#ifndef FAULT_H #define FAULT_H #include "ultra64.h" #include "attributes.h" #include "padmgr.h" // These are the same as the 3-bit ansi color codes #define FAULT_COLOR_BLACK 0 #define FAULT_COLOR_RED 1 #define FAULT_COLOR_GREEN 2 #define FAULT_COLOR_YELLOW 3 #define FAULT_COLOR_BLUE 4 #define FAULT_COLOR_MAGENTA 5 #define FAULT_COLOR_CYAN 6 #define FAULT_COLOR_WHITE 7 // Additional color codes #define FAULT_COLOR_DARK_GRAY 8 #define FAULT_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY 9 #define FAULT_COLOR_STRINGIFY(s) #s #define FAULT_COLOR_EXPAND_AND_STRINGIFY(s) FAULT_COLOR_STRINGIFY(s) #define FAULT_ESC '\x1A' #define FAULT_COLOR(n) "\x1A" FAULT_COLOR_EXPAND_AND_STRINGIFY(FAULT_COLOR_ ## n) typedef struct FaultClient { /* 0x00 */ struct FaultClient* next; /* 0x04 */ void* callback; /* 0x08 */ void* arg0; /* 0x0C */ void* arg1; } FaultClient; // size = 0x10 typedef struct FaultAddrConvClient { /* 0x00 */ struct FaultAddrConvClient* next; /* 0x04 */ void* callback; /* 0x08 */ void* arg; } FaultAddrConvClient; // size = 0xC // Initialization void Fault_Init(void); // Fatal Errors NORETURN void Fault_AddHungupAndCrashImpl(const char* exp1, const char* exp2); NORETURN void Fault_AddHungupAndCrash(const char* file, int line); // Client Registration void Fault_AddClient(FaultClient* client, void* callback, void* arg0, void* arg1); void Fault_RemoveClient(FaultClient* client); void Fault_AddAddrConvClient(FaultAddrConvClient* client, void* callback, void* arg); void Fault_RemoveAddrConvClient(FaultAddrConvClient* client); // For use in Fault Client callbacks void Fault_WaitForInput(void); void Fault_FillScreenBlack(void); void Fault_SetFrameBuffer(void* fb, u16 w, u16 h); void FaultDrawer_SetForeColor(u16 color); void FaultDrawer_SetBackColor(u16 color); void FaultDrawer_SetFontColor(u16 color); void FaultDrawer_SetCharPad(s8 padW, s8 padH); void FaultDrawer_SetCursor(s32 x, s32 y); s32 FaultDrawer_VPrintf(const char* fmt, va_list args); s32 FaultDrawer_Printf(const char* fmt, ...); void FaultDrawer_DrawText(s32 x, s32 y, const char* fmt, ...); typedef struct FaultMgr { /* 0x000 */ OSThread thread; /* 0x1B0 */ char unk_1B0[0x600]; // probably an unused internal thread stack for `Fault_ClientRunTask`/`clientThreadSp` /* 0x7B0 */ OSMesgQueue queue; /* 0x7C8 */ OSMesg msg; /* 0x7CC */ u8 exit; /* 0x7CD */ u8 msgId; /* 0x7CE */ u8 faultHandlerEnabled; /* 0x7CF */ u8 autoScroll; /* 0x7D0 */ OSThread* faultedThread; /* 0x7D4 */ void (*padCallback)(Input* inputs); /* 0x7D8 */ FaultClient* clients; /* 0x7DC */ FaultAddrConvClient* addrConvClients; /* 0x7E0 */ char unk_7E0[0x4]; /* 0x7E4 */ Input inputs[MAXCONTROLLERS]; /* 0x844 */ void* fb; /* 0x848 */ void* clientThreadSp; } FaultMgr; // size = 0x850 extern FaultMgr gFaultMgr; #endif