.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .bss .balign 16 glabel D_8015BC30 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC3C .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC48 .space 0x10 glabel D_8015BC58 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC64 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC70 .space 0x10 glabel D_8015BC80 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC8C .space 0xC glabel D_8015BC98 .space 0x10 glabel D_8015BCA8 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BCB4 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BCC0 .space 0x10 glabel D_8015BCD0 .space 0xC glabel D_8015BCDC .space 0xC glabel D_8015BCE8 .space 0x10 glabel D_8015BCF8 .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BCFC .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD00 .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD04 .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD08 .space 0x2 glabel D_8015BD0A .space 0x2 glabel D_8015BD0C .space 0x2 glabel D_8015BD0E .space 0x2 glabel D_8015BD10 .space 0x24 glabel D_8015BD34 .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD38 .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD3C .space 0x4 glabel D_8015BD40 .space 0x10