newoption { trigger = "glewdir", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of GLEW", default = "vendor/glew-2.1.0" } newoption { trigger = "glfwdir64", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of glfw", default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN64", } newoption { trigger = "glfwdir32", value = "PATH", description = "Directory of glfw", default = "vendor/glfw-3.3.2.bin.WIN32", } newoption { trigger = "with-asan", description = "Build with address sanitizer" } newoption { trigger = "with-librw", description = "Build and use librw from this solution" } newoption { trigger = "with-opus", description = "Build with opus" } newoption { trigger = "lto", description = "Use link time optimization" } if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then Librw = "vendor/librw" else Librw = os.getenv("LIBRW") or "vendor/librw" end function getsys(a) if a == 'windows' then return 'win' end return a end function getarch(a) if a == 'x86_64' then return 'amd64' elseif a == 'ARM' then return 'arm' elseif a == 'ARM64' then return 'arm64' end return a end workspace "reLCS" language "C++" configurations { "Debug", "Release", "Vanilla" } startproject "reLCS" location "build" symbols "Full" staticruntime "off" -- for CVECTORHACK configuration { "gmake*" } buildoptions { "-fpermissive" } filter { "platforms:macosx*" } buildoptions { "-Wno-address-of-temporary" } if _OPTIONS["with-asan"] then buildoptions { "-fsanitize=address -g3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer" } linkoptions { "-fsanitize=address" } end filter { "system:windows" } platforms { "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-mss", "win-x86-librw_d3d9-mss", "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-mss", "win-x86-RW34_d3d8-oal", "win-x86-librw_d3d9-oal", "win-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "win-amd64-librw_d3d9-oal", "win-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", } filter { "system:linux" } platforms { "linux-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "linux-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "linux-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "linux-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", } filter { "system:bsd" } platforms { "bsd-x86-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "bsd-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "bsd-arm-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "bsd-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal" } filter { "system:macosx" } platforms { "macosx-arm64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", "macosx-amd64-librw_gl3_glfw-oal", } filter "configurations:Debug" defines { "DEBUG" } filter "configurations:not Debug" defines { "NDEBUG" } optimize "Speed" if(_OPTIONS["lto"]) then flags { "LinkTimeOptimization" } end filter "configurations:Vanilla" defines { "VANILLA_DEFINES" } filter { "platforms:win*" } system "windows" filter { "platforms:linux*" } system "linux" filter { "platforms:bsd*" } system "bsd" filter { "platforms:macosx*" } system "macosx" filter { "platforms:*x86*" } architecture "x86" filter { "platforms:*amd64*" } architecture "amd64" filter { "platforms:*arm*" } architecture "ARM" filter { "platforms:macosx-arm64-*" } buildoptions { "-target", "arm64-apple-macos11", "-std=gnu++14" } filter { "platforms:macosx-amd64-*" } buildoptions { "-target", "x86_64-apple-macos10.12", "-std=gnu++14" } filter { "platforms:*librw_d3d9*" } defines { "RW_D3D9" } if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/win-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-d3d9/%{cfg.buildcfg}") } end filter "platforms:*librw_gl3_glfw*" defines { "RW_GL3" } includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "include") } if(not _OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then libdirs { path.join(Librw, "lib/%{getsys(cfg.system)}-%{getarch(cfg.architecture)}-gl3/%{cfg.buildcfg}") } end filter "platforms:*x86-librw_gl3_glfw*" includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "include") } filter "platforms:*amd64-librw_gl3_glfw*" includedirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "include") } filter "platforms:win*librw_gl3_glfw*" defines { "GLEW_STATIC" } filter {} function setpaths (gamepath, exepath) if (gamepath) then postbuildcommands { '{COPYFILE} "%{cfg.buildtarget.abspath}" "' .. gamepath .. '%{}"' } debugdir (gamepath) if (exepath) then -- Used VS variable $(TargetFileName) because it doesn't accept premake tokens. Does debugcommand even work outside VS?? debugcommand (gamepath .. "$(TargetFileName)") dir, file = exepath:match'(.*/)(.*)' debugdir (gamepath .. (dir or "")) end end end if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then project "librw" kind "StaticLib" targetname "rw" targetdir(path.join(Librw, "lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}")) files { path.join(Librw, "src/*.*") } files { path.join(Librw, "src/*/*.*") } filter { "platforms:*x86*" } architecture "x86" filter { "platforms:*amd64*" } architecture "amd64" filter "platforms:win*" defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE" } staticruntime "on" buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" } filter "platforms:bsd*" includedirs { "/usr/local/include" } libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" } filter "platforms:macosx*" -- Support MacPorts and Homebrew includedirs { "/opt/local/include" } includedirs {"/usr/local/include" } libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" } libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" } filter "platforms:*gl3_glfw*" staticruntime "off" filter "platforms:*RW34*" flags { "ExcludeFromBuild" } filter {} end local function addSrcFiles( prefix ) return prefix .. "/*cpp", prefix .. "/*.h", prefix .. "/*.c", prefix .. "/*.ico", prefix .. "/*.rc" end project "reLCS" kind "WindowedApp" targetname "reLCS" targetdir "bin/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then dependson "librw" end files { addSrcFiles("src") } files { addSrcFiles("src/animation") } files { addSrcFiles("src/audio") } files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/eax") } files { addSrcFiles("src/audio/oal") } files { addSrcFiles("src/buildings") } files { addSrcFiles("src/collision") } files { addSrcFiles("src/control") } files { addSrcFiles("src/core") } files { addSrcFiles("src/entities") } files { addSrcFiles("src/leeds") } files { addSrcFiles("src/leeds/base") } files { addSrcFiles("src/math") } files { addSrcFiles("src/modelinfo") } files { addSrcFiles("src/objects") } files { addSrcFiles("src/peds") } files { addSrcFiles("src/render") } files { addSrcFiles("src/rw") } files { addSrcFiles("src/save") } files { addSrcFiles("src/skel") } files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/glfw") } files { addSrcFiles("src/text") } files { addSrcFiles("src/vehicles") } files { addSrcFiles("src/weapons") } files { addSrcFiles("src/extras") } files { "src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp" } -- this won't be in repo in first build includedirs { "src" } includedirs { "src/animation" } includedirs { "src/audio" } includedirs { "src/audio/eax" } includedirs { "src/audio/oal" } includedirs { "src/buildings" } includedirs { "src/collision" } includedirs { "src/control" } includedirs { "src/core" } includedirs { "src/entities" } includedirs { "src/leeds" } includedirs { "src/leeds/base" } includedirs { "src/math" } includedirs { "src/modelinfo" } includedirs { "src/objects" } includedirs { "src/peds" } includedirs { "src/render" } includedirs { "src/rw" } includedirs { "src/save/" } includedirs { "src/skel/" } includedirs { "src/skel/glfw" } includedirs { "src/text" } includedirs { "src/vehicles" } includedirs { "src/weapons" } includedirs { "src/extras" } if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then includedirs { "vendor/ogg/include" } includedirs { "vendor/opus/include" } includedirs { "vendor/opusfile/include" } end filter "platforms:*mss" defines { "AUDIO_MSS" } includedirs { "vendor/milessdk/include" } libdirs { "vendor/milessdk/lib" } if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then filter "platforms:win*" libdirs { "vendor/ogg/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" } libdirs { "vendor/opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/%{cfg.buildcfg}" } libdirs { "vendor/opusfile/win32/VS2015/Win32/Release-NoHTTP" } filter {} defines { "AUDIO_OPUS" } end filter "platforms:*oal" defines { "AUDIO_OAL" } filter {} if(os.getenv("GTA_LCS_RE_DIR")) then setpaths(os.getenv("GTA_LCS_RE_DIR") .. "/", "%(") end filter "platforms:win*" files { addSrcFiles("src/skel/win") } includedirs { "src/skel/win" } buildoptions { "/Zc:sizedDealloc-" } linkoptions "/SAFESEH:NO" characterset ("MBCS") targetextension ".exe" if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then -- external librw is dynamic staticruntime "on" end prebuildcommands { '"%{prj.location}..\\printHash.bat" "%{prj.location}..\\src\\extras\\GitSHA1.cpp"' } filter "platforms:not win*" prebuildcommands { '"%{prj.location}/../" "%{prj.location}/../src/extras/GitSHA1.cpp"' } filter "platforms:win*glfw*" staticruntime "off" filter "platforms:win*oal" includedirs { "vendor/openal-soft/include" } includedirs { "vendor/libsndfile/include" } includedirs { "vendor/mpg123/include" } filter "platforms:win-x86*oal" libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win32" } libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win32" } libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win32" } filter "platforms:win-amd64*oal" libdirs { "vendor/mpg123/lib/Win64" } libdirs { "vendor/libsndfile/lib/Win64" } libdirs { "vendor/openal-soft/libs/Win64" } filter "platforms:linux*oal" links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" } filter "platforms:bsd*oal" links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" } filter "platforms:macosx*oal" links { "openal", "mpg123", "sndfile", "pthread" } includedirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/include" } libdirs { "/usr/local/opt/openal-soft/lib" } if _OPTIONS["with-opus"] then filter {} links { "libogg" } links { "opus" } links { "opusfile" } end filter "platforms:*RW34*" includedirs { "sdk/rwsdk/include/d3d8" } libdirs { "sdk/rwsdk/lib/d3d8/release" } links { "rwcore", "rpworld", "rpmatfx", "rpskin", "rphanim", "rtbmp", "rtquat", "rtanim", "rtcharse", "rpanisot" } defines { "RWLIBS" } linkoptions "/SECTION:_rwcseg,ER!W /MERGE:_rwcseg=.text" filter "platforms:*librw*" defines { "LIBRW" } files { addSrcFiles("src/fakerw") } includedirs { "src/fakerw" } includedirs { Librw } if(_OPTIONS["with-librw"]) then libdirs { "vendor/librw/lib/%{cfg.platform}/%{cfg.buildcfg}" } end links { "rw" } filter "platforms:*d3d9*" defines { "USE_D3D9" } links { "d3d9" } filter "platforms:*x86*d3d*" includedirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/include" } libdirs { "sdk/dx8sdk/lib" } filter "platforms:win-x86*gl3_glfw*" libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/Win32") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir32"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) } links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" } filter "platforms:win-amd64*gl3_glfw*" libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glewdir"], "lib/Release/x64") } libdirs { path.join(_OPTIONS["glfwdir64"], "lib-" .. string.gsub(_ACTION or '', "vs", "vc")) } links { "opengl32", "glew32s", "glfw3" } filter "platforms:linux*gl3_glfw*" links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw" } filter "platforms:bsd*gl3_glfw*" links { "GL", "GLEW", "glfw", "sysinfo" } includedirs { "/usr/local/include" } libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" } filter "platforms:macosx*gl3_glfw*" links { "GLEW", "glfw" } linkoptions { "-framework OpenGL" } includedirs { "/opt/local/include" } includedirs { "/usr/local/include" } libdirs { "/opt/local/lib" } libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }