.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .data .balign 16 glabel D_80AE81A0 .word 0x06003620, 0x06003960, 0x06003B60 glabel D_80AE81AC .word 0x00000000 glabel D_80AE81B0 .word func_80AE7798 .word func_80AE77B8 .word func_80AE77F8 .word func_80AE7838 .word func_80AE7C64 .word func_80AE7C94 .word func_80AE7CE8 .word func_80AE7D40 glabel D_80AE81D0 .word func_80AE7FD0 .word func_80AE7FDC .word func_80AE7D94 glabel En_Rl_InitVars .word 0x00A60400, 0x00000010, 0x00A70000, 0x000001AC .word EnRl_Init .word EnRl_Destroy .word EnRl_Update .word EnRl_Draw .word 0x00000000