
523 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-05-18 12:39:39 +02:00
#include "common.h"
#include "patcher.h"
#include "CarCtrl.h"
2019-08-07 00:32:19 +03:00
#include "Automobile.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "CarAI.h"
#include "CarGen.h"
#include "Curves.h"
#include "CutsceneMgr.h"
#include "General.h"
#include "IniFile.h"
#include "ModelIndices.h"
#include "PathFind.h"
#include "Ped.h"
#include "PlayerInfo.h"
#include "PlayerPed.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "VisibilityPlugins.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "Wanted.h"
#include "World.h"
#include "Zones.h"
int &CCarCtrl::NumLawEnforcerCars = *(int*)0x8F1B38;
int &CCarCtrl::NumAmbulancesOnDuty = *(int*)0x885BB0;
int &CCarCtrl::NumFiretrucksOnDuty = *(int*)0x9411F0;
2019-06-29 11:09:33 +02:00
bool &CCarCtrl::bCarsGeneratedAroundCamera = *(bool*)0x95CD8A;
2019-07-04 01:16:24 +03:00
float& CCarCtrl::CarDensityMultiplier = *(float*)0x5EC8B4;
2019-07-25 23:34:29 +03:00
int32 &CCarCtrl::NumMissionCars = *(int32*)0x8F1B54;
int32 &CCarCtrl::NumRandomCars = *(int32*)0x943118;
int32 &CCarCtrl::NumParkedCars = *(int32*)0x8F29E0;
2019-08-07 00:32:19 +03:00
int8 &CCarCtrl::CountDownToCarsAtStart = *(int8*)0x95CD63;
int32 &CCarCtrl::MaxNumberOfCarsInUse = *(int32*)0x5EC8B8;
uint32 &CCarCtrl::LastTimeLawEnforcerCreated = *(uint32*)0x8F5FF0;
2019-06-17 10:30:02 +02:00
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::SwitchVehicleToRealPhysics(CVehicle*) { EAXJMP(0x41F7F0); }
2019-06-28 12:34:02 +02:00
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::AddToCarArray(int32 id, int32 vehclass) { EAXJMP(0x4182F0); }
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::UpdateCarCount(CVehicle*, bool) { EAXJMP(0x4202E0); }
WRAPPER int32 CCarCtrl::ChooseCarModel(int32 vehclass) { EAXJMP(0x418110); }
WRAPPER bool CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystemGotoCoors(CVehicle*, CVector, bool) { EAXJMP(0x41FA00); }
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::JoinCarWithRoadSystem(CVehicle*) { EAXJMP(0x41F820); }
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::SteerAICarWithPhysics(CVehicle*) { EAXJMP(0x41DA60); }
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::UpdateCarOnRails(CVehicle*) { EAXJMP(0x418880); }
2019-07-18 15:41:09 +02:00
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::ScanForPedDanger(CVehicle *veh) { EAXJMP(0x418F40); }
2019-07-25 23:34:29 +03:00
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::RemoveFromInterestingVehicleList(CVehicle* v) { EAXJMP(0x41F7A0); }
2019-08-07 00:32:19 +03:00
WRAPPER void CCarCtrl::GenerateEmergencyServicesCar(void) { EAXJMP(0x41FC50); }
WRAPPER int32 CCarCtrl::ChooseModel(CZoneInfo*, CVector*, int*) { EAXJMP(0x417EC0); }
WRAPPER int32 CCarCtrl::ChoosePoliceCarModel(void) { EAXJMP(0x4181F0); }
if (CCutsceneMgr::IsCutsceneProcessing())
if (NumRandomCars < 30){
if (CountDownToCarsAtStart == 0){
else if (--CountDownToCarsAtStart == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
CTheCarGenerators::GenerateEvenIfPlayerIsCloseCounter = 20;
/* Approximately once per 4 seconds. */
if ((CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() & 0xFFFFF000) != (CTimer::GetPreviousTimeInMilliseconds() & 0xFFFFF000))
static int32 unk = 0;
CPlayerInfo* pPlayer = &CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus];
CVector vecTargetPos = FindPlayerCentreOfWorld(CWorld::PlayerInFocus);
CVector2D vecPlayerSpeed = FindPlayerSpeed();
CZoneInfo zone;
CTheZones::GetZoneInfoForTimeOfDay(&vecTargetPos, &zone);
pPlayer->m_nTrafficMultiplier = pPlayer->m_fRoadDensity * zone.carDensity;
if (NumRandomCars >= pPlayer->m_nTrafficMultiplier * CarDensityMultiplier * CIniFile::CarNumberMultiplier)
if (NumFiretrucksOnDuty + NumAmbulancesOnDuty + NumParkedCars + NumMissionCars + NumLawEnforcerCars + NumRandomCars >= MaxNumberOfCarsInUse)
CWanted* pWanted = pPlayer->m_pPed->m_pWanted;
int carClass;
int carModel;
if (pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 1 && NumLawEnforcerCars < pWanted->m_MaximumLawEnforcerVehicles &&
pWanted->m_CurrentCops < pWanted->m_MaxCops && (
pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 3 ||
pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 2 && CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > LastTimeLawEnforcerCreated + 5000 ||
pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 1 && CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() > LastTimeLawEnforcerCreated + 8000)) {
/* Last pWanted->m_nWantedLevel > 1 is unnecessary but I added it for better readability. */
/* Wouldn't be surprised it was there originally but was optimized out. */
carClass = COPS;
carModel = ChoosePoliceCarModel();
carModel = ChooseModel(&zone, &vecTargetPos, &carClass);
if (carClass == COPS && pWanted->m_nWantedLevel >= 1)
/* All cop spawns with wanted level are handled by condition above. */
/* In particular it means that cop cars never spawn if player has wanted level of 1. */
float frontX, frontY;
float preferredDistance, angleLimit;
bool invertAngleLimitTest;
CVector spawnPosition;
int32 curNodeId, nextNodeId;
float positionBetweenNodes;
bool testForCollision;
CVehicle* pPlayerVehicle = FindPlayerVehicle();
CVector2D vecPlayerVehicleSpeed;
float fPlayerVehicleSpeed;
if (pPlayerVehicle) {
vecPlayerVehicleSpeed = FindPlayerVehicle()->GetMoveSpeed();
fPlayerVehicleSpeed = vecPlayerVehicleSpeed.Magnitude();
if (TheCamera.GetForward().z < -0.9f){
/* Player uses topdown camera. */
/* Spawn essentially anywhere. */
frontX = frontY = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
angleLimit = -1.0f;
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 40.0f;
/* BUG: testForCollision not initialized in original game. */
testForCollision = false;
}else if (!pPlayerVehicle){
/* Player is not in vehicle. */
testForCollision = true;
frontX = TheCamera.CamFrontXNorm;
frontY = TheCamera.CamFrontYNorm;
switch (CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 1) {
case 0:
/* Spawn a vehicle relatively far away from player. */
/* Forward to his current direction (camera direction). */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 1:
/* Spawn a vehicle close to player to his side. */
/* Kinda not within camera angle. */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = false;
preferredDistance = 40.0f;
}else if (fPlayerVehicleSpeed > 0.4f){ /* 72 km/h */
/* Player is moving fast in vehicle */
/* Prefer spawning vehicles very far away from him. */
frontX = vecPlayerVehicleSpeed.x / fPlayerVehicleSpeed;
frontY = vecPlayerVehicleSpeed.y / fPlayerVehicleSpeed;
testForCollision = false;
switch (CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 3) {
case 0:
case 1:
/* Spawn a vehicle in a very narrow gap in front of a player */
angleLimit = 0.85f; /* approx 30 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 2:
/* Spawn a vehicle relatively far away from player. */
/* Forward to his current direction (camera direction). */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 3:
/* Spawn a vehicle close to player to his side. */
/* Kinda not within camera angle. */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = false;
preferredDistance = 40.0f;
}else if (fPlayerVehicleSpeed > 0.1f){ /* 18 km/h */
/* Player is moving moderately fast in vehicle */
/* Spawn more vehicles to player's side. */
frontX = vecPlayerVehicleSpeed.x / fPlayerVehicleSpeed;
frontY = vecPlayerVehicleSpeed.y / fPlayerVehicleSpeed;
testForCollision = false;
switch (CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 3) {
case 0:
/* Spawn a vehicle in a very narrow gap in front of a player */
angleLimit = 0.85f; /* approx 30 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 1:
/* Spawn a vehicle relatively far away from player. */
/* Forward to his current direction (camera direction). */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 2:
case 3:
/* Spawn a vehicle close to player to his side. */
/* Kinda not within camera angle. */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = false;
preferredDistance = 40.0f;
/* Player is in vehicle but moving very slow. */
/* Then use camera direction instead of vehicle direction. */
testForCollision = true;
frontX = TheCamera.CamFrontXNorm;
frontY = TheCamera.CamFrontYNorm;
switch (CTimer::GetFrameCounter() & 1) {
case 0:
/* Spawn a vehicle relatively far away from player. */
/* Forward to his current direction (camera direction). */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = true;
preferredDistance = 120.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier;
case 1:
/* Spawn a vehicle close to player to his side. */
/* Kinda not within camera angle. */
angleLimit = 0.707f; /* 45 degrees */
invertAngleLimitTest = false;
preferredDistance = 40.0f;
if (!ThePaths.NewGenerateCarCreationCoors(vecTargetPos.x, vecTargetPos.y, frontX, frontY,
preferredDistance, angleLimit, invertAngleLimitTest, &spawnPosition, &curNodeId, &nextNodeId,
&positionBetweenNodes, carClass == COPS && pWanted->m_nWantedLevel >= 1))
int16 colliding;
CWorld::FindObjectsKindaColliding(spawnPosition, 10.0f, true, &colliding, 2, nil, false, true, true, false, false);
if (colliding)
/* If something is already present in spawn position, do not create vehicle*/
if (!ThePaths.TestCoorsCloseness(vecTargetPos, false, spawnPosition))
/* Testing if spawn position can reach target position via valid path. */
int16 idInNode = 0;
CPathNode* pNode1 = &ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId];
while (idInNode < pNode1->numLinks &&
ThePaths.m_connections[idInNode + pNode1->firstLink] != nextNodeId)
int16 connectionId = ThePaths.m_carPathConnections[idInNode + ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].firstLink];
CCarPathLink* pPathLink = &ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[connectionId];
int16 lanesOnCurrentRoad = pPathLink->pathNodeIndex == nextNodeId ? pPathLink->numLeftLanes : pPathLink->numRightLanes;
CVehicleModelInfo* pModelInfo = (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(carModel);
if (lanesOnCurrentRoad == 0 || pModelInfo->m_vehicleType == VEHICLE_TYPE_BIKE)
/* Not spawning vehicle if road is one way and intended direction is opposide to that way. */
/* Also not spawning bikes but they don't exist in final game. */
CAutomobile* pCar = new CAutomobile(carModel, RANDOM_VEHICLE);
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nPrevRouteNode = 0;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentRouteNode = curNodeId;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextRouteNode = nextNodeId;
switch (carClass) {
case POOR:
case RICH:
case EXEC:
case WORKER:
case BIG:
case TAXI:
case MAFIA:
case TRIAD:
case DIABLO:
case YAKUZA:
case YARDIE:
case COLOMB:
case NINES:
case GANG8:
case GANG9:
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(9, 14);
if (carClass == EXEC)
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(12, 18);
else if (carClass == POOR || carClass == SPECIAL)
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(7, 10);
CVehicleModelInfo* pVehicleInfo = (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(pCar->GetModelIndex());
if (pVehicleInfo->GetColModel()->boundingBox.max.y - pVehicleInfo->GetColModel()->boundingBox.min.y > 10.0f || carClass == BIG) {
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed *= 3;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed /= 4;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_fMaxTrafficSpeed = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission = MISSION_CRUISE;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nAnimationId = TEMPACT_NONE;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_STOP_FOR_CARS;
case COPS:
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nAnimationId = TEMPACT_NONE;
if (CWorld::Players[CWorld::PlayerInFocus].m_pPed->m_pWanted->m_nWantedLevel != 0){
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = CCarAI::FindPoliceCarSpeedForWantedLevel(pCar);
pCar->AutoPilot.m_fMaxTrafficSpeed = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed / 2;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission = CCarAI::FindPoliceCarMissionForWantedLevel();
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_AVOID_CARS;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed = CGeneral::GetRandomNumberInRange(12, 16);
pCar->AutoPilot.m_fMaxTrafficSpeed = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_STOP_FOR_CARS;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission = MISSION_CRUISE;
if (carModel == MI_FBICAR){
pCar->m_currentColour1 = 0;
pCar->m_currentColour2 = 0;
/* FBI cars are gray in carcols, but we want them black if they going after player. */
if (pCar && pCar->GetModelIndex() == MI_MRWHOOP)
pCar->m_bSirenOrAlarm = true;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo = connectionId;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentLane = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nPreviousLane = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % lanesOnCurrentRoad;
CColBox* boundingBox = &CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(pCar->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel()->boundingBox;
float carLength = 1.0f + (boundingBox->max.y - boundingBox->min.y) / 2;
float distanceBetweenNodes = (ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].pos - ThePaths.m_pathNodes[nextNodeId].pos).Magnitude2D();
/* If car is so long that it doesn't fit between two car nodes, place it directly in the middle. */
/* Otherwise put it at least in a way that full vehicle length fits between two nodes. */
if (distanceBetweenNodes / 2 < carLength)
positionBetweenNodes = 0.5f;
positionBetweenNodes = min(1.0f - carLength / distanceBetweenNodes, max(carLength / distanceBetweenNodes, positionBetweenNodes));
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection = (curNodeId >= nextNodeId) ? 1 : -1;
if (ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].numLinks == 1){
/* Do not create vehicle if there is nowhere to go. */
delete pCar;
int16 nextConnection = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo;
int16 newLink;
while (nextConnection == pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo){
newLink = CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() % ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].numLinks;
nextConnection = ThePaths.m_carPathConnections[newLink + ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].firstLink];
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo = nextConnection;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection = (ThePaths.m_connections[newLink + ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].firstLink] >= curNodeId) ? 1 : -1;
CVector2D vecBetweenNodes = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[nextNodeId].pos - ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].pos;
float forwardX, forwardY;
float distBetweenNodes = vecBetweenNodes.Magnitude();
if (distanceBetweenNodes == 0.0f){
forwardX = 1.0f;
forwardY = 0.0f;
forwardX = vecBetweenNodes.x / distBetweenNodes;
forwardY = vecBetweenNodes.y / distBetweenNodes;
/* I think the following might be some form of SetRotateZOnly. */
/* Setting up direction between two car nodes. */
pCar->GetForward() = CVector(forwardX, forwardY, 0.0f);
pCar->GetRight() = CVector(forwardY, -forwardX, 0.0f);
pCar->GetUp() = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float currentPathLinkForwardX = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection * ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo].dirX;
float currentPathLinkForwardY = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection * ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo].dirY;
float nextPathLinkForwardX = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection * ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo].dirX;
float nextPathLinkForwardY = pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection * ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo].dirY;
/* Selecting lane. */
CCarPathLink* pCurrentLink = &ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentPathNodeInfo];
float currentLaneCoefficient = (pCurrentLink->numLeftLanes == 0) ? (0.5f - 0.5f * pCurrentLink->numRightLanes) :
((pCurrentLink->numRightLanes == 0) ? (0.5f - 0.5f * pCurrentLink->numLeftLanes) : 0.5f);
/* 5.0f is most likely lane width. TODO: enum */
float roadShiftAlongCurrentNode = (pCar->AutoPilot.m_nPreviousLane + currentLaneCoefficient) * 5.0f;
CCarPathLink* pNextLink = &ThePaths.m_carPathLinks[pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextPathNodeInfo];
float nextLaneCoefficient = (pNextLink->numLeftLanes == 0) ? (0.5f - 0.5f * pNextLink->numRightLanes) :
((pNextLink->numRightLanes == 0) ? (0.5f - 0.5f * pNextLink->numLeftLanes) : 0.5f);
float roadShiftAlongNextNode = (pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentLane + nextLaneCoefficient) * 5.0f;
CVector positionOnCurrentLinkIncludingLane(
pCurrentLink->posX + roadShiftAlongCurrentNode * currentPathLinkForwardY,
pCurrentLink->posY - roadShiftAlongCurrentNode * currentPathLinkForwardX,
CVector positionOnNextLinkIncludingLane(
pNextLink->posX + roadShiftAlongNextNode * nextPathLinkForwardY,
pNextLink->posY - roadShiftAlongNextNode * nextPathLinkForwardX,
float directionCurrentLinkX = pCurrentLink->dirX * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection;
float directionCurrentLinkY = pCurrentLink->dirY * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurrentDirection;
float directionNextLinkX = pNextLink->dirX * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection;
float directionNextLinkY = pNextLink->dirY * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nNextDirection;
/* We want to make a path between two links that may not have the same forward directions a curve. */
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurveSpeedScale = CCurves::CalcSpeedScaleFactor(
directionCurrentLinkX, directionCurrentLinkY,
directionNextLinkX, directionNextLinkY
) * (1000.0f / pCar->AutoPilot.m_fMaxTrafficSpeed);
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
/* Casting timer to float is very unwanted. In this case it's not awful */
/* but in CAutoPilot::ModifySpeed it can even cause crashes (see SilentPatch). */
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nTimeEnteredCurve = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() -
(uint32)((0.5f + positionBetweenNodes) * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurveSpeedScale);
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nTotalSpeedScaleFactor = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() -
(0.5f + positionBetweenNodes) * pCar->AutoPilot.m_nSpeedScaleFactor;
uint32 timeAlreadyInCurve = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds() - pCar->AutoPilot.m_nTimeEnteredCurve;
float positionAlongCurve = (float)timeAlreadyInCurve / pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCurveSpeedScale;
CVector directionCurrentLink(directionCurrentLinkX, directionCurrentLinkY, 0.0f);
CVector directionNextLink(directionNextLinkX, directionNextLinkY, 0.0f);
CVector positionIncludingCurve;
CVector directionIncludingCurve;
CVector vectorBetweenNodes = ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].pos - ThePaths.m_pathNodes[nextNodeId].pos;
CVector finalPosition = positionIncludingCurve + vectorBetweenNodes * 2.0f / vectorBetweenNodes.Magnitude();
finalPosition.z = positionBetweenNodes * ThePaths.m_pathNodes[nextNodeId].pos.z +
(1.0f - positionBetweenNodes) * ThePaths.m_pathNodes[curNodeId].pos.z;
float groundZ = 1000000000.0f; // TODO: define/enum
CColPoint colPoint;
CEntity* pEntity;
if (CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(finalPosition, 1000.0f, colPoint, pEntity, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil))
groundZ = colPoint.point.z;
if (CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(finalPosition, -1000.0f, colPoint, pEntity, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)){
if (ABS(colPoint.point.z - finalPosition.z) < ABS(groundZ - finalPosition.z))
groundZ = colPoint.point.z;
if (groundZ == 1000000000.0f || ABS(groundZ - finalPosition.z) > 7.0f) {
/* Failed to find ground or too far from expected position. */
delete pCar;
finalPosition.z = groundZ + pCar->GetHeightAboveRoad();
pCar->GetPosition() = finalPosition;
pCar->SetMoveSpeed(directionIncludingCurve / 60.0f);
CVector2D speedDifferenceWithTarget = (CVector2D)pCar->GetMoveSpeed() - vecPlayerSpeed;
CVector2D distanceToTarget = positionIncludingCurve - vecTargetPos;
switch (carClass) {
case POOR:
case RICH:
case EXEC:
case WORKER:
case BIG:
case TAXI:
case MAFIA:
case TRIAD:
case DIABLO:
case YAKUZA:
case YARDIE:
case COLOMB:
case NINES:
case GANG8:
case GANG9:
pCar->m_status = STATUS_SIMPLE;
case COPS:
pCar->m_status = (pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCarMission == MISSION_CRUISE) ? STATUS_SIMPLE : STATUS_PHYSICS;
CVisibilityPlugins::SetClumpAlpha(pCar->GetClump(), 0);
if (!pCar->GetIsOnScreen()){
if ((vecTargetPos - pCar->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D() > 50.0f) {
/* Too far away cars that are not visible aren't needed. */
delete pCar;
}else if((vecTargetPos - pCar->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D() > TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier * 130.0f ||
(vecTargetPos - pCar->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D() < TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier * 110.0f){
delete pCar;
}else if((TheCamera.GetPosition() - pCar->GetPosition()).Magnitude2D() < 90.0f * TheCamera.GenerationDistMultiplier){
delete pCar;
CVehicleModelInfo* pVehicleModel = (CVehicleModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(pCar->GetModelIndex());
float radiusToTest = pVehicleModel->GetColModel()->boundingSphere.radius;
if (testForCollision){
CWorld::FindObjectsKindaColliding(pCar->GetPosition(), radiusToTest + 20.0f, true, &colliding, 2, nil, false, true, false, false, false);
if (colliding){
delete pCar;
CWorld::FindObjectsKindaColliding(pCar->GetPosition(), radiusToTest, true, &colliding, 2, nil, false, true, false, false, false);
if (colliding){
delete pCar;
if (speedDifferenceWithTarget.x * distanceToTarget.x +
speedDifferenceWithTarget.y * distanceToTarget.y >= 0.0f){
delete pCar;
pVehicleModel->AvoidSameVehicleColour(&pCar->m_currentColour1, &pCar->m_currentColour2);
if (carClass == COPS)
if ((CGeneral::GetRandomNumber() & 0x3F) == 0){ /* 1/64 probability */
pCar->m_status = STATUS_PHYSICS;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nDrivingStyle = DRIVINGSTYLE_AVOID_CARS;
pCar->AutoPilot.m_nCruiseSpeed += 10;
if (carClass == COPS)
LastTimeLawEnforcerCreated = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
2019-07-17 23:58:06 +02:00
CCarCtrl::MapCouldMoveInThisArea(float x, float y)
// bridge moves up and down
return x > -342.0f && x < -219.0f &&
y > -677.0f && y < -580.0f;
2019-08-07 00:32:19 +03:00
InjectHook(0x416580, &CCarCtrl::GenerateRandomCars, PATCH_JUMP);