#include "global.h" void GameOver_Init(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { globalCtx->gameOverCtx.state = GAMEOVER_INACTIVE; } void GameOver_FadeInLights(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { GameOverContext* gameOverCtx = &globalCtx->gameOverCtx; if ((gameOverCtx->state >= GAMEOVER_DEATH_WAIT_GROUND && gameOverCtx->state < GAMEOVER_REVIVE_START) || (gameOverCtx->state >= GAMEOVER_REVIVE_RUMBLE && gameOverCtx->state < GAMEOVER_REVIVE_FADE_OUT)) { Environment_FadeInGameOverLights(globalCtx); } } // This variable cannot be moved into this file as all of z_message_PAL rodata is in the way extern s16 gGameOverTimer; void GameOver_Update(GlobalContext* globalCtx) { GameOverContext* gameOverCtx = &globalCtx->gameOverCtx; s16 i; s16 j; s32 v90; s32 v91; s32 v92; switch (gameOverCtx->state) { case GAMEOVER_DEATH_START: Message_CloseTextbox(globalCtx); gSaveContext.timer1State = 0; gSaveContext.timer2State = 0; gSaveContext.eventInf[1] &= ~1; // search inventory for spoiling items and revert if necessary for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gSpoilingItems); i++) { if (INV_CONTENT(ITEM_POCKET_EGG) == gSpoilingItems[i]) { INV_CONTENT(gSpoilingItemReverts[i]) = gSpoilingItemReverts[i]; // search c buttons for the found spoiling item and revert if necessary for (j = 1; j < ARRAY_COUNT(gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems); j++) { if (gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[j] == gSpoilingItems[i]) { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[j] = gSpoilingItemReverts[i]; Interface_LoadItemIcon1(globalCtx, j); } } } } // restore "temporary B" to the B Button if not a sword item if (gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] != ITEM_SWORD_KOKIRI && gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] != ITEM_SWORD_MASTER && gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] != ITEM_SWORD_BGS && gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] != ITEM_SWORD_KNIFE) { if (gSaveContext.buttonStatus[0] != BTN_ENABLED) { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] = gSaveContext.buttonStatus[0]; } else { gSaveContext.equips.buttonItems[0] = ITEM_NONE; } } gSaveContext.nayrusLoveTimer = 2000; gSaveContext.naviTimer = 0; gSaveContext.seqId = (u8)NA_BGM_DISABLED; gSaveContext.natureAmbienceId = 0xFF; gSaveContext.eventInf[0] = 0; gSaveContext.eventInf[1] = 0; gSaveContext.eventInf[2] = 0; gSaveContext.eventInf[3] = 0; gSaveContext.buttonStatus[0] = gSaveContext.buttonStatus[1] = gSaveContext.buttonStatus[2] = gSaveContext.buttonStatus[3] = gSaveContext.buttonStatus[4] = BTN_ENABLED; gSaveContext.unk_13E7 = gSaveContext.unk_13E8 = gSaveContext.unk_13EA = gSaveContext.unk_13EC = 0; Environment_InitGameOverLights(globalCtx); gGameOverTimer = 20; if (1) {} v90 = VREG(90); v91 = VREG(91); v92 = VREG(92); func_800AA000(0.0f, ((v90 > 0x64) ? 0xFF : (v90 * 0xFF) / 0x64), (CLAMP_MAX(v91 * 3, 0xFF)), ((v92 > 0x64) ? 0xFF : (v92 * 0xFF) / 0x64)); gameOverCtx->state = GAMEOVER_DEATH_WAIT_GROUND; break; case GAMEOVER_DEATH_WAIT_GROUND: break; case GAMEOVER_DEATH_DELAY_MENU: gGameOverTimer--; if (gGameOverTimer == 0) { globalCtx->pauseCtx.state = 8; gameOverCtx->state++; func_800AA15C(); } break; case GAMEOVER_REVIVE_START: gameOverCtx->state++; gGameOverTimer = 0; Environment_InitGameOverLights(globalCtx); ShrinkWindow_SetVal(0x20); return; case GAMEOVER_REVIVE_RUMBLE: gGameOverTimer = 50; gameOverCtx->state++; if (1) {} v90 = VREG(90); v91 = VREG(91); v92 = VREG(92); func_800AA000(0.0f, ((v90 > 0x64) ? 0xFF : (v90 * 0xFF) / 0x64), (CLAMP_MAX(v91 * 3, 0xFF)), ((v92 > 0x64) ? 0xFF : (v92 * 0xFF) / 0x64)); break; case GAMEOVER_REVIVE_WAIT_GROUND: gGameOverTimer--; if (gGameOverTimer == 0) { gGameOverTimer = 64; gameOverCtx->state++; } break; case GAMEOVER_REVIVE_WAIT_FAIRY: gGameOverTimer--; if (gGameOverTimer == 0) { gGameOverTimer = 50; gameOverCtx->state++; } break; case GAMEOVER_REVIVE_FADE_OUT: Environment_FadeOutGameOverLights(globalCtx); gGameOverTimer--; if (gGameOverTimer == 0) { gameOverCtx->state = GAMEOVER_INACTIVE; } break; } }