limbMatrices[0], xRot, yRot, zRot, xTransl, yTransl, zTransl); } else { SkinMatrix_SetTranslateRotateZYX(&limbMatrices[0], xRot, yRot, zRot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } jointRot++; for (i = 1; i < skin->skeletonHeader->limbCount; i++) { SkinLimb* limb = SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skeleton[i]); xTransl = limb->jointPos.x; yTransl = limb->jointPos.y; zTransl = limb->jointPos.z; xRot = jointRot->x; yRot = jointRot->y; zRot = jointRot->z; jointRot++; SkinMatrix_SetTranslateRotateZYX(&limbMatrices[i], xRot, yRot, zRot, xTransl, yTransl, zTransl); } SkinMatrix_SetTranslateRotateYXZScale( &skin->mtx, actor->scale.x, actor->scale.y, actor->scale.z, actor->shape.rot.x, actor->shape.rot.y, actor->shape.rot.z, actor->world.pos.x, actor->world.pos.y + (actor->shape.yOffset * actor->scale.y), actor->world.pos.z); ret = func_800A698C(skin, SEGMENTED_TO_VIRTUAL(skin->skeletonHeader->segment), limbMatrices, LIMB_DONE, 0); if (!ret) { return ret; } return false; }