.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .data .balign 16 glabel gWaveSamples .word D_8012E090 .word D_8012E290 .word D_8012E490 .word D_8012E690 .word D_8012E890 .word D_8012EA90 .word D_8012EC90 .word D_8012EE90 .word D_8012EE90 glabel D_8012F0B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6254, 0x200 glabel D_8012F2B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6454, 0x200 glabel D_8012F4B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6654, 0x200 glabel D_8012F6B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6854, 0x200 glabel D_8012F8B4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6A54, 0x200 glabel D_8012FAB4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C54, 0x10 glabel D_8012FAC4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C64, 0x10 glabel D_8012FAD4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C74, 0x10 glabel gZeroNoteSub .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6C84, 0x20 glabel gDefaultNoteSub .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6CA4, 0x20 glabel gHeadsetPanQuantization .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6CC4, 0x7E glabel D_8012FBA2 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6D42, 0x8 glabel D_8012FBAA .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6D4A, 0x7E glabel gHeadsetPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6DC8, 0x1FC glabel D_8012FE24 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6FC4, 0x4 glabel gStereoPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA6FC8, 0x1D7 glabel D_8012FFFF .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA719F, 0x2 glabel D_80130001 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71A1, 0x1 glabel D_80130002 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71A2, 0x2 glabel D_80130004 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71A4, 0x2 glabel D_80130006 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71A6, 0x1E glabel D_80130024 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71C4, 0x4 glabel gDefaultPanVolume .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA71C8, 0x1FC glabel D_80130224 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA73C4, 0x4 glabel D_80130228 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA73C8, 0x100 glabel D_80130328 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA74C8, 0x148 glabel D_80130470 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7610, 0x30 glabel D_801304A0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7640, 0x4 glabel D_801304A4 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7644, 0x4 glabel D_801304A8 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7648, 0x4 glabel D_801304AC .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA764C, 0x14 glabel D_801304C0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBA7660, 0x10