.include "macro.inc" # assembler directives .set noat # allow manual use of $at .set noreorder # don't insert nops after branches .set gp=64 # allow use of 64-bit general purpose registers .section .rodata .balign 16 glabel gSoundFontTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCC270, 0x270 glabel gSequenceFontTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCC4E0, 0x1C0 glabel gSequenceTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCC6A0, 0x6F0 glabel gSampleBankTable .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCCD90, 0x80 glabel rspAspMainDataStart .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCCE10, 0x2E0 glabel rspAspMainDataEnd glabel D_80155F50 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCD0F0, 0x1630 glabel D_80157580 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCE720, 0x420 glabel D_801579A0 .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCEB40, 0x390 glabel gJpegUCodeData .incbin "baserom.z64", 0xBCEED0, 0x60