2020-06-16 20:35:09 +03:00

170 lines
5.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "DamageManager.h"
#include "Door.h"
#include "Skidmarks.h"
class CObject;
// These are used for all the wheel arrays
// DON'T confuse with VEHWHEEL, which are vehicle components
enum {
class CAutomobile : public CVehicle
CDamageManager Damage;
CDoor Doors[6];
RwFrame *m_aCarNodes[NUM_CAR_NODES];
CColPoint m_aWheelColPoints[4];
float m_aSuspensionSpringRatio[4];
float m_aSuspensionSpringRatioPrev[4];
float m_aWheelTimer[4]; // set to 4.0 when wheel is touching ground, then decremented
float m_auto_unused1;
eSkidmarkType m_aWheelSkidmarkType[4];
bool m_aWheelSkidmarkBloody[4];
bool m_aWheelSkidmarkUnk[4];
float m_aWheelRotation[4];
float m_aWheelPosition[4];
float m_aWheelSpeed[4];
uint8 m_auto_unused2;
uint8 bTaxiLight : 1;
uint8 bFixedColour : 1;
uint8 bBigWheels : 1;
uint8 bWaterTight : 1; // no damage for non-player peds
uint8 bNotDamagedUpsideDown : 1;
uint8 bMoreResistantToDamage : 1;
uint8 bTankDetonateCars : 1;
uint8 bStuckInSand : 1;
uint8 bHeliDestroyed : 1;
int16 m_doingBurnout;
uint16 m_hydraulicState;
uint32 m_nBusDoorTimerEnd;
uint32 m_nBusDoorTimerStart;
float m_aSuspensionSpringLength[4];
float m_aSuspensionLineLength[4];
float m_fHeightAboveRoad;
float m_fTraction;
float m_fTireTemperature;
float m_fOrientation; // for heli and plane go-to
float m_auto_unk4; // related to the above
float m_fVelocityChangeForAudio;
float m_randomValues[6]; // used for what?
float m_fFireBlowUpTimer;
CPhysical *m_aGroundPhysical[4]; // physicals touching wheels
CVector m_aGroundOffset[4]; // from ground object to colpoint
CEntity *m_pSetOnFireEntity;
float m_weaponDoorTimerLeft; // still don't know what exactly this is
float m_weaponDoorTimerRight;
float m_fCarGunLR;
float m_fCarGunUD;
float m_fHeliOrientation;
float m_fPropellerRotation;
uint8 stuff4[4];
uint8 m_nWheelsOnGround;
uint8 m_nDriveWheelsOnGround;
uint8 m_nDriveWheelsOnGroundPrev;
float m_fGasPedalAudio;
tWheelState m_aWheelState[4];
static bool m_sAllTaxiLights;
CAutomobile(int32 id, uint8 CreatedBy);
// from CEntity
void SetModelIndex(uint32 id);
void ProcessControl(void);
void Teleport(CVector v);
void PreRender(void);
void Render(void);
// from CPhysical
int32 ProcessEntityCollision(CEntity *ent, CColPoint *colpoints);
// from CVehicle
void ProcessControlInputs(uint8);
void GetComponentWorldPosition(int32 component, CVector &pos);
bool IsComponentPresent(int32 component);
void SetComponentRotation(int32 component, CVector rotation);
void OpenDoor(int32 component, eDoors door, float openRatio);
void ProcessOpenDoor(uint32, uint32, float);
bool IsDoorReady(eDoors door);
bool IsDoorFullyOpen(eDoors door);
bool IsDoorClosed(eDoors door);
bool IsDoorMissing(eDoors door);
bool IsDoorReady(uint32 door);
bool IsDoorMissing(uint32 door);
bool IsOpenTopCar(void);
void RemoveRefsToVehicle(CEntity *ent);
void BlowUpCar(CEntity *ent);
bool SetUpWheelColModel(CColModel *colModel);
void BurstTyre(uint8 tyre, bool applyForces);
bool IsRoomForPedToLeaveCar(uint32 component, CVector *doorOffset);
float GetHeightAboveRoad(void);
void PlayCarHorn(void);
void FireTruckControl(void);
void TankControl(void);
void HydraulicControl(void);
void VehicleDamage(float impulse, uint16 damagedPiece);
void ProcessBuoyancy(void);
void DoDriveByShootings(void);
void DoHoverSuspensionRatios(void);
int32 RcbanditCheckHitWheels(void);
int32 RcbanditCheck1CarWheels(CPtrList &list);
void PlaceOnRoadProperly(void);
void dmgDrawCarCollidingParticles(const CVector &pos, float amount);
void AddDamagedVehicleParticles(void);
int32 AddWheelDirtAndWater(CColPoint *colpoint, uint32 belowEffectSpeed);
void PlayHornIfNecessary(void);
void ResetSuspension(void);
void SetupSuspensionLines(void);
void ScanForCrimes(void);
void BlowUpCarsInPath(void);
bool HasCarStoppedBecauseOfLight(void);
void SetBusDoorTimer(uint32 timer, uint8 type);
void ProcessAutoBusDoors(void);
void ProcessSwingingDoor(int32 component, eDoors door);
void SetupDamageAfterLoad(void);
CObject *SpawnFlyingComponent(int32 component, uint32 type);
CObject *RemoveBonnetInPedCollision(void);
void SetPanelDamage(int32 component, ePanels panel, bool noFlyingComponents = false);
void SetBumperDamage(int32 component, ePanels panel, bool noFlyingComponents = false);
void SetDoorDamage(int32 component, eDoors door, bool noFlyingComponents = false);
void TellHeliToGoToCoors(float x, float y, float z, uint8 speed);
void TellPlaneToGoToCoors(float x, float y, float z, uint8 speed);
void SetHeliOrientation(float orient) { m_fHeliOrientation = orient; }
void ClearHeliOrientation(void) { m_fHeliOrientation = -1.0f; }
void Fix(void);
void SetComponentVisibility(RwFrame *frame, uint32 flags);
void SetupModelNodes(void);
void SetTaxiLight(bool light);
bool GetAllWheelsOffGround(void);
void HideAllComps(void);
void ShowAllComps(void);
void ReduceHornCounter(void);
void PopBoot(void);
void PopBootUsingPhysics(void);
void CloseAllDoors(void);
void KnockPedOutCar(eWeaponType weapon, uint16 door, CPed *ped);
virtual void Save(uint8*& buf);
virtual void Load(uint8*& buf);
static const uint32 nSaveStructSize;
static void SetAllTaxiLights(bool set);
extern CVector vecHunterGunPos;