#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import csv import git import os import re parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Computes current progress throughout the whole project.") parser.add_argument("-m", "--matching", dest='matching', action='store_true', help="Output matching progress instead of decompilation progress") parser.add_argument("-c", "--csv", dest="csv", action="store_true", help="Output results in CSV format") args = parser.parse_args() NON_MATCHING_PATTERN = r"#ifdef\s+NON_MATCHING.*?#pragma\s+GLOBAL_ASM\s*\(\s*\"(.*?)\"\s*\).*?#endif" def GetNonMatchingFunctions(files): functions = [] for file in files: with open(file) as f: functions += re.findall(NON_MATCHING_PATTERN, f.read(), re.DOTALL) return functions def ReadAllLines(fileName): lineList = list() with open(fileName) as f: lineList = f.readlines() return lineList def GetFiles(path, ext): files = [] for r, d, f in os.walk(path): for file in f: if file.endswith(ext): files.append(os.path.join(r, file)) return files nonMatchingFunctions = GetNonMatchingFunctions(GetFiles("src", ".c")) if not args.matching else [] def GetNonMatchingSize(path): size = 0 asmFiles = GetFiles(path, ".s") for asmFilePath in asmFiles: if asmFilePath not in nonMatchingFunctions: asmLines = ReadAllLines(asmFilePath) for asmLine in asmLines: if (asmLine.startswith("/*")): size += 4 return size mapFile = ReadAllLines("build/z64.map") src = 0 code = 0 boot = 0 ovl = 0 asm = 0 for line in mapFile: lineSplit = list(filter(None, line.split(" "))) if (len(lineSplit) == 4 and lineSplit[0].startswith(".")): section = lineSplit[0] size = int(lineSplit[2], 16) objFile = lineSplit[3] if (section == ".text"): if (objFile.startswith("build/src")): src += size elif (objFile.startswith("build/asm")): asm += size if (objFile.startswith("build/src/code") or objFile.startswith("build/src/libultra_code")): code += size elif (objFile.startswith("build/src/boot") or objFile.startswith("build/src/libultra_boot")): boot += size elif (objFile.startswith("build/src/overlays")): ovl += size nonMatchingASM = GetNonMatchingSize("asm/non_matchings") nonMatchingASMBoot = GetNonMatchingSize("asm/non_matchings/boot") nonMatchingASMCode = GetNonMatchingSize("asm/non_matchings/code") + GetNonMatchingSize("asm/non_matchings/libultra_code") nonMatchingASMOvl = GetNonMatchingSize("asm/non_matchings/overlays") src -= nonMatchingASM code -= nonMatchingASMCode boot -= nonMatchingASMBoot ovl -= nonMatchingASMOvl asm += nonMatchingASM bootSize = 30704 # decompilable code only codeSize = 1004128 # .text section except rsp bins (1.00mb) ovlSize = 2812000 # .text sections handwritten = 5840 # boot only asm -= handwritten total = src + asm srcPct = 100 * src / total asmPct = 100 * asm / total codePct = 100 * code / codeSize bootPct = 100 * boot / bootSize ovlPct = 100 * ovl / ovlSize compiled_bytes = total bytesPerHeartPiece = compiled_bytes / 80 if args.csv: version = 1 git_object = git.Repo().head.object timestamp = str(git_object.committed_date) git_hash = git_object.hexsha csv_list = [str(version), timestamp, git_hash, str(code), str(codeSize), str(boot), str(bootSize), str(ovl), str(ovlSize), str(src), str(asm), str(len(nonMatchingFunctions))] print(",".join(csv_list)) else: adjective = "decompiled" if not args.matching else "matched" print(str(total) + " total bytes of decompilable code\n") print(str(src) + " bytes " + adjective + " in src " + str(srcPct) + "%\n") print(str(boot) + "/" + str(bootSize) + " bytes " + adjective + " in boot " + str(bootPct) + "%\n") print(str(code) + "/" + str(codeSize) + " bytes " + adjective + " in code " + str(codePct) + "%\n") print(str(ovl) + "/" + str(ovlSize) + " bytes " + adjective + " in overlays " + str(ovlPct) + "%\n") print("------------------------------------\n") heartPieces = int(src / bytesPerHeartPiece) rupees = int(((src % bytesPerHeartPiece) * 100) / bytesPerHeartPiece) if (rupees > 0): print("You have " + str(heartPieces) + "/80 heart pieces and " + str(rupees) + " rupee(s).\n") else: print("You have " + str(heartPieces) + "/80 heart pieces.\n")