premake stuff

This commit is contained in:
Sergeanur 2020-04-28 22:46:53 +03:00
parent b32eedc230
commit d5256f74e5
2 changed files with 102 additions and 95 deletions

View file

@ -3,24 +3,21 @@ image: Visual Studio 2019
- Debug
- Release
platform: Win32
- win-x86-librw_d3d9-mss
- cmd: >-
git submodule update --init --recursive
copy premake5.exe "librw/premake5.exe"
cd "librw" && premake5 vs2019 && msbuild "build/librw.sln" /property:Configuration=%CONFIGURATION% /property:Platform="win-x86-d3d9"
cd "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" && premake5 vs2019
premake5 vs2019
project: build/re3.sln
verbosity: minimal
- path: bin/%CONFIGURATION%/re3.exe
- path: bin/%PLATFORM%/%CONFIGURATION%/re3.exe
name: re3.exe
- path: bin/%CONFIGURATION%/re3.pdb
- path: bin/%PLATFORM%/%CONFIGURATION%/re3.pdb
name: re3.pdb

View file

@ -1,8 +1,85 @@
Librw = os.getenv("LIBRW") or "librw"
workspace "re3"
configurations { "Debug", "Release", "ReleaseFH", "DebugRW", "ReleaseRW", "ReleaseGLFW" }
language "C++"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
location "build"
symbols "Full"
staticruntime "off"
filter { "system:windows" }
platforms {
filter "configurations:Debug"
defines { "DEBUG" }
filter "configurations:Release"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
optimize "On"
filter { "platforms:win*" }
system "windows"
filter { "platforms:*x86*" }
architecture "x86"
filter { "platforms:*librw_d3d9*" }
defines { "RW_D3D9" }
filter "platforms:*librw_gl3_glfw*"
defines { "RW_GL3" }
defines { "GLEW_STATIC" }
includedirs { "glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32/include" }
includedirs { "glew-2.1.0/include" }
filter {}
pbcommands = {
"setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion",
"set file=$(TargetPath)",
"FOR %%i IN (\"%file%\") DO (",
"set filename=%%~ni",
"set fileextension=%%~xi",
"set target=!path!!filename!!fileextension!",
"copy /y \"!file!\" \"!target!\"",
")" }
function setpaths (gamepath, exepath, scriptspath)
scriptspath = scriptspath or ""
if (gamepath) then
cmdcopy = { "set \"path=" .. gamepath .. scriptspath .. "\"" }
table.insert(cmdcopy, pbcommands)
postbuildcommands (cmdcopy)
debugdir (gamepath)
if (exepath) then
debugcommand (gamepath .. exepath)
dir, file = exepath:match'(.*/)(.*)'
debugdir (gamepath .. (dir or ""))
--targetdir ("bin/%{}/" .. scriptspath)
project "librw"
kind "StaticLib"
targetname "rw"
targetdir "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
files { path.join(Librw, "src/*.*") }
files { path.join(Librw, "src/*/*.*") }
filter "platforms:*RW33*"
flags { "ExcludeFromBuild" }
filter {}
project "re3"
kind "WindowedApp"
targetname "re3"
targetdir "bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
targetextension ".exe"
characterset ("MBCS")
linkoptions "/SAFESEH:NO"
files { "src/*.*" }
files { "src/animation/*.*" }
@ -48,105 +125,38 @@ workspace "re3"
includedirs { "src/extras" }
includedirs { "eax" }
includedirs { "dxsdk/include" }
includedirs { "milessdk/include" }
includedirs { "eax" }
libdirs { "dxsdk/lib" }
libdirs { "milessdk/lib" }
filter "configurations:Debug or Release"
files { "src/fakerw/*.*" }
includedirs { "src/fakerw" }
includedirs { Librw }
libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/win-x86-d3d9/%{cfg.buildcfg}") }
links { "rw", "d3d9" }
filter {}
filter "configurations:DebugRW or ReleaseRW"
setpaths("$(GTA_III_RE_DIR)/", "$(TargetFileName)", "")
filter "platforms:*RW33*"
staticruntime "on"
includedirs { "rwsdk/include/d3d8" }
libdirs { "rwsdk/lib/d3d8/release" }
links { "rwcore", "rpworld", "rpmatfx", "rpskin", "rphanim", "rtbmp", "rtquat", "rtcharse" }
filter {}
filter "configurations:ReleaseGLFW"
defines { "GLEW_STATIC", "GLFW_DLL" }
defines { "RWLIBS" }
linkoptions "/SECTION:_rwcseg,ER!W /MERGE:_rwcseg=.text"
filter "platforms:*librw*"
defines { "LIBRW" }
files { "src/fakerw/*.*" }
includedirs { "src/fakerw" }
includedirs { Librw }
includedirs { "glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32/include" }
includedirs { "glew-2.1.0/include" }
libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/win-x86-gl3/Release") }
libdirs { "glew-2.1.0/lib/Release/Win32" }
libdirs { "glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32/lib-vc2015" }
links { "opengl32" }
links { "glew32s" }
links { "glfw3dll" }
libdirs { "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" }
links { "rw" }
filter {}
pbcommands = {
"setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion",
"set file=$(TargetPath)",
"FOR %%i IN (\"%file%\") DO (",
"set filename=%%~ni",
"set fileextension=%%~xi",
"set target=!path!!filename!!fileextension!",
"copy /y \"!file!\" \"!target!\"",
")" }
function setpaths (gamepath, exepath, scriptspath)
scriptspath = scriptspath or ""
if (gamepath) then
cmdcopy = { "set \"path=" .. gamepath .. scriptspath .. "\"" }
table.insert(cmdcopy, pbcommands)
postbuildcommands (cmdcopy)
debugdir (gamepath)
if (exepath) then
debugcommand (gamepath .. exepath)
dir, file = exepath:match'(.*/)(.*)'
debugdir (gamepath .. (dir or ""))
--targetdir ("bin/%{}/" .. scriptspath)
project "re3"
kind "WindowedApp"
language "C++"
targetname "re3"
targetdir "bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
targetextension ".exe"
characterset ("MBCS")
linkoptions "/SAFESEH:NO"
setpaths("$(GTA_III_RE_DIR)/", "$(TargetFileName)", "")
symbols "Full"
staticruntime "off"
filter "configurations:Debug or Release or ReleaseFH"
prebuildcommands { "cd \"../librw\" && premake5 " .. _ACTION .. " && msbuild \"build/librw.sln\" /property:Configuration=%{cfg.longname} /property:Platform=\"win-x86-d3d9\"" }
defines { "LIBRW", "RW_D3D9" }
filter "configurations:*RW"
defines { "RWLIBS" }
staticruntime "on"
linkoptions "/SECTION:_rwcseg,ER!W /MERGE:_rwcseg=.text"
filter "platforms:*d3d*"
includedirs { "dxsdk/include" }
libdirs { "dxsdk/lib" }
filter "configurations:*GLFW"
prebuildcommands { "cd \"../librw\" && premake5 " .. _ACTION .. " && msbuild \"build/librw.sln\" /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=\"win-x86-gl3\"" }
defines { "LIBRW", "RW_GL3" }
filter "platforms:*d3d9*"
links { "d3d9" }
filter "configurations:Debug*"
defines { "DEBUG" }
filter "configurations:Release*"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
optimize "On"
filter "configurations:ReleaseFH"
prebuildcommands {}
optimize "off"
staticruntime "on"
filter "platforms:*gl3_glfw*"
libdirs { "glew-2.1.0/lib/Release/Win32" }
libdirs { "glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32/lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION, "vs", "vc") }
links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" }