#include "global.h" #include "versions.h" void Interface_Destroy(PlayState* play) { Map_Destroy(play); } #define ICON_ITEM_SEGMENT_SIZE (4 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE) void Interface_Init(PlayState* play) { InterfaceContext* interfaceCtx = &play->interfaceCtx; u32 parameterSize; u16 doActionOffset; u8 timerId; gSaveContext.sunsSongState = SUNSSONG_INACTIVE; gSaveContext.nextHudVisibilityMode = gSaveContext.hudVisibilityMode = HUD_VISIBILITY_NO_CHANGE; View_Init(&interfaceCtx->view, play->state.gfxCtx); interfaceCtx->unk_1EC = interfaceCtx->unk_1EE = interfaceCtx->unk_1F0 = 0; interfaceCtx->unk_1FA = interfaceCtx->unk_261 = interfaceCtx->unk_1FC = 0; interfaceCtx->unk_22E = 0; interfaceCtx->lensMagicConsumptionTimer = 16; interfaceCtx->unk_1F4 = 0.0f; interfaceCtx->unk_228 = XREG(95); interfaceCtx->minimapAlpha = 0; interfaceCtx->unk_260 = 0; interfaceCtx->unk_244 = interfaceCtx->aAlpha = interfaceCtx->bAlpha = interfaceCtx->cLeftAlpha = interfaceCtx->cDownAlpha = interfaceCtx->cRightAlpha = interfaceCtx->healthAlpha = interfaceCtx->startAlpha = interfaceCtx->magicAlpha = 0; parameterSize = (uintptr_t)_parameter_staticSegmentRomEnd - (uintptr_t)_parameter_staticSegmentRomStart; PRINTF(T("常駐PARAMETERセグメント=%x\n", "Permanent PARAMETER Segment = %x\n"), parameterSize); interfaceCtx->parameterSegment = GAME_STATE_ALLOC(&play->state, parameterSize, "../z_construct.c", 159); PRINTF("parameter->parameterSegment=%x\n", interfaceCtx->parameterSegment); ASSERT(interfaceCtx->parameterSegment != NULL, "parameter->parameterSegment != NULL", "../z_construct.c", 161); DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->parameterSegment, (uintptr_t)_parameter_staticSegmentRomStart, parameterSize, "../z_construct.c", 162); interfaceCtx->doActionSegment = GAME_STATE_ALLOC(&play->state, 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 166); PRINTF(T("DOアクション テクスチャ初期=%x\n", "DO Action Texture Initialization = %x\n"), 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE); PRINTF("parameter->do_actionSegment=%x\n", interfaceCtx->doActionSegment); ASSERT(interfaceCtx->doActionSegment != NULL, "parameter->do_actionSegment != NULL", "../z_construct.c", 169); #if OOT_NTSC if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_JPN) { doActionOffset = LANGUAGE_JPN * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else { doActionOffset = LANGUAGE_ENG * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } #else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_ENG) { doActionOffset = LANGUAGE_ENG * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) { doActionOffset = LANGUAGE_GER * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else { doActionOffset = LANGUAGE_FRA * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } #endif DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->doActionSegment, (uintptr_t)_do_action_staticSegmentRomStart + doActionOffset, 2 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 174); #if OOT_NTSC if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_JPN) { doActionOffset = 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE + LANGUAGE_JPN * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else { doActionOffset = 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE + LANGUAGE_ENG * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } #else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_ENG) { doActionOffset = 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE + LANGUAGE_ENG * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else if (gSaveContext.language == LANGUAGE_GER) { doActionOffset = 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE + LANGUAGE_GER * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } else { doActionOffset = 3 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE + LANGUAGE_FRA * DO_ACTION_MAX * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE; } #endif DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->doActionSegment + 2 * DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE, (uintptr_t)_do_action_staticSegmentRomStart + doActionOffset, DO_ACTION_TEX_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 178); interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment = GAME_STATE_ALLOC(&play->state, ICON_ITEM_SEGMENT_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 190); PRINTF(T("アイコンアイテム テクスチャ初期=%x\n", "Icon Item Texture Initialization = %x\n"), ICON_ITEM_SEGMENT_SIZE); PRINTF("parameter->icon_itemSegment=%x\n", interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment); ASSERT(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment != NULL, "parameter->icon_itemSegment != NULL", "../z_construct.c", 193); PRINTF("Register_Item[%x, %x, %x, %x]\n", gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[0], gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[1], gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[2], gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[3]); if (gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[0] < 0xF0) { DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment + (0 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE), GET_ITEM_ICON_VROM(gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[0]), ITEM_ICON_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 198); } else if (gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[0] != 0xFF) { DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment + (0 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE), GET_ITEM_ICON_VROM(gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[0]), ITEM_ICON_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 203); } if (gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[1] < 0xF0) { DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment + (1 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE), GET_ITEM_ICON_VROM(gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[1]), ITEM_ICON_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 209); } if (gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[2] < 0xF0) { DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment + (2 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE), GET_ITEM_ICON_VROM(gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[2]), ITEM_ICON_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 214); } if (gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[3] < 0xF0) { DMA_REQUEST_SYNC(interfaceCtx->iconItemSegment + (3 * ITEM_ICON_SIZE), GET_ITEM_ICON_VROM(gSaveContext.save.info.equips.buttonItems[3]), ITEM_ICON_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 219); } PRINTF("EVENT=%d\n", ((void)0, gSaveContext.timerState)); if ((gSaveContext.timerState == TIMER_STATE_ENV_HAZARD_TICK) || (gSaveContext.timerState == TIMER_STATE_DOWN_TICK) || (gSaveContext.subTimerState == SUBTIMER_STATE_DOWN_TICK) || (gSaveContext.subTimerState == SUBTIMER_STATE_UP_TICK)) { PRINTF("restart_flag=%d\n", ((void)0, gSaveContext.respawnFlag)); if ((gSaveContext.respawnFlag == -1) || (gSaveContext.respawnFlag == 1)) { if (gSaveContext.timerState == TIMER_STATE_ENV_HAZARD_TICK) { gSaveContext.timerState = TIMER_STATE_ENV_HAZARD_INIT; gSaveContext.timerX[TIMER_ID_MAIN] = 140; gSaveContext.timerY[TIMER_ID_MAIN] = 80; } } if ((gSaveContext.timerState == TIMER_STATE_ENV_HAZARD_TICK) || (gSaveContext.timerState == TIMER_STATE_DOWN_TICK)) { timerId = TIMER_ID_MAIN; } else { timerId = TIMER_ID_SUB; } gSaveContext.timerX[timerId] = 26; if (gSaveContext.save.info.playerData.healthCapacity > 0xA0) { gSaveContext.timerY[timerId] = 54; // two rows of hearts } else { gSaveContext.timerY[timerId] = 46; // one row of hearts } } if ((gSaveContext.timerState >= TIMER_STATE_UP_INIT) && (gSaveContext.timerState <= TIMER_STATE_UP_FREEZE)) { gSaveContext.timerState = TIMER_STATE_OFF; PRINTF(T("タイマー停止!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = %d\n", "Timer Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = %d\n"), gSaveContext.timerState); } PRINTF(T("PARAMETER領域=%x\n", "Parameter Area = %x\n"), parameterSize + 0x5300); Health_InitMeter(play); Map_Init(play); interfaceCtx->unk_23C = interfaceCtx->unk_242 = 0; R_ITEM_BTN_X(0) = B_BUTTON_X; R_B_BTN_COLOR(0) = B_BUTTON_R; R_B_BTN_COLOR(1) = B_BUTTON_G; R_B_BTN_COLOR(2) = B_BUTTON_B; R_ITEM_ICON_X(0) = B_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_AMMO_X(0) = B_BUTTON_X + 2; R_A_BTN_X = A_BUTTON_X; R_A_ICON_X = A_BUTTON_X; R_A_BTN_COLOR(0) = A_BUTTON_R; R_A_BTN_COLOR(1) = A_BUTTON_G; R_A_BTN_COLOR(2) = A_BUTTON_B; } #define TEXTBOX_SEGMENT_SIZE \ (MESSAGE_STATIC_TEX_SIZE + MAX(MAX(ITEM_ICON_SIZE, QUEST_ICON_SIZE), 2 * MESSAGE_TEXTURE_STATIC_TEX_SIZE)) void Message_Init(PlayState* play) { MessageContext* msgCtx = &play->msgCtx; s32 pad; Message_SetTables(); play->msgCtx.ocarinaMode = OCARINA_MODE_00; msgCtx->msgMode = MSGMODE_NONE; msgCtx->msgLength = 0; msgCtx->textId = msgCtx->textboxEndType = msgCtx->choiceIndex = msgCtx->ocarinaAction = msgCtx->textUnskippable = 0; msgCtx->textColorAlpha = 255; View_Init(&msgCtx->view, play->state.gfxCtx); msgCtx->textboxSegment = GAME_STATE_ALLOC(&play->state, TEXTBOX_SEGMENT_SIZE, "../z_construct.c", 349); PRINTF("message->fukidashiSegment=%x\n", msgCtx->textboxSegment); PRINTF(T("吹き出しgame_alloc=%x\n", "Textbox game_alloc=%x\n"), TEXTBOX_SEGMENT_SIZE); ASSERT(msgCtx->textboxSegment != NULL, "message->fukidashiSegment != NULL", "../z_construct.c", 352); Font_LoadOrderedFont(&play->msgCtx.font); YREG(31) = 0; } void Regs_InitDataImpl(void) { YREG(8) = 10; YREG(14) = 0; R_SCENE_CAM_TYPE = SCENE_CAM_TYPE_DEFAULT; R_TEXTBOX_TEXWIDTH = 0; R_TEXTBOX_TEXHEIGHT = 0; R_TEXTBOX_WIDTH = 50; R_TEXTBOX_HEIGHT = 0; YREG(24) = -60; YREG(25) = 13; YREG(26) = 15; YREG(27) = 41; YREG(28) = 15; YREG(32) = 265; YREG(33) = 55; YREG(34) = 0; YREG(35) = 20; YREG(36) = 0; YREG(37) = 0; YREG(38) = 0; YREG(40) = 2; YREG(41) = 1; YREG(42) = 2; YREG(43) = 1; YREG(44) = 0; YREG(45) = 236; YREG(46) = 36; YREG(47) = 0; #if OOT_NTSC R_KALEIDO_UNK1(0) = -45; R_KALEIDO_UNK1(1) = -48; R_KALEIDO_UNK2(0) = 16; R_KALEIDO_UNK2(1) = 22; R_KALEIDO_UNK3(0) = -55; R_KALEIDO_UNK3(1) = -53; R_KALEIDO_UNK4(0) = 43; R_KALEIDO_UNK4(1) = 47; R_KALEIDO_UNK5(0) = -33; R_KALEIDO_UNK5(1) = -42; R_KALEIDO_UNK6(0) = -33; R_KALEIDO_UNK6(1) = -37; #else // Same as above, although these regs are now unused for PAL versions YREG(48) = -45; YREG(49) = -48; YREG(50) = 16; YREG(51) = 22; YREG(52) = -55; YREG(53) = -53; YREG(54) = 43; YREG(55) = 47; YREG(56) = -33; YREG(57) = -42; YREG(58) = -33; YREG(59) = -37; #endif YREG(60) = 14; YREG(61) = -2; YREG(62) = -2; YREG(63) = -18; YREG(64) = -18; YREG(67) = 0; YREG(68) = 0; YREG(69) = 0; YREG(70) = 0; R_TEXTBOX_ICON_XPOS = -6; R_TEXTBOX_ICON_YPOS = 10; YREG(73) = -8; YREG(74) = 8; R_TEXTBOX_ICON_DIMENSION = 24; YREG(76) = 32; YREG(77) = 0; R_MESSAGE_DEBUGGER_SELECT = 0; R_MESSAGE_DEBUGGER_TEXTID = 48; YREG(80) = 450; YREG(81) = 0; YREG(82) = -15; YREG(83) = 500; YREG(84) = 600; YREG(85) = 0; YREG(86) = -21; YREG(87) = 510; R_C_UP_ICON_X = C_UP_BUTTON_X - 7; R_C_UP_ICON_Y = C_UP_BUTTON_Y + 4; YREG(92) = 8; YREG(93) = 6; YREG(94) = 3; YREG(95) = 1; R_MAGIC_FILL_COLOR(0) = 0; R_MAGIC_FILL_COLOR(1) = 200; R_MAGIC_FILL_COLOR(2) = 0; ZREG(9) = 140; ZREG(10) = 200; ZREG(11) = 0; ZREG(12) = 200; ZREG(13) = 0; ZREG(14) = 110; ZREG(15) = 56; ZREG(16) = 1; ZREG(17) = -50; ZREG(18) = -200; ZREG(19) = 0; ZREG(20) = 0; ZREG(21) = 50; ZREG(22) = -50; ZREG(23) = 20; ZREG(24) = 20; ZREG(25) = 4; ZREG(26) = 20; ZREG(27) = 10; ZREG(28) = 20; ZREG(29) = 4; ZREG(30) = 20; ZREG(31) = 10; ZREG(32) = 0; ZREG(33) = 0; ZREG(34) = 0; ZREG(36) = 0; ZREG(37) = 0; ZREG(38) = 0; R_C_BTN_COLOR(0) = 255; R_C_BTN_COLOR(1) = 160; R_C_BTN_COLOR(2) = 0; ZREG(46) = 1; ZREG(47) = 1; #if OOT_NTSC R_START_LABEL_DD(0) = 86; R_START_LABEL_DD(1) = 100; R_START_LABEL_WIDTH = 0; R_START_LABEL_HEIGHT = 0; R_START_LABEL_Y(0) = 21; R_START_LABEL_Y(1) = 20; R_START_LABEL_X(0) = 122; R_START_LABEL_X(1) = 120; #else R_START_LABEL_DD(0) = 100; R_START_LABEL_DD(1) = 89; R_START_LABEL_DD(2) = 92; R_START_LABEL_Y(0) = 20; R_START_LABEL_Y(1) = 20; R_START_LABEL_Y(2) = 20; R_START_LABEL_X(0) = 120; R_START_LABEL_X(1) = 119; R_START_LABEL_X(2) = 119; #endif R_PAUSE_QUEST_MEDALLION_SHINE_TIME(0) = 1; //! @bug Overlapping reg usage R_C_UP_BTN_X = C_UP_BUTTON_X; // R_PAUSE_QUEST_MEDALLION_SHINE_TIME(1) R_C_UP_BTN_Y = C_UP_BUTTON_Y; // R_PAUSE_QUEST_MEDALLION_SHINE_TIME(2) R_PAUSE_QUEST_MEDALLION_SHINE_TIME(3) = 20; ZREG(65) = 21; ZREG(66) = 122; R_ITEM_BTN_X(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_BTN_X(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_BTN_X(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_BTN_Y(0) = B_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_BTN_Y(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_BTN_Y(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_BTN_Y(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_BTN_DD(0) = 575; R_ITEM_BTN_DD(1) = 620; R_ITEM_BTN_DD(2) = 620; R_ITEM_BTN_DD(3) = 620; R_ITEM_ICON_X(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_ICON_X(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_ICON_X(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_X; R_ITEM_ICON_Y(0) = B_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_ICON_Y(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_ICON_Y(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_ICON_Y(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_Y; R_ITEM_ICON_DD(0) = 550; R_ITEM_ICON_DD(1) = 680; R_ITEM_ICON_DD(2) = 680; R_ITEM_ICON_DD(3) = 680; ZREG(94) = 1; ZREG(95) = 0; XREG(0) = 26; XREG(1) = 22; XREG(2) = -11; XREG(3) = -4; XREG(4) = 3; XREG(5) = 0; R_PAUSE_STICK_REPEAT_DELAY = 2; XREG(7) = 30; R_PAUSE_STICK_REPEAT_DELAY_FIRST = 10; XREG(9) = 0; XREG(10) = -9550; XREG(11) = 9950; XREG(12) = 68; XREG(13) = 36; XREG(14) = 4; XREG(15) = 1; R_A_BTN_Y = A_BUTTON_Y; XREG(18) = -380; R_A_ICON_Y = A_BUTTON_Y; XREG(21) = 48; XREG(25) = 0; XREG(26) = 0; XREG(27) = 0; XREG(28) = 16; XREG(29) = 50; XREG(30) = 15; XREG(31) = 8; XREG(32) = 4; XREG(33) = 2; XREG(34) = 100; XREG(35) = 7; XREG(36) = 20; XREG(37) = 10; XREG(38) = 2; XREG(39) = 140; XREG(40) = 20; XREG(41) = 300; XREG(42) = 100; XREG(43) = 70; XREG(44) = 50; XREG(45) = 36; XREG(46) = 16; XREG(47) = 8; R_MAGIC_METER_Y_HIGHER = 34; R_MAGIC_METER_X = 18; R_MAGIC_METER_Y_LOWER = 42; R_MAGIC_FILL_X = 26; XREG(52) = 0; XREG(53) = 1; R_TEXT_INIT_XPOS = 65; R_TEXT_INIT_YPOS = 60; R_TEXT_LINE_SPACING = 16; R_TEXT_CHAR_SCALE = 80; XREG(58) = 80; XREG(59) = 12; R_TEXT_DROP_SHADOW_OFFSET = 1; R_TEXTBOX_BG_YPOS = 3; XREG(62) = 0; XREG(63) = 100; R_TEXTBOX_END_XPOS = 158; R_TEXTBOX_END_YPOS = 102; R_TEXT_CHOICE_XPOS = 48; R_TEXT_CHOICE_YPOS(0) = 54; R_TEXT_CHOICE_YPOS(1) = 70; R_TEXT_CHOICE_YPOS(2) = 86; XREG(70) = -300; XREG(71) = 0; R_TEXTBOX_X_TARGET = 54; R_TEXTBOX_Y_TARGET = 48; R_TEXTBOX_WIDTH_TARGET = 128; R_TEXTBOX_HEIGHT_TARGET = 64; R_TEXTBOX_TEXWIDTH_TARGET = 2048; R_TEXTBOX_TEXHEIGHT_TARGET = 512; XREG(78) = 96; XREG(79) = 98; XREG(80) = 0; XREG(81) = 50; XREG(82) = 25; XREG(83) = 100; XREG(84) = 100; XREG(85) = 0; XREG(86) = 0; XREG(87) = 0; XREG(88) = -50; XREG(89) = -100; XREG(90) = -500; XREG(91) = 0; XREG(92) = 100; XREG(93) = 100; XREG(94) = 160; XREG(95) = 200; R_PAUSE_PAGES_Y_ORIGIN_2 = -6080; R_PAUSE_DEPTH_OFFSET = 9355; WREG(4) = 8; WREG(5) = 3; WREG(6) = 8; WREG(7) = 0; #if OOT_NTSC R_B_LABEL_SCALE(0) = 100; R_B_LABEL_SCALE(1) = 109; R_B_LABEL_X(0) = 151; R_B_LABEL_X(1) = 148; R_B_LABEL_Y(0) = 23; R_B_LABEL_Y(1) = 22; R_A_LABEL_Z(0) = -380; R_A_LABEL_Z(1) = -350; #else // Same as above, although these regs are now unused in PAL versions WREG(8) = 100; WREG(9) = 109; WREG(10) = 151; WREG(11) = 148; WREG(12) = 23; WREG(13) = 22; WREG(14) = -380; WREG(15) = -350; #endif WREG(16) = -175; WREG(17) = 155; WREG(18) = 10; WREG(19) = 10; WREG(20) = -50; WREG(21) = -54; WREG(22) = -32; WREG(23) = -38; WREG(24) = -36; WREG(25) = 40; WREG(26) = -40; WREG(27) = 0; WREG(28) = 0; R_OW_MINIMAP_X = 238; R_OW_MINIMAP_Y = 164; R_MINIMAP_DISABLED = false; WREG(32) = 122; WREG(33) = 60; WREG(35) = 0; WREG(36) = 0; #if OOT_PAL R_B_LABEL_SCALE(0) = 100; R_B_LABEL_SCALE(1) = 99; R_B_LABEL_SCALE(2) = 109; R_B_LABEL_X(0) = B_BUTTON_X - 9; R_B_LABEL_X(1) = B_BUTTON_X - 11; R_B_LABEL_X(2) = B_BUTTON_X - 12; R_B_LABEL_Y(0) = B_BUTTON_Y + 6; R_B_LABEL_Y(1) = B_BUTTON_Y + 5; R_B_LABEL_Y(2) = B_BUTTON_Y + 5; R_A_LABEL_Z(0) = -380; R_A_LABEL_Z(1) = -360; R_A_LABEL_Z(2) = -350; R_KALEIDO_UNK1(0) = -48; R_KALEIDO_UNK1(1) = 16; R_KALEIDO_UNK1(2) = -62; R_KALEIDO_UNK2(0) = 22; R_KALEIDO_UNK2(1) = -84; R_KALEIDO_UNK2(2) = 20; R_KALEIDO_UNK3(0) = -53; R_KALEIDO_UNK3(1) = 40; R_KALEIDO_UNK3(2) = -64; R_KALEIDO_UNK4(0) = 47; R_KALEIDO_UNK4(1) = -84; R_KALEIDO_UNK4(2) = 44; R_KALEIDO_UNK5(0) = -42; R_KALEIDO_UNK5(1) = 32; R_KALEIDO_UNK5(2) = -45; R_KALEIDO_UNK6(0) = -37; R_KALEIDO_UNK6(1) = 30; R_KALEIDO_UNK6(2) = -50; #endif R_DGN_MINIMAP_X = 204; R_DGN_MINIMAP_Y = 140; WREG(87) = 80; WREG(88) = 70; WREG(89) = 40; WREG(90) = 320; WREG(91) = 40; WREG(92) = 3; WREG(93) = 6; WREG(94) = 3; WREG(95) = 6; if (gSaveContext.gameMode == GAMEMODE_NORMAL) { R_TEXTBOX_X = 52; R_TEXTBOX_Y = 36; VREG(2) = 214; VREG(3) = 76; VREG(4) = 304; VREG(5) = 430; VREG(6) = 1; R_TEXTBOX_CLEF_XPOS = 78; R_TEXTBOX_CLEF_YPOS = 166; VREG(9) = 40; R_COMPASS_SCALE_X = 32; R_COMPASS_SCALE_Y = 32; R_COMPASS_OFFSET_X = 110; R_COMPASS_OFFSET_Y = -740; R_MINIMAP_COLOR(0) = 0; R_MINIMAP_COLOR(1) = 255; R_MINIMAP_COLOR(2) = 255; } VREG(21) = 0; VREG(22) = 0; VREG(23) = 0; VREG(24) = 0; VREG(25) = 0; VREG(26) = 0; VREG(27) = 0; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_XPOS = 98; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_XPOS_OFFSET = 18; VREG(30) = 0; VREG(31) = 0; VREG(32) = 0; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_1_R = 70; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_1_G = 255; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_1_B = 80; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_2_R = 70; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_2_G = 255; R_TEXT_ADJUST_COLOR_2_B = 80; VREG(40) = 9; VREG(42) = 250; VREG(43) = 440; VREG(44) = 10; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS(0) = 190; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS(1) = 184; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS(2) = 176; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS(3) = 172; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS(4) = 170; VREG(50) = 30; R_OCARINA_BUTTONS_YPOS_OFFSET = 0; VREG(52) = -16; VREG(53) = 230; VREG(54) = 230; VREG(55) = 120; VREG(56) = -720; VREG(57) = 255; VREG(58) = 255; VREG(59) = 255; R_KALEIDO_PROMPT_CURSOR_ALPHA_TIMER_BASE = 20; R_KALEIDO_PROMPT_CURSOR_ALPHA = 100; R_KALEIDO_PROMPT_CURSOR_ALPHA_STATE = 0; R_KALEIDO_PROMPT_CURSOR_ALPHA_TIMER = 10; R_ITEM_AMMO_X(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_X + 1; R_ITEM_AMMO_X(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_X + 1; R_ITEM_AMMO_X(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_X + 1; R_ITEM_AMMO_Y(0) = B_BUTTON_Y + 18; R_ITEM_AMMO_Y(1) = C_LEFT_BUTTON_Y + 17; R_ITEM_AMMO_Y(2) = C_DOWN_BUTTON_Y + 17; R_ITEM_AMMO_Y(3) = C_RIGHT_BUTTON_Y + 17; VREG(72) = 0; VREG(73) = 0; VREG(74) = 0; VREG(75) = 0; R_ITEM_ICON_WIDTH(0) = 30; R_ITEM_ICON_WIDTH(1) = 24; R_ITEM_ICON_WIDTH(2) = 24; R_ITEM_ICON_WIDTH(3) = 24; R_ITEM_BTN_WIDTH(0) = 29; R_ITEM_BTN_WIDTH(1) = 27; R_ITEM_BTN_WIDTH(2) = 27; R_ITEM_BTN_WIDTH(3) = 27; VREG(84) = 0; VREG(85) = 50; VREG(86) = 0; VREG(87) = 64; VREG(88) = 66; VREG(89) = 0; R_GAME_OVER_RUMBLE_STRENGTH = 126; R_GAME_OVER_RUMBLE_DURATION = 124; //! @bug This is eventually cast to a u8 after some scaling in `GameOver_Update`, negative numbers typically //! become large (fast) decrease rates R_GAME_OVER_RUMBLE_DECREASE_RATE = -63; } void Regs_InitData(PlayState* play) { Regs_InitDataImpl(); }