#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #define ARRAY_COUNT(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])) static FILE *fout; enum { STMT_address, STMT_after, STMT_align, STMT_beginseg, STMT_endseg, STMT_entry, STMT_flags, STMT_include, STMT_name, STMT_number, STMT_romalign, STMT_stack, STMT_increment, }; enum { FLAG_BOOT = (1 << 0), FLAG_OBJECT = (1 << 1), FLAG_RAW = (1 << 2), }; struct Segment { uint32_t fields; char *name; char *after; uint32_t flags; uint32_t address; uint32_t stack; uint32_t align; uint32_t romalign; uint32_t increment; uint32_t entry; uint32_t number; char **includes; int includesCount; }; static struct Segment *g_segments = NULL; static int g_segmentsCount = 0; static struct Segment *add_segment(void) { struct Segment *seg; g_segmentsCount++; g_segments = realloc(g_segments, g_segmentsCount * sizeof(*g_segments)); seg = &g_segments[g_segmentsCount - 1]; memset(seg, 0, sizeof(*seg)); seg->align = 16; return seg; } static char *skip_whitespace(char *str) { while (isspace(*str)) str++; return str; } // null terminates the current token and returns a pointer to the next token static char *token_split(char *str) { while (!isspace(*str)) { if (*str == 0) return str; // end of string str++; } *str = 0; // terminate token str++; return skip_whitespace(str); } // null terminates the current line and returns a pointer to the next line static char *line_split(char *str) { while (*str != '\n') { if (*str == 0) return str; // end of string str++; } *str = 0; // terminate line return str + 1; } static bool parse_number(const char *str, unsigned int *num) { char *endptr; long int n = strtol(str, &endptr, 0); *num = n; return endptr > str; } static bool parse_flags(char *str, unsigned int *flags) { unsigned int f = 0; while (str[0] != 0) { char *next = token_split(str); if (strcmp(str, "BOOT") == 0) f |= FLAG_BOOT; else if (strcmp(str, "OBJECT") == 0) f |= FLAG_OBJECT; else if (strcmp(str, "RAW") == 0) f |= FLAG_RAW; else return false; str = next; } *flags = f; return true; } static bool parse_quoted_string(char *str, char **out) { if (*str != '"') return false; str++; *out = str; while (*str != '"') { if (*str == 0) return false; // unterminated quote str++; } *str = 0; str++; str = skip_whitespace(str); if (*str != 0) return false; // garbage after filename return true; } static bool is_pow_of_2(unsigned int n) { return (n & (n - 1)) == 0; } static const char *const stmtNames[] = { [STMT_address] = "address", [STMT_after] = "after", [STMT_align] = "align", [STMT_beginseg] = "beginseg", [STMT_endseg] = "endseg", [STMT_entry] = "entry", [STMT_flags] = "flags", [STMT_include] = "include", [STMT_name] = "name", [STMT_number] = "number", [STMT_romalign] = "romalign", [STMT_stack] = "stack", [STMT_increment] = "increment", }; static void parse_rom_spec(char *spec) { int lineNum = 1; char *line = spec; struct Segment *currSeg = NULL; // iterate over lines while (line[0] != 0) { char *nextLine = line_split(line); if (line[0] != 0) { char *stmtName = skip_whitespace(line); char *args = token_split(stmtName); unsigned int stmt; for (stmt = 0; stmt < ARRAY_COUNT(stmtNames); stmt++) if (strcmp(stmtName, stmtNames[stmt]) == 0) goto got_stmt; util_fatal_error("line %i: unknown statement '%s'", lineNum, stmtName); got_stmt: if (currSeg != NULL) { // ensure no duplicates (except for 'include') if (stmt != STMT_include && (currSeg->fields & (1 << stmt))) util_fatal_error("line %i: duplicate '%s' statement", lineNum, stmtName); currSeg->fields |= 1 << stmt; // statements valid within a segment definition switch (stmt) { case STMT_beginseg: util_fatal_error("line %i: '%s' inside of a segment definition", lineNum, stmtName); break; case STMT_endseg: // verify segment data if (currSeg->name == NULL) util_fatal_error("line %i: no name specified for segment", lineNum); if (currSeg->includesCount == 0) util_fatal_error("line %i: no includes specified for segment", lineNum); currSeg = NULL; break; case STMT_name: if (!parse_quoted_string(args, &currSeg->name)) util_fatal_error("line %i: invalid name", lineNum); break; case STMT_after: if (!parse_quoted_string(args, &currSeg->after)) util_fatal_error("line %i: invalid name for 'after'", lineNum); break; case STMT_address: if (!parse_number(args, &currSeg->address)) util_fatal_error("line %i: expected number after 'address'", lineNum); break; case STMT_number: if (!parse_number(args, &currSeg->number)) util_fatal_error("line %i: expected number after 'number'", lineNum); break; case STMT_flags: if (!parse_flags(args, &currSeg->flags)) util_fatal_error("line %i: invalid flags", lineNum); break; case STMT_align: if (!parse_number(args, &currSeg->align)) util_fatal_error("line %i: expected number after 'align'", lineNum); if (!is_pow_of_2(currSeg->align)) util_fatal_error("line %i: alignment is not a power of two", lineNum); break; case STMT_romalign: if (!parse_number(args, &currSeg->romalign)) util_fatal_error("line %i: expected number after 'romalign'", lineNum); if (!is_pow_of_2(currSeg->romalign)) util_fatal_error("line %i: alignment is not a power of two", lineNum); break; case STMT_include: currSeg->includesCount++; currSeg->includes = realloc(currSeg->includes, currSeg->includesCount * sizeof(*currSeg->includes)); if (!parse_quoted_string(args, &currSeg->includes[currSeg->includesCount - 1])) util_fatal_error("line %i: invalid filename", lineNum); break; case STMT_increment: if (!parse_number(args, &currSeg->increment)) util_fatal_error("line %i: expected number after 'increment'", lineNum); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "warning: '%s' is not implemented\n", stmtName); break; } } else { // commands valid outside a segment definition switch (stmt) { case STMT_beginseg: currSeg = add_segment(); break; case STMT_endseg: util_fatal_error("line %i: '%s' outside of a segment definition", lineNum, stmtName); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "warning: '%s' is not implemented\n", stmtName); break; } } } line = nextLine; lineNum++; } } static void write_ld_script(void) { int i; int j; fputs("SECTIONS {\n" " _RomSize = 0;\n" " _RomStart = _RomSize;\n\n", fout); for (i = 0; i < g_segmentsCount; i++) { const struct Segment *seg = &g_segments[i]; // align start of ROM segment if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_romalign)) fprintf(fout, " _RomSize = (_RomSize + %i) & ~ %i;\n", seg->romalign - 1, seg->romalign - 1); // initialized data (.text, .data, .rodata, .sdata) // Increment the start of the section //if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_increment)) //fprintf(fout, " . += 0x%08X;\n", seg->increment); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentRomStart = _RomSize;\n" " ..%s ", seg->name, seg->name); if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_after)) fprintf(fout, "_%sSegmentEnd ", seg->after); else if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_number)) fprintf(fout, "0x%02X000000 ", seg->number); else if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_address)) fprintf(fout, "0x%08X ", seg->address); // (AT(_RomSize) isn't necessary, but adds useful "load address" lines to the map file) fprintf(fout, ": AT(_RomSize)\n {\n" " _%sSegmentStart = .;\n" " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n" " _%sSegmentTextStart = .;\n", seg->name, seg->name); if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_align)) fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x%X);\n", seg->align); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.text)\n", seg->includes[j]); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentTextEnd = .;\n", seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentTextSize = ABSOLUTE( _%sSegmentTextEnd - _%sSegmentTextStart );\n", seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentDataStart = .;\n", seg->name); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.data)\n", seg->includes[j]); /* for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.rodata)\n", seg->includes[j]); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.sdata)\n", seg->includes[j]); */ //fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n"); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentDataEnd = .;\n", seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentDataSize = ABSOLUTE( _%sSegmentDataEnd - _%sSegmentDataStart );\n", seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentRoDataStart = .;\n", seg->name); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.rodata)\n", seg->includes[j]); //fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n"); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentRoDataEnd = .;\n", seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentRoDataSize = ABSOLUTE( _%sSegmentRoDataEnd - _%sSegmentRoDataStart );\n", seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentSDataStart = .;\n", seg->name); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.sdata)\n", seg->includes[j]); fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n"); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentSDataEnd = .;\n", seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentOvlStart = .;\n", seg->name); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.ovl)\n", seg->includes[j]); fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n"); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentOvlEnd = .;\n", seg->name); if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_increment)) fprintf(fout, " . += 0x%08X;\n", seg->increment); fputs(" }\n", fout); //fprintf(fout, " _RomSize += ( _%sSegmentDataEnd - _%sSegmentTextStart );\n", seg->name, seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _RomSize += ( _%sSegmentOvlEnd - _%sSegmentTextStart );\n", seg->name, seg->name); fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentRomEnd = _RomSize;\n\n", seg->name); // algn end of ROM segment if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_romalign)) fprintf(fout, " _RomSize = (_RomSize + %i) & ~ %i;\n", seg->romalign - 1, seg->romalign - 1); // uninitialized data (.sbss, .scommon, .bss, COMMON) fprintf(fout, " ..%s.bss ADDR(..%s) + SIZEOF(..%s) (NOLOAD) :\n" /*" ..%s.bss :\n"*/ " {\n" " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n" " _%sSegmentBssStart = .;\n", seg->name, seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_align)) fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x%X);\n", seg->align); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.sbss)\n", seg->includes[j]); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.scommon)\n", seg->includes[j]); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (.bss)\n", seg->includes[j]); for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) fprintf(fout, " %s (COMMON)\n", seg->includes[j]); fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n" " _%sSegmentBssEnd = .;\n" " _%sSegmentEnd = .;\n" " }\n" " _%sSegmentBssSize = ABSOLUTE( _%sSegmentBssEnd - _%sSegmentBssStart );\n\n", seg->name, seg->name, seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); // Increment the end of the segment //if (seg->fields & (1 << STMT_increment)) //fprintf(fout, " . += 0x%08X;\n", seg->increment); //fprintf(fout, " ..%s.ovl ADDR(..%s) + SIZEOF(..%s) :\n" // /*" ..%s.bss :\n"*/ // " {\n", // seg->name, seg->name, seg->name); //fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentOvlStart = .;\n", seg->name); //for (j = 0; j < seg->includesCount; j++) // fprintf(fout, " %s (.ovl)\n", seg->includes[j]); ////fprintf(fout, " . = ALIGN(0x10);\n"); //fprintf(fout, " _%sSegmentOvlEnd = .;\n", seg->name); //fprintf(fout, "\n }\n"); } fputs(" _RomEnd = _RomSize;\n}\n", fout); } static void usage(const char *execname) { fprintf(stderr, "Nintendo 64 linker script generation tool v0.01\n" "usage: %s SPEC_FILE LD_SCRIPT\n" "SPEC_FILE file describing the organization of object files into segments\n" "LD_SCRIPT filename of output linker script\n", execname); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { void *spec; size_t size; if (argc != 3) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } spec = util_read_whole_file(argv[1], &size); parse_rom_spec(spec); fout = fopen(argv[2], "w"); if (fout == NULL) util_fatal_error("failed to open file '%s' for writing", argv[2]); write_ld_script(); free(spec); fclose(fout); return 0; }