#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import struct SIMPLIFY_OUTPUT = True OVL_KALEIDO_SCOPE_RAM = 0x80813820 gPauseMapMarkDataTable = 0x8082B2C0 SCENES = [ ("Deku Tree", 5), ("Dodongo's Cavern", 2), ("Jabu-Jabu's Belly", 2), ("Forest Temple", 4), ("Fire Temple", 5), ("Water Temple", 4), ("Spirit Temple", 4), ("Shadow Temple", 4), ("Bottom of the Well", 3), ("Ice Cavern", 1), ] def RamToOff(vram): return vram - OVL_KALEIDO_SCOPE_RAM def GetPoints(data, ptr): points = [] off = RamToOff(ptr) for i in range(12): v = struct.unpack_from(">hhff", data[off:off+0x0C]) if not (SIMPLIFY_OUTPUT and v[0] == 0 and v[2] == 0 and v[3] == 0): points.append([v[0], v[2], v[3]]) off = off + 0x0C return points def GetIconData(data, ptr): off = RamToOff(ptr) v = struct.unpack_from(">hhiIii", data[off:off+0x14]) points = GetPoints(data, ptr+0x14) return [v[0], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], points] def GetSceneMap(data, ptr): icons = [] for i in range(3): icon = GetIconData(data, ptr + (i * 0xA4)) if not SIMPLIFY_OUTPUT or icon[0] != 0 or icon[4] > 0: icons.append(icon) return icons def GetIconName(v): if v == 0: return "PAUSE_MAP_MARK_CHEST" if v == 1: return "PAUSE_MAP_MARK_BOSS" if v == -1: return "PAUSE_MAP_MARK_NONE" return v def GetVtxPointer(v): if v == 0: return "NULL" if v == 0x80830610: return "sMarkBossVtx" if v == 0x80830650: return "sMarkChestVtx" def IND(n): return ' ' * 4 * n scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) repo = scriptDir + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + ".." kaleido_scope_data = [] with open(repo + "/baseroms/gc-eu-mq-dbg/segments/ovl_kaleido_scope", "rb") as file: kaleido_scope_data = bytearray(file.read()) scenemaps = [] i = 0 for name, numMaps in SCENES: maps = [] for k in range(numMaps): maps.append(GetSceneMap(kaleido_scope_data, gPauseMapMarkDataTable + (i * 0x1EC))) i += 1 scenemaps.append((name, maps)) cstr = "" cstr += "PauseMapMarksData gPauseMapMarkDataTable[] = {\n" for scenemap in scenemaps: for mapId, map in enumerate(scenemap[1]): cstr += IND(1) + f"// {scenemap[0]} map {mapId}\n" cstr += IND(1) + "{\n" for icon in map: if SIMPLIFY_OUTPUT and icon[0] == -1: cstr += IND(2) + f"{{ {GetIconName(icon[0])}, 0, NULL, 0, 0, {{ 0 }} }},\n" else: cstr += IND(2) + "{\n" cstr += IND(3) + f"{GetIconName(icon[0])}, {icon[1]}, {GetVtxPointer(icon[2])}, {icon[3]}, {icon[4]},\n" cstr += IND(3) + "{\n" for point in icon[5]: cstr += IND(4) + f"{{ {point[0]}, {point[1]}f, {point[2]}f }},\n" cstr += IND(3) + "}\n" cstr += IND(2) + "},\n" cstr += IND(1) + "},\n" cstr += "};" print(cstr)