#include "ultra64.h" #include "global.h" void Audio_SequenceChannelProcessSound(SequenceChannel* seqChannel, s32 recalculateVolume, s32 b) { f32 channelVolume; f32 chanFreqScale; s32 i; if (seqChannel->changes.s.volume || recalculateVolume) { channelVolume = seqChannel->volume * seqChannel->volumeScale * seqChannel->seqPlayer->appliedFadeVolume; if (seqChannel->seqPlayer->muted && (seqChannel->muteBehavior & 0x20)) { channelVolume = seqChannel->seqPlayer->muteVolumeScale * channelVolume; } seqChannel->appliedVolume = channelVolume * channelVolume; } if (seqChannel->changes.s.pan) { seqChannel->pan = seqChannel->newPan * seqChannel->panChannelWeight; } chanFreqScale = seqChannel->freqScale; if (b != 0) { chanFreqScale *= seqChannel->seqPlayer->unk_34; seqChannel->changes.s.freqScale = true; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SequenceChannelLayer* layer = seqChannel->layers[i]; if (layer != NULL && layer->enabled && layer->note != NULL) { if (layer->notePropertiesNeedInit) { layer->noteFreqScale = layer->freqScale * chanFreqScale; layer->noteVelocity = layer->velocitySquare2 * seqChannel->appliedVolume; layer->notePan = (seqChannel->pan + layer->pan * (0x80 - seqChannel->panChannelWeight)) >> 7; layer->notePropertiesNeedInit = false; } else { if (seqChannel->changes.s.freqScale) { layer->noteFreqScale = layer->freqScale * chanFreqScale; } if (seqChannel->changes.s.volume || recalculateVolume) { layer->noteVelocity = layer->velocitySquare2 * seqChannel->appliedVolume; } if (seqChannel->changes.s.pan) { layer->notePan = (seqChannel->pan + layer->pan * (0x80 - seqChannel->panChannelWeight)) >> 7; } } } } seqChannel->changes.asByte = 0; } void Audio_SequencePlayerProcessSound(SequencePlayer* seqPlayer) { s32 i; if (seqPlayer->fadeTimer != 0) { seqPlayer->fadeVolume += seqPlayer->fadeVelocity; seqPlayer->recalculateVolume = true; if (seqPlayer->fadeVolume > 1.0f) { seqPlayer->fadeVolume = 1.0f; } if (seqPlayer->fadeVolume < 0) { seqPlayer->fadeVolume = 0; } if (--seqPlayer->fadeTimer == 0 && seqPlayer->state == 2) { Audio_SequencePlayerDisable(seqPlayer); return; } } if (seqPlayer->recalculateVolume) { seqPlayer->appliedFadeVolume = seqPlayer->fadeVolume * seqPlayer->fadeVolumeScale; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (seqPlayer->channels[i]->enabled == 1) { Audio_SequenceChannelProcessSound(seqPlayer->channels[i], seqPlayer->recalculateVolume, seqPlayer->unk_0b1); } } seqPlayer->recalculateVolume = false; } f32 Audio_GetPortamentoFreqScale(Portamento* p) { u32 loResCur; f32 result; p->cur += p->speed; loResCur = (p->cur >> 8) & 0xff; if (loResCur >= 127) { loResCur = 127; p->mode = 0; } result = 1.0f + p->extent * (gPitchBendFrequencyScale[loResCur + 128] - 1.0f); return result; } s16 Audio_GetVibratoPitchChange(VibratoState* vib) { s32 index; vib->time += (s32)vib->rate; index = (vib->time >> 10) & 0x3F; return vib->curve[index]; } f32 Audio_GetVibratoFreqScale(VibratoState* vib) { f32 pitchChange; f32 extent; f32 invExtent; f32 result; f32 temp; f32 twoToThe16th = 65536.0f; s32 one = 1; SequenceChannel* channel = vib->seqChannel; if (vib->delay != 0) { vib->delay--; return 1; } if (channel != NO_CHANNEL) { if (vib->extentChangeTimer) { if (vib->extentChangeTimer == 1) { vib->extent = (s32)channel->vibratoExtentTarget; } else { vib->extent += ((s32)channel->vibratoExtentTarget - vib->extent) / (s32)vib->extentChangeTimer; } vib->extentChangeTimer--; } else if (channel->vibratoExtentTarget != (s32)vib->extent) { if ((vib->extentChangeTimer = channel->vibratoExtentChangeDelay) == 0) { vib->extent = (s32)channel->vibratoExtentTarget; } } if (vib->rateChangeTimer) { if (vib->rateChangeTimer == 1) { vib->rate = (s32)channel->vibratoRateTarget; } else { vib->rate += ((s32)channel->vibratoRateTarget - vib->rate) / (s32)vib->rateChangeTimer; } vib->rateChangeTimer--; } else if (channel->vibratoRateTarget != (s32)vib->rate) { if ((vib->rateChangeTimer = channel->vibratoRateChangeDelay) == 0) { vib->rate = (s32)channel->vibratoRateTarget; } } } if (vib->extent == 0) { return 1.0f; } pitchChange = Audio_GetVibratoPitchChange(vib) + 32768.0f; temp = vib->extent / 4096.0f; extent = temp + 1.0f; invExtent = 1.0f / extent; // fakematch: 2^16 and 1 need to be set at the very top of this function, // or else the addresses of D_80130510 and D_80130514 get computed once // instead of twice. 'temp' is also a fakematch sign; removing it causes // regalloc differences and reorderings at the top of the function. result = 1.0f / ((extent - invExtent) * pitchChange / twoToThe16th + invExtent); D_80130510 += result; D_80130514 += one; return result; } void Audio_NoteVibratoUpdate(Note* note) { if (note->portamento.mode != 0) { note->playbackState.portamentoFreqScale = Audio_GetPortamentoFreqScale(¬e->portamento); } if (note->vibratoState.active) { note->playbackState.vibratoFreqScale = Audio_GetVibratoFreqScale(¬e->vibratoState); } } void Audio_NoteVibratoInit(Note* note) { VibratoState* vib; SequenceChannel* seqChannel; note->playbackState.vibratoFreqScale = 1.0f; vib = ¬e->vibratoState; vib->active = 1; vib->time = 0; vib->curve = gWaveSamples[2]; vib->seqChannel = note->playbackState.parentLayer->seqChannel; seqChannel = vib->seqChannel; if ((vib->extentChangeTimer = seqChannel->vibratoExtentChangeDelay) == 0) { vib->extent = (s32)seqChannel->vibratoExtentTarget; } else { vib->extent = (s32)seqChannel->vibratoExtentStart; } if ((vib->rateChangeTimer = seqChannel->vibratoRateChangeDelay) == 0) { vib->rate = (s32)seqChannel->vibratoRateTarget; } else { vib->rate = (s32)seqChannel->vibratoRateStart; } vib->delay = seqChannel->vibratoDelay; } void Audio_NotePortamentoInit(Note* note) { note->playbackState.portamentoFreqScale = 1.0f; note->portamento = note->playbackState.parentLayer->portamento; } void Audio_AdsrInit(AdsrState* adsr, AdsrEnvelope* envelope, s16* volOut) { adsr->action.asByte = 0; adsr->delay = 0; adsr->envelope = envelope; adsr->sustain = 0.0f; adsr->current = 0.0f; // (An older versions of the audio engine used in Super Mario 64 did // adsr->volOut = volOut. That line and associated struct member were // removed, but the function parameter was forgotten and remains.) } f32 Audio_AdsrUpdate(AdsrState* adsr) { u8 state = adsr->action.s.state; switch (state) { case ADSR_STATE_DISABLED: return 0.0f; case ADSR_STATE_INITIAL: { if (adsr->action.s.hang) { adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_HANG; break; } // fallthrough } case ADSR_STATE_START_LOOP: adsr->envIndex = 0; adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_LOOP; // fallthrough retry: case ADSR_STATE_LOOP: adsr->delay = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].delay; switch (adsr->delay) { case ADSR_DISABLE: adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_DISABLED; break; case ADSR_HANG: adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_HANG; break; case ADSR_GOTO: adsr->envIndex = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].arg; goto retry; case ADSR_RESTART: adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_INITIAL; break; default: adsr->delay *= gAudioContext.gAudioBufferParameters.unk_24; if (adsr->delay == 0) { adsr->delay = 1; } adsr->target = adsr->envelope[adsr->envIndex].arg / 32767.0f; adsr->target = adsr->target * adsr->target; adsr->velocity = (adsr->target - adsr->current) / adsr->delay; adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_FADE; adsr->envIndex++; break; } if (adsr->action.s.state != ADSR_STATE_FADE) { break; } // fallthrough case ADSR_STATE_FADE: adsr->current += adsr->velocity; if (--adsr->delay <= 0) { adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_LOOP; } // fallthrough case ADSR_STATE_HANG: break; case ADSR_STATE_DECAY: case ADSR_STATE_RELEASE: { adsr->current -= adsr->fadeOutVel; if (adsr->sustain != 0.0f && state == ADSR_STATE_DECAY) { if (adsr->current < adsr->sustain) { adsr->current = adsr->sustain; adsr->delay = 128; adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_SUSTAIN; } break; } if (adsr->current < 0.00001f) { adsr->current = 0.0f; adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_DISABLED; } break; } case ADSR_STATE_SUSTAIN: adsr->delay -= 1; if (adsr->delay == 0) { adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_RELEASE; } break; } if (adsr->action.s.decay) { adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_DECAY; adsr->action.s.decay = false; } if (adsr->action.s.release) { adsr->action.s.state = ADSR_STATE_RELEASE; adsr->action.s.release = false; } if (adsr->current < 0.0f) { return 0.0f; } if (adsr->current > 1.0f) { return 1.0f; } return adsr->current; }