.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purposee registers .section .rodata glabel D_80B0B4C0 .asciz "金スタル屋 no = %d\n" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B4DC .word 0xB6E2A5B9, 0xA5BFA5EB, 0xB2B020A4, 0xDEA4C020, 0xBFCDB4D6, 0xA4CBCCE1, 0xA4ECA4CA, 0xA4A4200A, 0x00000000 glabel D_80B0B500 .asciz "金スタル屋 まだ 人間に戻れない \n" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B52C .asciz "bank_ID = %d\n" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B53C .word 0x30000000 glabel D_80B0B540 .asciz "../z_en_sth.c" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B550 .asciz "../z_en_sth.c" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B560 .asciz "../z_en_sth.c" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B570 .asciz "../z_en_sth.c" .balign 4 glabel D_80B0B580 .asciz "../z_en_sth.c" .balign 4