MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules # Build options can either be changed by modifying the makefile, or by building with 'make SETTING=value' # If COMPARE is 1, check the output md5sum after building COMPARE ?= 1 # If NON_MATCHING is 1, define the NON_MATCHING C flag when building NON_MATCHING ?= 0 # If ORIG_COMPILER is 1, compile with QEMU_IRIX and the original compiler ORIG_COMPILER ?= 0 # If COMPILER is GCC, compile with GCC instead of IDO. COMPILER ?= ido # Declare ZAPDFLAGS used for ZAPD's flags. ZAPDFLAGS ?= # Declare CPPFLAGS used for the preprocessor. CPPFLAGS ?= # ORIG_COMPILER cannot be combined with a non-IDO compiler. Check for this case and error out if found. ifneq ($(COMPILER),ido) ifeq ($(ORIG_COMPILER),1) $(error ORIG_COMPILER can only be used with the IDO compiler. Please check your Makefile variables and try again) endif endif # If gcc is used, define the NON_MATCHING flag respectively so the files that # are safe to be used can avoid using GLOBAL_ASM which doesn't work with gcc. ifeq ($(COMPILER),gcc) CPPFLAGS += -DCOMPILER_GCC ZAPDFLAGS += --gcc-compat NON_MATCHING := 1 endif # Set prefix to mips binutils binaries (mips-linux-gnu-ld => 'mips-linux-gnu-') - Change at your own risk! # In nearly all cases, not having 'mips-linux-gnu-*' binaries on the PATH is indicative of missing dependencies MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX ?= mips-linux-gnu- ifeq ($(NON_MATCHING),1) CFLAGS += -DNON_MATCHING CPPFLAGS += -DNON_MATCHING COMPARE := 0 endif PROJECT_DIR := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) MAKE = make CPPFLAGS += -P ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) DETECTED_OS=windows else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) DETECTED_OS=linux endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) DETECTED_OS=macos MAKE=gmake CPPFLAGS += -xc++ endif endif N_THREADS ?= $(shell nproc) #### Tools #### ifneq ($(shell type $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)ld >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?), 0) $(error Please install or build $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)) endif # Detect compiler and set variables appropriately. ifeq ($(COMPILER),gcc) CC := $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)gcc CC_OLD := $(CC) else ifeq ($(COMPILER),ido) CC := tools/ido_recomp/$(DETECTED_OS)/7.1/cc CC_OLD := tools/ido_recomp/$(DETECTED_OS)/5.3/cc else $(error Unsupported compiler. Please use either ido or gcc as the COMPILER variable.) endif endif # if ORIG_COMPILER is 1, check that either QEMU_IRIX is set or qemu-irix package installed ifeq ($(ORIG_COMPILER),1) ifndef QEMU_IRIX QEMU_IRIX := $(shell which qemu-irix) ifeq (, $(QEMU_IRIX)) $(error Please install qemu-irix package or set QEMU_IRIX env var to the full qemu-irix binary path) endif endif CC = $(QEMU_IRIX) -L tools/ido7.1_compiler tools/ido7.1_compiler/usr/bin/cc CC_OLD = $(QEMU_IRIX) -L tools/ido5.3_compiler tools/ido5.3_compiler/usr/bin/cc endif AS := $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)as LD := $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)ld OBJCOPY := $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)objcopy OBJDUMP := $(MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX)objdump EMULATOR = mupen64plus EMU_FLAGS = --noosd INC := -Iinclude -Isrc -Iassets -Ibuild -I. # Check code syntax with host compiler CHECK_WARNINGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wno-format-security -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-int-conversion CC_CHECK := gcc -fno-builtin -fsyntax-only -fsigned-char -std=gnu90 -D _LANGUAGE_C -D NON_MATCHING $(INC) $(CHECK_WARNINGS) CPP := cpp MKLDSCRIPT := tools/mkldscript MKDMADATA := tools/mkdmadata ELF2ROM := tools/elf2rom ZAPD := tools/ZAPD/ZAPD.out FADO := tools/fado/fado.elf OPTFLAGS := -O2 ASFLAGS := -march=vr4300 -32 -Iinclude ifeq ($(COMPILER),gcc) CFLAGS += -G 0 -nostdinc $(INC) -DNON_MATCHING=1 -DAVOID_UB=1 -mno-shared -march=vr4300 -mfix4300 -mabi=32 -mhard-float -mdivide-breaks -fno-stack-protector -fno-common -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -mno-abicalls -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-inline-functions -fno-inline-small-functions -fno-toplevel-reorder -ffreestanding -fwrapv $(CHECK_WARNINGS) -g -mno-explicit-relocs -mno-split-addresses -funsigned-char MIPS_VERSION := -mips3 else # we support Microsoft extensions such as anonymous structs, which the compiler does support but warns for their usage. Surpress the warnings with -woff. CFLAGS += -G 0 -non_shared -Xfullwarn -Xcpluscomm $(INC) -Wab,-r4300_mul -woff 649,838,712 MIPS_VERSION := -mips2 endif ifeq ($(shell getconf LONG_BIT), 32) # Work around memory allocation bug in QEMU export QEMU_GUEST_BASE := 1 else # Ensure that gcc treats the code as 32-bit CC_CHECK += -m32 endif #### Files #### # ROM image ROM := zelda_ocarina_mq_dbg.z64 ELF := $(ROM:.z64=.elf) # description of ROM segments SPEC := spec SRC_DIRS := $(shell find src -type d) ASM_DIRS := $(shell find asm -type d -not -path "asm/non_matchings*") $(shell find data -type d) ASSET_BIN_DIRS := $(shell find assets/* -type d -not -path "assets/xml*" -not -path "assets/text") ASSET_FILES_XML := $(foreach dir,$(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.xml)) ASSET_FILES_BIN := $(foreach dir,$(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.bin)) ASSET_FILES_OUT := $(foreach f,$(ASSET_FILES_XML:.xml=.c),$f) \ $(foreach f,$(,build/$f) \ $(foreach f,$(wildcard assets/text/*.c),build/$(f:.c=.o)) # source files C_FILES := $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIRS) $(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)) S_FILES := $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.s)) O_FILES := $(foreach f,$(S_FILES:.s=.o),build/$f) \ $(foreach f,$(C_FILES:.c=.o),build/$f) \ $(foreach f,$(wildcard baserom/*),build/$f.o) OVL_RELOC_FILES := $(shell $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $(SPEC) | grep -o '[^"]*_reloc.o' ) # Automatic dependency files # (Only asm_processor dependencies and reloc dependencies are handled for now) DEP_FILES := $(O_FILES:.o=.asmproc.d) $(OVL_RELOC_FILES:.o=.d) TEXTURE_FILES_PNG := $(foreach dir,$(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.png)) TEXTURE_FILES_JPG := $(foreach dir,$(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.jpg)) TEXTURE_FILES_OUT := $(foreach f,$(,build/$f) \ $(foreach f,$(,build/$f) \ # create build directories $(shell mkdir -p build/baserom build/assets/text $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIRS) $(ASM_DIRS) $(ASSET_BIN_DIRS),build/$(dir))) ifeq ($(COMPILER),ido) build/src/code/fault.o: CFLAGS += -trapuv build/src/code/fault.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 -g3 build/src/code/fault_drawer.o: CFLAGS += -trapuv build/src/code/fault_drawer.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 -g3 build/src/code/ucode_disas.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 -g3 build/src/code/code_801068B0.o: OPTFLAGS := -g build/src/code/code_80106860.o: OPTFLAGS := -g build/src/code/code_801067F0.o: OPTFLAGS := -g build/src/libultra/libc/absf.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 -g3 build/src/libultra/libc/sqrt.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 -g3 build/src/libultra/libc/ll.o: OPTFLAGS := -O1 build/src/libultra/libc/ll.o: MIPS_VERSION := -mips3 -32 build/src/libultra/libc/llcvt.o: OPTFLAGS := -O1 build/src/libultra/libc/llcvt.o: MIPS_VERSION := -mips3 -32 build/src/libultra/os/%.o: OPTFLAGS := -O1 build/src/libultra/io/%.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 build/src/libultra/libc/%.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 build/src/libultra/rmon/%.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 build/src/libultra/gu/%.o: OPTFLAGS := -O2 build/assets/misc/z_select_static/%.o: CFLAGS += -DF3DEX_GBI build/src/libultra/gu/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/libultra/io/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/libultra/libc/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/libultra/os/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/libultra/rmon/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/code/jpegutils.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/code/jpegdecoder.o: CC := $(CC_OLD) build/src/boot/%.o: CC := python3 tools/asm_processor/ $(CC) -- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -- build/src/code/%.o: CC := python3 tools/asm_processor/ $(CC) -- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -- build/src/overlays/%.o: CC := python3 tools/asm_processor/ $(CC) -- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -- build/assets/%.o: CC := python3 tools/asm_processor/ $(CC) -- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -- else build/src/%.o: CC := $(CC) -fexec-charset=euc-jp endif #### Main Targets ### all: $(ROM) ifeq ($(COMPARE),1) @md5sum $(ROM) @md5sum -c checksum.md5 endif clean: $(RM) -r $(ROM) $(ELF) build assetclean: $(RM) -r $(ASSET_BIN_DIRS) $(RM) -r assets/text/*.h $(RM) -r build/assets $(RM) -r .extracted-assets.json distclean: clean assetclean $(RM) -r baserom/ $(MAKE) -C tools distclean setup: $(MAKE) -C tools python3 python3 python3 -j$(N_THREADS) test: $(ROM) $(EMULATOR) $(EMU_FLAGS) $< .PHONY: all clean setup test distclean assetclean #### Various Recipes #### $(ROM): $(ELF) $(ELF2ROM) -cic 6105 $< $@ $(ELF): $(TEXTURE_FILES_OUT) $(ASSET_FILES_OUT) $(O_FILES) $(OVL_RELOC_FILES) build/ldscript.txt build/undefined_syms.txt $(LD) -T build/undefined_syms.txt -T build/ldscript.txt --no-check-sections --accept-unknown-input-arch --emit-relocs -Map build/ -o $@ ## Order-only prerequisites # These ensure e.g. the O_FILES are built before the OVL_RELOC_FILES. # The intermediate phony targets avoid quadratically-many dependencies between the targets and prerequisites. o_files: $(O_FILES) $(OVL_RELOC_FILES): | o_files asset_files: $(TEXTURE_FILES_OUT) $(ASSET_FILES_OUT) $(O_FILES): | asset_files .PHONY: o_files asset_files build/$(SPEC): $(SPEC) $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@ build/ldscript.txt: build/$(SPEC) $(MKLDSCRIPT) $< $@ build/undefined_syms.txt: undefined_syms.txt $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@ build/baserom/%.o: baserom/% $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-big $< $@ build/asm/%.o: asm/%.s $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ build/data/%.o: data/%.s $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $< -o $@ build/assets/text/%.enc.h: assets/text/%.h assets/text/charmap.txt python3 tools/ assets/text/charmap.txt $< $@ build/assets/text/fra_message_data_static.o: build/assets/text/message_data.enc.h build/assets/text/ger_message_data_static.o: build/assets/text/message_data.enc.h build/assets/text/nes_message_data_static.o: build/assets/text/message_data.enc.h build/assets/text/staff_message_data_static.o: build/assets/text/message_data_staff.enc.h build/assets/%.o: assets/%.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(MIPS_VERSION) $(OPTFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $@ $@.bin build/dmadata_table_spec.h: build/$(SPEC) $(MKDMADATA) $< $@ build/src/boot/z_std_dma.o: build/dmadata_table_spec.h build/src/dmadata/dmadata.o: build/dmadata_table_spec.h build/src/%.o: src/%.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(MIPS_VERSION) $(OPTFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(CC_CHECK) $< @$(OBJDUMP) -d $@ > $(@:.o=.s) build/src/libultra/libc/ll.o: src/libultra/libc/ll.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(MIPS_VERSION) $(OPTFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(CC_CHECK) $< python3 tools/ $@ @$(OBJDUMP) -d $@ > $(@:.o=.s) build/src/libultra/libc/llcvt.o: src/libultra/libc/llcvt.c $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(MIPS_VERSION) $(OPTFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(CC_CHECK) $< python3 tools/ $@ @$(OBJDUMP) -d $@ > $(@:.o=.s) build/src/overlays/%_reloc.o: build/$(SPEC) $(FADO) $$(tools/reloc_prereq $< $(notdir $*)) -n $(notdir $*) -o $(@:.o=.s) -M $(@:.o=.d) $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $(@:.o=.s) -o $@ build/ %.png $(ZAPD) btex -eh -tt $(subst .,,$(suffix $*)) -i $< -o $@ build/assets/ assets/%.bin $(ZAPD) bblb -eh -i $< -o $@ build/assets/ assets/%.jpg $(ZAPD) bren -eh -i $< -o $@ -include $(DEP_FILES)