#include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { u8 x; u8 y; u8 colorId; char text[0x15]; } PrintTextBuffer; typedef struct { u16 push; u16 held; } InputCombo; GameInfo* gGameInfo; int D_8015FA94; // no known symbols PrintTextBuffer D_8015FA98[0x16]; s16 D_8011E0B0 = 0; // PrintTextBuffer index Color_RGBA8 printTextColors[] = { { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x20, 0xC0 }, { 0xFF, 0x96, 0x80, 0xC0 }, { 0x80, 0x60, 0x00, 0x40 }, { 0xC0, 0x80, 0x10, 0x80 }, { 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x20, 0x80 }, { 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xDC, 0x40 }, { 0x80, 0x96, 0xFF, 0x80 }, { 0x80, 0xFF, 0x20, 0x80 }, }; InputCombo inputCombos[REG_GROUPS] = { { L_TRIG, U_CBUTTONS }, { L_TRIG, L_CBUTTONS }, { L_TRIG, D_CBUTTONS }, { L_TRIG, A_BUTTON }, { R_TRIG, D_CBUTTONS }, { L_TRIG, R_CBUTTONS }, { L_TRIG, R_TRIG }, { L_TRIG, L_JPAD }, { L_TRIG, R_JPAD }, { L_TRIG, U_JPAD }, { L_TRIG, B_BUTTON }, { L_TRIG, Z_TRIG }, { L_TRIG, D_JPAD }, { R_TRIG, A_BUTTON }, { R_TRIG, B_BUTTON }, { R_TRIG, Z_TRIG }, { R_TRIG, L_TRIG }, { R_TRIG, U_CBUTTONS }, { R_TRIG, R_CBUTTONS }, { R_TRIG, L_JPAD }, { R_TRIG, L_CBUTTONS }, { R_TRIG, START_BUTTON }, { L_TRIG, START_BUTTON }, { R_TRIG, R_JPAD }, { R_TRIG, U_JPAD }, { START_BUTTON, R_TRIG }, { START_BUTTON, A_BUTTON }, { START_BUTTON, B_BUTTON }, { START_BUTTON, R_CBUTTONS }, }; char regChar[] = " SOPQMYDUIZCNKXcsiWAVHGmnBdkb"; // initialize GameInfo void func_800636C0() { s32 i; gGameInfo = (GameInfo*)SystemArena_MallocDebug(sizeof(GameInfo), "../z_debug.c", 260); gGameInfo->regPage = 0; gGameInfo->regGroup = 0; gGameInfo->regCur = 0; gGameInfo->dpadLast = 0; gGameInfo->repeat = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(gGameInfo->data); i++) { gGameInfo->data[i] = 0; } } // Called when free movement is active. // 8011D394 to enable camera debugger void func_8006375C(s32 arg0, s32 arg1, float* d_80855320) { } #ifdef NON_MATCHING // regalloc // Copy Camera Debugger Text void func_8006376C(u8 x, u8 y, u8 colorId, const char* text) { PrintTextBuffer* buf; char* bufText; s16 i; // v1 buf = &D_8015FA98[D_8011E0B0]; if (D_8011E0B0 < 0x16) { buf->x = x; buf->y = y; buf->colorId = colorId; i = 0; bufText = buf->text + 1; if (*buf->text = *text++) { do if (i++ > 0x14) { break; } while (*bufText++ = *text++); } *bufText = '\0'; D_8011E0B0++; } } #else #pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/z_debug/func_8006376C.s") #endif // Draw Text void func_80063828(GfxPrint* gfxPrint) { s32 i; Color_RGBA8* color; PrintTextBuffer* buffer; char* text; i = 0; if (D_8011E0B0 > 0) { do { buffer = &D_8015FA98[i]; text = buffer->text; color = &printTextColors[buffer->colorId]; GfxPrint_SetColor(gfxPrint, color->r, color->g, color->b, color->a); GfxPrint_SetPos(gfxPrint, buffer->x, buffer->y); GfxPrint_Printf(gfxPrint, "%s", text); i += 1; } while (i < D_8011E0B0); } } // Edit REG void func_8006390C(Input* input) { s32 dpad; s32 regGroup; s32 increment; InputCombo* input_combo; s32 i; regGroup = (gGameInfo->regGroup * REG_PAGES + gGameInfo->regPage) * REG_PER_PAGE - REG_PER_PAGE; dpad = input->raw.pad & 0xF00; if (!~(input->raw.pad | ~L_TRIG) || !~(input->raw.pad | ~R_TRIG) || !~(input->raw.pad | ~START_BUTTON)) { input_combo = inputCombos; for (i = 0; i < REG_GROUPS; i++) { if (~(~input_combo->push | input->raw.pad) || ~(~input_combo->held | input->padPressed)) { input_combo++; } else { break; } } if (i < REG_GROUPS) { if (i == gGameInfo->regGroup) { gGameInfo->regPage = (gGameInfo->regPage + 1) % (REG_PAGES + 1); return; } gGameInfo->regGroup = i; gGameInfo->regPage = 0; } } else { switch (gGameInfo->regPage - 1) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: if (dpad == gGameInfo->dpadLast) { gGameInfo->repeat--; if (gGameInfo->repeat < 0) { gGameInfo->repeat = 1; } else { dpad ^= gGameInfo->dpadLast; } } else { gGameInfo->repeat = 0x10; gGameInfo->dpadLast = dpad; } increment = (dpad & R_JPAD) ? (!~(input->raw.pad | ~(A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) ? 1000 : !~(input->raw.pad | ~A_BUTTON) ? 100 : !~(input->raw.pad | ~B_BUTTON) ? 10 : 1) : (dpad & L_JPAD) ? (!~(input->raw.pad | ~(A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON)) ? -1000 : !~(input->raw.pad | ~A_BUTTON) ? -100 : !~(input->raw.pad | ~B_BUTTON) ? -10 : -1) : 0; gGameInfo->data[gGameInfo->regCur + regGroup] += increment; if (dpad & U_JPAD) { gGameInfo->regCur--; if (gGameInfo->regCur < 0) { gGameInfo->regCur = REG_PER_PAGE - 1; } } else if (dpad & D_JPAD) { gGameInfo->regCur++; if (gGameInfo->regCur >= REG_PER_PAGE) { gGameInfo->regCur = 0; } } if (iREG(0)) { iREG(0) = 0; func_800AA000(0, iREG(1), iREG(2), iREG(3)); } } } } // Draw Memory Viewer void func_80063C04(GfxPrint* gfxPrint) { s32 i; s32 page; s32 regGroup; s32 test; // removing affects stack char name[3]; page = (gGameInfo->regPage * REG_PER_PAGE) - REG_PER_PAGE; regGroup = (gGameInfo->regGroup * REG_PAGES + gGameInfo->regPage) * REG_PER_PAGE - REG_PER_PAGE; // set up register name string name[0] = 'R'; name[1] = regChar[gGameInfo->regGroup]; // r_group type char name[2] = '\0'; GfxPrint_SetColor(gfxPrint, 0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); for (i = 0; i != REG_PER_PAGE; i++) { if (i == gGameInfo->regCur) { GfxPrint_SetColor(gfxPrint, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); } GfxPrint_SetPos(gfxPrint, 3, i + 5); GfxPrint_Printf(gfxPrint, "%s%02d%6d", &name, page + i, gGameInfo->data[i + regGroup]); if (i == gGameInfo->regCur) { GfxPrint_SetColor(gfxPrint, 0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80); } } } void func_80063D7C(GraphicsContext* gfxCtx) { Gfx* sp7C; Gfx* sp78; Gfx* tempRet; void* unk2[6]; GfxPrint gfxPrint; void* unk[2]; Gfx* dlFrame[4]; // stores state of GfxCtx next ptrs func_800C6AC4(&dlFrame, gfxCtx, "../z_debug.c", 628); GfxPrint_Ctor(&gfxPrint); sp78 = gfxCtx->polyOpa.p; tempRet = func_800C6C20(gfxCtx->polyOpa.p); gSPDisplayList(gfxCtx->overlay.p++, tempRet); GfxPrint_Open(&gfxPrint, tempRet); if ((OREG(0) == 1) || (OREG(0) == 8)) { func_80063828(&gfxPrint); } if (gGameInfo->regPage != 0) { func_80063C04(&gfxPrint); } D_8011E0B0 = 0; sp7C = GfxPrint_Close(&gfxPrint); gSPEndDisplayList(sp7C++); func_800C6C28(sp78, sp7C); gfxCtx->polyOpa.p = sp7C; if (0) {} func_800C6B54(&dlFrame, gfxCtx, "../z_debug.c", 664); GfxPrint_Dtor(&gfxPrint); }