#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import collections from dataclasses import dataclass import difflib from enum import Enum import itertools import math from pathlib import Path import re import subprocess import sys from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple @dataclass class Inst: func_name: str mnemonic: str regs: List[str] imm: Optional[int] reloc_type: Optional[str] reloc_symbol: Optional[str] FUNC_RE = re.compile(r"([0-9a-f]+) <(.*)>:") def parse_func_name(line: str) -> str: match = FUNC_RE.match(line) if not match: raise Exception(f"could not parse function name from '{line}'") return match.group(2) def is_branch(mnemonic: str) -> bool: return mnemonic.startswith("b") and mnemonic != "break" def parse_inst(func_name: str, line: str) -> Inst: parts = line.split() addr = int(parts[0][:-1], 16) mnemonic = parts[2] regs = [] imm = None if len(parts) > 3: for part in parts[3].split(","): if "(" in part: # load/store offset_str, rest = part.split("(") regs.append(rest[:-1]) imm = int(offset_str, 10) elif is_branch(mnemonic): try: # convert branch targets to relative offsets offset = int(part, 16) imm = offset - addr - 4 except ValueError: regs.append(part) else: try: imm = int(part, 0) except ValueError: regs.append(part) return Inst(func_name, mnemonic, regs, imm, None, None) def run_objdump(path: Path) -> List[Inst]: if not path.exists(): raise Exception(f"file {path} does not exist") command = [ "mips-linux-gnu-objdump", "-drz", "-m", "mips:4300", "-j", ".text", str(path), ] try: lines = subprocess.run( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, encoding="utf-8" ).stdout.splitlines() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return [] result = [] func_name = None i = 6 # skip preamble while i < len(lines): row = lines[i] i += 1 if not row: continue if not row.startswith(" "): func_name = parse_func_name(row) continue if not func_name: raise Exception(f"no function name for line '{row}'") inst = parse_inst(func_name, row) if i < len(lines) and lines[i].startswith("\t"): reloc = lines[i] i += 1 _, inst.reloc_type, inst.reloc_symbol = reloc.split() result.append(inst) # trim trailing nops while result and result[-1].mnemonic == "nop": result.pop() return result def pair_instructions(insts1: List[Inst], insts2: List[Inst]) -> Iterator[Tuple[Optional[Inst], Optional[Inst]]]: differ = difflib.SequenceMatcher( a=[(inst.func_name, inst.mnemonic) for inst in insts1], b=[(inst.func_name, inst.mnemonic) for inst in insts2], autojunk=False) for (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) in differ.get_opcodes(): for inst1, inst2 in itertools.zip_longest(insts1[i1:i2], insts2[j1:j2]): yield (inst1, inst2) def has_diff(inst1: Inst, inst2: Inst) -> bool: if ( inst1.func_name != inst2.func_name or inst1.mnemonic != inst2.mnemonic or inst1.regs != inst2.regs ): return True if ( inst1.reloc_type == inst2.reloc_type and inst1.reloc_type in ("R_MIPS_HI16", "R_MIPS_LO16") ): # ignore symbol differences return False return inst1 != inst2 def find_functions_with_diffs(version: str, c_path: str): object_path = Path(c_path).with_suffix(".o") expected_dir = Path("expected/build") / version build_dir = Path("build") / version insts1 = run_objdump(expected_dir / object_path) insts2 = run_objdump(build_dir / object_path) functions_with_diffs = collections.OrderedDict() for inst1, inst2 in pair_instructions(insts1, insts2): if inst1 is None and inst2 is not None: functions_with_diffs[inst2.func_name] = True elif inst1 is not None and inst2 is None: functions_with_diffs[inst1.func_name] = True elif inst1 is not None and inst2 is not None and has_diff(inst1, inst2): functions_with_diffs[inst1.func_name] = True functions_with_diffs[inst2.func_name] = True if not functions_with_diffs: print(f"{c_path} OK") return print(f"{c_path} functions with diffs:") for func_name in functions_with_diffs: print(f" {func_name}") def print_summary(version: str, csv: bool): expected_dir = Path("expected/build") / version build_dir = Path("build") / version if csv: print("path,expected,actual,added,removed,changed,progress") for object_file in sorted(expected_dir.glob("src/**/*.o")): object_path = object_file.relative_to(expected_dir) c_path = object_path.with_suffix(".c") insts1 = run_objdump(expected_dir / object_path) insts2 = run_objdump(build_dir / object_path) added = 0 removed = 0 changed = 0 for inst1, inst2 in pair_instructions(insts1, insts2): if inst1 is None and inst2 is not None: added += 1 elif inst1 is not None and inst2 is None: removed += 1 elif inst1 is not None and inst2 is not None and has_diff(inst1, inst2): changed += 1 if insts1: progress = max(1.0 - (added + removed + changed) / len(insts1), 0) else: progress = 1.0 if csv: print(f"{c_path},{len(insts1)},{len(insts2)},{added},{removed},{changed},{progress:.3f}") elif progress == 1.0: print(f" OK {c_path}") else: print(f" {math.floor(progress * 100):>2}% {c_path}") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Calculate progress matching .text sections") parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE", nargs='?', help="find functions with diffs in the given source file (if omitted, print summary of diffs for all files)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="version to compare", default="gc-eu-mq") parser.add_argument("--csv", help="print summary CSV", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.file is not None: find_functions_with_diffs(args.version, args.file) else: print_summary(args.version, args.csv)