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2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00
#ifndef __DEVICEVIEW_H_
#define __DEVICEVIEW_H_
//#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h"
#include "..\..\General\gen_ml/itemlist.h"
#include "..\..\General\gen_ml/childwnd.h"
#include "../winamp/wa_ipc.h"
#include "../winamp/ipc_pe.h"
#include "LinkedQueue.h"
#include "pmp.h"
#include "resource1.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "transfer_thread.h"
#include "api__ml_pmp.h"
#include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml_ipc_0313.h"
#include <bfc/platform/types.h>
#include "../devices/ifc_device.h"
#include "../devices/ifc_deviceactivity.h"
#include "pmp.h"
#include <bfc/multipatch.h>
#include <vector>
#define COMMITTIMERID 0x2345
extern C_Config * gen_mlconfig;
extern LinkedQueue cloudTransferQueue, cloudFinishedTransfers;
extern int cloudTransferProgress;
extern winampMediaLibraryPlugin plugin;
wchar_t *guessTitles(const wchar_t *filename, int *tracknum,wchar_t **artist, wchar_t **album,wchar_t **title); // free result after using artist, etc
wchar_t* GetDefaultSaveToFolder(wchar_t* path_to_store);
class TransferContext
TransferContext() : dev(0), transfer_thread(NULL)
killer = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
notifier = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
paused = 0;
void WaitForKill()
WaitForSingleObject(killer, INFINITE);
void DoOneTransfer(HANDLE handle);
bool IsPaused();
void Pause();
void Resume();
static bool IsAllPaused();
static void PauseAll();
static void ResumeAll();
int numTransfers;
int times[AVERAGEBASIS];
time_t start, end;
DeviceView *dev;
volatile size_t paused;
HANDLE killer, notifier;
CRITICAL_SECTION transfer_lock;
ThreadID *transfer_thread;
static volatile size_t paused_all;
class DeviceView : public MultiPatch<PATCH_IFC_DEVICE, ifc_device>,
public MultiPatch<PATCH_IFC_DEVICEACTIVITY, ifc_deviceactivity>
HNAVITEM treeItem, videoTreeItem, queueTreeItem;
int queueActiveIcon;
int isCloudDevice;
std::vector<HNAVITEM> playlistTreeItems;
LinkedQueue finishedTransfers;
HNAVITEM AddPlaylistNode(int id);
int AddTrackToTransferQueue(DeviceView * device, itemRecordW * item, bool dupeCheck, bool forceDupe=false); // true on success
int AddTrackToTransferQueue(CopyInst * inst);
TransferContext transferContext;
int videoView;
int SyncConnectionDefault;
prefsDlgRecW devPrefsPage;
int currentTransferProgress; // percentage
double transferRate;
int threadKillswitch;
LinkedQueue transferQueue;
bool commitNeeded;
C_Config * config;
Device * dev;
int metadata_fields;
DeviceView(Device *dev);
void SetVideoView(BOOL enabled);
bool GetTransferFromMlSupported(int dataType);
intptr_t TransferFromML(int type,void* data, int unsupportedReturn, int supportedReturn, int playlist=0);
intptr_t TransferFromDrop(HDROP hDrop, int playlist=0);
intptr_t MessageProc(int message_type, intptr_t param1, intptr_t param2, intptr_t param3);
void DevicePropertiesChanges();
int CreatePlaylist(wchar_t * name=NULL, bool silent=false);
void RenamePlaylist(int id);
bool DeletePlaylist(int playlistId, bool deleteFiles, bool verbal);
int AddFileListToTransferQueue(char ** files, int num, int playlist=0);
int AddFileListToTransferQueue(wchar_t ** files, int num, int playlist=0);
int AddItemListToTransferQueue(itemRecordListW * items, int playlist=0);
int AddItemListToTransferQueue(C_ItemList * items, int playlist=0);
void TransferPlaylist(wchar_t * file, wchar_t * name=NULL); // name=NULL when its from the ML and we must find out ourself...
int TransferTracksToPlaylist(C_ItemList *itemRecords, int plid);
void TransferAddCloudPlaylist(wchar_t * file, wchar_t * name0);
int DeleteTracks(C_ItemList * tracks, HWND centerWindow);
void Sync(bool silent = false);
void CloudSync(bool silent = false);
void Autofill();
void Eject();
bool PlayTracks(C_ItemList * tracks, int startPlaybackAt, bool enqueue, bool msgIfImpossible, HWND parent=NULL); // returns false if failed/unsupported
bool PlayPlaylist(int playlistId, bool enqueue, bool msgIfImpossible, HWND parent=NULL);
void CopyTracksToHardDrive(songid_t * tracks, int numTracks);
void CopyTracksToHardDrive(C_ItemList * tracks);
void CopyPlaylistToLibrary(int plnum);
void OnActivityStarted();
void OnActivityChanged();
void OnActivityFinished();
void OnNameChanged(const wchar_t *new_name);
void RegisterViews(HNAVITEM parent);
void Unregister();
BOOL DisplayDeviceContextMenu(HNAVITEM item, HWND hostWindow, POINT pt);
BOOL DisplayPlaylistContextMenu(int playlistId, HNAVITEM item, HWND hostWindow, POINT pt);
// navigation
BOOL Navigation_IsPlaylistItem(HNAVITEM item, int *playlistId);
HWND Navigation_CreateViewCb(HNAVITEM item, HWND parentWindow);
BOOL Navigation_ShowContextMenuCb(HNAVITEM item, HWND hostWindow, POINT pt);
BOOL Navigation_ClickCb(HNAVITEM item, int actionType, HWND hostWindow);
int Navigation_DropTargetCb(HNAVITEM item, unsigned int dataType, void *data);
BOOL Navigation_TitleEditBeginCb(HNAVITEM item);
BOOL Navigation_TitleEditEndCb(HNAVITEM item, const wchar_t *title);
BOOL Navigation_KeyDownCb(HNAVITEM item, NMTVKEYDOWN *keyData, HWND hwnd);
size_t GetPlaylistName(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize, int playlistId, const wchar_t *defaultName, BOOL quoteSpaces);
/* ifc_device */
int QueryInterface(GUID interface_guid, void **object);
const char *GetName();
HRESULT GetIcon(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize, int width, int height);
HRESULT GetDisplayName(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
const char *GetType();
const char *GetDisplayType();
const char *GetConnection();
BOOL GetHidden();
HRESULT GetTotalSpace(uint64_t *size);
HRESULT GetUsedSpace(uint64_t *size);
BOOL GetAttached();
HRESULT Attach(HWND hostWindow);
HRESULT Detach(HWND hostWindow);
HRESULT EnumerateCommands(ifc_devicesupportedcommandenum **enumerator, DeviceCommandContext context);
HRESULT SendCommand(const char *command, HWND hostWindow, ULONG_PTR param);
HRESULT GetCommandFlags(const char *command, DeviceCommandFlags *flags);
HRESULT GetActivity(ifc_deviceactivity **activity);
HRESULT Advise(ifc_deviceevent *handler);
HRESULT Unadvise(ifc_deviceevent *handler);
HWND CreateView(HWND parentWindow);
void SetNavigationItem(void *navigationItem);
HRESULT GetDropSupported(unsigned int dataType);
HRESULT Drop(void *data, unsigned int dataType);
HRESULT SetDisplayName(const wchar_t *displayName, bool force);
HRESULT GetModel(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
HRESULT GetStatus(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize);
void UpdateActivityState();
void UpdateSpaceInfo(BOOL updateUsedSpace, BOOL notifyChanges);
/* ifc_deviceactivity */
BOOL GetActive();
BOOL GetCancelable();
HRESULT GetProgress(unsigned int *percentCompleted);
HRESULT Activity_GetDisplayName(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferMax);
HRESULT Activity_GetStatus(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferMax);
HRESULT Cancel(HWND hostWindow);
/* Dispatchable */
size_t AddRef()
return InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&ref_count);
size_t Release()
if (0 == ref_count)
return ref_count;
LONG r = InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&ref_count);
if (0 == r)
return r;
std::vector<ifc_deviceevent*> event_handlers;
char name[128];
size_t ref_count;
const char *connection_type;
const char *display_type;
BOOL navigationItemCreated;
BOOL activityRunning;
unsigned int currentProgress;
uint64_t usedSpace;
uint64_t totalSpace;