#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import argparse offsets = set() replacements = {} global_name = '' name_fmt = 'g{0}{1}_{2}' spec_fmt = ' include "build/assets/objects/{0}/{0}.o"\n number 6\n' dlist_xml = '' collision_xml = '' animation_xml = '' skeleton_xml = '' unknown_xml = '' def set_globals(new_name): global offsets global global_name global replacements offsets = set() replacements = {} global_name = new_name return 0 def dlist_to_xml(var_name,offset): return dlist_xml.format(var_name,offset.lstrip('0')) def collision_to_xml(var_name,offset): return collision_xml.format(var_name,offset.lstrip('0')) def animation_to_xml(var_name,offset): return animation_xml.format(var_name,offset.lstrip('0')) def skeleton_to_xml(var_name,offset, type): skel_type = "Flex" if "Flex" in type else "Standard" limb_type = "Standard" return skeleton_xml.format(var_name, offset.lstrip('0'), skel_type, limb_type) def unknown_to_xml(var_name,offset, type): return unknown_xml.format(var_name,offset.lstrip('0'),type) def make_xml_line(offset, type): if 'Gfx' in type: var_name = name_fmt.format(global_name,'DL',offset) xml_line = dlist_to_xml(var_name, offset) elif 'Col' in type: var_name = name_fmt.format(global_name,'Col',offset) xml_line = collision_to_xml(var_name, offset) elif 'Animation' in type: var_name = name_fmt.format(global_name,'Anim',offset) xml_line = animation_to_xml(var_name, offset) elif 'Skeleton' in type: var_name = name_fmt.format(global_name,'Skel',offset) xml_line = skeleton_to_xml(var_name, offset, type) else: var_name = name_fmt.format(global_name,'Unknown',offset) xml_line = unknown_to_xml(var_name, offset, type) print('Unknown type at offset', offset) replacements['06'+offset] = var_name return xml_line def extern_to_xml(line): global offsets type = line.split()[1] sym = line.split()[2] offset = sym[4:10] if(offset in offsets): return '' else: offsets.add(offset) xml_line = ' ' * 8 xml_line += make_xml_line(offset, type) # make_replace(offset, type) return xml_line + '\n' def find_type(srcdata, i): j = i while(j >= 0 and ' = {' not in srcdata[j]): j -= 1 if(j < 0): return 'UNKNOWN' else: return srcdata[j].split(' = {')[0].split()[-2] def other_to_xml(srcdata, i): xml_data = '' line = srcdata[i] index = line.find('0x060') while(index < len(line) and '0x060' in line[index:]): offset = line[index+4:index+10] type = find_type(srcdata, i) if(offset not in offsets): offsets.add(offset) xml_data += ' ' * 8 + make_xml_line(offset, type) + '\n' # make_replace(offset, type) index += line[index+10:].find('0x060') + 10 return xml_data def find_object(src): with open(src,'r',encoding='utf-8') as srcfile: srcdata = srcfile.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(srcdata): if 'OBJECT_' in line and ' FLAGS,' in srcdata[i-1]: object = line.strip().strip(',') return object.lower() print('Object not found in', src) object = '' return object def create_xml(src, name): set_globals(name) with open(src,'r',encoding='utf-8') as srcfile: srcdata = srcfile.readlines() object = find_object(src) xml = '\n \n' symbols = {} for i, line in enumerate(srcdata): if '0x060' in line or 'D_060' in line: if 'extern' in line: xml += extern_to_xml(line) elif '0x060' in line: xml += other_to_xml(srcdata, i) xml += ' \n\n' return xml def add_header(src): object = find_object(src) if(object == ''): return 0 with open(src,'r', encoding='utf-8') as srcfile: srcdata = srcfile.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(srcdata): if('#include' in line): break srcdata = srcdata[0:i+1] + ['#include "objects/' + object + '/' + object + '.h"\n'] + srcdata[i+1:] with open(src,'w',encoding='utf-8', newline = '\n') as outfile: outfile.writelines(srcdata) return 1 def replace_src(src): global replacements global global_name add_header(src) with open(src,'r', encoding='utf-8') as srcfile: srcdata = srcfile.read() for key in list(replacements.keys()): srcdata = srcdata.replace(key, replacements.get(key)) srcdata = srcdata.replace('D_g' + global_name, 'g' + global_name) if('Gfx' in replacements.get(key)): srcdata = srcdata.replace('0xg' + global_name, 'g' + global_name) else: srcdata = srcdata.replace('0xg' + global_name, '&g' + global_name) with open(src,'w',encoding='utf-8', newline = '\n') as outfile: outfile.write(srcdata) return 1 def fix_spec(src, spec): object = find_object(src) fix = False old = False with open(spec, 'r') as specfile: specdata = specfile.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(specdata): if ('"' + object + '"') in line: if 'number' in specdata[i+3]: old = True else: specdata[i+2] = spec_fmt.format(object) fix = True break if old: print('Already fixed', object, 'in', spec) return 0 if not fix: print('Could not find',object,'in', spec) return -1 with open(spec, 'w', newline='\n') as outfile: outfile.writelines(specdata) return 1 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate an xml object file from a source file") parser.add_argument('file', help="overlay file to generate xml from") parser.add_argument('name', help='name to use for xml variables') parser.add_argument('-r',action='store_true', help="replace variables in overlay with the new names") parser.add_argument('-s',metavar = 'spec', dest = 'spec', help="spec file to update", default=None) parser.add_argument('-o', metavar = 'outfile', dest = 'outfile', help = 'file to write xml to', default = None) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() if args.outfile is None: print(create_xml(args.file, args.name)) else: with open(args.outfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8',newline='\n') as outfile: outfile.write(create_xml(args.file, args.name)) if(args.r): replace_src(args.file) if(args.spec is not None): fix_spec(args.file, args.spec)