mirror of https://github.com/zeldaret/oot.git synced 2024-09-22 13:25:00 +00:00
Lucas Shaw 21750d5aee
Naming some functions in libultra_code, decompiling a decent amount. (#77)
* osgetactivequeue ok

* osspdevicebusy ok

* osGetCurrFaultedThread ok

* osSpRawStartDma OK

* __osSpSetPc and osViGetCurrentFramebuffer OK

* sinf, sins, and sptask OK

* coss OK

* cosf OK

* ran format.sh

* Updated PR to use ultratypes

* osContStartQuery OK

* ran format.sh

* Updated PR to fix issues

* Made suggested changes
2020-04-18 21:40:27 -04:00

33 lines
1.5 KiB

glabel sins
/* B775F0 80100450 308EFFFF */ andi $t6, $a0, 0xffff
/* B775F4 80100454 000E7902 */ srl $t7, $t6, 4
/* B775F8 80100458 31F8FFFF */ andi $t8, $t7, 0xffff
/* B775FC 8010045C 33190400 */ andi $t9, $t8, 0x400
/* B77600 80100460 AFA40000 */ sw $a0, ($sp)
/* B77604 80100464 13200008 */ beqz $t9, .L80100488
/* B77608 80100468 03001025 */ move $v0, $t8
/* B7760C 8010046C 330803FF */ andi $t0, $t8, 0x3ff
/* B77610 80100470 00084840 */ sll $t1, $t0, 1
/* B77614 80100474 00095023 */ negu $t2, $t1
/* B77618 80100478 3C038013 */ lui $v1, %hi(D_80134CCE)
/* B7761C 8010047C 006A1821 */ addu $v1, $v1, $t2
/* B77620 80100480 10000006 */ b .L8010049C
/* B77624 80100484 84634CCE */ lh $v1, %lo(D_80134CCE)($v1)
/* B77628 80100488 304B03FF */ andi $t3, $v0, 0x3ff
/* B7762C 8010048C 000B6040 */ sll $t4, $t3, 1
/* B77630 80100490 3C038013 */ lui $v1, %hi(D_801344D0)
/* B77634 80100494 006C1821 */ addu $v1, $v1, $t4
/* B77638 80100498 846344D0 */ lh $v1, %lo(D_801344D0)($v1)
/* B7763C 8010049C 304D0800 */ andi $t5, $v0, 0x800
/* B77640 801004A0 11A00005 */ beqz $t5, .L801004B8
/* B77644 801004A4 00601025 */ move $v0, $v1
/* B77648 801004A8 00031023 */ negu $v0, $v1
/* B7764C 801004AC 00027400 */ sll $t6, $v0, 0x10
/* B77650 801004B0 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* B77654 801004B4 000E1403 */ sra $v0, $t6, 0x10
/* B77658 801004B8 03E00008 */ jr $ra
/* B7765C 801004BC 00000000 */ nop